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Collection  of  i|2ott5  Caroliniana 

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the  rare  romantic  quality  of  the 
atmcisphcre,  the  prodigal  opulence  of  Spring- 
time, thick  with  flowers  and  drenched  in  a 
fragrant  warmth  of  green  shimmering  light 

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Page  20 





Page  22 

that  long  line  of  men  at  Carolina  who  through  the  years  have  caught, 
preserved,  and  transmitted  the  "spirit  of  the  humanities"  .  .  .  who  were 
teachers  in  the  true  sense  of  the  word  .  .  .  whose  influence  was  formative, 
not  merely  informative  .  .  .  who  gave  friendship,  understanding,  and  ideas  as 
well  as  facts.  Thus  we  recognize,  from  the  many  at  Carolina,  Preston  H.  Epps, 
Claiborne  S.  Jones,  Samuel  B.  Knight,  William  H.  Poteat.  Harry  K.  Russell, 
and  Weaker  S.  Spearman. 

William  H.  Poteat 

Harrv  K.  Rlssell 

Walter  S.  Spearman 

Page  23 

Page  24 


CLASSES  ...  54 
AROTC  ...   195 
NROTC  ...  203 
STUDENT  LIFE  .  .  .  209 
ATHLETICS  ...  218 
ACTIVITIES  .  .  .  264 
HONORARIES  .  .  .  294 
BEAUTIES  .  .  .  .324 
GREEKS  ...  340 
ADS  ...  410 


>"'*'    /     -V.I 







Page  25 





Page  26 








Vice-President  and  Controller 


I'jiic   2'> 

Claude  E.  Teague 
Assistant  Controller  and  Business  Manager 

Charles  M.  Shaffer 
Assistant  to  the  Chancellor  in  the  Field  of  Development 

Fred  H.  Weaver 
Dean  of  Students 

William  C.  Friday 

Assistant  to  the  President 

Roy  W.  Armstrong 

Director  o\  Admissions 

Edwin  S.  Lanier 
Director,  Central  Office  of  Records 

Katherine  K.  Carmichael 
Dean  of  Women 


Asshtanl  Dean  of  Students 

Ray  L.  Jefferies,  Jr. 

Assistant  to  the  Dean  of  Students 

Ernest  L.  Mackie 

')ean  of  Student  Awards  and  Distinctions 


Dean  of  the  General  College 

Clifford  P.  Lyons 

Dean  oi  the  College  of  Arts  and  Sciences 


I  HOMAs  H.  Carroll 
Oeji:  of  the  Scboul  of  Biisiitai  AiJm/)i/sti\ilioii 

Gly  B.  Phillips  oj  the  School  oj  Ediic.niu 



DtiU:  oj  the  School  oj  Journalism 

William  \X'.  Pierson 
P,  :•■     ■  ■■  ,.  Gr.idu. lie  School 

Henry  P.  Brandis,  Jr. 
De.iii  oi  the  School  of  L.:u 

SusAK  Grey  Akers 
Dun  of  the  School  of  Li/ji.iry  Science 

Elizabeth  L,  Kemble 
De.ti:  of  the  School  of  Nursing 

Edvcard  a.  Brecht 
Dejii  of  the  School  of  Phjinuicy 

John  C.  Brauer 
Dean  of  the  School  of  Denlhlry 


Walter  R.  Berryhill 

P    . .;  ,:--/  the  School  of  Medicine 

Edward  G.  McGavran 

D..v:  ../  ih.  School  of  Public  He.illh 

Arthur  E.  Fink  of  the  School  of  W" 


Baxter  Miller 

Jerry  Cook 

Jack  Stilwell 
Attorney  General 

First  Row,  left  to  right:  Lou  Wolfsheimer,  Betty  Otto  Anderson,  Raleigh  Tillman,  Gordon  Battle. 
Second  Row,  left  to  right:  Jack  Stilwell,  Bob  Farrell,  Walt  McFall,  Phin  Horton,  Martin  Jordan, 
Ed  McCurry. 

Student  Government  is  one  of  the  prides  of  Carolina.  Based  on  the  HonorCode  and  Campus 
Code — the  Student  Government  manages  to  match  the  hberaUty  of  the  University  with  the 
acceptance  of  responsibility  on  an  individual  basis.  Here  student  government  has  come  to  be 
known  not  by  the  mechanics  of  organization  but  by  the  fact  that  all  students  have  a  voice  in 
determining  the  manner  in  which  student  activities  shall  be  operated  to  such  an  extent  that 
we  have  attained  an  enviable  position  among  college  student  bodies. 

Historically,  Student  Government  had  its  beginnings  in  the  halls  of  the  Di  and  Phi.  As 
new  powers  evolved,  our  Student  Government  took  the  form  of  our  national  and  state  govern- 
ments with  three  branches:  executive,  legislative  and  judicial. 

Page  36 

It  has  been  the  aim  o£  our  student  government  to  attempt  to  solve  some  of 
the  problems  confronting  the  student  in  the  course  of  his  college  career.  Chief 
functions  of  student  officers  through  the  years  have  been  to  establish  the 
orientation  of  entering  students,  to  make  the  students  conscious  of  all  phases 
of  their  government,  to  account  for  the  expenditure  of  student  fees,  and  to 
hear  reported  violations  of  the  Honor  System.  Today  nearly  all  phases  of 
student  life  at  the  University,  among  them  publications,  social  life,  and  many 
student  organizations,  are  controlled  by  the  students  themselves  to  make  an 
unexcelled  student  government. 

This  year  under  the  Gorham  administration  student  government  has  been 
at  one  of  its  heights  of  success.  Through  President  Gorham's  guidance  and  the 
cooperation  on  the  part  of  all  those  associated  with  the  mechanics  of  student 
government,  the  problems  of  the  year,  including  the  Saturday  class  issue,  the 
reorganization  of  the  Consolidated  University  Student  Council,  the  evaluation 
of  the  Honor  System,  and  the  improvement  in  the  structure  of  the  Orientation 
Committee,  have  been  inspected.  After  the  spring  controversy  concerning  the 
National  Students'  Association,  the  organization  has  been  reorganized  here  at 
Carolina  and  is  now  more  active  than  before. 

A  main  point  in  this  year's  administration  was  the  reorganization  of 
student  government.  Various  branches  were  brought  closer  together,  and  thus 
efficiency  was  increased.  Many  new  positions  in  student  government  were 
opened  to  interested  students,  and  consequently  the  previous  lack  of  interest 
in  the  running  of  student  government  has  been  greatly  reduced. 

And  so  the  1933-1954  administration  is  another  step  insuring  the  long 
and  progressive  growth  of  Student  Government  here  at  Carolina. 


Sealed,  left  to  right;  Martha  Bridger,  Tom  Creasy,  'Reen  Norris.  Standing,  left  to  right:  Pete 
Adams,  Wade  Matthews,  Harry  Pearsall.  Not  Pictured:  Jim  Buyer,  Bob  Glenn,  Dusty  Lamson, 
Ken  Penegar. 

Student  Council 

The  Student  Council  here  at  Carolina  could  be 
called  the  Supreme  Court  of  the  Student  Govern- 
ment system  under  which  we  carry  on  the  various 
activities  of  our  student  community.  To  it  falls  the 
responsibility  of  regulating  the  application  of  the 
Honor  and  Campus  Codes,  and  particularly  the 
guarantee  of  justice  to  every  individual.  Actually, 
the  Council  serves  as  a  referee  for  the  system  of 
government  for  student  life  in  Chapel  Hill  and 
functions  as  the  protector  of  rights  of  all  the  students. 

The  Council  has  original  jurisdiction  in  all  cases 
involving  the  constitutionality  of  any  action  of  the 
Student  Legislature  or  any  other  of  the  agencies  of 
Student  Government.  The  court  reviews  petitions  of 
appeal  by  any  student  if  he  or  she  feels  that  the 
Men's  Honor  Council,  the  Women's  Honor  Council, 
the   Dance  Committee,   the  Interfraternity  Council, 

the  Dental  School  Court,  the  Medical  School  Court, 
the  Law  School  Honor  Court,  or  the  Interdormitory 
Council  Court  has  denied  him  or  her  any  of  the  rights 
guaranteed  to  the  individual  under  our  Student  Con- 
stitution or  the  State  or  Federal  Constitutions.  It 
further  attempts  to  see  that  there  are  uniform  ju- 
dicial procedures  in  all  the  student  courts. 

The  Council  is  composed  of  nine  people,  three 
selected  by  the  men,  three  by  the  women,  and  three 
by  the  student  body  at  large.  The  chairman  is  elected 
by  and  from  the  council  membership  and  serves  for 
a  period  of  one  year. 

To  preserve  and  improve  the  Honor  System  and 
our  Student  Government  under  which  we  live  is  the 
primary  objective  of  the  Student  Council  of  the 
University  of  North  Carolina. 


Seated,  left  to  right:  Mase  Chapin;  Jim   Adams,   Chairman;  Jane   Bern'hil 
Standing:  Eddie  Gross,  Lois  Collins,  Bill  Ruffin,  Henry  Lowet. 

Clerk;   Elinor   Wrenn. 

Page  38 


Left  to  right:  Jack  Stilwell.  Nancy  Ger- 
lach,  Anita  Anderson,  Joel  Fleishman. 
Jim  Turner,  Manning  Muntzing,  Don 
Geiger,  Gordon  Forester.  Seated:  Baxter 


Student  Legislature 

The  Student  Legislature  is  today  the  supreme 
legislative  body  in  Carolina's  student  government. 
Since  its  inception  in  1938,  it  has  met  on  Thursday 
nights  to  deliberate  and  argue  the  various  campus 
issues  and  make  the  campus  laws.  It  is  here  that  the 
campus  statesmen  of  the  political  parties  rage  back 
and  forth  in  the  contentions  of  campus  politics. 
Here,  in  the  fifty  members  of  legislature  elected 
from  districts  all  over  the  campus  in  annual  fail  and 

spring  elections,  lies  the  basis  of  the  hundreds  of 
activities  of  student  government.  The  legislature  is 
presided  over  by  the  Vice-President  of  the  Student 
Body.  It  is  organized  into  various  committees,  in- 
cluding the  infamous  co-ed  affairs  committee. 

Officers  for  this  year  are:  Baxter  Miller,  President; 
Joel  Fleishman,  Parliamentarian;  Don  Geiger,  Speak- 
er Protem;  Anita  Anderson,  Clerk;  and  Mac  Morris, 

student  legislatu-re 

First  Row,  left  to  right:  Baxter  Miller,  Gerald  C.  Parker,  Frank  Piatt,  Janice  Jurczak,  Nancy 
Gerlach,  Julia  Shields,  Anita  Anderson,  John  Ingle,  George  McKinney,  Jack  Stevens,  Jack  Stilwell. 
Second  Row:  Don  Geiger,  Jim  Turner,  Da\e  Burrows,  Jon  Ammons,  Manning  Muntzing,  Alyce 
Chapman.  Ray  Long,  Jodie  Desmond,  Reuben  Leonard,  Carolynn  Little.  Bob  Eberle.  Joel  Fleishman. 
Third  Row:  Mac  Morris,  Charlie  Wolf.  Bill  Brown,  Beverly  Webb,  Bob  Grimes,  Lionel  Perkins, 
Pete  Adams,  Tom  Shores.  Harrison  Dunlop.  Louie  Cody,  Lynn  Chandler.  Fourth  Row:  Walter  D. 
Gurley,  Jr.,  Gilbert  B.  Ragland,  Gordon  Forester,  Carlos  Surratt,  Bob  Farrell,  George  Whiteside. 
Phin  Horton,  III.  Gordon  Battle.  Ed  McCurrv,  Ir..  Burt  Veazey. 




Seated,  left  to  right:  Mary   Fran  Allsbrook,  Mary  Kit  Myers.   Chairman;  Marilyn  Habel.  Standing: 
Lillian  Youngs,  Pat  Smith,  Sara  Rose,  Carolyn  Johnson,  Naney  Shaw. 

Women's  Honor  Council 

The  Women's  Honor  Council  is  the  judicial 
brancii  of  the  coed-self-government,  working  parallel 
to  the  Men's  Council.  All  cases  involving  violations 
of  the  Honor  Code  and  Campus  Code  by  women 
students  have  original  jurisdiction  in  this  council. 
The  Women's  Council  also  acts  as  appellate  court 
of  House  Council  decisions. 

Each  year   the  Council   leads   the  orientation   of 
women  students  in  the  Honor  System  and  Campus 

Code,  instructing  entering  coeds  in  the  origin  and 
meaning  of  these  standards.  Elected  by  the  women 
students,  the  Council  is  composed  of  four  juniors, 
three  seniors,  one  graduate  student,  and  one  woman 
student  at  large. 

The  Women's  Council  is  an  important  phase  of 
student  government,  functioning  under  the  tradition 
of  the  University — "To  do  justly,  to  love  mercy,  and 
to  walk  humbly  with  Thy  God." 

Page  40 


Finl  Row,  left  !o  right:  Nancy  Murray,  Mary  Dorsett.  Jean  Ratliff,  Jo  Ann  Pinnell,  Anne  C. 
Benton.  Second  Row:  Bernie  Hilleman;  Mary  Jane  Bumpous;  Betty  Otto  Anderson,  Chairman; 
Betsy  Clarke;  Marcia  Zachary.  Third  Row:  Bette  Davis,  Babs  Whittington,  Lillian  Youngs,  Mary  L. 
Camp,  Kit  Wallace,  Ruth  Jones,   Louise  Coffey,  Carroll  Butts,  Gloria  Huss. 

Women's  Residence  Council 

The  Women's  Residence  Council  is  the  Adminis- 
trative body  of  Coed  Self-Government.  Composed 
of  dormitory  presidents,  sorority  house  managers,  an 
additional  representative  from  each  dormitory,  and 
a  representative  from  the  Nursing  School,  this  group 
coordinates  and  links  all  Coed  Administration  to  the 
office  of  the  Dean  of  Women  and  works  with  them 
in  regulating  dormitory  life. 

Women's  Residence  Council  was  incorporated  in 
the  spring  of  1932.  Its  functions  include:  the  inter- 

pretation of  social  rules  and  dormitory  regulations, 
the  recommendation  of  changes  in  regulations  affect- 
ing women  students,  discussion  of  any  problems 
which  may  arise  in  dormitory  living,  the  choosing  of 
a  May  Day  Chairman  and  the  head  of  Orientation 
for  Women  Students,  and  the  publication  of  the 
Women's  Handbook. 

Special  projects  for  the  year  were  the  completion 
of  a  Constitution,  and  the  editing  of  a  President's 

Page  41 

Men's  Honor  Council 

The  Men's  Honor  Council,  acting  under  the 
Student  Constitution,  has  original  jurisidiction  in  all 
cases  of  violations  of  the  Honor  Code  and  the 
Campus  Code.  As  violations  of  Campus  Law  are  not 
by  their  nature  in  a  codified  form,  the  Men's  Council, 
by  application  of  the  criteria  of  honor  and  of  gentle- 
manly conduct,  defines  the  application  and  the  extent 
of  Campus  Law.  Along  with  the  duty  of  upholding 
Campus  Law  by  hearing  cases,  the  Men's  Council 
also  has  the  responsibility  of  orienting  new  students 

to  our  system  and  of  keeping  the  system  in  front  of 
the  campus  at  all  times. 

In  the  heirarchy  of  our  court  system  the  Men's 
Council  has  functions  parallel  to  the  Women's 
Council  and  is  subordinate  to  the  Student  Council, 
our  "Supreme  Court.  ' 

The  Men's  Council  is  composed  of  three  seniors, 
three  juniors,  two  sophomores,  one  freshman,  one 
pharmacy  student,  and  one  graduate  student. 


Seated,  left  to  right:  Gene  Hackney;  Art  Einstein;  George  McLeod,  Chairman;  Herbert  Browne; 
Rod  Hood.  Standing,  left  to  right:  Scottj-  Hester,  Bill  Patterson,  Osborne  Lee,  Jr.,  Ed  McCurry,  Jr., 
Osborne  Ayscue,  Jr.,  Lucius  Pullen. 

Page  42 

Publications  Board 

The  Publications  Board  was  established  a  little 
over  twenty-five  years  ago.  It  was  formed  to  insure 
orderly  supervision  of  the  business  part  of  campus 
publications.  The  Board  does  not  exert  any  influence 
whatsoever  over  the  editorial  policies  of  the  publi- 

The  Publications  Board  would  not  be  pluralized  if 
it  had  one  less  publication  under  its  jurisdiction.  It 
is  responsible  for  the  financial  supervision  of  The 

Daily  Tar  Heel  and  the  Yackety  Yack.  The  Board 
negotiates  contracts,  approves  editorial  appointments 
and  appointments  to  salaried  positions,  grants  money 
for  wire-services  and  equipment  and  gives  advice 
in  financial  matters  to  the  publications.  The  Board 
has  representatives  from  the  classes,  the  Student 
Legislature,  and  the  faculty.  It  also  has  plans;  im- 
provement and  prosperity'  are  the  aims  of  the  Pub- 
lications Board. 

Seated,  left  to  right:  J.  L.  Morrison.  Facult)'  Advisor;  Joe  Raff.  Chairman;  Jimmy  Turner.  St.viding: 
Ed  Starnes,  Louis  Kraar,  Tommy  Peacock.  Not  Pictured:  L.  M.  Pollander.'  Faculty  Advisor. 

Page  43 

Men's  Interdormitory  Council 

The  Interdormitory  Council,  which  represents 
approximately  3,000  men  living  in  the  University's 
nineteen  dormitories,  exists  to  promote  and  maintain 
an  efficient  system  of  student  government  in  the 
University  residence  halls,  to  aid  a  fraternal  relation- 
ship among  dormitory  dwellers,  and  to  foster  a 
wholesome  program  of  social  activities  for  the  men 
under  its  jurisdiction. 

The  Council  is  composed  of  the  presidents  and 
I.D.C.  representatives  elected  from  each  dorm,  plus 
four  hold-over  officers,  president,  vice-president,  sec- 
retary, treasurer,  and  a  judicial  court  chairman.  It 
is  through  these  men  that  the  other  dormitory  resi- 

dents are  informed  as  to  the  policies,  activities,  etc. 
of  dormitory  government. 

Within  the  organization  is  the  judicial  court  which 
handles  all  cases  of  violations  of  dormitory  conduct 
regulations  and  judicial  matters  affecting  the  resi- 
dence halls.  The  court  is  empowered  to  give  de- 
cisions ranging  from  official  reprimands  to  suspen- 
sions from  the  residence  halls. 

The  activities  of  the  Council  include  active  co- 
operation and  participation  in  almost  all  campus 
projects  such  as  Campus  Chest,  open  houses  in  the 
dorms    on    football    week-ends,    and    social    events 


First  Row,  left  to  right:  Gerald  C.  Parker,  Carl  Gregory,  Jim  Skidmore,  David  L.  Whitaker,  Clyde 
Smith,  Jr.,  Manning  Muntzing,  Bob  Brawley,  Lyle  Davis.  Second  Roiv:  Joe  Woody,  Jame,s  Moore, 
Richard  Haywood,  Billy  J.  Woosley,  Bernie  Theiling,  Gerald  King,  Ray  Showfety,  Steve  Franks. 
Third  Row:  Bob  Barlowe,  Walter  Gurley,  President;  Stephen  Canley,  Jr.,  Robert  L.  Elder,  Ernest 
Castillo,  III,  Gilbert  G,  Ra,£?land,  Eugene  Daniels,  Don  Fowler,  Robert  S.  Colbert,  Don  Scott,  Thomas 
G.  Nail.  Fourth  Rotv:  Doyle  Medders,  Jim  Walsh,  Richard  A.  Boyd,  Bill  Graham,  Bobby  Brown, 
Elbert  N.  Herring,  Bob  Bryan,  W.  Bruce  Holt,  Jr.,  Mac  Morris,  John  D.  Hallett. 


Top  Row,  left  to  right: 

Bob  Barlowe,  Treasurer 

Gene  Kaine,  Court  Chairman 

Walt  Giirley,  President 

Second  Ron : 

Gerald  King,  Secretary 

Gerald  Parker,  Vice-President 

Ray  Showfety,  Publicity  Chairman 


First  Row.  left  to  right: 

Jim  Skidmore 

Robert  Elder 

Gene  Kaine 

Second  Rotv: 

David  Whitaker 

Don  Scott 

Martin  Rhoeder 

Bob  Brawley 

in  the  dormitory  social  rooms,  faculty-student  discussions,  and  greater  relation- 
ships between  men  and  women  on  campus.  The  biggest  social  endeavor  of  the 
Council  each  year  is  the  interdorm  dance  week-end,  which  offers  opportunity 
for  enjoyment  in  dancing  and  concert  entertainment. 

It  is  hoped  that  through  this  organization  of  dormitory  government  the 
incoming  students  each  year  will  be  thoroughly  indoctrinated  in  the  ways  and 
traditions  of  the  dormitories  and  that  this  orientation  will  serve  to  help  them 
become  better  campus  citizens.  Once  newcomers  are  integrated  in  the  campus 
life  of  Carolina,  h  is  the  will  and  purpose  of  the  I.D.C.  to  meet  their  needs  in 
the  way  of  serving  as  a  voice  for  their  feelings  and  attitudes  to  the  administra- 
tion of  the  University  and  in  turn  to  convey  policies  and  procedures  to  them 
from  the  proper  places. 

Page  45 


Graham  Memorial  —  the  student  union,  heart  of  student  extra- 
curricular life,  a  place  of  warm  hospitality,  and  a  symbol  of  home. 
The  name  evokes  pleasant  memories — of  a  great  North  Carolina  family 
of  educators  and  statesmen — of  22  years  of  service  to  the  university  as 
"the  students'  building" — of  the  continuing  growth  of  the  student 
self-government  tradition  at  Chapel  Hill. 

There  are  typical  events  to  be  remembered  —  the  open-house 
parties,  "combo"  nights,  recorded  classical  concerts,  dancing  in  the 
Rendezvous  Room.  And  there  are  the  nights  of  tension  as  student 
political  figures  nervously  stalk  the  halls  while  the  votes  are  being 
counted  upstairs. 

But,  in  addition,  this  year  has  been  characterized  by  a  clean-up 
effort  in  Graham  Memorial.  The  accumulated  debris  of  a  decade  was 
trucked  away.  The  main  lounge  was  restored  to  its  original  beauty; 
perhaps  it  is  now  more  beautiful  than  ever  before.  Reforms  have  been 
apparent  on  every  level  of  operation.  The  present  director  of  Graham 
Memorial  has  looked  to  the  restoration  and  reclamation  of  existing 
facilities,  as  well  as  to  realization  of  a  new  building  within  "this 
student  generation." 

Student  Union  Activities  Board 

A  newcomer  to  the  campus  constellation  of  action  groups,  SUAB  has  already  proved  that  it  can  perform. 
Its  activity  is  centered  in  the  area  of  the  Student  Union  program,  and  its  chief  purpose  is  to  assist  the  Director 
and  his  staff  in  planning  and  executing  a  suitable  schedule  of  events. 

To  this  end,  SUAB,  with  its  officers  and  numerous  committees,  is  admirably  suited.  Each  committee  group 
concerns  itself  with  a  specific  subject  (tournaments,  fora,  etc.)  and  their  collective  efforts  are  integrated  by  an 
executive  committee.  A  movie  series  (especially  successful  this  year),  an  "open  house,"  and  a  campus  "variety 
show"  have  highlighted  the  SUAB  ententainment  endeavors. 

Nancy  Horne 


Student  Union  Activities  Board 


Firsi  Row.  left  to  right:  Anne  Forsythe,  Anne  Turlington,  Ellen  Wood,  Dusty 
Lamson.  Second  Row:  Lewis  Brumfield,  Kit  Wallace,  Nancy  Horne,  Anne  Bell, 
Jack  Markham.  Third  Row:  Lew  Sherman,  David  Reid,  Nancy  Davis,  Joel 
Fleishman,  Nancy  Murray,  Kirk  Kynoch,  Frank  McCain,  Ernie  Bumgarner. 

Page  46 


There  have  been  evidences  also 
of  a  new  spirit,  a  heightened  in- 
terest, throughout  the  Graham 
Memorial  organization.  The 
Board  of  Directors  appropriated 
a  record-breaking  $11,900  for 
the  main  lounge  alterations 
alone.  And  there  have  been  as- 
sists from  friends  outside  the  or- 
ganization proper.  The  Student 
Legislature  appropriated  $2,000 
to  serve  as  a  supplementary  en- 
tertainment fund,  and  the 
University  consented  to  make 
substantial  repairs  and  improve- 
ments to  the  building  amount- 
ing to  several  thousand  dollars. 


Sealed,  left  lo  right:  E.  J.  Woodhouse,  Jim  Wallace,  Frances  Sweat,  Kemp  Gate.  Sl.iiid/iig,  left  lo 
right:  Ken  Penegar.  Chairman;  Jon  Ammons.  Robert  Hyatt.  Roy  W.  Holsten,  J.  M.  Saunders, 
William  M.  Cochrane. 

Jim  Wallace 
')■  of  Memo 


Se.iied,  left  to  right:  Jack   \X  ilson,   Jim  Mclntyre,  Jim  Wallace.   Mrs.   Fambrough. 

Standing,  left  to  right:  Dusty  Lamson,  John  Campbell.   Phil   Carroll.   Bill   Powell, 

Melvin  Brown.  Vince  Hoelscher.  Coleman  Gent 


At  the  center  of  Graham  Memorials  operation,  and  responsible  for  whatever  continuity  it  possessed  this  year 
(or  any  year),  was  the  "staff."  You  found  that  the  "staff"  could  get  you  a  reservation  to  Afghanistan  (Vince 
Hoelscher,  travel  agent) ,  tell  you  the  residence  of  a  student  named  Joe  who  drives  a  red  car  (we  were  asked  that 
question  this  year),  or  reserve  a  room  for  you  which  was  already  being  used  by  three  other  groups  at  the  same 
time.  (It  wasn't  the  staff's  fault.  There  just  wasn't  (and  isn't)  enough  room.)  And  if  no  one  else  knew  the 
answers  to  your  questions,  you  asked  Jim  Mclntyre,  the  assistant  director  (in  charge  of  SUAB  relations),  Mrs. 
Douglas  Fambrough,  office  manager,  or  Jack  Wilson,  maintenance  supervisor.  If  they  didn't  know,  nobody  did. 

Page  47 


The  Orientation  Committee,  capably  headed  by  Tom 
Creasy  and  Nancy  Home,  guided  the  freshmen  and 
new  coeds  through  a  rigorous  week  of  learning  "the 
Carolina  Way  of  Life."  The  committee  planned  tlic 
activities  of  Orientation  Week  throughout  ihe  summer 
and  arrived  in  Chapel  Hill  a  week  early  in  order  to 
carry  out  their  ideas.  Hats  off  to  the  Committee  and 
all  counselors  and  advisers  for  a  big  job  well  done. 

Tom  Creasy 
Men's  Orienliition  Chair 

NanCi'  Horne 
Women's  Orienl.ilion  Chjii 

Committee:  Nancy  Horne,  Tlielnia  SouUer,  Kit  Wallace,  Sue  Ambler, 
Obie  Lee  Uoriion  Forester,  Bill  Calvert.  Bill  Brown,  Jim  Buyer,  Bill 
Sanders,  Bob  Grimes,  Al  Purrington,  Tom  Fesperman,  Reuben  Leonard, 
Stella  D'Aleo.  Counselors:  Jimmy  Adams,  Ken  Anderson,  Bob  Aldridge, 
Osborne  .Avscue.  Karl  Barklev.  Bobbv  Branley,  Edwin  Borden.  Carroll 
Berry  Marion  Buie.  Herb  Browne,  Bill  Brawner,  Jerry  Cook,  Leonard 
Clein,  Henry  Cbeney,  Russ  Cowell,  Mason  HawBeld,  Jim  Crouch,  Max 
Crohn,  Ed  Crawford,  Bob  Eberle.  Jack  Stoughton,  Bill  Dameron,  R.  B. 
Fitch,  Lloyd  Farrar,  Art  Einstein,  Jay  Goldburg,  Eddie  Gauss,  Allan 
Frucci,  Bruce  Gustafson,  Eddie  Gross,  Bob  Gorham,  Bill  Temple,  Bob 
Hardin,  Ned  Hardison,  "Scotty"  Hester,  Rollie  Tillman,  "Ham"  Hor- 
fon,  We«ton  Houck.  Fred  Hutcbins.  Clayton  Jackson.  Don  Kirtz,  Abbie 
Keyes,  Martin  Jordan,  Harry  Phillips.  John  Hawes,  Lionel  Perkins. 
Gene  Hackney,  Dan  Olsen,  Bennett  Myers,  Bernard  Theiling,  "Dusty" 
Lanison,  Bob  Henlev.  .lim  Turner.  Ogburn  Yates.  Lou  Wo'fsheimer. 
Jim  Winston,  Carl  Webb.  Charlie  Waters,  Jimmy  Warren,  Jack  Skin- 
ner. Sherwood  Smith.  Webb  Sherrill,  Jim  Schenck,  Jake  Rountree. 
Charlie  Rodenbough,  Doug  Van  Noppen,  Jack  Stevens,  Dick  Spangler, 
Ollie   Smithwick,   Al   Mebane,   Julian   Robertson,    Steve  Trimble,   Allan 

Resmick,  Frank  Ramos,  Billy  Oliver,  Ken  Myers,  Joe  .Mavretic,  Mann- 
ing Muntzing,  Tommy  Moore,  "Toby"  Haynswortli.  George  McLeod, 
Ed  .McCurry,  Billy  McCoy,  Bob  Mason,  Jack  Markham.  Jim  May- 
iiard.  Larry  Madorv.  Bob  Litaker.  Pete  Barbrey,  Bob  Skillen.  Pianz 
Roberts.  Vardv  Buckalew.  Wade  Coleman.  Bill  Ruffln,  Ben  Slosman. 
Advisers:  Hari^iet  Hill,  Nancy  Murray,  Carol  Libby.  Barbara  Burgess. 
Connie  Moore.  Kit  Wallace,  Mary  Ann  Moore,  Betty  Lou  Wanamaker, 
Jeanne  Bunch,  Joyce  Nelson,  Nancy  Ferryman,  Phyllis  Forrest,  Nancy 
Davis,  \lice  Jones.  Elinor  Wrenn,  Mary  Ida  Brown,  Jane  Car.sweU. 
Eleanor  Addison,  .\Iarv  Lee  George,  Celia  Brown,  Betty  Jean  Scott, 
Page  Moore,  Jane  Yearley.  Marv  Ruth  Linville,  Betty  Sue  McDonald. 
Emily  Cook,  Mase  Chapin.  Mary  Fran  Allsbrook,  Nancy  Gerlach,  Mary 
Jane  Bumpous,  Virginia  Whitman,  .\nn  Underwood,  Caroline  Trayn- 
bam,  Cornelia  Lassiter,  Jean  Hayes.  Dodie  Eisele.  Mary  Bascom  Cook. 
Jodv  Desmond,  Sue  Ambler.  Ann  Folger,  Janice  Jurczak,  Len  Daniel. 
Sara  Kate  Davis.  Jo  Ann  Jones,  Lois  Collins,  Joan  Gant.  Anne  Bell, 
Janet  Cornwell,  Ellen  Prouty,  Jane  Holleman,  Jean  Bryant,  Jess 
Carraway,  Ruth  Corwin.  Jane  King.  Dorothy  McNeely.  Jane  Snyder. 
Sylvia   Renshaw,  Sara   Usher, 

The  counselors'  p. 

Page  48 

Consolidated  University  Student  Council 

Phe  Consolidated  University  Stu- 
dent Council  consists  of  thirty-three 
lelegates,  eleven  from  each  of  the  three 
tranches  of  the  Consolidated  University: 
Carolina,  State,  and  Woman's  College. 
iach  year  the  CUSC  sponsors  several 
.Consolidated  University  Days,  one  dur- 
ng  the  football  season  at  Chapel  Hill 
/hen  Carolina  plays  State,  and  others 
t  State  and  Woman's  College.  The 
Council  also  acts  as  a  liaison  group  be- 
ween  the  students  and  the  Consolidated 
pniversity  administration  and  promotes 
ctivities  of  mutual  interest  to  the  stu- 
ents  of  the  three  branches. 

consolidated  university  student  council 

SeMed.  left  to  right:  Wade  Matthews,  Jean  Williamson,  Alice  Hicks,  Ed  McCurry.  Standing,  left  to 
right:  Jim  Adams,  Phin  Horton,  Bob  Bundy,  Max  Crohn,  John  Ingle.  Not  Pictured:  Bob  Gorham 
Baxter  Miller. 

Student  Entertainment  Committee 

The  purpose  of  the  Student  Enter- 
tainment Committee  is  to  bring  the 
student  body  a  wide  variety  of  top-level 
talent.  This  year  the  committee  has  en- 
deavored to  bring  a  series  of  programs 
to  the  campus  that  will  be  entertaining 
and  educational,  while  at  the  same  time 
contribute  to  the  cultural  prestige  of  the 
University.  This  year  the  committee  has 
presented  a  series  of  programs  that  rep- 
resent the  best  in  drama,  music,  ballet 
and  humor. 

student  entertainment  committee 

.tied,   left  to   right:   Al   Neely,   Mary   Helen   Crain,   Harry   Pearsall,    Chairman.   Standing,   left   to 
hi:  Billy  Barnes,  Sherwood  Smith.  Not  Pictured:  John  Page. 

Page  49 

North  Carolina  Student  Legislature 

Gene  Cook 
jtioii  Chairman 

The  North  Carolina  Student  Legislature  was  founded  in  1936  by  a 
forensic  fraternity  at  State  College  as  primarily  a  debating  function.  Since 
then  it  has  grown  into  a  mock-state  legislature  with  the  two  houses  of  the 
Assembly  in  use — the  Senate  and  the  House  of  Representatives. 

Each  of  the  twenty-five  member  schools  is  entitled  to  three  Senators  and 
a  proportional  number  of  Representatives  based  on  the  school's  enroll- 
ment. The  delegates  at  the  Assembly  debate  bills  on  the  international, 
national,  state,  and  student  level  with  emphasis  on  those  bills  of  state  and 
student  level. 

Each  House  of  the  Assembly  elects  its  own  officers  for  the  duration  of 
the  three  day  meeting;  the  executive  officers  of  the  entire  Assembly  are 
elected  by  joint  session  and  serve  for  a  year.  Carolina  is  fortunate  in  hav- 
ing one  of  its  delegates  serve  as  this  year's  President  of  the  Assembly  and 
one  as  Speaker  of  the  House. 


First  Rou,  left  to  right:  Gene  Cook,  Joel  Fleishman,  Dayton  Estes,  Lewis  Brumiield,  Ken  Penegar, 
Norwood  Bryan,  Jr.,  Henry  Lowet,  Second  Row:  John  Ingle,  Susan  Fink,  Lew  Southern,  Nanc7 
Home,  Gordon  Forester,  Carol  DuPler,  Charles  F.  Hyatt.  Third  Row:  Newton  Jones,  Harold 
Downing.  Wade  Matthews,  Jimmy  Turner,  David  Mundy,  Ed  McCurry.  Jr..  Walter  D.  Gurley,  Jr., 
Robert  B.  Moorhead,  Jr. 

Page  50 

National  Students  Association 

The  United  States  National  Students  Association  is  a  federation 
of  college  and  university  student  governments  which  seeks  to  maintain 
academic  freedom  and  student  rights,  to  stimulate  and  improve  democratic 
student  governments,  to  develop  better  educational  standards,  facilities, 
and  teaching  methods,  to  improve  student  cultural,  social,  and  physical 
welfare,  to  promote  international  understanding  and  fellowship,  to  foster 
the  recognition  of  the  rights  and  responsibilities  of  students  to  the  school, 
the  community,  humanity,  and  God,  and  to  preserve  the  interests  and 
integrity  of  the  government  and  constitution  of  the  United  States  of 

It  is  for  these  purposes  that  the  local  NSA  Committee  functions.  The 
local  committee  serves  as  a  liaison  between  our  campus  government  and 
the  national  office  and  other  member  schools  of  the  National  Students 

Ken  Penegar 

.\A  I  k).\ai.  students  association  committei 

Seated,  left  to  ri.nbl:  Pete  Adams,  Ken  Penegar,  Chairman :  Joel  L.  Fleishman.  Do 
Gene  Cook,  Chal  Schley,  Lew  Southern,  Manning  Muntzing. 

Geiger.  Standing: 

Page  51 

Carolina  Forum 

Gene  Cook 
Charlotte  Davis 

Robert  Pace 
Charles  Yarborouch 

It  has  been  a  universally  accepted  fact  that,  in  order  for  a  university  to  grow 
intellectually,  opinions  from  without  the  academic  community  must  be  brought  into  the 
open  forum  of  ideas  in  which  students  and  faculty  members  barter  their  philosophies  and 
from  which  emerges  the  foundation  for  the  students'  beliefs. 

Since  its  inception  in  1947  and  with  the  idea  of  furthering  this  principle,  the 
Forum  has  brought  to  Carolina  a  group  of  the  most  distinguished  persons  in  the  world. 
This  year,  plans  have  been  arranged  to  present,  among  others.  Governor  Adiai  Stevenson, 
former  President  Harry  S.  Truman,  Attorney  General  Herbert  Brownell,  Vice-President 
Richard  Nixon,  Representative  Franklin  D.  Roosevelt,  Jr.,  and  Governor  G.  Mennen 
Williams  of  Michigan. 

The  Forum  deeply  believes  that,  in  providing  for  the  fruition  of  the  proposed 
program  for  1953-1954,  it  will  approach  this  year's  fulfillment  of  its  perpetual  ideal — 
to  bring  to  the  campus  of  the  oldest  state  university  in  the  nation  the  political,  educa- 
tional, and  economic  leaders  of  the  world. 

Page  52 

Debate  Council 

Seated,  left  to  right:  Gladys  Hatcher,   Dr.  D.  G.  Monroe,   Beverly  Webb,   Ken  Myers,   Al   Levine. 

The  Debate  Council  is  an  outgrowth  of  the  two  debating  societies  at  Carolina,  the 
Dialectic  Senate  and  the  Philanthropic  Assembly.  The  Council,  which  determines  the 
policy  of  and  governs  the  debate  squad,  is  composed  of  students  selected  by  the  forensic 
squad,  one  member  for  each  of  the  debating  societies  and  two  faculty  advisors. 

Present  activities  of  the  Council  include  representing  Carolina  in  intercollegiate 
debates  and  other  forensic  matches,  and  conducting  the  annual  campus-wide  Intramural 
Debate  Tournament. 

The  Debate  Council  meets  competition  from  most  of  the  major  colleges  in  the  East. 
This  competition  includes  debating,  orations,  extemporaneous  speaking,  and  after-dinner 

Officers  of  the  Debate  Council  for  the  year  were:  Beverly  Webb,  President;  Gladys 
Hatcher,  Executive  Secretary.  Dr.  N.  W.  Mattis  and  Dr.  D.  G.  Monroe  served  as  faculty 

Beverly  Webb 

Page  53 

SENIOR  CLASS  ...  36 

JUNIOR  C^SS  ...  106 


FRESHMAN  CLASS  ...  136 


GRADUATES  ...  162 

SCHOOL  OF  LAW  ...   165 



SCHOOL  OF  NURSING  ...  178 

SCHOOL  OF  PUBLIC  HEALTH  .  .  .   183 



Page  54 

Senior  Class 

George  McLeod 

p..  iJ.„t 











^  ^  m 


Ann  Street 

i  ->  0 


Gordon  Battle 


Claire  Boone 
Social  Chairiiiaij 

Seniors  .  .  .  sophisticated  and  sentimental  .  .  .  dignified  in 
caps  and  gowns  .  .  .  new  thoughts  of  the  future  and  old 
memories  of  "the  hill"  .  .  .  One  year  of  the  semester  system 
and  Saturday  classes  .  .  .  Fall  in  Chapel  Hill  like  April  in 
Pans  .  .  .  plenty  of  sunshine  for  "Y-Court"  .  .  .  Football  brings 
new  look  of  fight  and  new  response  in  stands  .  .  .  Carolina 
spirit  boosted  by  the  team,  the  coach,  and  the  cheerleaders  .  .  . 
ideas  and  enthusiasm  .  .  .  proud  when  the  g-r-r-r  of  the  Notre 
Dame  huddle  didn't  phase  the  Tar  Heels  .  .  .  Maryland  in- 
vasion of  Chapel  Hill  .  .  .  riot  or  spirit  .  .  .  Virginia,  a  good 
score  and  a  good  time  .  .  .  Carolinians  partied  with  Cavaliers. 
Halloween  and  Homecoming  .  .  .  trick  or  treat  mixed  with 
parties  and  Fall  Germans  .  .  .  Johnny  Long  at  the  Pep  Rally. 
Week  nights  in  the  "Circus  Room"  in  the  library  .  .  .  10:00 
cofl^ee  in  the  Pine  Room  .  .  .  Carolina  Beauties  on  review  .  . 
encouraged  by  our  "loquacious  lawyer"  .  .  .  Consistent  hum  of 
activities  at  Graham  Memorial  .  .  .  campus  decorated  with 
political  portraits  .  .  .  Potential  executives  move  to  business 
quadrangle  .  .  .  Books  or  Goody  Shop  on  Friday  nights  ...  A 
touch  of  hail  and  sleet  .  .  .  coeds  in  high  socks  .  .  .  Beat  Dook 
parade  .  .  .  bigger  and  better  .  .  .  possession  of  Victory  Bell 
...  for  a  while  .  .  .  Thanksgiving  in  New  York  or  at  Home 
.  .  .  Basketball  .  .  .  rumble  of  the  wooden  stands  for  McGuire's 
boys  .  .  .  more  spirit,  more  appreciation  of  a  good  game  .  .  . 
Candles  decorate  Chapel  Hill  for  Christmas  .  .  .  parties  for 
orphans  make  real  Christmas  spirit  .  .  .  anticipation  for  happy 
holidays  .  .  .  Return  to  exams  ...  our  last  semester  .  .  .  schedule 
to  graduate,  to  have  fun,  to  make  quality  points  .  .  .  Valkyrie 
Sing  and  the  Battle  of  the  Coeds  in  Kenan  Stadium  .  .  .  Chapel 
Hill  movies  with  audience  participation  .  .  .  Spring  .  .  .  Hogans 
during  the  week  ...  and  still  .  .  .  week-ends  at  the  beach  .  .  . 
Senior  rights  respected  by  barefeet,  no  classes,  concert  and  free 
movies  ...  a  new  crop  of  Phi  Bete  Keys,  pins  and  rings  .  .  . 
At  last,  degrees  .  .  .  after  four  years  of  education  .  .  .  books 
.  .  .  people  .  .  .  experiences  .  .  .  Seniors  with  a  future  .  .  . 
grad  school  .  .  .  careers  .  .  .  Uncle  Sam  .  .  .  homes  .  .  .  families 
and  then  a  '54  Class  Reunion  in  1979. 

Page  57 



First  Row: 

Ackerman,  Roger  William 

A.B.  IN  ECONOMICS.  Phi  Beta  Kappa:  Phi  Eta  Sigm 
Phi.  President  (4);  Arnold  Air  Society,  Secretary  (4); 
Council  (2,  4). 



Adams,  James  Ervin,  Jr. 

.■V.B.  IN  POLITICAL  SCIENCE.  Phi  Gamma  Delta:  Consolidated  Uni- 
versity Student  Council  (2,  4).  Chairman  (3);  Dance  Committee  (2); 
Grail  (3,  i) :  Interfraternity  Council  (2,  3);  Sheiks  (3,  4);  Soccer, 
Manager  (4);  Student  Council  (2,  4).  Chairman  (3);  Student  Legis- 
lature (1). 

Adams,  Joyce  Ferguson  Chapel  Hill 

A.B.  IN  JOURNALISM.  Daily  Tar  Heel  (3,  4) ;  Town  Girls'  Associa- 
tion (I,  2.  3,  4);  Cosmopolitan  Club  (4). 

Norfolk,  Va. 

..  „  ...  EDUCATION.  Glee  Club  (3i:  Women's  Residence  Council 
(3  4);  YWCA  Cabinet  Member  (3.  4)-  House  Council  (3);  Dorm  Presi- 
dent   (4);    Canterbury  Club    (3,   4);    Orientation   Advisor    (4). 

Allen,  Eldon  Perr)'  Greensboro 

B.S.  IN  GEOLOGY.  Sigma   Gamma  Epsilon;   Spanish  Oub    (3,   4). 

Allen,  Joseph  Jethro  Greensboro 

B.S.  IN  MEDICINE.  Alpha  Epsilon  Delta:  Pre-Medical  Fraternity; 
Men's  Council  (2);  Acting  President  Student  Body,  Summer  Session 
(2);  Dorm  President  (2);  Wesley  Foundation  (1,  2). 

Allen,  Norman  Hanson  Greensboro 


AUsbrook,  Mary  Frances 

Roanoke  Rapids 

Addison,  Eleanor  Daphne 

Fort  Myers,  Fla. 

Leonia,  N.  J. 

Adler,  Thomas  James 

B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Alpha  Tail  Omega;  Football 
(1,  2,   3.   4) :   Monogram  Club    (2,   3,  4) ;   NROTC. 

Aldridge,  Charles  Malcolm  Macon,  Ga. 

B.S.  IN  GEOLOGY.  Kappa  Alpha;  Dance  Committee  (4);  Sheiks  (2, 
3,  4) ;  Arnold  Air  Society :  Scabbard  and  Blade. 

Second  Row: 

Allen,  Cynthia  Jane  Spartanburg,  S.  C. 

A.B.  IN  PHYSICAL  EDUCATION.  Independents;  YWCA  (4);  WAA 
(3,  4) ;  Splash  Club  <3,  4) ;  Physical  Education  Majors  Club.  Secretary 
(3,  4). 

Alexander,  Dedrich  Biemann 

Daytona  Beach,  Fla. 

A.B.  IN  EDUCATION.  Delta  Delta  Delta;  Women's  Council  (4); 
YWCA   (3,  4):  Orientation  Advisor   (4);   SUAE  Dance  Committee   (4). 

Third  Row: 
Ambler,  Susan 

A.B.  IN  ENGLISH.  Phi  Beta  Kappa.  Secretary;  Pi  Delta  Phi;  Pi 
Beta  Phi:  Class  Secretary  (1).  Social  Chairman  (2);  Glee  Club  (1): 
Orientation  Committee  (1.  2,  3,  4) ;  Student  Council  (2.  3.  4) ;  SUAB 
Board  (4);  Town  Girls'  Association  (1,  2);  Valkyries  (3),  President 
(4);   Women's  Residence  Council    (3);   YWCA    (1,   2);  WA.\    (3,   4). 

Ammons,  Mary  C.  Mars  Hill 

A.B.  IN   EDUCATION.  Alpha  Delta  Pi;  YWCA    (4);   WAA. 

Anders,  Kenneth  Chester,  Jr.  Asheville 


Anderson,  Anita  Lillis  Wilmington 

A.B.  IN  JOURNOLISM.  Kappa  Kappa  Gamma;  Alpha  Lambda  Delta; 
Student  Legislature  (3,  4) ;  SUAB  Board  (3) :  YWCA  (3.  4) ;  Pan- 
hellenic  Council  (4);  Stray  Greeks  (3),  President  (4). 

Anderson,  Betty  Otto  Port  St.  Joe,  Fla. 

A.B.  IN  SOCIOLOGY.  Pi  Beta  Phi;  Orientation  Committee  (4);  SUAB 
(41;  Women's  Residence  Council  (3).  President  (4);  YWCA:  New- 
man Club;  University  Party  Representative. 

B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Alpha  Tau  Omega;  Basketball 
(1);  Interfraternity  Council  (3);  Lacrosse  (2);  Soccer  (2,  3);  13  Club 
(2.  3,  4):  A.R.O.T.C. 

Annillo,  Carman,  Jr. 

A.B.  IN  EDUCATION.  Football  (2,  3,  4). 

Union  City.  N.  J. 





First  Row: 

Arnold,  Harry  H.  Dover 


Asby,  Felix  E.  Washington 


Asero,  Joseph  Salvatore  Washington,  D.  C. 


Ashe,  Jesse  Brown,  Jr.  Charlotte 


Austin,  John  W.  Charlotte 


Ayscue,  Edwin  Osborne,  Jr.  Monroe 

A.B.  IN  POLITICAL  SCIENCE.  Kappa  Alpha.  President  (i):  Phi  Etn 
Sigma,  President  (2);  Grail  (3.  4);  Interfraternity  Council  (3.  4)  ■ 
Men's  Council  (3,  4). 

Second  Row: 

Baarcke,  Leonide  Alfred 

Clearwater,  Fla. 

A.B.  IN  ENGLISH.  Phi  Delta  Theta;  Swimming    (1,   2,   3,   4)  ;    Mo 
gram  Club  (2,  3,  4). 

Babcock,  Robert  Clayton 


Bailey,  Donald  Ray 



Baker,  William  Luin 

A.B.  IN  EDUCATION.  Football   (1.  2, 

Southern  Pines 

3.  4);  Monogram  Club  (2,  3,  4). 

Ballinger,  Max  Dewey  Guilford  College 

B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Basketball,  Manager  (1); 
Card  Board  (4):  Glee  Club  (1);  Interdormitory  Council  (2,  3,  4): 
Monogram  Club  (2);  VMCA  (1,  2.  3.  4);  Dorm  President  (4);  Student 
Party  (2.  3.  4):  Tar  Heels  'n  Toes  (3.  4);  Class  Officer  (1);  Tacketu 
lack   (t);    N.  C.   Student  Legislature   (3.   4):   Student  Legislature    (2. 

Bane,  Seymour  Raleigh 

.\.B.   IN   P0LITIC.\L   SCIENCE.   Zefa   Beta   Tuv :   Student   Legislature 

Westport,  Conn. 

Zeta  Beta  Taw; 


Third  Row: 

Barbanell,  Arthur  Loren 

A.B.  IN  ENGLISH.  Phi  Beta  Kappa;  Phi  Eta  Sigtit 
Card  Board  (3) ;  HiUel  (1.  2,  3.  4),  Secretary  (3,  4). 

Barefoot,  William  Jefferson,  Jr. 


Barkley,  Newton  Buckner,  Jr.  New  Orleans,  La. 

A.B.  IN  ECONONnCS.  Beta  Theta  Pi.  Secretao':  Gorgon's  Head  (2.  3. 
4);  Interfraternity  Council  (2);  Lacrosse  (2.  3):  Minataurs;  Mono- 
gram Club  (2,  3). 

Barrett,  Hugh  Martin  Burlington 

A.B.  IN  EDUCATION.  Sigma  Phi  EpsUon. 

Barrier,  Cecil  Lee  Morganton 


Barrj-,  Patricia  Anne  Macon,  Ga. 

A.B.  IN  MATHEMATICS.  Phi  .U«.-  Stray  Greek. 

Page  59 


Fust  Ruic: 

Bartley,  Robert  Lynn 

A.B.  IN  EDUCATION.  Tlutu  Chi:   Iiileifraternity  Council   (3);   YMCA 
(1,  2);  Vets  Club  (1). 

Washington,  Pa. 

3);   YMCA 


Barton,  Grandon  Dillard,  Jr. 


Battle,  Fred  Gordon,  Jr.  Greensboro 

B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Pi  Kappn  Alpha:  Phi  Eta 
Sigitw :  Class  Officer  (4);  Orientation  Counselor  (3);  Student  Legis- 
lature {3.  4)  :  University  Partv  Representative  (1,  2,  3,  4)  :  President's 
Cabinet    (I). 

Beall,  Louis  Holcomb,  Jr. 


BS.  IN  DENTISTRY.  Siima  Xii:  Monogram  Club   (1.  2.  3);  Track   (1. 
2,  3,  4),  Co-Captain  (4). 


Beard,  Helen  Jones 

A.B.  IN  EDUCATION.  Kappa  Dilta. 

Beard,  William  Quinby,  Jr.  St.  George,  S.  C. 

B.S.   IN   CHEMISTRY.   Phi   Beta  Kappa:   Alpha   (hi  Sigma;   Delia  Phi 

Second  Row: 

Beck,   William   David  Statesville 

B.S.    IN    BUSINESS    ADMINISTRATION.    Thrta    Chi.   Secretary. 

Bell,  Dorothy  Anne 

Montgomer)',  Ala. 

A.B.    IN    SOCIOLOGY.   Delta   Delta    Delta;    YWCA    (3.    4);    University 
Party.  Secretary   (3);  SUAE.  2nd  Vice-Preiident   (4). 

Bender,  Malcolm  Franklin 



Benson,  William  David 

Washington,  D.  C. 

Benton,  Anne  Gary  Wilmington 

A.B.  IN   EDUCATION.  Pi  Beta  Phi;  Women's  Residence  Council    (4); 
YWCA  (3.  4):  Hockey  Club  (3,  4). 

Berry,  Benjamin  Carroll,  Jr. 


A.B.  IN  POLITICAL  SCIENCE.  Pi  Kappa  Alpha;  Ba.seball,  Manager 
(I.  2);  Dance  Committee  (3);  Interfraternity  Council  (3);  Monogram 
Club  (3.  4);  Orientation  Committee  (4i;  University  Club  (1,  2,  3). 
President  (3). 

ThnJ  Row: 

Berry,   Marvin  Bryan  Asheville 

.\.B.  IN   RELIGION.  Phi  B,ta  Kappa;  Phi  Eta  Sigma. 

Berryhill,  James  Collins  Charlotte 

B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Alpha  Kappa  /'.m. 

Berryhill,  Jane  Carol 

Chapel  Hi 

A.B.  IN  EDUCATION.  Pi  Beta  Phi;  Glee  Club  (2.  31;  Student  Council 
(3,  11;  Town  Girls'  .-Association  (2,  3,  4i;  YWCA  (2,  3.  4);  W.\A 
(3,   1);  Interfailli  Council  (2,  3). 

Blanchard,  Clyde  James,  Jr.  Rocky  Mount 


Blair,  Mary  Anna 

A.B.  IN  DRAMATIC  ART.  Playniakers  (3.  4) 


Blake.  John  Allen  Wildwood,  N.  J. 

A.B.  IN  ECONOMICS.  .Sf.  Aiilho}iil  Hall;  NROTC. 


Boice,  Wilbur  Malcolm,  Jr. 

Blackley,  Roy  Talmadge  Chapel  Hill 


Bland,  Elmer  Charles 


B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Phi  Beta  Kaiiixt:  Beta  (Irimma 
Sigma;  Alpha  Kapp(t  Psi. 

Blocker,  Joan  Cromwell  St.  Petersburg,  Fla. 

A.B.    IN    SOCIOLOGY.    Pi    Beta    Phi;    YWCA    (3,    ir.    Sweetheart    of 

Blythe,  Samuel  Legette  Huntersville 

A.B.  IN  ECONOMICS.  Beta  Theta  Pi;  Gorgon's  Head;  Stieiks. 


A.B.  IN  PHILOSOPHY.  Phi  Mii  Alpha;  Phi  Eta  Sigma;  Di  Senate 
(2,  3,  4);  Glee  Club  (11;  YMC.\  (1,  2.  3):  Westminster  Fellowship 
(1,  2.  3,  II;  Chapel  Hill  Choral  Club  fl.  2.  3.  4). 

Boling,  Ronald  Jackson  Siler  City 


Boney,  Gabriel,  Jr.  Wallace 

A.B.  IN  ENGLISH.  Phi  Bita  Kappa;  Delta  Phi  Alpha. 

Third  Ro 

Bobbitt,  Leonard  E. 


Bodenheimer,  Jimmy  Van 



Boone,  Julia  Claire 

Bost,   Edwin   Norris 

A.B.  IN  RADIO.  Chi  Phi. 

Alexandria,  Va. 


Bostian,  Richard  Lee  Raleigh 

A.B.    IN    MUSIC    Phi   ilu    .Alpha;    Band    (1.    2.    3,    4);    Cross   Country 

Second  Row: 

Boggan,  Clayton  Alexander,  Jr.  Pee  Dee 

B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Laiiilitia  Chi  Alpha. 

Bogle,  Max  Hines  Albemarle 


Bohnenkamp,  Patricia  Ellen  St.  Louis,  Mo. 

A.B.  IN  PSYCHOLOGY.  Alpha  Delta  Pi;  Sigma  Alpha  Iota;  Glee  Club 
(3,  4):  SUAB  Board  (3);  Women's  Residence  Council  (3);  YWCA 
(3,  4). 

Bottoms,  John  Edward 


Boushall,  John  Heck,  Jr.  Tampa,  Fla. 

B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  AD.MINISTRATION.  Phi  Delta  Theta,  President 
(2,  41;  Interfraternity  Council  (1.  2.  3).  President  (4);  Gimghoul  (3. 
4);  Student  Legislature  (1);  .\rnold  .\ir  Society  (3,  4);  Graham 
Memorial  Board  of  Directors  (2). 

Bowden,  Ralph  Hartman 



Page  61 



First  Row: 

Boyd,  Robert  Burwoll  Statesville 

A.B.  IN  ENGLISH.  Phi  Delta  Theta;  Football   (1);  Orientation    (1,  2, 
3);  NROTC,  Battalion  Commander  (4). 

Boyle,  Martha  Ann  Alton,  111. 

A.B.  IN  DRAMATIC  ARTS.  Playmakers    (3.   4);   YWCA    (3,   4);   Can- 
terbury Club  (3,  4). 

Bowden,  Harold  Carlton,  Jr.  Durham 

B.S.    IN    BUSINESS    ADMINISTRATION.   Basketball    (1,    3,    4);    Mono- 
gram Club  (4);  VMCA  (I,  2,  3). 

Bradley,  Harold  John,  Jr. 

B.S.  IN  MEDICINE.  Phi  Beta  Kappa;  Phi  Eta  Sign 


Bradley,  Kent  Palmer 

B.S.  IN  CHEMISTRY.  Phi  Eta  Sig} 
C):  Interfraternity  Council  (1, 
Wrestling   (1);   YMCA   (1,  2,  3,  4); 

St.  Petersburg,  Fla. 

la;  Kappa  Alpha;  Daily  Tar  Heel 
2) :  Orientation  Committee  (2) : 
13  Club   (1.  2,  3,   4). 

Bradshaw,  Harvey  Deakins  Greenville 

A.B.  IN  JOURNALISM.  Delta  Vpsilon;  Dance  Committee  (4);  Debate 
Squad  (2);  Grail  (2.  3,  4);  Monogram  Club  (2.  3.  4);  Order  of  Old 
Well  (3.  4);  Wrestling  (1,  2,  3,  4);  Scabbard  and  Blade,  President 
(4)  ;  Semper  Fidelis  Society  (3,  4). 

Second  Row: 

Brady,  Stephen  Carroll 


B.S.  IN   BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Phi  Eta  Sigma;  Lambda  Chi 
Alpha;  Interfraternity  Council  (1,  2.  3,  4);  Student  Legislature  (3). 

Brannan,  Robert  B. 

A.B.  IN  ECONONnCS.  Kappa  Sit 


Brantley,  Paul  Adams  Charlotte 

A.B.  IN  ECONOMICS.  Basketball  (1,  2). 

Braxton,  Al  Joe  Scotland  Neck 

B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Delta  Sigma  Pi.  President  (4) ; 
Interdormitory  Council  (3);  Soccer  (1,  2). 

Breece,  E.  Virginia 

Breeden,  Richard  Thomas,  Jr. 

Third  Row; 
Bridger,  Martha 


Board   (3,  4) ; 


A.B.  IN  ELEMENTARY  EDUCATION.  Alpha  Gamma  Delta;  Glee  Club 
(3,  4);  Student  Government  (3,  4);  SUAE  Board  (4);  YWCA  (3,  4); 
Baptist  Student  Union  (3,  4). 

Bright,  Mont  Jackson,  Jr.  Chapel  Hill 

B.S.  IN  GEOLOGY.  Alpha  Pi  Omega. 

Briney,  Lucy  Gray  Madisonville,  Ky. 

A.B.  IN  SOCIOLOGY.  Pi  Beta  Phi;  Tarnation;  YWCA   (3,  4);  Canter- 
bury Club. 

Brock,  Mary  Elizabeth  Farmington 

A.B.  IN  EDUCATION.  YWCA  (3,  4);  Future  Teachers  of  America  (4). 

Brooks,  Henry  Dwight 


Brooks,  Jacqueline  K. 

A.B,  IN  JOURNALISM,  Tarnation.  Editor  (4). 

Michigan  Cit)',  Ind. 



Brown,  Celia  Johnston  Myrtle  Beach,  S.  C. 

A.B.  IN   ENGLISH.  Card  Board    (3,   4);   Glee  Oub    (3):   Independent 
Coed  Board    (3,    II;   Orientation  Advisor:   VWCA    (3.   4). 

Brown,  Harry  Elton  Hillsboro 

A.B.   IN   PHYSICAL   EDUCATION.   Track    (1.   2,    3),   Co-Captain    (4); 
Monogram  Club  (2.  3,  4). 

Brown,  James  Shea  Knoxville,  Tenn. 

B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Delta  Kappa  Epsilon. 

Brown,  Jerry  Clifton 

A.B.  IN  CHEMISTRY.  Alpha  Epsilon  Delta. 

Brown,  Mary  Ida  Asheville 

A.B.   IN   EDUCATION.   Chi   Omega;   Orientation    Advisor    (4);    YWCA 

Rich  Square 

Brown,  Michael  Dillard 

Anderson,  S.  C. 

B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  AD.MINISTRATION.  Chi  Phi;  Interdormitory 
Council  (2);  Interfraternity  Council  (8);  Orientation  Committee  (3); 
Student  Legislature    (2) ;   Arnold  Air  Society. 

Second  Row; 

Brown,  Robert  Adrian 

B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADNHNISTRATION.  Phi  Beta  Kappa;  Beta  Gamma 
Sifjma;  Interdormitory  Council  (4). 

Brown,  William  Credle 


B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Dailv  Tar  Heel  (2,  3) ;  Order 
of  Old  Well  (3.  4) ;  Orientation  Committee  (2,  3,  4) ;  Student 
Legislature  (2,  3,  4) ;  Tarnation  (1,  3) ;  YMCA  Secretary  (2) ;  Cabinet 
(1,  2,  3,  4);  Carolina  Handbook  (1,  2.  3.  4),  Editor  (2);  Budget 
Committee  (3);  Student  Party   (1,  2,  3);  Orientation  Counselor  (2,  3). 


Bruton,  Oren  Douglas 

Bruton,  Robert  Dehart  Asheville 


Bryan,  Joseph  Kinsley,  Jr.  Oxford 


Bryan,  Mary  Harvey 

Nutley,  N.  J. 

.\.B.   IN    HISTORY.   Alpha   Gamma   Delta;   Glee   Club;    SUAB   Board, 
Chairman  of  Music  (2). 

Third  Row: 

Bryant,  Barry  Wayne  Annapolis,  Md. 

B.S.    IN    PHYSICS.    Phi    Beta    Kappa;    Phi    Eta    Sigma.    Delta    Phi 
Alpha,  President;  Di  Senate  (4). 

Buchanan,  Pearle  Long 



A.B.    IN    JOURNALISM.    Delta    Delta    Delta;    Dailv    Tar    Heel     (4); 
Yackety  Yack  (3);  YWCA  (3,  41. 

Buchly,  Ann  Lane 

Robersonville  Buckalew,  Vardaman  Moore,  Jr. 

Bullock,  William  Riley,  Jr. 


Mobile,  Ala. 


Bumgarner,  Ernest  L. 


A.B.  IN  POLITICAL  SCIENCE.  Phi  Kappa  Sigma;  Gymnastics  (3); 
Interdormitory  Council  (2) ;  Lacrosse  (3.  4) ;  SUAB,  Vice-President 
(3,  4) ;  Semper  Fidelis  Society,  President  (3,  4) ;  Interfraternity 
Council  (3). 

Page  6 J 



First  Row: 

Bumpous,  Mary  Jane 

A.B.  IX  EDUCATION.  Pi  Beta  Phi;  SUAB  Board  (4)  ;  Women's  Resi- 
dence Council  (4),  Treasurer  (4);  Ya<-kety  Yack  (3);  YWCA  (3,  4), 
Treasurer    (I);   Student  Adviser   (4):    Dorm  President    (4). 

St.  Petersburg,  Fla. 

Washington,  D.  C. 

Bunch,  Jeanne 

A.B.    IN    EDUCATION.    Alpha    Gamma   Delta:   Clieerleader    (4);    Uni- 
versity Club  (4);  ^  Wc.\   (3,    I):  orientation  Adv.ser  14). 

Bundy,  Robert  Mayne,  Jr. 

High  Point 

A.B.  IN  ECONOMICS.  Phi  Gamma  Delta;  Consolidated  University 
Student  Council  (3,  4);  Glee  Club  (1);  Student  Legislature  (I); 
Tennis  (1);  13  Club  (3,  4). 

Bunting,  Sylvia  Lee 


Washington,  D.  C. 

Burch,  Ehzabeth  Owen  Bronxville,  N.  Y. 

A.B.  IN  ENGLISH.  Chi  Omi-fia :  VWCA  (31;  WAA  (4). 

Burcham,  Nancy  Louise 

Orlando,  Fla. 

A.B.  IN  EDUCATION.  Pi  Beta  Phi;  SUAB  Board  (3):  Yacketi/  Yack 
(3,  4);  YWCA  (3,  4),  Membership  Council  (4);  Newman  Club;  House 
Council  (3). 

Burnstan,  Rowland,  Jr. 

Paris,  France 

A.B.  IN  ROMANCE  LANGUAGES.  Phi  Gamma  Delta,  President  (4): 
Ginighoul  (1,  2,  3) ;  Monogram  Club  (1,  2,  3) ;  Soccer  (1.  2.  3), 
(apiain   (1);   Arnold  Air  Society;    AFROTC. 

Butler,  Charles  Donald 


Bussey,  J.  Hubert 


Cain,  Charles  Eugene 

B.S.  IN  CHEMISTRY.  Alpha  Chi  Sigma;  Delta  Upsilon;  Alpha  Phi 
Umei/a.  Treasurer  (3i;  Cross  Country  (2,  3);  Interdormitory  Council 
(I,  2,  3.  4);  Order  of  Old  Well  (3.  4);  Track  (1,  2,  3 )  ;  IDC  Court 
(2,  3.  4),  Chairman   (4);  BSU  Council    (1,  2,  3,   4). 

Elizabeth  City 

Columbia,  S.  C. 


Third  Roic: 

Cambron,  Patricia  Hooper 


Cameron,  Clinton  H. 


Campbell,  Roy  Bruce 

A.B.    IN    POLITICAL    SCIENCE.    Ke 


Chapel  Hill 

Dawson,  Ga. 

(3);    Wrestling    (4);    YMCA 

Second  Row: 
Burgess,  Barbara  Fay 

A.B.  IN  EDUCATION.  Pi  Beta  Phi;  Studeiit  Adviser  (4);  House 
Council  (4);  UN  Committee  (3);  Campus  Chest  (31  :  SUAB  (3.  4): 
YWCA  (3). 

Burney,  Virgil  Franklin 


Maplewood,  N.  J. 

;     House 

(3.  4): 




Capel,  Arron  Leon,  Jr. 

Cauley,    Stephen   William,    Jr. 


Carey,  Jane  T.  Southern  Pines 

A.B.    IN    SOCIOLOGY.    Chi   Omega;    Dally    Tar   Heel    (3,    4).    Society 
Editor  (41;  YWC.\   (3.  41,  Committee  Chairman  (4):  University  Party. 

Page  64 


Carmichael,  Richard  Cartwright 


A.B.  IN  ENGLISH.  SHiina  Alpha  Epsilon;  Interfraternity  Council  (2); 
Gimghoul  (3.  4);  Sheiks  (2,  3,  4),  President  (3);  Philosopliical  Society 
of  1789   (2,  3.  4). 

Carr,  Wilham  Howard 


Miami,  Fla 

Carroll,  Donald  Gary 

Chapel  Hill 

B.S.  IN  .MATHEMATICS.  Alpha  Tim  Omega  (3);  Phi  Eta  Sigma;  Phi 
Beta  Kappa;  Delta  Phi  Alpha;  Pi  ilu  Epsilon;  Sheiks  (1,  2,  3,  4); 
Student  Legislature  (2,  3);  Soccer  (1,  4J ;  Order  of  Old  Well  (4); 
Semper  Firtelis  So::iety    (3.   4):   Town  Men's  Association    (1.  2). 

Caudle,   Jon  Thomas 

Chance,  William  James 

A.B.  IN  MCSIC.  Glee  Cluh  (2,  3,  I),  President  (4i. 


Norfolk,  Va. 

Richmond,  Va. 

Chapin,  Ann  Mason 

A.B.  IN  SOCIOLOGY.  Delta  Delta  Delta;  Student  Council   (4);  Splash 
Club  (3);  YWCA  Vice-i-iCjiuent  (4);   \  alkyries   (4). 

Third  Row: 

Carson,  Ernest  Eugene 


Carswell,  Jane  Triplett 



Chapman,  John  William 



Chappie,  Dewitt,  Jr.  Middletown,  Ohio 

A.B.   IN   POLITICAL  SCIENCE.  Sigma  .Vh,-  Basketball    (1),   Freshman 

Carter,  Florence  Bryan  Atlanta,  Ga. 

A.B.  IN  ENGLISH.  Phi  Mil ;  Stray  Greek;  YWCA  (3,  4). 

Stcoiid  Row:  "^ 

Carter,  James  Louis,  Jr.  Charlotte 

A.B.  IN  JOURNALISM.  Baseball  (1,  2,  3,  4). 

Carter,  Janet  Gordon 

A.B.  IN  DRAMATIC  ART.  Delta  Gi 

Washington,  D.  C 

'ima ;  Playmakers;  Stray  CJreeks. 

Cheney,  Henry  William,  Jr.  Florence,  Ala. 

A.B.    IN    RADIO.    Phi    Delta    Theta;    Communications    Club     (3,    4); 
Orientation  Committee   (4):   SU.\B  Board    (3,  4):   WUNC  Staff   (3,  4). 

Citrini,  Richard  Joseph  Durham 

A.B.  IN  HISIORY.  Newman  Club.  \'ice-President  (4). 

Clark,  Eugene  Merrell 



Casper,  William  Cecil  China  Grove 


Clark,  Neill  Edwin 



Page  65 



FinI  Row: 

Clarke,  Elizabeth  Coale  Goldsboro 

A.B.  IN  EDUCATION.  Kappa  Delta;  Glee  Club  (3);  SUAE  Board  (3. 
4);  Women's  Council — Summer  School  (3;;  Women's  Residence  Board 
(3.  *).  Secretary  (i) ;  YWCA  (3.  i) . 

Clement,  Edward  Henry 

A.B.  IN  LAW.  Sigma  .Yii. 

Clendenin,  Kemp  Cook,  Jr.  Greensboro 


Clontz,  Luther  Hall  Morganton 

B.S.  IN  .MEDICINE.  Phi  Beta  Kappa;  Alpha  Epsilon  Delta. 

Cochran,  William  Iran,  Jr.  Swan  Quarter 


Salisbury  Cody,  Louie  Hamilton 

Paint  Rock 

B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Student  Legislature  (4) ;  Dorm 
President  (3);  Interdormitory  Council  (2). 

Thiid  Row: 

Clodfelter,  Harvey,  Jr. 



Coe,  William  James 



Clifton,  Benton  Franklin,  Jr.  Raleigh 

A.B.  IN  PHYSICAL  EDUCATION.  Baseball  (1.  2,  3);  Soccer  (1). 

Coleman,  Curtis  Cortez  Winston-Salem 

A.B.  IN    POLITICAL   SCIENCE.  Chi  Psi;   Track    (1);    University  Club 

Clinard,  David  Marion 


A.B.  IN  PRE-LAW.  St.  Anthony  Hall;  Phi  Beta  Kappa;  Student 
Legislature  (3);  Tarnation  (3);  Orientation  Counselor  (3);  AFROTC 
(1,  2,8). 

Coleman,  Wade  Hapton,  III 

A.B.    IN    MATHE.MATICS.   Plii   Eta    Sign 
Kappa  Epsilon :  NROTC. 

Tuscaloosa,  Ala. 

Alpha  Phi  Omega;   Delta 

Second  Roir: 
Cline,  Gene  Nolen 

B.S.  IN  CHEMISTRY,  .ilphu  Chi  Sigina;  AFROTC. 


Cline,  Robert  Seitz 

B.S.  IN  MEDICINE.  Lutlit 
urer  (2). 


;in  Student  .Association   {1,  2,  3,  4),  Treas- 

Cloninger,  Ambrose  Wilkes,  Jr. 


Bessemer  City 

Collins,  Lois  Fleming 


A.B.   IN    EDUCATION.   Delta   Delta  Delta;   YWCA    (3),   Cabinet    (4); 
W.\A  Council  (4);  Student  Adviser  (4);  Yackety  Yack  (4);  Wrestling 

Collins,  Raymond  Davis 

Myrtle  Beach,  S.  C. 

B.S.  IN   BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Sigma  Chi;  Golf;  Gymnastics 
(1) :  .\FROTC. 

Colson,  John  Grady,  Jr. 


Page  66 


Connelley,   Robert  Lee  Green  Raleigh 

A.B.  IN  FRENCH.  Phi  Eta  Sigma;  Phi  Beta  Kappa;  Pi  Delta  Phi. 

Charleston,  S.  C. 

Alpha   Epsiloii. 

Arlington,  Va. 

Club    (3):   Women's  Resi- 
<4) :   Valkyries    (4). 


Conner,  Henry  W. 


Cook,  Emily  Adams 

A.B.   IN    ENGLISH.   Alpha  Delta  Pi;   Gle< 
dence  Council    (3);   YWCA    (3).   Secretary 

Cook,  Gerald  Wilson 

.\.B.  IN  ENGLISH.  Alpha  Phi  Omeaa ;  Siama  Chi;  Interdormiton' 
Council  (1,  2.  3.  i):  Order  of  Golden  Bear  (2,  3);  Order  of  Old  Well 
(4);  Orientation  Committee  (3,  4);  Publications  Union  Board  (3.  4); 
Soccer  il):  Student  Government  Officer  (4):  Student  Legislature  (1, 
2.  3):  Sl'.\B  Board  (3):  Chairman  of  Elections  Board  (3):  Chairman 
of  Budget  Committee  (4):  IDC  Court  (3);  President's  Cabinet  (4); 
University  Party   (3,  4) ;  NROTC. 

Cook,  Mary  Bascom  Highlands 

A.B.  IN  SOCIOLOGV.  Alpha  Delta  Pi 
Adviser  (4):  VWC.A  (3.  4).  Cabinet  (4) 
ation  Club  (4);  WAA  Council  (4);  I 
Tack  (4). 

Cook,  Thomas  Eugene  Fayetteville 

A.B.  IN  HISTORY.  Carolina  Forum  (3,  4) ;  Carolina  Political  Union 
(3.  4);  Debate  Council  (1):  Di  Senate  (1.  2.  3.  4):  Grail  (3.  4): 
N.  C.  Student  Legislature  (2,  3,  4);  Order  of  Old  Well  (4):  Student 
Legislature  (1,  2,  3);  Student  Party;  Canterbury  Club  (2,  3.  4); 
Orientation  Counselor    (2):    .\mphoterothen   Society   (3.   4i. 

Glee  Club  (3) ;  Orientation 
House  Council  (3.  4) :  Recre- 
liversity   Party    (3) ;    Yacketi/ 

Second  Row: 

Corey,   James  Richard 


Comwell,  Janet 


Southern  Pines 

Costner,  James  Ray,  Jr.  Charlotte 


Cover,  Curtis  Coleman  Hagerstown,  Md. 


Covington,  William  Clyde,  Jr. 


B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Phi  Gamma  Delta;  DaUy  Tar 
Heel   (1);   University  Club   (2.  3);   YMCA   (1.  2);   13  Club  (2,  3,  4). 

Cowcll,   Russell  Sholar  Raleigh 

A.B.  IN  ECONOMICS.  St.  Anthony  Hall;  Class  Executive  Committee 
(4);  Class  Officer  (4);  Interfraternity  Council  (3.  4);  Orientation 
Counselor  (2.  3.  4) ;  Phi  Assembly  (1.  2) ;  Publications  Union  Board 
(3.  4);  Soccer  (1);  University  Party  (3,  4);  Yackety  Yaek  (3,  4), 
Business  Manager  (3.  4):   YMCA    (1,  2,   3,  4);   NROTC   (1.  2,  3.  4). 

Third  Row: 

Cox,  Carl  Walter 


Cozart,  Janet  Riley 

A.B.  IN  SOCIOLOGY.  Chi  Omega;  TarnatioH   (4):  YWCA  (3.  4 

Chapel  Hill 

Crain,  Mary  Helen 


Cranford,   Dwight  Little  Albemarle 

A.B.  IN  POLITICAL  SCIENCE.  Interdormitory  Council  (3). 

Crater,  James  Bruce,  Jr. 

Creuser,  Kenton  Bowers 


Avondale  Estates,  Ga. 

Kappa:   Track    (1);   Arnold   Air  Society   (3,  4). 

Delta;  Phi  Beta 

Page  67 



Crews,  James  Philip  Winston-Salem 

A.B.  IN  POLITICAL  SCIENCE.  Tennis   (1,   2,   3). 

Crittenden,  Charles  Christopher  Raleigh 

A.B.  IN'  PHILOSOPHY.  Phi  Beta  Kappa;  Phi  Eta  Sigma;  Interdoinii- 
ton'  Council  (3,  4) ;  Tarnation  (4) ;  Chess  Team  (1.  2.  3.  4). 

Crone,  William  Gerald  Balfour 


Cross,  Edith  Graham  Yarborough 


A.B.  IN  SCIENCE  TEACHING.  Pi  Beta  Phi;  Student  Legislature  (3); 
SUAB   Board    (3);   YWCA    (4):    Canterbury  Club    (3);    House  Council 


Curtis,  Robert  Edward  Marion 

B.S.  IN  MATHEMATICS.  Theta  Chi;  Alpha  Phi  Omega;  Band  (1.  2,  3). 

Dale,  Fred  Jones,  Jr. 


B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Phi  Beta  Kappa;  Phi  Eta  Sig- 
ma; Sigma  Chi;  Ba.seball  (1,  2,  3,  4):  Basketball  (2);  Carolina  Political 
Union  (3) ;  Class  Officer.  President  (3) ;  German  Club  (3) :  Grail  (3.  4)  ; 
Men's  Council  (3);  Monogram  Club  (2,  3.  4);  University  Club  (2,  3,  4). 

Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

Second  Row: 
D'Aleo,  Stella  Diana 

A.B.  IN  RADIO.  Communications  Club  (3,  4) ;  Cosmopolitan  Club  (3) ; 
Independent  Coed  Board  (3.  4);  Orientation  Advisor  (4);  University 
Club   (3,  4) ;  YWCA   (3,  4) ;   WUNC  Staff. 

Dameron,  William  Henry  Goldsboro 

B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Kappa  Sigma;  Minataurs; 
Lacrosse   (3,  4);   Orientation  Counselor   (4):   Wrestling   (1). 

Daniel,  Billie  A. 

A.B.  IN  ENGLISH.  Alpha  Delta  Pi;  YWCA  (3.  4). 

Waynesboro,  Ga. 

Daniel,  Mary  Ellen 

\.ti.    IN    SPANISH.   Fi   Beta   Phi 

Charleston,  S.  C. 

Panhellenic  Council    (4);    YWCA. 

Daniels,   Eugene  O'Brian 


Merry   Hill 

Dantzler,  Bobby  Webber 


IN    BUSINESS   ADMINISTRATION.    Chi   Psi;    Football,    Manager 
Arnold  Air  Society;  AFROTC  Drill  Team   (2). 

7  h/id  Row: 

Darnell,  Louis  Arthur  Astoria,  Ore. 

B.S.  IN  PHYSICS.  Delta  Phi  Alpha;  Football   (1);  Monogram  Club  (1, 
2.  :i.  4)  ;  Track  (1). 

Davis,  Charlotte  Lambert 

Chapel  Hill 

.\.B.  IN  FRENCH.  Phi  Beta  Kappa;  Phi  Delta  Phi;  Carolina  Forum 
(4);  Carolina  Quarterly/  (I,  2,  3,  4),  Editor;  Cosmopolitan  Club  (2); 
Di  Senate  (2,  3,  4),  President;  Playmakers  (1,  2,  3);  Canterbury  Club 


Phi   Eta  Sigi 

High  Point 

la;   Alpha   Chi 

Ft.  Lauderdale,  Fla. 

Davis,  George  Thomas 

B.S.    IN    CHEMISTRY.   Phi   Beta   Kappa 
Sigma;  Delta  Phi  Alpha. 

Davis,  Michael  Kay 

A.B.  IN  JOURNALISM.  Sigma  Nu;  Scabbard  and  Blade;  Arnold  Air 
Society;  Interfraternity  Council   (4);  Lacrosse  (2,  3);  Monogram  Club 

(2.  3,  4). 

Davis,  Nancy  Elizabeth  Rainelle,  W.  Va. 

A.B.  IN  ECONOMICS.  Pi  Beta  Phi;  Glee  Club  (3);  SUAB  (3,  4); 
YWCA  (3.  4);  Student  Party  (3,  4);  Orientation  Advisor  (4);  Canter- 
bury Club  (3,  4). 

Davis,  Sara  Kate 


A.B.  IN  RECREATION.  Playmakers   (3.  4) ;  YWCA   (3,  4) ;  Tar  Heels 
n  Toes  (3):  Modern  Dance  Club   (3);  Recreation  Club  (3.  4). 

Page  63 



Davis,  William  Lyle  Henderson 

A.B.   IN    EDUCATION.    Dorm    Kepieseiitative ;    Inteniormitory   Council 
(3):  Dorm  Presiflent  (4i. 

Deaton,  Fred  Hyams,  Jr.  Statesville 

B.S.    IN    BUSINESS    ADMINISTRATION.    Pi   Kappa   Alpha;    Interfra 
ternity  Council  (3). 

Desmond,  Joan  Theresa 


A.B.  IN  ENGLISH.  Alpha  Gamma  Delta;  Student  Legislature   (3.  i) : 
SUAE  Board  (3,  4) ;  YWCA  Cabinet  (4). 

Dorsett,  Mary  Minerva  Ridgewood,  N.  J. 

A.B.    IN    EDUCATION.    Chi    Omeija;    Eta    Delta;    Women's    Residence 
Board  (4);  Yarketii  Yarl;  (3);  YWCA  (3,  4). 

Dowd,  Herbert  R.,  Jr.  Charlotte 

A.B.  IN  POLITICAL  SCIENCE.  Kappa  Sigma. 

Dowd,  Roddey  Charlotte 

A.B.   IN    POLITICAL    SCIENCE.   Sigma   Chi;   Oerman   Club   Executive 
(2);   Gimghoul    (3,   4);   Student  Legislature    (1):    13  Club    (2.  3.   4). 

Second  Row: 

Dula,  James  Braxton,  Jr.  Lenoir 


Duls,  Charles  Henr)',  Jr.  Charlotte 


Durham,  William  M.  Roaring  River 


Early,  Walter  Jackson  Rocky  Mount 


Earnhardt,  John  Clifford,  Jr.  Chapel  Hill 

Eason,  Leslie  Frank,  Jr.  Snow  Hill 

A.B.  IN  HISTORY.  Cosmopolitan  Club  (2.  3.  4);  YMCA  (2.  3.  4). 

Third  Row: 
Eason,  Stella 

A.B.  IN  EDUCATION.  Chi  Omcffa. 

Ebert,  George  Donald 



Einstein,  Arthur  William,  Jr.  State  College,  Pa. 

B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Zeta  Beta  Tail;  Basketball  (1. 
2.  3.  4),  Manager;  Debate  Squad  (1);  (3.  4);  Men's  Council 
(3.  4);  Monogram  Club  (3,  4);  Order  of  Golden  Bear  (2.  3.  4i.  Presi- 
dent (31;  Tarnation  (3.  4).  Associate  Editor  (4);  University  Club  (2); 
Orientation  Counselor  (3.  4). 

Eisele,  Dolores  Margaret 


B.S.   IN    MEDICAL   TECHNOLOGY.   Independent  Coed   Board    (3.    4), 
Secretary-Treasurer   (3);   Orientation  Committee   (4);  YWC.\   (3,  4). 

Flam,  William  Ray  Candor 

A.B.  IN  EDUCATION.  Lambda  Chi  Alpha. 

Filer,  Lewis  Baxter,  Jr.  Granite  Quarry 


Page  69 


Emory,  Samuel  Thomas  Chapel  Hill 

A.B.  IX  GEOGRAPHY.  Kappa  Stoma ;  Phi  Eta  Sigma;  Soccer   (3,  4). 

England,  Harold  Franklin  Kings  Mountain 

A.B.  IN  DRAMATIC  ART.  Playmakers  (2,  3.  4). 

Ennis,  Lloyd  Burton 

A.B.   IN    FRENCH.   Phi  Beta  Kappa;  Phi  Eta   Siiima;   Pi  Delta   Ph 
President  (4)  ;  Cosmopolitan  Club;  French  Club. 


Delta    Phi, 

Walhalla,  S.  C. 

Epps,  Jerry  Floyd,  Jr. 

A.B.   IN   JOURNALISM.   Dailv   Tar  Heel   (4) ;    Press  Club    (3).   Presi- 
dent (4). 

Estes,  Vail  in  Dayton,  Jr. 


A.B.  IN  L.\TIN.  Phi  Beta  Kappa;  N.  C.  Student  Legislature  Delegate 
(3,  4);  Phi  .\ssembly  (3,  4);  Student  Legislature  (3,  4);  Elections 
Board  (3.  4);  Student  VestO'  d.  2). 

Eure,  Thaddeus  Armie,  Jr. 

Second  Row: 

Evans,  Andre 

A.B.  IN  LAW.  BSU:  Young  Democrats. 

Evans,  William  Stuart 




B.S.  IN  ECONOMICS.  Zeta  Psi;  Gorgon's  Head  (2,  3,~4) ;  German 
Club  (4):  Minataurs  (2.  3.  4);  Phil,  of  1789  (2.  3,  4):  Grail  Award, 
Outstanding  Intramural  Athlete  (3). 

Ewing,  Arnold  Exum 

A.B.  IN  PHYSICAL  EDUCATION.  Football  (1). 

Faggart,  Billy  Eugene 


Farmer,  Thomas  Albert,  Jr. 

B.S.  IN  MEDICINE.  Alpha  Epsilon  Delta;  Phi  Beta  Kappa. 

Faust,  Helen  DeEtte  Asheboro 

A.B.    IN    POLITICAL    SCIENCE.   Alpha   Delta   Pi;    SUAB    (3):    Swim- 
ming (3):  Yaeketi/  Yack  (3,  4);  May  Day  Committee  (3);  Panhellenic 

Thud  Rot'.-: 

Fearing,    Woodson    Bradford  Manteo 

A.B.  IN  RADIO.  Pi  Kappa  Alpha;  13  Club  (2,  3.  4). 

Fearrington,  Eric  Lindsay  Kernersville 

B.S.  IN  MEDICINE.  Phi  Gamma  Delta;  Phi  Beta  Kappa;  Dance  Com- 
mittee (3);  Orientation  Counselor  (3). 

Ferrell,   George  Dallas  Durham 

A.B.  IX  POLITICAL  SCIENCE.  Sigmn  Alpha  Epsilon. 

File,  Norman  Luther  Salisbury 


Finley,  Howard  Bradley,  Jr.  Bangor,  Maine 

A.B.  IN  POLITICAL  SCIENCE.  Pi  Alpha  Sigma. 

Fitzgerald,  Henri  Ann  Princeton 

A.B.  IN  EDUCATION.  Pi  Beta  Phi;  Yackett/  Yack  (3) ;  YWCA  (3,  4). 


Page  70 



Fleming,  Anne  Weber 


A.B.  IN  HISTORY.  Alpha  Gamma  Delta;  Dance  Committee   (4);  Glee 
Club  (4);  Panhellenic  Council  (4);  AFROTC  Sponsor  (3,  4). 

Fleming,  William  Benjamin 


Flowers,  Jimmy  Rogers 

A.B.  IN  POLITICAL  SCIENCE.  Sigma  Phi  Epsilou:  Track  (1 

Canyon  Creek,  Mont. 

Folger,  Ann 

High  Point 

A.B.  IN  EDUCATION.  Alpha  Delta  Pi;  Cosmopolitan  Cub  (3,  4);  Glee 
Club  (3,  4);  Orientation  Advisor  (4);  YWCA  (3.  ));  House  Council 
(3);  Wesley  Foundation  (3,  4). 

Forrest,  Phyllis  Irene 


A.B.    IN    EDUCATION.    Alpha   Delta   Pi;   Cosmopolitan    Club    (3,    4)  ; 
Orientation  Advisor  (41:  Yacketi/  Yack  (3,  4);  YWCA  13.  41. 

Fowler,  Charles  Franklin  Pilot  Mountain 


Second  Row: 

Frazier,  Thomas  Howard  Winston-Salem 


Fredere,  Francis  Bolton,  Jr.  Council 

A.B.  IN   EDUCATION.  Beta   Theto   Phi;   Football    (1.   2,   3.   4);    Mono- 
gram Club  (2.  3,  4). 

French,  John  Emmet 

A.B.  IN  ECONOMICS.  Chi  Phi. 

Southern  Pines 

Baltimore,  Md. 

Friedman,  Charles  Aryal 

A.B.  IN  CHEMISTRY.  Tau  Epsilon  Phi   (2,  3,  4) ;  Lacrosse  (2,  3,  4) : 
-Monogram  Club  (2.  3.  4). 

Futch,  Franklyn  Porter 

A.B.  IN  ECONOMICS.  Chi  Phi 

Lake  Wales,  Fla. 

Gallant,  Sally  Wesley  Raleigh 

A.B.  IN  SOCIOLOGY.  Delta   Delta  Delta;  Card  Board    (3,   4);   YWCA 

Gant,  Jessemine  Burlington 

A.B.  IN  HISTORY.  Delta  Delta  Delta;  YWCA  (3,  4). 

Gant,  Joan  Gray  Atlanta,  Ga. 

A.B.  IN  MATHEMATICS.  Pi  Beta  Phi;  Cheerleader  (4) ;  YWCA  (3,  4) ; 
Phi  Assembly. 

Gasque,  Rosalyn  Ann 

A.B.  IN  ZOOLOGY.  Pi  Beta  Phi:  YWCA  (3,  4). 



Gauss,  G.  Edward,  Jr. 

B.S.    IN    BUSINESS    ADMINISTRATION.   Zeta   Psi :   Orientation    Com- 
mittee (4) ;  13  Club  (2,  3,  4) :  University  Party  (2). 

Gentry,  James  Earl 




George,  Mary  Lee 

A  B.    IN    PSYCHOLOGY.   Cosmopolitan    Club    (3,    4);    Glee   Oub    (3); 
YWCA  (3,  4);  Modern  Dance  Club  (3). 

***•    -M 

^     P     fr^ 

Page  71, 


First  Row: 

Gerlach,  Nancy  Martha  Evanston,  III. 

A.B.  IN  POLITICAL  SCIENCE.  Phi  Sigmn  Alpha:  Orientation  Ad- 
visor (4);  Student  Legislature  (4);  Giris'  Tennis  Club  (3,  4);  WAA; 
Orchestra    (3.    4). 

Gibbon,  Robert  L.,  II 


B.S.    IM    BUSINESS    ADMINISTRATION.   Sigma   Alpha   Epsilon:    Go 
son's  Head  (3.  4);  Minataurs  (2.  3,  4). 

Gleitz,  Harold  Dagner 



A.B.  IN  RADIO.  Phi  Kappa  fii'imn :  Communications  Club  (3> ;  YMCA 
(1,  2,  3,  4)  ;  WUNC  Staff  (3.  4)  ;  XROTC. 

Glenn,  Robert  Wilson 

B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADiXONISTRATION.  Lambda  Chi  Alpha;  Inter- 
fraternity  Council  (3.  4) ;  Orientation  Committee  (3) ;  Student  Legis- 
lature (1,  2,  3);  University  Club  (1,  2);  Student  Audit  Board. 

Godwin,   Bobby  Eugene  Erwin 

A.B.  IN  PHYSICAL  EDUCATION.  Track  (4);  YMCA  (4). 

Goforth,  Bobby  Camp  Rutherfordton 

B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Phi  Kappa  Sigma:  Card 
Board  (1.  2,  3);  Dance  Committee  (1):  Interfrnternity  Council  (3,  41; 
University  Club  (3,  4). 

Second  Row: 
Goldfarb,   Carl 

A.B.  IN  POLITICAL  SCIENCE.  Tall  Epsilon  Phi. 

Golightly,  Horace  Hugh 

A.B.  IN  RADIO.  Delta  Vpsilon.  President  (4);  WUNC  (3). 


Gooding,   Lewis   Carlton 

B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Sigma  Phi  Kpsilnn  :  University 

Gorham,  Robert  Diggs,  Jr. 

Rocky  Mount 

A.B.  IN  HISTORY.  Delta  Kappa  Epsilon;  Carolina  Forum  (2);  Con- 
solidated University  Student  Council  (4) ;  Golden  Fleece  (3.  4) ; 
Intrfraternity  Council  (1,  2,  3) ;  Order  of  Old  Well  (3.  4)  ;  Orienta- 
tion Committee  (3);  Soccer  (1);  Student  Body  President  (4);  Stu- 
dent Legislature  (1,  2);  Orientation  Chairman  (3);  Grail  (3.  3.  4). 

Green,   Janet   MacNeill  Chapel   Hill 

A.B.  IN   F.NGLISH.  Kappa  Delta;  Modern  Dance  Club,  President   (3). 

Gregory,   Arthur  Wynns,  Jr.  Halifax 

B.S.  IN  PHYSICS.  Zetri  Psi;  Wrestling  (2,  3).  Co-Captain  (4);  Mono- 
gram Club  (3,  4). 

Third  Row: 

Gregory,   Carl    Reeves 

Gresham,  Alpheus  Johnson,  Jr. 


Griffin,  Archie  Lee 


Griffin,  Maynard  Stuart 


Grimes,   William  Gardner 

A.B.   IN    POLITICAL   .SCIENCE.   Dailii   Tar  Heel    (1.   2.    3 
(1.  2.  3):  Tarnation  (U;  YMCA  (r.  2,  3). 


3,   4^  ;   Interdormitory  Council 





;    Glee  Club 

Grodsky,  Leonard  Herbert 

A.B.     IN     PSYCHOLOGY.    Phi    Beta     Kappa:    Phi    Etn 
Epsilon  Phi:  Playmakers   (1,  2,  3,  4);  YMCA   (1,  2.  3,  4 


Sigma ;    Tau 

Jfei^iiti^  ^ 

Page  72 



Fh-ff  Row: 

Gross,  Edward  Bailey 

Harrisburg,  Pa. 

A.B.  IN  RELIGION.  St.  Autlionii  Hall;  Class  Officer.  President  (2): 
German  Club  (2,  3) ;  Gimghoul  (2,  3,  4) ;  Golden  Fleece  (3,  i) ;  Grail 
<2.  3,  1) :  Interfraternity  Council  (4) ;  Order  of  Old  Well  (3,  4)  ; 
Orientation  Committee  (2);  Soccer  (2,  3):  Student  Council  (3.  4); 
Student  Government  Officer,  Secretary-Treasurer  (3);  Student  Legis- 
lature  (1.   2.   3):   NROTC;    Amphoterothen;   Scabbard  and  Blade. 

Haire,  Edgar  Bennett 


Hall,  Margaret  Ellen 

Wake  Forest 

Moncks  Corner,  S.  C. 

Grubb,  Zane  Austin 


Gulledge,  James  Lee,  Jr. 

B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Pi  Kiipvu  Pin:  Band  (1); 
Glee  Club   (1,  2.   3i;   Interfraternity  Council    (1). 


B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Baseball  (1);  Dance  Com- 
mittee (3,  4):  Grail  (3.  41;  Interdnrmitorv  Council  (2.  31.  President 
(4);  Student  Legislature  (3.  4):  Dorm  President  (2);  Student  Govern- 
ment Executive  Council  (4);  Student  Party  (3,  4);  Interdormitory 
Council  Court  (2). 

Gutierrez,  Margaret  Elizabeth  Chapel  Hill 

A.B.  IN  EDUCATION.  Sigmn  Alpha  Iota:  Town  Girls'  Association 
(1.  2.  3),  President  (4). 

B.A.  IN  ENGLISH.  Kappa  Delta:  DaiUi  Tar  Hi'cl  (4) 
Yarketij  Yack  (4);  YWCA  (3,  4). 

Hamby,  George  W. 


Hamilton,  Donald  James 

A.B.  IN   ART.  Sinma  Phi  Epsilon : 
Monogram  Club  (4);  ROTC. 

Elizabeth  town 

Salyersville,  Ky. 
ition  (4) : 

Fairfield,  Conn. 

Band   (1,  2,  3,  4);  Baseball   (2,  3); 

Gurley,  Walter  Dallas,  Jr. 

Third  Rotr: 

Hanes,  John  Jacob  Charlotte 

A.B.  IN  HISTORY.  Sigma  Alpha  Epsilon. 

Haney,  James  Lawton,  Jr.  Glenwood 

A.B.  IN  HISTORY.  Phi  Beta  Kappa:  Alpha  Phi  Omega:  Golden  Fleece 
(.I,  4);  Order  of  Old  Well  (3.  4):  Playmakers  (1.  2);  Student  Legis- 
lature (3);  YMCA  (2,  3);  Lutheran  Student  Association  (I,  2.  3,  4). 
President  (3> :  Inter-Faith  Council  (2,  3.  4).  President  (3.  4);  Orien- 
tation Committee  (2), 

Habel,  Marilyn 

Alpha  Delta  Pi:  Cheerleader  (1.  2.  4);  Consolidated  University 
Student  Council,  Secretan-Treasurer  (3):  Order  of  Old  Well  (3.  4)'. 
Executive  Committee  (4);  Orientation  Committee  (4):  Town  Girls' 
A.ssociation  (1.  2,  3  -I I :  X'alkyries  (3),  Secretary  (4);  Women'.s 
Council  (2,  3,  4);  YWCA  (2.  3,  4),  President  (4);  U.  N.  Committee 
(3) :  Graham  Memorial  Board  of  Directors  (2) ;  BSU  (2.  3,  4) ; 
Orientation  Adviser  f3). 

Chapel  Hill  Harbin,  Ned  F.,  Jr. 

Anderson,  S.  C. 

Monogram  Club;    Soccer,   Head  Man- 

Second  Row: 

Haddock,  Samuel  Thompson 

A.B.  IN  CHEMISTRY.  Chi  Phi 
ager  (1). 

Haire,  Eddie  Eldridge  High  Point 

B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Alpha  Kappa  Psi:  Monogram 
Club  (3.  4);  Track  (1,  2,  3,  4), 


A,B,  IN  SPANISH,  Kappa  Alpha.  Officer  (2):  Track,  Varsity  (1,  2); 
YMCA  (3,  4),  President  (4);  AFROTC  Band,  Drum  Major  (1,  2); 
AFROTC  (1,  2,  3,  4);  Student  Government  Audit  Board  (2);  UMOC 
(2);  Spanish  Club  (2,  3,  4),  Vice-President  (4);  President's  Executive 
Committee  (4), 

Hardeman,  Louise  Stone 

.\.B.  IN  ENGLISH. 

Harley,  Donald  Lee 

Chapel  Hill 

Haddonfield,  N.  J. 

Harney,  Beverly  Ruth  Nyack,  N.  Y. 

B.A.    IN    HISTORY.    Basketball.    Chairman     (3)  ;    Independent    Coed 
Board,  Secrelarj-Treasurer  (4;. 

Page  73 


First  Row: 

Harrison,  Samuel  Carlyle                                             Durham 

Harper,  Curtis  Vinson                                          Albany,  Ga. 

B.S.   IN   BUSINESS   ADMINISTRATION.   Kappa  Sigma;   Sheiks    (2.   3. 
4);  University  Club  (3). 

Harper,  Thomas  Wingate                                         Snow  Hill 


A.B.  IN  SOCIOLOGY.  Glee  Club  (3):  YMCA   (1,  2,  3>. 

Hart,  Franklin  Augustus,  Jr.                        Honolulu,  Hawaii 

A.B.  IN  HISTORY.  Alpha  Tau  Omega:  Lacrosse  (2);  13  Club  (2); 
NROTC  (1);  Semper  Fidelis  (3,  4). 

Hart,  Sidney  Allen,  Jr.                                                 Kinston 

Harris,  Anne  Stewart                                        Sewanee,  Tenn. 


A.B.   IN    ZOOLOGY.  Alpha    Gamma   Delta:   YWCA    (3,    4);    Orchestra 
(4>:  Canterbury  Club  (3.  4). 

Third  Rotr: 

Harris,  Arlen  Gwyn                                          Winston-Salem 

A.B.  IN  COMMERCE.  Sigma  Chi;  Band  (1,  2). 

Hartford,  Carolyn  Gwyn                                Martinsville,  Va. 

Harris,  George  Davis                                                Henderson 

A.B.  IN  POLITICAL  SCIENCE.  Alplia  Delta  Pi:  SUAB  BOARD  (3,  4); 
YWCA.  Cabinet  Member. 

B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Phi  Beta  Kapp<i:  Band  (1,  2). 

Hartsell,  Charles  Jacob,  Jr.                                          Oakboro 

Harris,  Janet                                                                Raleigh 


A.B.    IN    JOURNALISM.    Delta   Delta   Delta;    Dance    Committee    (3); 
Student  Entertainment  Committee  (3);  YWCA  (3);  SUAB  (3). 

Hartsell,  Otis,  Jr.                                                     Kannapolis 

Second  Row: 

B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Gymnastics  (2,  3).  Co-Captain 
(4);  Monogram  Club  (2,  3,  4). 

Harris,  John  Henry,  Jr.                                       Norfolk,  Va. 


Hartzog,  Delores  Ann                                                   Raleigh 

A.B.  IN  ENGLISH.  Delta  Delta  Delta;  Cheerleader  (4);  Splash  Club 
(3,  4);  Tennis  Team  (4);  Golf  Club;  Women's  Council.  Summer  Ses- 
sion;  Yaeketp  Yack  Beauty  Court  (3);  YWCA   (3.  4);  Football   (3,  41. 

Harris,  Snethen  Philip,  Jr.                                      Henderson 


Hathcock,   Bobby  Garvin                                                 Badin 

A.B.  IN  POLITICAL  SCIENCE.  Football  (2);  Golf  (1). 

Harrison,  Mary  Jane                                     Montgomery,  Ala. 

A.B.    IN    SOCIOLOGY.   Kappa  Delta.   President    (4);    DaOij   Tar   Heel 
(4);  YWCA   (3,  4);  Panhellenic  Council. 

Haughton,  Gerald  Lawrence                                       Charlotte 




Hauser,  Richard  Fairell 


ma  Pi;   YMCA    (1. 

Hawes,  John  R.  B.,  Jr. 

A.B.  IN  RADIO.  Sigma  Phi  Epsilon:  Communications  Club  (3.  4); 
Interfraternity  Council  (2,  3,  4) ;  Interfrafernity  Court  (3.  4) ;  Editor. 
Interfraternity  Handboolt  (4):  Student  Legislature  (2,  3);  Audit 
Board  (4);  WUNC  Staff  (3,  4);  Orientation  Counselor  (4);  University 
Party  (2.  3.  4). 

Hawfield,  Beverly  Mason 

Hawks,  William  Atwood,  III 

Hays,  Laura  Madura 

A.B.  IN  JOURNALISM.  Ch.i  Omega. 

Hayes,  Marion  Jean 

A.B.  IN  EDUCATION.  Card  Board  (3.  4):  DaUy  Tar  Heel  (3); 
Orientation  Advisor  (4);  VWCA  (3).  Cabinet  (4);  Modern  Dance 
Club  (3,  4). 

Washington,  D.  C. 

man   Club    (3)  ; 

Mount  Airy 

Baseball     (2); 


Secoud  Row: 

Headlee,  James  Orndoff 


3),    President    (4); 

Heard,  Connie  Anne  Kirkwood,  Mo. 

A.B.  IN  ENGLISH.  Alvha  Chi  Omega;  SUAE  Board  (3.  4). 

Helms,  John  Robert  Albemarle 

B.S.  IN   BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Theta  Chi:  Carolina  Political 
Union    (3);    Football    (2);   Lacrosse    (1);    Soccer    (I,   3);   YMCA    (3.  4). 

Helton,  Charles  Jerry  Yadkinville 


Helton,  Samuel  H.,  Jr.  Statesville 


Hendee,  Mary  Leigh  Atlanta,  Ga. 

A.B.  IN  ENGLISH.  Alpha  Delta  Pi;  VWCA  (3,  4). 
Third  Row: 

Hendrick,  Conan  Doyle,  Jr.  Shelby 


Hendrick,  Nell  Gold  Shelby 


Hernandez,  Francisco  Ernesto  Oriente,  Cuba 


Hethcock,  William  Hoover  Thomasville 

A.B.  IN  FRENCH.  Pi  Delta  Phi;  Glee  Club   (1,  2); 
Interfaith  Council    (2.   3);    Canterbury  Club    (2, 
Association  (3,  4). 

Hickman,  Charles  Wesley,  Jr.  Charlotte 


Hickman,  Eddie  Powell  Enfield 

A.B.  IN  PHILOSOPHY.  Pi  Kappa  Alpha:  Glee  Club  (2),  President  (4). 

Page   75 


Hicks,  Buck  Jones 



Hicks,  Mary  Alice 

A.B.  IN  HISTORY.  Chi  Omega,  President  (4);  Basketball  (3,  4); 
Consolidated  University  Student  Council  (3.  4) ;  YWCA  (3,  4) ; 
Hockey  Club   (3.  4);   Panhellenic  Council    (3,  4). 

Higgins,  Charles  William,  Jr.  Tabb,  Va. 

A.B.  IN  POLITICAL  SCIENCE.  Phi  Ginnmii  Deltri :  Cross  Country  (1, 
2.  3).  Captain  (4);  Monogram  Club  (3.  4);  Track  (1.  2,  3,  4). 

Hileman,  Bernie  Elizabeth 

A.B.  IN  EDUCATION.  Aliilia  Gammti  Ih 

Hill,  Eugene  David,  Jr. 


Hill,  Harriet  Fleming 

A.B.  IN  SOCIOLOGV.  Plii  Mu:  Orientati 

Second  Row: 

Holder,  Brooks  Corneilious,  Jr. 


Holland,  Dwight  Myers 

A.B.  IN  ART. 



iiri  Alpliii  Kpxilon. 

Newnan,  Ga. 

Union  Grove 

Holleman,  Jane  Blue  Dublin,  Ga. 

AB    IN   RELIGION.  Iiflln   Drlta  Delta;  Golf  Club   (3,  4);  Orientation 
Advisor  (1);  SCAB  Board  (3,  4);  Dorm  Council  (3,  4). 

HoUiday,  Joseph  Gary,  Jr. 


Hollifield,  Bert  Edison 



HoUingsworth,  John  William     College  Heights  Estates,  Md. 

ThirJ  Row: 

Holmes,  Elise  Russell 


Fernandina,  Fla. 

Holoman,   Laura  MacDonald  Raleigh 

B  S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Card  Board  (3);  SUAE  (3,  4); 
YWC.\  13.  4):  Baptist  Student  Union;  Audit  Board. 

Holmes,  Fred  William  Wilmington 

B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  .\DMINISTRATION.  Delta  fiigma  Pi. 

Holt,  Andrew  S.,  Ill  Chapel  Hill 

B.S.    IN    BUSINESS    ADMINISTRATION.    Phi    Eta    SifDiia:    Wrestling 

Holt,  Doris  M. 


Chapel  Hill 
Holt,  William  Bruce,  Jr.  Durham 

A.B.  IN  SOCIOLOGY.  Baseball  (1.  2,  3.  4);  Interdorniitory  Council 
(I):  Monogram  Club  (2.  3.  4);  Dorm  President  (41;  Arnold  Air 
Society  (3,  4);  University  Club  (4);  AROTC  (1.  2,  3.  4);  Scabbard 
and   Blade  Honorary  Society   (4). 



Page  76 


First  Row: 

Homes,  Garland  Richard 

A.B.    IN    ZOOLOGY.    Phi    Gam 
(1,  2.  3.  i). 

Honeycutt,  Martha  Neal 

A.B.  IN  EUL'CATION.  Alpha  Gumma  Delta:  Glee  Club  (4);  SUAB 
Board  (3,  4);  Yacketu  Yark  (3);  YWCA  (4);  Future  Teadiers  of 
America  (4);  WAA  Council  (3,  4);  Canterbury  Club  (3). 


Delia:    Basketball    (I,    2);    13    Club 

Oak  Ridge 

Hood,  Roger  Alan 

Chestnut  Hill,  Pa. 

A.B.  IN  POLITICAL  SCIENCE.  Chi  Psi,  President  (4) ;  Interfraternity 
Council  (2,  3,  4);  Men's  Council  (4);  Track  (1);  Orientation  Coun- 
selor (2,  3). 

Hook,  Robert  Franklin 

B.S.  IN  PRE-MED.  Kappa  Siijma;  Gymnastics  (1). 


Hoots,  Sidney  Francis  Winston-Salem 

A.B.  IN  POLITICAL  SCIENCE.  Sigma  Chi;  Orientation  Counselor  (2). 

Hoover,  Melba  Beck  Winston-Salem 


Second  Ro!r: 

Hoover,  Richard  Lindsay  Winston-Salem 

B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Card  Board  (3,  4). 

Hopkins,  Edmund  Baxter  Winston-Salem 

A.B.  IN  CHEMISTRY.  Pi  Kuppa  Phi. 

Hoppe,  H.  Allan  Charlotte 


Home,  Nancy  Oalene  Norton,  Va. 

A.B.  IN  PSYCHOLOGY,  .ilpha  Gamma  Delta;  N.  C.  Student  Legis- 
lature (3);  Orientation  Chairman  (4);  Student  Legislature  (3);  SUAB 
Board  (3),  President  (4);  Valkyries  (3),  Treasurer  (4);  YWC.\  (3,  4); 
Glee  Club  (3)  ;  WAA  Secretary  (4). 

Horton,  Phin,  III 


Phi    Assembly    (1.    2);    Student    Ciovernment    Officer 
Legislature  (3,  41 ;  Amplioterothen   (3,  4);  IKC  Court  Cha 
Attorney  General  (3). 

Houghton,  Anthony  John 

Newark,  N.  J. 

Third  Row: 

House,  Walter  Odesly 


A.B.    IN    ZOOLOGY.    Pi    Kappa    Alpha;    Interfraternity    Council     (3); 
Swimming  (1);  13  Club  (3). 

Howard,  Carl  Fisher 


Howard,  Charles  Summerill 


Howard,  Florence  Katherine 


Howard,   Wiley  Perry,   III 

A.B.  IN  ENGLISH.  Carolina  Quarterly  (1);  Glee  Club  (1,  2);  Canter- 
bury Club  (2,  3,  4),  President  (4);  Elections  Board  (1,  2);  ACU  (3,  4). 


YWCA   (4);   Press  Club 




Fuquay   Springs 

Hoyle,  Edna  Dell 

Page  77 


Firsl  Row: 

Hubbard,  Robert  Leroy  Washington,  D.  C. 

B.S.    IN    PHYSICS.   Tennis    (1,    3);    Qiess   Team    (1,    3,    4),   President 
Soutliern  Intercollegiate  Chess  Association  (3.  4). 


Snow  Hill 


B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  BSU  Treasurer  (3);  Christian 
Education  Committee,  Chairman  (4). 

Hudgins,  John  Simeon 

A.B.  IN  EDUCATION.  Phi  Eta  Sigma. 

Hughes,  James  R. 


Hughes,  Robert  Adam 

Huie,  Anne  Pressly 

A.B.  IN  EDUCATION.  Alpha  Gamma  Delta;  SUAE  Board  (4):  Y'WCA 
(3,  4),  Cabinet  (4);  Westminster  Fellowship  (3,  4);  Young  Democrats 

Humber,  John  L. 

A.B.  IN  MUSIC.  Glee  Club  (3,  4);  YMCA  (3,  4). 


Second  Row: 
Hursh,  Paul  David 

Hutchins,  Frederick  Strickland 

Port  Washington,  N.  Y. 


B.A.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Sigma  Alpha  Epsilon;  Foot- 
ball (I);  Interfraternity  Council  (3,  4):  N.  C.  Student  Legislature 
(3);  Orientation  Committee  (3.  4);  University  Club  (1.  2.  3,  4). 
Vice-President  (4);  Minataurs  (2,  3.  4);  AFROTC  (1,  2);  Modern 
Dance  Club  (1,  2,  3,  4). 

Ingle,  John  Robert 

Siler  City 

A.B.  IN  HISTORY.  Phi  Beta  Kappa;  Card  Board  (1,  2);  Con- 
solidated University  Student  Council  (4) ;  Interdormitory  Council 
(2.   3).   Treasurer    (3);   Student  Legislature    (3.   4);   NSA    (3). 

Ingram,  Samuel  Talmage 


B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Alpha  Kappa  Psi;  Band  (2, 
3);  Dance  Committee  (4);  Interfraternity  Council  (2);  University 
Club  (1.  2.  3);  YMCA  (1,  2,  3);  Wesley  Foundation. 

Ivey,  James  Lindsey  Norwood 

A.B.  IN  EDUCATION.  Wesley  Foundation  (3) ;  Tar  Heels  and  Toes  (2). 

Jackson,  Henry  Clayton,  Jr. 


A.B.  IN    POLITICAL  SCIENCE.   Pi  Kappa   Alpha.   President    (4);    In- 
terfraternity  Council    (3,   4);    Orientation   Committee    (4). 

Third  Row: 

Warsaw  Jackson,  Joanne 


A.B.   IN    ENGLISH.   Alpha   Gamma   Delta;   SUAB   Board    (3);    West- 
minster Fellowship,  Secretary  (4). 

Jackson,  John  Hilton  Decatur,  Ga. 

A.B.  IN  JOURNALISM.  Kappa  Alpha:  Yackety  Yack  (1);  YMCA   (1). 

Jackson,  John  Payne 

Eau  Gallic,  Fla. 

B.S.  IN  MATHEMATICS.  Pi  ilu  Epsilon;  Grail  (3,  4);  Order  of  Old 
Well  (3,  4):  Tracli  (1);  Canterbury  Club  (1,  2,  3,  4).  Treasurer  (3): 
Episcopal   Student   Vestry    (2,   3),  Chairman    (3);    NROTC   Rifle   Team 

(I.  2,  3,  4). 

James,  Alvin  Douglas 

B.A.  IN  CO.MMERCE.  Alpha  Kappa  Psi. 

James,  Robert  Wayne  Elkin 

A.B.    IN    EDUCATION.    Arnold    Air    Society;    Scabbard    and    Blade; 
Football  (1). 

Jenkins,  Gaston  Justice  Shelby 

B.A.  IN   POLITICAL   SCIENCE.   Theta   Chi;  Glee  Club    (I,   2);    Soccer 

Ip       fP       P 

Page  78 



First  Row: 

Jente,  Katherine  Elizabeth  Chapel  Hill 

A.B.  IN  MUSIC.  Sigma  Alpha  Iota,  President  (3);  Phi  Beta  Kappa; 
Delta  Phi  Alpha;  Glee  Club  (2,  3),  President  (4);  Order  of  Old  Well 
(3,  4):  Town  Girls"  Association  (1):  Splash  Club  (1). 

Jernigan,  Jerry  O'Dell 

A.B.  IX  ZOOLOGY.  Fencing  (1.  2,  3). 

Johnson,  Carolyn  Miree  Norfolk,  Va. 

A.B.  IN  PHYSICAL  EDUCATION.  Alpha  Delta  Pi;  Orientation  Com- 
mittee (4);  Tennis  Club  (3,  4):  Women's  Council  (3):  YWCA  (3,  4); 
Women's  Athletic  Association,  President   (4). 

Johnson,  Earl,  Jr. 


A.B.  IN  POLITICAL  SCIENCE.  Zeta  Psi;  Lacrosse  (1,  2,  3.  4)  ;  Mono- 
gram Club  (2,  3,  4);  Sheiks  (2,  3,  4i:  Philosophical  Society  of  1789. 
President  (4). 

Bogota,  Colombia,  S.  Am. 

3,  4);  YWCA  (3): 

Johnson,  Gennifer  Owen 

Johnson,  Thomas  Milton 

B.S.  IN  MEDICINE.  Phi  Eta  Sigma;  Phi  Beta  Kappa. 

Second  Row: 

Johnston,  Bennie  McBane 


Jones,  Alice  Venable 




r     (41  ;    SUAE 

Jones,  Jo  Anne 


A.B.  IN  HISTORY.  Alpha  Gamma  Delta;  Orientation  Adviser  (4): 
Tarnation  13):  University  Club  (3,  4);  YWCA  (3.  4),  Cabinet  (4>: 
House  Council  (3,  4). 

Jones,  Newton  Stuart 

Winston- Salem 

A.B.  IN  RELIGION.  Cosmopolitan  Club  (4);  Dailu  Tar  Beel  (1,  2): 
Phi  Assembly  (2):  YMCA.  Treasurer  (3.  4);  Inter-Faith  Council. 
Treasurer  (3,  4);  Campus  Chest  (3,  4),  Chairman  (4):  Westminster 
Fellowship  (2,  3,  4);  State  Student  Legislature  (i);  Young  Demo- 
cratic Club  (4). 

Duxin  Jordan,  Samuel  Thomas 

Arlington,  Va. 

A.B.  IN  HISTORY.  S(.  Anthotit/  Hall;  Track  (1,  2.  3,  4);  Interfra- 
ternity  Council  (2);  Monogram  Club  (2,  3,  4);  'Wrestling  (1):  13 
Club  (2.  3.  4). 

Joyce,  Samuel  Irvin,  Jr.  Raleigh 

A.B.  IN  POLITICAL  SCIENCE.  Delta  Sigma  Pi. 

Third  Row: 

Julian,  Charles  Ernest  Salisbury 

B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Phi  Eta  Sigma;  Delta  Sigma 

Jurczak,  Janice  Dorrine 

Endicott,  N.  Y. 

B.S.  IN  MEDICAL  TECHNOLOGY.  Chi  Omega,  Officer  (4) :  Glee  Club 
(4) ;  Orientation  Adviser  (41  :  SUAE  Board  (3.  4) ;  YWCA  (3.  4) ;  New- 
man Club  (3.  4);  Student  Party  (3,  4). 

Justus,  Larry  T. 

-\.E.  IN  RADIO.  Communications  Club  (3,  4). 


Kalin,  Byron  S.  Hendersonville 


Kane,  Richard  Eugene 

Wooster,  Ohio 

B.S.  IN   BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Kappa  Sigma,  President   (4); 
Interfraternity  Council  (4);  Sheiks  (2,  3,  4);  YMCA  (4). 

Kearsley,  Edward  Wearn  Raleigh 


Page  79 


Kelley,  John  Lawrence 

A.B.  IN  SOCIOLOGY.  Newman  Club  (1,  2,  3.  i). 

Kelly,  Matthew  Thomas 


Kelly,  Patricia 


Kennedy,  Jane  Patricia 

A.B.  IN  FRENCH.  Delta  Delta  Delta:  YWCA  (3,  i). 

Sharpsville,   Pa. 


Arlington,  Va. 


Kester,  Julia  Ryan  Winston-Salem 

A.B.   IN   EDUCATION.  Chi  Omega;   YWCA    (3,    4);   Sigma  Chi   Sweet- 
lieart  Court. 

King,  Gerald  Walker  Winston-Salem 

B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Interdormitory  Council  (3,  4) ; 
Soccer    (1);    Interdormitory   Council    Dance   Committee    (3),   Chairman 

Second  Raw: 

King,  Judy  Savannah,  Ga. 

A.B  IN  ENGLISH.  Delta  Delta  Delta:  Orientation  Committee  (4); 
YWCA  (4);  Panhellenic  Council  (3),  President  (4);  Student  Execu- 
tive Committee  (3,  41;  .\FKOrC  Sponsor  13,  1);  May  Day,  Co-Chairman 

King,  Norma  Evelyn 

Chapel  Hill 

A.B.  IN  ELEMENTARY  EDUCATION.  Alpha  Delta  Pi:  Glee  Club 
(2,  3);  Independent  Coed  Board  (2):  Orientation  Committee  Advisor 
(4);  Town  Girls'  Association  (3,  4);  YWCA  (3.  4);  Panhellenic 
Council    (4);    Interfailh   Council    (4);    Baptist   Student    Union    (4). 

Kirkman,  Julian  Max  Greensboro 

B.S.   IN    BUSINESS   AD.MINISTRATION.   Fencing    (1.   2,   3,   4);   YMCA 

Kirstein,   Lillian   Leonna 


Kittner,  William  Hirsch 


Kocornik,  Richard  Wilborn 

B.S.    IN    .MATHEMATICS.    Alpha     Tau    Omega:    Football     (2,    : 
Monogram  Club   (3,  4);  PLC  Program;  Semper  Fidelis  Society. 

Black  Mountain 


West  Orange,  N.  J. 

Third  Row: 

Kynoch,  Ralph  Kirkland 


Lackey,  Norris  Dixon,  Jr.  Shelby 

A.B.   IN    EDUCATION.   Kappa  Alpha:   Class   Officer    (2);    Football    (1, 
2,  3.  4) ;  Monogram  Club  (2,  3,  4). 

Lampert,  Ronald  Marvin 

B.S.  IN  MEDICINE.  Zeta  Beta  Tau. 

Long  Beach,  N.  Y. 

Red  Hook,  N.  Y. 

Landauer,  Judith  Ann 

A.B.  IN   SOCIOLOGY.  Chi  Omeffu;   SUAE  Board    (4);   YWCA    (3,   4); 
AFROTC  Spon.sor  (3,  4). 

Lassiter,  Cornelia  Rich  Square 

A.B.  IN  HISTORY.  YWCA  (3,  4);  Splash  Club  (3). 

Latham,  Mrs.  Alice  Patterson  Waycross,  Ga. 


Page  80 


Latham,  Joseph  Roscoe,  Jr. 

New  Bern 

Kootball,    Assistant   Manager    (3) ;    Canterbury 

Law,  Dorothy  Ellis 

Greenville,  S.  C. 

A.B.   IN   RADIO.  Chi  Omeiia;  Cheerleader    (i) :   Communications  Club 
(3.  4) ;  University  Club  (4)  ;  YWCA  (41. 

Leary,  Billy  Gray  Edenton 

A.B.  IN  POLITICAL  SCIENCE.  Glee  Club  (41:  YMCA  (3,  4). 

Ledbetter,  Charles  McKinnon  Mount  Gilead 

B.S.  IN  INDUSTRIAL  RELATIONS.   TUftd   Chi;  Carolina  Foruii 

University    Club 

Lee,  John  Winstead 

A.B.  IN  JOURNALISM.  Theta  Chi. 

Lee,  Katherine  Currie 

13,    4):    YMCA    (4): 
Rocky  Mount 


B.S.    IN   EDUCATION.   Alpha   Delta   Pi;  Eta   Delta;   Card   Board    (41; 
Glee  Club  i3):   Yuckety  Vack  (3):  YWCA  (3,  41. 

Secund  Row: 

Leek,  Sara  Thomasville 

A.B.  IN  MATHEMATICS.  Pi  Beta  Phi;  Orientation  Committee:  YWCA. 

Leonard,  David  Brian  Wrightsville  Beach 

B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Daili/  Tar  Heel:  Yacketii  Yack. 

Leonard,  Robert  Cowan  Charlotte 


Lerner,  Samuel  Lincolnton 


Leverette,  Maurice  Deane,  Jr.  Fayetteville 

A.B.  IN    EDUCATION.   Band    (1.   2,   31  ;   Cosmopolitan   Club    (1);   Dailij 
III-  Heel  (1);  YMCA   (1.  2.  3):  Students  for  Democratic  Action  (1,  2); 
1-uture  Teachers  of  America  (41. 

Levin,  Ronald  Frank 


A.B.  IN  PSYCHOLOGY.  Tau  Epsilon  Phi;  Phi  Beta  Kappa;  Phi  Eta 
Sii/ma:  Band  (ti:  Cross  Country  (I);  Daily  Tar  Heel  (3,  4);  Glee 
Club  (41 :  Gymnastics  (2). 

Third  Row: 

Levine,  Alvin  Ellis  Rockingham 

B.S.  IN  COMMERCE.  Tau  Ep.iilon  Phi;  Debate  Council   (3.  4j:  Debate 
Squad  (3,  4). 

Lewis,  Miriam  Lillian  Chapel  Hill 

A.B.  IN  ENGLISH.  Sig/na  Alpha  Iota;  Town  Girls'  Association    (1,  2, 
.1.  41  :  YWCA  (3,  41 :  BSU  Council  (J,  3,  41. 

Libby,  Carol  May  Raleigh 

A.B.    IN    RADIO.    Kappa    Kappa    Gumma;    Orientation    .\dvisor    (4|- 
WUNC  (3.  4):  Stray  Greeks  (3).  Vice-President  (4). 

Lindler,  James  H.  Sherrills  Ford 

B.S.  IN  CHEMLSTRY.  Alpha  Chi  •<i(jmii. 

Lindley,  Charles  Clinton,  Jr.  Chapel   Hill 

A.B.   IN    BOTANY.   Glee  Club    (1);   Playniakers    (3,    4):    YMCA    (1     ■' 
3.   4);   Student  Party   (2,  3);   Dance  Club    (1,   4);    UN   Representative 

Lindsey,  Thomas  E. 

Great  Neck,  N.  Y. 

A.B.   IN    ECONOMICS.  Siiima   Phi  Epsilun;   Card   Board    (3     (|-   Intc 
fraternity  Council   (41;   YMCA   (1,  2.  3.  41. 

O     P     p 


Page  81 



First  Row: 


Linville,  Mary  Ruth 

A.B.    IN    ART.    Independent    Coed    Board    (3);    Orientation    Advisor; 
SUAE  Board   (4):   YWCA   (3.   4):   House  Council    (3.   4). 

Little,  Carolyn  Joan  Concord 

A.B.  IN   ENGLISH.  Ktippa  Delta:  Student  Legislature   (3.   4):   YWCA 
(3.  41  :  Panhellenic  Council  (4). 

Little,   Don   J.  Charlotte 

B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTKATION.  Alpha  Kappa  Psi:  Gymnastics 
(2):  Charlotte-Carolina  Club  (1.  3.  3,  4). 

Little,  William  Edward 


Littlejohn,  William  Lawrence,  Jr. 

B.S.  IN  MEDICINE.  Sigma  Phi  Epsilon. 

Decatur,  Ga. 

Lloyd,  Beth 

B.S.   IN   .MEDICAL  TECHNOLOGY.  Pi   Beta   Phi:  Class  Officer    (1 
Glee  Club  ( 1 i . 

Second  Row: 

Lloyd,  David  Andrews  Chapel  Hill 


Lloyd,  Thomas  Henry,  jr.  Chapel  Hill 

A.B.  IN  ENGLISH.  Delta  Phi  Alpha;  Carolina  Qtiarterli/  (2).  Editor 
(3):  Debate  Squad  (3,  4);  Di  Senate  (3.  4);  SUAB  Board  I3I  ; 
Laestrygonian  Chowder  and  Marching  Society  (3,  4). 

Loftin,  Dalton  Hartwell 



London,  Arthur  Hill,  III 

Long,  Robert  McDonald 


Long,  Walter  Nathaniel,  Jr. 

A.B.  IN  CHEMISTRY.  Baptist  Student  Union 

Third  Row: 
Lovingood,  Paul,  Jr. 

A.B.  IN  GEOGRAPHY,  tiii/ma  (iamma  Epsilo 

Lovings,  Lewis  Edward 


Chapel  Hill 

Di    Senate    (1.   2i; 


Chapel  Hill  Lowet,  Henry  Augustus 








!    (4 

);    Dance  Club 


A.B.  IX  HISTORY.  Phi  Beta  Kappa;  Alpha  Phi  Omega;  Arnold  Air 
Society:  Di  Senate  (2.  3.  4),  President  (4);  North  Carolina  Student 
Legislature  (2,  3,  4);  Orientation  Counselor  (2);  Order  of  Old  Well 
(3,  4);  Student  Council  (3.  4);  Student  Legislature  (1,  2,  3):  SUAB 
Board  (3);  YMCA  (3,  4);  United  Nations  Club.  Chairman  (3.  4): 
Intra-Mural  Manager  (1);  Student  Party  (1,  2.  3,  4).  Chairman  (1,  4); 
Hillel    (1.   2.   3.    4);    .\niphoterothens;    Young   Democratic  Club. 

Lowery,  Mary  Louise  Atlanta,  Ga. 

A.B.  IN   EDUCATION.  Pi  Beta  Phi:  Tennis   (31  :   YWCA.  Cabinet    (4). 

Lowery,  Genevieve  Pembroke 

B.S.  IN  MEDICAL  TECHNOLOGY.  Independent  Coed  Board  (4)  : 
YWCA  141 ;  Wesley  Foundation. 

Luckey,  William  Lee 

B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  adminigtkahon. 



Mann,  Etta  Rose 


Lyon,  Gene  Fleming  Rocky  Mount 


Lyon,  Herman  Trevilian  Durham 

Lynn,  Clabe  Webster,  Jr.  Petersburg,  Va. 

A.B.  IN  CHE.MISTRY.  Interdormitory  Council  (3). 

A.B.  IN  SOCIOLOGV.  Cosmopolitan  Club  (3) ;  Glee  Club  (3.  4)  ; 
Interdormitory  Council  U)  ;  SUAE  Board  (3);  Hillel  Cabinet  (3.  4); 
Iiiterfaith  Council  (4). 

Marbry,  Don  Lee  Badin 

B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Baseball  (1.  2,  3,  4);  Mono- 
gram Club  (2,  3.  4);  Soccer  (1);  YMCA  (1,  2.  3.  4). 

Marger,  Bruce 

Coral  Gables,  Fla. 

B.S.  IN  ACCOUNTING.  Phi  Beta  Kappa;  Alpha  Phi  Omega;  Beta 
Gamma  Siijma;  Phi  Eta  Sigma;  Daily  Tar  Heel  (I);  Debate  Council 
(2.  3,  41:   Debate  Squad  (1,  2,  3.  4);  Order  of  Old  Well  (3.  4);  SUAB 

Lynn,  Jennie  Shermaine 

Savannah,  Ga. 

A.B.  IN  ENGLISH.  Pi  Beta  Phi;  Card  Board   (3,  4);   DaUu  Tar  Heel 
(3.   4);   Glee  Club    (3);   SUAB   (3,   4):   YWCA    (3,   4). 

Third  Row: 

Mack,  Charles  Lewis 

Mooresville  Marks,  Catherine  Rebecca 

B.S.    IN    BUSINESS    ADMINISTRATION.    Alpha    Kappa    Psi;    Phi    ilu 
Alpha:  Band  (1.  2.  3.  4):  Newman  Club  (1,  2,  3.  4). 

Macy,  Charles  Thomas  Morehead  City 

A.B.  IN  CHEMISTRY.  Beta  Theta  Pi:  Glee  Club  (1,  2). 

Martin,  Elizabeth  Anne 

A.B.  IN  ENGLISH.  Alpha   Delta  Pi;  SUAB   (41 


High  Point 

Second  Row: 

B.S.  IN  COMMERCE.  Kappa  Alpha;  Basketball  (1);  Track  (1). 

Malone,  Mildred  Lloyd 



Marshburn,  Wilbur  Wayne                                    Greensboro 

A.B.  IN  MATHEMATICS.  Phi  Delta  Theta. 

Maness,  Vernon  Elvin,  Jr. 



Mason,  Paul  DeWitt                                          Detroit,  Mich. 

B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Lacrosse  (1,  2). 

Mangum,  Lonnie  Wyatt,  Jr. 



Kappa  Ps 


Mason,  William  Russell                                         New   Bern 

A.B.  IN  ART. 

Page  83 




4)  ;     Wesley 

Masters,  Janice  Carol 

B.S.     IN     BUSINESS     AD 
Foundation  (3,  4). 

Matthews,  Joe  Carroll 


Matthews,  Wade  Bynum 

A.U.  IN  /.OOl.OUV.  Ciinsolidated  University  Student  Council  (3), 
Cliairrnan  (4);  Debate  Council  (2.  3,  4);  North  Carolina  Student 
Legislature  (2.  3.  4);  Plii  Assembly  (1.  2,  3,  4),  Spealier  (4);  Student 
Legislature  (2,  3) ;  Amphoterothen  Society  (3,  4) ;  Elections  Board 
(3) ;  Student  Party. 


Mattox,  Frederick  Taylor 

A.H.    IN    PRELAW.    Sii 
Board  (2.  3);  Johnston  i 

May,  Robert  Glenn 


Maydanis,  Peter  Nicholas 


Second  Row: 

Maynard,  Harriet  Valerie 


b    (2)  ;    Card 


Fredericksburg,  Va. 

Delta.    President    (4);    SCAB 

Maynard,  James  Walter 


B.S.  IN  MAriiI';M.\TICS.  /-In  lUimmn  Delta:  Delta  Phi  Alpha:  Phi 
Kill  Siymii:  liaiHc  (iiniiiiillcc  CI.  t);  Di  Senate  (2).  President  (3); 
Order  of  old  Well.  I'rcsiik-nt  (n;  Soccer  (1,  4);  Student  Leei.slature 
(2.  3):  VMCA:  AFKOTC;  Student  Audit  Board. 

McClellan,  Robie  Wayne 


McCollam,  John  Mason 

A.B.  IN  ECONOMICS.  Beta  Thetn  Pi:  Gorson's  Head. 

East  Bend  McCraw,  Carl  Greaves,  Jr. 

McCune,  Edwina  Clark  IN  .SOCIOLOC.V. 


Ellendale,  La. 


Soccer   (1 ) ;  Dorm 

Savannah,  Ga. 

Th/iil  Row: 

McDermott,  Paul  James,  Jr.  Chapel  Hill 


McDonald,  Betty  Sue 

Kershaw,  S.  C. 

A.B.  IN  HISTOKV.  Delta  Delta  Delta;  SUAB  (3.  4):  Women's  Resi- 
dence Council  131,  Summer  Session;  YWCA  (3.  4);  Student  Marshal 
(3);    Dorm   President    (3),    Summer  Session;    Orientation   Advisor    (4). 

McElrath,  John  Philip  Black  Mountain 

B.S.  IN  GEOLOGY.  Signm  Gamma  Epsiloii. 

McFall,  Walter  Thompson  Asheville 

A.  B.  IN  CHE.MISTKV.  Kappa  Sirjma :  Dailij  Tar  Heel  (1);  Orienta- 
tion Committee  (2.  3);  Student  Government  Officer  {2.  3.  4);  Stu- 
dent  Legislature    (2);    13   Club   (2,   3,   4);    University  Party.   Chairman 

McFalls,  Vernon  Wendell 


A.B.    IN    HI.'iTOKY.   Phi   Eta   Hiama :   Alpha   Epsilon    Delta:   Delta  Phi 

McFarland,  Betty  Jean 

Martinsville,  Va. 

3.    IN     HlSroR-i'.    Alpha    Delta    Pi:    Eta    Delta:    Glee    Club     (3); 
rketii  Yark  (3):  YWCA  (3.  4). 

Page  84 


McGee,  Frederick  Lee  Ft.  Myers,  Fla. 

A.B.   IN    POLITICAL   SCIENCE.   Daili/   Tar  Heel    (1);    Interdorinitoiy 
Council  (1);  Press  Club  (3.   t). 

McLendon,  John  Aycock 


B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Beta  Theta  Pi,  President  (4); 
Interdorniitorv  Council  (2);  Interfraternity  Council  (4);  Wrestling 
(1);  VMCA  (i.  2.  3.  4);  Campus  Chest  Board  (2). 


McLeod,  Betty  Jean 


McLeod,  George  Holliday  Florence,  S.  C. 

A.B.  m  CHEMISTRY.  Phi  Beta  Kappa;  Phi  Eta  Sigma;  Kappa  Alpha; 
President  of  Senior  Class  (3);  (irail  12,  3i;  Men's  Council  (1.  2). 
President  (3).  Chairman  (4);  Student  Covernment  Oificer  (2i:  Student 
Legislature  (1);  President's  Cabinet  (2):  Orientation  Committee  (2); 
Orientation  Counselor  (3). 

McMahon,  Gerold  Thomas 


McMillan,  John  Alexander,  III  Matthews 

A.B.  IN  HISTORY.  Sigmn  Alpha  EpsUon.  President  (4)  ;  Dance  Com- 
mittee (2.  3):  Cerman  Club  Executive  (2,  3);  CJinighoul  (3.  4): 
Interfraternity  Council  U);  Minataurs  (2,  3.  4). 

Second  Row: 

McMillan,  Thomas,  Jr.  Rocky  Mount 

A.  B.  IN   ENGLISH.  Pi  Kappa   Alpha;   Band    (2,   3):    Daily   Tar  Heel 
(3) ;  Glee  Club  (1,  2). 

McWhirter,   Anne   Shannon  Marshvillc 

A.B.  IN  ENGLISH.  Independent  Coed  Board  (4). 

Meacham,  Robert  Barnard 

Mebane,  Margaret  Anne 

A.B.  IN  SOCIOLOGY.  YWCA  (3.  4);  House  Council  (3.  4) 

Medford,  Hugh  Love,  Jr. 

B.S.  IN  CHEMISTRY.  Alpha  Chi  Sigma. 

Medlin,  Thomas  E. 

B.S.  IN  COMMERCE.  Football  (1,  2);  Grail  (3,  4). 
Third  Row: 


ity  Club    (3, 




Menius,  Mary  Lucille 

B.S.  IN  MEDICAL  TECHNOLOGY.  Independent  Coed  Board  (3); 
YWCA  (3). 

Mercer,  Mary  Lu  Baltimore,  Md. 

B.S.  IN  EDUCATION.  Alpha  Gamnw  Delta;  Glee  Club  (3);  YWCA 
(3,  4);  Newman  Club  (3),  President  (4);  Future  Teachers  of  America 
(4)  :  Interfaith  Council  (3,  4) ;  SUAB  Board  (4). 

Mewborn,  Ancel  Clyde 

A.B.    IN    MATHEMATICS.   Phi   Eta    Sign 
Epsilon;  YMCA  (3). 

La  Grange 

Phi  Beta   Kappa;   Pi  Mu 

Mewborn,  John  Moses  Snow  Hill 

A.B.  IN  EDUCATION.  Glee  Club  (I.  2). 

Meyer,  Herbert  Ivan  Richmond,  Va. 


Miller,  Arthur  Lee  Landis 


Page  85 



Miller,  Baxter  Hocutt,  Jr. 


B.S.  IN  COMMERCE.  Chi  Psi :  Football  (1);  Consolidated  University 
Student  Council  (3,  4) :  Dance  Committee  (3) ;  Interdormitory  Council 
(3);  Men's  Council  (2):  Orientation  Committee  (2);  Student  Legis- 
lature (3);  President  Graham  Dorm  (3);  NSA  Committee;  Vice- 
President  of  Student  Government    (4). 

Miller,  Bill  W.  Morganton 

B.S.  IN  COMMERCE.  P/ii  Beta  Kappa. 

Miller,  George  Washington,  Jr.  Spencer 

B.S.  IN  COMMERCE.  Track  (1);  YMCA  (1.  2,  3.  4). 

MiUer,  William  R.  Chapel  Hill 


Mitchell,  Donald  Edward  Ahoskie 

B.S.  IN  MEDICINE.  Sirima  Nil:  Band  (1) ;  Card  Board  (3K 

Mitchell,  Edward  Lee  Goldsboro 

Second  Row: 

Mitchem,  Rebecca  Bauer  Chapel  Hill 


Moehlmann,  Joel  Richland,  Pa. 

A.B.  IN  PSYCH0L0C;Y.  Alpha  Tan  Omega. 

Moff,   Jerome  William  Burlington 

B.A.  IN  MARKETING.  Pi  Lambda  Phi;  Dance  Committee    (3)  ;   Inter- 
dormitory Council    (2):   Interfraternity  Council    (2,   8);   YMCA    (2.  3). 

Molen,   Robert  Nelson  Greensboro 


Montgomery,  Elise  New  Haven,  Conn. 

A.B.  IN  ART.  Cosmopolitan  Club  (3.  4);  Glee  Club  (3i;  YWCA  (3. 
4);  Anthropology  Club  (4). 

Moore,  Eileen  Conroy  Norfolk,  Va. 

A.B.  IN  ELEMENTARY  EDUCATION.  Pi  Beta  Phi:  Orientation 
Adviser  (4);  SUAE  Board  (3,  4);  University  Club  (3,  4);  YWCA 
(3  1  ;  Newman  Club.  Officer. 

rlnrj  Roir: 

Moore,  Frank  Bunting  New  Bern 


Moore,  Grover  William  Burlington 

li.S.  IN  COMMERCE.  Hi(/inn  clii:  University  C!ub.  Treasurer. 

Moore,  Helen  Page 

Charleston,  S.  C. 

A.B.  IN  ENGLISH.  Delta  Delta  Delta:  Glee  Club  (3):  Swimmina. 
Splash  Club  (H;  YWCA  (3.  tl:  AFROTC  Sponsor  13,  4i:  Dormitory 
Officer  (3);  Student  AdvLser  (41;  Yark  Beauty  Section  (3). 

Moore,  John   Daniel 

Moore,  Mary  Anne 

Moore,  Roy  Neal.  Jr. 





1^      fv^       r^       r^ 


Page  86 



Motta,  Charles  Peter 

Moore,  Sara  Elizabeth 


Fair  Lawn,  N.  J. 

3.    4); 

A.B.   IX    RELIGION'.   Yacketij  Yack.  Co-Beauty  Editor    (3i.    Editor-in- 
Chief  (4);  Splash  Club   (3.    1);  Wesley  Foundation    (3). 

Moore,  Tommy  Harte 

A.B.  IX  COMMERCE.  Delta  Sigma  Pi. 

Moore,  Victor  Bailey,  Jr. 

Moorhead,  Robert  Burns 


Morin,  Edward  Charles 





Alpha;  Arnold  .Air  Society. 

Ludlow,  Mass. 

Mountcastle,  George  Coan  Winston-Salem 

A.B.   IX    EXGLISH.   Sigma   Alpha    Epsilmi :    Golf    (1.    2.    3.    4);    Mono- 
srani  Club  (3.  4i;  13  Club  (2,  3.  4>  ;  .\FROTC. 

Mullens,  David  Bobo 

Clarksdale,  Miss. 

B.S.   IX   BUSINESS   ADMIXISTRATIOX.  Sigma  Alpha  Epsilon;  Danoe 
Committee  (1 1 ;  Football  (2,  8.  4):  Monogram  Club  (3). 

Third  Row: 

Mumaw,   Barbara  Anne  Charlotte 

A.B.  IN  ART.  Alpha  Gamma  Delta:  Card  Board  (3.   4i :  SCAB  Board. 

Morris,  Robert  Kenneth 


Mundy,   John   Rawls 


Murad,  Joseph  Louis 

Second  Row: 

Morton,  Calvin  Luther,  Jr. 


Moser,  Buell  Edward 


Mosier,  Joe  Louis 



Phi   Beta    Kapiw:    Alpha    Epxilon 



Murchison,   Margaret   Anne  Raleigh 

A.B.  IN  ENGLISH.  Delta  Delta  Delta:  VWCA  (3.   ll. 

Murdock,  Thomas  Edward  Drexel  Hill,  Pa. 

A.B.  IN  ENGLISH.  Pi  Kappa  Alpha. 

Chattanooga,  Tenn.  Murphy,  Joanne 

Lookout  Mt.,  Tenn. 

n  /'^  r\ 


ilk   t 

Page  87 


Murray,  Nancy  Anne 


A.B.    IN    EDUCATION.   Delta  Delta   Delta:   Orientation    Advisor    (41; 

Haymakers    (3.    4);    Student  Legislature    (3);    SUAE    Board    (3,    4); 

Women's    Residence    Council  (3.     4);     Dorm    Presiflent     (4);     House 
Council  (3). 

Myers,  Mary  Catherine 

Myers,  Kenneth  Morton 


A.R.  1\  ED'TATIOX  TEACHING.  Delta  Delta  Delta:  Orientation  Com 
mittee  (4);  Women's  Honor  Council  (3),  Chairman  (4):  YWCA  (3,  4i; 
Varkitij  Yaik:  Valkyries  (4):  Pi  Mu  Epsilon   (4). 

Coral  Gables,  Fla. 

A.B.  IN  POLITICAL  SCIENCE.  Phi  Beta  Kappa:  Pi  Sigma  Alpha: 
Tau  EpsUon  Phi;  Debate  Council  (1,  2,  4>.  President  (3);  Debate 
Squad  (1.  2,  3,  4);  Fencing  (2),  Captain  (3):  Men's  Council  (2.  3); 
North  Carolina  Student  Legislature  (2):  Order  of  Old  Well;  Orienta 
tion  Committee;  Playniakers;  Student  Legislature;  Track  (I);  Hillel; 
Interfaitli  Council. 

Neal,  Carolyn  Hamilton  Asheville 

A.B.  IN  EDUCATION.  Siffmn  Pi  Alpha. 

Neal,  Robert  Stuart  Chapel  Hill 

A.B.  IN  JOURNALISM.  Theta  Chi:  Interfraternity  Council   (2.  3,  4). 

Neal,  William  Thomas,  Jr. 


A.B.  IN  JOURNALIS.M.  Phi  Theta  Kappa;  Sigma  Pi  Alpha:  Dailu 
Tar  Heel  (3);  North  Carolina  Symphony.  Publicity  Director  i3,  4): 
Interfaith  Council  (3). 

Needham,  Herbert  Curtis 

A.B.  IN  COMMERCE.  Delta  Sigma  Pi. 

Netherly,  Paul  Arnold 


Pilot  Mountain 

Nettles,  Jesse  Thomas,  Jr.  Chapel  Hill 

A.B.    IN    JOURNALISM.    Dailu    Tar    Heel    (3,    4) :    Baptist    Student 
Union;  Press  Club  (3). 

Newlin,   Catherine  Haw  River 

A.B.  IN  SOCIOLOGY.  Kappa  Delta:  VWCA  (3.  41. 

Newton,  Adrian  Jefferson,  Jr.  Raleigh 

A.B.    IN     POLITICAL    SCIENCE.    Phi    Delta     Theta;     Football     (1,    2, 
3.    4);    Monogram   Club    (2.   3,    4):    Track    (1.    2.    3.    4). 

Nicolson,  Annie  Russell 

Maspeth,  N.  Y. 

A.B.    IN   POLITICAL   SCIENCE.   Cosmopolitan   Club    (3);    VWCA    (3); 
Spanish  Club  (3.  4). 

ThnJ  Ron': 

Nixon,   Demetrios   Theo 


Noah,  Patricia  Ann 


Noland,  Jesse  Virgil 

Chapel  Hill 

a :    YWCA 



B.S.     IN     BUSINESS     ADMINISTRATION.     Alpha     Kappa     P. 
C{tuntry.  Manager  (2.  3);  Track.  Manager  (2). 

Noneman,  Walter  Louis,  Jr. 

B.S.  IN  GEOLOGY.  Phi  Gamma  Delta. 

Norris,  Maureen  King 

A.B.   IN    HISTORY.   YDC    (3.    4):    University   Party    (3,    4),   Executive 
Secretary  (4):  Yarkety  Yack,  Beauty  Editor  (4). 

Novit,  Mitchell  Sheldon 

Blytheville,   Ark. 

Walterboro,  S.  C. 

A.B.    IN    ENGLISH.    Phi    Beta    Kappa:    Zita  Beta    Tan,    President: 

Class    officer    (1);    Debate    Scjuaii    (1.    2,    3);  Interfraternity    Council 

(3.  4);   Student  Legislature   (2,  3);   Tarnation  (3);    University  Party; 


First  Row: 

Oglesby,  Harold  Franklin  Kinston 

B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Lambda  CM  Alpha;  Card 
Board  (2.  3):  Track  (1);  Arnold  Air  Society;  Student  Audit  Com 

Oliver,  Billy  Reid 


Lamhila  Chi  Alpha:  Card  Board    (2,  3);   Orientati( 

Oliver,  Mary  Keen 


Chatham,  Va. 


Olsen,  Daniel  Duncan 

Chapel  Hill 

B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Phi  Eta  Sigma:  Kappa 
Signuj;  Carolina  Forum  (4);  Interfraternity  Council  (1.  2,  3.  i) : 
AFROTC:   Interfraternity  Council  Court    (2.   3);    Choral   Club;    Tennis 

O'Connell,  Robert  Philip 

New  York,  N.  Y. 

.\.B.  IN  EDUCATION.  Phi  Eta   Sigma:   Phi   Beta   Kappa:   Orientation 
Counselor  (3). 

O'Neal,  Richard  Kenneth 


Osborne,  Karl  Ronald  Charlotte 


O'Sullivan,  William  Joseph  New  York,  N.  Y. 

olimt    Quarterly     (3)  ;    Daili/    Tar    Heel 

Owen,  Charles  Clifton,  Jr.  Salisbury 



B.S.     IN     BUSINESS     ADMINISTRATION.     Signui     Alpha     Epsiloii : 
CJorgon's  Head;  Slieiks;  Swimming  (I)  ;  YMCA  (1.  2.  3,  4). 

Pace,  John  Thomas  Walter 

Third  Row: 

Padgett,  E.  J.  Mapel   Hill 

A.B.  IN  SOCIOLOGY.  Phi  Eta  Sigma. 

Padgette,  Margaret  Howard  Chapel  Hill 

B.A.  IN  JOURNALISM.  Alpha  Delia  Pi:  Dailii  Tar  Heel  (2);  Glee 
Club  (2);  Town  Girls'  Association  (2,  3,  4);  Yackety  Yack  (2); 
YWCA  (2,  3,  4). 

Page,  Channing  Nelson,  Jr.  Southern  Pines 


Second  Row: 

O'Neal,  Wallace  W.  Creedmoor 

.\.B.  IN  POLITICAL  SCIENCE.  Phi  Kappa  Sigma.  President  (4); 
Interdormitory  Council  (2);  Interfraternity  Council  (4);  YMCA  (1); 
Dorm  Officer  (21. 

Onley,  Vernon  H. 

.\.B.  IN  HISTORY. 

Elizabeth  City- 

Page,  Earl  Mason 

Page,  William  Lee,  III 


Palmer,  Michael  Hamilton 

A.B.  IN  ENGLISH.  Siama  Pi  Alpha. 





Page  89 


Panton,  Richard  Tyler 


Pappas,  Savas  Harry 


Chapel  Hill 

Parham,  Lewis  Hillsman,  Jr. 

B.S.    IN    BUSINESS    ADMINISTRATION.    Lambda    Chi    Alpha;    Wres- 
tling (2.  3,  4)  :  Monogram  Club. 

Parish,  Joe  Garvey,  Jr. 

Sumter,  S.  C. 

B.S.   IN    BUSINESS   ADMINISTRATION.   Chi   Phi:   Wrestling    (I.   2). 

Parker,  Gerald  Corbett  Silverdale 

A.B.  IN  HISTORY.  Amplioterotlien ;  I)i  Senate.  President  U)  ;  Wee 
Club  (1);  Interdoriiiitorv  Council  (8.  I);  Student  Legislature  (3.  4): 
Weslev  Foundation  (1.  2.  3.  41;  Student  Party  (3.  4);  Young  Demo- 
crats Club  (3). 

Parker,  Ramon  E. 

B.S.  IN  CHEMISTRY.  Aliiha  Chi 

Second  Row: 

Parnell,  Thomas  Alfred 



Parramore,  Thomas  Custis  Winton 

A.B.  IN  PRE-LAW.  liaili/  Tar  HrrI  I3i;  Trinialion  (3):  NROTC. 

Parsons,  Betty  Belle 

A.B.  IN  SOCIOI.OCiY.  n  Beta  Phi:  YWCA. 

lasper,  Ga. 

Patseavouras,  Louie  L.  Rocky  Mount 

B.S.   IN    MATHEMATICS.  Phi  Eta   Sij/m" ;  Chi  Phi:  Cheerleader    (3); 

Class  Officer   (3);   Monogram  Club    (3.   4);   Order  of  Old  Well    (3,   4); 
Soccer  (1,  2,  3.  4);  Yackefu  Yack  (4). 

Patterson,  Ann 


Patterson,  John  Richard 

A.B.  IN  CHEMISTRY.  Beta  Theta  Pi:  Swimn 



ling  111 :  Track  (I). 

Third  Row: 

Patterson,  Mary  Elizabeth  Scotland  Neck 

A.B.  IN  EDUCATION.  Card  Board;  SUAB  Board;  YWCA. 

Patterson,  William  Stacy 


B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Delta  Kappa  Epsilon:  Gor- 
gon's Head  (3.  4);  Interfraternitv  Council  (2);  Men's  Council  (3.  4): 
Sheiks    (2.   3.    4);    YMC.\    (1);    Assistant   Manager  Football   Team    (2). 

Paturis,  Emmanuel  Michael 



Pawlik,  Harry  Albemarle 

A.B.  IN  PHYSICAL  EDUCATION.  Delta  Vpsilan:  Grail  (3.  4): 
Monogram  Club  (2.  31.  President  (4);  Order  of  Old  Well  (3.  4); 
Soccer  (1.  2,  3).  Co-Captain  (4):  Wrestling  (1,  2.  3),  Co-Captain 
(4):    Scabbard    and    Blade    (3.    4);    Arnold    Air    Society    (3.    4). 

Payne,  Garth  Howard 




Rocky  Mount 

Pearsall,  Harry  S.,  Jr. 

A.B.  IN  POLITICAL  SCIENCE.  7.ela  Psi :  Interdormitory  Counci 
(2.  31;  Interfraternity  Council  (4);  Orientation  Counselor  (3) 
Soccer    (li;    Student    Entertainment    Committee,    Chairman    (li. 




Fir't  Rote: 

Phillips,  Lewis  Allison                                          Chapel  Hill 

Peddycord,  John  William                                Winston-Salem 

B.S.  IN  PHYSICS.  YMCA  11.  2.  3.  1);  Baptist  Student  Union  (1.  2, 
:i.    n  ;   Pliysics  Club   (1.   2.   3.   4). 

B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTKATKIN.  I'hi  Assembly  (1). 

Phillips,  Walter  K.                                             Hendersonville 

Pelzel,  Miriam  Priscilla                             Charleston,  W.  Va. 

A.B.  IN  SOCIOLOGY.  VWCA   (1). 

.\.B.  IN  PSYCHOLOGY.  I'hi  Bftn  Kiivpu:  Basketball  (1);  Baseball 
(1.;  Class  Officer  (11:  <;lee  Club  (1):  MonoKram  Club  (4);  Track 
(1.  2.  i.  4). 

Penegar,  Kenneth  Lawing                                          Gastonia 

Pierce,  Diana                                                                Asheville 

A.B.  IN  HISTORY.  Kufva  Si'jmti :  Carolina  Forum  (2,  3):  Carolina 
Quarterly,  Associate  Editor  (1);  Consolidated  LTniversity  Student 
Council  (1.  2):  Di  Senate  (1.  2.  3.  4).  President:  Fencing  (1);  Glee 
Club  (1);  Golden  Fleece;  Grail  (:i.  4):  Interdormitorv  Council  (2): 
President's  Cabinet  (1,  2);  North  Carolina  Student  Legislature  (1.  2. 
3.  41.  President  (4):  Order  of  Old  Well  (3,  4):  Publications  Union 
Board;  Student  Government  Officer  (1.  2):  Student  Legislature  (1. 
2.  3):  SUAE  Board.  President  (3);  Tarnation  (1);  Yackett/  York. 
Assistant  Editor  (21:  Young  Democrats"  Club:  National  Student 
Congress  (3,  4) ;  Graham  Memorial  Board  of  Directors.  Chairman 
(3.  4):  NROTC:  Amphoterothen:  Student  Council  (4):  NSA  Dele- 
Rate  (3.  4). 

Penton,  Elizabeth  Ann  Wilmington 

A.B.  IN  EDUCATION.  Chi  Omega. 

Perryman,  Nancy  Anne  High  Point 

A.B.  IN  ELEMENTARY  EDUCATION.  Alpha  Gamma  Delta;  Dailii 
Tar  Heel  (3);  Glee  Club  (4);  Orientation  Advisor  (4);  SUAB  Board 
(4):  YMTA  (3.  4). 


Phillips,  Charles  Wiley,  Jr. 

Seciind  Row: 

Phillips,  Harr)'  Herman 


Chi,    President    (41; 


B.S.   IN   BACTERIOLOGY.   Alpha   Delta   Pi;   Splash   Club    (3.   4). 

Politis,  Murray  Greensboro 

B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Tan  Epsilon  Phi:  Inter- 
fraternitv  Council  (4) ;  Orientation  Counselor  (3) ;  University  Club 
(Ii:    Hillel    (1,   2.  3.   4);   Card   Board    (2). 

Poole,  John  McKee,  Jr. 


Third  Row: 
Potts,  Ervin  Rea 

A.B.  IN  .lOURNALISM.  .s-,(7iii/i  Chi:  Tennis  (3.  4). 

Potts,  Jerry  N. 


Presson,  Samuel  David 

B  S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Baptist  Student  Ui 

Price,  Fred  Avery,  Jr. 

A.B,  IN  SOCIAL  SCIENCE.  Delta  Upsilon:  Glee  Club  (3.  4i:  Grail 
(2.  3.  i):  Playmakers  (1):  Student  Government  Officer  (2.  3);  Stu- 
dent  Legislature    (2):   SUAB  Board    (3.   4):   YMCA    (1.   2.   3.   4). 

B.S.   IN   BUSINESS   ADMINISTRATION.   Chi  Psi;  Cross 
Interdormitorv  Council  (2.  3.  4):  Soccer  (1):  AFROTC. 

Price,  John  Frank 


Price,  Thomas  Arthur,  Jr. 



York   (2). 




Countrj'   (4) ; 


Page  91 



First  Row: 

Pridgen,  Edmond  Wallace 


B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Sigma  Nii:  Daily  Tar  Heel 
(1,  2);  Dance  Committee  (3.  4);  German  Club  Executive  (3,  4): 
Interfraternity  Council  (2);  Tarnation  (3);  Semper  Fidelis  Society 
(3,  4);  University  Party  (3). 


4);    Plii    Assembly    (3,    4); 

Pritchett,  James  Ronald 

A.    B.    IN    HISTORY.    C. 
■\'oun^   Democrats   Club    ( 

Pruss,  Barry  Gordon 

U.S.    IN    BUSINESS    ADN 
Committee    (3.    4);    Foot!)! 

Putzki,  Pauletta  Stirling 

A.B.   IN   SOCIOLOGY.  Alpha  Gamma  Delta;   YMCA    (3,   4);   Elections 
Board    (3);    Panhellenic    Council    (4);    Canterbury    Club    (3,    4). 

IN    BUSINESS    ADMINISTRATION.    Lambda    Chi    Alpha:    Dance 
Committee   (3,   4);   Football    (1.  2,   3.   4);   Track   (1.   2);   Air  ROTC. 

Westfield,  N.  J. 

Chi   Alpha:    Dance 
2);   Air  ROTC. 

Washington,  D.  C. 

4) ;   Elections 

(3,    4). 

High  Point 

Rabhan,  Harold  Jerome 


Randall,  Robert  Noble  Lincolnton 


Second  Row: 

Ransom,  William  Kay  Raleigh 

B.S.  IN  GEOLOGY.  Sir/tna  (Jan 

Ratliff,  Margaret  Jean 

Epsilon;  Track  (1). 

Redding,  Anna  Ingram 

Redding,  Ben  Grady 


Redmon,  Aubrey  Wilford 




U.S.     IN     Bl'SINESS     ADMINISTRATION.     Phi     Beta     Kappa;     Alpha 
Kai,,ia    P.ii.    President    (4);    Scabbard    and    Blade;    AFROTC. 

Third  Row: 

Reeves,  Martha  Weaver  Thomaston,  Ga. 

A.B.   IN   ENGLISH.  Alpha   Delta  Pi;   University   Club;    YWCA    (4). 

Register,  Marvin  Odell  New  Bern 

B.S.  IN  PHYSICS.  Pliysics  Club  (3.  41. 

Reid,  Claire  Virginia  Cullowhee 

A.B.  IN  ENGLISH.  Alpha  (iamma  Delta;  Alpha  Phi  Sigma;  SUAE 
(4);  YWCA  (3.  41;  Press  Club  (4);  House  Council  (3,  4);  Splash 
Club  (3). 

Reid,  Daniel  Raleigh 

A.B.  IN  DRAMATIC  ART.  Playmakers  (1.  2,  3.  4). 

Chesterfield,  S.  C. 

Rhodes,  Erskine  Lee 


Raymer,  Rose  Marie 

(3);    YWCA;    Young    Democrats 

Rhodes,  Harold  Bagley  Raleigh 

B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  AD.MIMSTR ATION.  Delta  Sigma  Pi. 

Page  92 


Rhoades,  John  Arlie,  Jr. 

Guilford  College 

BS  IN  lUSINKSS  ADMINISTRATION.  Card  Board  (3);  Cheerleader 
(4):  (■vimiastii-s  (3,  4):  Monogram  Club  (3,  4);  YMCA  (1.  2.  3,  4); 
Orientation    Counselor    (3);    AFROTC;    Weekly    Tar   Heel    (3). 

Rhodes,  Robert  Everett,  Jr. 

Elizabeth  City 

A.B.   IN   ENC;i,ISH.  Wesley   Foundation    (1,   2,   4);    Interfaitli  Council 


Ricks,  Garland  Stephenson  Conway 

B.S.  IN  BUSINE.SS  AUMINISTKATION.  YMCA  (1.  2,  3,  4). 

Ridge,  Jerrold  Alison 

Norfolk,  Va. 

B.S.  IN   BUSINKSS  ADMINISTRATION.  Pi  Kappa  Phi,  President   (4); 
Dance  Committee;  Interfraternity  Council    (3,  4);  YMCA   (1.  2,  3,   4). 

Rigas,   Lambros  C.  Charlotte 

A.B.   IN    P0LITIC.\L   SCIENCE.   Assistant    Football   Manager    (4). 

Riley,  Leslie  Walter,  Jr. 


Second  Row: 

Ritch,  Eugene  Kinsey 

A.B.  IN  RECREATION.  Chi  Phi. 

Chapel  Hill 


Roberson,  Nathan  Russell  Robersonville 

B.S.  IN  PHYSICS.  Phi  Beta  Kappa;  Phi  Eta  Sigma;  Physics  Club. 

Roberts,  Eugene  Leslie,  Jr. 

A.B.  IN  JOURNALISM.  Theta  Chi. 


Roberts,  Frans  Joseph 

Roberts,  John  Mason 


.Vi(.-  Band    (1.  2);  Phi  .Assembly   ii.  2); 

Robertson,  Jenkins  Mikell  Charlotte 

A.B.  IN  JOURNALISM.  Phi  Eta  Sigma;  WUNC  Staff. 

Third  Ron : 

Robertson,  Julia  Greenville,  S.  C. 

A.B.  IN  SOCIOLOGY.  .Alpha  Delta  Pi;  Women's  Residence  Board  (4). 

Robinson,  Jack  Richard  Valdese 

A.B.   IN   R.\DIO.   Interdormitory   Council    (3,    4);    Intramural   Manager 
(3);    AFROTC;    WUNC    StatT    (3.    4):    Carolina    Communications   Club 

(3.  4). 

Rodenbough,  Charles  Dyson 

Walnut  Cove 

.A.B.    IN    HISTORY.    Kappa   Alpha;   Debate   Council    (2);    Orientation 
Advisor    (4);    Phi    Assembly    (1,    2);    Student   Legislature    (1). 

Rodman,  Patricia  Blount 

Norfolk,  Va. 

A.B.   IN   ENGLISH.  Pi   Beta   Phi;   Dailil   Tar  Heel    (3):    SUAB   Board 
(31 ;    YWC.\    (3,   4):   Womans  Hand  Bouk    (3);   Canterbury  Club. 

Rogers,  Edith  Lillian 


A.B.   IN   ELEMENTARY   EDUCATION.   Kappa   Delta;   Glee  Club    (3); 
YWCA.  Cabinet   (4) ;   Canterbury  Club. 

Rogers,  Thomas  Edward,  Jr. 

Florence,  S.  C. 


^  ^^  t^  » '^k 

f»  a  if^  p 



Page  93 



First  Row: 

Rose,  Elliott  Martin  Durham 

B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Tau  EpsHoi,  Phi:  Card 
Board  (2);  Dance  Committee  (1);  Orientation  Advisor  (3);  VMCA; 
Hillel  (1.  2,  3.  41. 

Rose,  Sara  Williams 

A.B  IN  ENGLISH.  Pi  Beta  Phi:  Glee  Club  (2);  Town  Girls"  Associ- 
ation  (2.  3,  4);  University  Club  (2);  Women's  Council  (4);  Yackety 
Vack    (31;    YWCA,   Cabinet    (4i;    Panbellenic   Council    (4). 

Row,  Leslie  Howard  Wisconsin  Rapids,  Wis. 


Chapel  H 

Rowe,  David 

Hyattsville,  Md. 

A.B.  IN  HISTORY.  Alpha  Tan  Omega.  President  (4i:  I>ailu  Tar 
Heel    (2);    Glee    Club    (2);    Interfraternity    Couni-il    (4i. 

Ruffin,  William  Haywood,  Jr.  Durham 

.A.B.  IN  ENGLISH.  Phi  Beta  Kappa:  Phi  Eta  Siiimu:  Sigma  Alpha 
Epsilon:  Gimghoul  (3,  4);  Interfraternity  Council  (2.  3.  4):  Inter- 
fraternity Court  (3.  4)  ;  Student  Council  (4) ;  Student  Legislature 
(I,  2);  Orientation  Counselor  (3,  4). 

Rufty,  Jerry  D.  Salisbury 


Ssfiund  Row: 

Russell,  Joan  Anita  Kenmore,  N.  Y. 

A.B.  IN  SOCIOLOGY.  Kappa  Delta:  YWCA. 

Sampson,  Herman  Arthur,  Jr.  Greensboro 

B.S.   IN    BUSINESS   ADMINISTRATION.   Alpha    Kappa   P.-^i:    Band    (1. 

Samuel,  D.  G.,  Jr. 



Sanders,  Helen  Boykin  Charlotte 

A.B.  IN  ELEMENTARY  EDUCATION.  Delta  Delta  Delta. 

Sanford,  James  Kenneth  Enka 

A.B.    IN   JOURNALISM.   Dalii    Tar  Heel    (3,   4),    News  Editor;    Baptist 
Student  Union. 

Sapp,  Richard  Stewart  Reynolda 

B.S.    IN    BUSINESS    ADMINISTRATION.    Alpha    Phi  Omega:    Tennis 

Satterfield,  Neil  Boydston 

Atlanta,  Ga. 

A.B.  IN  SOCIOLOGY.  Chi  Phi:  Cosmopolitan  Club  (1);  Orientation 
Counselor  (3);  Track  (1);  University  Club  (2.  3,  4):  Wrestling  (1); 
AFROTC:  Scabbard  and  Blade. 

Sawyer,  John  Richard  Burlington 


Scarborough,  William  Kaufman  Annapolis,  Md. 

A.B.  IN  HISTORY.  Phi  Eta  Sigma:  Phi  Beta  Kappa:  Card  Board 
Ci.  41  ;  Di  Senate  (4). 

Schenck,  James  Simpson,  III 


A.B.  IN  ENGLISH.  Phi  Eta  Sigma:  Delta  Kappa  Epsilun,  President 
(4):  Daili/  Tar  Heel  (1,  2).  Business  Manager  (3,  4i;  German  Club 
(1.  2.  3).  President  (4);  Interfraternity  Council.  Executive  Committee 
(4):  Order  of  Old  Well;  Orientation  Counselor  (3.  4);  Publications 
1  Boar<l    (3.  41;  Sheiks  (3.  41;  NROTC;   Scabbard  and  B'ade   (4i. 


Schindel,  Sally  Lee 

Hagerstown,  Md. 

A.B.   IN    EDUCATION.   Delta    Delta   Delta;   Duilii   Tar   Heel    (3i;    CJlee 
Club  (3):  Splash  Club  (3):  YWCA. 

Schroeder,  Peter  Brett 


Silver  Spring,  Md. 

Page  94 


Seism,  Jack  Lamar 

A.B.  IN  JOURNALISM.  Tlutd  Chi.  President   (  + 

Scott,  Anne  M. 

A.B.  IN  ECONOMICS.  Di  Senate. 

Scott,  Betty  Jean 

New  York,  N.  Y. 

Scott,  Charles  Prioleau 

Seabrook,  Charles  Cunningham 


Club    (2,   3.    4) ;    Track 

Charleston,  S.  C. 

(1,    21;    Semper    P^idelLs 

Seaman,  Peter  George,  Jr. 

A.B.  IN  POLITICAL  SCIENCE.  Atfiha  Tuu  Omega. 

Second  Roil/: 

Seawell,  Howard  Carter,  Jr. 



Seawell,  Pat  Griffin 


A.B.    IN    POLITICAL    SCIENCE.    Alpha    Delta    Pi:    Yarketij    Yack. 
Graduate   and    Professional    Editor    (4):    V\VC.\    I3i:    House    Council 

<S,   41. 

Shaw,  Nancy  Carolyn 

St.  Petersburg,  Fla. 

A.B.  IN  EDUCATION.  Pi  Beta  Phi.  President  (4);  Women's  Honor 
Council  (3.  4);  Yuvketv  Yuck  (3);  YWCA  (3,  4);  Panhellenic  Council 
(3,  4). 

Shelton,  Charles  William  Mayfield,  Ky. 

B.S.  IN   BUSINESS   ADMINISTRATION.  Chi  Psi:  Daily  Tar  Heel   (2); 
Wesley   Foundation    (2,   3,    4);    Interfaith  Council;    Yackety   Yack   (4). 

Sherrill,  N.  Webb 

Bloomfield,  N.  J. 

Rocky  Point  S*^"^'  ^""^''l  >y 


A.B.  IN  ECONOMICS.  Carolina  Political  Union  (2.  3,  4);  North 
Carolina  Student  Legislature;  Phi  Assembly  (2.  3,  4);  Student 
Legislature  (2);  Debate  Squad  (3). 

Third  Rotr: 

Shields,  Julia  Elizabeth  Chapel  Hill 

AB  IN  FRENCH.  Alpha  Delta  Pi:  Pi  Delta  Phi:  Carolina  Quarterly 
(2  3,  4);  Order  of  Old  Well  (41;  Student  Lesislature  (3,  4);  Town 
Girls'  Association  (2,  3);  YWCA. 

Shockley,  Betty  Harris  Hudson 


Shore,  Donald  Hughes  Yadkinville 


Shore,  Ernie  G.,  Jr.  Winston-Salem 

B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Hiyma  Chi;  Basketball  (I); 
Interdorniitory  (2);  YMCA  (I). 

Showfety,  Raymond  Richard  Greensboro 

B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Phi  Eta  Sigma;  Phi  Beta 
Kappa;   Beta    Gamma   Sigma;   Interdormitory   Council    (4). 

Shuff,  Susan 

New  York,  N.  Y. 

A.B.  IN   FRENCH.   Hillel    (3,   4);   Student  Party    (3.   4);  Cosmopolitan 
Club  (3);  Film  Forum  (3,  4). 

Page  9i 


Sibley,  Thomas  Edward  Albemarle 

A.B.  IN  MUSIC.  Phi  Mil  Alpha.  President   (4):  Glee  Club  (1,  ->,  3.  i). 

Silvers,  Grace  Pickard 

Chapel  Hill 

B.S.     IN     BUSINESS     ADMINISTRATION.     I'h,     Bilci     Kupim;     Beta 
Gannua  Sigma,  President. 

Silvers,  Howard  Eliot  Baltimore,  Md. 

A.B.  IN  ENGLISH.  Pi  Lavttidn  Phi:   Tanuiti„n   (3,  4):   Tarkety  Yark 

Sluder,  Gary  Adkins 


A.B.  IN  POLITICAL  SCIENCE.  Theta  Chi;  Baseball   (1):  Card  Board 
(3.    4);    Interdormitory  Council    (3);    YMCA;    Semper   Fidelis   Society. 

Smiley,  Barbara  Daniel 


Smiley,  Thomas  Bryan,  Jr. 

B.S.  IN  PHYSICS.  Phi  Eta  Sigma. 

Smith,  Alvis  Everette 




Simon,  Lewis  S.  Augusta,  Ga. 


Skidmore,  Bob  G. 

Skillen,  Robert  Leroy 



A.B.  IN  CiEOLOGV.  Theta  Chi:  Baseball,  Manager  (1):  Card  Board 
(1,  2,  3),  President  (4);  Orientation  Counselor  (4);  University  Club 
(3.  4):  YMCA;  NROTC. 

ThirJ  Rote: 

Smith,  Charles  James  Raleigh 


Smith,   Kenneth   Royster,   Jr.  Raleigh 

B.S.   IN   BUSINESS   ADMINISTRATION.  Zeta  Psi;  Gorgon's  Head    (3. 
4):  Interfraternity  Council  (2);  Minataurs  (3,  4),  President  (2). 

Smith,  Patricia  Lou 

Hartford,  W.  Va. 

Second  Row: 
Sloan,  Ben  Leroy 


Slosman,  Benson  Esur 



Smith,  Stanley  Robert  Virginia  Beach,  Va. 

.\.B.  IN  JOURNALISM.  Siymu  Xu;  Monogram  Club  (4):  Order  of 
Golden  Bear  (2.  3).  President  (4):  Swimming  (1);  Tarnation  (3.  4); 
Tennis.  Manager  (3);  Yackett/  Yack  (3.  4). 

Smith,  William  Oliver,  Jr.  Raleigh 

A.B.  IN  HISTORY.  Kappa  Sigma. 

Smith,  Zebulon  Vance,  Jr.  Concord 


Page  96 



Smithwick,  Ollie  Macon,  Jr. 

A.B.  IN'  CHEMISTKY.  Fi  Kuppa  Alphn. 

Soo,  Liane  Yee 

Greenville,  SC 
Hong  Kong,  China 

Cosmopolitan    Club     (41  ; 

Souder,  Thelma  Louise  Westfield,  N.  J. 

A.B.  IN  EDUCATION.  Alpha  Delta  Pi:  Orientat;on  Advisor.  Program 
Cliairman  (4) ;  Yackety  Yack  (4)  ;  YWCA,  Cabinet  Member  (3.  4) ;  Vice- 
President  Spencer  Hall;  SUAB  (3.  4):  UNC  UN  Delegate  (3);  Campus 
Cliest  (3,  4):  University  Party  (3);  Valkyries  (4). 

Southern,   Lewis  Martin 


A.B.  IN  HISTORY.  Di  Senate  (4):  Fencing  Manager  (1);  Glee  Cub 
111:  Interdormitory  Council  (1) :  N.  C.  Student  Legislature  (3.  4) :  Stu- 
dent Legislature  (1,  2.  3):  Student  Paity  (1.  2.  3.  4).  Chairman  (3); 
Dorm  President  (1);  Elections  Board  (2);  National  Student  Congress 
(2.  3). 

Souweine,  Jean  Martin  Brussels,  Belgium 

A.B.  IN  ECONOMICS.  Alpha  Kappa  Psi:  Cosmopolitan  Club. 

Spangler,  Clemmie  Dixon,  Jr. 

Second  Rotr: 

Sparrow,  Nathaniel  Louis 

B.S.  IN  MEDICINE.  Phi  Beta  Kappa. 

Stacy,  Robert  Pinckney,  Jr. 



Alpha     Epsilon: 

Chapel  Hill 
Hartford,  Conn. 

Stanton,  Annabelle 


Washington,  D.  C. 

Starnes,  Dewey  Edward,  Jr.  Arlington,  Va. 

A.B.  IN  POLITIC.\L  SCIENCE.  Chi  Psi:  Daily  Tar  Heel  (1.  2.  3): 
Di  Senate  (3,  4):  Order  of  the  Golden  Bear  (2.  3);  Orientation 
Committee  (2);  Publications  Board  (4);  AFROTC  (1.  2.  3,  4); 
Carolina  Handbook   (1,  2,  3),  Editor   (2);  University  Party   (2,  3,  4). 

Starr,  Harold  Michael 

B.S.  IN  MATHEM.\TICS.  Zeta  Beta  Tan 

Steagall,  James  Gordon 

Jersey  City,  N.  J. 


ThM  Row: 

Steck,  Joseph  T.  M. 

Detroit,  Mich. 

A.B.    IN   COMPARATIVE   LITERATURE.    Carolina    Quarterly    (3.    4)  ; 
Lystragoaians  (2.  3,  4). 

Sumter,  S.  C. 

Steele,  Ted  Charles,  Jr. 

A.B.  IN  JOURNALISM.  Chi  Psi. 

Stephenson,  Ulus  Glendel  Erwin 

B.S.  IX  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Basketball  (3). 

Stewart,  Joseph  Benjamin,  Jr.  Marshville 

A.B.  IN  JOURNALISM.  Band  (3.  41  ;  Daly  Tar  Heel  (3). 

Stewart,  Mary  Parks 

A.B.  IN  ENGLISH.  Honors  in  English. 

Stinson,  Iva  Nichols 


Woodruff,  S.  C 
Chapel  Hill 

i  \ 


Page  97 


Stockard,  John  Roger  Greensboro 

A.B.   IN    DRAMATIC   ART.   Card   Board    (2);    Playmakers    (3,    4). 

Stokes,  Thomas  Murray,  Jr. 


A.B.  IN  ENGLISH.  Delta  Kappa  Epsilon;  Lacrosse  (1.  2,  3.  4);  Mono- 
gram Club  (2,  3.  4);  Wrestling  (1.  2,  3,  4):  13  Club  (3.  3.  4); 
NROTC:  Philosophical  Society  of  1779;   Semper   Fidelis  Society. 


Stoltz,  Walter  Alexander 


Stone,  Florence  Jane  Wrightsville  Beach 

A.B.    IN    PRIMARY    EDUCATION.    Dtlta    Delta   Delta:    House   Council 
(3);  Yarketi,  Yack  (4);  YVVCA  (3  1. 

Story,  William  Robert  Wilkesboro 

A.B.  IN  CHEMISTRY.  Phi  Beta  Kappa. 

Stoughton,  John  Eliot 

A.B.  IN  POLITICAL  SCIENCE.  Kappa  Sigma;  Orientation  Committee 
(4);  13  Club  (2,  3,  4). 


Second  Row: 

Stout,  Charles  Walter 

A.B.  IN  CHEMISTRY.  Alpha  Epsilon  Delta. 

Stout,  Mary  Anna 

A.B.    IN    ENGLISH.    Independent    Coed    B. 
Wesley  Foundation  (3). 

Stratford,  John  Baily,  Jr. 

B.S.  IN  COMMERCE.  Kappa  Siyiiia :  Minataurs  (2,  3,  4) 

High  Point 
Scott,  Miss. 

ird     (3);    YWC.\     (3.    4); 

Strauss,  Alfred  Carmichael 

B.S.  IN  COMMERCE.  Pi  Kappa  Phi. 

New  York,  N.  Y. 

Strause,  Samuel  Lewis 

A.B.  IN  ECONOMICS.  Tau  Epsilon  Phi 


Street,  Lucy  Ann  Chapel  Hill 

A.B.  IN  RADIO.  Delta  Delta  Delta;  Secretary  of  Class  (3.  4);  Com- 
munications Club  (3.  4);  Order  of  Old  Well  (3,  i);  Student  Legis- 
lature (2.  3);  Town  Girls'  Association  (I.  2);  Yackety  Yack  (2,  4); 
YWCA  Cabinet  (1.  2);  WUNC  Radio  Station  (3.  4);  Secretary  of 
University  Party  (2,  3);  Commencement  Marshal  (2);  Vice-President 
of  Delta  Delta  Delta  (4). 

Third  Row: 

Strickland,   George   Wier 

B.S.  IN  COMMERCE.  .Alpha  Kappa  Psi ;  Baseball  (I). 


Stuart,  John  Moore 


B.S.   IN   BUSINESS   ADMINISTRATION.   Alpha   Kappa   Psi:   Band    (1, 
2.  3,  4);  AFROTC  (1.  2):  Interfraternity  Council  (2). 

Stubbs,  Campbell  Lawrence 

Sumter,  S.  C. 

A.B.  IN  FRENCH.  Phi  Delta  Theta;  Fencing  (1,  2.  3,  4),  Captain  (3. 
4);  Orientation  Committee  (2);  Student  Legislature  (1);  Episcopal 
Student  \'estry. 

Stutts,  Luther  Odell  Raleigh 

A.B.  IN  COMMERCE.  Delta  Sigma  Pi. 

Styron,  George  Frank  Goldsboro 


Suddreth,  Elizabeth  Ervin  Raeford 

A.B.  IN  EDUCATION.  Kappa  Delta;  Card  Board  (3,  4);  SUAB  (3): 
YWCA  (3);  House  Council  (4);  WAA  Representative  (3.  4);  Uni- 
versity Club  Secretary  (3,  4). 

Page  98 


Sugg,  Herbert  Taylor 



Sugg,  Winfred  Lindley  Snow  Hil 

B.S.  IN  MEDICINE.  Sit/nia  .Vi(.-  Daihj  Tar  Heel  (3);  Taruation   (3). 

Sumner,  David  Spurgeon 


A.B.   IN    CHE^^STRY.   PId   Eta   Sinma;   Alpha   Epsilon   Delta:   Delta 
Phi  Alpha;  Phi  Beta  Kappa. 

Surratt,  Carlos  Paul  Toast 

A.B.    IN    ENGLISH.    Card    Board    (2):    Cross    Country    (1);    Student 
Legislature  (4);  Dorm  Officer  (2.  3). 

Swann,  Allen  Stokes 


Sweeney,  John  H. 



Gulfport,  Miss. 

A.B.   IN    ELEMENTRV    EDUCATION.    Delta    Delta   Delta;    YWCA    (3. 
4);  Glee  Club  (3). 

Second  Row: 

Taylor,  Barbara  Gebert 

Taylor,  Bernard  Montross,  Jr. 

A.B.  IN  BOTANY.  Glee  Club  (3). 

Taylor,  Cooper  Ellis,  Jr. 

Rehoboth,  Md. 

Taylor,  Elinor  Louise 

A.B.  IN  SOCIOLOGY.  Kappa  Delta;  Y^VCA    (3,  4) 
tive  (4). 

Radnor,  Pa. 

W.\A  Representa- 

Taylor,  John  Edmund  Cecil  Wheeling,  W.  Va. 

A.B.  IN  DRAMATIC  ART.  Phi  Eta  Higma ;  Dailti  Tar  Heel    (2.  3,  4): 
Playniakers  (1,  2.  3.  4). 

Taylor,  Richard  Leroy  Raleigh 

B.S.    IN    BUSINESS    ADMINISTRATION.    Phi    Eta    Sigma:    Phi    Beta 
Kappa;  Delta  Sigma  Pi;  Card  Board  (2,  3) :  AFROTC. 

Third  Row: 

Taylor,  Robert  Estes  Wilson 


Temple,  Joseph  Alton,  Jr.  Selma 

A.B.  IN  ENGLISH.  Card  Board  (2). 

Tenny,  Edwin  Wright,  Jr. 

Chapel  Hill 

A.B.  IN  EDUCATION.  Consolidated  University  Student  Council  (3) ; 
Daili/  Tar  Heel.  Associate  Editor  (3);  Grail  (3.  4):  Orientation  Coun- 
selor (3):  Student  Legislature  (2.  3):  Future  Teacliers  of  America, 
President:  Student  Party,  Chairman;  President's  Cabinet. 

Tesler,  Stanley  Arnold  Fayetteville 

B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Student  Legislature. 

Theiling,  Herbert  Bernard,  Jr. 

Camp  Director;  AFROTC. 

Raleigh  Thomas,  Perley  Andrew 


YMCA;   Freshman 
High  Point 

Page  99 


Firsl  Row: 

Thompson,  J.  Jid,  Jr. 

Atlanta,  Ga. 

A.B.    IN    ENGLISH.    tii;iinii    Alpha    Epsildii :    Ihiilii    Tar    Heel    (2);    Di 
Senate  {2 ). 


Thompson,  Joe  Wayne 

A.B.  IN   CHEMISTRY.   Band    (1,   2);    Ui   Senate    (1.   2,   3),  Officer    (I, 
2);  Wesley  Foundation  (1,  2.  3). 

Thorpe,  Sharron  Lyn  Miami,  Fla. 

A.B.    IN    ENGLISH.    Kappa    Delta;    YWCA    (3,    4);    Canterbury    Club 

(3,  4). 

Tighe,  William  Yancey 

Tilles,  Harvey  George 

A.B.  IN  HISTORY.  Tau  Epsilon  Plil. 

Timberlake,  Casper  Hill,  Jr. 

B.S.  IN  COMMERCE.  Sigma  Chi. 

Second  Row: 

Todd,  Jacob  Winston 


Baltimore,  Md. 

?onians   (3,  4). 

High  Point 

New  York,  N.  Y, 

Toledano,  Benjamin  Casanas  New  Orleans,  La. 

B.A.    IN    ENGLISH.    Uelta    Kappa    Epxilan :    Football    (1):    Track    (I). 

Townsend,  John  Leroy,  Jr. 


B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Phi  Delta  Theta,  Treasurer 
(4);  Interdormitory  Council  (1);  Orientation  Committee  (3);  Stu- 
dent Legislature    (4) ;   Dormitory  Officer    (2). 

Townsend,  Thatcher  L.,  Jr. 

B.S.    IN    BUSINESS    ADMINISTRATION.    Beta     TheUi 
Student  Legislature  (1,  2). 

Traynham,  Virginia  Caroline 

Triplett,   Roger  Burns 

B.S.  IN  COMMERCE.  Phi  Delta  Theta. 
Third  Row: 


Pi :    Lacrosse ; 


(4);    SUAB 


Turlington,  Virginia  Anne 


Delta:     SUAB     Board     (4); 

Turnbull,  Patricia  Schuyler  Washington,  D.  C. 

B.A.   IN   HISTORY.  Vhi  Oweya:  Basketball.  Girls'   Varsity    (3);   Dai'i/ 
Tar   Heel    (4);    Splash   Club    (3.    4);    YWCA    (3,   4);    Cheerleader    (4). 

Tyler,  Bruce  Wright 

B.S.    IN    CHEMISTRY.   Alpha    Chi  Sii/ii 

Tyndall,  Richard  Nathan,  Jr. 


Delta    Phi   Alpha:    Chi   Phi. 


Si'.ima:    Cross    Country     (11; 

Underdown,  Mrs.  Joanne  Floyd  Granite  Falls 


Ulmer,  John  Gordon,  Jr.  Hemingway,  S.  C. 

A.B.  IN  THILOSOI'IIY.  Lamlirla  Chi  Alpha:  V.MCA   (1.  2). 

Page  100 


Finl  Rou:- 

Underwood,  Ann  Eliza  Latrobe,  Pa. 

A.B.  IN  JOURNALISM.  Alpha  Gamma  Delta;  Daily  Tar  Heel  (3,  4); 
Orientation  Advisor  (4);  Tarnation  (3). 

Uzzelle,  Nancy  Bordeaux  Joiner,  Ark. 


Valentine,  Benedict  Charles  Bronxville,  N.  Y. 


Van  Den  Arend,  Hood,  Jr.  Flourtown,  Pa. 


Vaughan,  Joseph  Frederick 


Vernon,  John  Calvin,  Jr. 

A.B.  IN  ENGLISH.  Phi  Eta  Sigma;  fhi  Hila  Kumia. 
Second  Row: 


Phi  Eta  Sigma;  fhi  Btta  A'«/<j«i. 

Vestal,  Lynda  J.  Liberty 

A.B.   IN   ENGLISH.   Alpha   Delta   Pi:   Card    Board    (3.   4);    Glee   C!ub 
(3);    YWCA    (3,    4);    Woman's   Handbook    (S)  ;    House   Council    (3). 

Vinson,  Raphael  Williams 


Phi  Beta   Kapim;  Alpha   Epsilon 

Waddell,  Betty  Holliday  Enfield 


Walker,  Betty  Jean  Roopville,  Ga. 

A.B.  IN  ENGLISH.  YWCA  CJ.  I.:  Wesley  Foundation  (3.  4). 

Walker,  Johnny  Ralph 


Wallace,  Mary  Katharine 

A.B.  IN  EDUCATION.  Delta  Delta  Delta:  SUAB 
dence  Board  (4);  Orientation  .\dvisor  (I);  Ori 
(4);  WAA  (3,  4). 

Third  Row: 

Bessemer  City 

Goshen,  N.  Y. 


Wallace,  William  Carter 

A.B.  IN  POLITICAL  SCIENCE.  Zeta  Psi;  Baseball    (1);   Football   (4); 
Gimghoul  (2). 

Wannamaker,  Betty  Lou 

Pickens,  S.  C. 

A.B.  IN  ENGLISH.  Alpha  Delta  Pi;  Orientation  Advisor  (4) ;  SUAB 
Board  (3.  4) ;  University  Club  (4) ;  Elections  Board  (3,  4) ;  House 
Council   (4). 

Ward,  James  Robert 


Warren,  James  Rufus 


North  Charleston,  S.  C. 

A.B.  IN  POLITICAL  SCIENCE.  Theta  Chi.  Pre.sident  (4)  :  Inter- 
fraternity  Council  (4):  Orientation  Counselor  (4);  Semper  Fidelis 
Society    (4);    NROTC    (1,  2.   3.   4). 

Waters,  Charles  Maynard,  Jr. 

Florence,  S.  C. 

B.S.  IN  CHEMISTRY.  Phi  Eta  Sigma;  Kappa  Alpha;  Dance  Com- 
mittee (2.  3);  Orientation  Counselor  (3);  Student  Legislature  (2): 
University  Party  (1.  2.  3). 

Watkins,  Irvine  Beaufort,  Jr. 

A.B.  IN  CO.M.MERCE.  Zeta  Psi. 


Page  101 


First  Row: 

Watkins,  Lou  Ann  Henderson 

A.B.  IN  ENGLISH.  Knppa  Delta:  YWCA;  Panhellenic  Council  (4). 

Watkins,  Marvin  Daniel,  Jr.  Waynesville 

B.S.  IN  COM.MERCE.  Sigma  Chi. 

Watts,  Helen  Lee  Charlotte 

A.B.    IN    SCIENCE    EDUCATION.    Alpha    Chi    Omega;    Stray    Greeks 
(3,  4);  YWCA  (3,  4);  Young  Democrats  (3,  4);  House  Council   (3,  4). 

Wayne,  Edward  Anthony,  Jr.  Richmond,  Va. 


Wayne,  Herbert  Monteith,  Jr. 


B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Kappa  Alpha:  N.  C.  Stu- 
dent Legislature  (2);  Swimming  (1);  NROTC;  Scabbard  and  Blade 
(3,  4). 

Weatherspoon,   Van   Louis  Durham 

B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Phi  Delta  Theta:  Football 
(1.  2.  3.  1) :  Gorgon's  Head  (3,  4). 

Second  Row: 

Webb,  James,  Jr.  Greensboro 

A.B.  IN  ECONOMICS.  Alpha  Tan  Omega;  Sheiks  (2,  3.  41. 


Welch,  Earl  Parks,  Jr. 

B.S.  IN  MEDICINE.  Cross  Country  (1.  2.  3)  ; 

Wells,  Kenneth  Maxie,  Jr. 

B.S    IN    BUSINESS    ADMINISTRATION.    Glee    Club    (I):    Gymnastics 
(2);  BASAC  (3). 


Wettach,  John  Theodore 

Chapel  Hill 

A.B.    IN    POLITICAL    SCIENCE.   Sigma   Alpha   Epsilon;   Dance    Com- 
mittee   (2,   3);   Swimming   (1);   13  Club;   Traffic  Committee,  Chairman. 


Whisonant,  Joy  Laurice 

A.B.  IN  PHYSICAL  EDUCATION.  Basketball  (3):  Independent  Coed 
Board  (3,  4) ;  Swimming  (3) ;  Yacketij  Vack  (3) ;  Y'WCA  (3,  4) ; 
House  Council  (3,  4) ;  WAA  (3,  4). 

White,   Charles  Henry 

A.B.  IN  RADIO.  Band  (1.  2.  3);  Conui 


nications  Club  (4). 

Third  Ron- 
White,  James  Samuel 


White,  Michael  M. 



A.B.    IN    CHEMISTRY.    Alpha    Epsilon    Delta,    President    (3);    Si'jn 
\u;  Elections  Board  (4). 

White,  William  Glenn,  Jr. 


Whiteman,  Virginia 


Atlanta,  Ga. 

A.B    IN   SCIENCE  EDUCATION.  Delta  Delta   Delta:  Student  Adviser 
(I);    YWCA    (3,   4);    Splash   Club    (3):   Modern    Dance   Club    (4). 

Whitton,  James  G.  F. 

Larchmont,  N.  Y. 

B.S.  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Sigma  Alpha  Epsilmi.  Presi- 
dent (3);  Gimghoul  (3,  4),  President  (4);  Interfraternity  Council 
'2,  3);  Minataurs  (2.  3.  4):  Arnold  Air  Society  (3,  4);  Scabbard 
and  Blade  (1). 

Widoff,  Gerson  Fox 

Decrlicld,  111. 

A.B.  IN  ECONOMICS.  Alpha  Tau  Omega;  Phi  Eta  Siima ;  Daily 
Tar  Heel  (1);  Football  (I,  2):  Monogram  Club  (3.  4);  Swimming 
II.  2,  3,  4);  Track  (4);  Yackety  Yack  (3). 


Page   102 


Wilks,  Winton  George,  Jr.  Richmond,  Va. 

B.S.    IN    BUSINESS    ADMINISTRATION.    Pi    Knpim    Phi:    tilee  Chib 
(1,  i) ;  Interfraternity  Council  (3);  Soccer  (1). 

Williams,  Betty  George                                    Leesburg,  Fla. 

A.B.  IN  SOCIOLOGY.  Kappa  Delta;  YWCA  (3,  4). 

Williams,  Billy  Owen                                            Chapel  Hill 

B.S.  IN  F.DUCATIOX.  Football   (1,  2,  3.   4);   Monogram  Club   (1,  2,  3. 

Williams,  Florence  Ann  Washington 

A.B.  IN  JOURNALISM.  Playmakers  (3,  4) ;  YWCA. 

Williams,  James  Donald  Asheville 


Williams,  Robert  Patrick  Norfolk,  Va. 

A.B.  IN  RADIO.  Baseball  (3,  4)  ;  Monogram  Club  (4). 

Second  Row: 

Williamson,  Benjamin  Robert 

A.B.  IN  ECONOMICS.  Zefa  Psi. 


Williamson,  Jean  Bethell  Asheville 

A.B.  IN  HISTORY.  Delta  Delta  Delta:  Consolidated  University  Stu- 
dent Council  (4);  Student  Legislature  (3);  Splash  Club  (3.  4); 
Hockey  Club   (3.   4);    Yackety  Yack   (4);   Panhellenic  Council    (41. 

Williford,  Constance 

EDUCATIl.X.    Alpha    Gun 


Delta:    G'ee 

Willis,  James  Millard 

A.B.  IN  EDUCATION.  Vamlina  Qu 


rterly  (3) ;  YMCA  (3,  4). 

Wilson,  Cecil  H.  Black  Mountain 


Wilson,  William  Alexander  Raleigh 

B.S.    IN    BUSINESS    ADMINISTRATION.    Lambda    Chi    Alpha;    Card 
Board    (2,    3);    Football.    Manager    (1);    Track    (1);    University   Club 

(3,  4). 

Third  Row: 

Wimbish,  Charles  Thomas  Stoneville 

B.S.    IN    GEOLOGY.    Sigma    Gamma    Epsilon,    President;    University 

Winders,  Janyce  Wilkinson  Kenly 

A.B.    IN    EDUCATION.    Delta    Delta    Delta:     Yaekety    Yark     (3,    4); 
YWCA  (3,  4),  Cabinet  (4). 

Winstead,  Arthur  McKinnon  Roxboro 


Wolfsheimer,  Louis  Marcus 

Baltimore,  Md. 

A.B.  IN  POLITICAL  SCIENCE.  Zeta  Beta  Tan;  Class  Officer.  Presi- 
dent (3);  Lacrosse  (1,  2,  3,  4);  Monogram  Club  (2,  3,  4);  Order 
or  Golden  Bea''  (2,  3.  4).  President  (3);  Student  Government  Officer, 
Attorney  General  (4) ;  Student  Legislature  (3) :  Orientation  Coun- 
.selor  (4). 

Wood,  Elizabeth  Roberts 

A.B.  IN  ENGLISH.  Kappa  Delta:  YWCA  (3,  4). 

Wood,  Ellen  Elizabeth 


Princeton,  N.  J. 

A.B.     IN     SOCIOLOGY.     Dailii     Tar     Heel:     Plavmakers     (4);     SUAB 
Board  (3,  4);  Yackety  Yack  (3);  Student  Party  (3,  4). 

iii  I  Ki 

Page  10} 


Wood,  Matthew  Thomas 

A.B.  IN  CHEMISTRY.  Pi  Kavpa  Alpha:  Football  (2). 


Takoma  Park,  Md. 

IiKlepeiulent    Coeil     Board     (3,     4) ;     Student 

Wood,  Sara  Ruth 
A.B.   IN   socioloc;y. 

Legislature  (3) 

Woody,  Joe  Harris 

A.B.  IN  CHEMISTRY.  Atphti  Epsilun  Ilrltn. 

Woody,  W.  Ruffin,  Jr. 

A.B.    IN    JOURNALISM.    Daily    Tar    Heel     (1.    2 
Monogram  Club  (2,  3,  4);  Yackettj  Yack  (1.  2.  3). 

Wooten,  Dal  F. 


Worthington,  Davis  E. 


Bessemer  City 

)  ;    Lacrosse    (2) ; 


Wright,  James  Zebulon  Shelby 

A.B.    IN    EDUCATION.    SUAE    Committee    (4);    Yaeketij    Yrick    (4); 
Canterbury  Club  (3,  4):  Young  Democrat  Club  (4). 

Wright,  Robert  Lee  Charlotte 

B.S.   IN   BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION.  Phi  De'Ja   rhrtii:   Tennis    (1). 

Wright,  Sandra  Penn  Winston-Salem 

A.B.   IN    SOCIOLOGY.    Vhi   Omeijn:    Splash   Club    (3);    Tarnaiion    (3); 
Tanhellenic  Council  (4). 

Third  Row: 

Yates,  Charles  William  Burlington 

B.S    IN    BUSINESS   ADMINISTRATION.  Kappa   Alpha;   Cierman   Club 
Cii;  Student  Audit  Board.  14). 

Yale,  George  Maynard 



Second  Row: 

Wrenn,  Elinor  Lucy  Greensboro 

A.B.  IN  JOURNALISM.  Delta  Delta  Delta:  Card  Board  (3);  Cheer- 
leader (41;  Dailii  Tar  Heel  (3);  Orientation  Counselor  (4i;  Student 
Council  (3,  4) ;  "SUAB  Board  (3) ;  Tennis  (3) ;  University  Club  (4) : 
Yaeketu  Yark   (3);  YWCA   (3.  4),  Program  Chairman    (4). 

Wrenn,  William  James,  Jr. 

Glee  Club    (2 


VMCA    (I.    2. 


Wright,  Arnold  Lee 

A.B.    IN     SOCIOLOGY.    Phi    Eta    Hi'imu ;    Phi    Beta    Kappa;    YMCA: 
Wesley  Society. 

Yandle,  Earl  McManaway,  Jr.  Charlotte 

B.S.   IN   BUSINESS   ADMINISTRATION.  Pi  Su:   Daihi   Tar  Heel    (3). 

Yearley,  Jane  Elizabeth  Shaker  Heights,  Ohio 

AB  IN  POLITICAL  SCIENCE.  Kappa  Alpha  Tlieta;  Stray  Greeks: 
University  Club  (3.  4);  Women's  Residence  Board  (3):  Yackettj 
Yack  (4)";  YWCA  (3.  4):  Orientation  Counselor  (4). 

Yokley,  Jo  Ann 

A.B.  IN  ENGLISH.  Chi  Omega. 

Mount  Airy 

Yelverton,  Charles  Herbert  Smithfield 

A.B.  IN   PHYSICAL  EDUCATION.  Baseball    (4):   Monogram  Club   (2). 

Page   104 




Yopp,  Walter  Edward,  III  Wilmington 

A.n     IN    POLITICAL    SCIENCE.    Thcta   Chi;    YMCA. 

Younts,  James  Ronald  High  Point 

B.S.    IN    BUSINESS    ADMINISTRATION.    Phi   Beta    Kappa;    Football 
(1);    Monognim  Club   (3,   4);  Soccer   (2.  3,  4);   YMCA    (1.  2). 

Zachary,  Marcia  Anne 

Kesideiice  Board    (4);   YWCA    (3.   li; 

Zerden,  Howard  Gordon  Hickory 

A.B.    IN    POLITICAL   SCIENCE.   Pi   Liniibda    Phi;    Card    Board    12.   .•!. 
I);   Yiickelii  Yack   (2);   Hillel    (2,   3,  4). 

Page    105 

Junior  Class  Officers 

Jim  Fountain  President 


Eleanor  Saunders Social  Chairman 

Donna  Blair Secretary 

Carroll  Butts Treasurer 

Not  Pictured 
Bob  Grimes Vice-President 

Page  106 


W^e  come: 

two  years  behind  the  Freshmen  now  .  .  .  half -wise,  half-fooUsh  .  .  .  facing  early 
Saturdays  and  long  Sunday  afternoons  .  .  .  time  our  caretaker  .  .  .  education  our 
stern  keeper  .  .  .  many  outside  interests  .  .  .  flanking  for  the  first  row  of  Marriage 
and  the  Family  .  .  .  professional  card  players  sipping  a  stronger  tea  ...  no 
longer  too  young,  we  have  the  future  in  our  eyes  .  .  .  our  brisk  steps  indent  the 
soil  with  confidence  .  .  .  buildings  more  familiar  .  .  .  we  walk  on  .  .  . 

We  endow: 

campus  politicians  .  .  .  football  seasons  .  .  .  before  Sunday  escapades  with  still 
bare  Saturday  reveries  .  .  .  half-smoked  cigarettes  .  .  .  warm  donuts  at  the  Y' 
with  partially  filled  coftee  cups  scattered  over  the  pavement  .  .  .  the  before-lunch 
gab  .  .  .  enlistments  in  the  service  .  .  .  Korea-Kapers  .  .  .  November  intermission 
for  Dook  .  .  .  interviews  with  Kinsey  .  .  .  freedom  unlimited  ...  a  laugh,  a 
shout,  terrific  love  for  life  .  .  . 

\Y^e  come: 

dedicating  leaders  .  .  .  scholarship-shiners  .  .  .  government-givers  .  .  .  student 
activit)-  endless  .  .  .  remembering  dances  .  .  .  fraternit)-  pin  exchanges  .  .  .  exami- 
nation entries  .  .  .  term  paper  tardy  on  the  official  deadline  .  .  .  expectation  of 
the  years  .  .  .  the  Carolina  way  of  life  soon  becomes  the  only  way  .  .  . 



p  p  a  fTi  r  p 

'  ^  e^  p   O 

p»   C-  (?)  o  o 

mm.  \ 

A  P  ^'  ^  P 

/     4v 

Full  Riiu-:  Billy  Joe  Abercrombie,  Mount 
Holly;  Milo  Boiling  Abercrombie.  Sigma 
Alph.i  Eps/loii,  Greensboro;  Don  Earnest 
Ahernathy,  Stanley;  Jane  Louise  Abernathy, 
McAdenville;  Charles  Stanley  Ackerman, 
New  York,  N.  Y.;  Abdul  Razak  Adamjee, 
Karachi,   Pakistan. 

Second  Ron:  Daphne  Hunter  Adams,  NX'il- 
low  Springs;  Larry  Holbrook  Addington, 
Asheville;  Richard  N.  Adelsheim,  Ze!a 
Beta  Tau,  Pittsburgh,  Pa.;  David  William 
Aderholdt,  Si^ma  Phi  Epulon,  Charlotte; 
Mary  Virginia  Agnew,  Hendersonville; 
Joseph   Basil  Alala,  Jr.,  Greensboro. 

Third  Rote:  Robert  Davis  Aldridge,  L.imh- 
d.i  Chi  Alpha,  Phi  Ela  Sigma,  Burlington; 
Willson  Alexander,  Winston-Salem;  Grace 
Virginia  Alley,  Burlington;  James  T.  Alley, 
Goldsboro;  Bruce  Tyndall  AUigood,  Jr., 
Theta  Chi,  Washington;  Harry  Vernon 
Anderson,  Jr.,  Sigma  Chi,  Asheboro. 

FoKiih  Row:  Thomas  A.  Anderson,  Mor- 
ganton ;  Clinton  Toms  Andrews.  Jr.,  Theta 
Chi.  Hickory;  Patricia  May  Andrews,  Cran- 
ford,  N.  J.;  William  David  Andrews, 
Delia  Upsilon,  Augusta.  Ga.;  Donald  Gray 
Angell,  Winston-Salem;  Loyd  L.  Annas, 
Rutherford   College. 

Fijlh  Ron-:  John  M.  Archer,  Sigma  Chi, 
Franklin;  Jerry  Monroe  Arledge,  Kappa 
Alpha,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.;  James  Bentley 
Armstrong,  Hudson;  Alice  Harris  Asbury, 
Greensboro;  Virginia  Wallace  Ashburn, 
Virginia  Beach.  Va. ;  Katherine  W.  At- 
water,  Northampton,  Mass. 

Sixth  Rotr:  Barbara  Babb.  Fountain  Inn, 
S.  C. ;  Frederick  A.  Babson.  Jr.,  Wilming- 
ton; Allen  Louis  Bader,  Kappa  Alpha, 
Louisville,  Ky.;  Joseph  Edmonds  Bafford, 
Phi  Ela  Sigma,  Lexington;  Phyllis  Ann 
Bailey.  Louisburg;  Bonnie  Marie  Baker, 
Chi  Omega,   Carrboro. 

Seventh  Row:  Elizabeth  Castleman  Ball, 
Oak  Ridge,  Tenn.;  John  E.  Banner,  Kappa 
Sigma.  Mount  Airy;  John  D.  Barab.  Jr., 
Phi  Kappa  Sigma,  Atlantic  City,  N.  J.; 
John  Robert  Barden,  Newark.  N.  J.;  Karl 
Lee  Barkley,  Kappa  Alpha.  Raleigh;  Robert 
C.  Barlowe,  Lenoir. 

Eighlh  Row:  Peggy  Barnard.  Asheboro; 
lames  Lucas  Barnes,  Jr.,  Zela  Psi,  Wilson; 
William  Edwin  Barnes,  Jr.,  Delia  Kappa 
Epsilon.  Wilson;  James  H.  Barnhill,  Ply- 
mouth; Alban  Kmssley  Barrus.  Kappa 
Sigma,  Kinston;  William  H.  Bass,  III, 

Ninlh  Row:  Eula  Louise  Baumann,  Lake- 
wood,  Ohio;  Lacy  Gilmer  Baynes,  Greens- 
boro ;  David  Rozier  Beam.  Shelby;  Lewis 
Ray  Beam.  Bessemer  City;  Arthur  Franklin 
Bcamcr.  Mount  Airy;  Tommy  Floyd  Beard, 

Page  108 


First  Row:  F.  Barbara  Beasley,  Chi  Omega, 
Springfield.  Ohio;  Ralph  Grady  Beaver. 
Asheville;  Job  O.  Belcher.  Jr.,  Phi  K-ipP-' 
Sigma.  Phi  Eta  Sigma,  Norfolk,  Va.;  Helen 
E.  Bell,  Durham;  Henrietta  Bell,  Delta 
Delta  Delta.  Greensboro;  Robert  Fowler 
Bell,  Lambda  Chi  Alpha,  Washington. 

Second  Row:  Walter  Enos  Bell.  Jr..  Dur- 
ham; Sonia  Carolyn  Bergen,  Aiken.  S.  C.; 
Mary  Caroline  Bernard.  Pi  Beta  Phi,  Chevy 
Chase,  Md.;  Olga  Bernardin.  Charleston. 
S.  C;  Frank  Kibler  Berry.  Chi  Psi,  Mor- 
ganton;  John  J.  Beshara,  Greer,   S.  C. 

Third  Row:  Maurice  Waters  Blackwelder. 
Mooresville;  Sam  J.  Blackwood,  Chapel 
Hill;  James  Fred  Blake,  Jr.,  Phi  Kappa 
Sigma,  Hillsboro;  Eugene  Blair  Blanton. 
Gastonia;  Beverly  Blemker.  Alpha  Delta 
Pi,  Augusta,  Ga. ;  Donald  Eugene  Bolden. 

Fourth  Row:  Louie  Elario  Bonardi,  Delta 
Sigma  Pi,  Durham;  Ernest  Spurgeon  Booth. 
Jr.,  Durham;  Purabi  Bose,  Chapel  Hill; 
Betty  Joyce  Bostian,  China  Grove;  Philip 
E.  Bostian.  Landis;  John  Mitchell  Bowden. 

Fiith  Row:  Thomas  Walter  Brake,  Row- 
land; William  Andrew  Brandon,  Jr.,  Wil- 
son; Dorothy  Elizabeth  Branham.  Orlando. 
Fla.;  Ralph  Edmond  Branscomb,  Winston- 
Salem;  Carolyn  Coe  Brassell,  Tampa,  Fla.; 
VC'illiam  Tyler  Brawner,  Zeta  Psi.  Wash- 
ington, D.  C. 

Sixth  Row:  Bobby  Joe  Bray,  Thomasville; 
Eugene  Edward  Bray,  Beta  Theta  Pi.  Reids- 
ville;  William  Richard  Brewer.  Shelby; 
Thomas  Howard  Bridges.  Shelby;  Cary  Lee 
Broadway.  Chi  Psi,  Spencer;  Clayton  Ackiss 
Brock.  Bailey. 

Seventh  Row:  Cyrus  Lee  Brooks,  High 
Point;  Rachel  Newell  Brooks,  Roxboro; 
Barbara  Llewelyn  Brown,  Raleigh;  Vi'ayne 
G.  Brown,  Chi  Psi.  Jenkintown,  Pa.;  Her- 
bert Howard  Browne,  Jr.,  Sigma  Alpha 
Epsilon,  Phi  Eta  Sigma,  Columbia,  S.  C. ; 
Seth  Vernon  Brumley,  Jr.,  Sigma  Nii, 

Eighth  Row:  Alfred  S.  Bryant,  Zeta  Psi. 
Durham;  John  'VC'.  Bryant,  Zeta  Pn.  Spar- 
tanburg. S.  C;  Marion  C.  Buie.  Chi  Pn. 
Fayetteville;  Elbert  Rosser  Bunch.  Tyner; 
John  Herman  Bunch.  Jr..  Sigma  Phi  Epsi- 
lon. Clinton ;  Henry  Clinton  Burbridge, 
Chi  Phi.  Jacksonville,   Fla. 

Ninth  Row:  James  Vance  Burgess,  Burling- 
ton; Julian  Hubert  Burnett,  Burgaw;  Joseph 
Wesley  Burrell,  Washington,  D.  C;  Frank- 
lin Caldwell  Burris.  Lexington ;  George 
Harold  Butler.  Jr..  Hiwassee  Dam;  Ira 
Daniel   Butler,  Jr.,   Rowland. 

ilk  ' 

t        J   Hi 

Si       \ 

D   jr>   P 

■t^  f'   P  o  <? 

£i  p  f>  ^ 

Page  109 




1?^  f  O  ^i  ^i  ^ 

p  p  p  fr^  O  £^ 

^  ^  o 

First  Row:  Carroll  Jordan  Butts,  Atlanta, 
Ga.;  Eugene  Robert  Buyer,  Ze/a  Beta  Tati, 
East  Orange,  N.  J.;  Robert  D.  Byerly,  Beta 
Theta  Pi,  Winston-Salem;  Herbert  Aldon 
Callihan,  Jr.,  Lambda  Chi  Alpha,  Fayette- 
ville;  William  Morse  Calvert,  Pi  Kappa 
Alpha,  Norfolk,  Va. ;  Bradley  James  Came- 
ron,  Winston-Salem. 

Second  Row:  Edward  Truesdale  Campbell, 
Wilson;  Jerry  Austin  Campbell,  Pi  Kappa 
Phi,  Phi  Eta  Sigma.  Taylorsville;  John 
Kerr  Campbell,  Wilmington;  Maurice  Lewis 
Canaday,  Four  Oaks;  Franklin  Lamar  Can- 
non, Kannapolis ;  Constance  Carbaugh,  Roa- 
noke, Va. 

Third  Row:  Philip  Edward  Carroll,  Reids- 
ville;  B.  Joyce  Carter,  Lake  Junaluska; 
Sara  Cornelia  Cashwell,  Hope  Mills;  Lynn 
Fage  Chandler,  Morrisville;  Hugh  McMas- 
ter  Chapman,  Zeta  Psi,  Spartanburg,  S.  C; 
Joan  Marie  Chapman,  Wilmington,  Del. 

Fourth  Row:  Barbara  Carolyn  Chardkoff, 
lacksonvilie,  Fla.;  Joseph  Blount  Cherry, 
Sigma  N»,  Windsor;  Jean  Gray  Christian, 
Charlotte;  Joanne  Christian,  Delta  Delia 
Delta,  Smithfield,  Va.;  Linda  Gray  Clement, 
Raleigh;  Charlotte  HoUingsworth  Clement, 

Fifth  Row:  John  H.  Cline,  Morganton; 
William  Grimes  Clark,  III,  Delta  Kappa 
Epiitoii.  Tarboro;  William  Clarence  Clause, 
Sanford,  Fla.;  Roland  Elbert  Clemmons, 
Phi  Kappa  Sigma.  Atlanta.  Ga.;  Lorenza  T. 
Clinard,  Clemmons;  Barbara  Gwen  Cline, 
Chapel   Hill. 

5/.v//j  Row:  Laurence  Arthur  Cobb,  Chi 
Psi.  Massapegua,  N.  Y. ;  Floyd  Garland 
Coble,  Jr.,  Chi  Phi.  Greensboro;  Robert 
Sharpe  Cochrane,  Laurinburg;  Louise  In- 
man  Coffey,  Arlington.  Va.;  Phyllis  Ann 
Cogburn,  Candler;  Robert  Stephen  Colbert, 
Tail  Epsilon  Phi,  Omega  Gamma  Mii  lota. 
Washington,  D.  C. 

Seventh  Row:  John  Willard  Cole.  Phi  Delta 
Theta.  Oak  Park,  111.;  Benjamin  Kenneth 
Collins,  HiUsboro;  Charles  Avery  Connell, 
Pi  Kappa  Phi,  Raeford;  Wallace  Hedrick 
Conrad.  Greensboro ;  Amy  Catherine  Cooke, 
Bc-thseda,  Md.;  James  Wallace  Coon,  Kap- 
pa Sigma,   Bessemer  City. 

Eighth  Row:  Da\id  Booth  Cooper,  Alpha 
Tail  Omega,  Washington,  D.  C;  Vinton 
Kermit  Coor,  Pine  Level ;  Cuthbert  Mal- 
colm Copeland.  Tyner;  Patricia  Anne  Cor- 
bett,  S\van.sboro;  George  Franklin  Corl, 
Concord;  Benjamin  McLauchlin  Covington, 
Phi  Eta  Sigma,  "W'adesboro. 

Ninth  Rotv:  Cecil  Edmund  Cowan,  Mor- 
ganton; Horace  Baxter  Cowell,  Washing- 
ton; Malcolm  A.  Cox,  Jr.,  Kinston;  Walter 
Crabtree  Converse.  Sigma  Chi.  Spartanburg, 
S.  C;  June  Estelle  Craft.  Pfafftown;  Marcia 
Crane,  Pi  Beta  Phi.  Orlando,   Fla. 

Page  no 


First  Row:  Edward  Kochtitzky  Crawford, 
Sigma  Atpkt  Epsilon,  Winston-Salem; 
Hazel  Bridges  Crawford,  Ponte  Vedra 
Beach,  Fla.;  Thomas  Claiborne  Creasy, 
Sigma  Alpha  Epsilon,  Gretna,  Va.;  Max 
Henry  Crohn,  Jr.,  Pi  Lambda  Phi,  Ashe- 
ville;  James  Garland  Crouch,  Jr.,  Phi 
Gamma  Delta,  Jacksonville;  Martha  T. 
Crowell,  Hendersonville. 

Second  Row:  Richard  Archer  Croxton,  Jr., 
Phi  Gamma  Delta,  Danville,  Va.;  James 
Slade  Crumpton,  Roxboro;  Barbara  Darlene 
Currin,  Dunn;  Beverly  Hart  Currin,  Olivia; 
Mary  Virginia  Currin,  Meredithville,  Va.; 
Ronald  David  Current,  Winston-Salem. 

Third  Row:  William  Ange  Current,  Kappa 
Sigma,  Gastonia;  Ronald  Moore  Daniels, 
Sea  Level;  Patricia  Bagley  Daniels,  Ra- 
leigh; Pete  Poole  Daniels,  Wanchese;  Carl 
Dann,  III,  Phi  Delta  Theta,  Orlando.  Fla.; 
Mary  Anderson  Davenport,  Timmonsville, 
S.  C. 

Fourth  Row:  Elizabeth  Caroline  Davis, 
Brevard;  James  Campbell  Davis,  Waxham; 
Myra  Ann  Davis,  Albemarle;  Robert  Wil- 
liam Dawson,  Rego  Park,  N.  Y.;  Charlie 
Louis  Dean,  Jr.,  Fuquay  Springs;  Henry 
Thomas    Deane,    Albemarle. 

Fifth  Row:  Franklin  Elliott  Dees,  Bayboro; 
Marjorie  Graves  Depew,  Kissimmee,  Fla. ; 
Josephine  Amanda  Derry,  Washington, 
D.  C;  Robert  Otis  Deviney,  I^imhda  Chi 
Alpha,  Spindale;  Benjamin  Arnold  Dia- 
mond, Charlotte ;  Mark  O.  Dickerson,  Zela 
Pst,   Rutherfordton. 

Sixth  Row:  Babbie  Jane  Dilorio,  Utica, 
N.  Y.;  James  Richard  Dillingham,  Ph/ 
Gamma  Dtlta.  Greenville;  Wyatt  Thomas 
Dixon,  Jr.,  Phi  Kappa  Sigma,  Durham; 
Glenn  Douglas  Dodson,  Jr.,  Pi  Kappa  Phi. 
Lumberton;  Jesse  Richard  Dodson,  Raleigh; 
Lemuel  Lowe  Doss,  Jr.,  Sigma  Alpha  Epsi- 
lon. Wilmington. 

Seventh  Roiv:  Thomas  George  Douglas, 
Charlotte;  John  Colin  Drewry,  Raleigh; 
John  McNeely  DuBose,  Sigma  Alph.i  Epsi- 
lon. Chapel  Hill;  Samuel  Jefferson  Dun- 
can, Jr.,  Charlotte;  Carol  Louise  DuPler, 
Davidson;    Susan    Evelyn    Dupree,    Angier. 

Eighth  Row:  Pender  Porter  Durham,  Wil- 
mington ;  Janice  Dute,  Asheboro ;  Jo  Fran- 
ces Eaddy,  Raleigh;  Roy  Lee  Earp,  Angier; 
Susan  East,  Little  Rock,  Ark.;  Claire  Rus- 
sell Easty,  Chapel  Hill. 

Sinth  Row:  Robert  K.  Eberle,  Lamkda  Chi 
Alpha.  Asheville;  Oscar  Bradley  Eckhoff, 
Washington;  Richard  Irvin  Edmundson, 
Fremont;  Nancy  Ann  Edwards,  Salemburg; 
'Philip  F.  Edwards,  Chadbourn;  Robert 
Wheless  Edwards,   Louisburg. 


ill  '  ^ifediM^  ' 


Page  111 






i  I 




B^M  .'i ; 


















1   ' 

F/fj/  Row:  Alice  Irene  Eison,  Marceime, 
Mo.;  David  Robert  Elliott,  Sigma  Nu, 
Asheboro;  Donald  Jackson  Elliott,  Shelby; 
leanne  Bryant  Ellis,  Nashville;  Michael 
Sherman  Epstein,  Middletown,  Conn.;  Wil- 
liam James  Erwin,  Jr.,  Pi  Kappa  Alpha, 
Danville,  Va. 

Second  Row:  Linwood  W.  Eure.  Chapel 
Hill;  Barbara  Ann  Evans,  Hinsdale,  III.; 
Charles  Kelly  Evans,  Boardman;  Wade  H. 
Everhart,  Jr.,  Katonah,  N.  Y.;  Robert  Stuart 
Everton,  Columbia;  Sara  Cheves  Fair, 
Greenville,   S.    C. 

Third  Ron:  Robert  Leon  Farmer,  Smith- 
field;  Lloyd  Phillip  Farrar,  Phi  Eta  Sigma, 
Clemson,  S.  C;  Robert  Allen  Farrell,  Phi 
Era  Sigma.  Troy;  William  Douglas  Fetzer, 
Phi  kappa  Sigma,  Rocky  River,  Ohio; 
Dorothy  Ann  Figel,  Indianapolis,  Ind.; 
Arthur   Douglas   Fincannon,   Enka. 

Foiiith  Row:  Emily  Cooper  Finch,  Thomas- 
ville;  William  E.  Finnerty,  Chapel  Hill; 
Glenn  Fredrick  Fish,  Willow  Springs; 
Otis  Norwood  Fisher,  Bladenboro;  Roy  B. 
Fitch,  Jr.,  Alpha  Tau  Omega,  Chapel  Hill; 
Robert  Cockman  Flake,  Rockingham. 

Fillh  Ron:  Joel  Lawrence  Fleishman,  Fay- 
etteville;  Priscilla  Moon  Fleming,  Pi  Beta 
Phi,  Lafitte.  La.;  William  Holt  Fleming, 
Alpha  Tau  Omega,  Raleigh;  Sula  Floros, 
Charlotte;  Billy  Roderick  Flowers,  Sigma 
Phi  Epsiloii.  Clayton;  Gordon  Forester,  Jr., 
Kappa  Alpha,  Wilkesboro. 

Sixth  Row:  William  Kirby  Formyduvall, 
Bladenboro;  George  Leigh  Foti,  Sigma  Nu. 
Orlando,  Fla.;  Millard  Jim  Fountain,  Chi 
Pit.  'Wilmington;  Henry  Lee  Fowler,  Jr., 
Mount  Holly;  Sarah  Nancy  Fox,  Charlotte; 
Frederick   Dozier   Foy,   Wilmington. 

Seienth  Row:  Anne  Bisland  Frederick, 
Washington,  D.  C;  Joseph  Franklin  Free- 
man, Jr..  Sigma  Chi.  Greensboro;  Ruth 
Allcrto'n  French,  Newton  Center,  Mass.; 
Pinkney  Carroll  Froneberger,  Jr.,  Gastonia; 
Allen  L.  Frucci,  Phi  Kappa  Sigma,  Albany, 
Ga.;  James  Johnson  Furches,  Clemmons. 

Eighth  Row:  Carl  Augustus  Furr,  Jr.,  5;,?- 
ma  Phi  Epsilon,  Concord;  David  Gardner 
Futch,  Pi  Kappa  Phi,  Monroe;  William 
David  Fyfe,  Carrboro;  Ronald  Glenn  Gahr- 
mann,  Cheshire,  Conn.;  Margie  Mary  Gar- 
ner. Pinehurst;  William  Darrell  Garner, 
High  Point. 

Ninth  Row:  John  Walter  Garrou,  Valdese; 
Edward  Leroy  Gates,  Jr.,  Alexandria,  Va.; 
Don  Weng  Geiger,  Kappa  Alpha,  Tampa, 
Fla.;  Jo  Ellen  Gerschefski,  Spartanburg, 
S.  C.;  Patricia  Ann  Gibson,  Fayetteville; 
Sam   Bryce  Gibson,   High   Point. 

Page  112 



First  Row:  Franklin  Delano  Giles,  Chapel 
Hill;  Donald  T.  Gladstone,  Sij^i/hi  Chi, 
Las  Vegas,  Nev.;  Jonas  Brittain  Glenn, 
Siginj  Chi.  Spartanburg,  S.  C;  John  Snow 
Glover,  Charlotte;  Barbara  Gwynne  Golden, 
Ft.  Riley.  Kan.;  J.  C.  Golding,  Winston- 

SecijnJ  Roti:  Donald  Matthew  Goldstein, 
Tju  Epsilon  Phi,  Norfolk,  Va.;  John  De- 
CC'itt  Gooc'h,  Greensboro;  Al  J.  Goodman, 
[r..  Pi  Umbd.i  Phi,  Asheville;  Ronald 
Byrd  Goodman,  Theu  Chi,  Charlotte;  Betsy 
Lynn  Goodwin,  Chi  Omega.  Lenoir  City, 
Fenn.;  Rebecca  A.  Gordon,  South  Hill,  Va. 

Third  Row:  Betsy  Ross  Gorham,  Nash%'ille; 
feanne  Sue  Grana,  Valdese;  Connie  Mack 
jravitte,  Chi  Psi,  Roxboro;  Carroll  Osborn 
jray.  Amagansett,  N.  Y.;  Heiskell  Rea 
jray.  Kappa  Alpha,  Washington,  D.  C; 
.ouise  Gray,  Gamma  Phi  Bela,  Browns- 
ille,   Tenn. 

~ourth  Row:  Agnes  Braxton  Green,  Chi 
')me!>a.  Daytona  Beach,  Fla.;  Phyllis  Law 
jreer,  Greensboro;  Joan  Elizabeth  Greene, 
,exington ;  Virginia  Ann  Greene,  Char- 
otte;  William  Marion  Greene,  Phi  Gam- 
'la  Delta,  Robersonville;  Robert  Sutton 
jrimes,  Sigma  Nu,  Rocky  Mount. 

•ijlh  Row:  Boyce  Fred  Grindstaff,  Forest 
,ity;  Danny  Franklin  Gryder.  Asheville; 
'eter  Gumpert,  Pi  Lambda  Phi,  Asheville; 
iugene  Burke  Gunter,  Jr.,  Phi  Delia  Theta, 
lamlet;  Virginia  Clark  Gunter,  Arlington, 
'a.;  Richard  E.  Guthrie,  Jr.,  Beta  Theta 
'/,   Winston- Salem. 

ixth  Roir:  Frederick  Eugene  Hafer,  P, 
'appa  Alpha.  Hickory;  E.  Nathan  Hale 
r..  Greensboro;  Richard  Charles  Hallden 
:hi  Psi,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.;  Frederick  Del 
lar  Hamrick.  IIL  Sigma  Nti,  Rutherford 
)n;  Samuel  D.  Handel.  Philadelphia,  Pa. 
ugene  Jenkins   Hanna,  Gastonia. 

eietith  Row:  Kitty  Ann  Harbison,  Roches- 
;r,  N.  Y.;  Jon  Shannon  Harder.  Greens- 
oro;  William  Malcolm  Harding,  Cana; 
dward  Hooper  Hardison,  Sigma  Alpha 
psilon,  Wadesboro;  Wesley  Jewell  Hardi- 
>n.  Plymouth;  Charles  Clement  Hargrave. 

ighth  Rote:  Anne  Lyn  Harrell,  Washing- 
)n,  D.  C;  Frank  M.  Harris,  Phi  Kappa 
igma.  Lincolnton ;  George  Baxter  Harris, 
igma  Nil,  Hickory;  Harvey  Max  Harris, 
■arysburg;  James  A.  Harris,  Chi  Phi, 
rreenville,  S.  C;  Patsy  Mitchiner  Harris, 

'i«th  Row:  Ray  Shannon  Harris,  Bryson 
ity;  Edward  Nelson  Harrison.  Eagle 
Brings;  Penny  Hartman,  Lincolnton; 
'ladys  Bernard  Hatcher,  Four  Oaks; 
■^orgia  Lee  Hatley,  Hatley;  Frank  Houston 
'awfield,   Jr.,   Matthews. 

L»  1-.^'  ]1^  S^ 

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Page   113 



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f/ij/  K&u'.-  Effie  Lou  Hawley,  Florence, 
S.  C. ;  fohnny  Green  Hayes,  Hampton,  Va.; 
Mary  Anne  Hayes,  Bowling  Green,  Ky.; 
Hugh  Charles  Haynsworth,  III,  Bel,:  Theta 
Pi,  Sumter,  S.  C;  John  Wesley  Hearne, 
Charleston,  W.  Va.;  Anne  Chewning  He- 
bert.  Alpha  Omicron  Pi,  Lake  Charles,  La. 

Second  Roic:  Paul  Warren  Heemann,  Phi 
Dell.i  Thetj.  Baltimore,  Md.;  George  Al- 
bert Hemz,  Jr.,  Sparta ;  Samuel  Horace 
Helms,  Charlotte;  John  Harrison  Helton, 
Statesville;  Martha  Hemstreet,  Phi  Mu, 
Augusta,  Ga.;  Robert  Alan  Henley,  Kappj 
Sigma,  Raleigh. 

Third  Row:  Seymour  Herzog,  New  York, 
N.  Y.;  Robert  S,  Higginbotham,  Raleigh; 
Joan  Menger  Hill,  Augusta,  Ga.;  Charles 
Laroy  Hilton,  Hickory;  Renfrow  S.  Hin- 
nant,  Lucama;  Horace  Edgar  Hitchings, 
yr.,   Raleigh. 

Voiirth  Row:  Robert  Hanes  Hoffman, 
Winston-Salem;  Thomas  Henry  Hoover, 
Jr„  Charlotte;  Bill  Bowen  Horner,  South- 
ern Pines;  Donald  Bernard  Horton,  Con- 
cord; Patricia  Macon  Horton,  Kappa  Alpha 
Theta,  Stillwater,  Okla.;  Robert  Burns 
Houchins,  Leaksville. 

Fiflh  Row:  Charles  Weston  Houck.  Kappa 
Alpha,  Florence,  S.  C;  Montague  Stuart 
Houlder,  Jr.,  Raleigh;  Ann  Howell,  Alex- 
andria, Va,;  Billy  Shaw  Howell,  Jr.,  Kappa 
Alpha,  Charlotte;  Charles  Francis  Howell, 
Chapel  Hill;  Leonard  James  Howell,  Oak- 

Sixth  Row:  Richard  Alvin  Hoyle,  Phi  Kap- 
pa SiRtna.  Lincolnton;  Charles  Tayloe 
Hoyt,  Jr.,  Phi  Gamma  Delta.  'Washington; 
Gordon  Lamar  Hudson,  Winston-Salem; 
loan  Magdallen  Hudson,  Greensboro;  Wil- 
liam Thomas  Huff,  Jr..  Sigma  Alpha  Ep- 
siloii.  Charlotte;  Anne  Louise  Huffman, 

Sereiith  Row:  David  Webster  Hunt,  Co- 
lumbia, S.  C;  John  Elton  Hunsucker, 
Chapel  Hill;  James  Richardson  Hurley. 
Seaford,  Del.;  John  Bill  Hurley,  Rober- 
sonviUe;  Gordon  Chase  Hurst,  Kappa  Sig- 
ma, Durham;  Herman  Hamilton  Husbands, 
Delia  Upsilon,  Chapel  Hill. 

EiKhth  Row:  jimmie  Oliver  Hutchins, 
Chapel  Hill;  Robert  Perry  Hyatt,  Chero- 
kee; C.  Blake  Ingram,  Asheville;  Richard 
William  lobst.  Delta  Sigma  Phi.  Danville, 
Va.;  Henry  D.  Irvin,  Enka;  James  Morn- 
son   Ir\in,    Midland. 

Ninth  Row:  Henry  H.  Isaacson,  Zeta  Beta 
Tall.  Greensboro;  Judy  Jordan  Jackson, 
Shreveport,  La.;  Thomas  Snow  James, 
S/?;«j  Chi.  Elkin;  Frances  Lorena  Jenkins, 
Kannapolis;  Edwin  Smith  Jewell,  Wilming- 
ton;  Alan   Francis  Johnson,  Jamestown. 

Page  114 



First  Row:  Allen  Pink  Johnson,  Fairmont; 
Edward  Stokes  Johnson,  Delhi  Upsilon,  Phi 
Eta  Sigma.  Chapel  Hill;  Fritz  Kreisler 
Johnson,  Durham;  Joseph  Allen  Johnson, 
Kappa  Alpha,  Ayden;  Lucia  Porcher  John- 
son, Chapel  Hill ;  Ann  Spencer  Jones, 

Second  Row:  Floyd  Jones,  Jr.,  Durham; 
Mary  Louise  Jones,  Sanford;  Robert  Tyree 
Jones,  Phi  Kappa  Si.^ma,  Durham;  Ruth 
Emerson  Jones,  Charlotte;  Wilbur  David 
Jones,  Jr.,  Wilmington;  Ralph  Martin  Jor- 
dan,  Jr.,  Kappa  Alpha,   Concord. 

Third  Row:  Walton  Kitchin  Joyner,  Zeta 
Psi.  Phi  Eta  Sigma,  Raleigh ;  Nancy  Claire 
Julian,  Winston-Salem;  Julia  Nan  Kaneer, 
Belmont;  Bradley  David  Katz,  Pi  himbda 
Phi,  Warsaw;  James  M.  Keech,  Sigma  Chi, 
Tarboro;  Nanc^  Ann  Keister,   Southport. 

Fourth  Row:  Margaret  Patterson  Kelly, 
Charlotte;  Patricia  Ann  Kent,  Gamma  Phi 
Beta,  Denver,  Colo. ;  Thomas  Howard  Kep- 
ley.  Kappa  Alpha.  Salisbury;  Ronald  Ker- 
dasha.  North  Bergan,  N.  J.;  Lovick  Harden 
Kernodle,  Jr.,  Danville,  Va.;  Katherine 
Kinnaird  Kerr,  Winston-Salem. 

FiUh  Row:  Robert  C.  Kesler,  Jr.,  Greens- 
boro; A.  Vincent  Keyes,  Sigma  Chi,  Greens- 
boro; Robert  Russell  Kindig,  Englewood, 
N.  J.;  Harold  Harlston  Kinney,  High  Point; 
William  Hugh  Kirkman,  Jr.,  Alpha  Tan 
Omega.  Burlington;  Owen  Richard  Knop, 
Phi  Kappa  Sigma,   Milwaukee,   Wis. 

Sixth  Rote:  Natalie  Harvey  Kooker,  Kappa 
Kappa  Gamma,  Winston-Salem;  Lament 
Drear  Krimminger,  Kannapolis;  Charles 
Kuralt,  St.  Anthony  Hall.  Phi  Eta  Sigma. 
Charlotte;  Raymond  Richard  Kushinsky, 
Tail  Epsilon  Phi.  Toms  River,  N.  J.;  Wil- 
lis H.  Lachot,  Rutherford  College;  Robert 
Lee   Lambeth,   Zeta  Pm.   Thomasville. 

Seventh  Row:  Davis  W.  Lamson,  5/.  Antho- 
ny Hall.  Durham;  Calvin  Lee  Lane,  Denton, 
iMd.;  Palmyra  Ramsey  Langston,  Greenville, 
S.  C. ;  Jerry  Holt  Laws,  Durham;  Carol 
Ann  Lee,  Greensboro;  Hollis  Frank  Lee, 

Eighth  Row:  John  Gambrell  Lee,  Greens- 
boro; William  Osborne  Lee,  Jr.,  Delta 
Kappa  Epsilon.  Lumberton ;  William  Pearce 
Lee,  Fuquay  Springs;  James  Hugh  Leh- 
mann.  Delta  Sigma  Phi.  Phi  Eta  Sigma, 
Elnora,  N.  V.;  Joan  Carol  Leonard,  Ashe- 
ville;  Rueben  Y.  Leonard,  Sigma  Phi  Ep- 
silon, Greensboro. 

Ninth  Rotr:  Annette  Harriet  Levenson, 
Salisbury;  James  Oliver  Lewis,  Chi  Psi, 
?ayetteville;  John  Gray  Lewis,  Statesville; 
Klary  Gantt  Lewis,  Durham;  Sarah  Hitch- 
tpck  Liggett,  St.  Petersburg,  Fla.;  Max 
idward  Liles,  Bailey. 

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f/)//  Roic;  Marion  L.  Linder,  Delta  Delia 
Delia.  Scarsdale,  N.  Y.;  Norris  Wilford 
Link,  Jr.,  Winston-Salem;  Robert  Polk 
Linker,  Chapel  Hill;  Eliza  Little,  Virginia 
Beach,  Va.;  William  A,  Lofquist,  Asheville; 
Rodger  Clement  Logsdon,  Chapel  Hill. 

Second  Row:  Wye  Toh  Loke,  Kuala  Lum- 
pur, Malaya ;  Albert  Anderson  Long,  Jr., 
Zela  Psi,  Durham;  Thomas  Hill  Long, 
Statesville;  James  Nosco  Longest,  III,  Beta 
Theta  Pi,  Goldsboro;  Warren  Grey  Love, 
Phi  Kappa  Sigma,  Mount  Airy;  James 
Bailey  Lovelace,  Jr.,  Phi  Gamma  Delta, 
High  Point. 

Third  Row:  Thomas  John  Lowe,  Midway 
Park;  Ruth  Lower,  Alpha  Delta  Pi.  Roa- 
noke, Va.;  Elizabeth  Lynn,  Raleigh;  Mary 
Cecile  Lynn,  Kappa  Alpha  Theta.  Savan- 
nah, Ga.;  George  James  MacMillan,  III, 
Zela  Psi,  Raleigh;  Arthur  Allen  Madden. 
Pi  Kappa  Alpha.  Columbia,  S.  C. 

Fourth  Row:  Robert  Lawrence  Maddry, 
Delta  Kappa  Epsiloii.  Lumberton ;  Daniel 
Iverson  Mainer,  Richmond,  Va.;  Robert 
Roy  Malone,  McCoU,  S.  C;  Addison  Good- 
loe  Mangum,  Gastonia;  Lynn  S.  Mann,  Pi 
Kappa  Phi.  Phi  Eta  Si,e,ma,  Lillington; 
Stephen  Charles  Marcinko,  Theta  Chi, 
Johnstown,  Pa. 

Fifth  Row:  Benjamin  Sanford  Marks,  Jr., 
Zeta  Beta  Tall.  Greensboro ;  Constance 
Marple,  Kappa  Delta,  Chapel  Hill;  Albert 
Marx,  Zeta  Beta  Tail,  Atlanta,  Ga.;  Paul 
Bailey  Mason,  Asheville;  Robert  Eugene 
Massie,  Waynesville;  Laura  Deane  Mathe- 
son,  Ahoskie. 

Sixth  Roic:  William  Mack  Matthews,  Bur- 
lington; Thomas  Watts  Mauldin,  High 
Point;  Ann  Elizabeth  May,  Burlington;  Ben 
C.  Mayo,  11,  Delta  Kappa  Epiiloii.  Tarboro; 
Jacqueline  McCarthy,  Norfolk,  Va. ;  John 
Malcolm   McCaskiU,   Durham. 

Seventh  Row:  Angus  A.  McCormick,  St. 
Pauls;  Guy  Pitman  McCormick,  McDonald; 
William  O.  McCoy,  Snow  Hill;  Paul 
Swicegood  McCubbins,  Sigma  Nii,  Salis- 
bury; John  Lewis  McDaniel,  Gibsonville; 
George  Badger  McGehee,  Delta  Vpsiloii, 
Washington,  D.  C. 

Eighth  Rolf:  George  Carroll  McGinty, 
Chapel  Hill;  William  P.  McGlaughon,  Wil- 
mington; Charles  Stalvey  McGoogan,  St. 
Pauls;  Joseph  Harold  McGugan,  Fayette- 
ville;  Baxter  Grady  Mclntyre,  Ellerbe; 
George  Casey  McKinney,  Chi  Psi,  Marshall. 

Ninth  Row:  Mary  Ann  McManus,  New 
York,  N.  Y.;  Peter  Dillard  McMichael,  Jr., 
Beta  Theta  Pi.  ReidsviUe;  Zeb  Vance  Mc- 
Millan, Zeta  Psi.  Red  Springs;  Edwina  Mc- 
MuUan,  Greenville;  M.  Janie  McNeill, 
Camp  Lejeune;  Barbara  Ann  McRee,  Phi 
Mil.   Parrott,   Ga. 

Page  116 



First  Row:  Bruce  Edward  Mehrman,  New 
York,  N.  Y.;  Clarence  Warren  Melvin, 
Clarkton;  C.  Harold  Metcalfe,  Forest  City; 
Donna  Joan  Metz,  Gamma  Phi  Beta,  Clay- 
ton, Mo.;  Ralph  Thomas  Midyette,  Ashe- 
ville;  John  Holloway  Milam,  Phi  Kappa 
Sigma,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

Second  Row:  Pressly  McAuley  Millen.  Phi 
Delta  Theta.  Charlotte;  Dennis  Russell 
Mitchell,  Sigma  Chi.  Little  Big  Horn,  Okla.; 
Sally  Carol  Moore,  Currie;  Saunders  Wins- 
ton Moore,  Sigma  Nu,  Burlington ;  Frank 
Hoy  Moose,  Jr.,  Concord ;  Thomas  Perkins 
Morton,  Kappa  Alpha,  Biloxi,  Miss. 

Third  Row:  James  Battle  Morgan,  Cary; 
Joseph  Edward  Morgan,  Jr.,  Phi  Kappa 
Sigma,  Winston-Salem;  Gene  Elliot  Mor- 
ing,  Jr.,  Phi  Kappa  Sigma.  Raleigh;  Mc- 
Lendon  Graham  Morris,  Oxford;  Robert 
Gene  Morrow,  Shelby;  Marguerite  Frances 
Morton,  Salisbury. 

Fourth  Row:  Nell  Hatley  Morton,  Mount 
Pleasant;  William  Columbus  Mudd,  Gas- 
tonia ;  Kenneth  Ray  Murphy,  "Wilmington ; 
Mary  Ann  Murphy,  Alpha  Delta  Pi.  Brooks- 
ville,  Fla.;  Lucy  Jane  Murray,  Miami,  Fla.; 
James  R.  Myers,  Franklin. 

Fifth  Rote:  Carol  Vigne  Nation,  Washing- 
ton, D.  C;  Alvin  Wilkins  Neely,  Jr., 
Sigma  Alpha  Epsilon.  Waynesboro,  Ga.; 
Herbert  Eugene  Neilson,  Chi  Psi,  Aiken, 
S.  C;  Jimmy  Steve  Neville,  Chapel  Hill; 
William  A.  Newcomb,  Henderson;  Norma 
Newell,  Phi  Mti,  Jackson,  Miss. 

Sixth  Row:  Ethel  Diane  Newton,  Phi  Mu, 
Norfolk,  Va.;  Valerie  Suzanne  Nichols, 
Delray  Beach,  Fla.;  Charlotte  Marion 
Nicoll,  Charlotte;  Margaret  Mathilda  Nie- 
ter,  Orlando,  Fla.;  Gloria  Elizabeth  Nix, 
Pi  Beta  Phi,  St.  Petersburg,  Fla.;  Thomas 
F.  Norman,  Dobson. 

Seienlh  Rotr:  Owen  Lennon  Norment,  Jr., 
Asheville;  Thomas  Lloyd  Norris,  Jr.,  Sig- 
ma Phi  Epsilon.  South  Mills;  Robert  Rey- 
nolds O'Briant,  Durham;  John  Nelson 
Ogburn,  Jr.,  Greensboro;  James  Gorham 
()i;,  Sigma  Nu.  Greensboro;  Katharine 
lllmg  Oldfield,  Norfolk,  Va. 

Eighth  Row:  Mary  Lou  O'Mara,  Richmond, 
Va.;  Stephen  Louis  Opitz,  Fords,  N.  J.; 
Thoman  Lane  Ormand,  Chi  Phi,  Monroe; 
Gene  Harriet  Overbeck,  Fayetteville;  Lu- 
cille Shelton  Owens,  Plymouth;  John  E. 
Page,  Rocky  Mount. 

Ninth  Row:  William  C.  Palmer,  Durham; 
Arthur  Bradford  Papineau,  Plymouth;  Vasi- 
like  Pappas,  Portland,  Me.;  Jacquelyn  H. 
Park,  Kingsport,  Tenn.;  Larry  Hunter 
Parker,  Charlotte;  Harriet  Parrish,  Fair 

J?  f>  r  p 

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Finl  Roll-:  Henry  Newton  Parrish,  Jr., 
Winston-Salem;  George  Eugene  Parsons, 
Landis;  Kenneth  A.  Partin.  Asheville; 
Barry  Reeves  Pate,  Canton ;  Edward  Leon- 
ard Patterson,  Albemarle;  Barbara  Anne 
Payne,   P/.v  Mu.  Norfolk,  Va. 

Second  Roir:  Bobby  Swanson  Payne,  Sigmn 
Alpha  Epsilou,  Richmond,  Va.;  Thomas 
Philip  Peacock,  Chi  Ph:.  Arlington,  Va.; 
Leroy  Jerry  Pearlman,  Tmi  Epiilon  Phi, 
Norfolk,  Va.;  James  Stanley  Peel,  Pi  Kap- 
p.i  Alpha,  Everetts;  Richard  Donald  Peele, 
Roxobel;  Christine  Hudson  Peeler,  Salis- 

Third  Row:  Johnny  Frank  Penry,  Winston- 
Salem  ;  Patricia  Louise  Permenter,  Aiken, 
S.  C. ;  Louise  Perry,  Washington,  D.  C. ; 
Raymond  Neal  Perry,  Kuppa  Alpha,  Dan- 
ville, Va.;  Elsie  Jane  Peterson,  Leiand; 
Robert  Harold  PfafT,  Chi  Psi,  Winston- 

roinih  Row:  Catherine  Stowe  Pharr,  Mc- 
Adenville;  William  Burt  Philips,  Jr.,  Bela 
'I  he  la  Pi,  Rocky  Mount;  Jack  Ewart  Phil- 
lips, Durham;  John  B.  Phillips.  Jr.,  Sigma 
Nit,  Winston-Salem;  Kathleen  Hundley 
Philpott,  Lexington;  Martha  Warren  Pier- 
pont.   Kappa  Delia.   Chapel   Hill. 

Fiflh  Row:  Alan  Davidson  Pless,  Beta 
Thela  Pi.  Marion;  Mary  Frances  Plummer, 
.ilpha  Delta  Pi.  Brevard;  Marsha  .Margaret 
Poague,  Rosedale,  Miss.;  Joseph  Augustus 
Polhill,  Jr.,  Lincoln;on;  Di'lon  Devon  Pol- 
lard, Phi  Eta  Sigma.  Benson;  Janet  Moore 
Poole,  Woodruff,  S.  C. 

Sixth  Row:  Ann  Poolry,  Phi  Mu.  El  Paso, 
Tex.;  Roscoe  S.  Poovey,  Lancaster,  S.  C; 
Richard  Alan  Porter,  Si,c;ma  Nii.  Burling- 
ton; Charles  Richard  Pounds,  Sigma  Phi 
Epsilou.  Winston-Salem;  William  Douglas 
Powell,  Sigma  Chi.  Durham;  Ann  Shep- 
herd Price,  Berryville,  Va. 

Seieiith  Row:  James  Carlyle  Prescott,  Ir.. 
Phi  Gamma  Delta.  EliHabeth  City;  William 
Harvey  Price,  Jr.,  Mayodan;  William  James 
Price,  Greensboro;  Hoyt  Baker  Pritchett, 
|r.,  Chi  Phi,  Louisville,  Ky.;  Jasper  Lee 
Proctor,  Rocky  Mount;  William  John 
Prothero,  Phi  Kappa  Sigma,  Johnstown,  Pa. 

Eighth  Row:  James  Worrell  Pruett,  Mount 
Airy;  Kenneth  Melvin  Pruitt,  Phi  Eta 
Sigma,  Winston-Salem;  Alfred  L.  Purring- 
ton,  in,  Zeta  Psi.  Raleigh;  Dixon  Lee 
Quails,  Beta  Theta  Pi.  Boone;  Joyce  Rhea 
Quillin,  Gate  City,  Va.;  Joseph  Allan  Raff, 
Pi   Lambda   Phi.    Charlotte. 

Ninth  Row:  Ruth  Doane  Randall.  Pi  Beta 
Phi,  Orlando,  Fla.;  Edward  Buron  Rans- 
dell,  Varina;  William  Walter  Rapp,  Jr., 
Pi  Kappa  Phi,  Thomasville ;  Horace  T.  Ray, 
Jr..  Delta  Kappa  Epsilou,  Faison;  Richard 
Shaw  Ray,  Southern  Pines;  Jean  Lewis  Ray- 
burn,  Chi  Omega,  Charlotte. 

Page   118 



Firsl  Row:  Jerry  W.  Reece,  Phi  Kappa 
S/g//ui,  Andrews;  Betty  Leone  Riddle,  Ply- 
mouth; Otis  Robert  Rierson,  Jr.,  High 
Point ;  Charles  F.  Ridenhour,  Sigma  Chi. 
Winston-Salem ;  Suzanne  Case  Ringer,  West 
Hartford,  Conn. ;  Valentine  Morris  Ripley, 
Jacksonville,    Fla. 

Second  Row:  Julian  Hart  Robertson,  Jr., 
ZelJ  Pii,  Salisbury;  Eugenia  Evelyn  Ro- 
buck.  Alpha  Delia  Pi.  College  Park,  Ga.; 
Frank  C.  Roddey,  Sigma  Chi,  Charlotte; 
Joseph  Clinton  Rogers.  Phi  Kappa  Sigma. 
Durham;  Louis  Oliver  Rogers,  Winston- 
Salem;  Hal  Judd  Rollins,  Jr.,  Alpha  Tan 
Omega.  Phi  Ela  Sigma.  Rockingham. 

Third  Row:  James  Letcher  Rollins,  Delta 
UpsiloK,  Bostic;  Robert  James  Roquemore, 
Jr.,  Phi  Kappa  Sigma,  Andrews,  S.  C;  Guy 
Matthews  Ross,  Jr.,  Pleasant  Garden;  Char- 
lotte Estelle  Roth,  Asheville;  Sandra  G. 
Rothrock,  Thomasville;  Jake  Hertel  Roun- 
tree,  Jr.,  Pi  Kappa  Alpha.  Mt.  Airy. 

Fourth  Row:  Thomas  Ruffin.  Sigma  Alpha 
Epsilon,  Winston-Salem;  Catherine  Ran- 
dolph Russell,  Asheville;  H.  Gerard  Rus- 
sell, Alpha  Tau  Omega.  Ardmore,  Pa.; 
William  T.  Sadler,  Roanoke  Rapids;  Billy 
Murray  Sandlin,  Verona ;  Joan  Freeman 
Sasser,  Conway,  S.  C. 

Fijth  Rolf:  Eleanor  Ann  Saunders,  Pi  Beta 
Phi,  Chapel  Hill ;  Jan  Saxon,  Alpha  Delta 
Pi,  Charlotte;  William  Haywood  Scar- 
borough, Raleigh;  Howard  Victor  Scot- 
land, Jr.,  Chi  Phi,  Towson,  Md.;  Philip 
Dodson  Scott,  Hillsboro;  Watts  A.  Scott, 
Chapel  Hill. 

Sixth  Row:  William  Donald  Scott,  Mt. 
Vernon  Springs;  Marion  Henry  Turtle  Sea- 
well,  Alpha  tau  Omega.  Jackson;  F.  Clin- 
ton Sechler,  China  Grove;  Patricia  Wood- 
ward Seitz,  New  Market,  Md. ;  Julian  Wood 
Selig,  Jr..  Phi  Ela  Sigma.  Elizabeth  City; 
Mary  Ann  Shannonhouse.  Delta  Delta 
Delia,  Charlotte. 

Seventh  Row:  Phyllis  Ann  Shepherd, 
Winston-Salem;  James  Edgar  Sherrill,  Jr., 
Charlotte;  Oscar  Albert  Shortt,  Jr.,  Delta 
Kappa  Epsilon,  Winston-Salem;  Jack  Brooks 
Shuford,  Gastonia;  Charles  Wayne  Shu- 
mate, Goldsboro;  Hugh  Henderson  Shull, 
Delta  Kappa  Epsilon,  Winston-Salem. 

Eighth  Roll':  Lonnie  R.  Sides,  Jr.,  Char- 
lotte ;  Charles  Doyne  Sillery,  Phi  Kappa 
Sigma,  Littleton;  Bob  Gray  Simpson,  Lu- 
cama;  Charles  C.  Sink,  Lexington;  Mark 
Lee  Skinner,  New  Bern;  Peggy  Lorraine 
Slate,  Thomasville. 

Ninth  Row:  Tex  Richard  Sluder,  Thomas- 
ville; Barbara  Perry  Smith,  Mount  Olive; 
Benjamin  Clayton  Smith,  Jr.,  Charlotte; 
Eugene  Alvin  Smith,  Matthews;  Gary  De- 
witt  Smith,  Kernersville;  George  T.  Smith, 
'Z(?to  Psi,  Raleigh. 


P  €i  P  f  P  !?■ 

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Fint  Roil.-  Irving  Lee  Smith,  Jr.,  Phi 
G.immj  Dell.i,  Robersonvilie;  Jacquelyn 
Vivian  Smith,  Charlotte;  Mary  Todd  Smith, 
Bethel;  Neil  Delano  Smith,  Belmont; 
Paula  M.  Smith,  Pensacola,  Fla.;  Vonnie 
Bryan   Smith,  P/  K.ipfJ  Phi.  Lumberton. 

Second  Roir:  Pete  Franklin  Smitherman, 
Sigma  Chi,  Winston-Salem;  Keith  Spurlin.i; 
Snyder,  Lenoir;  Elliott  Solomon,  Tju  Ep- 
siloi!  Phi.  Greensboro;  Carl  Maynard 
Spangler,  Jr.,  Shelby;  Helen  Joyce  Sparger, 
Raleigh;  Charles  Barry  Spillane,  Kappa 
Sif,ma,    Savannah,   Ga. 

Third  Roir:  Carolyn  Tane  Stanford,  Chapel 
Hill;  Evelyn  Jean  Stanford,  Chapel  Hill; 
Al  Gardner  Stanley,  Chapel  Hill;  Fredrica 
Ann  Stollar,  Elizabeth,  Pa.;  Barbara  Ann 
Stone,  Bethesda,  Md.;  Eugene  Spencer 
Stone,   Bailey. 

Fourth  Roir:  Mary  Frances  Stone,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C;  Betsy  Bridght  Stoner,  Lex- 
ington; Barbara  Ann  Strickland,  Cerro 
Gordo;  Richard  Allen  Starner,  Pi  Kappa 
Phi.  Elkhart,  Ind.;  Edna  Jacquelyn  Steed. 
Raleigh;  Lee  Austin  Stevens.  Alpha  Tail 
Omega,    Smithfield. 

Fijlh  Rote:  James  T.  Stewart,  Jr.,  Sigma 
Phi  Epiilon,  Erwin;  John  Quincey  Stil- 
well,  Chi  Phi.  Charleston,  S.  C;  Edwin 
Link  Stockton,  Jr.,  Winston-Salem;  Coralie 
Strickland,  Pt  Beta  Phi,  Sandy  Springs,  Ga,; 
Douglas  Keith  Styron,  Port  Washington, 
Long  Island,  N.  Y.;  Joseph  Ellis  Suggs, 

Sixth  Rotr:  Hardy  Sullivan,  Fremont;  Em- 
mett  Ashworth  Sumner,  High  Point; 
Charles  B.  Swaim,  Jr.,  Phi  Gamma  Delta, 
Winston- Salem;  Katherine  Patricia  Marilyn 
Sweeney,  Yarmouth,  Nova  Scotia,  Canada; 
Paul  Green  Sylvester,  Phi  Gamma  Delta. 
Richlands;  Joane  Graham  Tannehill,  Staun- 
ton, Va. 

Seventh  Ron:  Daniel  Leroy  Tate,  Belmont; 
John  Cotten  Tayloe,  Washington;  Alfred 
Raleigh  Taylor,  Black  Creek;  Raymond 
Mason  Taylor,  Washington;  Claude  Dale 
Tedder,  Jr.,  Guilford;  Jake  Davis  Tedder, 
Mount  Gilead. 

Eighth  Roir:  Stuart  Teichman,  'W'inston- 
Salem;  Jackson  Howard  Temple,  Selma; 
William'  Bowne  Temple,  Delta  Kappa  Ep- 
silon.  Highland  Park,  111.;  David  Terry, 
Jr.,  Raleigh ;  Fred  Morley  Tettlebach,  Beta 
Theta  Pi.  Point  Pleasant,  N.  Y.;  Ann 
Lindsay  Tew,   Savannah,  Ga, 

Ninth  Row:  Elizabeth  Crockett  Thomas, 
Wytheville,  Va. ;  George  Alexander  Thomas, 
Carthage;  Gerald  David  Thomas,  Southern 
Pines;  Jesse  Corbitt  Thomas.  Sanford; 
Tommy  Howard  Thomas,  Sigma  Nu.  Char- 
lotte ;  Graham  Kent  Thompson,  Mount 

Page  120 



Firi/  Ron-:  Horace  Kent  Thompson,  Ir.. 
Pi  K.ipp.i  Alph.i.  "Wilmington;  ^X'iIliam'C. 
Thompson,  Chapel  Hill;  Dorothy  Todd 
Thornburg,  Plumtree;  C.  William  Thorn- 
ton, Jr.,  Phi  Kjppj  Sigmj.  Manchester, 
Conn.;  Donald  Norman  Thornton,  Chi  Psi, 
NX'ilmington;  Luanne  Ellen  Thornton,  West 
Palm  Beach,  Fla. 

Second  Row:  Seabury  Daniel  Thorp,  Zeta 
Psi.  Rocky  Mount;  Henry  Benton  Thorpe, 
Rocky  Mount;  Douglas  O.  Tice,  jr., 
Greensboro;  Carolyn  Joanne  Tilley,  Chapel 
Hill;  Rollie  Tillman,  Jr..  Chi  Phi.  Lake 
Wales,  Fla.;  Mary  Virginia  Timberlake. 

Third  Row:  William  Perry  Timlake,  Kdppj 
Si,?m:!,  Corinth,  Miss.;  Jean  Carol  Timlin, 
Nicaro  Oriente,  Cuba;  Thomas  Allen  Torg- 
erson,  Si,^»ij  Phi  Epsilon.  Hickory;  Flor- 
ence Kendrick  Townsend,  Lumberton;  Lucia 
Kay  Traxel,  Delt.i  Delia  Delia.  Maysville, 
Ky.;  Stephen  Asbury  Trimble.  Phi  Delhi 
Theta.  Washington,  D.  C. 

Foiirlh  Roic:  Donald  Robert  Trundle,  Zel.i 
Psi.  Atlanta,  Ga.;  Bynum  Ellsworth  Tudor, 
Winston-Salem;  ^X'llliam  P.  Tuggle,  III. 
Williamsburg,  Va.;  Jack  Franklin  Turner, 
Hamptonville;  Harold  Winfred  Twisdale, 
L.imbdj  Chi  Alpha,  Halifax;  Emma  Rogers 
Tyler.   Dunn. 

Fi\lh  Row:  Margaret  Hosier  L'nderwood, 
Delia  Delia  Delia,  Greensboro ;  Mary  Susan 
Upchurch,  Raeford;  Emily  Mizell  Lfrqu- 
hart,  Woodville;  Mary  Alice  VanKirk, 
Delia  Delia  Delia.  Orange.  Tex.;  Douglas 
Fulton  VanNoppen,  Zela  Psi,  Morganton; 
Joel   VCilliam   Venable,   Mount   Airy. 

Sixlh  Row:  Kenneth  Martm  Venable, 
Winston-Salem;  Carl  Vernon  Venters,  Jr.. 
Phi  Gamma  Delta,  Jacksonville;  Edward 
Julius  Vogel,  Delia  Vpsilon,  Irvington. 
N.  J.;  Herbert  Scheyer  Wainer.  Pi  L.imbda 
Phi.  ^X'inston-Salem ;  Tom  Edgar  Wake- 
field, Alpha  Tail  Omega.  Asheville;  Mar- 
shall Waldman,  Tau  Epsilon  Phi,  Lone 
Beach,  N.  Y. 

Seieiilh  Roll-:  Allen  Hamilton  VCalker.  Ir., 
Hillsboro;  Dorothy  Barbara  Walker.  Rye, 
N.  Y.;  Charles  Dixon  Wallace.  Smithfield; 
Cynthia  Wood  Ward,  Elizabeth  City;  Wil- 
liam Jennings  Ward,  Jr.,  Hendersonville; 
Jesse  Lanier  Warren,  'Sigma  Phi  Epsilon, 

Eighlh  Row:  Everett  Lee  Waters,  Jackson- 
ville; Frank  Day  Watkins,  Belmont;  Mary 
Lou  Watson,  Wilson;  Charles  Bowman 
Watts,  Jr.,  L.imhda  Chi  Alpha,  Bryson 
City;  Frances  Eloise  Watts,  Jacksonville, 
Fla.;  Sandra  Rae  Wax,  Norfolk,  Va, 

Ninth  Rotv:  Sarah  Page  Weaver,  Raleigh- 
Carl  Ray  Webb,  Jr.,  Sigma  Nii.  Phi  Ela 
Sigma.  Shelby;  Mary  Elizabeth  'W'ebb. 
Chapel  Hill ;  Regina  Carol  Webster,  Pi 
3tla  Phi.  Ridgewood,  N.  J.;  Marie-Louise 
E.  Vi'eidemann,  Fairfield,  Conn.;  Robert 
Alan    West,    Winston-Salem. 


^>  P  ^ 

Page  121 

Junior  Class 

^^i  (^<  p  ^i 

P  P  P  jP  £^  r 

ill  '^'        .^'i^ 

D.   p   !f^    P   f5  ^, 


Firs/  Run:-  William  Clifton  ^^"estbrook, 
Limhd.i  Chi  Alpha,  Charlotte;  Deborah 
Westcott.  Norfolk,  Va.;  John  NX'illiam 
Westmoreland,  Charlotte;  William  Leibee 
NX'heeler,  Thela  Chi,  Princeton,  N.  J.; 
Nancy  Jane  Whisnant,  Kappa  Delia,  Char- 
lotte; Harold  O.  White,  Rome,  Ga. 

Stcoiid  Row:  Donald  Barnes  Vi'hite.  Char- 
lotte; John  Conner  White,  Jr.,  Fayetteville; 
William  McKinley  White,  Chapel  Hill; 
John  \X'esley  Whitehead,  Jr.,  Alpha  Tau 
Omega.  Smithfieid;  Charles  Boyd  Whitley, 
Jr.,  Albemarle;  Johnny  Lee  Whitley,  Wil- 

Third  Rou:  Barbara  Lee  Whittington, 
Delta  Delia  Delia,  Greensboro;  Clarence 
Ray  Wiggins,  Clinton;  Ralph  Cannon  Wig- 
gins, Jr.,  Hendersonville;  Lee  Carl  Wilkcr- 
son,  Mebane;  Billy  Rayford  Wilkinson, 
Newton;  Edward  Parker  Willey,  Clemson, 
S.  C. 

Fuuilh  Rotr:  Anne  Carlyle  Williams,  5/;?- 
ma  Kappa.  Lenoir;  Boyce  Boykin  Williams, 
Pine  Level;  Gerald  Garfield  Williams, 
Charlotte;  John  Riley  Williams,  Mill 
Sprin.e;  Katherine  Louise  Williams,  Mon- 
roe; Margaret  Da\  is  V;'illiams.   Edenton. 

Fifth  Ron:-  June  ^X■illiamson,  Pi  Beta  Phi, 
Winter  Park,  Fla.;  Jo  Ann  Wilson,  Rocky 
Point;  Robert  Kay  NX'ilson,  Alpha  Tau 
Onitxa.  Japan ;  George  Luther  Winches- 
ter, Jr.,  Raleigh;  James  Horner  Winston, 
Zeta  Psi,  Clayton;  Robert  Lee  Winters, 
Spring  Lake. 

Sixl/y  Rou-:  Charles  Parker  Wolf,  Phi  Eta 
Si. Vila.  Chapel  Hill;  Robert  Dale  NX'ood, 
Greensboro;  Melvin  Joel  Woodford,  Clem- 
mons;  Lemuel  Philips  Woods.  Jr..  Phi 
Delta  Theta,  Tampa.  Fla.;  Laura  Bryan 
Woodward,  Charlotte;  Billy  Richard 
Wright,  Shelby. 

Seienth  Row:  Cornell  G.  AX'right,  Chapel 
Hill;  James  Whitson  Wright.  Asheville; 
Kitty  Lee  Wright.  Staunton,  Va.;  Nell 
Lorraine  Yancey,  Williamsbur,";,  Ky.;  Ra- 
mon Lyon  Yarborough,  Beta  Theta  Pi. 
Fayetteville;  James  Edwin  Yokeley.  Pi  Kap- 
pa Phi,   Thomasville. 

Ei.^hth  Row:  W.  Thomas  York,  Chi  Psi, 
High  Point;  Charles  Spurgeon  Young, 
Hickory ;  David  Richard  Young,  Greens- 
boro ;  Douglas  Maurice  Young,  Chi  Psi, 
Burlington;  Janet  Bowen  Young,  Wilson; 
ALuion  Ruth  Yount,  Chi  Omega.  States- 

Ninth  Row:  Jonathan  Thompson  Zachary, 
Jr.,  Kappa  Sigma,  Graham;  Marilyn  Toby 
Zager,  Greensboro. 

Page  122 

A.  "In  my  long  years  of  experience  .  .  .  " 

B.  "Up  to  the  lips,  over  the  gums, 

look  out  tonsils,  here  it  comes!" 

C.  "I  can  beat  your  four  aces  with  a  royal  flush.' 

D.  "Save  me  some,  will  you? 

E.  Beauties  and  bubbles. 

F.  Snake??? 

G.  "Want  that  we  should  try  a  washcloth?" 

H.  A  cheer  for  W.  C. 

I.  "Just  let  your  hair  down  .  .  ." 

J.  "I'd  like  to  get  my  hands  on  the  wise  one! 

Page  123 


Famous  with  no  prestige  .  .  .  "little  big-shot"  without 
pubUcity  .  .  .  half-veteran  who  instructs  the  bewildered 
'Freshie'  on  the  ropes  .  .  .  eyeing  the  Senior  with  a  bare 
two-year  separation  .  .  .  first  in  line  at  Pledge  dance  .  .  . 
last  in  line  for  Sunday  breakfast  .  .  . 

Sharper  increase  in  trousers  .  .  .  whiter  bucks  and 
flashier  tie  .  .  .  a  Carolina  professional  .  .  .  beginning 
Committee  head  with  Freshman  volunteers  .  .  .  greater 
realization  of  purpose  .  .  .  R.  O.  T.  C.  first  rate  .  .  . 
proof  that  absence  makes  the  heart  grow  fonder'  (of 
somebody  else)  .  .  .  specialist  in  all  trades  .  .  .  giver,  taker, 
buyer  of  college  .  .  .  seduced,  induced,  overwhelmed  by 
atmosphere  .  .  .  head  a  bit  higher  .  .  .  shoulder-chip  a  bit 
softer  .  .  .  walk  a  bit  cocky  .  .  .  love  a  bit  deeper  .  .  . 
spirit  a  bit  older  .  .  . 

Summer-sentiment  .  .  .  artificial  sun-tan  under  the  store- 
bought  lamp  .  .  .  beach-bums  playing  tag  with  Junior 
co-eds  .  .  .  induction  into  "Y"  courting  .  .  .  anxious  to  meet 
'Miss  America'  .  .  . 

Pride  unlimited  .  .  .  individual  map  signifying  only  one 
state  .  .  .  roving  eye  located  on  a  specific  school  .  .  .  artistic 
relish  at  a  D.  A.  production  .  .  .  expert  cooks  in  a  private 
dorm  kitchen  .  .  .  handshake  during  "Rush"  (this  time  on 
the  giving  end)  .  .  . 

Scoring  undeemed  extra  points  in  the  ping-pong  tourna- 
ment .  .  .  first  rate  tennis-player  .  .  .  solo  cheering  squad  in 
mid-football  season  .  .  .  auto-speedometer  rating  "95  per" 
two  minutes  before  1 : 00  on  a  Saturday  eve  .  .  .  around  the 
world  five  times  with  not  a  problem  to  spare  .  .  . 

King  on  a  one-man  throne  .  .  .  orchids  for  a  Wednesday 
afternoon  tea-social  and  tuxedo  for  Saturday  night  .  .  . 
class-courage  with  new  preparation  for  life  .  .  .  anxious, 
doubting  .  .  .  confident  with  confidence  .  .  .  aghast  with 
commitments  .  .  .  very  much  a  Sophomore. 

Charles  Yarborough 

Bill  Sanders 

Donna  Overholt 

Page   124 


Pepper  Tick 


Susan  Fink 
Social  Chairman 

Spirit  high  at  the  Maryland  pep  rail 



First  Row:  Elon  Albert  Abernethy,  Jr.,  Blowing  Rock;  Frank 
Thomas  Adams,  Jr.,  Delta  Kappa  Epsiion,  Edenton;  Richard 
Baxter  Alexander,  Alpha  Tau  Omega,  West  Palm  Beach,  Fla.; 
Shelton  Setzer  Alexander,  Statesville;  James  Bruton  Allen.  Jr.,  Pi 
Kappa  Alpha.  Troy ;  Martin  D.  Alpert,  Tau  Epsiion  Phi,  Lawrence, 
L.  I.,  N.  Y.;  Bruce  Robert  Anderson,  High  Point;  Robert  Walter 
Angstadt,  Kappa  Alpha,  Charlotte;  Kenneth  Ray  Argo,  Kannapolis; 
William  Johnston  Armlield,  IV,  Sigma  Alpha  Epsiion,  Greensboro. 

Second  Row:  Arden  Dana  Ehley,  Theta  Chi,  Greensboro ;  Eli  John 
Attayek,  Greensboro;  John  Theodore  Atwell,  Elkin;  Harold  Way 
Austin,  Pinebluff;  Thomas  Edward  Avent,  Rocky  Mount;  Charles 
Brantley  Aycock,  Zeta  Psi,  Kinston;  James  Cordon  Ayers,  Raleigh; 
Carl  Maurice  Baber,  Mt.  Airy;  Wallace  Hill  Bagley,  Jr.,  Elizabeth 
City;   Richard   Henry   Baker,   Alpha  Tau  Omega,   Greensboro. 

Third  Row:  William  Avery  Baker,  Rural  Hall;  George  W.  Bal- 
lard, Jr.,  Beckley,  W.  Va.;  Thomas  Barclay,  IV,  Brevard;  Alton 
Clayton  Bardin,  Jr.,  Wilson;  Julian  Banks  Barnes,  Enfield;  Henry 
Turner  Bass,  Sigma  Nu,  Tarboro;  James  Norbert  Bass,  Chapel 
Hill;  John  Lewis  Bass,  Sigma  Nu,  Tarboro;  Richard  Allen  Beam, 
Hickory;  Calvin  Warner  Bell,  Rocky  Mount. 

Fourth  Row:  Leonard  Booth  Bennett,  Norfolk,  Va.;  Thomas 
Stephen  Bennett,  Morehead  City;  Hiram  Adolphus  Berry,  Fayette- 
ville;  Robert  Lane  Binda,  Hampton,  Va.;  Marcus  Edward  Bizzell, 
Jr.,  Kappa  Sigma,  Goldsboro;  Donald  Eugene  Black,  Kannapolis; 
Harold  Herbert  Black,  Leicester;  Barbara  Webb  Blackwelder, 
Chapel  Hill ;  Elliott  Jackson  Blanchard,  Hobbsville;  Thomas  Mc- 
Ewen  Bolkan,   Fort  Bragg. 

Fifith  Row:  William  Jennings  Booth,  Apex;  Edwin  Brownrigg 
Borden,  Jr.,  Kappa  Sigma,  Goldsboro;  Shields  N.  Bowden,  Fayette- 
ville;  John  Robert  Bowers,  Bethel;  Michael  Lynn  Boyatt,  Beta 
Theta  Pi,  Wyoming,  Ohio;  Charles  Delaine  Bradsher,  Roxboro; 
Loren  Austin  Brandt,  Naval  Base,  S.  C;  Bobby  Watson  Brawley, 
Mooresville;  Barbara  Lucile  Bright,  Chapel  Hill;  John  Mont- 
gomery Brindell,  Theta  Chi,  Wilmington. 

Sixth  Row:  Foyell  Cope  Brogdon,  Cooleemee;  James  Edward 
Brown,  Asheville;  Melvin  O'Bryant  Brown,  Jacksonville;  Wiley 
Lewis  Brown,  Wilmington;  Lewis  Shore  Brimifield,  Yadkinville; 
Norwood  E.  Bryan,  Fayetteville;  Robert  Emmet  Bryan,  Jr.,  Golds- 
boro; Edgar  Glenn  BuUuck,  Rocky  Mount;  Raymond  Anthony 
Burke,   Jr.,   Chauncey,   N.   Y. ;   Harold   Elias   Burris,   Albemarle. 

,  vt 

m^mk  JtM 

9   ?   ?»   P   P 

L^  i 

t'K      N 

Page  126 



Firu  Row:  James  Roger  Butler,  Delia  Upiilon.  Homestead,  Fla.; 
Robert  Albert  Butler,  Spray;  NX'alter  Keith  ByrJ,  Albemarle;  Wil- 
liam Auten  Caldwell,  Charlotte;  Henry  Eugene  Campbell,  High 
Point;  Sarah  Jane  Capps,  Chapel  Hill ;  Henry  Thomas  Carpenter, 
Sig/ru!  Nu,  Albemarle;  James  Franklin  Carpenter,  Vale;  John 
Randolph  Carr,  Jr,,  Hampton,  Va.;  Jesse  B,  Carroll,  Jr,,  Oxford. 

Second  Row:  J.  Martin  Carstarphen.  Ill,  Delta  Kappa  Epsilon, 
Tarboro;  John  W.  Carswell,  Spring  Lake;  Robert  C.  Casstevens, 
Vadkinville;  William  Evan  Casstevens,  Yadkinville;  William 
Roderick  Cate,  Chapel  Hill;  John  R.  Cauble,  Ph:  Delia  Theta. 
Hickory;  Dewey  Wilmont  Chappie,  Jr.,  Chi  Psi,  Winston-Salem; 
William  Curtis  Charles,  Rocky  Mount;  Archie  Donald  Christopher, 
Carrboro;  Terry  Chronaki,  Durham, 

Third  Row:  Leonard  S.  Clein,  Tan  Epsilon  Phi,  Winston-Salem; 
Mahlon  James  Clifford,  Jr.,  Oxford;  Jay  Phillip  Cohen,  Atlanta, 
Ga. ;  Willie  Robert  Cole,  Hendersonville ;  John  Fitzgerald  Comer, 
Pi  Kappa  Alpha,  Greensboro;  Robert  Franklin  Comer,  Dobson; 
Muron  Herrick  Conklin,  Phi  Kappa  Sigma,  Durham;  Owen  ^'ad- 
dell  Cook,  Beta  Theta  Pi,  Fayetteville;  Matthew  Terry  Cooper, 
Lexington;  Richard  Joseph  Corcoran,  Jr.,  Durham. 

Fourth  Row:  Joe  S.  Correll,  Winston-Salem;  George  Baxter  Coston, 
Asheville;  Guyte  M.  Cotton,  Raleigh;  Donald  Lee  Cox,  Haw 
River;  LHa  Hurbert  Cozart,  III,  Zeta  Psi,  Wilson;  Ben  Franklin 
Craven,  Jr.,  Greensboro;  Richard  Hal  Creed,  Mt.  Airy;  Joseph 
Marvin  Crews,  Wilmington;  Jacques  Howard  Croom,  Fayetteville; 
Ivey  Gene  Crow,  Charlotte. 

Fifth  Row:  Christopher  Gale  Crowson,  Raleigh;  Arnold  Arthur 
Culbreth,  Jr.,  Greensboro ;  Frederick  Jackson  Cumming,  Jr., 
Graham;  William  F,  Cunningham,  Kankakee,  111.;  Harold  Dean 
Dampier,  Durham;  Fred  M.  Daniel,  Oxford ;  Robert  Dannenbaum, 
II,  Chi  Psi,  Wilmington;  Charles  William  Darden,  Goldsboro; 
Cullen  Bryan  Daugherty,  Kinston;  Charles  Thomas  Davis,  Jr., 

Sixth  Row:  Ira  Lewis  Davis,  Tan  Epsilon  Phi,  Bayonne,  N.  J.; 
Warren  Gary  Davis,  Asheville;  Willis  Walton  Davis,  Durham; 
Henry  Hursell  Dearman,  Statesville;  Ted  Vance  Denson,  Burling- 
ton; John  Hines  Dickson,  Phi  Kappa  Alpha,  Wilmington;  Fred 
William  Dieffenbach,  IV,  Alplia  Tau  Omega,  West  Nyack,  N.  Y.; 
Phillip  Ray  Dixon,  Chocowinity ;  Sidney  Stern  Dixon,  Jr.,  Sigma 
Nu,  Wilson;  Ellen  Therese  Doak,  Chapel  Hill, 

iL^^I  f .?  1  ,f  "i 

^  p  P  P   P   P   r*   l?^ 
p   p    p 


ITTf        (TT?         |I^  r^        ^^ 

b  I 



Page  127 



Firsl  Row:  Edward  Eloy  Doolan,  Savannah,  Ga.;  Joe  C.  Doster,  Jr.. 
Charlotte;  A.  Eugene  Douglas.  Greensboro;  Harold  Dean  Down- 
ing. Fayetteville;  Thomas  Perrin  Harrison  Dunlop,  Deltj  Kapp.i 
Epsilori,  Asheville;  Charles  Jerome  Dunn,  Jr.,  Ahoskie;  James 
Elwood  Durham,  Phi  Delta  Theta,  Durham ;  Taylor  Rogers  Dur- 
ham, II,  Greenwich,  Conn.;  Louis  Daniel  Duval,  Jr.,  Charlotte; 
Harry  Roberson  Easterling,  Kappa  Alpha,  Bennettsville,  S.  C. 

Second  Row:  Edwin  Wilson  Edmondson,  Pinetops;  Jane  Anne 
Edwards,  Pi  Beta  Phi,  Chapel  Hill;  Joshua  Videll  Edwards. 
Kenly;  Gerald  Einhorn,  Tan  Epsitou  Phi,  Norfolk,  Va. ;  William 
Harrison  Elder,  Siler  City;  Charles  Patterson  Eldridge,  Jr.,  Zel.t 
Psi,  Raleigh ;  James  Milton  Ellis,  Tarboro;  Thompson  Evans, 
Shelby;  Emmett  Bobbitt  Faulk.  Sanford;  Randall  Turlington  Fer- 
guson, Chapel  Hill. 

Third  Row:  Thomas  Harry  Ferguson,  Phi  Delta  Theta,  Sylva; 
Robert  Wayne  Ferrell,  Pi  Kappa  Phi,  Graham ;  Thomas  Eugene 
Fesperman,  Beta  Theta  Pi.  Greensboro;  Susan  Boles  Fink,  Chapel 
Hill;  Herman  Sender  Fleishman.  Pi  Lambda  Phi,  Fayetteville; 
Barry  Ira  Fogel.  Pi  Ltimbda  Phi.  Augusta,  Ga.;  Robert  Harrell 
Fonville,  Jr.,  Burlington;  William  Hutson  Ford,  Si.s,ma  Chi, 
Charleston.  S.  C;  Charles  Sprague  Forsyth.  Jr.,  Santa  Barbara, 
Calif.;  David  A.  Foster,  Wilmington. 

Fourth  Row:  Cecil  S.  Foushee,  Durham;  Betsy  Blanche  Fowler, 
Chapel  Hill;  Carolyn  Ruth  Fowler,  Chapel  Hill;  Donald  Owen 
Fowler,  Winston-Salem;  Frank  Lee  Fox,  Siler  City;  Joe  Byrd 
Franklin,  Glade  Valley;  Herbert  Charles  Frink,  Miami  Beach,  Fla.; 
Charles  Gaskins  Froelich,  Beta  Theta  Pi,  High  Point;  Richard 
Lawrence  Frucci.  Pi  Kappa  Phi.  Albany,  Ga.;  Donald  Fredrick 
Fryar,   Salisbury. 

Fijth  Row:  Kenneth  Lee  Frye,  Hickory;  Allen  Jefferson  Fuller, 
Liberty;  Reather  Cornelius  Furr,  Jr.,  Albemarle;  David  Bruce 
Garmise,  Tau  Epsilon  Phi,  Lawrence,  N.  Y. ;  Don  Harvey  Garren, 
Hendersonville;  Albert  Earle  Garrett,  III,  Kappa  Alpha,  Danville, 
Va.;  Paul  Jay  Gartzman,  ^X'aterbury.  Conn.;  Evangelos  Thomas 
Gavrilis,  Weldon;  ^X'alter  Irving  Gibson,  Jr.,  Randleman;  Philip 
Edward  Giguere,   Lebanon,  N.   H. 

Sixth  Row:  Charles  Franklin  Gilbert,  Benson;  William  Frank 
Giles,  Theta  Chi,  Perth  Amboy,  N.  J.;  William  M.  Ginn,  Golds- 
boro;  David  Bennett  Glass,  Raleigh;  Thomas  Gordon  Godfrey, 
Greenville,  S.  C;  Jack  Hoggard  Godley,  Wilmington;  George 
Browne  Goode,  Jr.,  Hickory;  Philip  Ives  Goodman,  New  Orleans, 
La.;  Joel  Sexton  Goodwin,  Chi  Psi,  Apex;  Fred  E.  Gordon, 

Page   128 



First  Row:  William  Gorelick,  Pi  Lambda  Phi,  Charlotte;  Raymond 
Lee  Graham,  Jr.,  Lincolnton;  Freeman  Augustus  Grant,  Jr.,  Delta 
Upsiloii.  Bethesda,  Md.;  Norman  B.  Grantham,  Jr.,  Smithfield;  J. 
Glenn  Grayson,  Shelby;  Charles  Morris  Green,  Delia  Upsilou. 
Chapel  Hill;  Robert  Henry  Green,  West  Palm  Beach,  Fla.;  Robert 
Lorenza  Green,  Phi  Eta  Sigma,  Salisbury;  Toy  Rhea  Gregory,  Jr., 
Lancaster,  S.  C;  Bruce  Albert  Gustafson,  Delta  Kappa  Epsiloii, 
Washington,  D.  C. 

Second  Rote:  George  Walker  Guthrie,  Graham;  Rufus  Rudolph 
Hackney,  Jr.,  Chi  Phi,  Durham;  John  Campbell  Haigh,  Pi  Kappa 
Alpha,  Fayetteville;  Glenn  Edgar  Hair,  Fayetteville;  Homer  Glenn 
Hall  Jr.,  Siler  City;  Lacy  G.  Hall,  Burlington;  John  Davies  Hal- 
lett,  Chi  Phi,  Lake  Wales,  Fla. ;  Charles  Henry  Hambright,  Fayette- 
ville; Wallace  Tate  Hanchey,  Carolina  Beach;  John  William 
Harden,  Jr.,  Graham. 

Third  Row:  John  William  Harden,  Jr.,  Chi  Psi,  Greensboro;  James 
Robinson  Harper,  Sigma  Nu,  Snow  Hill;  Wade  Whitley  Harrell, 
Cristobal.  Canal  Zone;  Neal  Scott  Harrington.  Delia  Upsiloii. 
Chapel  Hill;  Edward  Flynn  Harris,  Pi  Kappa  Alpha.  Charlotte; 
Wilmer  Long  Harris,  Roanoke  Rapids;  James  Burwell  Harrison, 
Jr..  Gastonia;  Oliver  James  Hart,  Jr..  Winston-Salem;  William 
Earl   Harvell.   Wilmington;   E.   Leland   Haywood.   Mt.  Gilead. 

Fourth  Row:  Richard  Hunter  Haywood,  Monroe;  Robert  Speir 
Headen,  Siler  City;  Edward  Ray  Hemby,  Jacksonville;  William 
Ray  Henderson,  Stony  Point;  Randall  Boyden  Henley,  Theta  Chi, 
High  Point;  Edward  Hennessee,  Parkersburg,  W.  Va.;  Otto 
Walker  Henry,  Swannanoa ;  Roger  Gordon  Herbert,  Chi  Phi,  Ports- 
mouth, Ohio;  Billy  Harvey  Herring,  Spring  Lake;  Hugh  Scott 
Hester,  Reidsville. 

Fifth  Row:  Roy  David  High,  Sanford ;  F.  Allan  Hills,  Roanoke 
Rapids;  Robert  Carol  Hinshaw,  Liberty;  George  Wycklifle  Hoffler, 
Sunbury;  Lee  Bourne  Holmes,  Sigma  Nu,  New  York,  N.  Y.;  Troy 
Clifton  Homesley,  Jr.,  Kappa  Alpha,  Cherryville;  Harrison  Barnett 
Hood,  Charlotte;  David  Alexander  Hooper,  Reidsville;  William 
Hadley  Horner,  Jr.,  Burlington;  William  Pace  Hubbard,  Stedman. 

Si.xlh  Row:  John  Charles  Huggins.  Pi  Kappa  Phi.  Lumberton;  Wil- 
liam King  Hundley,  Jr.,  Leaksville;  John  Thomas  Hunt,  Durham; 
Donald  E.  Huntington,  Chi  Psi.  Spartanburg.  S.  C. ;  John  Brennan 
Hussey,  Jr.,  Beta  Theta  Pi,  Shreveport,  La.;  Charles  Fisk  Hyatt, 
Waynesville;  William  Jacob  Isenhour,  Pi  Kappa  Alpha,  Hickory; 
Richard  Shull  James,  Raleigh;  Robert  Bryan  Jennings,  Lumberton; 
Billy  Joe  John.son,  Pi  Kappa  Phi.  Lillington. 

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F/nl  Row:  Phil  Blair  Johnson,  Alpha  Tau  Omega,  Raleigh;  Wil- 
liam Gladstone  Johnston,  Jr.,  Fayetteville ;  John  Knox  Johnstone, 
Mocksville;  Eric  Andrew  Jonas.  Chi.  Phi  Eta  Sigma,  Char- 
lotte; Charles  Harold  Jones,  Kinston;  Morris  Alexander  Jones, 
High  Point;  Norman  Jackson  Jones.  Oxford ;  Robert  Theodore 
Joyce,  Mayodan ;  Barney  Gene  Joyner,  Raleigh;  G.  Ed  Joyner,  Jr., 
Rocky  Mount. 

Second  Ron:  William  Henry  Joyner,  Jr.,  Phi  Delta  Theta,  Summit, 
N.  J.;  Carl  Ray  Kasell,  Goldsboro;  Victor  I.  Kasser,  Philadelphia. 
Pa.;  Charles  Jackson  Katzenstein,  Jr..  Zeta  Beta  Tau.  New  York, 
N.  Y.;  Robert  Kason  Keiger,  Winston-Salem;  Robert  Wayne 
Kelly,  ^X'inston-Salem;  Thomas  Dupre  Kemp,  III,  Charlotte;  James 
Powers  Kennedy,  Jacksonville;  Robert  Tabor  Kimzey.  Jr.,  Sigma 
jVh.  Brevard;  Robert  Lee  Kirksey.  Morganton. 

Third  Row:  Jay  C.  Klme.  Margate,  N.  J.;  ■William  Kuman,  Ph, 
Kappa  Sigma,  Aliquippa,  Pa.;  Louis  Kraar.  Richmond.  Va. ;  Man- 
uel Chris  Kranis,  Thomasville;  Ronald  Milton  Kriegsman.  Tat/ 
Epsilon  Phi.  Greensboro;  Donald  Julian  Kurtz,  Pi  Lambda  Phi. 
Rock  Hill,  S.  C;  Robert  Lee  Kushner,  Jr..  Danville,  Va.;  Dale  Rea 
Lackey,  Fallston;  Joseph  Thomas  Lamb.  Jr..  Phi  Gamma  Delta. 
Elizabeth  City;  William  Onzolo   Langley.  Jr..   Burlington. 

Fourth  Row:  Curtis  Ray  Lashley,  Burlington ;  Glenn  Edwin  Lasley, 
Lewisville;  Luther  Harold  Lawing,  Jr..  Charlotte;  Frank  Walter 
Leak,  Beta  Theta  Pi,  Rockingham;  Junius  Russell  Lee,  Four  Oaks; 
Nash  LeGrand.  Jr.,  Hamlet;  Robert  Lee  Litaker.  Beta  Theta  Pi, 
Charlotte;  Allen  Baker  Long.  Phi  Delta  Theta,  Chevy  Chase,  Md.; 
William  Ray  Long,  Phi  Eta  Sigma,  Marion ;  Charles  Eli  Lore, 

Fifth  Row:  Edward  C.  Loughlin,  Zeta  Psi,  Henderson;  Frank  Rob- 
bins  Lowe,  Sigma  Alpha  Epsilon,  Charlotte;  William  Franklin 
Lowe,  Jr.,  Gastonia ;  Elvery  Dean  Lowry,  Pembroke;  Benjamin 
Livingston  Lubin,  New  York,  N.  Y.;  Daniel  Rawls  Luke.  Alpha 
Tau  Omega,  Tarrytown,  N.  Y.;  Eugene  Douglas  Maloney,  Gas- 
tonia; Nick  Marcopulos,  Rye,  N.  Y. ;  John  W.  Markham,  IH, 
Sigma  Nu,  Ponte  Vedra  Beach.  Fla.;  Benjamin  A.  Marks.  Roanoke 

Sixth  Row:  J.  Rufus  Marks.  Jr..  Si.Kma  Phi  Epsilon.  Whiteville; 
James  Manning  Marlowe,  Walstonburg;  George  E.  Martin,  Jr., 
Reidsville;  Joseph  Boley  Martin,  Jr.,  Maycdan;  Lawrence  Maslow, 
Tau  Epsilon  Phi.  Brooklyn.  N.  Y.;  Hugh  Archibald  Mason.  Fayet- 
teville; Robert  E.  Mason.  Jr.,  Delta  Kappa  Epsilon.  Charlotte; 
William  Herndon  Mast.  Sugar  Grove;  Evelyn  Ann  Matthews, 
Chapel  Hill;  James  Harold  Matthis.  Warsaw. 

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First  Row:  Thomas  Neill  Maultsby,  Chapel  Hill;  Lutz  Leo  Mayer, 
Phi  Eta  Sigma,  Greensboro;  J.  Gray  McAllister,  III,  Chapel  Hill; 
Gerald  Fulenwider  McBrayer,  Jr.,  Kappa  Alpha,  Reidsville;  Gerard 
Francis  McCabe,  Mew  York,  N.  Y.;  Kenneth  Franklin  McCain, 
Phi  Gamma  Delta,  High  Point;  Richard  Banks  McCain,  Monroe; 
Joseph  Andrew  McLlurc,  Orangeburg,  S.  C;  James  Henry  Mc- 
Combs,  Jr.,  Morganton;  James  rtall  ivlcCorklc,  Jr.,  Charlotte. 

Second  Row:  Edgar  Woodfin  McCurry,  Jr.,  Pi  Kappa  Alpha, 
Shelby;  James  Lawrence  McElroy,  Jr.,  Alarshall;  Henry  King  Mc- 
Gee,  Lookout  Mountain,  1  enn. ;  Benjamin  Reid  McGowan,  Ham- 
let; Raymond  Andrew  McKee,  Mooresville;  VX'iliiam  Scott  Mc- 
Keithan,  Shallotte;  ihomas  Uavid  MciNeill,  Camp  Lejeune;  James 
>„.  McFherson,  laylorsville;  Johnny  G.  Medlin,  Jr.,  Benson;  hdwin 
Samuel  Menin,  iigma  Lhi,  Greensboro. 

Thiid  Rule:  Burnet  Mendelsohn,  Tail  Epsiloii  Phi,  Charleston. 
S.  C;  Theodore  E.  Mercer,  Chi  Phi,  Walstonburg;  Charles  Edwin 
Merrill,  Southern  Pines;  Jimmie  Alco  Merritt,  Albemarle;  James 
Terry  Miller,  Hamlet;  Tony  Jasper  Miller,  Winston- Salem;  An- 
drew Hammill  Milstead,  Maysville,  Ky.;  Robert  Lee  Minteer,  Pgh, 
Pa.;  Esther  Nelson  Minturn,  Chapel  Hill;  Laurence  Miscall,  Jr.. 
Forest  Hills,  N.  Y. 

Fourth  Row:  Donald  Preston  Mitchell,  Sigma  Nu,  Seaford,  Dela^ 
ware;  Harold  Wayne  Mohorn,  Enfield;  Don  R.  Monroe,  Theta 
Chi,  Asheboro;  William  Paul  Monroe,  Beta  Theta  Pi,  Fayetteville; 
Carroll  Jackson  Moore,  Sigma  Nu.  Winston-Salem;  James  Robert 
Moore,  Jr.,  Concord;  Robert  Hayes  Moore,  Jr.,  Durham ;  Thomas 
Carey  Moore,  Jr.,  Raleigh;  Vance  Theodore  Moore,  Jr.,  Tarboro; 
William  B.  Moore,  Phi  Delta  Theta,  New  Orleans,  La. 

Fifth  Rotf:  Elwood  Ernest  Morgan,  Burlington;  James  Mack  Mor- 
row, Jr.,  Mooresville;  Galen  Gartner  Moser,  Burlington;  Robert 
Keith  Mosley,  Waxhaw;  Stephen  Andrew  Moss,  Delta  Upsilon, 
Phi  Eta  Sigma,  Kintnersville,  Pa. ;  William  Eagles  Moss,  Wilson; 
Willie  Herbert  Muraford,  Kenly;  Lewis  Manning  Muntzing,  Moore- 
field,  W.  Va.;  Herbert  Larry  Muschamp,  Rome,  Ga.;  Grady  Ben- 
nett Myers,  Jr.,  Winston-Salem. 

Sixth  Row:  E.  L.  Nance,  Jr.,  Charlotte;  Glenn  Allen  Nanney, 
Charlotte;  Edward  Holder  Nelson,  Zeta  Beta  Tan,  Washington, 
D.  C;  Arthur  Rowell  Newcombe,  Jr..  Sigma  Alpha  Epsilon,  Char- 
lotte; Boyd  Lee  Newnam,  High  Point;  Gene  Sherwood  Nichols, 
Ahoskie;  John  Sapp  Nichols,  "Beta  Theta  Pi.  Reidsville;  Robert  S. 
Nichols.  Phi  Kappa  Sigma.  Durham;  Richard  Ray  Nixon,  Phi 
Kappa  Sigma,  Charlotte;  Richard  Allan  Noll,  Beta  Theta  Pi,  W. 
Medford,   Mass. 

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First  Row:  James  Kirkpatrick  Norfleet,  Sigma  Alpha  Epsilon, 
Winston-Salem;  Maurice  L.  Norton,  II,  Delia  Upsilon,  Laurin- 
burg;  Charles  Stephens  Norwood,  Jr.,  Kappa  Sigma,  Goldsboro; 
Billy  Tyson  Oakley,  Mebane;  Thomas  Lee  Osborne,  Henderson- 
ville;  Joe  Carroll  Outlaw,  Mount  Olive;  James  E.  Owen,  Thomas- 
ville;  David  Henry  Pace,  Theta  Chi,  Wilmington;  Giles  Troy 
Page,  Jr.,  Clayton;  Bobby  I.  Paller,  Tan  Epsilon  Phi,  Atlanta,  Ga. 

Second  Roiv:  Rudolph  George  Paquette,  Elkhart,  Indiana;  G.  Far- 
rar  Parker,  Jr.,  Sigma  Alpha  Epsilon,  Asheville;  Clarence  Banner 
Parks,  Clinton;  Jack  J.  Parks,  Jr.,  FayetteviUe;  William  Gregory 
Parmeie,  East  Orange,  N.  J.;  George  Nicholas  Parthemos,  Ashe- 
ville; Bobby  Joe  Patterson,  'W'ellston,  Ohio;  John  Smith  Patterson, 
Stony  Point;  Kincaid  Patterson,  Statesville;  Emilie  Frances  Patton, 
Alpha  Gamma  Delta.   Chapel   Hill. 

Third  Roic:  James  Davis  Patton.  Morganton;  Ben  Reid  Rayne, 
Burlington;  Paul  Patton  Payne,  Jr.,  Charleston,  W.  Va.;  Edwin 
NX'ulfe  Pearce,  Jr.,  Greensboro;  Joseph  Anthony  Pecoraino,  Fayette- 
viUe; Robert  Franklin  Peek,  Kappa  Alpha.  Winston-Salem;  Edward 
Leigh  Pell,  Sigma  Alpha  Epsilon,  Charlotte;  Sam  E.  Penegar,  Mon- 
roe; Phil  E.  Penninger,  Concord ;  Roland  Powell  Perdue,  College 
Park,  Ga. 



Fourth  Row:  Charles  Reid  Perry,  Winston-Salem;  Noel  Harper 
Petree,  Jr.,  Chi  Psi,  San  Juan,  Puerto  Rico;  Dossi  Crawford  Phil- 
lips, Jr.,  High  Point;  George  Randolph  Phillips,  Graham;  Kermit 
Glenn  Phillips,  II,  Greensboro;  Richard  Lee  Phipps,  Raleigh;  Wm. 
Bryan  Pittman,  Phi  Delta  Theta,  Sanford;  Henry  Franklin  Plott, 
Charlotte;  Peter  Martin  Pollander,  Pittsboro;  Samuel  H.  Poole,  Pi 
Kappa  Phi,  West  End. 

Fifth  Row:  Claude  Edwin  Pope,  Pi  Kappa  Alpha,  Dunn;  Fred 
Stanley  Porginski,  Portsmouth,  Ohio ;  Marvin  Lee  Porter,  East 
Flat  Rock;  Robert  Morgan  Powell,  Sigma  Nu,  Charlotte;  John 
William  Powers,  Wallace;  William  Wesley  Prince,  Kings  Moun- 
tain; VCilliam  Robert  Proffit,  Buies  Creek;  Thomas  Gerald  Puckett, 
Rockwell;  Bobby  Lewis  Pugh,  Phi  Eta  Sigma,  Asheboro;  Robert 
Stanford  Pullman,   Durham. 

Sixth  Ron:  Robert  Smith  Quinn,  Charlotte;  Gilbert  Gray  Ragland, 
Oxford;  Alexander  Graham  Ray,  High  Point;  Edmond  Allison  Ray, 
Pinehurst;  Samuel  Thomas  Reeves,  Sigma  Alpha  Epsilon,  Thomas- 
ton,  Ga.;  David  Edward  Reid,  Jr.,  Asheville;  William  Alan  Reid, 
Asheville;  Charles  Bradford  Rhoades,  Winston-Salem;  William 
Richard  Rhyne.  Marganton  ;  ''OCarren  Jerome  Richards,   BurlingUm. 

Page   132 



First  Row:  Willis  James  Riddick,  Belhaven;  Graham  Henry  Rights. 
Winston-Salem;  Joe  Baxter  Roberson,  Candler;  Phihp  Thomson 
Roberts,  Kappa  Alpha,  Charleston,  S.  C;  Harold  Dean  Robmson. 
Phi  Delta  Theta.  Mansfield.  Ohio;  Julian  Richard  Rogers.  Beta 
Theta  Pi,  Wrightsville  Beach;  John  Joseph  Romano.  Miami.  Fla.; 
Joseph  Fredrick  Rosenberg,  Zeta  Beta  Tau,  Troy,  Alabama ;  Jerry 
Armfield  Royals,  Kernersville;  Billy  Ray  Russell,  Concord. 

Second  Row:  William  Eugene  Sanders,  Chi  Phi,  Asheboro;  Wil- 
liam Pendleton  Sandridge,  Jr.,  Sigma  Alpha  Epsilon;  Winston- 
Salem  ;  Chaloner  Baker  Schley,  5/.  Anthony  Hall.  Eccleston.  Md.. 
Robert  Ellis  Scholze.  Jr.,  Sigma  Alpha  Epsilon.  Coral  Gables.  Fla.; 
Harold  Schwartz,  Tau  Epsilon  Phi,  Jacksonville;  William  Ernest 
Sellers.  Lambda  Chi  Alpha,  Burlington;  John  'William  Senter, 
Lincolnton;  Billy  Marian  Sessoms.  Pinebluff;  Alexander  Graham 
Shanks.  Alpha  Tau  Omega,  Phi  Eta  Sigma.  Birmingham,  Alabama; 
Larry  Wayne  Sharpe.  VC'inston-Salem. 

Third  Row:  Charles  L.  Sharpless,  Phi  Kappa  Sigma.  Wyncote,  Pa. ; 
Kenneth  Ernest  Sheppard,  Jr.,  Winston-Salem ;  Thomas  Haynes 
Shores.  Delia  Kappa  Epsilon.  Hickor)';  Hudson  Wilson  Shoulars. 
Jr..  Alpha  Tau  Omega.  Rich  Square;  Robert  Eugene  Showfety. 
Greensboro;  Daniel  Shiver  Silvia,  Jr..  Wilmington;  Woodruff 
Franklin  Sink.  Winston-Salem;  James  McHugh  Skidmore,  Jr.. 
Albemarle;  John  Llewllyn  Skinner.  Jr.,  Beta  Theta  Pi,  Coral 
Gables.  Fla. ;  XX'illiam  Roy  Slack.  St.  Petersburg,  Fla. 

Fourth  Row:  Clyde  Smith,  Jr.,  Greensboro;  David  Caswell  Smith, 
Charlotte;  Ewell  Clark  Smith,  Delta  Kappa  Epsilon,  Preston,  Ovte, 
Cuba;  Franklin  Teddy  Smith.  Winston- Salem;  James  A.  Smith.  Jr., 
Phi  Kappa  Sigma.  Durham ;  Ritchie  Smith.  Fayetteville;  Robert 
Miller  Smith.  Goldsboro;  Sherwood  H.  Smith.  Jr.,  Phi  Delta 
Theta.  Jacksonville,  Fla.;  Robert  O.  Sneed.  Charlotte;  Quinc^'  Bell 
Snipes.  Jr.,  Wilmington. 

Fifth  Row:  Raymond  Fletcher  Snipes,  Reidsville;  Thomas  G.  Spain, 
St.  Anthony  Hall.  Morristown,  N.  J.;  Will  Oscar  Speight,  Eden- 
ton;  William  Corwell  Spong.  Charlotte;  John  Alden  Spooner,  St. 
Anthony  Hall.  Darien.  Conn.;  Scott  W.  Spradley.  Kappa  Alpha, 
Shelby;  William  Ivan,  Starrett,  Jr.,  East  Point,  Ga.;  Christopher 
Eugene  Staton,  Jr.,  Hendersonville;  Norman  Fredric  Steinberger, 
Pi  Lambda  Phi,  Statesville;  Herbert  Benjamin  Stephens,  Glen 

Sixth  Rou:  John  Shorter  Stevens,  Chi  Phi,  Asheville;  Noel 
Paige  Stout.  Chi  Psi.  Burlington;  George  Thomas  Strickland,  Jr., 
Phi  Eta  Sigma.  Nashville;  James  Garfield  Sullivan.  Ahoskie;  Wil- 
liam 'Wayne  Suttle.  Marion;  Snavely  Daniel  Swaim.  Vi'inston- 
Salem;  James  D.  Sykes.  Phi  Kappa  Sigma,  Jenkintown.  Pa.;  Robert 
Hunter  Tate.  Jr..  Phi  Gamma  Delta.  Wilmington;  Edward  T. 
Taws.  Jr..  St.  Anthony  Hall,  Andalusia,  Pa.;  Jack  Morris  Taylor, 
Pi  Kappa  Phi.  Aberdeen. 




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First  Row:  James  Kluttz  Taylor,  Charlotte;  Louis  Jerome  Taylor, 
Pi  Kappa  Phi,  Wilson;  Tommy  Hoyle  Temple,  Zebulon;  Jimmy 
Howard  Tesh,  Winston- Salem;  Curtis  Malcoulm  Thacker.  Mayo- 
dan;  Broadus  Thompson,  Sigma  Alpha  Epsilon,  West  Columbia, 
S.  C;  Claude  Hoke  Thompson,  Jr.,  Sigma  Phi  Epsiloi:,  Shelby; 
Howard  Eugene  Thompson,  Winston-Salem;  John  Hargett  Thomp- 
son, Richlands;  John  Keyser  Tice,  St.  Anthony  Hall,  High  Point. 

Second  Row:  Claude  B.  Tiller,  Draper;  Norman  Ernest  Tipton, 
Asheville;  Richard  McKee  Todd,  Delta  Kappa  Epsilon,  Rye, 
N.  Y.;  James  N.  Tolbert,  Morganton;  Earl  Clifford  Torrence, 
Charlotte;  Emmett  Apple  Tuck,  Jr.,  Virgilina,  Va.;  Harry  Sutton 
Turner,  Jacksonville;  Jas.  R.  Turner,  Winston-Salem;  Jane  Finch 
Twamley,  Chapel  Hill;  Clyde  Gilbert  Tweed,  Theta  Chi,  Asheville. 

Third  Row:  James  Madison  Tyler,  Kappa  Sigma,  Kinston;  John 
Bard  Tyndall,  Cherokee;  Jerome  Joseph  Vayda.  Phi  Kappa  Sigma. 
Bayonne,  N.  J.;  Perry  Burt  Veazey,  Alpha  Tatt  Omega.  Raleigh; 
Charles  Read  Vincent,  Murfreesboro;  David  Eugene  Wagoner, 
Yadkinville;  Henry  Ajax  Walker,  Kappa  Sigma,  Kinston;  James 
CUfton  Walker,  Durham;  Walter  Thornley  Walker,  111,  Bel.i 
Theta  Pi,  Beth  Page.  L.  I..  N.  Y.;  Gaither  S.  Walser,  Kappa 
Sigma.  Lexington. 

Fourth  Row:  Noah  Heber  Walters.  LaGrange;  Donald  William 
Warren,  Pi  Lambda  Phi,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.;  George  Francis 
Warren,  Jr.,  Snow  Hill;  William  Edgar  Warrick.  Jr.,  Mt.  Olive; 
Charles  Harris  Wartman,  Clarksville,  Va.;  William  James  War- 
wick, Chi  Phi,  Wilmington;  Henry  Gene  Waters,  Roanoke  Rapids; 
Zack  James  Waters,  Jr.,  Salisbury,  Md.;  George  Rose  Watkins. 
Henderson;  Sam  Meriweather  Watkins,  Henderson. 

Fifth  Row:  Thomas  Morton  Watts,  Bryson  City;  Richard  Beverly 
Raney  Webb,  Alpha  Tau  Omega,  Greensboro;  Thomas  Carlton 
Webster,  Yanceyville;  James  Randolph  Welborn.  Winston-Salem; 
Robert  Andrew  Wellons,  Sigma  Alpha  Epsilon,  Charlotte;  Grady 
Lee  Wells,  Phi  Eta  Sigma.  Charlotte;  Herbert  Stephenson  Wentz, 
Chi  Psi.  Salisbury;  C.  Milton  West.  Jr..  Camden,  N.  J.;  Robert 
Lee  West,  Dover;  David  Louis  Whitaker.  Phi  Eta  Sigma.  "W'il- 

Sixth  Row:  Hugh  Zenas  White,  Jr.,  Salisbury;  Joseph  Theodore 
White,  Statesville;  Julian  Alpheus"  White,  Jr..  Hertford;  Kenneth 
Roger  White,  Huntersville;  Raymon  Lee  White.  Sigma  Nti. 
Columbus.  Ga.;  Thomas  ^X'hite.  Jr..  Raleigh;  David  Earl  Whit- 
field, Durham;  Elizabeth  G.  Whitfield,  Chapel  Hill;  Edward 
Knight  Whitmore,  Jr..  Alpha  Tati  Omega.  South  Orange,  N.  J.; 
Diana  Beth  Whittmghill,  Chapel  Hill. 


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First  Row:  Chas.  Leigh  Wickham,  Kappa  Sig,ma,  Kinston;  James 
Hamilton  Wiggins,  Clinton;  James  S.  Wilkins,  Pi  Kappa  Alpha, 
Shelby;  William  Durant  Willard,  Purvis;  Carter  Seymore  Wil- 
liams, Pollocksville;  Charles  Slater  Williams,  Durham;  Clawson 
Lee  Williams,  Jr.,  Phi  Delta  Theta,  Sanford;  John  Dudley  Wil- 
liams, Greensboro ;  Joseph  Philip  Williams,  Elmhurst,  111. ;  Mary 
Lou  Williams,  Chapel  Hill. 

Second  Row:  Rupert  Lee  Williams,  Edenton;  William  Redden 
Williams,  Hamlet;  Clarence  Thomas  Williford,  Jr.,  Phi  Delta 
Theta,  Wilson;  Jack  Leroy  Wilson,  Lake  Lure;  Thomas  Ezekiei 
Witty,  Jr..  Thomasville;  John  Montgomery  Woltz.  Jr.,  Greens- 
boro; Albert  Franklin  Wood,  Jonesville;  Edward  William  Wood, 
III,  St.  Anthony  Hall.  Winston-Salem;  Billy  Joe  Woosley,  Clem- 
mons ;   lohn   Franklin  V<'ooten,    Ir..  Kinston. 

Third  Row:  Walter  Ramon  Wootten,  Hickory;  Carey  B.  N. 
Wright,  Jr.,  Greensboro;  Donald  Rayburn  Wright,  Mt.  Airy; 
Charles  Hill  Yarborough,  Jr.,  Sigma  Alpha  Epiilon,  Louisburg; 
E.  Peter  Yarnell,  Charleston,  S.  C;  Frank  Ogburn  Yates,  Jr., 
Alpha  Tau  Omega,  Asheboro;  Edwin  Milton  Yoder,  Mebane; 
Jack  Gerard  Yopp,  Jacksonville;  Frederick  Nelson  Young,  Jr., 
Valle  Crucis;  Joseph  Beverly  Young.  Canton. 

Fourth  Row:  Robert  Gill  Young,  Jr.,  Zeta  Psi,  Henderson;  Richard 
Hardin  Ziglar,  Phi  Kappa  Sigma,  Winston-Salem ;  Jay  Zimmer- 
man. Jr.,  St.  Atithon)  Hall,  New  Paltz,  N.  Y. 

Page  135 

Freshman  Class  Officers 


TowNSEND  Holt,  President 

Jake  Goforth,  Vice-Presideril 


Jackie  Van  Hook.  Social  Ckiiimiiii 
Charlie  Ashby,  Treasurer 
Mary  Ann  Keeter,  Secretary 

Page  136 


Age  18  .  .  .  irrepressible  youth  .  .  .  limited  experience  .  .  .  the  formidable  gates 
.  .  .  apprehension  upon  entering  .  .  .  the  lost  feeling  of  new  independence  cut 
sharply  into  our  existence  .  .  .  long  day  with  too  few  hours  .  .  .  conforming  to 
regulations  .  .  .  memorizing  names  .  .  .  feverish  studying  and  deficiency  slips 
.  .  .  anticipating  Sundays  .  .  .  Christmas  with  its  glamor  and  Easter  with  its 
Spring  .  .  . 

Highlights  on  datmg  .  .  .  heavier  books  with  smaller  print  .  .  .  the  earliest 
kind  of  A.  M.  schedules  .  .  .  crew-cuts  and  white  bucks  .  .  .  tweed  coat  and 
Rendezvous  romances  .  .  .  starlight  glamor  and  footprints  in  the  Arboretum  .  .  . 
bench-seekers  after  9:00  P.  M.  .  .  .  greater  noise  in  a  maturing  heart  .  .  . 

Second  love  in  a  different  setting  .  .  .  invaluable  correspondence  .  .  .  begin- 
ning thinkers  .  .  .  undescriptive  dance  step  with  the  'Carolina  bop'  .  .  .  unrecog- 
nized image  on  an  I.  D.  card  .  .  . 

Summer's  bright  interruption  before  Sophomore  year 
parture  .  .  .  backward  glances  with  no  regrets. 

remorse  on  de- 


Firil  Row:  Elmer  Preston  Abee,  Jr.,  Morganton;  Bobby  Manly  Abercrombie,  Mt.  Holly;  Henry 
Samuel  Addison,  Durham;  William  Baker  Akin,  Jr.,  Raleigh;  Clyde  Benny  Alexander,  Savannah, 
Ga.;  Harrington  Helm  Alexander,  Robbins;  'VCilliam  Raymond  Alford,  Durham;  Charles  Eugene 
Allen,  Taylorsville;  William  Marion  Allen,  Jr..  Elkin;  James  McMillan  Allison,  Asheville. 

Second  Row:  Wilbert  Francis  Altemueller,  Chapel  Hill;  Leo  Richard  Anderson,  La  Grange;  Bobby 
Talmadge  Andrews,  McLeansville;  Jack  Delano  Angel,  Reidsville;  James  Mcllwaine  Archer, 
Charlotte;  "William  Lewis  Armour,  Statesville;  James  Paul  Armstrong,  Jr.,  High  Point;  Norman 
C.  Armstrong,  Elizabeth  City;  Lonnie  Lester  Ash,  Jr.,  Rivesville,  W.  Va.;  Charles  Gladstone 
Ashby,  Jr.,  Elkin. 

Third  Roiv:  David  Lawrence  Ashford,  Scotland  Neck;  Derwood  Lee  Ashworth,  Durham;  Murrell 
Hunter  Ashworth,  Durham;  Woods  Garland  Atkins,  Gastonia;  Dale  Reid  Austin,  Taylorsville; 
Wavely  Garland  Avent,  Raleigh;  Quincy  Adams  Ayscue,  Monroe;  John  David  Bachman,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C;  Alfred  Reno  Bailey.   Cliffside;  John  Reginald   Baker.  Carthage. 

■^     ^     C5     O 

p    9  p  0  P  fT:>    f^   1!^  ^. 

P   P   p^  P 

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^  9  P  9  f     <r       P      (? 

Q    P     ^ 



Pouith  Ron:  Daniel  Richard  Ballard.  Iron  Station;  'William  Thomas  Ballard,  Polkton;  Thomas 
Wayne  Ballou,  Morehead  City;  XiCalter  Edward  Barbee,  Durham;  Joe  Richard  Barber.  ^X'ilkesboro; 
Carl  W.  Barbour,  Raleigh;  Ray  Sinclair  Barbre,  Jr.,  Kinston;  George  Michael  Barclay,  Narberth, 
Pa.;   Charles  Glenn  Barger,  Jacksonville;  Robert  J.  Barker,  Cherryville. 

f/f/h  Roiv:  Richard  Douglas  Barkley.  Oriental;  Sam  Burman  Barnard,  Savannah.  Ga.;  Joseph 
Eugene  Bartholomew.  Raleigh;  Carl  Lee  Bass,  Durham;  Tommie  Leonard  Bass,  Wilson;  George 
Leonard  Bates,  Chapel  Hill;  Owens  Davis  Batten,  Selma;  Roland  Wesley  Batten,  Portsmouth, 
Va.;   Bernice  Rodric   Batts.   Wallace;   Robert    Leslie   Baucom,   Monroe. 

Stx.'h  Row:  Bobby  Gerald  Beam,  Spruce  Pine;  William  Claris  Bean,  Mebane;  Roy  H.  Beard.  Jr., 
Oxford;  James  Bouldin  Beatty.  Mt.  Holly;  James  Tully  Beatty,  Charlotte;  Shelley  Blaine  Beck, 
Asheboro;  Edward  Whitson  Bell,  Aulander;  Frederick  Neil  Bell,  Swarthmore,  Pa.;  John  VC'illiam 
Bell,   Jr.,   Lattimore;   Robert   Locke  Bell,   Greensboro. 

Page  138 



First  Rou:  Barbara  Ollie  Bennett,  Chapel  Hill;  Ralph  Luther  Bentley,  Moravian  Falls;  Nelson 
Virginius  Benyunes,  Danville,  Va.;  Frank  Christian  Bernhardt,  Charlotte;  Lewis  David  Berryhill, 
Charlotte;  Stan  Maxwell  Bershaw,  Asheville;  Joseph  Walter  Best,  Clinton;  Nelson  Ray  Best, 
Warsaw;  John  Bijur,  Bedford  Village,  N.  Y.;  John  Matthew  Bilich,  Aliquippa,   Pa. 

Second  Row:  James  Frederick  Bishop.  Rocky  Mount;  John  Arnett  Black.  Greensboro;  ■VC'illiam 
Linville  Black,  Winston-Salem;  '^"ilbert  Worth  Blackman,  Smithfield;  Charles  Sidney  Blankstein. 
Greensboro;  John  Gray  Blount,  'Washington;  William  A.  Blue,  Wadesboro;  John  Daniel  Bly. 
Asheville;  Robert  Martin  Boerner,  'Winston-Salem;  Oscar  Howard  Bolch,  Jr.,  Albemarle. 

Third  Rou:-  James  Cener  Bolton,  Rich  Square;  Granville  Kent  Booker,  Raleigh;  Donald  Lee 
Boone.  High  Point;  Hoyt  Winfield  Boone,  Greensboro;  Demette  Gordon  Bordeaux,  Elizabethtown; 
William  Joseph  Boswell,  '^"ilson;  Charles  Pardue  Bowles,  Winston- Salem;  Charles  Otis  Boyette, 
Chadbourn;   Joseph   Thomas   Boyette.   Clinton;   'William   Otis   Boyette,   Chadbourn. 


F'jinlh  Riiu:  William  Hcyward  Bradshaw.  Rutherfordton;  David  Spencer  Brady.  'Valdese;  Marvin 
Brady,  Charleston.  S.  C. ;  Donald  Allen  Branch,  'Winterville;  Charles  Marion  Braswell,  Monroe; 
Thomas  Roy  Brenner,  Riviera  Beach,  Fla.;  John  Butler  Bridger,  Bladenboro;  'William  Edward 
Brigman,  New   Bern;   Edward   G.  Britt,   Kinston;  Morris  Naum   Broad,   Miami   Beach,   Fla. 

Fiflh  Rou:  Clifton  Henry  Brock.  Lillington;  Claude  Cicero  Brooks,  Jr.,  Millers  Creek;  Henry 
Franklin  Brooks,  Greenville;  Mallard  Guy  Brooks.  Jr.,  Shelby;  Mark  Norman  Brooks,  Washington, 
D.  C;  "Walter  Hubert  Brothers.  Aurora;  Arthur  Stanley  Brown,  Wilson;  Conrad  L.  Brown.  Jr., 
Troutmans;   Donald   M.   Brown,   Jamesville;   Eugene  Wilson   Brown,   Jr.,   Rich   Square. 

Si\lh  Rati:  Gordon  Rives  Brown.  Durham;  Gro\er  Cleveland  Brown.  Harrington.  Del.;  Joe 
Evans  Brown.  Charlotte;  VC'jIliam  Lee  Brown;  Roanoke  Rapids;  'William  Goode  Branch,  Winter 
Haven,  Fla.;  H.  David  Bruton,  Candor,  LeRoy  Adam  Bruton.  Charlottesville,  Va.;  Donald  Thomas 
Bryan,   Rocky  Mount;  James  Kenneth   Bryant,   Jr.,   Elkin ;   Peter  BIythe   Buck,   Greensboro. 

Page  139 


First  Row:  Julius  Francis  Budacz,  Robersonville ;  Harold  Dean  Bull,  High  Point;  Bernie  Fraust 
Bullard,  Raleigh;  Donald  E.  Bullard,  Winston-Salem;  Reece  Alan  Bulle,  Wallbury;  James  Arliss 
Bumgardner,  Winston-Salem;  Herman  Bunch.  Jr.,  High  Point;  Benjamin  Lawrence  Burbridge, 
Jacksonville,   Fla.;  Jesse   Lane  Burchell,   Leakssille;   Howard   Lee  Burdette,  Monroe, 

Second  Row:  Robert  Philip  Burgess,  Pinetops;  David  James  Burrows.  Bay  Shore,  N.  Y. ;  Robert 
Tilden  Burrus,  Rockford ;  Donald  Farrell  Burton,  Hillsboro;  Marshall  Rexford  Butcher,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C;  Frank  Butler.  Roseboro;  Jesse  Lewis  Butler.  Clinton;  Julian  David  Butler,  Saint 
Pauls;  Frederic  Henry  Butters,  Wilmington;  David  Franklin  Byers,  Shelby. 

Third  Roil':  James  Doggett  Bynum,  Greensboro;  James  Jordan  Bynum.  Raleigh;  Fredric  Colby 
Byrum.  Edenton;  William  Charles  Cable,  Greensboro;  Harry  Beard  Cannon,  Jr.,  Lakeland,  Fla.; 
Douglas  David  Cantrell,  Seaford,  Del. ;  Reid  Paul  Carbeton,  Elizabeth  City;  James  Franklin 
Carlisle,  Guilford;  Robert  J.  Carlsen,  Highland  Park,  111.;  Thaxton  Miller  Carmichael,  Winston- 




^a»  *' 










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Four//}  Rou:  Robert  Lewis  Carswell,  Morganton;  James  Douglas  Carter.  Raleigh;  James  Lewis 
Carter.  Winston-Salem;  Patricia  Anne  Carter.  Chapel  Hill;  George  Bernard  Cashwell.  Mount 
Airy;  Ernest  Castillo.  IIL  Tampa,  Fla.;  Charles  Wesley  Causey.  Greensboro;  William  Robert 
Caviness,  Sanford ;  Richard  William  Chalk.  Jr.,  Greensboro;  Norman  Allison  Chamberlain,  Matthews, 

Fifth  Row:  Henry  Hautman  Chambless,  Jr.,  Charlotte;  James  Monroe  Chamblee,  Burlington; 
Mallory  Lewis  Chambliss,  Rocky  Mount;  Richard  Randall  Charleville,  High  Point;  James  Theodore 
Cheatham,  IIL  Greenville;  Theodore  Eugene  Childres,  Connelley  Springs;  Joe  David  Christian, 
Jr.,  Smithfield,  Va.;  Carey  Alexander  Clark,  St.  Matthews.  Kentucky;  Nevy  King  Clark,  Savannah, 
Ga.;  William  Thompson  Clark,  Statesville. 

Sixth  Row:  Luster  James  Cline,  Kannapolis;  Franklin  Delano  Clontz,  Morganton;  Paul  Armfield 
Coffey,  Boone;  Richard  Amis  Coker,  Hartsville,  S.  C. ;  James  Glenn  Collier,  Jr..  Rich  Square; 
Robert  Cecil  Cole,  Carolina  Beach;  Francis  Eugene  Collins,  Jr.,  Lumberton;  Walter  Nicholas 
Collison,  Jr.,  Annapolis,  Md.;  Lawrence  Davis  Conder.  Charlotte,  Anthony  Irwin  Conkle,  East 
Palestine,  Ohio. 

Page  140 


First  Row:  David  Marion  Connor,  Jr.,  Durham;  Charles  Alston  Cook,  Arlington,  Va. ;  Milton 
Perreautt  Cooke,  New  York,  N.  Y. ;  Robert  Reid  Cooke,  Asheboro ;  Jackie  Finley  Cooper,  Jr., 
Sylva;  Joseph  Irwin  Converse,  Jr.,  Greenville,  S.  C;  Malcolm  H.  Coplon.  Winston-Salem;  Joseph 
Randolph  Corley,  Winston-Salem;  Thomas  Bonifer  Cornell,  Key  West,  Fla.;  William  Charles  Corse, 
Che%7  Chase,  Md, 

Second  Row:  Pete  B.  Cothran,  Youngstown,  N.  Y.;  Hugh  B.  Cowan.  Ann  Arbor,  Mich.;  Marion 
Aubrey  Cowell.  Jr..  Jacksonville;  Adlai  Roy  Cox,  Jr.,  Asheboro:  Eppie  Bennett  Cox,  Aurora; 
Robert  Averj'  Craddock,  Cary;  Daniel  B.  Craver,  Greenwich,  Conn.;  Kenneth  Shoaf  Craver,  Jr., 
Lexington;  Caroll  Spencer  Credle,  Jr.,  Ahoskie;  Robert  Nilgo  Creighton,  Jr.,  Charlotte. 

Third  Row:  'William  Barker  Crews,  Jr.,  Oxford;  Joel  Allen  Cross,  Creedmoor;  Joseph  Worth 
Cullreth,  Fayetteville;  Edmund  Lane  Curlee,  Jr.,  Savannah,  Ga.;  John  Russell  Curtis,  Bessemer 
City;  Charles  Edward  Dameron,  IIL  Asheville;  Charles  R.  Daniel.  Roanoke  Rapids;  Ulyss  Glenn 
Daughtridge.  Rocky  Mount;  Curtiss  'Wilson  Daughtr)'.  Smithfield;  Clayton  Williams  Davidson,  Jr., 


f^   f^    o 

1    ^M    I 



Fourth  Row:  Carlisle  Berry  Davis,  Fayetteville;  Herbert  Owen  Davis.  Roxboro;  John  Kenneth 
Davis,  ^'rightsville  Beach;  Wilburn  Addison  Davis,  'W'aynesville;  Jon  Neil  Dawn,  Gastonia; 
Claudius  Stuart  Dawson,  Jr..  Charleston.  S.  C;  Ernest  Cornelius  Deane.  Jr.,  Charlottesville,  Va.; 
John  Prortor  Dearing.  Chevy  Chase.  Md.;  Arthur  Franklin  Deese.  Matthews;  Julian  Peter  Dell, 
Bethesda,  Md. 

Fifth  Row:  John  Elliot  Dermatt.  Jr.,  Durham;  Blanton  Younger  Dickerson,  Oxford;  Lacy  Lamar 
Dilday.  Powellsville;  James  William  Dinwiddle.  Lexington;  James  Stephen  Dockery.  Jr.,  Ruther- 
fordton;  Norman  Avery  Dodd.  Clayton;  Winfred  Gray  Dodson,  Wilmington;  Stanley  Rhoades 
Donnahoe,   East   Alton,    111.;   Charles   Brent   Dorrity,    HiUsboro;   Robert   Gray   Dotson,    Boone. 

Sixth  Row:  George  Edward  Doughton,  Durham;  George  Robert  Dozier,  Lexington,  Ky.;  Otis 
Marion  Drake,  Hendersonville;  Phillip  Alexander  Drake,  Ft.  Lauderdale,  Fla.;  Frederick  William 
Dreyer.  Plainfield,  N.  J.;  Thomas  Harold  Duncan,  Clayton;  Carl  Hanna  Durham,  Burlington; 
James  Thomas  Duvall,  NX'illiamsburg,  'Va.;  Eddie  Pittman  Dwyer,  Charlotte;  Zane  Emerson  Eargle, 

Page  141 



First  Row:  Charles  Edward  Earnhardt,  SaHsbury;  Robert  Donald  Eason,  Snow  Hill;  John  Allen 
Edgerton,  Kenly;  Fred  Greene  Eidson,  Elkin;  Robert  Lee  Ellerbe,  Jr.,  Rockingham;  William 
Joseph  Ellis,  Mt.  Sterling,  Ky. ;  Wilbur  Hoyle  Epley,  Rutherfordton;  William  Alexander  Erwin, 
High  Point;  James  Earl  Evans,  Oxford;  William  Harrell  Everett,  Williamston. 

Second  Ron:-  James  Gooden  Exum,  Jr.,  Snow  Hill;  Robert  Exum,  Jr.,  Snow  Hill;  Carl  Douglas 
Farmer.  Pulaski,  Va.;  Robert  Fassberg,  Spring  Valley,  N.  Y.;  Gordon  Bradford  Fearing,  Elizabeth 
City;  Tom  Joseph  Feeney,  High  Point;  Bobby  Jack  Feimster,  Statesville;  Arthur  Kenneth  Ferrell, 
Durham;   Billy   Ray   Fisher.   Bladenboro;    Louis   Joseph    Fisher,   High   Point. 

Third  Row:  Charles  E.  Fitzgerald,  Jr.,  Farmville;  Charles  Frederick  Floyd,  Salisbury;  Gardner 
P.  H.  Foley,  Jr.,  Greensboro ;  Larry  Grant  Ford,  China  Gro\e;  Robert  Lee  Fowler,  Chapel  Hill ; 
Charles  Sugg  Fox,  Fayetteville;  Joe  Thomas  Fox,  Jr.,  Asheville;  William  R.  Francis,  Jr.,  West 
Jefferson;  Donald  deYoung  Freeman.  Great  Neck,  N.  Y.;  David  Hales  Freshwater.  Morehead  City. 

C?'     ^    P 

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Fourth  Rotr:  Charles  Oscar  Frye.  High  Point;  Edward  Ashley  Funderburke.  Charlotte;  Fitzluch 
Lee  FusscU.  Williamston;  Donald  Joseph  Gaffrey,  Verona,  N.  J.;  Robert  William  Gahrmann, 
Cheshire.  Conn.;  Howard  Keith  Gallimore,  Concord;  Alex  Henderson  Galloway,  Winston-Salem; 
Roney  William  Lamm.  Wilson;  William  Badham  Gardner,  Edenton;  Jim  Anderson  Garner. 

Fifth  Row:  Robert  H.  Garner,  Raleigh;  Thomas  Blackwell  Garrett,  Danville.  Va.;  Stanley  Adams 
Garriss,  Jr.,  Portsmouth,  Va.;  Coleman  Andrew  Gentry,  Jr..  Chapel  Hill;  Robert  Thomas  Gibson. 
Winston-Salem;  Richard  Frederick  Giersch.  Charlotte;  Harley  Shepherd  Gilleland,  Jr.,  Statesville; 
Charles  Sidney  Gilreath,  Moravian  Falls;  David  Allen  Gleitz,  Jacksonville;  Tom  Payne  Glenn, 

Sixth  Rotv:  John  Eddie  Goforth,  Rutherfordton;  Preston  Myers  Goforth,  Lenoir;  Robert  H.  Gold- 
berg, Greensboro;  Vann  Grey  Goodman,  Concord;  Herbert  Jenkins  Gorham,  Nashville;  Ralph 
Ray  Gordon,  Aberdeen;  William  Jay  Gould,  Cocoa,  Fla. ;  Ralph  Leach  Graham,  Durham;  James 
Burney  Graves,  Jr.,  Raleigh;  William  Donald  Gray,  Roanoke  Rapids. 

Page  142 


Fmt  Row:  Billy  Edward  Green,  Concord;  Robert  Glenn  Greene,  North  Wilkesboro;  Ernest  Lin- 
wood  Gregory,  Elizabeth  City;  Fletcher  Journey  Gubbs,  Winston-Salem;  William  Francis  Gruble, 
Mount  Airy;  Marion  Wilson  Griffin,  Davidson;  Hoytt  Pruitt  Griggs,  Tarboro;  Porter  Odell  Griggs, 
Marble;  Charles  Curtiss  Gupton,  Norlina;  Richard  Lawrence  Gustafson,  Pinebluff. 

Second  Ron:-  James  Tomlin  Hager,  Harmony;  Leslie  Morgan  Hale,  Fayetteville;  Donald  James 
Hall,  Chapel  Hill;  Gordon  Bradford  Hall.  Jr.,  Syracuse,  N.  Y;  Hassell  Gray  Hall,  Winston-Salem; 
Stephen  Chalaron  Hardy,  Silver  Spring,  Md.;  Donald  Lee  Harrell,  Troy;  Cyrus  Robert  Harrington, 
Jr.,  Greensboro;   Falls  Lewis  Harris,   Harris;   Herbert  Hood   Harris,   Shelby. 

Third  Roti:  Billy  Peters  Haskett.  Elizabeth  City;  Lawrence  Douglas  Hayes,  Kernersyille;  Nathaniel 
Perkinson  Hayes,  Greensboro;  James  Armstrong  Hayworth,  Asheboro;  John  Lewis  Heath,  Snow 
Hill:  Morris  Randolph  Hall,  Gastonia;  Norman  Curtis  Hall,  Hurdle  Mills;  Robert  Edward  Hallett, 
Lake  Wales,  Fla.;  Edward  L'lysses  Hallford,  Rocky  Mount;  William  Jackson  Hamilton,  Jr., 

f**  -^7       Ij^* 



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Founh  Row:  H.  Joe  Hamrick,  Shelby;  Ralph  Thomas  Haney.  Jr..  Gibson;  Vi'illis  Neil  Hanna. 
Gastonia;  Frank  Gerald  Hardister.  Ashley  Heights;  Ira  May  Hardy,  Raleigh;  \Cilliam  Ernest 
Heck.  Salisbury;  Hubert  Eric  Heiden.  Lake  City.  S.  C;  Edward  Carlton  Henderson,  Roanoke 
Rapids;   Shelton  Whitehead   Henderson.   Lynchburg.   Va. ;   Willis   Irwin   Henderson.   III.   Charlotte. 

Fifth  Row:  Robert  Harold  Hendry,  Downmgtown,  Pa.;  Harold  Dean  Henline,  Marion;  Thomas 
Phillip  Hettleman,  New  York,  N.  Y.;  Herbert  Morris  Heyman,  New  York,  N.  Y.;  Stephen 
Francis  Hicks,  Edenton;  Dewey  Allen  Hildreth,  Charlotte;  Don  Eugene  Hill.  Winston-Salem; 
Gene  Osborne  Hill.  Cerro  Gordo;  Dan  Lee  Hilliard,  Greensboro;  Percy  W.  Hines,  Winston-Salem. 

S/.v/i  Row:  Richard  Norfleet  Hines.  Jr.,  Edenton;  Stoney  Grimes  Hinkle.  Winston-Salem;  Larry 
Capehart  Hinson.  Monroe;  Luther  Hartwell  Hodges.  Jr..  Leaksville;  NX'mston  Duval  Hoelscher. 
Lynchburg,  Va. ;  Paul  Rothrock  Hoffner.  Salisbury;  Ray  Raymond  Holdford,  Jr.,  Wilson;  Joseph 
Hampton  HoUinshed,   Fayetteville;  Joseph   Lee  Hollowell,  Aurora;  Allen  Franklin  Holt,  Asheboro. 

Page  143 


Fini  Row:  Townsend  Van  Holt,  Raleigh;  Willie  Jack  Holt.  Durham;  Jack  Wesley  Honeycutt, 
Stony  Point;  Fred  Lambert  Hooper,  Jr.,  Sylva;  Melvin  Eugene  Hooper,  Charlotte;  John  Robert 
Hooten,  Grifton;  Charles  Wayne  Hoover,  Winston-Salem;  Ralph  Neil  Home,  Bessemer  City;  A. 
Robert  Hornik,  Jr.,  Atlanta,  Ga.;  Thomas  Joseph  Horton,  Wilson. 

Second  Row:  Harry  Clayton  House,  Hamilton ;  John  Herbert  Howell,  Goldsboro ;  James  Monroe 
Howey,  Waxhaw;  Daniel  Edward  Hudgins,  Greensboro;  Richard  WooJard  Hudson,  Vandemere; 
Ervin  Mosan  Huffman,  Hickory;  Leon  Wyant  Huffman,  Catawba;  Jim  Franklin  Hughes,  Asheville; 
George  Franklin  Hunt,  Waynesville;  Robert  Holmes  Hunt,  Reidsville. 

Third  Row:  George  Patrick  Hunter,  Jr.,  Charlotte;  Walter  Jones  Huntley,  Smithfield;  Edward 
Wier  Hutchins,  Winston-Salem;  Samuel  Spalding  Hutchinson,  Chapel  Hill;  Fred  Lee  Hyatt,  Jr., 
Asheville;  Robert  Stadley  Hyatt,  Ahoskie;  Max  Phillip  Icenhour,  Durham;  Richard  Henderson 
Iseley,  Lancaster,  S.  C. ;  Bobby  Lee  Jackson,  Washington;  Henry  Thomas  Jackson,  Godwin. 

P  D  p  ^  r  o  fe-'  p  c. 

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Fourth  Row:  Ernest  Kelly  James,  Winston-Salem;  Fred  Bennett  James.  Stokes;  James  Franklin 
Johnson,  Thomasville;  Thomas  Hatcher  Johnson,  Goldsboro;  Thomas  Lindemann  Johnson,  Norfolk, 
Va.;  Bruce  Delano  Jones,  Smithfield;  Harvey  Theodore  Jones.  Cary;  Hubert  Reid  Jones,  Raleigh; 
Joseph  Edwin  Jones,  Snow  Hill;  Paul  Cornelius  Jones,  Jr.,  Durham. 

Fifth  Row:  George  Lee  Jarrett,  Cherry\-ille;  Donald  E.  Jefferson,  Reidsville;  Knox  Vaughan 
Jenkins,  Goldsboro;  William  Montgomery  Jenkins,  Washington,  D.  C. ;  Bartlett  Cecil  Johnson, 
Dunn;  Charles  Mack  Johnson,  Lenoir;  Dewey  Edward  Johnson,  Charleston,  S.  C;  Edgar  Russell 
Johnson,  Robersonville;  Frederick  Ross  Johnston,  Charlotte;  George  T.  Johnson,  Asheville. 

Sixth  Row:  Richard  Lawrence  Jones,  Rockingham ;  Talmage  Lloyd  Jones.  Jr.,  Biltmore ;  Thomas 
Spencer  Jones,  Jr.,  Richmond,  Va.;  Buddy  Price  Joyce,  Price;  Fred  Nachman  Kahn,  Asheville; 
Max  Jerry  Kahn,  Atlanta,  Ga.;  Arnold  Y'ale  Kapiloff,  Winston- Salem ;  Clayton  Ray  Keel,  Everetts; 
William  Norris  Keever,  Hiddenite;  Murray  Lee  Keister,  Southport. 

Page  144 


First  Row:  George  Joseph  Keller,  Greensboro ;  David  Lee  Kelly,  Jr.,  Winston-Salem ;  Larry 
Whitehurst  Kemp,  Oriental;  Robert  Boger  Kennerly,  Charlotte;  Donald  Eugene  Kentopp,  East 
Orange,  N.  J.;  Jack  Bevel  Kester,  High  Point;  James  Wiley  Kester,  Winston-Salem;  Robert  Edward 
Ketler.  Wyncote,  Pa.;  Richard  Ned  Kinney,  Winston-Salem;  Thomas  Venable  Kirkland.  Columbia, 
S.  C. 

Second  Row:  Jack  Kirstein,  Fairview;  Andrew  Milton  Kistler,  II,  Morganton;  James  William 
Knauff,  Charlotte;  Donald  Christian  Kneedler,  Jr..  Sarasota,  Fla.;  Alan  Miller  Korschun,  Goldsboro; 
Joe  Frank  Koster.  Wilson;  Charles  Augustus  Krepp,  Baltimore,  Md.;  John  Joseph  Kusterer, 
Franklin;  James   Barnes  Lacy.   Flat   Rock;   Guy   Richard   Ladd,   Gastonia. 

Third  Row:  Harold  Power  Laing.  Wilmmgton;  Tom  Willis  Lambeth,  Statesville;  William  Green 
Lancaster.  Louisburg;  Thomas  E.  Land.  High  Point;  Edward  Braddy  Latham,  Washington;  Jarvis 
Harding  Latham,  Washington;  Robert  Edward  Lavietes,  Greensboro;  Donald  Joseph  Lear,  Hatboro, 
Pa.;  Jerry  Robert  Leatheruood,  \('aynesville;  Trudy  Deems  Lefler,  Newton. 

;  V    All  flrfllikt^     t    mtm    ''    c  i    Kl 

Fourth  Ron-:  James  Rex  Luther.  Denton;  Alex  Spruill  Lynch,  Scotland  Neck;  Steven  Grant  Lyon, 
Jr.,  Wilkesboro;  John  Worth  Lynn.  Petersburg.  Va.;  Richard  MacFaddin,  Viola.  Del.;  Carter  G. 
Mackie,  Maplewood,  N.  J.;  Robert  Lee  Macon.  Jr.,  Seagrove;  Anne  Loving  Maddny,  Chapel  Hill; 
James  Everette  Magness.   Shelby;   Douglas  Owen   Malone,    Pulaski,   Va. 

Fijth  Row:  Frank  H.  Livingston,  Highland  Park,  III.;  William  R.  Loftin,  Jr.,  Mt.  Olive;  Henry 
Clyde  Lomax,  Charlotte;  John  Byron  Lopp.  Lexington;  Robert  Henry  Lowder,  Albemarle;  Kenneth 
Francis  Lowry,  Troy,  Ohio;  Jerry  Jack  Love,  Franklin;  Jimmy  Lewis  Love,  Sanford;  Nolan  Delano 
Loving,  Lenoir;  John  McKay  Ludwig,  New  Orleans,  La. 

Sixth  Row:  Hubert  Kay  Leonhardt,  Shelby;  David  Aria  Lieberman,  Wilmington;  Henry  A.  Line- 
berger,  Jr.,  Belmont;  Ray  Stephens  Linker,  Charlotte;  Graham  Ray  Liles,  Wilson;  Edward  C. 
Lipman,  New  Bern;  Maylon  Earl  Little,  Winterville;  William  Brown  Little,  Gastonia;  Knox 
Kent  Lively,  Reidsville;  Darden  Rawles  Livesay,  Emporia,  Va. 

Page  145 


First  Row:  Ronald  Wade  Mann,  Carrboro;  Johnny  Paul  Manos,  Fayetteville;  Oscar  Frank  Marine. 
Sneads  Ferry;  Stephen  Charles  Marks.  Hudson,  Ohio;  James  Edwin  Martin,  Jr..  Charlotte;  Thomp- 
son Arthur  Mashburn,  Jr.,  Madison;  Donald  Lewis  Matkins,  Burlington;  Carl  Lafayette  Matheson, 
Taylorsville;  Marshall  Lawrence  Matthews,  Jr..  Winston-Salem;  James  Forest  Mauney.   Lincolnton. 

Second  Row:  Johnny  Elliott  Mauney.  Lincolnton;  John  Raoul  Maynard,  Cary;  Roger  Lee  McAvoy. 
Winston-Salem;  Russell  Tyler  McCabe,  Seaford.  Delaware;  Dean  Allen  McCarn.  Belmont;  Robert 
Charles  McClain.  Charlotte;  Hugh  Leon  McColl.  III.  BennettsviUe,  S.  C. ;  Edward  Harrington  Mc- 
Cormick,  Broadway;  Robert  Layton  McCurdy.   Florence,  S.  C;  Warren  Blount  McDevett.  Kinston. 

Third  Row:  Leo  Franklin  McDonald,  Lillington;  Edith  Ann  McGee.  Chapel  Hill;  David  Fairley 
Mclnnis,  Jr.,  Sumter.  S.  C. ;  James  Gray  McGhee.  Durham ;  George  Vernon  McGimsey.  Jr.,  Lenoir ; 
Joseph  Britt  McGinn,  Charlotte;  Thomas  Wadford  McGuire,  Todd;  David  Lee  McKinney.  Marshall; 
Robert  B.  McKinney,  Jr.,  Lillington;  Robert  McLaughlin,  Miami  Beach,  Fla. 





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Fourth  Rote:  William  Sartor  McLean.  Lumberton;  Colin  Riley  McMillan.  Houston.  Texas ;  Robert 
Eugene  McRacken.  Red  Springs;  Marion  Joseph  McSorley.  New  Bern;  Henry  Sterling  McWhorter. 
Savannah,  Ga.;  Clyde  Leroy  Meares.  Winston-Salem;  Johnny  Wesley  Meadows.  Jacksonville;  Lewis 
Russell  Meadows.  Burgaw;  William  Shaw  Michael.  Athens.  Ga.;  William  Norwood  Michal.  Jr.. 

Fifth  Row:  David  Marion  Michawx.  Charlotte;  James  Edward  Michels,  Graham;  John  Chapman 
Michie,  Roxboro;  Charles  LeRoy  Miller.  Concord;  Roy  Wayne  Miller.  Salisbury;  William  Stacy 
Miller.  Benson;  Harvey  Augustus  Mills.  Monroe;  Andrew  Milnor.  Wilmington;  Carroll  Wayne 
Minges.   Fayetteville;  Calvin  Dewey  Mitchell.   Jr.,   Matthews. 

Sixth  Row:  George  Evans  Mitchell,  Spartanburg,  S.  C;  Harold  Allen  Mitchell.  Ahoskie;  Howard 
Reid  Mobley,  Jr.,  Reidsville;  Joseph  Paul  Moeltner,  Union,  N.  J.;  Albert  Deleon  Moise,  Sumter. 
S.  C;  John  Ormond  Molter,  Charlotte;  James  Deyel  Monteith.  Sylva;  Robert  Langton  Montgomery. 
Farmington;  Alan  D.  Moore,  Carolina  Beach;  Edwin  Holt  Moore.  Jr..   Burlington. 

Page  146 


First  Row:  Ronald  Baxter  Moore,  Franklinton;  Truman  Ellinwood  Moore,  Jr.,  Myrtle  Beach,  S.  C. ; 
Robert  Wilton  Moore,  Jr.,  Tarboro;  James  Malcolm  Morgan,  Wilmington;  William  W.  Morgan, 
Canton;  Harry  Lee  Morris,  Goldsboro;  Philip  Milton  Morris,  Concord;  Alex  R.  Morrison,  Ham- 
let ;  Don   Franklin  Morrison,   Greensboro ;  John  Morton,  Madison. 

Second  Row:  Milton  J.  Moye.  Tarboro;  David  Mundy,  Black  Mountain;  John  Joseph  Murphy,  Jr., 
Hamlet;  Raymond  Ryan  Murphy.  Lookout  Mountain,  Tenn.;  Josiah  Stockton  Murray.  Durham; 
Cecil  Howell  Neville,  Jr.,  Scotland  Neck ;  Thomas  Colson  Newman.  Canton ;  Albert  Ray  Newsome, 
\<'inston-Salem ;  Bobby  Lawrence  Newton,   Creedmoor;  Robert   Frederick   Noel.    Henderson. 

Third  Rote:  Charles  McNair  Northrop.  Saint  Pauls;  Mary  Lou  Norwood.  Morehead  City;  Ronnie 
Clifton  Nuckles,  Burlington;  Ken  Holmes  Oakley.  Raleigh;  'William  Eric  OBrian.  Oxford;  Calvin 
Pickard  Ogburn,  VC'inston-Salem;  Sam  Cicero  O.gburn,  Winston-Salem;  Ronald  Troy  Oldenburg. 
Biloxi,  Miss.;  Jerry  Key  Oldham,  Gulf;  Dodge  Olmsted,  Hanover.  Va. 


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Fourth  Row:  James  Alex  O'Neil,  Alexandria,  Va.;  Joel  Vernon  O'Neal,  Middlesex;  Richard 
Kingson  Oresman.  Providence.  R.  L;  Charles  Gurney  Overcash,  Jr.,  Lexington;  Douglas  Roy 
Overman.  Dunn;  Duncan  Shaw  Owen.  Jr..  Fayetteville;  'Wiley  Lee  Owens,  Fountain;  William 
Cameron  Padgett,  Shelby;  Charles  Keith  Palmer.  Timmonsville,  S.  C;  Edward  Davies  Pardington, 
Jr.,  Winston-Salem. 

Fifth  Row:  Benjamin  Aiken  Parker.  Erwin;  Charles  Thomas  Parker,  Gastonia;  Joseph  Earl  Parker, 
Clinton;  Theodore  Norwood  Parker,  Clinton;  Kenneth  Hilton  Parks,  Jr..  Gastonia;  William  Snyder 
Pate,  Goldsboro;  Jeremiah  Nolan  Partrick.  Wilmington;  Bailey  Patrick,  Jr.,  Hickory;  George  J. 
Patseavouras,  Rocky  Mount;  Donald  Lee  Patterson,  China  Grove. 

Sixth  Row:  Robert  David  Patterson,  Hendersonville;  William  Franklin  Pearce,  Norlina ;  Robert 
Bruce  Pearlman,  Greensboro;  "Skip"  Pearlman,  Asheville;  Edwin  S.  Pearlstine,  Jr.,  Charleston, 
S.  C;  Edward  Vance  Peedin,  Selma;  William  Robert  Peel,  Williamston;  Ivey  Benjamin  Peele, 
Norwich,  Conn.;  William  Roy  Peele,  Hamlet;  Barbara  Anne  Pendergraft,  Chapel  Hill. 

Page  147 


First   Row:    Larry   Allen    Penry,    Denton;    Garland   Jarvis    Perry,   Jr.,  Zebulon;   James   Otha    Perry. 

Fairmont;    John   Gerrard    Perry,    Winston-Salem;    John    Lance    Perry,  Jr.,    Morehead    City;    Ronald 

Proctor  Perry,  Wendell;  Jon  "Jake"  Phelps.  Winston-Salem;  Fred  Herman  Pilkenton,  Franklin- 
ville;   Fred  Owen  Phifer,  Marshville;   Fred  Gary   Phillips,   Charlotte. 

Second  Row:  Carl  Spencer  Phipps,  Wendell;  Leon  Joseph  Pinner,  Jr.,  New  Bern;  Harold  S.  Pitt- 
man,  Kenly;  Richard  William  Planner,  Gastonia;  Claude  Armstrong  Plumlee,  Jr.,  Charlotte;  Charles 
Lee  Poole,  Sanford ;  Fred  Eugene  Pope,  Jr.,  Lexington;  David  Darlin.gton  Porter,  Red  Oak,  Ga.; 
Lee  Warsvick   Porter,   Jr.,   Wilmington;   William   'VCcndell    Porterlield,   Goldsboro. 

Th/id  Roll-:  Kenneth  Alton  Powell,  Valdese;  William  Thomas  Powell.  Chapel  Hill;  Fred  Arlius 
Powledge,  Raleigh;  William  Richard  Presson,  Parkton;  George  Edward  Price,  Mayodan;  Sanford 
Scott  Price,  Clinton;  Edward  N.  Pridgen,  Fayetteville;  Alonzo  Josephine  Pringle,  IIL  Kerners- 
ville;   Mebane  Moore  Pritchett.   Lenoir;  Bill   Protfitt.   Sherwood. 

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Fourth  Rott:  James  Graham  Ramsay,  Washington;  Cecil  Holmes  Rand,  Fremont;  Joe  Higdon  Rand, 
Wilson;  Edwin  Marston  Rascoe,  Reidsville;  NX'alter  Ernest  Ratcliff,  Jr.,  "Winston-Salem;  Billy  Ray 
Ratledge,  Guilford  College;  Bobby  Jay  Ratledge,  Guilford  College;  Duncan  Crawford  Ratley,  Jr., 
Fairmont;  James  Plummer  Raugh,  Jr.,  Rosemont,  Pa,;  William  Thomas  Ray,  Charlotte. 

Fifth  Rotf:  Leonard  Erastus  Reaves,  IIL  Fayetteville;  Arthur  Louis  Redden,  Hendersonville;  Davis 
Nance  Reece,  Chapel  Hill;  John  Dwight  Reid,  Richlands;  Marland  C.  Reid,  Rocky  Mount;  James 
Richard  Renigar,  Asheboro;  Peter  Lee  Reynolds,  Westfield,  N.  J.;  Theodore  Reaves  Reynolds, 
Clinton;  Vade  G.  Rhoadcs.  McGrady;  Claude  Mankin  Rhule,  Jr.,  Bluefield,  W.  Va. 

Sixth  Row:  Alfred  Leonard  Rhyne,  Jr.,  Gastonia;  Edward  Pittman  Rhyne,  Morganton;  Arch  Jesse 
Riddle,  Plymouth;  Renus  Edgar  Rich,  Jr.,  Durham;  John  Barron  Roberts,  Charlotte;  William 
Garner  Roberts,  Jr.,  Leaksville;  Lewis  Ford  Robertson,  Jr.,  Frederick,  Md.;  William  Charles 
Robertson,  Wilmington;  Bobby  Eugene  Robinson,  Valdese;  John  William  Robinson,  Jr,,  Kings 

Page   148 



Fhsl  Row:  Jimmy  Roy  Rogers,  Tabor  City;  Richard  Hilton  Rogers,  Cerro  Gordo;  Thomas  Albert 
Rogers,  Warsaw;  Louis  Howard  Rosenstock,  Baltimore.  Md.;  Ted  Lee  Rosenthal.  Cameron  Heights, 
N.  Y.;  C.  Reed  Rossell,  Flushing.  N.  Y.;  John  William  Rusher.  Wilmington;  William  Devine 
Sabiston,   III,   Carthage;  George  Donald   Saine.   Cherryville;   Neill   McKay   Salmon,   Jr..   Lillington. 

Second  Row:  Carl  L.  Sanders.  Wilmington:  Charles  Sanders.  Fayetteville;  Phil  Snead  Sanders.  Four 
Oaks;  Henrj'  Howard  Sandlin.  Jr..  Dunn;  VCalter  Boren  Satterfield.  Charlotte;  Larry  Melvin  Saun- 
ders. Norfolk.  Va.;  ^X■llliam  Lee  Saunders.  High  Point;  John  Bernard  Sauvajot.  Greensboro; 
Tykey  Savvas.  High  Point;  Roger  Farrell  Sawyer,  Burlington. 

Third  Row:  Raymond  S.  Schild.  Conway.  S.  C;  Charles  Joseph  Schlapkohl.  Jr..  Ft.  Bragg;  James 
Ronald  Schreiber.  Arden ;  Frank  Lodwick  Schrimsher.  Charlotte;  Tommy  Denzel  Scoggins,  Gibson- 
ville;  Bryan  Myers  Scott.  New  Bern;  Joe  Hart  Scott.  Rose  Hill;  Leslie  Andrew  Scott.  New  York, 
N.  Y.;  Joanna  Hill  Scroggs,  Chapel  Hill;  Ollie  Elmer  Seawell.  Jr..  Carthage. 

..  / 

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Fourth  Ron:  James  Farrell  Sechrest.  Thomasville;  Joseph  Daniel  Secrest.  Morganton;  William 
Edward  Self.  Shelby;  Shelley  C.  Settlemyre.  Hickor)-;  David  Everett  Setzer.  New  London; 
John  Mitchell  Sewell.  Murf reesboro ;  George  W.  Sexton.  Tarboro;  Vaden  Clyde  Shadden,  Jr., 
Chattanooga,  Tenn.;  Clemm  Harrj'  Shankle,  Troy;  Alan  Wallace  Sharp,  Greensboro. 

Fijth  Row:  Harry  Pritchard  Shaw,  III,  Charlotte;  Stanley  Sergeant  Shaw,  II,  Asheville;  James 
Albert  Sheets,  Winston-Salem ;  Gary  Singleton  Sheffield,  Greensboro ;  Robert  Gardiner  Shelly, 
Virginia  Beach.  Va.;  James  Edward  Shelton,  Danville,  Va.;  Richard  Wayne  Shermer,  Winston- 
Salem;   Foy  Vincent  Shingleton,   Wilson;   Robert  Greene  Shore,   Yadkinville;  James  G.   Short,  Jr., 


Sixlh  Row:  Frank  Jones  Shuford.  Hickory;  William  Ferrell  Shuford.  Clinton;  Ted  G.  Simmons. 
Columbia;  Richard  Stanley  Sirkin,  Miami  Beach,  Fla.;  Robert  Van  Sisk,  Charlotte;  Lloyd  Milton 
Skinner,  Burlington;  Addison  Neal  Smith,  Woodleaf;  Bobby  Ray  Smith.  Hampstead;  Clarence 
Edwards  Smith,  Jr..  Raleigh;  George  Maurice  Smith.  High  Point. 

Page  149 


First  Row:  Gordon  Lewis  Smith,  High  Point;  Jack  Wingate  Smith.  Jr.,  Wilmington;  James  Edward 
Smith,  Winston-Salem;  Laurie  Nicholas  Smith,  Oswego,  S.  C;  Robert  Lynn  Smith,  Jr.,  Greens- 
boro; Virginia  Margaret  Smith,  Chapel  Hill;  Jack  Leroy  Smith,  Gibsonville;  Thomas  Arthur  Smoot, 
in,  Greenville;  William  Franklin  Snell,  Winston-Salem;  Herman  Glasgow  Snipes,  Knoxville,  Tenn. 

Second  Roiv:  John  Henry  Solomon,  Wilmington;  Carrol  Lee  Spangler,  Lawndale;  Samuel  Dixon 
Spangler,  Lawndale;  James  Klein  Spencer,  Charlotte;  Jesse  Garney  Spencer,  Farmville;  Ronald 
Edward  Sperlbaum,  Spindale;  John  William  Stallings,  Wilson;  Clayton  Lee  Stalnaker,  Spindale; 
Donald  Craig  Starling,  Burlington;  George  Joseph  Stavnitski,   Fairfield,  Conn. 

Third  Ron.-  Harry  Coe  Steele,  North  Wilkesboro;  James  Thomas  Steele,  Dobson;  Donald  Steine, 
Raleigh;  Jasper  Graham  Stem,  Oxford;  Harley  Stepp,  Jr.,  Flat  Rock;  Charlie  Vergereaw  Stevens, 
Jr.,  Salisbury;  Charles  Herman  Stewart,  Lillington;  William  B.  Stewart,  Concord;  Howard  James 
Stiles,  Roslyn  Heights,  N.  Y.;  James  Peter  Stokes,  L'pper  Montclair,  N.  J. 

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Fourth  Rote:  Sidney  Durham  Stokes,  Lenoir;  Arthur  Campbell  Stone,  Newburgh.  N.  V. ;  ^'alker 
Strickland  Stone,  Durham;  Leonard  Strause,  Charlotte;  Jose  Edward  Stuntz,  New  Rochelle,  N.  Y.; 
Bobby  Avery  Sullivan,  Selma;  Brett  Taylor  Summey,  West  Jefferson;  Edward  Wike  Sutton,  Cullo- 
whee;  Richard   Homan  Swanson,   Fayetteville;  Joseph  Daniel  Thomas,   Summerfield. 

Fijih  Rolf:  Rudolph  Maddrey  Thomas,  Roanoke  Rapids;  Charles  Jefferson  Thompson,  Salisbury; 
Roger  Murphy  Thompson,  Greensboro;  Robert  Holton  Thorton,  Fayetteville;  Herbert  Arthur 
Thuemmler.  Valdese;  George  Noblin  Timberlake,  Nelson,  Va. ;  Charles  Carson  Toms,  Lattimore; 
Joseph  H.  Towe,  Hertford;  William  Ernest  Trent,  Reidsville;  Robert  L.  Talley,  Durham. 

Sixth  Rote:  Clarence  Lee  Tart,  Dunn;  Josh  Tayloe,  Washington;  Charles  Wilson  Taylor,  Ruther- 
fordton;  Harry  Collins  Taylor,  Miami  Beach,  Fla.;  Roy  Dail  Taylor,  Greenville;  Thomas  Hart 
Teague,  Raleigh;  Donald  K.  Temple,  Jonesville;  Larry  David  Thames,  Charlotte;  Richard  Frederic 
Thiele,  Atlanta,  Ga.;  Cecil  De  Wayne  Tripp,  Shallotte. 

Page  150 



F'nst  Row:  Howard  Powell  Troutman,  Wilmington;  Michael  N.  Tsamas,  Durham;  Jerry  Sheldon 
Turem,  Wilmington;  Jerry  Williams  Turpin,  ReidsviUe;  Earl  Runyon  Tyler,  Durham;  Jack  Loyd 
Tyler,  Sanford;  Charles  Parker  Umstead,  Durham;  Kenneth  Michael  Underwood,  Waynesville; 
Stephen  Vann  Underwood,  Apex;  Bradley  Paige  Union,   Fayetteville. 

SecoiiJ  Row:  Roy  Wakefield  Upchurch,  Durham;  Thomas  Moore  Vance,  Greensboro;  Don 
Wheeler  Van  Loan,  High  Point;  John  Daniel  Vann,  III,  Greenville,  S.  C. ;  Leon  Stephens  Venters, 
Jr.,  Trenton;  Joseph  Orr  Vernon,  Summerfield;  Herbert  Cloid  Wade,  Jr.,  Zebulon;  Bobby  Moton 
Wagner,  Lexington;  Lawrence  Grumpier  Walker,  Jr.,  Mount  Airy;  Leon  Stokes  Walker,  Denton. 

Third  Row:  Oscar  Blair  Walker,  Gastonia;  Richard  Powell  Wallace,  Savannah,  Ga.;  James  Ralph 
Walsh,  Lenoir;  Joseph  Gaither  Walser,  III,  High  Point;  Abe  Walston,  Walstonburg;  Blaine 
Sherrill  Ward,  Ramseur;  David  L.  Ward,  Jr.,  New  Bern;  Richard  Edwin  Ward,  Wilson;  Jack 
Taylor  Ware,  ReidsviUe;  John  Drew  Warlick,  Jacksonville. 

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Fourth  Ron:  Harold  Lee  Waters,  Jacksonville;  Richard  James  Waters,  Newark,  N.  J.;  James 
Thomas  Watkins,  Jr.,  Oxford;  Keith  Donald  Watlington,  ReidsviUe;  Williard  Hinnant  Watson, 
Kenly;  Harold  Pinkney  Watts,  Dallas;  John  William  Weaver,  Durham;  Macon  Moore  Weaver, 
Apex;  Zebulon  Weaver.   Ill,  AsheviUc;  David  Weil,  Goldsboro. 

Fifth  Row:  Michael  Henry  Weinman,  Baltimore,  Md.;  William  Mack  Welborn,  Boone;  Donn 
Allison  Wells,  Albertson;  John  Thomas  Wells,  Jr.,  Burgaw;  Osborne  Perry  Wells,  Halifax; 
Samuel  Fogle  Wells,  Jr.,  ReidsviUe;  Courtland  Reed  Westerfield,  Chapel  Hill;  Bcnnette  Elam 
Whisenant,   Morganton;   James   Luther   Whisnant,   Gastonia;   John  Jennings   White,    Henderson, 

Sixth  Row:  Harry  Earl  Whitelock,  Woodlawn,  Md,;  William  Kenneth  Wible,  Greensboro;  Bryant 
Kelly  Wicker,  Sanford;  Peggie  S.  Wiggins,  Fayetteville;  Charles  Gordon  Wiggs,  III,  Durham; 
Robert  Louis  Wilkerson,  ReidsviUe;  Gerald  Francis  Wilkin,  Charlotte;  James  Fairchild  Wilkins, 
Lynchburg,  Va.;  Anderson  Townley  Williams,  Wilson;  Glenn  Taylor  Wilson,  Leaksville. 

Page  151 

Freshman  Class 

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f/ij/  Row:  Clarence  Edward  Williams,  Charlotte;  Dal  Joseph  Williams,  Elizabeth  City;  Gordon 
Lee  Williams,  Mt.  Olive;  John  O'Donnell  Williams,  Raleigh;  Larry  Ritchie  Williams,  Concord; 
Taylor  Brown  Williams,  Dunn;  Donald  Hayworth  Williamson,  Greensboro;  Phillip  R.  Williamson, 
Wilson;  Paul  Ed  Willingham.  Ridgely,  Tenn.;  Henry  Theodore  Wilson,  Cambridge,  Md. 

Second  Row:  Hosea  Elbert  Wilson.  Jr.,  Danville.  Va.;  Joseph  Powell  Wimberley.  IIL  Battleboro; 
C.  Philipp  Wirsching,  Jr..  Elmhurst.  111.;  Doyce  Farrell  Wise,  Landis;  Warden  Lewis  Woodard, 
Jr.,  Beaufort;  Andy  Green  Woods,  Yanceyville;  Lowell  Irwin  Wootton.  Jr..  Atlanta.  Ga.;  Gerald 
Killian  Worsley,  Greenville;  Tommy  Leslie  Worthington,  Kinston;  Gwen  Watson  Wray,  Mayodan. 

Third  Roti\-  Anthony  Byrum  Wright,  Charlotte;  Joe  Alexander  Wright.  Jr.,  Landis;  Fred  Becton 
Yelverton.  Wilson ;  William  Francis  Yost,  Weaverville;  George  William  Young,  Winston-Salem; 
John  Harlow  Young.  Hendersonville;  Robert  Terry  Young,  Asheville;  Joseph  Zambito,  Goldsboro; 
John  Richard  Zimmerman,  Lexington. 

A.  "And  then,  U'e  have  ihf  arboretun 
li.  "And  furthermore,  I'm  leaving." 
C.  Dig  that  crazy  torso! 

D.  "Come  on  in — the  water' s  fin 

E.  "UMMMMMMM  !  !  .'" 

F.  "Taste  it  yourself." 

G.  "He  said  I  cotild  find  his  picture  in  the  Y-lohby.' 

H.  "Oooooh!  It's  cold!" 

I.  "Wouldn't  YOU  he  happy?" 

].  "Really  a  gay  party,  ain't  it?" 


The  first  class  in  the  history  of  the  University  of  North  Carolina  will 
graduate  from  the  School  of  Dentistry  this  June.  Thirty-four  North 
Carolinians  will  be  located  in  various  communities  throughout  the  state 
to  practice  dentistry. 

This  past  year  two  new  programs  have  been  activated,  namely, 
graduate  instruction  in  orthodontics  leading  to  a  Master's  degree,  and  a 
two-year  curriculum  for  the  training  of  dental  hygienists  leading  toward 
certification.  Other  graduate  programs,  as  well  as  postgraduate  instruction, 
will  be  activated  this  coming  year.  The  new  graduate  and  postgraduate 
clinics  and  laboratories  now  are  under  construction  within  the  school. 

John  C.  Brauer 
DciDi  of  the  School  of  Dentistry 


Fiisl  Row.  left  to  light:  R.  J.  Shankle,  R.  E.  Barton,  R.  E.  Sturdevant,  R.  E.  Richardson.  Claude  R. 
Baker.  Second  Row:  Misses  Alberta  Beat,  Eleanor  Forbes.  Doris  Griffin.  Dr.  M.  E.  Chapin.  Dean 
J.  C.  Brauer.  Third  Row:  J.  W.  Gallagher.  P.  H.  Layfield,  T.  A.  Blum,  P.  W.  Vinton,  >J('.  A.  Hall, 
Jr.,  Fourth  Row:  James  E.  Hoppers,  G.  C.  Hunter,  Jr..  P.  M.  Cummings,  C.  W.  Westrick,  C.  L. 
Sockwell.  Fifth  Row:  L.  B.  Higley,  R.  M.  Nelson,  F.  C.  Cady. 

Page  154 

of  Dentistry 

Spurgeon  Dental  Society 

The  Spurgeon  Dental  Society  is  the  name  given  the  student 
body  of  the  School  of  Dentistry.  The  Society  was  named  for  the 
late  Dr.  J.  S.  Spurgeon,  a  pioneer  in  North  Carolina  dentistry. 

With  an  active  Student  Council  and  Honor  Court,  the  Society 
has  become  an  integral  part  of  the  School. 

Among  the  social  events  of  the  Society  is  a  Winter  Dinner 
Dance  and  a  Spring  Student-Faculty  Day. 


Left  to  rtg,hl:  William  Ware, 
Secretary-Treasurer ;  Henry  O. 
Lineberger,  President;  John 
W.    Girard,    Vice-President. 

Drs.  W.  M.  Byrd.  J.  A. 
Crowley,  and  R.  F.  Scherer, 
graduate  students,  working  in 
the  clinic. 

Page  155 

..  r.P  9  9  - 

Fourth  Year 



First  Raw:  Mett  Bagley  Ausley,  Xi  Psi  Phi.  Chapel  Hill; 
Omega,  Pembroke;  Lawrence  A.  Cameron,  Delhi  Sigma 
Lanier  Clark,  .V;  Pii  Phi.  Asheville;  Albert  Purcell  Cline, 
Canton;  Albert  Vernon  Coble,  Xi  Psi  Phi.  Pi  Gamma 
Daniel,  Xi  Pw  Phi.  Reidsville. 

Alexander  Jones  Biddell,  Psi 
Delia.  Chapel  Hill;  Dwight 
Jr.,  .\V  Psi  Phi,  Kappa  Alpha. 
Mil.    Burlington;    Robert    Lee 

Second  Row:  Donald  Ray  Draughon.  Psi  Omega,  Durham ;  George  Loren  Edwards,  Jr., 
Psi  Omega,  Durham;  James  A.  Foust,  Xi  Psi  Phi,  Graham;  William  Francis  Fowler, 
Delia  Sigma  Delia,  King ;  Robert  Earl  Furr,  Delia  Sigma  Delia,  Wilmington;  Ferby  Glen 
Gaither,  Xi  Psi  Phi,  Harmony;  John  Temple  Gobbel,  Jr.,  Delta  Sigma  Delta,  Chapel  Hill. 

Third  Roiv:  Carnie  Clayton  Goodins,  Xi  Psi  Phi,  Chapel  Hill;  Cecil  B.  Hall,  Psi  Omega, 
Thomasville;  Charles  Frederick  Harless,  Jr.,  Psi  Omega,  Sanford;  LeRoy  Koonce  Heath, 
Psi  Omega.  Chapel  Hill;  Dwight  Beam  Hord,  Delta  Sigma  Delta,  Lawndale;  Charles 
Willson  Hughes,  Psi  Omega,  Roxboro;  Lewis  Wells  Lee,  Delta  Sigma  Delta,  Dunn. 

Fourth  Row:  James  A.  Leggette,  Jr.,  Delta  Sigma  Delta.  Sigma  Chi,  Williamston;  James 
Boyd  Lewis,  Delta  Sigma  Delta.  Gastonia;  Henry  O.  Lineberger,  Jr.,  Psi  Omega.  Kappa 
Alpha.  Chapel  Hill;  Cecil  Rhodes  Lupton,  Xi  Psi  Phi.  Swan  Quarter;  Clyde  N.  McCall, 
Delta  Sterna  Delta,  Forest  City;  Zyba  Kathryn  Massey,  Zebulon;  Linzy  Price  Megginson, 
Jr..  Xi  Psi  Phi,  Sigma  Phi  Epsilon,  Shelby. 

Fifth  Row:  A.  Dwight  Price,  Psi  Omega,  Clinton;  Gene  Lewis  Reese,  Psi  Omega.  Boone; 
Ludwig  Gaston,  Delta  Sigma  Delta,  Burlington;  Lloyd  Butler  Stanley,  Psi  Omega, 
Wilmington;  Alan  Leonard  Stoddard,  Xi  Psi  Phi,  Chadbourn;  Willis  Kenneth  Young, 
Delta  Sigma  Delta,  Lexington. 

Page   156 

|«>l  us) 

9  ^   9 


Third  Year 

F/rsI  Row:  Laurence  Sidney  Alspaugh,  X/'  Psi  Phi,  Phi  Kappa 
Sigma,  Greensboro;  Elmo  Lee  Bishop,  Xi  Psi  Phi,  Greensboro; 
Donald  Edwin  Bland,  Xi  Psi  Phi.  S/gma  Chi,  Wallace;  Robert 
Edgar  Brooks,  Psi  Omega.  Pi  Kappa  Alpha,   Fayetteville. 

Second  Row:  Francis  Alexander  Buchanan,  Delia  Sigma  Delia, 
Chi  Phi,  Sylva;  Clarence  Edgar  Calcote,  Del/a  Sigma  Delta,  Pi 
Kappa  Phi,  Durham;  Stuart  Fletcher  Clayton,  Fayetteville;  Roy 
Clinton  Corderman,  Phi  Beta  Kappa.  Phi  Eta  Sigma,  Winston- 

Third  Row:  James  Allan  Crawford,  Psi  Omega.  Chapel  Hill; 
Israel  Fitterman,  Chapel  Hill ;  Robert  Holland  Gainey,  Psi  Omega, 
Alpha  Tail  Omega.  Chapel  Hill;  John  Watt  Girard,  Jr.,  Psi  Omega, 
Chi  Phi.  Liberty. 

Fourth  Row:  Lloyd  Eldon  Griffin,  Jr.,  Delta  Sigma  Delta,  Kappa 
Alpha.  Edenton;  Perry  Felton  Harris,  Delta  Sigma  Delta.  Carth- 
age; Richard  Frederick  Hunt,  Jr.,  Delta  Sigma  Delta.  Lambda  Chi 
Alpha.  Rocky  Mount;  Samuel  Kenneth  Jackson,  Psi  Omega.  St. 
Petersburg,  Fla. 

Fifth  Row:  Charles  M.  Johnston,  Xi  Psi  Phi,  Chapel  Hill;  Leon 
Thomas  LaSalle,  Coral  Gables,  Fla.;  Wilburn  James  Lowe,  Delta 
Sigma  Delta.  Canton;  Donald  Martin  McGowan,  Xi  Psi  Phi, 
Chapel  Hill. 

Sixth  Row:  Walter  Herbert  Moore,  Xi  Psi  Phi,  Pi  Kappa  Phi, 
Reidsville;  Cecil  Atkins  Pless,  Jr.,  Delta  Sigma  Delta.  Asheville; 
Marion  Lee  Ralls,  Jr.,  ,\'/  Psi  Phi,  Greensboro;  Maurice  B.  Rich- 
ardson, Psi  Omega.  Chapel  Hill, 

Seieiith  Row:  James  Harvey  Rogers,  ,\'/  Psi  Phi,  Chapel  Hill; 
Troy  Bunyon  Sluder,  Jr.,  Xi  Psi  Phi,  Asheville;  James  Richard 
Smith,  Phi  Beta  Kappa.  Delta  Sigma  Delta,  Mooresville;  John 
Watson  Smith,  Jr.,  Xi  Psi  Phi,  Pinehurst. 

Eighth  Ron:  Robert  Whittington  Sugg,  Psi  Omega,  Beta  Theta 
Pi,  Durham;  Clyde  Leslie  Taylor,  Xi  Psi  Phi,  Sigma  Phi  Epsilon. 
Greensboro;  James  Alphonso  Ward,  Delta  Sigma  Delta,  Williams- 
ton;   George   Elder   Waynick,    Psi   Omega,   Winston-Salem. 

Ninth  Row:  Raymond  C.  Whitehurst,  Jr.,  Delta  Sigma  Delta, 
Jackson;  William  James  Wiggs,  Psi  Omega,  Sigma  Phi  Epsilon, 
Fayetteville;  William  Eugene  Williford,  Delta  Sigma  Delta,  Burl- 
ington; George  Curtis  Wilson,  Xi  Psi  Phi,  Chapanoke. 

Page  157 

tftH  £k  ^]^ 

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P    O    ^    f^ 

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d  Y 




f/if/  Roir.-  Leonard  Banks  Barber.  Jr.,  Chapel  Hill-;  Ruta  Bergmanis,  Raleigh;  Rupert 
Quentin  Bliss,  Psi  Omegj.  Sigma  Ch:.  Jacksonville,  Fla.;  Charles  Tate  Byerly,  Jr.,  Delta 
Sigma  Delta,  Durham;  Badger  Gill  Clark,  Jr.,  XV  Psi  Phi.  Henderson;  C.  Fred  Clark, 
Delta  Sigma  Delta.  Mooresville;  Robert  Wesley  Clinard,  Xi  Psi  Phi.  Winston-Salem. 

Secoitd  Row:  Hugh  Hobson  Cole,  Jr.,  Psi  Omega.  Chapel  Hill;  Marshall  Banks  Corl, 
Sigma  Nu.  Concord;  James  Lloyd  Cox,  Psi  Omega,  Phi  Gamma  Delta.  Richlands;  Frank 
Hayes  Daniel,  Chapel  Hill;  Joel  Elton  Derby,  Tryon;  John  Howard  Dixon,  Psi  Omega, 
Mt.  Vernon  Springs;  Wallace  Reed  Draughon,  Durham. 

Third  Row:  Thomas  Edwin  Evans,  Jr.,  XV  Psi  Phi.  Burlington ;  Daniel  Justin  Floyd,  XV 
Psi  Phi,  Fairmont;  Frank  R.  Graham,  Delta  Sigma  Delta.  Charlotte;  Carol  Linwood 
Grahl,  Delta  Sigma  Delta.  Waynesville;  Hugh  A.  Gregory,  Psi  Omega,  Dania,  Fla.; 
Thomas  Alexander  Hall,  Psi  Omega,  Sigma  Pi,  Fayetteville;  Daniel  Bryant  Harrell,  Jr., 
Mt.  Olive. 

Fourth  Row:  David  Raymond  Hinkle,  Delta  Sigma  Delta,  Winston-Salem;  Murry  Wade 
Holland,  Psi  Omega.  Clinton;  C.  A.  Hull,  Delta  Sigma  Delta.  Chapel  Hill;  Robert  F. 
Kluttz,  XV  Psi  Phi,  Rockwell;  Walter  Smith  Lin\ille,  Delta  Sigma  Delta,  Kernersville; 
John   Samuel   Long,  Psi  Omega.  Chapel   Hill;   Kenneth   Lee  Matthews,  Robersonville. 

Fifth  Rolf:  Archie  Dowe  Meekins,  Delta  Sigma  Delta,  Jacksonville;  David  Lee  Mitchell, 
XV  Psi  Phi,  Canton;  Guy  McDonald  Phillips,  XV  Psi  Phi.  BakcrsviUe;  Robert  Howard 
"      '       '       Beta  Theta  Pi.  Delta  Sit;ma  Delta.  St.   Pauls;   Thomas   Beauregard   Reid,   Jr., 

Poole,  Jr.,  Beta  Theta  Pi.  Delta  Sigma  Delta.  St.  Pauls;  Thomas  Beauregard  Reid,  Jr., 
Richburg,  S.  C;  William  Frederick  Riddle,  Delta  Sigma  Delta,  Sigma  Phi  Epsiloit.  San- 
ford;  James  Franklin  Rodgers,  Pi  Kappa  Alpha,  Delta  Sigma  Delia,  Statesville. 

Sixth   Row:   Neal    Sheffield,   Jr.,    XV   Psi   Phi.    Phi   Kappa   Sigma,    Greensboro;    'V 

Douglas  Strickland,  Psi  Omega,  Louisburg;  VCilliam  Graham  Ware,  Jr.,  Phi  Beta 

XV  Psi  Phi.  Phi  Kappa  Sigma,  Burlington;  Ray  Alexander  Warren,  Xi  Psi  Phi.  Bt 

Egbert    P.    Williams.    Delta    Sigma    Delta.    Stedman;    Jabez    Herring    Williams.    J 

Beta   Kappa,    Delta   Sigma    Delta.    Phi    Eta    Sigma.    Asheville;    Robert    Allen    Yat 

Kapp  . 

Omega,  Chadbourn 

Page  158 

?  p  (?  Jp  ^^ 

First  Year 


ft  p  p 

Li^h  '1  ^ 

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First  Row:  John  Leslie  Andrews.  High  Point;  Martin  DeBerry 
Barringer,  Mt.  Pleasant;  Jack  Bennett,  Dunn;  Robert  Strickland 
Boyles,  High  Point;  Joseph  Perry  Carpenter,  Atfhj  Epiilr/ii  Delia, 
Phi  Giimma  Delia,  Hendersonville. 

Second  Row:  William  Randolph  Chapman,  Inman,  S.  C;  Richard 
Therman  Chesson,  Kappa  Si.nma,  Durham;  Fay  Hoyle  Culbreth, 
Phi  Kappa  Si^ma.  Spindale;  Hal  Avon  Davis,  Jr.,  High  Point; 
William  Ward  Ellis,   Thela  Chi.  Shelby. 

Thiid  Row:  Harold  Duke  Fowler.  Jr.,  Alpha  Tan  Omega.  States- 
ville;  Bob  M.  Fox,  Burlingon;  Andrew  Jackson  Franklin,  Golds- 
boro;  Roy  Eugene  Gaines,  Chapel  Hill;  Robert  Hogan  Gaskins, 

Fourth  Row:  Joseph  Eugene  Hamrick,  Charlotte;  Robert  Joseph 
Harned,  Greensboro;  Bernard  Chandler  Harris,  Lambda  Chi  Alpha, 
Kinston;  William  Mitchell  Hceden,  Goldsboro;  Willard  Isaiah 
Herring,  Clinton. 

Fijth  Row:  J.  Sidney  Hood.  Chapel  Hill;  James  Bickle  Houser,  III, 
Gastonia;  William  Russell  Jones.  Chapel  Hill;  James  G.  Knighten, 
Asheville;  Owen  Ray  McKenzie,  Chapel  Hill. 

Sisth  Row:  William  H.  McLeod,  Lambda  Delta  L^imbda.  Monroe; 
Kenneth  Hunter  Meadows,  Spring  Creek;  Henry  Vaughn  Murray, 
Kappa  Alpha.  Burlington;  Theodore  Richard  Oldenburg,  Phi  Delta 
Theta,  Charlotte;   Floy  Theodore  Oldham,  Jr.,   Chapel   Hill. 

Seventh  Row:  Robert  Brantley  Peck,  Concord;  John  L.  Prugh, 
Charlotte;  Junius  H,  Rose,  Jr.,  Greenville;  O.  D.  Rowe,  Nebo; 
Charles  Barker  Sabiston,  Jr.,  Wake  Forest. 

Eighth  Rote:  Arnold  Campbell  Shaw,  Jr.,  Asheville;  Clarendon 
Foy  Sherman,  High  Point;  Claude  A.  Sherrill,  Spartanburg,  S.  C; 
Max  Lewis  Spurlin,  Tryon ;  Charles  Gilbert  Strange,  Jr.,  Lambda 
Chi  Alpha.  Burlington. 

Ninth  Row:  Gordon  Cox  Taylor,  Sigma  Nu,  Richlands;  Kenneth 
Taylor,  Magnolia;  Robert  Hugh  Watson,  Chi  Psi.  Garland;  C. 
Jarvis  William,   Laurel   Springs;   James   Lowell  Williams,   Bynum. 

Page   159 


Deiilul  h)guiiL\ti  uuii/iig  111  the  lab. 

The  first  class  of  dental  hygienists  were  admitted  to  the  University  and  the  School  of  Dentistry  this  past 
fall.  This  is  the  first  and  only  program  of  instruction  offered  in  North  Carolina.  Girls  were  admitted  from  two 
states  and  the  District  of  Columbia,  totaling  fourteen  in  number.  Twenty  girls  will  be  selected  each  fall  for 
future  classes. 

The  curriculum  now  provides  for  two  years  of  instruction  leading  to  certification.  Plans  are  now  under 
way  to  provide  a  four-year  curriculum  leading  toward  the  bachelor  of  science  degree  in  Dental  Hygiene. 

The  dental  hygiene  students  will  receive  their  laboratory  and  clinical  experience  in  the  same  areas  in  the 
School  of  Dentistry  as  that  provided  for  dental  students.  The  students  of  dental  hygiene  live  in  the  quarters  of 
the  School  of  Nursint;. 


A  iP  f>  f>  O"**?  ^ 




First  Row:  Barbara  Ann  Bynum,  Chapel  Hill;  Novella  Rose  Cloninger.  Belmont;  Gloria  Dawn  Davenport,  Newland  Rural  St.,  Ingalls;  Elsie 
Joan  Evans,  Martinsburg,  W.  Va.;  Carolyn  Jean  Ferebee,  Mocksville;  J  eanne  Marie  Greeves,  Washington,  D.  C;  Dorothy  Louise  Herring, 
Charlotte.  Second  Row:  Nancy  Ann  Howell,  Fayetteville;  Nancy  Jane  Keck,  Mebane;  Allison  DeNeale  Long,  Statesville;  Helen  Iris  Mc- 
Dougald,  Raeford;  Marian  Dean  Melvin,  Charlotte;  Barbara  Lenora  Pulley,  New  Bern;  Elsie  Jane  Somers,  Burlington. 

Page  160 

A.  "It's  a  lovely  room — running  water  and 

southern  exposure." 

B.  "/  hale  to  brag,  hut — " 

C.  "At  least  I've  got  a  piece  oj  glass." 

D.  "/  say.  does  anyone  smell  anything?" 

E.  "You're  the  one  who  did  it!" 

F.  "This  one  looks  pretty  good  coming.' 

G,  Flaked! 

H.   "Tell  me  another  one.' 

I.     You  name  it! 

Page  161 



i                          v^ 




\           ,i^H 


^^  \         «[ 

^^^^L    '''^^'^^  *' ' 

H.  \    'mSi 

William  W.  Pierson 
Dean  of  the  Graduate  School 

Graduate  School 

The  Graduate  School  offers  opportunity  to  qualified  students  who  have 
completed  work  leading  to  a  bachelor's  degree  for  advanced  and  special- 
ized studies.  This  School  endeavors  to  prepare  students  to  become  investi- 
gators and  teachers  in  special  fields  of  learning,  to  foster  interest  and 
capacity  in  research,  and  to  apply  research  methods  to  the  problems  of 
society,  government,  and  industry. 

Work  for  advanced  degree  is  under  the  general  supervision  of  the 
graduate  faculty.  Under  authority  delegated  by  the  graduate  faculty,  the 
immediate  direction  of  the  School  is  in  charge  of  an  administrative  board, 
of  which  the  Dean  is  chairman. 


F  m^  '^  V 












Fin/  Ron;-  Ada  Livingstone  Aus- 
tin, Maxton ;  Charles  W.  Barnes, 
Thomasville;  Thomas  Malcolm  Ben- 
ton, Goldsboro;  Donald  John  Bet- 
tinger,  Chapel  Hill;  Celeste  Wise 
Bishop,  Kappa  Delta,  Danville,  Va.; 
Maurice  Franklin  Blevins,  Dobson. 

Second  Row:  Jane  Bolmeier,  Sigma 
Kappa.  Durham ;  John  Dewey  Bost, 
Newton;  John  Moore  Bullard,  Char- 
lotte; William  Carey  Bunch,  Jr., 
Edenton;  Martha  Ellen  Calton,  Bos- 
tic;  Mary  Louise  Camp,  Charlotte. 

Third  Ron-:  John  Cazin,  Jr..  Wells- 
burg,  W.  Va.;  Jean  Daniel  Charron, 
Chapel  Hill;  Donald  Grady  Cheek, 
Kappa  Alpha.  Shelby;  Thomas  Ellis 
Coghill,  Sigma  Chi.  Richmond,  Va. ; 
Benjamin  Franklin  Cooper,  Phi  Delta 
Chi.  Rhu  Chi.  Pi  Kappa  Alpha.  War- 
saw; Ernestine  Barton  Cox,  Warren- 
ton,  Va. 

Fourth  Row:  Raymond  E.  DiBattista, 
Windber,  Pa.;  W.  Miigruder  Drake, 
Chapel  Hill ;  Kenneth  Franklin  Eas- 
ter, Phi  Beta  Kappa,  Phi  Eta  Si.t;ma, 
Beia  Gamma  Sigma.  Winston-Salem; 
Charles  H.  V.  Ebert,  Sigma  Gamma 
Epiilo/i,  Durham;  Marvin  Reid  Far- 
ley, Eatonton,  Ga.;  David  Ray  Finch, 

Fifth  Row:  Harron  O.  Floyd,  Jr., 
Norfolk,  Va.;  Archibald  Taylor  Fort, 
Oxford  ;  Virginia  G.  Francis,  Waynes- 
ville;  Taketo  Mike  Furuhata,  Tokyo, 
Japan;  John  Brooke  Gardiner,  Bryn 
Mawr.  Pa. ;  Robert  Cole  Gardner, 

Si.\th  Raw:  James  Thomas  Gooding, 
Delta  Sigma  Pi.  New  Bern ;  Raymond 
U".  Guy,  Jr.,  Sigma  Nu.  Chapel  Hill; 
Alton  Carlyle  Hall,  Jr.,  Kappa  Alpha. 
Raleigh;  Willard  Branch  Harris,  Ar- 
eola; John  B.  Harvey,  Kappa  Sigma, 
Atlanta,  Ga.;  Robert  Winship  Heath, 
Phi  Beta  Kappa,  Phi  Eta  Sigma.  Pi 
Mil  Epsilon.  Sigma  Nu,  Chapel  Hill. 

Page  162 

First  Row:  James  Ray  Hinkle,  Alpha  Zeta,  Phi  Kapp.i 
Phi.  Alpha  Gamma  Rho.  Salisbury;  Donald  William 
Hogg,  Astoria,  Ore.;  Edgar  Wright  Hooks,  Jr.,  Kenly; 
VCilfiam  Ralph  Jacobs,  Jr.,  Phi  Beta  Kappa,  Phi  Eta 
Sixma.  Beta  Gamma  Sigma,  Sims ;  William  Everett 
Johnson,  Hickory. 

Second  Row:  Barclay  Gibbs  Jones,  Delta  Phi,  Mer- 
chantville.  N.  J.;  Edgar  Williamson  Jordan,  Rich- 
mond, Va.;  Lemuel  Russell  Jordan,  Alpha  Kappa  Psi. 
Theta  Xi,  Smithfleld;  Kineson  Jung,  Kannapolis; 
Dewey  S.  Kirstein,  Jr.,  Sigr/ia  Gamma  Epsiloii,  Fair- 

Third  Row:  Nanc7  Esther  Kussrow,  Miami  Beach, 
Fla.;  Marilyn  Lamond,  Phi  Beta  Kappa.  Pi  Delta  Phi. 
Sigma  Delta  Pi.  Alpha  Chi  Ome.i>a.  Akron,  Ohio; 
Dale  Morgan  Lewallen,  Coral  Gables,  Fla.;  Rey  M. 
Longyear,  Baltimore,  Md. ;  Barbara  Rose  Mclntyre, 

Fourth  Rou:  Marilyn  Louise  Marshall,  Rockford,  111.; 
Raul  E.  Martinez,  Bayard,  N.  M.;  John  Pettit  May- 
nard,  Hickory;  Rodney  McBeath  Moak,  Charlotte; 
Catherine  Elizabeth  Moore,  Raleigh. 

Fiith  Row:  John  David  Moore.  Granite  Falls;  S.  Hamid 
Hasan  Naqavi.  Sigma  Gamma  Epsiloit.  Karachi,  Pakis- 
tan; Allan  Kenneth  Norberg,  Phi  Kappa  Sigma.  Bay- 
side,  N.  Y.;  Lewis  Winford  Pate,  Southern  Pines; 
Mitchell  Patton,  Greenville,  S.  C. 

Sixth  Row:  Lee  Edward  Paul,  Psi  Chi.  Hillside,  N.  J.; 
John  Russell  Peck,  Chapel  Hill;  Claude  Piantadosi, 
Sigma  Xi.  Union  City,  N.  J.;  Jacques  St.  Peters,  Mon- 
treal, Canada;  George  Bernard  Shields,  Newport 
News,  Va. 

Seventh  Row:  Robert  Wilson  Siler,  Jr.,  Phi  Beta  Kap- 
pa. Siler  City;  Franklin  B.  Skrivanek.  Delta  Sigma  Phi. 
Houston,  Texas;  Katherine  Phillips  Sledge,  Pmehurst; 
Dorothy  Ann  Spangler,  Shelby;  Donald  Eugene  Stew- 
art, Lebanon,  Ohio. 

Eighth  Row:  Faye  Evangeline  Stewart.  Coats;  Garland 
Scott  Taylor,  Pi  Kappa  Alpha.  Enfield;  Margaret  Lewis 
Taylor,  Pi  Beta  Phi.  Pi  Sigma  Alpha.  Chapel  Hill; 
Homer  Maxwell  Thompson,  Salisbury;  Ann  Mc- 
Dowell Trabue,  Phi  Beta  Kappa.  Chi  Delta  Phi.  Ch) 
fJmega.   Hopkinsville,  Ky. 

Ninth  Row:  Robert  Lee  Turner,  Phi  Kappa  Sigma. 
Greensboro;  Fang- Wen  Wang,  Chungking,  China; 
James  Neil  Weatherly,  Jr.,  Phi  Beta  Kappa.  Beta 
Gamma  Sigma.  Georgetown.  S.  C. ;  loan  B.  Weeden, 
Matunuck,  R.  L;  Claiborne  Yates  Whitehead,  Court- 
land,  Va. 

Tenth  Row:  John  Edgar  Williams,  Pi  Sigma  Alpha. 
Delta  Phi  Alpha,  Wilmington;  Edward  Christian 
Wingfield,  Sigma  Xi.  Charlottesville,  Va.;  Jack  Ivan 
Wolle,  Chapel  Hill;  Andrew  McLean  Wood,  Raeford; 
Aino  Leena  Kaarina  Yrjola,  Tampere,  Finland. 

9  a  5:53 

f^v-'        '>=^'  IT*'"         K^^B       j'*"^' 

Page  163 

A.  "/  jusl  don't  gire  a  damn." 

B.  "\P'ho  studies?" 

C.  "That's  music  in  my  ears." 

D.  Sniffing  the  ram. 

E.  "Roach." 

F.  "Oh,  lei's  all  get  drunk  and  get  naked." 

G.   "We're  from  Car-o-li-na!" 

H.   "Who  said  that?" 

I.     "Hey,  Cheetah,  uhere's  Jane? 




The  School  of  Law  opened  its  doors  this  fall  to  an  unusually 
large  first  year  class,  and  settled  down  to  a  year  of  intensive  legal 
education.  Besides  an  outstanding  faculty  and  administrative  staff, 
the  school  boasts  an  active  Law  School  Association,  of  all  law  stu- 
dents, an  ever-growing  Alumni  Association,  and  the  publication  by 
honor  students  of  the  quarterly  journal,  the  North  Carolina  Law 

Henry  Parker  Brandis 
Dean  of  the  School  of  Liu 


Firit  Row.  left  to  ri^hl:  William  G.  Aycock.  Herbert  R.  Baer,  M.  S.  B reckenridge,  Albert  Coates.  Second  Row:  John  P.  Dalzell,  Frank  Wil- 
liam Hanft,  Frederick  B.  McCall.  Maurice  Taylor,  Robert  H.  VCettach. 

Left  to  right:  Tom  Steed,  Tom  Young,  John  Sanders,  Joe  Hennessee. 


Lejt  to  light:    John  White,  Mike  McLeod,  Rod  Nickle,  Naomi  Morris,  Elton  Pridgen. 

Third  Year  Law 


Boston  University,  I'niversity  of  North  Carolina,  A.B.,  Phi  Del/d  Phi, 
Social  Chairman  (2),  Sigma  Nu,  Law  Library  Staff  (3),  Nor/h  Oiro- 
liria  Law  Reiiew  (2,  3 ) . 

DANIEL  LONG  BELL,  JR Pittsboro 

University  of  North  Carolina,  B.S.  1951;  Phi  Deltn  Phi.  Kappa 
Alpha,  Honor  Council  (3),  North  Carolina  Law  Review  (2,  3). 

LEWIS  FORMAN  CAMP.   IR Charlotte 

Charlotte  College,  I'niversity  of  North  Carolina,  B.S.  1952,  Phi  Beta 
Kappa.  Beta  Gamma  Sigma.  Phi  Delta  Phi,  Vice-President  Class  (3), 
North  Carolina  Law  Reiiew  (2,  3). 


Guilford  College.  Duke  Llniversity,  A.B.  1947,  LIniversity  of  Illinois, 
M.S.  1948,  University  of  Tennessee  School  of  Law,  1952-53,  Phi  Delta 
Phi.  North  Carolina  Uw  Review  (3). 


University  of  North  Carolina,  B.S.  1952,  Phi  Alpha  Delta.  Sigma  Phi 


University  of  North  Carolina,  B.S.  1952. 


University  of  North  Carolina,  A.B.  1951.  Phi  Alpha  Delta,  Pi  Sigma 
Alpha,  Hoke  Law  Club  Winner. 

MARY  L.  FENTON  Shavertown,  N.  Y. 

Syracuse  Llniversity,  A.B.   1950. 

FELIX  ARTHUR  FLETCHER  Williamsburg,  Va. 

Ferris  College,  University  of  North  Carolina,  1939-41,  Delta  Theta 
Phi.  Phi  Kappa  Sigma. 

GEORGE  W.  GORDON Greensboro 

Phi  Alpha  Delta. 


L'niversity  of  North  Carolina,  B.S.  1950,  Delta  Theta  Phi.  Law  School 
Association  Legislature   ( 1 ) ,  North  Carolina  Law  Review  ( 2 ) . 


LIniversity  of  North  Carolina,  A.B.  1952,  Phi  Alpha  Delta,  Treasurer 
( 3 ) ,  Vice-President  American  Student  Bar  Association,  Fourth  Judicial 
District  (2). 

GEORGE   WILLIAM    HILL    Mooresville 

Appalachian  State  Teachers  College,  Catawba  College,  University  of 
North  Carolina,  A.B.   1952. 

POHN  O.  HOOPER   Saluda 

Delta  Sigma  Pi. 


LIniversity  of  North  Carolina.  B.S.  1951,  Phi  Beta  Kappa.  Phi  Eta 
Sigma.  Beta  Gamma  Sigma.  Phi  Delta  Phi.  Vice-President  (2),  Sigma 
Chi.  Class  Vice-President  ( 2 ) ,  President  ( 3 ) ,  Law  School  Association 
Legislature  (2,  3),  North  Carolina  Ltiw  Review  (2,  3). 


University  of  North  Carolina,  B.S.  1950,  Phi  Delta  Phi,  Kappa  Sigma, 
Class  Treasurer  ( 1 ) . 


L'niversity  of  North  Carolina,  A.B.  1951,  Phi  Alpha  Delta.  Vice- 
President  (3),  Law  School  Association,  Legislature  (2),  Social  Chair- 
man ( 3 ) ,  Intercollegiate  Moot  Court  Team  ( 3 ) .  Faculty  Research 
Assistant  (3),  North  Carolina  Law  Review  (2,  3). 


Gardner- Webb  Jr.  College.  L'niversity  of  North  Carolina,  A.B.  1952, 
Law  School  Association  Treasurer  ( 2 ) ,  North  Carolina  Law  Review 


;«%  ^ 

f^J  ^^  H^ 


First  Row.  left  to  right:  Adams,  Bell,  Camp,  Carruth.  is    (  iti  s.  ( 
Row:  Hill,  Hooper,  Ingram,  Johnson,  Jones,  Ledtord 

iiii  Row:  Dawkins.    Fenton.    Fletcher,   Gordon,   Griffin,   Hight.   Third 

Page  166 

Third  Year  Law 

DEVERE   CRAVEN   LENTZ    Asheville 

DelLi  Thela  Phi. 


University  of  North  Carolina,  A.B.  1951,  Phi  Alpha  Delta. 
Marshal  (2). 


L'niversity  of  North  Carolina,  A.B.  1952,  Phi  Beta  Kappa,  Phi  Eta 
Sigma,  Delta  Theta  Phi,  President  (3),  Law  School  Association  Legis- 
lature (2),  Intramural  Chairman  (2),  President  (3),  Battle  Law  Club 


Woman's  College  of  UNC,  B.S.  1941,  Indiana  University,  M.C.S. 
1945,  Colorado  L^niversit)'  School  of  Law,  1949-50,  Delta  Pi  Epsilon. 
North  Carolina  Law  Reiieiv  (3). 


L'niversity  of  North  Carolina,  A.B.  1952,  Phi  Alpha  Delta. 

EDWARD  NEAL  POST Winston-Salem 

Guilford  College,  A.B.  1951,  Tribune  (2),  Law  School  Association 
Legislature  (2),  Delta  Theta  Phi,  Placement  Committee  Chairman 
(3),  Tar  Heel  Barrister.  Editor  (2). 

EDWIN  S.  PRESTON,  JR Raleigh 

Baylor  University,  B.S.  1951. 


University  of  North  Carolina,  A.B.  1952,  Phi  Alpha  Delta,  Clerk  (3), 
Law  Club  Counselor  (2),  Institute  of  Government  Research  Assistant 
(3),  Law  School  Honor  Court,  Chief  Justice  (3),  North  Carolina 
Law  Review  (2,  3). 


Wake  Forest  College,  A.B.  1951,  Omicron  Delta  Kappa,  Phi  Delta 
Phi,  President  (2),  Kappa  Alpha,  Law  School  Association  Legislature 
(1,  2),  Speakers  Chairman  (2).  Orientation  Chairman  (3),  Walker 
Law  Club  Winner,  Intercollegiate  Moot  Court  Team  (3),  Mens 
Honor  Council  (3),  North  Carolina  Law  Renew  (2  3). 

EARLE  GENE  RAMSEY  Chapel  Hill 

Bowdoin  College,  A.B.  1949,  Delta  Kappa  Epsilon,  Phi  Beta  Kappa. 
Delta  Thela  Phi.  Vice-President  (2).  North  Carolina  Latr  Reiieu-  (2). 

WILLIAM  GEORGE  REID   Pilot  Mountain 

North  Carolina  State  College,  High  Point  College,  Western  Carolina 
College,  B.S.   1951,  Phi  Alpha  Delta. 


North  Carolina  State  College,  1946-47,  tiniversity  of  North  Carolina, 
B.S.   1952,  Phi  Alpha  Delta. 


University  of  North  Carolina,  B.S.  1951,  Phi  Beta  Kappa.  Phi  Eta 
Sigma.  Beta  Gamma  Sigma,  Phi  Delta  Phi,  Historian  (2),  Chi  Psi, 
Law  Club  Counselor  (2),  Faculty  Research  Assistant  (2),  North 
Carolina  Law  Review  (2,  3),  Editor-in-Chief  (3). 

SARAH   LINDSAY  TATE    Charlotte 

Randolph-Macon  Woman's  College,  1945-47,  University  of  North 
Carolina,  A.B.  1949,  LIniversity  of  Southern  California  School  of  Law, 
1951-52,  North  Carolina  Law  Review  (3). 

EUGENE  S.  TAYLOR   Summerville 

Phi  Alpha  Delta. 


Mars  Hill  College,  1949-50,  University  of  North  Carolina,  A.B.  1952. 
Phi  Alpha  Delta,  President  (3),  Law  School  Association  Legislature 
(2),  North  Carolina  Liiv  Review  (2,  3). 


Catawba  College,  1945-46,  University  of  North  Carolina,  A.B.  1951, 
Kappa  Alpha. 

TAMES  DAVID  WHITE   Kannapolis 

University  of  North  Carolina,  A.B.  1947,  Sigma  Chi.  Phi  Alpha  Delta. 
Law  School  Association  Legislature,  (1,  3),  Vice-President  (3),  Class 
Vice-President  (1). 

THOMAS   LEE   YOLTNG    Lexington 

University  of  North  Carolina,  B.S.  1952,  Phi  Delta  Phi.  Law  School 
Association  Legislature  ( 3 ) ,  Tar  Heel  Barrister,  Associate  Editor  { 2 ) . 
Phi  Delta  Phi  Scholarship  (2),  Intercollegiate  Moot  Court  (3), 
Institute  of  Government  Research  Assistant  (3),  Faculty  Research 
Assistant  (2),  North  Carolina  Law  Review  (2,  3),  Associate  Editor 

First  Row,  left  to  right:  Lentz,  Mitchem,  Nicol,  Owen,  Palmer,  Post.  Second  Row:  Preston,  Pridgen,  Pullen,  Ramsey,  Reid,  Shaw.  Third  Row:  Steed, 
Tate,  Taylor,  Thornburg,  Waggoner,  White,  Young. 

Page   167 


First  Row:  Myron  Carroll  Banks,  Phi  Beta  Kappa.  Phi  Eta  Sigma,  Alpha  Phi  Omega,  Sigma 
Phi  Epsilon,  Raleigh;  Louis  Adams  Bledsoe,  Jr.,  Sigma  Chi,  Huntsville,  Ala.;  George  Milton 
Britt,  Phi  Delta  Phi.  Tarboro;  Franklin  Kent  Burns,  Phi  Alpha  Delta,  Chapel  Hill;  Robert 
Bond  Byrd,  Phi  Alpha  Delta,  Morganton;  James  Thomas  Campbell,  Taylorsville;  Joseph 
Garner  Dail,  Jr.,  Phi  Beta  Kappa,  Phi  Delta  Phi,  Tarboro;  Don  B.  Davis,  Chapel  Hill. 

Second  Row:  Roy  W.  Davis,  Jr.,  Phi  Delta  Phi,  Marion;  Richard  O'Neil  Gamble,  Phi  Delta 
Phi,  Summerfield;  George  Royster  Greene,  Phi  Beta  Sigma,  Raleigh;  Roy  Griffith  Hall,  Jr., 
Phi  Beta  Kappa,  Saluda;  Jack  Rondall  Harris,  Phi  Alpha  Delta,  Lincolnton;  Eugene  Clifton 
Hicks,  III,  Phi  Delta  Phi,  Sigma  Nu.  Wilmington;  William  Lanier  Hill.  Phi  Delta  Phi, 
Delta  Kappa  Epsilon,  Wilmington;  James  Albert  House,  Jr..  Phi  Beta  Kappa,  Phi  Delta  Phi, 

Third  Row:  John  Victor  Hunter.  IH,  Winston-Salem;  Peter  George  Kalogridis,  Phi  Beta 
Kappa,  Omircoii  Delta  Kappa.  Winter  Haven.  Fla.;  Michael  P.  McLeod.  Phi  Beta  Kappa,  Phi 
Alpha  Delta.  Chapel  Hill ;  Naomi  Elizabeth  Morris,  Wilson;  Jackson  Bruce  Morton,  Phi 
Alpha  Delta.  Greensboro;  Jerry  Roth,  Bronx.  N.  Y.;  Sam  Griffin  Seawell,  Winston-Salem; 
Robert  Luther  Spencer.  Phi  Alpha  Delta.  Draper. 

Fourth  Row:  James  R.  Strickland.  Wilson ;  Robert  C.  Vaughn.  Jr.,  Phi  Delta  Phi,  Beta  Theta 
Pi,  Winston-Salem;  Calvin  C.  'Wallace.  Phi  Alpha  Delta,  Albemarle;  Alex  Warlick.  Jr.,  Phi 
Alpha  Delta,  Hickory;  James  C.  Wilson,  Phi  Alpha  Delta,  Winston-Salem;  Kenneth  Ray 
Youngblood,  Phi  Delta  Phi,  Fletcher. 

^  f>  15  jp  ,     , 

Page  168 

First  Year 

FirU  Rotv:  Stephen  Agapion,  Greensboro;  Joyce 
Eloise  Albright,  High  Point;  Rupert  David  Bare- 
foot, Chapel  Hill;  Warren  Donald  Blair,  Char- 
lotte; NX'illiam  C.  Brewer,  Jr.,  P/v  Gjmm.i  Delu. 

Second  Rote:  Clifford  Charles  Bridgers,  Fuquay 
Springs;  James  Everette  Bryan,  Alpha  K.ippj  Psi. 
Pittsboro;  William  Mclver  Cameron,  Jr.,  Pi  K^ippj 
Alpha,  Wilmington;  Charles  Robertson  Carroll, 
Phi  Gamma  Delta,  Burlington;  Solomon  Gilmer 
Cherry,  Lambda  Chi  Alpha,  Roxobel. 

Third  Row:  Edward  Henry  Clement,  Sigma  Nii. 
Salisbury;  Robert  E.  Cooper,  Raleigh;  William 
Webb  Coppedge,  Maxton ;  Martha  A.  Decker,  Phi 
Mil,  Miami,  Fla.,  Andre  Evans,  Ahoskie. 

Fourth  Row:  Herbert  S.  Falk,  Jr.,  Zeta  Beta  Tan, 
Greensboro;  George  Wagoner  Ferguson,  Phi  Beta 
Kappa,  Pi  Kappa  Alpha.  Charlotte;  William 
Michael  Ferguson,  Jr.,  Sanford;  Richard  T.  Foun- 
tain. Jr.,  Rocky  Mount ;  Maitland  Guy  Freed, 

Fifth  Row:  Paul  Bennett  Guthery,  Jr.,  Kappa 
Alpha,  Charlotte;  F.  Wade  Hall,  Asheville;  Harold 
William  Maddie,  Phi  Kappa  Sigma.  Bronx,  N.  Y.; 
Donald  Leon  Moore.  Lambda  Chi  Alpha,  Reids- 
lille:  John  F.  Motsinger,  Jr.,  Phi  Beta  Kappa. 
Phi  Eta  Sigma.  Beta  Gamma  Sigma.  Sigma  Chi. 

Sixth  Row:  Robert  Lewis  Neill,  Sigma  Chi.  High 
Point;  Robert  W.  Osborne,  Theta  Chi.  Greens- 
boro; William  L.  Osteen,  Greensboro;  Robert 
Pace,  Mooresville;  Thomas  Custis  Parramore, 

Serenth  Row:  James  Ralph  Phillips,  Gastonia; 
Dan  E.  Perry,  Phi  Eta  Sigma.  Kappa  Sigma, 
Kinston;  Warren  Harding  Ransler,  Alpha  Phi 
Omega,  Theta  Alpha  Phi,  Sigma  Phi  Epsilon, 
Syracuse,  N.  Y.;  John  Luther  Rendleman,  Lambda 
Chi  Alpha.  Salisbury;  Scotty  Dean  Rhodarmer. 

Eighth  Row:  Parks  Allen  Roberts.  Elkin;  William 
Edward  Rouse,  Jr.,  Alpha  Kappa  Psi,  Raleigh; 
Julius  A.  Rousseau,  Jr.,  Pi  Kappa  Alpha,  North 
Wilkesboro;  Arthur  B.  Rowe,  Aberdeen;  Ernest 
Eugene  Russell,  Raleigh. 

Ninth  Row:  Royal  Graham  Shannonhouse,  III, 
Delta  Kappa  Epsilon,  Pittsboro;  Herbert  Holden 
Thorp,  Delta  Kappa  Epsilon.  Rocky  Mount; 
Richard  Elton  Thigpen,  Jr.,  Charlotte;  Willard 
Irving  Walker,  Phi" Eta,  St.  Anthony  Hall, 
Chapel  Hill;  James  T.  Wilkes,  Jr.,  Lambda  Chi 
Alpha,  Harvey,  Illinois. 

Tenth  Row:  Robert  Harrison  Williams,  L.imbda 
Chi  Alpha,  Elm  City;  Robert  Gray  Windsor, 
Winston-Salem;  Charles  Parnell  Wrenn,  Kannapo- 
lis;  William  E.  Zimtbaum,  Newton. 

p     f!^     f^.     O     p 

p    p    p    lf^ 

P»  (?   P   P 

^^        ^      f'"       j^ 

t:     f^     Ci     p 



Page  169 

School  Of 

The  School  of  Library  Science  was  established  in  1931  under  the  direction 
of  Dr.  Louis  R.  Wilson.  It  was  the  fourth  professional  school  on  the  campus 
and  was  made  possible  by  a  grant  from  the  Carnegie  Corporation.  The  School 
has  drawn  the  larger  number  of  its  students  from  North  Carolina  and  other 
Southeastern  states,  but  there  have  also  been  many  students  from  other  parts  of 
the  country.  Its  graduates  have  gone  into  all  types  of  library  work  and  into  all 
sections  of  the  United  States,  including  Alaska  and  Hawaii,  as  well  as  to  many 
foreign  countries. 


Susan  Grev  Akers 
Di\in  of  the  School  of  Library  Science 

First  Row.  left  to  right;  Donald  MacKenzie,  Mary  Lilla  Browne,  Patricia  Ford,  Dot  Call,  Helen  Y.  Canter,  Ellen  Thomas. 

Second  Row:  Caroline  Heriot,   Elizabeth   Forran,   Susan  G.   Akers,  Jane  Zeigler,   Betsy  Ann  Olive. 

Third  Row:  H.  T.  Walker,  Nancy  Jones  Turner,  Charlotte  Montogery,  Edwina  Johnson,  Jane  Bahnsen,  Pattie  Scott,  Patricia  Smith. 

Fourth  Row:  Charles  Hopkins,  Elvin  Strowd,  Margaret  Kalp,  Catherine  Maybury,  Phyllis  Myron,  Frances  Thackston,  Elizabeth  Anderson. 

Fifth  Row:  Joseph  M.  Dixon,  Sarah  Rebecca  Reed,  Caroline  Hieber,  Betsy  Carroll,  Ethel  A.  Rose,  Eleanor  W.  Stephens,  Genie  Babylon. 

Library  Science 

Quarters  for  the  School,  comprising  rooms  for  laboratory  work,  lectures,  and 
seminars,  a  stack  area  for  the  School's  library  and  offices  for  the  staff  cover 
the  entire  top  floor  of  the  west  wing  of  the  University  Library. 

The  school  offers  four  programs:  two  masters'  programs,  one  for  public 
school  librarians,  and  one  for  the  work  in  any  type  of  library;  a  basic  one  year 
program  for  college  graduates  preparing  for  beginning  positions;  and  an  eight- 
een semester  hour  undergraduate  program  for  students  interested  in  preparing 
for  positions  as  librarians  in  schools. 

Students  learn  library  meth- 
ods in  the  school's  private 

Students  discuss   library  proh 
leins  in  seminar. 

Discussion  Room  provides  pleasant  atmosphere  for  study  and  relaxation. 

Page   171 


Fiist  Row.  left  to  right:  A.  T.  Miller,  E.  P.  Hiatt,  C.  E.  Anderson,  Fred  ^X'.  Ellis,  John  Schwab,  B.  L.  Truscott,  W.  R.  Berryhill,  Warner 
\X'ells,  C,  W.  Gottschalk,  C.  T.  Kaylor,  I.  M.  Taylor.  Second  Row:  Louis  G.  ^X'elt,  Edward  C.  Frank,  Ir.,  Thomas  B.  Barnett,  James  C. 
Andrews,  James  B.  Bullitt,  William  E.  Loring,  Beverly  Raney,  Charles  H.  Burnett.  G.  P.  Manire.  Third  Row:  W.  G.  Dahlstrom,  M.  R. 
Berkut,  E.  Craige,  J.  G.  Palmer,  D.  A.  MacPherson,  R.  D.  Langdell,  G.  D.  Penick,  William  L.  Fleming.  Fourlh  Row:  R.  A.  Ross.  H.  R. 
Chamberlin,  M.  Huppert,  K.  M.  Brinkhoas,  D.  R.  Hawkins,  E.  H.  Wood,  C.A.  Bream.  Fifth  Row:  John  H.  Ferguson,  C.  D.  Van  Cleave, 
A.  Price  Heusner.  Louise  Ward,  J.  J.  Fischer,  W.  Sprunt.  S:xth  Row:  >X'.  C.  George.  C.  W.  Hooker,  H.  R.  Brashear,  J.  A.  Green,  R.  H. 
Wagner,  C.  B.  Taylor,  F.  D.   Lawrason,  M.  C.  Swanton.  J.   L.  Irvin,  'W.  P.  Richardson. 

School  of  Medicine 

With  a  history  stretching  back  to  1879,  the  School  of  Medicine  has  travelled 
a  difficult  road  of  progress  with  distinction.  From  1900  the  School  has  been  an 
integral  part  of  the  University,  and  the  distinguished  physicians  that  have  taken 
training  here  have  won  recognition  throughout  the  nation. 

The  concept  of  a  complete  university  health  center  was  born  in  the  1940's, 
nurtured  by  the  legislative  appropriations  of  '45,  '47,  '49,  and  '51  and  is  now 
beginning  to  realize  its  full  potential  of  service  to  the  people  of  the  state  and 
the  nation. 

The  400-bed  teaching  hospital,  the  psychiatric  pavilion,  Gravely  Sani- 
tarium, the  additions  to  the  Medical  Science  Building  and  the  numerous  other 
additions  constitute  a  physical  plant  second  to  none,  and  with  the  splendant 
faculty  that  has  been  amassed  to  administer  the  modern  curriculum,  this  Medi- 
cal School  will  continue  to  progress,  in  service,  in  research,  in  leadership. 

Walter  Reece    Berryhill 
De.i>!  of  iht    School  of  Mtdicine 

Poge   172 

Having  the  School  of  Medicine  in  Chapel  Hill,  intregrated  with 
the  university,  providing  the  opportunity  for  scientific  pursuits  in 
a  cultural  milieu,  is  a  distinct  advantage  to  both  the  School  and  the 

For  the  first  time  in  the  history  of  the  school,  degrees  will  be 
conferred  on  people  who  have  received  their  medical  training  at 
Chapel  Hill.  This  Senior  Class  is  the  first  of  a  long  procession  of 
"Carolina"  physicians,  who,  proceeding  next  to  their  internships, 
then  to  their  practices  will  put  their  knowledge  and  skill  into  active 


Sealed,  left  to  right:  Laurence  Earley, 
Tom  Moore,  Secretary;  Charles  Herring, 
Vice-President;  Rodney  L.  McKnight, 
Bill  Huffines,  President.  Second  Row. 
Julius  Green,  Harvev  Adams,  Thad 
Monroe,  Treasurer;  Hugh  Hemmings, 
Jerry  McMahon. 


Fint  Row.  left  to  right:   William  Purcell,   George  Cox,   David   Anderson,   Francis  Stewart.   Second 
Rotr:  John  Harrington,  Winifred  Sugg,  Robert  Holmes,  Samuel  Joyner. 

Page  173 

Fourth  Year 


Seated,  left  to  right:  Malcolm  Fleishman,  Treasurer;  Sara  Lippard,  Sec- 
retary; Hugh  Hemmings,  President;  Allen  Spender,  Vice-President. 

First  Row:  David  Maurice  Anderson,  Jr.,  Phi  Beta  Kappa.  Phi  Eta  Sigma.  Alpha  Kappa  Kappa,  Rocky  Mount;  Leland  Stanley 
Averett,  Jr.,  Phi  Chi,  Oxford;  Paul  Hamer  Brigman,  Phi  Chi,  Chapel  Hill;  George  Wallace  Brown,  Alpha  Kappa  Kappa, 
Waynesville;  Douglas  D.  Conkwright,  Jr.,  Chapel  Hill. 

Second  Row:  Leon  Kerr  Cowan,  Phi  Chi,  Powellsville;  Joseph  Leo  Dewalt,  Phi  Beta  Kappa.  Phi  Chi.  Dunn;  Albert  Joseph 
Diab,  Burlington;  Malcolm  Fleishman,  Alpha  Epiilon  Delta,  Taii  Epsiloii  Phi.  Fayetteville;  Charles  B.  Fulghum,  Alpha  Kap- 
pa Kappa,  Alpha  Epsiloii  Delta,  Alpha  Phi  Omega,  Selma. 

Third  Row:  Jesse  Franklin  Graves,  Alpha  Kappa  Kappa.  Chapel  Hill;  ^X'illis  Jackson  Grant,  Phi  Beta  Kappa,  Phi  Eta  Sigma, 
Delta  Phi  Alpha.  Phi  Chi.  Windsor;  Gary  Lee  Guy,  Phi  Beta  Kappa.  Alpha  Kappa  Kappa.  Angier;  Hugh  C.  Hemmings, 
Alpha  Kappa  Kappa,  Mount  Airy;  Harold  B.  Hines,  Phi  Chi,  Walnut,  Mississippi. 

Page  174 

Firs!  Row:  Robert  S.  Jones,  Boiling  Srings;  Herman  Propst 
Lineberger,  Alpha  Kjppa  K.ippj.  Charlotte;  Sara  Ann  Lip- 
pard.  Hot  Springs;  Walter  Collins  Mahaffee,  Alph.i  K.ipp.i 
K.ipp.i.  Granite  Falls. 

Second  Row:  Barbara  Maynard  Moore,  Tarboro;  James 
Clifton  Parke,  Jr.,  Phi  Chi.  Conway;  Cornelius  Partrick. 
Kappa  Alpha,  Wilmington;  Ely  Jackson  Perry,  Jr.,  Phi  Chi. 
Kappa  Sigma,  Kinston. 

Third  Row:  George  Donald  Presley,  Alph.i  Kapp.i  Kapp.i. 
Asheville;  Clifton  Lee  Quinn,  Beulaville;  John  Henry 
Rickenbacker,  Alph.i  Kappa  Kappa.  Rutherfordton;  Charles 
Gurney  Robertson,  Jr.,  Alpha  Kappa  Kappa,  White  Plains. 

Fourth  Row:  Joe  Robinson,  Phi  Chi.  Chapel  Hill ;  Jay  Fred 
Stimson  Saunders,  Phi  Chi,  Aulander;  Harry  Blake  Sherrill, 
Alpha  Kappa  Kappa,  Gastonia;  Allen  Spencer,  Alpha  Kappa 
Kappa,  Salisbury. 

Fijth  Row:  Louis  C.  Spillman,  Jr..  Elizabethtown;  Ned 
Henderson  Swann,  Jr.,  Phi  Chi,  Pelham;  Robert  Lee  Tomlin- 
son,  Jr.,  Phi  Chi,  Phi  Gamma  Delia,  Wilson ;  Hubert  Dur- 
wood  Tyndall,  Phi  Beta  Kappa,  Alpha  Kappa  Kappa,  Pike- 

Six:h  Row:  Robert  Harrell  Vinson,  Phi  Beta  Kappa,  Phi 
Ela  Sigma,  Phi  Chi,  Ahoskie;  William  Matthew  Vinson,  Phi 
Beta  Kappa,  Phi  Eta  Sigma,  Phi  Chi,  Ahoskie;  Archie  Du- 
Vall  Walker,  Jr.,  Alpha  Epsilon  Delta,  Alpha  Kappa  Kappa. 
Wilmington;  John  Charles  Ward,  Phi  Chi,  Kinston. 

■Seventh  Row:  William  Harvey  Weinel,  Jr.,  Phi  Chi,  Spencer; 
Stephen  Glenn  Wilson,  Jr.,  Alpha  Kappa  Kappa.  Angier; 
Virgil  Archibald  Wilson,  Phi  Chi,  Rural  Hall;  Edward 
Sutherlin  Williams,  Jr.,  Phi  Chi,  Greenville. 

Eighth  Row:  Harold  Gene  Williamson,  Alpha  Kappa  Kapp.. 
Burlington ;  Alevin  Donald  Wolfl,  Bethania. 


Page  175 

Seated:  left  to  right: 
Robert  G.  Brame, 
Treasurer;  Harvey 
Adams,  President.  Sec- 
ond Row:  Palmer  Shel- 
burn,  Secreatry;  P.  Z. 
Dunn,  Vice-President. 

Third  Year 

Fust  Row,  left  to  ri^ht:  Griggs  Dickson,  Carl  Rogers,  Sam  Joyner, 
P.  Z.  Dunn,  Jr.,  Murphy  Cronland,  Robert  Golby,  Gene  Glenn, 
Charles  Herring.  Second  Row:  J.  L.  James  Jr.,  Ted  Chandler,  Thad 
Monroe,  Edward  Diggs,  Cecil  Johnson,  John  Gainey,  Jr.,  John 
Forest.  Third  Row:  James  Jayes,  III,  S.  G.  Jenkins,  Jr.,  Adrian 
Lineberger,  Lloyd  McCaskell,  Tom  Moore,  Robert  Jordan,  Jr., 
Robert  Brame.  Fuuiih  Row:  James  Groseclose,  Fred  Glover,  Robert 
Summerlin,  XX'illiam  Huffines,  Palmer  Shelburn.  Stewart  Mooring, 
W.  VCallace  White.  Fifth  Row:  J.  Alton  Hill,  S.  T.  Richardson, 
Ira  Godwin,  Clarence  McLain,  Jr..  Sixth  Row:  R.  T.  Savage,  Harvey 
Adams,  Julian  Albergotti,  G.  R.  Tucker,  R.  D.  McKnight,  Andrew 
Miller,  \V.  J.  VCaddell,  Alex  Webb,  Ralph  Brooks,  Jr. 

Sealed:  Adam  T.  Thorp, 
Jr.,  President.  Left  to 
right:  Joseph  I.  Riddle, 
Treasurer;  Robert  Mur- 
ray, Secretary;  Malcolm 
McLean,  Vice-President. 

Second  Year 

Fint  Row.  left  to  right:  Harry  Johnson,  John  Ormand,  Tom  Payne, 
Joe  Riddle,  Bob  Farmer,  Bill  Easterling,  BUI  Wood,  William  Barry, 
Second  Row:  Carey  Perry,  Al  Barnhill,  Garland  Wampler,  Leonard 
Wocdall,  Tom  Suther,  John  Noell,  Jack  Evans,  Bob  Murray.  Third 
Row;  M.  W.  Roberts,  John  Deyton,  Clifton  Payne,  Jerrv  Bergmanis, 
Doug  Harrell,  W.  R.  Stafford,  John  Lowder,  Marvin  McCall. 
Fourth  Rote:  Lee  Clark,  Dewey  Yarley.  Wade  Brannon,  Bill  Harris, 
Jack  McDaniel,  John  Hazelhurst.  Fifth  Row:  Dean  Jones,  Clyde 
Lloyd,  W.  C.  Ivey,  Jim  Todd,  Bill  Purcell,  Adam  Thorp,  Jr.,  Alec 
Goley.  Sixth  Row:  Grey  Hall,  Jim  Richards,  Jim  Medders,  Bill 
McLenson,  John  Vassey.  Seventh  Row:  Otis  Lowrey,  Dick  Boyd, 
G.  J.  Ashley,  Tom  Castelloe,  Francis  Pepper,  Mac  McLain,  Francis 
Green.  Eighth  Row:  Milton  Mann,  Leon  Pittman,  Charles  Fowler, 
John  Baggett,  Robert  Holmes,  H,  N.  Lee.  Ninth  Row:  Larry  Earley, 
Victor  Herring,  Coleman  Brantley. 

Seated:  Julius  Green, 
President.  Lejt  to  right: 
William  Littlejohn,  Sec- 
retary; Ben  Wilcox, 
Vice-President,  James 
Thorp,  Treasurer. 

First  Year 

Fint  Row,  left  to  right:  Bill  Smith,  Jack  Ritchie,  Robert  Cline, 
Jerry  McMahon,  Lindsay  Fearsington,  Joe  Allen,  Joel  Conner, 
Gerald  XX'agger,  Jim  Fresh,  Ira  Sell.  Second  Row:  Raeford  Pugh, 
Hugh  Morrison,  Gus  Crowell,  Nat  Sparrow,  George  Irvin,  Dick 
Liles,  Paul  Hurst,  Joe  Murad,  G.  F,  Jung,  Third  Row:  Jack  Hob- 
son,  Helen  Hutchins,  Brooks  Pages,  Ray  Vinson,  Bill  Jones,  Bill 
Littlejohn,  Earl  Welch,  Luther  Clontz,  Tom  Johnson.  Fourth  Row: 
Steve  Gupton,  Jim  Thorp,  W.  L.  Sugg,  Luther  Nelson,  Jim  Slade, 
Don  Mitchell,  Earnest  Brown.  Fifth  Row:  Bobby  Rimer,  Norm 
Bowles,  Bill  Cornell,  Leslie  Tharrington,  Thad  Pope,  U.  J.  Sta- 
thasos,  Jim  Gloves:  Sixth  Row:  Jim  Claps,  Ben  Wilcox,  Steve 
Pugh,  Julius  Green,  John  Farrington,  Tom  Farmer.  Seventh  Row: 
Cecil  Lowry,  Lois  Harris,  Bob  Whitlock,  Irwin  Vinnik,  George 
Edwards,  David  Williams,  Jimmy  Burrus,  Paul  Winslow,  Harold 

Page  176 

School  of  Nursin 

Elizabeth  L.  Kemble 
Dean  of  the  School  of  Nursing 


Seated:  Left  lu  Rig,hl 

Alice  GifFord 

Ruth  Boyles 

Dean  Elizabeth  Kemble 

Evangeline  Soutsos 

Ruth  Lindberg 

Ann  Malleson 

Second  Row: 
Sylvia  Kiger 
Lucille  Spalding 
Catherine   Findlay 
Eloise  Lewis 
Ruth  Dalrymple 
Esther  Sump 

(absent)     Jean     'Williams,     Ruth 

The  School  of  Nursing,  the  most  recently  established  school  within  the  Division  of 
Health  Affairs,  was  the  first  four-year  collegiate  program  in  North  Carolina. 

The  first  students,  now  Juniors,  were  admitted  in  September  of  19'' 1-  At  present, 
there  are  one  hundred  and  four  students  including  two  graduate  nurses  admitted  with 
advanced  standing  in  nursing. 

The  School  of  Nursing  utilizes  classroom,  hospital,  clinical  and  community  facilities 
to  provide  the  students  with  a  broad  professional  background  in  nursing.  A  broad  general 
education  is  provided  by  the  various  departments  within  the  University. 

Page   178 

€  O0' 


Sealed,  left  to  right:  Joy  Smith,  Vice-President;  Rae  Hylton,  Presi- 
dent; Jerry  Snider,  Secretary.  Standing:  Arlene  Morgan,  Treasurer; 
Sally  Winn,  Parliamentarian;  Donna  Blair,  Social  Chairman. 

School  of 

Third  Year 

Fini  Row:  Mary  Anderson,  Durham;  Donna  Lee  Blair,  Winston-Salem;   Sara   Catherine   Blaylock,   New   Bern;    Bette   L.   Davis, 
Morganton;  Virginia  Dare  Edwards,  Durham. 

Second  Row:  Gloria  Huss,  Thomasville;  Gwenlyn  Huss,  Thomasville;  Jane  Ramelle   Hylton,   Clearwater,   Fla.;   Patsy   Colvard 
Johnson,  Durham;  Janet  Merritt  Littlejoin,  Chapel  Hill;  Arlene  Morgan,  Morganton. 

Third  Row:  Louise  Norwood,  Winston-Salem;  Joy  Pharr  Smith,  Charlotte;  Geraldine  Snider,   FayetteviUe;  Winnie  Lee  Wil- 
liams,   Fayetteville ;   Sally   Perkins   Winn,   Henderson;   Martha  Evelyn  Yount,  Hickory. 

^  ^  ^  *^ 



Page  179 

Second  Year 

First  Rou-:   Laura  Jean    Bryant.   Durham;   Anne   Rawlins   Carlton, 
North  Wilkesboro;  Jessie  McKeldon  Carraway.   Farmville. 

Second  Row:  Ruth   Louise  Corwin.   Spencer;   Billie   Bruce  Dobbs 
Charlotte;  Evelyn  Joyce  Farmer,  Newland. 

Third  Row:  Geneva  Ludara  File,  Salisbury;  Elizabeth  Ayers  Hamil- 
ton, Raleigh;  Betty  Jane  Harris,  Ahoskie. 

Fourth  Row:  Jane  Douglas  Kelly,  Apex;  Jane  McNeill  King.  Wil- 
liamston ;  Mary  Landon  Lewis,  Asheville. 

Fifth   Row:  Sarah   Lee  McCarter.    Burlington;   Dorothy   Grey   Mc 
Neely.  Morganton;  Sylvia  Mae  Minteer.  Asheville. 

School  of 






Sixth  Row:  Peggy  Parks  Needham,  New  Bern;  Donna  Elizabeth 
Overholt,   Pittsburgh,  Pa.;  Emily  Love  Robeson,  Laurinburg. 

Seventh   Row:   Natalie   Salter,   Scarsdale,   N.   Y.;   Sally   Marshall 
Smith,  Wrightsville  Beach;  Jane  Carolyn  Snyder,  Winston-Salem. 

Eighth  Row:  Jane  Pauline  Sox,  Hickory;  Sara  Elizabeth  LIsher, 
Hartsville.  S.  C;  Carolyn  White,  Winston-Salem;  Kathy  Helene 
Wipman,  Jacksonville. 

Page  180 


First  Year 

First  Row:  Norma  Jean  Arledge,  Charlotte;  Helen  Lorraine  Averette.  Elizabethtown;  Patricia  Ann 
Ball.  Durham;  Mary  Glenda  Bass.  Dunn;  Frieda  Mae  Bryant,  Monroe;  Meredith  Ann  Butfaloe, 

Second  Row:  Sarah  Elizabeth  Buie,  Winston-Salem;  Barbara  Jean  Burns,  Salisbury;  Sara  Katherine 
Burt,  Biscoe;  Mary  Johns  Cameron.  Southern  Pines;  Elizabeth  Ann  Cannon,  Lake  Wales,  Fla.;  Wilma 
Kirby  Carter,  Charlotte. 

Third  Row:  Shirley  Ann  Coggins,  'W'alstonburg;  Margaret  Virginia  Davis,  McDonald;  Donna  Ruth 
Dopier,  Babson  Park  Fla.;  Ruth  Brantley  Douglas,  Spring  Hope;  Shirley  Jean  Downing.  Fayetteville; 
Jane  Margaret  Englerth,  Asheville. 

Fourth  Row:  Ann  Foley,  Bay  Head,  N.  J.;  Sue  Folger,  High  Point;  Geri  Fore,  Whiteville;  Helen 
Frances  Fowler,  Durham;  Anne  Daniel  Glenn,  Elizabethtown;  Helen  Emaline  Goforth,  Lenoir. 

Fijlh  Row:  Carolyn  Elise  Greene.  Durham;  Shirley  Lee  Guenthner,  Washington,  D.  C;  Diane  Jonas 
Guy.  Henderson;  Nancy  Strode  Haines,  New  Lisbon.  N.  J.;  Frances  Eleanor  Hall.  Reidsville;  Anna 
Thaxton  Haney,  Glenwood. 

^    f »     fl     f>    ^)    l^-i 


''     '^  ay 



Page  181 

First  Year 



First  Row:  Peggy  Byerly  Hartman,  Winston- Salem;  Barbara  Brink  Hedberg,  Charlotte;  Betty  Jo 
Hiott,  Burlington;  Lana  Jon  Hix,  Moravian  Falls;  Ruth  Ferabee  Holmes,  Wilson;  Rachel  Delores 
Humphries,  Bear  Creek. 

SeniiiJ  Row:  Margaret  Balfour  Johnson,  Brevard;  Linda  Ann  Jones,  Laurinburg;  Noel  Ramsey  Keck, 
West  Englewood,  N.  J.;  Mary  Ann  Keeter,  Shelby;  Dorothy  Jane  Ketner,  Hamlet;  Willowdean  Land, 

Third  Ron:  Martha  Kerr  Lentz,  Henderson;  Marjorie  Jean  London,  Candler;  Nancy  Floyce  Matthews. 
Sanford ;  Jo  Ann  Mitchell.  Henderson;  Ada  Lou  Moose,  Troutmans;  Mildred  Grigg  Morris.  Charlotte. 

Fourth  Row:  Mary  Lucille  Okey,  Graham;  Ann  Cecile  Page,  Buckhannon,  West  Va.;  Jane  Elizabeth 
Palmer,  Reidsville;  Katherine  Crane  Randall,  Raleigh;  Laura  Alice  Robertson,  Spray;  Marian  Juanita 
Southerland,  Durham. 

Fifth  Row:  Barbara  Jeanette  Staley,  Asheboro;  Naomi  Adora  Tate.  High  Point;  Lois  Ann  Thompson, 
Buckhannon,  West  Va.;  Jacqueline  Ann  Van  Hook.  Henderson;  Eloise  Warner,  Covington,  Ohio; 
Doris  Lillian  White,  Greensboro;  Anna  Gertrude  Windley,  Washington. 

O  (J^  ^ 

Page  182 

School  of 
Public  Health 

The  School  of  Public  Health  is  the  fourth  oldest  professional 
school  of  its  kind  in  the  United  States  and  one  of  the  ten  North  Ameri- 
can schools  accredited  by  the  American  Public  Health  Association.  It  is 
a  member  school  of  the  University's  Division  of  Health  Affairs,  which 
is  the  focal  training  and  service  point  for  an  integrated  state-wide  health 

The  students  of  this  School  are  all  professional  people  who  are 
taking  post-graduate  work  beyond  their  respective  professional  compe- 
tencies— medicine,  engineering,  nursing,  dentistry,  education,  nutrition, 
and  the  like. 

Besides  the  115  regular  students  enrolled  for  one  or  more  years  of 
post-graduate  work,  the  School  of  Public  Health  gives  extension  instruc- 
tion to  an  additional  1500  students,  largely  from  the  State,  in  classes, 
institutes,  and  refresher  courses. 

Edward  G.  McGavran 
Dean  of  the  School  of  Public  HeuUh 


Seated,  left  to  right:  Eunice  N.  Tyler,  Ruth  W.  Hay,  E.  G.  McGavran,  Dean;  Alpha  K.  Kenny,  Elta 
Mae  West.  Second  Row:  Harry  Smith,  Jr.,  R.  W.  Howell,  Frances  MacKinnon,  M.  L.  Granstrom, 
lames  R.  Hendricks,  Jean  L  Rebentisch,  Gilbert  L.  Kelso,  Margaret  Blee,  Leon  D.  Freedman,  J.  D. 
Thayer.  Third  Row:  Eugene  Taylor,  Daniel  A.  Okun,  W.  W.  Cort.  Emil  Charlett,  George  R.  Canne- 
fax,  John  J.  Wright,  Lucy  S.  Morgan,  Rosemary  M.  Kent,  Harold  J.  Magnunson,  G.  O.  Doak, 
Frances  \.  IvKConm 

Administration  and  Nutrition  Statisticians 

I-ii\i  Riiu.  left  1o  rizhi:  Graciela  M. 
Dclj;ado,  Krishnarau  J.  Subramaniam, 
Sew  arJ  W.  labaut.  Ste\  ens  Byars,  Martha 
Caldwell,  R.  J.  Walker,  Jr.  Stcond  Row: 
J.  F.  Speers,  Benjamin  F.  Gundelfinger, 
Evelyn  Anderson,  W.  D.  Lundquist, 
F.  A.  Clark,  Jr.  Thnd  Rou-:  George  Goss 
Smith,  Ouab  Ratna  Vani|a,  W.  F.  E. 
Leften,  Nancy  S.  Gillespie,  Bernardino 
Villagra.  Fourth  Rotr:  Parvis  Pakada- 
man,  Mary  Ursula  Jones,  D.  L.  Butter- 
field,  Samuel  A.  Graham,  Jr.,  Wilfredo 
Cionzalez,  Mohamed  Taghavi, 

Health  Educators  and  Parasitologists 

Firsi  Row,  left  to  right:  Ibrahim  Messak 
Wassef,  Wemonsavad  Snidvongs,  Rosa 
lyn  Mervis,  Dom  M.  Maiello,  Coit  Coker, 
Lil  Sprinkle.  Second  Roir:  John  M 
Hanna,  JoAnn  Pinnell,  Dorothy  Belcher, 
Morris  F.  Stamm,  Marshall  C.  Abee,  Bill 
Brennan,  Hilton  Goulson,  Charles  Kim 
Third  Row:  Robert  Bradford,  Charles 
Campbell,  Clyde  D.  Bailey.  Lillian  Camp 
bell,  Challie  Iralu,  Jose  S.  Navarro. 
Richard  H.  Sudds,  Jr.  Fotirth  Rou 
James  O.  Morphis,  Joseph  E.  Webb,  Jr 
Donald  R.  Dancy,  Michael  Ivey. 

Page   184 

Graduate  Public  Health  Nurses 

First  Row.  left  to  right:  Glenna  Carney, 
Ruth  Hofsteter,  Irma  House,  Dorothy 
Cagle,  May  Nakamura,  Arline  Duvall, 
Eppie  Mae  Arnold,  Agnes  Valentine, 
Alice  Kaminer.  Second  Row.  Mary  Irwin 
Gordon,  Marjorie  Morrison,  Shirley  Has- 
tings, Doris  McHan,  Mary  Elizabeth 
Ashford,  Margie  Jean  Madren.  Third 
Row:  Myrtle  E.  Garland,  Irma  J.  Jones, 
Irene  M.  Black,  Margaret  M.  Watson. 
Ethel  O.  Connelly,  Zeta  Garland,  Betty 
Gentilman.  Foiirih  Row:  BonetaE.  Stock- 
ton. Mary  V.  Sanders.  Neta  B.  Wilson, 
Margaret  Haynes,  Agnes  Hodges.  Fifth 
Row:  Ellen  DePew,  Aileen  Shultz,  Emily 
Haney.  Thelma  Aaron.  Beatrice  Mongcau. 
Sarah  A.  B.  Clark. 

Sanitary  Engineers  and  Sanitarians 

First  Row.  left  to  right:  George  R.  Mc- 
Call,  M.  Assar.  Adan  Caiina  R..  Enrique 
Azmitia.  Kamal  Hakim.  Aymond  D. 
Battista.  Second  Row:  Nen-Hong  Lin, 
lack  W.  Greenley,  Walter  R.  Lynn, 
Jose  R.  Alvarez.  Jr.,  Naphtali  N.  Cohen, 
Chen  Luo. 

Pag^-  185 


/    I 

^  A 



Lefl  to  right:  Gene  Hackney.  Hiinor  Council  RepresentHtive;  David  Dowdy, 
President;  James  Robinson.  Vice-President;  (absent)  Don  Keply.  Secretary- 

Lejt  to  right:  Bill 


Powell,   President;  John  Wood.   Vice-President;  John   Klutz 

Pharmacy  Senate 

The  Pharmacy  Senate  was  founded  at  the  University  in  1940.  Member- 
ship is  limited  to  thirty  members  from  the  school  of  Pharmacy.  The  pur- 
poses are  to  stimulate  and  increase  knowledge  and  appreciation  for  the 
profession  of  Pharmacy;  to  promote  interclass  cooperation  within  the 
school;  and  to  teach  public  speaking  as  a  foundation  for  future  leadership. 

Officers  this  year  were  President,  Al  Mebane;  Secretary-Treasurer, 
Edith  Trosper;  Recorder,  Lionel  Perkins;  Parliamentarian,  Art  Schlagel; 
Reporter,  Pete  Barbrey. 

Edward  A.  Brecht 

Dt.Ait  of  the  School  of  Pharmacy 

pharmacy  senate 

f;)(/  Row.  left  to  Herman  S.  Barbrey,  Ir.,  Richard  D.  Callicut,  William  Griffin,  Wiley  Harrell. 
Second  Row:  Elmo  McCorkle,  Alfred  Mebane.  Donald  Miller,  Joyce  Nelson.  Third  Row:  Harry 
Patton.  Lionel  Perkins,  Arthur  Schlagel,  Edith  Trosper. 


Left  1(1  iiuhl:  Jerry  Rhoades,  Vice-President;   Freda  Hobowsky,  Secretary- 
Treasurer;  Al  Mebane,  President. 


//  III  rinhl:  Jdhn  Andrews,  President ;  Joanne  Schell,  Secretary-Treasurer; 
ayne  Polk,  Vice-President. 

School  of 


September  found  the  freshmen  asking  the  usual  m- 
numberable  questions  and  trying  to  adjust  themselves 
to  college  life.  Within  a  few  days  upperclassmen  and 
freshmen  were  reconciled  to  afternoon  labs  and 
weekly  quizzes. 

As  the  year  passed  on,  the  usual  school  events, 
freshman  picnic,  fraternity  rushing,  N.  C.  P.  A.  pro- 
grams, Christmas  parties,  and  the  annual  trip  to 
Parke-Davis  and  Upjohn  pharmaceutical  manufac- 
turers seemed  even  more  successful  than  those  of  pre- 
ceding years. 

Soon  spring  fever  fills  the  air  and  thoughts  of 
Pharmacy  week-end,  diplomas,  and  the  state  board 
examination  made  the  students  long  even  more  for 
May.  Only  commencement  can  make  a  student  realize 
that  he  has  fallen  in  love  with  Chapel  Hill  and  that 
the  past  four  years  have  been  short  but  unforgettable 


Lejt  to  light:  Delon  Freeman,  President; 
Monica  Justice,  Secretary  -  Treasurer; 
Dean  Butler,  Vice-President. 


Pnst  Kuu-:  John  Andrako,  Walter  H. 
Hartung,  Edward  A,  Brecht.  Herman  O. 
Tiiompson.  Fred  T,  Semeniuk.  Sfcuiid 
Rriw:  George  H.  Cocolas.  Kenneth  L. 
Hoy,  Francis  C.  Hammerness,  Lorna  M. 
Teare,  Claude  Piantadosi,  Nicholas  H. 

Page   187 

LERON  DALE  ADAMS   Augusta.  Ga. 

B.S.  in  PHARMACY.  Kappa  Psi.  NCPA  (4).  APhA  (4),  YMCA 
(1,  2),  University  Club  (2,  3). 


B.S.  in  PHARMACY.  Phi  Delta  Chi.  Treasurer  (3).  President  (4). 
Pharmaq'  Senate  (2,  3,  4),  Parliamentarian  (4),  NCPA  (2,  3,  4), 
President  (4),  APhA  (3,  4),  President  (4). 

CARL    THOMAS    BAL'GL'ESS    Newton 

B.S.  in  PHARMACY. 


B.S.  in  PHARMACY.  Phi  Delta  Chi. 


B.S.  in  PHARMACY. 


B.S.  in  PHARMACY.  Kappa  Psi.  NCPA  (1,  2,  3),  Treasurer  (4), 
APhA  (3,  4). 

ELEANOR  GREY   Bl'LLOCK    Fayetteville 

B.S.  in  PHARMACl'.  Kappa  Epsilon,  Historian  (2).  Vice-President 
(3.  4),  NCPA  (1,  2,  3),  Secretary  (4),  President  Dorm.  (4), 
Pharm.  Girls  Association  (I,  2,  3,  4),  President  (2),  Women's 
Residence  Board  (4),  Class  Secretary-Treasurer  (3). 


B.S.  in  PHARMACY. 

THOMAS   EUGENE   Cl'RTIS    Waynesville 

B.S.  in  PHARMACY.  Kappa  Pst.  NCPA  (2,  3,  4),  APhA  (3.  4). 
Glee  Club  (2),  University  Club  (2). 

Fourth  Year 

MILLARD   DALTON    DENSON    Burlington 

B.S.  in  PHARMACY.  NCPA   (1,  2,   3,  4),  APhA   (3,  4). 

DAVID   ASTOR  DO^X'DY,  JR High  Point 

B.S.  in  PHARMACY.  Kappa  Psi.  President  of  Student  Body  of 
Pharmacy  School  (4),  NCPA.  Orientation  Counselor  (4),  Sheiks 


B.S.  in  PHARMACY.  NCPA  (1,  2,  3,  4),  APhA  (3,  4). 

FLOYD   H.    EVANS    Greensboro 

B.S.  in  PHARMACY.  NCPA,  APhA. 

JAMES    HO^X•ARD    FREEMAN    Fayetteville 

B.S.  in  PHARMACY.  Phi  Delta  Chi.  NCPA  (2,  3,  4),  APhA  (4). 


B.S.  in  PHARMACY.  Kappa  Pst.  NCPA,  APhA,  Vice-President  of 
Class  (2). 


B.S.  in  PHARMACY.  NCPA  (1,  2,  3,  4),  APhA  (3,  4). 


B.S.  in  PHARMACY.  Kappa  Epsilon,  NCPA  {2,  3,  4),  APhA  (2, 
3,  4),  Pharmacy  Girls  Association  (1,  2,  3,  4),  Secretary  (3). 

WILTSHIRE   GRIFFITH.  JR Hendersonville 

B.S.  in  PHARMACY.  Phi  Delta  Chi. 

First  R'lw.  left  to  right:  Adams,  Barbrey,  Bauguess,   Bissett,   Bradley,    Bradshaw.   Seeoiid  Raw:   Bullock,   Creech,    Curtis.    Denson,   Dowdy, 
Elmore.  Third  Ron:  Evans,  Freeman,  Frostick,  Gillespie,  Gilliam,  Griffith. 


Page  188 




B.S.  in  PHARMACY.  K.!pp.i  Psi.  Secretary  (3),  Pharmat7  Class 
President  (2).  Dance  Committee  (2),  Chairman  (3).  Men's  Coun- 
cil (4),  Orientation  Counselor  (4),  Student  Marshal  (3).  Yjckety 
Yack  (A). 

JOHN  CLEGG  HERRIN   Albemarle 

B.S.  in  PHARMACY.  Kappa  Psi.  Regent.  Pharmacy  Class  Vice- 
President  (3),  Card  Board  (4). 


B.S.  in  PHARMACY.  Sigma  Chi,  Rho  Chi. 

GUS  WILLIAM  HLIDSON   Chapel   Hill 

B.S.  in  PHARMACY. 


B.S.  in  PHARMACY.  Kappa  Epsiloti,  President,  Rho  Chi.  Secre- 
tary-Treasurer, Pharmacy  School  Secretary-Treasurer,  Pharmacy 
Girls'  Association. 

JOHN  A.  KLUTTZ    Marion 

B.S.  in  PHARMACY.  Phi  Delia  Chi. 

WILLIAM  LEONARD  LLO^'D   Buies  Creek 

B.S.  in  PHARMACY. 


B.S.  in  PHARMACY.  Phi  Delia  Chi.  NCPA  (1,  2,  3,  4),  APhA 
(3,  4),  YMCA  (1,  2). 


B.S.  in  PHARMACY.  Phi  Delta  Chi. 


B.S.  m  PHARMACY.  Kappa  Epsilon.  NCPA  (1,  2,  3,  4),  APhA 
(3,  4),  Pharmacy  Senate  (1.  2,  3,  4).  Pharmacy  Girls'  Association 
(1,  2,  3,  4),  BSU  Council  (1,  2),  Pharmacy  Class  Secretary- 
Treasurer  (2),  Card  Board  (4),  Y'W'CA  (1.  2,  3.  4),  Orientation 
Committee  (4). 


B.S.  in  PHARMACY.  Kappa  Psi.  Pi  Kappa  Phi.  APhA  (3,  4), 
NCPA  (1,  2.  3,  4),  University  Club  (2). 


B.S.  in  PHARMACY.  Phi  Delta  Chi,  Pledgemaster  (3),  NCPA 
(2,   3.  4),  APhA  (3.  4),  Dorm  Officer   (2),  Manager  (4). 


B.S.  in  PHARMACY.  Phi  Delta  Chi.  Secretary  (3),  Pharmacy 
Senate  (2,  4). 


B.S.  in  PHARMACY. 


B.S.  in  PHARMACY. 

WTLLIAM  PALL  POViELL Hendersonville 

B.S.  in  PHARMACY.  Rho  Chi.  President  (4),  NCPA  (2,  3,  4), 
APhA  (3,  4). 


B.S.  in  PHARMACY.  Ph,  Delta  Chi.  NCPA  (2,  3,  4),  APhA  (2, 


B.S.  in  PHARMACY.  Kappa  Psi.  Treasurer  (4),  NCPA  (1,  2,  3), 
Vice-President   (4),  APhA   (3).  Vice-President   (4). 

Fiiit  Ruu\  left  to  right:  Hackney,  Herrin,  Herring,  Hudson,  Kepley,  Kluttz.    Second    Row:    Lloyd.    Lovelace.    McGugan.    Nelson,    Paderick. 
Palton.  Third  Row:  Patton,  Penland.  Pittman,  Powell,  Price,  Raper. 



Page   189 

Fourth  Year  Pharmac 



B.S.  in  PHARMACY.  K.ippj  Psi.  Pharmacy  Class  President  (3). 
Pharmacy  School  Vice-President  (4),  NCPA  (I,  2,  3,  4),  APhA 
(3,  4). 


B.S.  in  PHARMACY.  Pi  Umbdj  Phi. 

EVAN  S.  SETZER,  JR Newton 

B.S.  in  PHARMACY'.  Phi  Delta  Chi.  Prelate   (3),  Secretary   (4). 

JACK  EVERETTE   SILVERS    Chapel    Hill 

B.S.  in  PHARMACY.  Phi  Delu  Chi. 

WILLIAM  H.  STANTON  Chapel  Hill 

B.S.  in  PHARMACY.  Kcppa  Psi. 

JOE  D.  STONE   Dobson 

B.S.  in  PHARMACY.  NCPA  (1,  4),  APhA  (4). 

GEORGE   ROBERT   TALBERT    Winston-Salem 

B.S.  in  PHARMACY.  NCPA  (2,  3,  4),  APhA  (3,  4). 


B.S.  in  PHARMACY.  NCPA,  APhA,  YMCA  (1,  2,  3). 

JOSEPH  GRAHAM  WHITE    Burlington 

B.S.  in  PHARMACY.  Kappa  Psi,  Social  Chairman  (2),  Historian 
(3),  Pharmacy  School  Vice-President  (4),  Pharmacy  Class  Vice- 
President   (1,  3). 

EARL   HARDY   WILLIFORD    Kannapolit 

B.S.  in  PHARMACY.  Phi  Delta  Chi. 


B.S.  in  PHARMACY.  Rho  Chi.  NCPA  (1,  2,  3,  4),  APhA  (3,  4). 

JOHN  DEE  WOOD   Wilmington 

B.S.  in  PHARMACY.  Rho  Chi.  Vice-President,  NCPA  (2,  3,  4), 
APhA    (3.   4).   Pharmacy  Class  Vice-President    (4). 

j*^  «^  J^  - !         |f«^  *t  " 

Fiist  Roiv,  left  to  right:  Robinson,  Rubin,  Setzer.  Silvers,  Stanton,  Stone.  Second  Row:  Talbcrt,  Tate,  NX'hite.  WiUiford,  Wolfe,  Wood. 



,>■■»  iji : 




L-.  — 'I'^m 



Third  Year  Pharmacy 

First  Row:  Barbara  Kinzel  Adams,  Kupp^i  Epsilon,  Murphy;  William  Robert  Adams,  Jr.,  Four 
Oaks;  Raymond  Martin  Ammons,  Phi  Deild  Chi.  Red  Springs;  Ralph  Milliard  Ashworth, 
Kjppj  Psi.  Fuquay  Springs;  Ronald  Edward  Barber,  Clinton;  Rayford  Whitley  Bain,  Phi  Delhi 
Chi.  Clayton;  Russell  Elliott  Brummitt,  Henderson;  Richard  Douglas  Callicutt,  Thomasville; 
Raymond  Franklin  Coppedge,  Jr.,  Asheville. 

Second  Row:  Raymond  Lee  Creekmore,  Phi  Delta  Chi,  Whiteville;  Robert  James  Dever, 
Greensboro;  Henry  Hunter  Dunlap,  Phi  Delia  Chi,  Durham;  William  Borden  Ennett,  Chapel 
Hill;  Oveda  Fisher,  Kappa  Epsilon,  Whiteville;  William  Wilson  Graham,  Peachland;  William 
Crane  Griffin,  Sigma  Nii.  Roanoke  Rapids;  Christopher  Barker  Hargett,  Chapel  Hill;  Richard 
Veston  Heath,  Cove  City. 

Third  Row:  Milton  Lee  Higdon,  Franklin;  Jonathan  Adoneran  Hill,  Troutmans;  Robert  Milton 
Hines,  Charlotte;  Freda  M.  Hobowsky,  Kappa  Epsilon.  Scotland  Neck;  Julius  Frances  Howard, 
Phi  Delta  Chi.  Wilmington;  Edward  Franklin  Jenkins,  Kappa  Psi.  Burlington;  Walter  In- 
gram Jenkins,  Jr.,  Kappa  Psi.  Biscoe;  Charles  William  Josey,  Phi  Delia  Chi.  Maiden;  James 
Oliver  Knight,  Kappa  Psi,  Columbia. 

Fourth  Row:  Edward  Ray  Lanning,  Jr.,  Lexington;  Sara  Fountain  Lore,  Sanford;  Alfred  H. 
Mebane,  Kappa  Psi.  Lexington;  John  Edward  Mills,  Kappa  Psi.  Cliffside;  Billy  Wright  Need- 
ham,  Kappa  Psi.  Pilot  Mountain;  Charles  Allan  Norris,  Fuquay  Springs;  Ernest  Porter,  Jr., 
Chapel  Hill;  Jerry  Delano  Rhoades,  Kappa  Psi.  Robbins;  Walter  K.  Saunders,  Jr.,  Kappa  Psi, 

Fifth  Row:  Brownie  Dickson  Schaefer,  Asheville;  Robert  Lee  Seabock,  Phi  Delta  Chi.  Durham; 
W.  Darle  Shouse,  Kappa  Psi,  Rural  Hall;  Russell  Grady  Sigmon,  Jr.,  Conover;  William 
Taylor  Sisk,  Kappa  Psi.  Asheville;  Charles  Lee  Stevens,  Clayton;  William  Jay  Swan,  Phi 
Delta  Chi.  Andrews;  Edith  Woodman  Trosper,  Greensboro;  Franklin  Ennis  Wells,  Phi  Delta 
Chi,  Roseboro. 





m    r. 


\\  f          I 




.  i 



,  I 


1  ■  'f  1 







k  \      ii  liL 

's , 





Page   191 

Second  Year  Pharmacy 

Finl  Ron-:  James  Wesley  Anderson.  Kj/^pj  Pir.  Durham;  John  Warren  Andrews,  K.ippa  Psi, 
Winston-Saiem;  James  Edward  Arena,  K.ipp.i  Pw.  Durham;  Ernestme  Baker,  High  Point; 
Harold  Lee  Ball,  Mars  Hill;  Joseph  Parker  Barbour,  Pi  Nu.  Burlington;  Elzie  Zemri  Borders, 
Shelby;  John  Marshall  Barrmger,  Carthage;  Martus  Cameron,  Sanford. 

Second  Ron:  Albert  Sidney  Clay,  Oxford;  Robert  Astor  Coleman.  Kappa  Psi,  Burlington; 
^X'alter  N.  Coley,  Stem;  Harry  James  Coutlakis.  Asheville;  William  Atlas  Dawkins,  Jr.,  Phi 
Delhi  Chi.  Chapel  Hill;  Lewis  Benton  Doyle,A.',;/;/ii/  Psi.  Roanoke  Rapids;  Hugh  Allan  Farns- 
worth,   Kapp.i  Psi.  Asheville;  Ellyn  Marie  Gardner,  Gibson;  Joseph  Philip  Goforth,   Shelby. 

Thini  Rinv:  Henry  NeiU  Graham.  Albemarle;  Edwin  Leroy  Hensen,  Fletcher;  Wiley  Cleve- 
land Harrell,  Jr..  K.ipp.i  Pn.  Virginia  Beach,  Va.;  Jon  Kcr  Holland,  Clinton;  Douglas  Wood- 
row  Isaac,  Marion;  Zeb  Thomas  Keever,  Jr.,  Lintolnton;  Mtlvin  Clyde  Kendrick,  Chapel 
Hill;  Van  Hill  King,  III,  Wilmington;  James  Franklin  Lowder,  Albemarle. 

Fuiirlb  Row:  William  Russell  McDonald,  III,  Sigm.i  Alpha  Epsilon.  Phi  Delta  Chi,  Hickory: 
James  Frederick  Meares,  Wilson;  Reinhold  Ernest  Miller,  High  Point;  Hoy  A.  Moose,  Jr., 
Mt.  Pleasant;  Stephen  Carroll  Morris,  Phi  Delia  Chi.  Four  Oaks;  Lionel  Parker  Perkins,  Jr., 
Kapp.1  Psi.  South  Boston,  Va. ;  John  Wayne  Polk,  Kappa  Psi.  Marshville;  Raymond  Ray  Rich, 
Jr,,  Burgaw;  Stuart  Wingo  Rollins,  Kappa  Psi.  Winston-Salem. 

Fifth  Row:  Joanne  E.  Schell,  Kappa  Epsilon,  Wilmington;  Fred  Lee  Sherrill,  Jr.,  Phi  Delia 
Chi,  Newton;  Arthur  Port  Schlagel.  Jr.,  Phi  Delta  Chi.  Chapel  Hill;  James  Thomas  Street, 
Kappa  Psi.  Roxboro,  Harry  B.  I'mphlett,  Elizabeth  City;  Julian  Emmett  L'pchurch,  Kappa  Psi. 
Spring  Hope;  Nanc^  M.  'W'oodard.  Kappa  Epsilon,  Hamlet;  Joseph  Helsabeck  Wilson,  Rural 
Hall;  Robert  Gaines  Wilson,  Leaksville. 


■f  J 















.    ij 





"^    Jj 

X     .1 

Page   192 





Fnu  Row:  Gaston  Leroy  Andrews.  Jr.,  Robersonville; 
William  Powell  Bafjley,  Clayton;  Garland  Wood 
Beale,  Jr..  Potecasi ;  Peggy  Wallace  Black,  Kannapo- 
lis;  Benjamin  VCalter  Bullock,  Creedmoor;  Robert 
Arville  Burge.  Asheboro. 

Second  Row:  James  Gene  Butler,  Morganton ;  Robert 
Dean  Butler,  Morganton;  Ernest  Leroy  Carraway.  Jr.. 
^X'illiamston;  John  William  Collins,  Nashville;  James 
Allen  Conley.  Morganton;  Keith  Earl  Denny,  Pilot 

Third  Row:  Dallas  Mason  Evans,  Greenville;  Robert 
William  Foster,  Greensboro;  Pete  Delon  Freeman, 
Asheboro;  Carl  Patrick  Frye,  Jr.,  Franklinton;  Prentiss 
Legarr  George,  Jr..  Cherryville;  Gerald  Kelly  Harring- 
ton, Sanford. 

Voiirth  Row:  Paul  Forrest  Hodges,  Clinton;  Margaret 
Irene  Hogan,  Kinston;  Byron  Taylor  Huckaby,  Winston- 
Salem;  Gilmer  Wilson  Huffines,  Greensboro;  James 
Thomas  Ingram,  Roanoke  Rapids;  Sara  Alice  Jackson, 

Fijlh  Row:  Richard  Alton  Johnston,  Fayetteville; 
Alpheus  Jones,  Jr.,  Warrenton;  Monica  Cooper  Jus- 
tice, Charlotte;  Geraldine  Keenum,  Hazelwood;  Leo 
Curtis  Kelly,  Jr.,  Lillington;  William  Raymond  King. 
Jr.,  Fayetteville. 

Sixth  Row:  James  Thomas  Kirby,  Wilson;  Glenn 
Ballard  Lassiter,  Robbins;  Rex  Boone  Littlejohn,  Mor- 
ganton; Cortez  Gilbert  Lowery,  Elkin;  Henry  Virgil 
Martin,  Jr.,  Burlington;  Mack  Elmo  McCorkle,  Rox- 

Setenlh  Row:  Donald  Joseph  Miller,  Raleigh;  James 
Dexter  Mills,  Wadesboro;  Annette  Harrison  Niven, 
Charlotte;  James  Ray  Oakley,  Ahoskie;  Charles 
Michael  Parker,  Carolina  Beach ;  Floyd  Carson  Parker, 

Eighth  Row:  Clarence  Wright  Parsons,  Clinton ; 
George  Adrian  Pearce,  Rocky  Mount;  George  Raleigh 
Revelle,  Conway;  Clarence  Linwood  Richardson,  Sel- 
ma;  Alfred  Gene  Smith,  Elizabethtown;  Joe  Eph- 
riam  Smith,  Connelly  Springs. 

Ninth  Row:  John  Hubert  Smith,  Jr.,  Holly  Springs; 
Larry  Glenn  Snider,  Eagle  Springs;  George  Woody 
Teer,  Jr.,  Hillsboro;  Harold  Malcolm  Thomas,  Ra- 
leigh; Sarah  Lovelace  Thomas,  Erwin;  Zane  Grey 
Thornton,  Benson. 

Tenth  Row:  Stanley  Worth  Walker,  Bailey;  Hobart 
Whaley,  Beulaville;  Paul  Adams  Whitehurst,  Jackson; 
Guy  Coleman  Williams.  Spring  Hope. 

p  n  f^   ^  p  p 
f^    P  C^  f^  r^    p 

/ri  o  r»  (^  ff  r 

^ik  ^'  ill  f  ^M 

P  ^  Q  9  ^  ^•■ 

tT'  f^  r 

Page  193 

A.  JHSt  a  "he)2-paily.' 

B.  Remember  him? 

C.  "UGH .'-WATER! 

D.  Afraid  to  sneeze. 

E.  Crazy,  man,  crazy. 

F.  "Hey.  you  fool,  that's  supposed  to  he  blue. 

not  purple." 

G.  "OOHH  Would  you?" 

H.   "/  resent  that  remark." 

I.   "Bang!" 

J.   "Nou;  if  you  would  like  to  he  housemother 
at  Cobb,  ive  could  .  .  ." 

Page   !9"i 

Air  Force  R.O.T.C 

Colonel  George  J.  Smii h 
Professor  of  Air  Science  and  Taclic^ 

(■apt.  James  StHdFiELD  Ci' i    !•  dh  »rd  1)   Robpri  min  Cai'T.  Juski'H  Gerritv  First  Lt.  Kcpbirt  (iK  n 

Fiiiuls:    Cniitrol    (Iffir,!-  i^^i^tant    Ihuitui    ..;         Ailjiitrnit  ami  Sliptll'l  tiffin  r        Axsistitiit    llirrrtur    „l 

ifimini-.tiuti(m  Instniiti,,,, 

The  mission  of  the  AFROTC  is  to  develop  in  the  prospective  college  graduate  the  qualities  of  leader- 
ship and  other  abilities  essential  to  his  progressive  advancement  as  a  commissioned  officer  of  the  Air  Force 

Fro/if  Rou.  lef.'  fo  i/x/-'/:  M/Set.  Michael  Pennella.  M/Sijt.  Raymond  C.  Puckett.  M/Si;t.  Clarence  L.  Clifford.  Bjii  Row:  T/Sct. 
Bobbie  Riddle,   T/Sgt.   Robert  Williams,   S/Sst.   Marshall  Wilson,    I'.'.Snt    lister  Strmid 

Page   196 


Corps  o 

Cadet  Colonel  Charles  C.  Hunter 
CuniDhiiiding  Officer.  Corps  of  Cadets 

Honorary  Cadet  Colonel  Judy  Landauer 
Commanding   Officer,    Corps    of  Sponsors 

Cadet  Colonel 

John  H.  Boishal 

Wing  Executive 

Cadet  Major 
G.  Don  Ebert 

iri7i!7  Adjutant 

Cadet  Major 
Raymond  D.  Collins 
]Wing  Personnel  Officer 

Cadet  Major 

Lewis  A.  Phillips 

Winfi   Operritiovs   Offlc, 

Cadet  Major 

Ed(;:ar  I).  Haire 

irint/  Air  Inspector 

John  S.  Hill 

unications  Offic 

The  AFROTC  was  begun  in  1946  and  is  a  recognized  part  of  the  curriculum  of  over  200  colleges 
and  universities.  In  his  freshman  and  sophomore  years  the  AFROTC  cadet  takes  the  basic  course  of  study 
consisting  of  two  classroom  hours  and  two  drill  hours  each  week.  In  the  advanced  course,  junior  and  senior 
years,  the  student  has  a  course  consisting  of  four  classroom  hours  and  two  drill  hours  each  week.  The 
drill  is  devoted  to  exercise  of  command,  and  cadets  in  the  advanced  course  may  be  selected  as  cadet  officers 
and  noncommissioned  officers. 


From  Row,  left  to  right:  Robert  S.  Colbert,  Larry  H.  Addington, 
George  C.  McGinty,  Don  W.  Geiger.  Back  Row:  Campbell  B. 
Ingram,  William  N.  Stone,  Charles  P.  Wolf,  Herbert  A.  Callahan. 


Left  to  right:  Pat  TurnbuU,  Mary  Lou  O'Mara,  Mary  Helen  Crain, 
Sandy  Donaldson,  Ann  Fleming,  Judy  King,  Judy  Landauer,  Mary 
Ann  Murphy,  Rachel  Brooks,  Lin  Daniels,  Connie  Carbough.  Not 
Pictured:  Cathy  Widman,  Judy  Jackson,  Paige  Moore,  Lois  Perry. 

Page  197 


Cadet  Major  George  D.  Harris  /'^'S  i 

Band  Commander 


Cadet  Major  William  H.  Carr 
Drill  Squadron  Comni  inder 


Left  lo  rinhl:  Warren  G.  Davis,  Campbell  B.  Ingram,  front  Row.  left  to  right:  Larry  H.  Addinqton.  Robert 

VCilliam  M.  Stone,  Leonard  R.  Rosenblutli.  E.  Massie,  Earl  M.  Page.  Back  Row:  David  W.  Ader- 

holt,  Robert  W.  Gahrmann,  William  Jenkins,  M/Sgt. 

Michael  Pennella. 

Page   198 


Cadet  Lt.  Col.  Kenton  B.  Creuser 
Commander,  Group  I 








Left  to  right    Robert  B    Meacliani      Front  Ron     Charles  P    Motta   Com  Fiont   Row     Robert    B     Moorhead,  Front   Row:   Louie   H.   Cody.   Com 

Michael  K.  Davis  mandmg  Officer    Back   Ron    left  to  Commandins  Ofhcer  Bark  Rou    left  mandin^  Officer.  Back  Row,  left  tn 

naht    Larrj   T    Justus    Herbert  B  to  iiaht    William    \    Hawks    Thad  nnht:  Kemp  C.  Clendenin.  Michael 

Theiling.  John  T.  Pace.  deus  A.  Eure.  Jr..  George  L.  Mardre.  D.  Brown.  Roy  N.  Moore,  Jr. 

Tiip  I,)  Bottom:  Squadron  A.  Sqtudron   B.   Sqii.idrnit   C 

: — f 




<zr-* — 2K- 



'     JL 

\          A^ 


Cadet  Lt,  Col.  Harrv  Pawlik 
Commander,  Group  II 

J» _* 


^3r  \ 

■  J 



.r''(,'  'o,,"5'''*-  Jack  L.  Seism,  John     ^'rniif /?ou'.- Robert  W.  James.  Com-     Fronf  ffoic- William  S.  Evans.  Com-  Froiif /foic;  Rowlanfl  Burnstaii  C  oni 

1.  taudle.  manding  Officer.  Back  Ron;  left  to     manding  Officer.  Back  Ron;  left  to  mandinfr  Officer.  Bark  Ron-    l.fl  tu 

right:  Altlieus  A.  Gresham.   Frede-     right:  Adrian  J.  Newton.  James  E.  rkiht :   Riciiard   I,.    Hoover    Walter 

rick  H.  Mew hinney.  Joseph  K.  Bnan.     Adams.  Charles  W.  Higgins.  D.'  Gurley.  Richard  L.  Taylor. 

r„p  l<,  B,-,ll,n,i:  ScitijJu.n  D.  Squ.idr,,,,  E.  Sqiudron  F 


^^ i*N*        iA#       .<»~m  «■' 

r'^lf'lriii  }|i -!i'  ',f  ! 


:\- ,,  -  l^sfSS' 





Cadet  Lt.  Cor.  Nkii.  B.  Satti:Riii;ld 
Cuininandcr.  Group  III 



^  ,    -V 

t.ROLI    III  il  \l  1 




s.     FroTj^  /?ow?;  James  R.  Younts.  Com-     Front    Row:    Aubrey    W.    Redmon.  Front    Row:    James    W.    Maynard. 

niandinff  Officer.  Bock  Row,  left  to     Commanding  Officer.  Back  Row,  left  Commanding  Officer.  Bark  Row,  left 

right:   James   Webb.    Jr..    John    R.     fo  riff/it:  Vernon  F,.  Maness.  Bobbie  to  rirjht :  Mitcliell   S.  Novit,  Daniel 

Ingle.  Missing   from  picture:   Fred     W.  Dantzler.  Mi,^sing  from  picture:  D.  Olsen.  Gustav  E.  Gauss. 
H.  Deaton,  Jr.                                           Victor  B.   Moore. 

Top  to  Bollom:  Squadron  G,  Squadron  H.  Squadron  I 


-    - 

*   ;iiL. 

^^     '^■ 


._     '.^ 




\  1 11!  ^■'  \, 




"The  W'airiorW'ho  Cull'nates  His  Mind  Polishes  His  Arms." 

"We  of  the  Air  ROTC  accept  this  motto  as  a  chal- 
lenge and  a  pledge  that  in  the  future  we  shall  by 
diligent  study  and  unrestricted  effort  instruct  and 
train  ourselves  so  that  each  of  us  shall  have  the 
qualities  and  attributes  essential  to  our  progressive 
and  continued  development  throughout  our  lifetime 
as  Officers  of  the  United  States  Air  Force." 


Bob  James Cnmiiumding  Officer 

Harry  Pawlik Executive  Officer 

Bruce  Holt Operations  Officer 

Don  Ebert Secretary-Treasurer 

Roger  Ackerman Adjutant-Recorder 

Charlie  Aldridge Public  Information  Officer 

First  Row,  left  to  right:  Neil  Satterfield,  Bill  Evans.  Charlie  Aldridge,  Harry  Pawlik.  Aubrey  Redmon,  Al  Levine.  Sammy  Strause,  Bob  James. 
Seconil  Row:  Fred  Mewhinny.  Edgar  Haire.  Don  Ebert.  Rowland  Burnstan,  Jr..  Ken  Creuser.  Bill  Carr.  Charlie  Hunter.  Walt  Gurley,  Bob 
Dantzler,  Lou  Cody.  Byron  Kalin.  Bruce  Holt.  Mike  Brown.  Roger  Ackerman,  Ken  Myers. 


Page  202 

N  a/t/a£ 

Col.  Robert  C.  Burns 
Professor  of  Niiiiil  Science 

N.  R 

CDR  F.  L.  Edwards 
Execiiliie  Officer 

Since  its  inception  in  19-10  the  NROTC  Unit  at 
Chapel  Hill  has  dedicated  itself  to  the  training  and 
indoctrination  of  undergraduate  students  enrolled  in 
the  program  so  that  upon  graduation  they  may  receive 
commissions  in  the  U.  S.  Navy  or  in  the  U.  S.  Marine 
Corps.  A  student  may  enter  the  program  under  either 
of  two  plans.  Regular  or  Contract.  As  a  Regular  he  is 
appointed  a  Midshipman  upon  enrolling  in  the  pro- 
gram and  receives  tuition,  books,  uniforms,  and  six 

hundred  dollars  per  year  throughout  his  four  years  of 
college.  Upon  graduation,  he  is  commissioned  as  an 
Ensign  in  the  Navy  or  a  Second  Lieutenant  in  the 
Marines  and  must  serve  three  years  on  active  duty. 
The  Contract  program  differs  from  the  Regular  in 
that  the  Contract  student  is  furnished  only  with  uni- 
forms and  is  paid  thirty  dollars  per  month  during  the 
last  two  years  of  the  program.  Upon  graduation  he 
receives  a  reserve  commission. 

O.  T.  C 


First  Rou:-  Capt.  Ty  Boyd.  Second  Row,  left  to  right:  LCDR  James  S.  Schenck,  CDR  John 
P.  Jackson.  Third  Row:  CPO  Ne\^ton  B.  Barkley,  Jr.,  Ltjg.  N.  Webb  Sherrill,  Ltjg.  John  Q 


Left  to  right:  Lt.  Curtis  R.  Wick,  USN;  Lt. 
James  Warren;  Ens.  Jake  Roundtree;  Ens. 
Harold  Gleitz ;  Petty  Officer  Second  Class  Earl 



First  Row.  left  to  right:  Lt.  Edward  B.  Gross,   LCDR  G.  E.  Lockee,  USN.       First  Row,  left  to  right:  LCDR  Thomas  R.  Wheatley,  USN;  Ltjg.  Robert  P. 

Second  Row:  Robert   L.  Seabrook,   Ens.   Marvin   O.   Register,  Ens.   John   H.        Thomas.  Secortd  Row:  Ens.  Harvey  D.  Bradshaw,  Lt.  Harry  H.  Arnold,  Ens. 
Sweeney.  Not  Pictured:  Ltjg.  Russell  S.  Cowell.  Thomas  E.  Medlin,  Ens.  Thomas  A.  Parnell. 

N.  R.  O.  T.  C 


Page  206 

In  addition  to  the  academic  program  provided  by 
the  unit  to  give  its  prospective  officers  theoretical 
training  in  the  military  profession,  the  summer  cruise 
program  offers  an  opportunity  for  the  midshipman  to 
learn  many  of  the  practical  phases  of  the  work  he  has 
studied  in  class,  and  therefore  make  him  better  quali- 
fied to  fulfill  his  duties  upon  commissioning. 

Regular  students  make  three  cruises  daring  their 
four-year  career  at  college.  Two  of  these  cruises  are 
eight  v/eek  affairs  which  are  performed  with  a  large 
group  made  up  of  several  battleships  and  cruisers  and 
many  destroyers  and  auxiliary  ships.  It  is  on  these 
cruises  that  the  midshipmen  gets  his  first  set  of  sea 
legs,  and,  in  addition  to  the  valuable  practical  train- 
ing, is  afforded  an  opportunity  to  visit  many  foreign 
ports.  The  other  cruises  are  made  on  land  at  Corpus 
Christi,  Texas,  and  at  Little  Creek,  Virginia,  where 
instruction  in  aviation  and  amphibious  work  is  given. 

Contract  students  make  only  one  cruise  while  they 
are  in  the  program.  Lasting  six  weeks  during  the 
summer  preceding  their  senior  year,  the  cruise  is 
designed  to  give  them  experience  in  shipboard  life 
and  duties  before  commissioning. 



Page  207 

/■//I/  /v  I,.  1,1!  .'..  i:-l^i:  Hail)  l\i\\  hk,  (  h.iiks,  Ty  \''^'\:\.  W  il  ^.ittci  fK  I.I.  H.ino  Hi.uJsh.iNv.  Aubrey  ReJmon,  Burt  Wayne,  Bub 
James,  Butk  B.ukley.  StuiiJiiig:  Bob  SkiJmurc,  Harry  Arnold,  Pat  1  humas,  1  rcJ  Mew  lunacy,  HJ  Gross,  Don  Ebert,  Rowland  Burnstan, 
Ken  Creuser,  Jim  Winston,  Charles  Hunter,  Bill  Carr,  Walt  Gurley,  Lou  Cody,  Steve  Trimble,  Bruce  Holt,  Don  Geiger,  Roger  Ackerman, 
Connie  Gravitte,  Tommy  Medlin.  Officers-  Capt.,  Harvey  Bradshaw;   First  Lt.,  Jim  Whitton ;  Second  Lt.,  Mike  Davis;  First  Sgt.,  Ed  Gross. 

Scabbard  and  Blade 

The  National  Society  of  Scabbard  and  Blade  is  a  nationwide 
military  honor  society  with  89  chapters,  called  companies,  located 
in  leading  colleges  and  universities  having  ROTC  programs.  Mem- 
bership is  by  election  only,  and  the  selections  are  based  solely  on 
merit,  coming  from  the  outstanding  cadet  officers. 

Among  the  purposes  of  Scabbard  and  Blade  are:  to  raise  the 
standard  of  military  education  in  American  colleges  and  universi- 
ties, to  unite  in  closer  relationship  their  military  departments,  to 
encourage  and  foster  the  essential  qualities  of  good  and  efficient 
officers,  and  to  promote  friendship  and  good-fellowship  among  the 
cadet  officers. 

Page  208 


t,»;"..v^x;,\v<,?C^'>^^gw^?^*°"'''°"*''^'*"  " 

Coed  scores  direct  hit  jt  Greek  uilb  pi, 

Attxioits  Yjck  beaut)  contest  juts  t.tke  peek  .it  the  cioirJ. 

Nose  direct  i  Carolina's  card  stunts  during  game  half-time. 

An  array  of  talent  from  Campus  Chest  Show. 

Page  210 

r  'S--^. 

K.  D.'S  from  "Outer  Space"  add  interest  to  the  Beat  Dook  Float  Parade. 

Sc.ibbcird  and  Blade  pledges  receive  ribbons  from  their  dates  at  Military  Ball. 

Bill  Felzer's  friend.  Jerry  McGee,  entertains  Joe  O'Brien. 

Page  211 

spin!  ruin  high  as  sliidtiih  Biimn  Hup  up  Fi.inklni  Slicel  jl  M.ii\l.i>iJ  Pep  R.iH). 

Pledges  halllt  il  (ml  in  lug-i'  during  Greek  W'eek. 

Surprise  fire-drill  catches  sleep)  i./t  Ji  un.iii.iu  t 


Another  hem  bites  the  cruu  .it  tuc   Si'uiig  t... 

hjncellor  House  t,ikes  his  best  girl  lor  an  afternoon  rid: 

Miss  Modern  Venus  of  i9-5_?   ii-ilh  runne:-up\ 

Temporar)   cjuarters — Cobb  Basement. 

Loiel)    "Coed<"  sing  in  Greek   Week  skil. 

AKPs/'s  banquet  at  the  Sir  K'.dur  hi  fun   I'liJ.Ki   li.i 

Dr.  Henderson  and  Dr.  Graham  at  dedicilnm  oi    i,,uti  i/h.Hii 

I  /h    »..^tW  iX,J,n 

Cook  cuts  cipL  I  \   with  Kilt) . 

Air  Force  instructor  points  out  "the  great  circle"  to  sponsors.  Yack  beauty  queen  and  escort  dance  at  Grail  Dance 

"The  BmUp  S 

Pie  may  he  rough  oil  the  figger — but  who  cares?" 

"And  you  swim,  too?" 




"Dtimi!  It.  Now  I'll  hill  e  to  write  it  myself." 

"Want  me  to  teach  you  how  to  twirl?" 

'Ugh.  stew  again! 

"See  what  milk  can  do  to  \ou?" 

"In  true  Southern  spirit  we  drink  our  likker 
from  DIXIE  cups." 

"Just  like  Mama  used  lo  wear. 


ou\  Ham,  let's  not  be  pig-headed  ahuiit  this." 

"Marilyn,  you   uill? 

Htu   lunui  jiiulhcr  waste  of  good  film." 

"I'm  not  prone  to  argue." 

"Who,  me???" 

■4%J^:J^'.  J^ 


19ii  Mjy  Queen  and  Court 

Mis.  Roosettlt  tilth  President  Spying   krtnx>  Derby-hound  cutd-filUJ  "Liu 

Gray    greets    students.  convertibles. 

at  annual  Mock  Trial  discuss  case  Kessing  Pool  in  the  springtime 

itb  Judge  Susie  Sharpe. 

Chnstmai  package  seen  in  Y-court. 

ID  cards  get  another  stamping  in   i.i!^  Ji 

uuidc   M    If.    C. 

0,7,.-;  .  '  //.    /i\.,7  /X..;^  F/«.,/  Pjvcide  .Hid  her  Cm  I. 

'tenioif      eii/oy      "  tntir  "Look  away,  look  away.  Dixieland.' 

lay"   al   .vmual   picnic. 

Nei,e,hhois  parly  on  ihe  rock  tcall.  Casi  of  "Big  Town"  presented  by  Splash  Club. 

Winning,  foal  for  a  lost  cause. 

Graham  Memorial — center  of  imdciil  aclnilief 

Page  218 


Monogram  Cluh 

The  Monogram  Club  was  organized  for  the  purpose  of 
estabhshing  friendship  among  all  the  winners  of  Caro- 
lina Monograms.  Since  its  organization  the  group  has 
grown  and  extended  its  activities  in  many  fields. 

Its  program  for  the  year  starts  before  the  first  day  of 
school  in  the  fall  when  it  entertains  incoming  freshmen 
and  transfer  students  during  orientation  week  and 
introduces  them  to  our  athletic  system.  The  Blue- White 
intra-squad  football  game  is  the  major  project  of  the 
year  coming  in  the  spring.  However,  the  Club  stays 
busy  the  whole  year  with  its  many  other  projects. 

The  Monogram  Club  is  ever  present  to  render  to  the 
guests  and  visitors  of  the  University  any  service  that  is 
needed  Xo  make  their  stay  more  pleasant.  These  actions 
have  made  the  Monogram  Club  a  very  valuable  part  of 
the  University  and  Community. 

Harold  Davidson 

Page  220 


Fnu  Rotr:  Hooks,  Davidson,  Brumley,  McGhce,  Higgins.  Second  Row:  Pawlick,  Patseavouras,  Hartsell,  Hudson,  Holt,  Blanton,  Hamilton. 
ThiyJ  Rmc:  Haddock,  Howard,  Scott,  Green,  Thompson.  Fourth  Row:  Freedman,  Jones,  Fredere,  Marcinko  Kocornick  Tettlcback 
Patterson.  Bradshaw,  Holt. 

Page  221 


Page  22 


Everything's  new,  so  they  say,  and  while  that  is  not 
entirely  true,  enough  is  new  to  set  this  season  apart 
as  the  year  of  the  big  transition.  That  was  Carolina 
and.  its  football  Tar  Heels  as  they  opened  their 
season  against  their  traditional  opening  rival,  North 
Carolina  State.  Spirit  was  new,  so  were  the  uniforms, 
and  everyone  was  eagerly  awaiting  the  opening  kick- 
off  that  would  get  the  Tar  Heels  of  1953  under  way. 
None  knew  exactly  what  the  one  platoon  system 
would  be  like  or  even  what  the  team  would  do  under 
this  new  system.  Speculation  from  the  practice  field 
gave  every  indication  that  the  team  was  ready  for  any 
obstacle  that  confronted  it. 

This  was  the  case  in  Carolina's  first  three  games. 
It  bowled  over  N.  C.  State  in  the  opener  and  then 
took  the  measure  of  "Washington  and  Lee.  The  first 
big  surprise  of  the  season  came  in  the  game  against 
Wake  Forest.  Fired  up,  the  Tar  Heels  put  on  a  razzle 
dazzle  show  in  the  fourth  quarter  to  take  home  a 
well  deserved  victory. 

Mighty  Maryland  was  next  on  the  agenda,  and 
that's  what  the  Terrapins  proved  to  be,  mighty.  Fans 
hoped  for  a  rebound  against  Georgia  which  was  just 
having  a  mediocre  season.  As  fath  would  seem  to 
have  it,  Bratkowski  loosened  up  and  Georgia  took  a 
fast  victory  over  the  Tar  Heels.  Tennessee,  South 
Carolina  and  Notre  Dame  took  to  the  likings  of 
Carolina,  and  they  too  gained  hard  fought  victories 
over  Carolina.  Carolina  again  broke  into  the  winning 
column  with  a  victory  over  the  Cavaliers  of  Virginia. 
Winning  impressively  over  Virginia,  the  Tar  Heel 
rooters  had  hopes  of  upsetting  Duke.  However,  the 
Blue  Devils  were  not  to  be  denied  their  victory  as 
the  Tar  Heels  were  guilty  of  many  mistakes  and 
mental  lapses. 

The  Tar  Heels'  record  of  four  wins  and  six  losses 
could  not  be  considered  as  a  truly  successful  season, 
but  it  did  show  that  the  Tar  Heels  were  still  building 
for  greater  seasons  to  come. 

THE    1954   FOOTBALL  Syl'AD 

First  Row:  Newman,  Koman,  Foti.  Worrell,  Yarbough,  Fredere,  Neville,  Keller.  Second  Row:  Annillo,  Frye,  Pruss.  Carpenter,  Gregory, 
Eure,  Newton,  Williams,  Beaver.  Thin/  Row:  Hawks,  Ridenhour,  Opitz,  Marcinko,  Lane,  Patterson,  Perdue,  Johnson,  Gravitte.  Foiirlh  Row: 
Long,  Witherspoon,  Seawell,  Starner,  McCreedy,  Britt,  Progenski,  Maultsby,  Rogers,  Lackey.  Fiilh  Row:  Kocornik,  Adier,  Marcopulos, 
Giles.  Lambert,  Bryan,  Current,  Murray,  Alexander.  Sixth  Row:  Parker,  Bullock,  Mainer,  Kenny,  Shoulars,  Kirkman,  Baker,  Wallin, 
Motta,  Seienth  Row:  Jamerson,  Mason,   Barclay,   Belichick,   Bass,   Edwards,  Connell. 


Billy  '«'ilhanis 


Carolina,  with  a  new  coach  and  operating  under  the 
one  platoon  system,  opened  the  1953  season  by  roUing 
over  State,  29-7. 

Although  the  game  was  played  in  the  rain,  the  Tar 
Heels  drove  86  yards  for  a  touchdown  the  first  time 
they  had  the  ball.  Another  score  was  added  in  the 
second  quarter  along  with  a  touchback. 

State  came  alive  in  the  third  quarter  and  scored  its 
only  touchdown  of  the  afternoon.  The  Tar  Heels 
bounced  back  when  State  scored  and  added  two  more 
in  the  fourth  quarter  to  complete  the  scoring. 

With  this  win  and  the  one  at  Miami  last  year,  it  was 
the  first  time  Carolina  had  put  together  two  wins  since 

Dick  Lackey  (  30  )  briny 
down  a  State  haik 

a*     ^ 


Carolina  came  from  behind  to  score  two  touchdowns 
in  the  fourth  period  and  defeat  Wake  Forest  18-13. 
This  was  the  first  time  CaroHna  had  beaten  the  Deacons 
in  four  years. 

Led  by  Keller,  Gravitte,  and  Lackey,  the  Tar  Heels 
played  like  fans  hadn't  seen  them  play  in  years.  The 
whole  Carolma  team  was  outstandmg  in  the  final 
period,  not  givmg  any  yardage  to  the  Deacons  and  driv- 
ing down  field  when  in  possession  of  the  ball. 

This  win  along  with  the  first  two  of  the  year  put 
Carolina  back  into  the  football  picture. 



Lackey  (3U)  is  off  and  running. 

Charlie  Motta 


In  the  second  game  of  the  season,  CaroHna  met  Washington  and 
Lee  Generals  to  come  out  on  top  by  a  score  of  39-0. 

Carolina  capitalized  on  every  break  quickly,  taking  full  com- 
mand of  the  game.  Five  of  the  Tar  Heel's  touchdowns  came  after 
recovering  W&L  fumbles. 

Coach  Barclay  in  an  attempt  to  keep  the  score  down  put  in  his 
third  string.  They  also  moved  the  ball  well  and  scored  in  the  fourth 
period.  The  Generals  were  just  outclassed  in  every  department  and 
never  made  any  serious  threats  all  afternoon  at  the  Carolina  goal  line. 

Connie  Gravittc 

Page  226 

Bullock  outruns  a  Maryland  defender. 


The  first  defeat  of  the  season  came  when  Mighty  Maryland  proved 
to  be  too  powerful  for  the  Tar  Heels. 

The  Terps  led  by  Quarterback  Faloney  ran  for  a  total  of  259 
yards  and  picked  up  108  yards  in  the  air. 

The  only  real  threat  Carolina  made  in  the  game  was  when 
Keller  took  a  hand-off  from  Britt  and  ran  twenty  yeards  to  the  Terp 
three  yard  line  before  being  stopped.  Gravitte  moved  to  the  two-foot 
line,  but  a  Carolina  fumble,  recovered  by  Maryland,  stopped  the 
threat  and  Carolina's  hopes  for  scoring. 




Dick  Lackey 

Bill  Kirkman 

Page  227 

Bullcxk  (34)  receives  a  latcra 


Too  much  Bratkowski.  This  was  the  story  when  the 
Tar  Heels  dropped  their  second  straight  game  at 
the  hands  of  Georgia,  27-14. 

After  a  scoreless  first  quarter  in  which  Carohna 
seemed  to  be  the  team  to  beat,  havoc  broke  loose  in 
the  form  of  a  fumble  which  set  the  stage  for  a 
Georgia  aerial  show.  Bratkowski  couldn't  be  stop- 
ped and  proceeded  to  pass  for  two  touchdowns  and 
set  up  a  third.  When  the  half  ended,  Carolina  was 
on  the  short  end  of  the  20-0  score. 

The  Tar  Heels  began  moving  in  the  third  quarter 
and  under  the  direction  of  Len  Bullock,  scored  in 
the  third  as  the  result  of  a  Georgia  fumble.  Another 
recovered  fumble  set  up  Carolina's  second  and  last 
touchdown  with  40  seconds  remaining  in  the  game. 

Page  228 

Larry  Parker 


Carolina  fumbles;  Tennessee  takes  full  advantage  to  score  three 
touchdowns  in  the  third  quarter.  In  the  first  half,  although 
neither  team  was  able  to  score,  Carolina  showed  great  offensive 
strength.  Just  before  the.  half,  the  Tar  Heels  had  a  scoring 
chance  but  could  not  capitalize  on  it. 

The  third  quarter  opened  and  Carolina  began  to  move  again. 
This  time  a  fumble  stopped  them,  and  Tennessee  scored.  After 
a  punt  exchange  Tennessee  moved  for  their  second  score.  Once 
more  Carolina  began  to  move,  but  another  fumble  stopped 
them.  This  time  it  took  the  Vols  only  one  play  with  their 
fullback,  Tracy,  going  through  the  middle  for  62  yards. 

In  the  fourth  quarter,  led  by  quarterback  Bullock,  the  Tar 
Heels  marched  72  yards  for  their  lone  score.  Thus  Carolina 
went  down  for  their  third  straight  defeat,  20-6. 

A  Carolina  back  tries  for  a  first  down. 

Page  229 

George  Foti 


The  leading  factor  in  the  loss  to  South  CaroUna  was 
the  Tar  Heels  inability  to  hold  the  ball.  The  Game- 
cocks took  advantage  of  the  Tar  Heels  fumbles  at 
every  opportunity  and  went  on  to  an  18-0  score  at 
the  end  of  the  game. 

The  Gamecocks  came  up  with  a  very  effective  run- 
nmg  game  under  the  direction  of  Quarterback 
Gramling,  and  controlled  the  ball  most  of  the  after- 
noon. Carolina's  running  attack  could  never  get 
started,  and  so  they  took  to  the  air  with  favorable 
results.  The  Tar  Heels  gained  a  total  of  111  yards 
through  the  air  but  never  could  get  across  the 
goal  line. 

Connie  Gravitte  (39)  gets  a  first  down. 





George  ^X'allin 

Page  230 

Dick  L.Kkcy  (3(1)  bulls  tor  yardage. 



The  Fighting  Irish  had  to  live  up  to  their  name  in  order  to  down 
a  fired  up  and  smooth  running  Carolina  team,  34-14. 

It  was  a  case  of  too  much  power  that  made  the  biggest  difference. 
They  rolled  to  a  score  as  soon  as  they  got  the  ball,  but  Carolina 
came  right  back  and  marched  down  close  to  the  Irish  goal  line  before 
being  stopped.  That  was  the  case  most  of  the  afternoon.  Notre 
Dame  tightened  up  when  the  Tar  Heels  came  close  to  the  goal  line. 

The  Game  was  much  closer  than  the  score  indicated  with  the 
Tar  Heels  playing  a  brand  of  ball  which  was  almost  perfection.  No 
one  left  the  game  disappointed,  and  all  were  proud  of  the  game 
played  by  the  Tar  Heels. 

Francis  Fredere 

Page  231 

Junior  S';.n\tll 


In  a  water  soaked  game  with  the  Cavaliers,  the  team 
which  traveled  to  Charlottesville  proved  to  be  a  far 
superior  one.  Even  in  the  rain  the  Tar  Heel  ground 

attack  clicked  all  afternoon  for  a  33-0  win. 

The  Carolina  backs  had  a  field  day  in  spite  of 
the  muddy  field.  Marcopulos,  Hawks,  Newman, 
Long,  and  Bullock  all  ran  very  well. 

The  Carolina  defense  was  sharp,  too,  the  Cavaliers 
penetrated  Carolina  territory  only  three  times  the 
whole  afternoon.  It  was  sweet  revenge  for  the  Tar 
Heels  after  being  beaten  by  the  Cavaliers  for  the 
last  three  years. 

^>    W 



Virginia  makes  one  of  its  few  aerial  gains 

Albert  Long 

Page  2}2 


Fumbles,  penalties,  and  their  inability  to  get  oft  punts  tell  the  story 
of  Carolina's  third  straight  loss  to  Duke.  Carolina  made  mistakes 
in  the  game  that  it  hadn't  made  all  year.  But  even  with  this,  the  Tar 
Heels  scored  more  points  against  Duke  than  any  of  Duke's  previous 

Duke  took  a  first  half  lead,  9-0,  but  with  the  start  of  the  second 
half  it  looked  as  if  Carolma  might  pull  an  upset  when  they  scored 
making  it  9-7.  Duke  then  scored  again.  Marked  by  a  series  of 
rough  plays  the  game  soon  turned  into  a  battle  of  brawn  as  both 
sides  fought  as  if  their  lives  depended  on  the  outcome.  Another 
Duke  score  seemed  to  put  the  game  on  ice  for  Duke,  but  Keller, 
playing  alert  defensive  ball,  grabbed  a  fumble  and  raced  untouched 
for  a  Carolina  score.  Another  Carolina  score  put  them  within  strik- 
ing distance  again.  But  with  continued  lapses  on  defense  and  oftense, 
Carolina  soon  saw  Duke  push  across  another  score. 

It  was  indeed  a  sad  day  as  Carolina  went  down  in  defeat,  but 
the  game  provided  plenty  of  excitement  for  all  spectators.  The 
score  was  35-20. 

Marshal  New 

Norman  Lane  backs  over  the  j 

Dick  Kocornik 

Page  233 


In  practice 

Office  work 

Page  234 


Steve  Belichick 
Assistant  Coach 

Jim  Gill 
Freshman  Coach 

Marvin  Bass 
Line  Coach 

Bill  Edwards 
Assistant  Coach 

Fish"  Markham.  locker  room  attendent;  Fitz  Lutz,  trainer;  Sarge  Keller,  equipment  manager. 

Top  Roir:  Jim  Adams,  Manager;  Charles  Norwood.  Bill  Joyner,  Bill  Fetzer.  Pete  Block,  Jim  Crouch,  Al  Laughinghouse,  Jim  Slcidmore, 
Coach  Marvin  Allen.  Middle  Row:  Joe  Mavretic,  Bill  Green.  Chip  Bryant.  Bill  Duke,  Calvin  Lane,  Louie  Patseavouras,  T.  Kepley,  Don 
Carroll,  George  McGinnis,  Noel  Sullivan.  Bottom  Row:  Cal  Brice,  Wilbur  Jones,  Tom  Ferguson,  Ronnie  Younts,  Rennie  Randolph, 
Harry   Pawlick,   Gerry    Russell,    Charles    Whitley.    Roland    Burnstan,    Drew  Patterson.  Don  Gladstone. 

Co-Captains  Pawlick  .ind  Randolph  with 
Coach  M.irv]n  Allen 


This  past  fall  marked  the  return  of  Coach  Marvin 
Allen  who  started  soccer  here  in  1947.  Although  his 
team  did  not  show  the  success  of  such  great  teams 
as  the  1948  and  1949  campaigners,  Allen's  squad 
did  display  brilliance  at  times. 

The  Carolina  hooters  opened  the  season  by  beating 
Georgetown  University,  5-1,  and  held  N.  C.  State 
to  a  2-2  tie  in  its  second  contest.  The  Tar  Heels  then 
polished  ofif  Washington  and  Lee  and  Virginia  before 
their  troubles  started.  Successive  defeats  then  came 
at  the  hands  of  Roanoke  College,  Duke,  N.  C.  State, 
and  Maryland,  conference  champs. 

Even  though  the  record  was  not  spectacular,  the 
Tar  Heels  came  up  with  many  thrilling  moments 
in  their  spirited  play.  Harry  Pawlick,  Rennie  Ran- 
dolph, Bernie  Bernstan  and  Louie  Patseavouras  were 
the  main  line  of  support,  each  contributing  all  out 
effort  in  each  game. 

With  the  many  lettermen  returning  and  the  promo- 
tion of  freshmen  to  the  varsity.  Coach  Allen  is  look- 
ing forward  to  a  good  season  next  fall. 

Randolph  and  Russell 

Page  236 


Carolina's  cross  country  team,  held  out  of  most  of 
its  meets  by  the  poUo  plague  in  1952,  came  back 
this  past  fall  to  post  a  creditable  record.  Led  by  Bob 
Barden  and  Captain  Pete  Higgins,  the  Tar  Heels 
capped  the  meet  season  with  a  second  place  finish 
in  the  Atlantic  Coast  Conference. 

In  addition  to  Barden  and  Higgins,  Coach  Dale 
Ransom  had  high  praises  for  his  other  cross  country 
runners  who  performed  so  ably  against  the  toughest 
opponents  in  this  section  of  the  country.  Receiving 
much  praise  from  Ransom  were  Pete  McGee,  Tony 
Houghton,  Al  Marx,  and  Boyd  Newman. 

The  freshman  team  gave  hopes  for  future  success 
by  going  through  an  undefeated  dual  meet  season 
and  winning  the  State  freshman  meet. 

Top:  Captain  Pete  Higgins  and 
Coach  Dale  Ransom 

Bottom:  Bob  Barden 

Pint  Row:  Higgins,   Newman,   Wright.   Second  Row:  Marx,   Hester,   Houghton,  Vogel,  Barden,  McGee. 




One  of  State-Carolina's  many  scrambles 


Few  supporters  ot  the  Tar  Heel  basketball  effort  in  1953-54 
can  be  critical  of  the  "try"  of  the  players  and  the  quality  of 
coaching.  Short  in  reserves,  the  Tar  Heels  faced  up  to  their 
schedule  manfully,  pin-pointing  several  near-misses  on 
opponents  against  whom  they  were  given  little  chance.  For 
the  season  games  won  added  to  11,  those  lost  to  10.  Season 
highspots  were  games  won  from  Wake  Forest  and  Virginia 
and  several  games  in  which  the  Chapel  Hillians  played  well 
but  lost  by  close  scores. 

Practice  sessions  began  in  November,  and  three  collegiate 
contests  were  won  in  December  prior  to  the  Dixie  Classics 
in  Raleigh  in  the  week  after  Christmas.  The  Tar  Heels  lost 
their  three  Dixie  Classics  games,  but  it  can  be  said  that  the 
not-too-strong  squad  gained  valuable  experience. 

Coming  into  January,  Carolina  faced  Wake  Forest,  twice 
conquerors  of  N.  C.  State  College  this  season,  on  January  9, 
in  Wake  Forest.  Dickie  Hemric,  star  center  of  the  Deacons, 
was  unable  to  play  because  of  a  foot  injury.  In  an  exciting 

MaJJiL-  watches  as  VayJa  blocks 

Pat  Gibson,  Dixie  Classic  Queen,  with 
Jerry  Vayda  and  Coach  McGuire 

Page  238 

contest  the  Tar  Heels  eked  oat  a  66-65  win  as  they  held 
onto  the  ball  in  the  remaining  seconds  for  a  final  one- 
handed  jump  shot  from  the  floor  by  Jerry  Vayda  with  three 
seconds  left  to  play. 

After  a  victory  over  Davidson,  the  Tar  Heels  took  meas- 
ure of  Virginia,  and  with  Skippy  Winstead  holding  Buzz 
Wilkinson  to  two  field  goals,  Carolina  upset  Virginia,  78-66. 

With  its  four  ACC  victories,  Carolina  came  into  the 
season's  first  encounter  with  N.  C.  State  as  the  Number  1 
club  in  the  conference.  It  was  hard  to  believe,  but  Carolina 
was  on  top.  All  other  conference  members  had  been  defeat- 
ed at  least  once.  Carolina  fans  hoped  for  a  minor  m.iracle  in 
the  form  of  a  victory  over  State  College. 

The  game  turned  out  to  be  a  close  affair,  even  more  so 
than  the  77-84  score  indicated.  State  won  in  a  rough  and 
tumble  contest  that  saw  a  total  of  110  shots  awarded  by  the 
officials  from  the  foul  line.  Both  teams  used  the  "full- 
court  presses"  to  add  to  the  tension  and  turmoil.  After  the 
game,  an  opened  "war"  was  declared  by  Coach  Case  of  the 
Wolfpack  and  Coach  McGuire  of  the  Tar  Heels. 

In  the  Atlantic  Coast  Conference  tournament  North 
Carolina  drew  North  Carolina  State  in  the  opening  round. 
Despite  a  twenty-five  point  effort  of  Skippy  Winstead, 
whith  won  him  a  berth  on  the  all-tournament  team,  the 
Tar  Heels  were  edged,  52-51. 

These  performances  by  a  not-too-strong  team  along 
with  the  spirit  instilled  in  every  player  by  Coach  Frank  Mc- 
Guire received  the  plaudits  of  their  supporters. 

Coach  Frank  McGuire 


Finl  Row:  Walker,  Maddie,  Kocornik,   Likens,  Vayda,  McCabe,  .ind  Radovich.  Second  Ron:-  Manager  Einstein,  Glancy,  Lifson,  Winstead. 
Long,  Taylor,  Manager  Sprague,  and  Coach  McGuire. 

Tony  Radovich 

Skippy  Winstead 

Al  Lifbon 

1933-54  Results 


71  William  &  Mary    61 

82  South  Carolina 56 

85     Clemson  48 

62  Navy 86 

63  Seton  Hall   73 

53     Oregon  State 65 

83  The  Citadel 42 

66     Wake  Forest 65 

70     Davidson 54 

78  Virginia 66 

77     N.  C.  State  College 84 

69     Washington  &  Lee 60 

47     Duke 63 

69     Virginia 83 

62  Wake  Forest 76 

72  Clemson 56 

89     Davidson 69 

63  Duke 67 

48 .    N.  C.  State  College 57 

79  The  Citadel 52 

51     N.  C.  State  College 52 

Won  11,  Lost  10 

Easy  victory  over  the  Citadel 

Rado\ich.  Vayda,   and   Glancy 

Page  240 


The  sport  of  misfortune  at  Carolina  seems  to  be 
wrestling.  Planning  on  one  of  his  best  teams  since 
coming  to  Carolina,  Coach  Sam  Barnes'  hopes  were 
severely  shattered  when  Miles  Gregory,  runner-up 
in  the  Southern  Conference's  177-pound  division  last 
year,  suffered  a  broken  ankle  in  the  Carolina-Duke 
football  game  and  had  to  sit  out  the  first  half  of 
the  season. 

The  Tar  Heels  met  one  of  their  toughest  schedules 
in  years  with  such  teams  as  Navy,  Maryland,  VMI, 
and  West  Virginia  offering  the  opposition.  After 
a  slow  start,  aided  by  the  return  of  Gregory,  they 
picked  up  near  the  end  of  the  season. 

Harry  Pawlick  and  Arthur  Gregory,  Captains  of 
the  team,  turned  in  fine  performances  during  the 
season  as  did  Andy  Holt,  Harvey  Bradshaw,  Hal 
Schwartz,  Bill  Ginn,  and  Pete  McGee.  Coach  Barnes 
is  expecting  a  great  year  for  the  54-55  season  because 
of  the  many  returning  matmen. 

Tup:  CouLh  Barnes  Instructs 
Bottom:  Co-Captains  Arthur  Gregory  and  Harry  Pawlick 

First  Row:  Pawlick,   Schwartz,  McGee,  Gregory.   Ginn,   Bradshaw.   Second    Row:    Barkley.    Thompson,    Waters,    Parham,    B,    Thompson, 
Wellburn,  Marcopulos.  Coach  Barnes. 







k-    !J 

^^  ^     ;  ^■^-^■■-■■■v  -•*'':^-/-  / 


Coath  Ralph  Casey 


The  1953-54  Blue  Dolphins  had  handed  down  to  them 
a  14-year  record  of  competition  in  which  Carolina  has  won 
112  contests  against  all  opponents  while  losing  only  12.  A 
year  ago,  the  Blue  Dolphins  ranked  as  the  best  Carolina 
swimming  team  of  all  time.  By  contrast,  the  present  edition 
was  considerably  below  last  year's  highwater  mark  when  10 
straight  victories  were  won.  Only  six  men  from  the  1952-53 
team  returned  this  year;  for  their  lack  of  experience,  the 
sophomore-junior  ladened  1953-54  squad  did  exceedingly 


Page  242 

In  swimming  as  basketball,  the  Chapel  Hill  entry  fell 
before  its  brother  institution,  N.  C.  State.  In  all  the  previous 
years  of  competition,  State  College  had  never  defeated 
Carolina,  although  last  yar  they  were  co-titlests  since  they 
did  not  meet  during  the  regular  season.  On  January  1 1  in 
Bowman  Gray  Pool,  the  two  rival  brother  coaches 
(Ralph  Casey — Carolina;  Willis  Casey — State)  sent  their 
swimmers  against  each  other  and  Willis'  squad,  dominated 
by  outstanding  stars,  made  a  clean  sweep  of  every  first  place. 
Again  on  February  18  the  Blue  Dolphins  fell  before  State. 

Warren  Heeman,  Baltimore  junior,  captained  the  team. 
Other  standouts  on  the  team  were  Smith  Jewell,  Bob  Linker, 
Newell  Gill,  Larry  Shannon,  and  the  only  senior  on  the 
squad,  Duke  Widoff.  These  men  contributed  to  the  record 
of  9  wins  and  2  losses  of  the  1953-54  Blue  Dolphins. 

Captain  Warren  Heeman 

First  Row.    Linker,  Jewell,   Shannon,   Heeman,   Gill,   Wydoff.  5.;roW  Ko«;  Diffenbach,  Wolz,  Holmes,  Williams,  Hussey,  Manaeer  Colbert 
Ihna  Row:  Perry,  Ray,  Baker,  Higgms,  Harden,  Dannenbalm. 



^  i  ik  i' . 

Page  243 

1953  Results 


57     Clemson  College  27 

54     University  of  South  Carolina 27 

51  Duke  University 33 

63     Davidson 19 

48     Bainbridge  Naval  Trn.  Sta 36 

22     N.  C.  State  College 62 

57     Emory  University 26 

52  Georgia  Tech 32 

50     University  of  Georgia 34 

44     University  of  Virginia 40 

31     N.  C.  State  College 53 

Season  dual  meets:  Won  9,  Lost  2 
Conference  Meet: 
1st — N.  C.  State 
2nd— UNC 

Larry  Shannon 

First  Row:  Hallden,   Collins,   Rivera,   Hearne,  Godfrey,   Chappie,   Quails.    Second   Row:    Howard,    Scott,    Brumley,    La    Grand,    Grantham, 
Hudson,  Hartsell,  and  Coach  Meade. 


This  year's  gymnastics  team  pitted  itself  against  the 
nation's  finest,  and  although  the  record  was  somewhat 
blighted  by  the  results,  definite  improvements  in  the 
team's  performance  were  shown.  The  Tar  Heels  lost 
to  the  fine  teams  of  Navy,  Army,  and  Syracuse. 

In  their  own  baliwick  the  Tar  Heels  were  unbeaten, 
easily  handling  Duke  and  West  Virginia  among 

Coach  Meade  was  fortunate  in  having  a  seniorless 
team.  His  outstanding  performers  were  Gordon 
Hudson,  the  team's  outstanding  scorer,  captain  Otis 
Hartsell,  Pete  Brumley,  Biff  Howard,  and  Bill  Rivera. 

Workout  on  parallel  bars 

Bill  Rivera 

Coach  Meade  in  practice  session 
Biff  Howard 

Page  245 



Top:  Coach  Dale  Ransom 
Bottom:  Beall  takes  the  lead 

The  talent-shy  and  injury  bedeviled  Tar  Heels  could 
do  no  better  than  third  place  in  both  the  conferences 
winter  Indoor  Games  and  the  spring  outdoor  cham- 
pionships, but  they  had  their  moments  and  provided 
some  surprises. 

Since  the  Tar  Heels  have  led  by  a  wide  margin 
all  league  members  in  winning  both  indoor  and  out- 
door titles  over  the  years,  the  year's  outcome  in  the 
cinder  sport  was  quite  a  stepdown.  That  the  year 
would  be  a  struggle  was  inevitable  in  the  winter. 
However,  prospects  looked  fairly  bright  in  the  spring, 
and  but  for  some  untimely  accidents,  the  Tar  Heels 
would  have  done  much  better. 

In  dual  outdoor  competition  the  team  won  four 
meets  and  lost  three.  The  Tar  Heels  made  a  battle 
of  it  in  the  titular  meet  and  seemed  assured  of  second 
place,  behind  Maryland,  until  the  outcome  of  the 
last  two  events.  They  missed  it  by  a  hair,  Duke  get- 
ting the  runner-up  spot. 

First  Roll-:  Duke,  Harden,  Bennett.  Osborne,  Bell,  Ray,  Cornell,  Scott,  Ryan. 
Second  Rotr:  Murray,  Houghton,  Keiger,  Yarborough,  Mitchell,  Bostian,  Welch, 
Flowers,  Marxs,  Wilson,  Higgins,  Third  Row:  Manager  Jones,  Brown,  Beall, 
Newman,  Purdue,  Morris,  Green,  Marcinko,  Hackney,  Coach  Hilton  and  Coach 
Ransom.  Not  Pictured:  Hester. 



1953  Results 


1 12  1/6  William  and  Mary 18  5/6 

64  Princeton 67 

93  1/2  VMI 37  1/2 

52  Maryland 79 

81  N.  estate 50 

67  Duke   76 

96  1/2  Virginia 34  1/2 

Won  4,  Lost  3 
Southern  Conference  Won  3,  Lost  2. 

Pre-Meet  Confabs 

Frank  Scott 

Sonny  Beall 

Jack  Bennett 

Page  247 

Top:  Herb  Browne  and  Coach  Kenfield 
Bottom:  Captain  Del  Sylvia 


Year  after  year.  Coach  John  Kenfield  turns  out  one 
of  the  nation's  finest  teams  at  Carolina,  and  his 
1953  edition  was  no  exception.  The  team  rolled  to 
a  new  peak  last  season  when  the  Tar  Heels  went 
undefeated  in  23  straight  dual  matches.  This  team, 
considered  by  many  as  Carolina's  finest,  was 
captained  by  Dei  Sylvia. 

Del  Sylvia  won  the  conference  singles  champion- 
ship for  the  second  year  in  a  row,  and  Tom  Bradford 
and  Don  Thompson,  two  freshmen  with  two  more 
years  of  eligibility,  teamed  to  take  the  doubles  title. 

Teamed  with  such  outstanding  men  as  Herb 
Browne,  Bobby  Payne,  Pete  Green,  Ronnie  Ker- 
dasha.  Bill  Izlar,  and  Sam  Handel,  the  Tar  Heels 
were  established  No.  3  in  the  nation.  Winning  over 
such  opponents  as  Harvard,  Springfield,  Michigan 
State,  'Williams,  and  Kalamazoo  with  amazing  ease, 
the  netters  easily  established  themselves  as  the  most 
feared  in  the  South. 

Possibility  of  another  undefeated  season  loomed 
forth  for  next  year's  team  as  Captain  Del  Sylvia  is 
the  only  major  loss  from  this  season's  squad.  Coach 
Kenfield  is  eagerly  awaiting  next  spring. 

First  Row:  Handel.  Bradford,  Sylvia.  Payne,  Kerdasher.  Se 
Coach  Kenfield. 

<kJ  Row:    Manager   Smith,    Islar,    Thomp,son,    Browne.    Gustafson,   Green,    and 

1933  Results 


9  Springfield 0 

12  Harvard 1 

12  Harvard 8        jm 

14  Williams 1      X- 

14  Williams 1     ^    jf. 

9  Amherst 0     ■      ■ 

6  Michigan  State 3     I      m' 

7  Sewanee 2      ^     ■ 

9  Georgetown  0     '^^    ■ 

1 5  Dartmouth 0 

1 5  Dartmouth 0 

9  Kalamazoo  0 

9  Wake  Forest 0 

9  N.  C.  State 0 

7  Duke 2 

7  Davidson 2 

9  William  and  Mary 0 

9  Virginia 0 

7  Williams 2 

9  Amherst 0 

7  Harvard 2 

7  Princeton 2 

7  Yale 2 

Won  23,  Lost  0 
Southern  Conference,  Won  5,  Lost  0 

Browne  and  Payne 


Green  and  Sylvia 




Page  249 


"Big  Steam"  Bunn  Hearn,  Carolina's  lovable  head 
baseball  coach,  is  a  spring  campus  fixture  of  nearly 
30  years  standing,  and  his  assistant,  Walter  Rabb,  is 
one  of  the  most  able  young  baseball  coaches  in  the 
country.  Carolina  always  has  good  baseball  teams, 
and  the  boys  have  a  lot  of  fun  in  this  sport  in  Chapel 

The  baseball  Tar  Heels  of  1953  were  one  of  the 
best  in  recent  years.  For  the  season  they  won  17 
games,  lost  5.  In  winning  the  title  in  the  torrid  Big 
Four  race,  they  captured  six  out  of  nine.  They  had 
a  Southern  Conference  record  of  twelve  wins  and 
three  losses. 

\X/ith  Chal  Port,  Don  Marbry,  Bill  Lore,  and 
Joe  Pazdan  the  big  mound  winners,  the  team  looked 

r-V    C(..kIi  W.iitu   K.ihh 
Bullum:  Coach  Bunn  Hearn  confers  with  players 

First  Row:  Manager  Hamilton,  Hooks,  Motsinger,   Pazdan,   Henning,    Port.  White,  Yelverton.  Dale,  Keller.   Hawks,  Marbry.  Second  Row: 
Davidson,  Gravitte,  Morgan,  White,  Williams,  Stowe,  Robinson,  Mozier,  Frye,  Coach  Hearn,  Scearce,  Coach  Rabb,  Holt,  Lloyd,  Long,  Lore. 

to  be  the  class  of  the  conference,  but  took  a  tumble 
in  the  playoffs  at  Raleigh  to  Duke  and  missed  out  on 
the  NCAA  tournament.  The  Tar  Heels  deserved 
better  luck. 

Ed  Hooks,  in  his  first  year  as  a  catcher,  led  the 
team  in  batting  with  a  .438  average.  Wayne  White, 
Fred  Dale,  and  Harry  Lloyd  all  finished  above  the 
three  hundred  mark.  Will  Frye,  a  freshman,  did  a 
fine  job  behind  the  plate,  sharing  with  Hooks  the 
catching  duties.  The  classy  inheld  gave  the  club  color 
and  distinction  while  the  outfield  was  the  most 
feared  in  the  league. 

Chal  Port  won  the  Big  Four  pitching  title,  and  the 
Tar  Heels  took  the  team  batting  honors. 

Coach  Rabb  was  NCAA  district  three  chairman 
and  set  up  the  NCAA  tournament  in  Charlotte 
which  his  own  team  missed  by  a  whisker. 

Shortstop  Dale 

OutheMer  Vi'hite 

Page  251 

Catcher  Will  Frye 

Starting  Moundsmen  Port,  Pazdan,  and  Lore 

1953  Results 


1  Georgia  Teachers 2 

7     Rollins 1 

3     Rollins 6 

1 1     Rollins 1 

1 1     Mich.  State 1 

1 1     Mich.  State 9 

3     Camp  Lejeune 5 

5     Clemson   4 

7  Furman 1 

5     N.  C.  State 10 

8  South  Carolina 1 

5     The  Citadel 3 

18     Davidson 5 

0     Wake  Forest 2 

8     Virginia 5 

5     Duke 2 

1 1      Davidson 0 

5  Wake  Forest 2 

13     N.  estate 3 

2  Duke 4 

Southern  Conference  Tournament 

1 3     Maryland 2 

2  Duke 7 

1 5     Geo.  Wash 0 

3  Duke 5 

7     N.  C.  State 6 

6  Wake  Forest 5 

3     Duke 1 

Regular  Season,  Won  17,  Lost  5 

Big  Four,  Won  6,  Lost  3 

Southern  Conference,  Won  12,  Lost  3 

Overall,  Won  19,  Lost  7 

Relief  Pitcher  Marbry 

Page  252 


Making  good  use  of  the  University's  new 
and  beautiful  18-hole  Finley  course  and 
club  house,  the  1953  Tar  Heels  breezed 
through  a  wonderful  season. 

Captain  Bob  Black's  well  balanced 
team,  with  every  regular  at  one  time  or 
another  taking  medal  honor  in  a  dual 
meet,  the  Tar  Heels  in  the  regular  season 
slipped  only  once,  being  shaded  by  Duke 
14-13,  while  overcoming  its  other  oppo- 
nents, The  Citadel,  Williams,  Ohio 
University,  Notre  Dame,  "Virginia,  N.  C. 
State,  and  Wake  Forest. 

They  made  up  for  the  one  lapse  in 
the  Southern  Conference  championships 
by  winning  the  team  title  with  a  record 
score  of  579.  Carolina's  Jim  Ferree  took 
the  individual  championship. 

Then,  in  the  NCAA,  Carolina's  Bill 
Williamson  stroked  his  way  to  the  finals 
and  emerged  runner-up  for  the  national 

In  addition  to  Ferree  and  Williamson. 
Coach  Erickson  praised  Bob  Black,  Billy 
Ford,  Billy  Thornton,  and  John  Frazier 
and  accorded  them  much  of  the  success 
of  the  team. 

Mountcastle,  Coach  Erickson,  Ford 

Bob  Black 

Coach  Erickson 

ill  Williamson  and  Bob  Black 

Page  253 


Freshman  Starting  Backfield:  KiUets,  Farmer,  Klochak,  NKMuIlt-n 

One  of  the  most  powerful  freshman  football  teams  at  Carolina  in 
the  past  few  years  was  turned  out  this  past  fall  by  Jim  Gill.  Winning 
easily  over  all  their  opponents  except  Duke,  the  Tar  Babies  excelled 
in  every  department,  running,  passing  and  especially  defense.  It 
looks  like  Coach  Barkley  has  solved  many  of  his  next  year's 
problems  by  the  outstanding  performances  by  many  of  the  freshmen. 

Fiisl  Roiv:  Donahoe,  Williams,  Love,  Killets,  Sutton,  McMullen,  C.  Boyette,  Gould.  Secund  Row:  Bmton.  Boyette,  Mellick,  Stavnitsky, 
Farmer,  Dickerson,  Gardner.  ThirJ  Rou:  Lear,  J.  Jones,  Billich,  B.  Jones,  Malonc,  Rough,  Livsey,  Styles.  Fourth  Row:  Magner,  W, 
Boyette,  Weiss,  Bessie,  Perry,  Haynie.  Deane,  Klochak.  Fill!)  Row:  Man.iger  Rand.  Ryan,  Jamerson,  and  Gill. 





f/nv  Rati:-  Hearndon,  Henderson,  Johnson,  Wallace,  Young,  Rosenbluth, 
Clark,  Singleton,  Ward.  Second  Row:  Manager  Luben,  Hooten.  Richardson, 
Teague,  Dale,  Rand,  Ashworth,  Gafney,  and  Sutton. 

Coach  Buck  Freeman  with  Lennie  Rosenbluth 

Carolina's  freshman  basketball  team  seems  to  be  one  of  the 
finest  in  several  years.  The  squad  is  loaded  with  talent 
which  will  be  a  big  help  next  year  in  once  more  making 
Carolina  a  basketball  powerhouse. 

The  versatile  Lennie  Rosenbluth  is  one  of  the  finest 
prospects  to  come  to  Carolina  in  years.  Joe  Quigg  is  an- 
other with  Bob  Young  and  Dick  Ward  also  bringing  hope 
into  the  eyes  of  Carolina  basketball  fans. 

Coach  Buck  Freeman's  charges  had  a  very  successful 
season  and  more  can  be  expected  of  them  in  the  next  few 

Another  winter  freshman  sport  got  under  way  with  the 
wrestling  team  swinging  into  action.  The  grunt  and  groan 
sport  gave  indication  that  the  winter  season  would  continue 
the  dominance  of  North  Carolina's  freshmen  among  the 
conference  foes.  Many  of  Carolina's  freshman  grapplers 
far  exceeded  the  expectations  of  the  coaches  and  turned 
in  performances  that  was  indicative  of  future  varsity 


Coach  Johnny  Guiton 

Firsl  Row:  Andrews,  Gray,  Tell,  Van  'Winkle.  Ayscue,  Korshun,  Trent. 
Second  Row:  Glover,  Wible,  Cowan,  Hany,  Moore,  NX'agner,  Hinson. 

Page  255 

First  Row:  Hunter,  Smoot,  McGinnis,  BrcnnarJ,  Marks.  Hcttlenian.  Second   Run:    Hall,    Smith,    Chamberlan,    Drake,    Krepp,    Dryer,    Coach 


The  freshmen  swimmers  turned  in  a  performance  that  equaled  if  not  bettered 
the  mark  of  previous  freshman  teams.  Coach  jamerson  was  well  pleased  and 
expected  that  many  of  his  freshmen  swimmers  would  be  pushing  hard  for 
varsity  berths  next  year.  Many  of  the  freshman  records  were  broken  by  this 
outstanding  group  of  swimmers. 


George  McGinnis,  a  freshman  diver,  is 
expected  to  bolster  the  varsity  squad  next 
season.  As  a  freshman,  he  showed  much 
that  gave  indication  that  he  will  be  a 

Jim  Beatty,  freshman  crosscountry  and 
track  runner,  broke  the  existing  freshman 
crosscountry  as  well  as  the  varsity  record. 
Taking  first  in  all  the  freshman  meets, 
he  broke  a  record  every  time  he  came  to 
home  with  a  victory.  He  is  truly  a  great  in 
Carolina's  freshman  sports. 

Page  256 


Fiisi  Rou:  Mary  L.  Junes,  Anntr  Htrbert,  Pat  Hortun,  Jackit  McCarthy,  Connie  Carbough.  ,  Sarah  Cashwell.  Second  Row: 

Betty  Burth,  Joy  Whisunont,  Betsy  Bracey,  Kitty  Wright,  Sarah  McCarter,    Pat    Corbett,    Nancy    Home,    Carolyn    Johnson,    Alice    Hicks. 
Third  Raw:  Mrs.  Hogan,  Miss  NX'ooJwarj,  Mary  B.  Cook,  Jess  Gant,   Kit  Wallace,  Jane  Berryhill,  Jo  Ann  Murphy. 

The  Women's  Athletic  Association,  of  which  all 
coeds  are  automatically  members,  sponsors  several 
sports  clubs  and  an  extensive  intramural  program. 
Tournaments  and  games  provide  different  sports  each 
semester  in  the  large  year-round  intramural  program 

Seafed:   Miss   Kellam,   Miss   Price,   Mrs.    Fink.    Slciidii/x-'    Miss 
CK.Jwin,    Miss    Woodward.    Miss    Spangler.    Mrs.    Hogan. 

which  gives  an  opportunity  for  social  and  recreational 

The  WAA  Council  with  the  aid  of  the  Women's 
Physical  Education  faculty  directs  the  sports  which 
are  carried  on  in  accordance  with  the  policies  of  the 
National  Section  on  Women's  Athletics. 

Sei/cd     Nanci    Home.    Carolyn   Johnsr 
Hogan     Sljndnr^:   Xanty    Gerl.ich.    Mi 

lane    Berryhill,    Mrs. 




Page  258 


Intramural  Coordinators 
Hooks,  Coach  Rabb,  Johnson 

The  Department  of  Intramural  Activities  is  the  divi- 
sion of  the  Department  of  Physical  Education  and 
Athletics  which  organizes  and  conducts  a  broad 
program  of  competitive  activities  on  the  campus  for 
the  voluntary  participation  of  the  student  body. 

In  seeking  to  give  the  members  of  the  student 
body  every  chance  to  realize  the  outcomes  the  pro- 
gram established  to  promote  sportsmanship,  the 
Intramural  Department  assumes  the  responsibility  for 

supplying  adequate  officials  and  trained  officials.  In 
addition,  the  Department  considers  the  introduction 
of  new  activities  to  the  student  body  as  one  of  its 
more  important  functions.  A  reasonable  amount  of 
precaution  is  taken  to  safeguard  the  health  and 
safety  of  the  participants. 

All  members  of  the  University  student  body  and 
faculty  are  invited  to  participate  in  any  phase  of  the 
program  that  appeals  to  them. 

Outstanding  Intramural  Athletes 
Bill  E\ans  and  Smitty  Lineberger 

Outstanding  Intramural  Managers 
Al  Poppleton  and  Rod  Nichols 

Page  260 


Under  the  tutelage  of  Head  Cheerleader  Jim  Foun- 
tain, the  1953-54  Tar  Heel  yell  squad  turned  in  a 
fine  job  of  building,  conditioning,  and  maintaining 
the  renowned  Carolina  spirit. 

The  usual  pep  rallies  and  torchlight  parades  were 
displayed  with  a  new  look  and  new  twists,  while 
Saturday  afternoon  activity  from  the  stands  of  Kenan 
Stadium  had  much  to  do  in  the  backing  of  a  Tar 
Heel  team  which  got  off  to  a  fast  start  by  winning 
its  first  three  games. 

One  of  the  high  points  of  the  cheering  season  came 
in  the  activities  preceding  the  Maryland-U.N.C. 
game.  A  torchlight  parade  and  street  pep  rallies  were 
only  two  of  the  many  activities  that  the  cheerleaders 
led  the  student  body  through  on  the  eve  of  the  big 

Carrying  on  this  same  spirit  throughout  the  rest 
of  the  year,  the  cheering  squad  did  much  to  lift  the 
Carolina  spirit  to  post-war  levels. 

Head  Cheerleader  Jim  Fountain 

First  Row:  Ann  Hartzog,  Jim  Lewis,  Frank  Harris,  Johnny  Rhoades,  Jim  Fountain,  Tom  Wakefield.  Pete  Brumley,  Frank  Ramos.  Pat  Turn- 
bul.  Second  Roic:  Joan  Gant,  Eleanor  Wrenn,  Marilyn  Habel,  Dottie  Law,  and  Jean  Bunch. 


Under  the  capable  leadership  of  President  Bob 
Skillen,  the  Card  Board  had  another  highly  success- 
ful year,  providing  halftime  entertainment  for  the 
Kenan  Stadium  fans.  Highlighting  each  game  was 
the  presentation  of  the  half-time  score  of  the  foot- 
ball game.  This  flexible  score  stunt  involved  much 
detailed  work,  but  thanks  to  this  industrious  group, 
the  stunt  was  performed  in  a  most  graceful  manner. 

Also  featured  this  year  was  the  taking  of  Carolina 

card  stunts  to  out  of  town  football  games  in  nearby 
Wake  Forest  and  Duke,  thus  showing  off  to  those 
present  at  these  games  the  perfected  work  of  the 
Card  Board. 

Ending  up  the  season  with  a  social  function,  the 
Card  Board  is  looking  forward  to  another  football 
season  and  the  chance  to  make  even  better  the 
animated,  script,  and  public  service  card  stunts  which 
are  a  feature  of  a  Saturday  afternoon  football  game. 

First  Row:  W.  E.  Radcliff,  Tom  Lindsey,  Albert  Clay,  Valerie  Nichols,  Jean  Hayes,  Bob  Skillen,  Mary  Fran  Plummer,  Bob  Gahrmann, 
Gary  Sluder,  Bob  Carswell.  Second  Row:  Grace  Alley,  Bob  Bell,  Lib  Patterson,  Lib  Suddreth,  Bradley  Katz,  Barbara  Pendergraft,  Cookie 
Kooker,  Carol  Moore,  Mary  Lou  O'Mara,  Bette  Bostian,  Bill  Scarborough.  Third  Row:  Charles  Hoover,  David  Ward,  Luther  Hodges, 
Perkinson  Hayes.  Bob  McLaughlin,  Howard  Zerden,  Buddy  Clark,  J.  B.  Carroll,  David  Weil,  Craig  Horsman,  Bennette  Whisenant,  Rex 
Littlejohn.  Fourth  Ron-:  David  Bruton,  Bert  Howell,  Bill  Porterfield,  Al  Mebane.  Norman  Tipton,  Stuart  Teichman.  Harry  Forbes,  Holt 
Laws,  Albert  Heinz,  Lionel  Perkins,  >X'iley  Harrell,  Reno  Bailey,  Snyder  Pate. 

Page  263 


DAILY  TAR  HEEL  ...  270 
DI  SENATE  ...  293 
MEN'S  GLEE  CLUB  ...  283 
NEWMAN  CLUB  ...  290 
PHI  ASSEMBLY  ...  288 
PLANNERS'  FORUM  ...  273 
PRESS  CLUB  ...  291 
TAR  HEELS  AND  TOES  ...  275 
TARNATION  ...  272 
U.  N.  C.  BAND  ...  276 
WOMEN'S  GLEE  CLUB  ...  282 
YACKETY  YACK  ...  266 

Y  M  C  A  .  .  .  278 

Y  W  C  A  .  .  .  280 



Page  265 




Tom  Spain 
Assistant  Business  Manager 

Lib  Moore 

The  "Salt  Mine"  is  quiet  now,  the  typewriters 
show  signs  of  neglect,  no  waste  paper  litters 
the  floor,  and  neatness  pervades  the  room.  All 
this  gives  mute  voice  to  the  fact  that  at  last  the 
Ydck  has  gone  to  press!  The  barrenness  of  the 
room  brings  to  mind  the  continuous  activity 
which  filled  it  through  the  fall  and  winter 
afternoons  as  the  staff  contributed  time,  effort 
and  ideas  to  make  your  1954  Yackety  Yack. 
Although  we  of  the  staff  had  our  troubles,  head- 
aches, and  fun,  we  were  united  by  the  desire 
to  get  our  job  done  well. 

Jane  Yearley 

Activities  Editor 

Page    266 

Jean  Williamson 
Senior  Editor 

Mary  Bascom  Cook 
Junior  Editor 

Peggy  Barnard 
Sophomore  Editor 

Don  Freeman 
Freshman  Editor 

The  year  began  during  orientation  week  when  the  new 
typists  were  swamped  by  eager  freshmen  waiting  to  be 
photographed.  Gene  Hackney,  Bob  Hinshaw,  Don  Freeman, 
Miller  Carmichael,  Jimmy  Mills,  and  others  somehow  stuck 
it  out  through  last  day  rushes  of  the  upper-classmen.  Our 
foot-wear)'  photographers,  Mr.  Cheek  and  Mr.  Balance, 
won't  soon  forget  those  long  lines  of  waiting  students  which 
wound  around  in  the  Rendezvous  Room,  either.  Later,  after 
the  office  work  began,  Peggy  patiently  stopped  her  filing 
and  looked  up  hundreds  of  lost  photo  numbers.  As  time 
progressed  and  the  Yack  was  in  full  production,  Cornell 
almost  lost  his  mind  scurrying  around  campus  to  keep  photo 
appointments.  Jean  Williamson  and  Mary  Bascom  Cook 
labored  away  on  their  class  sections  to  meet  deadlines.  After 

doing  re-takes  on  several  of  their  pictures,  Pat  Seawell 
became  well  acquainted  with  most  of  the  med  students. 
Then,  there  was  the  time  when  she  was  stranded  between 
floors  on  the  elevator  with  the  med  school  senior  officers  I 
David  Leonard  made  an  untold  number  of  trips  to  the  P.  O. 
lugging  Yacks  to  be  mailed.  After  Jane,  Vince,  and  Lib 
spent  a  "lost  weekend"  ordering  reprints,  the  office  acquired 
its  official  title  of  "Salt  Mine." 

The  Beauty  Contest  turned  out  to  be  the  best  yet  and 
a  highlight  of  the  fall.  Markham  gloried  in  being  surround- 
ed by  all  the  top  campus  beauties,  and  Nose,  loving  every 
minute  of  it,  did  a  great  job  as  Emcee.  'Reen,  the  little 
dynamo  behind  the  Beauty  Contest,  created  much  excite- 
ment over  keeping  the  queen's  name  a  secret.  Mr.  Lavergne 

Staff  members  working  with  senior  section. 

THE  1934 

Osborne  Lee 
Fraternity  Editor 

Phyllis  Forrest 

Bill  Warwick 


Sports  Editor 

Left  10  Ris^ht:   Jay  Zimmerman.   Snookie  Stone.  Zeb  'Weaver.   Lois 
Collins,  Kendrick  Townsend. 

Louis  Patseavouras 
Sports  Editor 

Bob  Hinshaw 
ROTC  Editor 

David  Leonard 
Exchange  Editor 

Johnson's  sage  advice,  help,  and  work  on 
the  Beauty  Section  were  indispensable. 

Through  it  all  late-working  staff  mem- 
bers stayed  up-to-date  on  campus  affairs  as 
sounds  from  the  multitudinous  meetings 
echoed  through  the  thin  walls.  Socializing 
in  the  Yack  office  between  cases  became 
standard  procedure  for  the  Honor  Council 
on  Thursday  nights.  Lee  Paul's  good 
kodachrome  saved  the  day.  The  inability 
of  sorority  girls  to  take  decent  snapshots 
increased  Thelma's  worries.  Russ,  com- 
pletely surprised  over  his  birthday  party, 
did  the  honors  by  cutting  his  cake  with  a 
huge  DTH  ruler.  About  that  time  the 
midnight  oil  burned  late  and  often  on  the 
2nd  G.  M.  Eleanor  boosted  our  spirits  by 
making  many  trips  upstairs  loaded  with 
coffee  and  Cokes.  During  several  periods 
of  despair,  only  the  patience,  understand- 
ing, and  skillful  help  of  Price  Coursey,  the 
engraving  representative,  kept  us  going. 
Our  "rush  orders"  gave  Marilyn  and  her 

Mary  Ruth  Linville  and  Put  Davis 

Page  268 

photo  lab  staff  headaches  throughout  the  year.  Boyden  Hen- 
ley, Jerry  Cook,  Jack  Markham,  and  Pete  Daniels  willingly 
assisted  with  the  photography.  Without  Alice  Asbury, 
Betsy  Stoner,  Joan  Green,  Lois  Collins,  Ann  Street,  Snookie 
Stone,  Kendrick  Townsend,  Jackie  Park,  and  all  the  other 
faithful  typists,  the  book  would  never  have  gone  to  press ! 
"Old  Dad"  always  added  gaiety  and  sunshine  to  life  in 
the  Salt  Mine — especially  when  he  had  a  stamp-covered 
letter  from  Jersey.  Our  pulling  pictures  turned  the  office  into 
a  mad-house  for  several  days  as  frantic  efforts  were  made 
to  meet  those  pre-Christmas  deadlines.  The  Deke  pledges 
unwillingly  did  a  great  job  in  helping  Obbie  and  Zeb  get 
the  fraternity  section  ready  on  time.  Louie  and  Russ  were 
not  alone  when  it  came  to  missing  deadlines !  Certain  house 
cuts  caused  a  lot  of  trouble,  but  Marty  Jordan  came  to  our 

rescue.  Without  Mary  Ruth  to  do  pin-drawings  and  to 
correct  last  minute  art  work,  the  editor  would  have  com- 
pletely lost  her  last  thread  of  sanity.  Max  Ballinger's  snap- 
shot contest  made  the  choice  of  snapshots  easy.  Bob  Colbert, 
always  dependable,  gave  both  technical  and  "fatherly" 
advice.  Charlie  Shelton  had  fun — period.  Jane  had  her 
share  of  troubles,  but  she  will  never  forget  a  certain  dog 
which  was  so  obnoxious  while  one  picture  was  being  made 
— and  then  there  was  page  290!  Obbie's  mystic  seances 
provided  unique  interludes  in  the  continuous  grind.  T.  B.'s 
work  winds  up  the  year  for  us  as  he  gives  out  the  finished 

We  of  the  staff  have  enjoyed  working  on  the  Yack  and 
feel  it's  a  good  book — but,  of  course,  we're  prejudiced.  We 
hope  you  like  your  1954  Yackely  Yack. 


Ltfjl  lo  Ri^hl:  Jerry  Cook,  Malcolm  Copeland, 

Boyden  Henley,  Pete  Daniels. 

Seniors  wait  in  line  to  be  photographed. 

Jack  Markham 
Co-Beauty  Editor 

'Reen  Norris 
Co-Beauty  Editor 

Pat  Seawell 

Graduate  and  Professional 

Schools  Editor 

Cornell  Wright 



Page  269 

Rolfe  Neil,  Editor 

The  Daily  Tar  Heel  bumped  along  through  a 
tempestuous  year,  serving  the  students  with  news, 
editorials,  local  and  national  pictures  and  features — 
all  on  a  six-day- a-week  basis.  (And  on  the  seventh 
day  they  rested.)  The  paper  joined  the  Associated 
Press  again  receiving  full  wire  coverage. 

On  the  lighter  side  was  the  saga  of  Sir  Charles 
and  the  misty  maiden ;  on  the  campaigning  side  was 
the  editorial  battle  against  big-time  athletics  at 

Managing  Editor  Louis  Kraar  built  up  one  of  the  largest  staffs  in  years,  and  they  did  a  superb  job 
of  coverage.  The  only  indispensable  man,  it  was  found,  was  Kraar.  Assisting  him  at  the  slot  was  News 
Editor,  Ken  Sanford.  Sports  Editor,  Tom  Peacock,  spiced  his  pages  with  personality  features  and  the  fanciest 
layouts  ever  appearing  in  the  paper.  It  probably  was  the  best  sports  page  in  Tar  Heel  history.  Jim  Schenck  and 
Al  Shortt  skillfully  piled  up  the  bank  balance  to  see  it  all  through. 

Top  item  on  the  printing  agenda,  (beyond  merely  suffering  through  each  night's  press  run)  was  the  air 
mail  edition  to  the  Georgia  game  in  Athens.  A  blue  ram  butted  a  red  bulldog  oft  the  page,  but  on  the  field 
it  was  different. 


Seated,  left  to  right:  Tom  Lambeth,  Beverly  Blemker,  Jennie  Lynn. 
Standing,  left  to  right:  Dick  Creed,  Charles  Kuralt,  Jesse  Nettles, 
Fred  Powledge,  Joyce  Adams,  James  Duvall,  Ken  Sanford,  Ann 
Pooley,  Ed  Yoder,  Jerry  Reece. 


Lejt  to  right:  Jack  Murphy,  Rooney  Boone,  Vardy  Buckalew,  John 

r  A/-fiK  O'li 

>Ati«  'irli 

I.ouis  Kraar,  Mjthiging  Editor 

A  I.  Shortt.  Business  Manager 

loM  Peacock.  Sports  Editor 


Left  to  riKht:  Al  Shortt,  David  Leonard,  Syd  Shuford,  Jack  Stilwell. 

When  the  staff  wasn't  on  duty  it  was  relaxing 
together.  The  first  Sunday  night  party  at  Harry 
Snook's  was  casual,  and  it  set  the  pace  for  the  rest  of 
the  season.  This  spring's  beach  party  was  no  slouch 
affair,  either. 

Then,  too,  getting  out  each  day's  paper  was  some- 
thing of  a  festivity  even  though  at  times  it  took 
Pinkerton  detectives  to  locate  enough  staffers  to  do 
the  work.  Just  check  the  Goody  Shop. 

Kuralt  and  Powledge  read  "Kansas  City  Milkman" 
and  haven't  taken  oft'  their  belted  raincoats  since  .  .  . 
Pooley  had  her  hair  cut  and  it  didn't  go  unnoticed 
.  .  .  JayBee  somehow  survived  and  only  because  he 
did,  did  the  students  get  a  paper  .  .  .  Lynn  went  to 
Newport  and  Adams  to  NYC — both  on  business  .  .  . 
Creed  learned  the  ways  of  politicians  and  kept  smil- 
ing .  .  .  Duvall  doodled,  and  it  came  out  on  the  edit 
page  .  .  .  Saunder's  pen  was  in  everyone's  business, 
and  they  loved  it  .  .  .  Hogg,  Witty  and  "Venable 
vowed  to  give  up  the  publishing  business  .  .  .  Shuford 
finally  got  the  mail  out  while  Stilwell  was  looking 
for  the  ad  dummies  .  .  .  Yoder  discovered  Thomas 
Wolfe  and  made  him  famous  via  the  Daily  Tar  Heel 
.  .  .  Buckalew  and  Hussey  did  what  Peacock  didn't 
want  to  do  and  Murphy  and  Barkley  did  what  none 
of  the  other  three  would  do  .  .  .  Larry  Saunders  put 
up  with  all  of  them  .  .  .  Beshara  wrote  on  bridge, 
Levin  on  goodbyes  and  Sirkin  and  Leonard  on  ad  copy 
.  .  .  Nettles  told  the  airport  manager  the  facts  of  life 
.  .  .  'Vann  had  at  least  one  idea  a  day  .  .  .  Cooper 
found  out  the  paper  had  never  heard  of  the  40  hour 
week  .  .  .  Lambeth  cheerfully  missed  supper  .  .  . 
Dilorio  would  have  gone  to  Athens  .  .  .  Wright  posed 
dozens  for  the  birdie  .  .  .  Reece  outdid  Dragnet  .  .  . 
And  Colbert  mothered  everybody. 

Page  271 


In  Webster's  New  Collegiate  Dictionary,  the  word  humor  is  defined  thusly:  "A  changing  and  uncertain 
state  of  mind;  a  caprice;  a  whim;  fancy;  .  .  .  whimsical  or  freakish  action  or  happenings  ...  a  quaUty  which 
appeals  to  a  sense  of  the  ludicrous  or  absurdly  incongruous  ..." 

There  you  have  it  .  .  .  TARNATION!  We  embarked  upon  our  second  year  since  re-birth  (by  political 
section  in  1952)  with  high  hopes,  mediocre  material  and  low  income.  "It's  a  humor  magazine,  you  know," 
was  our  stock  comment  after  the  first  issue  ...  but  if  Webster's  definition  of  humor  is  any  criteria,  we  have 
succeeded,  for  a  more  whimsical,  capricious,  ludicrous,  freakish  and  incongruous  group  never  existed. 

The  run-in  with  the  "High  Command"  over  the  November  issue  and  that  cartoon  .  .  .  money?  What 
money?  That  everlovin'  Beacon  Mills  ad! 

Like  it  or  not,  we  seem  to  be  rather  solidly  back  to  stay.  We  annoyed  you  during  registration  .  .  .  aggra- 
vated you  with  our  "well-run"  circulation  system  .  .  .  said  nasty  things  about  you  in  print  .  .  .  but  being  capri- 
cious, whimsical  and  always  incongruous,  we  want  to  thank  the  reading  half  of  our  public  for  another 
successful  year. 

Jackie  Brooks,  Edito 

Page  272 

The  Incomparable  Business  Manager, 
Steve,  handling  the  financial  fiascos  of  the 
editor-in-grief  .  .  .  Rueben  declaring  that 
as  production  manager  he  was  entitled  to 
produce  .  .  .  something!  Jerry  achieving  a 
certain  fame  for  his  wonderful  character, 
"The  Slob"  and  deserving  every  bit  of 
it  .  .  . 

Left  to  right:  Steve  Owen,  Business  Manager;  Stan  Smith,  Jerry 
McMahon,  Associate  Editor;  Rueben  Leonard,  Production  Manager; 
Dave  Brady,  Artist. 

Stan  Smith  always  calm  and  always  clever 
.  .  .  Ann,  the  harried  office  manager  wad- 
ing through  stacks  of  illegible  subscription 
cards  .  .  .  Rollie's  laugh  echoing  through 
the  marble  corridors  of  tlie  "lower  level". 

Lej!  to  right:  Art  Einstein,  Rollie  Tillman. 

Lej!  to  right:  Stan  Shaw,  Jane  Abernathy,  Frances  Vi'atts,  Ann  L'nder- 
wood,  office  manager;   Pat  Horton,   Virginia  Agnew. 

Page  27.^ 

Although  founded  in  1947,  the  Caro- 
lina Qnarlerly  actually  continues  a 
tradition  of  literary  activity  that  has 
been  on  campus  since  the  first  publica- 
tion of  the  Carolinit  Magazine  in  1844. 

This  year  the  Quarterly  enjoyed  the 
highest  level  of  student  participation 
in  its  history.  A  hard  working  and 
enthusiastic  staff  was  rewarded  with 
lively  campus  interest  throughout  the 

Seated.  Left  to  Right:  Bill  Oakley.  Charlotte 
Davis,  Editor;  Claire  Frank,  Bebe  Baumann. 
Statiding:  Julia  Shields,  Bill  Icarhorough, 
Jim  Dunn.  Jim  Turner.  Bobbie  VCalker.  Carl 
VCiUiams,  Ginger  Cummins. 

Carolina  Quarterly 

The  Independent  Coed  Board  is  an 
organization  designed  so  that  the  in- 
dependent women  of  the  university 
may  have  an  opportunity  for  the  devel- 
opment of  social,  civic  and  intellectual 

The  Board  itself  is  made  up  of  two 
representatives  elected  from  each 
women's  dorm  by  the  non-sorority 
women,  but  all  the  non-sorority  women 

on  campus  come  under  its  auspices. 

Seated,  Left  to  Right:  Keen  Oliver.  Joy 
Whisonant,  Stella  D'Aleo,  Jean  Hayes, 
Lucia  Johnson.  Standing:  Celia  Brown, 
Nancy  Fox,  Anne  Mc^X'hirter,  Libby  Whit- 
field, Amy  Cooke,  Dorry  Liggett. 

Independent  Coed  Board 

Page  274 

Planner's  Forum 

The  Planners'  Forum,  formed  in  1952, 
IS  the  local  professional  organization 
of  graduate  students  majoring  in  city 
and  regional  planning;  other  graduate 
students  interested  in  problems  of 
metropolitan  planning  may  become 
members.  The  Forum  encourages  extra- 
curricular discussion  of  topics  of  pro- 
fessional interest,  sponsors  visiting 
lecturers,  and  through  affiliation  with 
the  Federation  of  Student  Planning  Or- 
ganizations, is  the  avenue  of  contact 
with  similar  groups  at  other  univer- 

First  Rotr,  left  to  riglit:  Robert  Barbour. 
Harry  Coblentz,  Don  Stewart.  Gayle  Harder. 
Frank  Skribanek.  Burt  Lawrence.  Serond 
Row:  George  Beaton.  Will  Hansen,  A.  C. 
Howell.  Barclay  Jones.  Bick  Foster.  Bill 
N'aliory.  F.  Stewart  Chapin.  Jr.-professor. 
Third  Bow:  Manuel  Seoane.  Jack  Devaney, 
Martin  Rotly.  John  Harvev.  Bob  Seler,  John 
A.    Parker  Hea<l   of   Department. 

Ever  since  they  chose  their  name  in 
1952,  the  Tar  Heels  'N  Toes  have  been 
thriving.  They  now  number  over  thirty 
members  not  all  pictured  here.  The 
club's  purpose  is  to  promote  interest 
in  all  types  of  American  square  danc- 
ing and  also  in  the  folk  dances  of 
foreign  countries.  But  whether  it's  a 
■Virginia  Reel  or  a  European  peasant 
dance,  the  group's  primary  aim  is  to 
ha\e  fun. 

First  Row,  Seated,  left  to  right:  Betty 
Schoekley.  Brownie  Menius.  Kit  Sledge.  Second 
Row,  Seated:  Joan  B.  Weeden.  Mary  L.  Camp, 
Jody  Derry.  Third  Ron;  Seated;  Peggy  Need- 
ham.  Elise  Montgomery.  Martha  Calton.  Sue 
Shugart.  Fourth  Row,  Seated:  Annie  Nicliol- 
.son.  Ruth  I.  Price,  Beth  Okum,  Fifth  Row, 
Standing:  Sy  Herzog.  Clarence  Kidd.  JiTii  Ivey. 
Deet  Johnson.  Lloyd  Farrar.  Walter  R.  Lynn. 
Richard  Taeuber. 

Tar  Heels  n  Toes 

Page  275 


The  University  Band  under  the  capable  direction  of 
Professor  Earl  Slocum  and  Herbert  W.  Fred  attempts  to 
provide  an  outlet  for  enjoyment  and  musical  experience 
to  the  students  of  the  university.  In  the  fall  the  marching 
band  provides  a  variety  of  music  and  color  at  the  pep 
rallies  and  football  games.  One  of  the  highlights  of  this 
fall  was  the  instrument-theme  song  show  which  included 
the  instruments  formations  and  theme  songs  of  some  of 
the  nation's  popular  orchestra  leaders. 

After  football  season,  the  marching  unit  becomes  a 
major  part  of  the  concert  band  which  performs  during  the 
remainder  of  the  year.  It  gives  a  formal  concert  in  Hill 
Hall.  However,  the  most  popular  concerts  seem  to  be  the 
spring  lawn  concert  series  under  Davie  Poplar.  The  band 
brings  its  year  to  a  closing  when  it  plays  for  commence- 
ment each  spring. 

Top,  Ltjt  to  R:ght:  Earl  Slocum,  direttcir,  anJ  Herbert 

W.  Fred,  assistant  director. 

Center,  Left  to  Right:  Ken  Pruitt.  vice-president,  and  Jim 

Headley,  president. 

Bottom,  Left  to  Right:  Jean  Stanford,  Guyte  Cotton,  Pat 




University  Club 


First  Ron,  se.iied:  Lewis  Mack,  Dick  Nixon.  Jo  Ann  Jones,  Roy  W.  I'pchurch.  Bill  Scarborough.  Second  Rou;  seated:  Pat  Turnbull, 
Jeanne  Bunch,  Betty  'W'annamaker.  Liz  Lynn,  Annette  Niven.  Ann  Pooley.  Joanne  Murphy,  Laurence  Maddry.  Third  Row,  standing: 
iBarry  Fogel,  Fred  Hutchins,  Doc  Broadway,  Delaine  Bradsher,  Johnny  Medlin,  Bill  Calvert,  Bill  Moore,  Jack  Stevens.  Fourth  Row: 
DeWayne  Tripp,  Joe  Rand,  John  Comer,  Jim  Fountain,  Ted  Taws.   Daniel  Vann,  Gene  Brown,  Don  Christopher. 

The  University  Club  is  primarily  a  service  organization,  and 
all  of  its  functions  are  carried  through  in  the  interest  of  the  student 
body  and  the  University.  The  motto  of  the  club — For  the  Univer- 
sity— is  self-explanatory  of  the  purpose  of  the  club. 

Composed  of  a  representative  from  each  dormitory,  sorority, 
fraternity,  band,  Cardboard,  cheerleaders  and  the  Monogram 
Club,  it  has  direct  contact  with  almost  every  student  on  campus. 

The  functions  of  the  club  are  many  and  varied.  Through  the 
cooperation  with  the  Athletic  Association,  the  Club  seeks  to 
promote  and  maintain  enthusiasm  and  good  sportsmanship  in  all 
University  events  by  sponsoring  pep  rallies,  homecoming  attrac- 
tions, and  an  annual  carnival  in  the  spring. 

The  officers  for  the  year  have  been  Bill  Calvert,  President; 
Treasurer;  Lib  Suddreth  and  Jo  Ann  Jones,  Secretary. 

Bill  Calvert,  President 

Fred  Hutchins,  Vice-President;  Bill  Moore, 

Page  277 

Y  M 

NtJ  Harbin 

Dr.  Virgil  Mann 
Chairman  of  the 
Advisory  Board 


First  Row,  left  to  right:  Robert  Young,  Blaine  Beck,  James  M,  Howey.  David  E.  Setzer.  Brent  Dorrity,  Steve  Venters,  Quincy  Ayscue,  Larry 
Ford.  Second  Row:  John  Bridger.  Glenn  Davis,  Ronald  Oldenburg,  David  Mclnnis,  James  R.  Luther,  Edward  Britt,  Oscar  Bolch,  Joe  E. 
Brown.  Art  Mashburn,  Joe  Christian.  Stephen  Undera-ood,  John  Reid,  Bobby  L.  Newton.  Third  Rou:  Ronald  Garhmann,  Nick  Fisher, 
Don  Boone,  Sam  Barnard,  Owens  Batten,  Thomas  Jackson,  William  Pearce,  Don  Wells,  Bobby  Sullivan,  Dick  Shermer,  Warren  McDevett. 

Y.  M.  C.  A.  FRESHMAN 

C  A 


Ninety- FOUR  years  on  this  campus,  the  Carolina 
Young  Men's  Christian  Association  is  one  of  the 
oldest  student  YMCA's  in  the  world. 

The  program  is  planned  to  meet  the  interests  and 
needs  of  students  moving  ahead  on  the  basis  that 
Christianity  applies  to  every  aspect  of  life.  Effective 
Christian  leadership  is  developed  as  members  work 
creatively  together  on  different  phases  of  the 


This  year's  Freshman  Fellowship  had  its  beginning 
from  a  group  of  Freshman  Campers.  It  was  decided 
that  the  spirit  should  continue  as  an  organized 
association  that  would  promote  interest  in  subjects 
of  concern  to  the  Freshman  class.  Topics  of  student 
government,  debating  societies,  and  fraternities 
were  presented  and  discussed  at  supper  meetings. 
A  dance  at  Averett  College  in  Danville,  Virginia, 
was  one  of  the  more  exciting  activities  of  the  Fellow- 


First  Rou,  Seated,  left  to  right:  Virgil  I.  Mann.  Robert  P.  Hyatt.  Ned  Harbin.  President;  Claude  Shotts.  Second  Ron:  Standing:  John 
Riebel,  Associate  Secretary;  Bernice  Theiling,  Chairman,  Personal  and  Campus  Affairs;  Bob  Pugh,  Chairman,  Christian  Faith  and  Heritage 
Committee;  Clint  Lindley,  Chairman,  World  Relatedness;  Ram  Gnanadesikan,  Bob  Barlowe,  Chairman,  YMCA-Hillel  Film  Forum. 


To  unite  in  a  desire  for  a  full,  creative  college  life  .  .  . 

To  determine  to  have  a  part  in  making  this  life  possible  for  all  students  .  .  .  To  seek  to 
know  God,  to  understand  him  ...  Is  the  goal  that  we,  students  of  Carolina,  women  of 
many  denominations  and  backgrounds,  attempt  to  achieve. 

To  listen  to  Mary's  problems  and  help  her  solve  them  .  .  . 

To  take  part  in  campus  activities  such  as  U.  N.  week,  realizing  that  here  lies  world  hope 
— hope  for  our  association's  ideals,  and  a  world  where  men  with  differences  may  live  to- 
gether .  .  . 

To  meet  the  international  students-people  who  are  learning  our  culture;  people  from 
whose  cultures  we  may  also  learn  .  .  . 

Living  day  by  day,  savoring  each  moment,  preparing  for  a  better  tomorrow  .  .  .  Not  only 
talking  of  Christianity,  but  trying  to  be  more  like  Him  in  our  daily  behavior  .  .  . 

Standing  up  for  our  ideals  in  religion,  yet  remaining  tolerant  and  unprejudiced  toward 
the  beliefs  of  others  .  .  . 

The  Y  is  ours  and  yours.  Girls  before  us  made  it  and  its  ideals  what  they  are.  It  is  our 
privilege  to  continue  its  work.  'We  hope  that  through  worship,  work  and  play  our  college 
life  will  prepare  us  for  brotherhood  and  a  better  understanding  of  life. 

We  know  that  only  through  these  can  we  find  and  share  happiness. 


First  Row,  left  to  right:  Jennie  Lynn,  Kirsten  MiUbratte,  Alice  Hicks,  Thelraa  Souder,  Marilyn  Habel,  Carolyn 
Hartforci,  Mary  Jane  Bumpous,  Betty  Ray.  Second  Row:  Jo  Ann  Jones,  Mary  Kit  Myers,  Lois  Collins,  Sara 
Rose,  Connie  Lassiter,  Mase  Chapin,  Eleanor  Addison,  Sara  Kate  Davis,  Norma  King,  Sally  Winn,  Mary  B.  Cook. 
Third  Row:  Edith  Rogers,  Ann  Folger,  Jean  Hayes,  Janie  Carey,  Emily  Cook,  Mary  Lowery,  Eleanor  W'renn. 



Marilvn  Habel.  President. 


led,  left  to  right:  Marilyn  Habel.  Emily 
3k,  Mase  Chapin,  Eleanor  ^"renn.  Stjnd- 
:  Kirsten  Millbratte,  Mary  Jane  Bump- 
,,  Betty  Ray. 


-list  Rou;  Sejteil,  left  to  right:  Doris 
OCorthington,  Ann  Folger,  Miriam  PelzeL 
iecond  Row,  Standing:  Peggy  Pierpont,  Jean 
latliff,  Virginia  Whiteman,  Julia  Shields, 
toy  Whisonant,  Janyce  Winders,  Nancy 
3urciiam,   Betty  Burch,  Sue  Folger. 

This  year  the  Y  has: 

Sponsored  informal  talks  by  the  faculty  and  friends  of  the  Y. 

Has  had  outside  speakers  to  lead  discussions  concerning  religion  and  other 
phases  of  life.  Dr.  Cheek,  Dr.  Harland,  Dr.  Leslie,  Charlie  Jones  and 
Dr.  Boyd  have  shared  their  ideas  with  the  students. 

Held  vespers  in  the  women's  dorms  and  sorority  houses  every  week. 

Given  international  dinners,  teas  for  foreign  students  and  others  to  become 
better  acquainted. 

Sponsored,  with  the  YM  the  trip  to  the  UN  Seminar  in  New  York. 

Helped  in  the  hospital  by  feeding  patients,  answering  the  phone,  running 
errands  for  the  nurses. 

Helped  with  scout  work  in  the  community. 

Sponsored  clothing  drives  for  the  needy. 

Page  281 

Sally  Jente,  President 

The  Women's  Glee  Club,  under  the  able  direction  of  Mr.  Joel  Carter 
and  Mr.  William  Whitesides,  began  its  1953-54  season  by  performing 
jointly  with  the  Men's  Glee  Club  at  the  University  Day  celebration.  A 
benefit  concert  was  performed  by  the  groups  at  the  First  Baptist  Church 
of  Chapel  Hill.  Then  interest  was  centered  upon  preparation  for  the 
annual  fall  concert.  Following  this  they  joined  the  Chapel  Hill  Choral 
Club  in  a  performance  of  Handel's  "Messiah".  The  Glee  Club  also 
appeared  in  a  concert  with  the  State  College  Men's  Glee  Club  in  Raleigh. 

For  spring  semester  other  appearances  with  the  Men's  Glee  Club  were 
planned  with  the  height  of  the  activities  being  the  formal  concert. 





Kathkrini;  Jente    President 

Nora  Jane  Rumph   Vice-President 

Ann  Folger  Secretary 

Etta  Mann   Treasurer 

First  Row:  Martha  Bridger,  Jackie  McCarthy,  Margaret  Gutierrez,  Mary  Anne  Hayes,  Elsie  Peterson,  Kathryn  Williams,  Ann  Folger.  Second 
Row:  Grace  Alley.  Phyllis  Cogburn.  Elizabeth  Hamilton,  Katherine  Atwater,  Phyllis  Bailey,  Jeanne  Grana,  Peggy  Slate.  William  White- 
sides.  Third  Ron:  Etta  Mann,  Nora  lane  Rumph,  Mary  Spainhour,  Betsy  Thomas,  Sally  jente.  Hazel  Crawford,  Nancy  Keister.  Norma 
Newell.  Mr.  Carter. 

The  Mhn's  Glee  Club  opened  the  season  by  singing  for  Founder's  Day 
and  then  the  UN  Day  celebrations.  Following  these  dates,  the  Club 
traveled  to  the  University  of  Virginia  and  sang  a  joint  concert  with  them 
on  Friday  night  preceding  the  annual  football  game  between  the  two 

They  joined  with  the  Women's  Club  for  the  annual  Fall  concert  just 
before  Christmas,  and  then  assisted  the  Chapel  Hill  Choral  Society  in  its 
presentation  of  Handel's  Mess'uih. 

After  the  two  highly  successful  tours  of  last  Spring,  the  Club  made 
plans  to  continue  this  work.  The  year  was  climaxed  by  a  joint  concert  with 
the  Women's  College  chorus  at  Greensboro  and  finally  by  the  annual 
Spring  concert  witli  the  Women's  Club  of  the  University. 

William   Chance.   Presideni 


William   Chance    President 

George  Thomas Vice-President 

William  Calvert Secretary 

James  Gulledge   Business  Manager 

Rupert  Williams P/iblicily  Manager 

Joseph  McGugan   Librarian 

Joel  Carter Director 


First  Row,  Iff/  to  rinht:  Gene  Swindell.  Wyckliffe  Hoffler.  Addison  Smith,  Clyde  Alexander.  James  Chamblee.  Rupert  Williams,  Billy 
Wright.  Thomas  Duncan.  Leonard  Reaves.  III.  Second  Row:  James  Gulledge,  Jr.,  Henry  F.  Brooks,  Doyce  F.  Wise,  William  E.  Warnick, 
James  W.  Pruett,  Richard  Craddock,  Joe  McGugan,  J.  Gray  McAllister,  III.  Bill  Saliston,  Hugh  Ma.wn,  Billy  Woosley,  Zane  Eargle.  Third 
Row:  Thomas  E.  Sibley,  Jerry  J.  Love.  Douglas  Dewing.  Ronald  Pritchett.  Troy  Page.  Gene  Parsons.  William  Chance,  Leonard  B.  Bennett, 
William  C.  Padgett,  Joe  Sturdivant,  Bill  Leary,  Harry  Burley,  Bill  Calvert,  Joe  Pinner,  Mack  Thacker.  Fourth  Roii\-  Ken  Anderson,  George 
Thomas,  Oscar  Bolch,  Jr.,  Calvin  E.  Venters.  Joe  Secrest.  Gene  Wagoner.  Owen  Norment,  Bill  Pittman,  Donald  Branch,  John  L.  Heath, 
Donald  T.  Davis.  John  M.  McCaskill.   Bill   Branch.   Bob  Exum.   BiltSelf,  Bill  Houser. 

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llMiBi9BBK^^^£jkr  * 

University  Part 



The  Universit\'  Party,  having  functioned  for  over  twenty-five  years, 
is  the  oldest  of  the  campus  poUtical  groups.  The  party  was  started  by  a 
group  of  about  fifteen  students  interested  in  Student  Government.  For 
the  first  three  or  four  years  its  meetings  were  held  in  dormitory  rooms  and 
the  basements  of  fraternity  houses.  By  the  early  thirties  the  University 
Party  had  become  a  campus  wide  organization,  and  it  remained  unopposed 
until  nineteen  forty-six  as  the  only  major  student  political  party  on  the 
campus.  It  has  been  through  the  efforts  of  many  of  the  past  members  of 
the  University  Party  that  the  form  of  Student  Government  that  we  have 
today  has  evolved.  For  the  party,  then  as  now,  has  worked  for  a  more 
democratic,  self-governing  student  body. 

The  party,  since  its  beginning  in  the  1920's,  has  followed  the 
philosophy  of  group  representation  by  one  member  of  each  group.  For 
it  is  the  conviction  of  the  party  that  a  more  efficient  organ  for  administer- 
ing the  function  of  political  parties  in  student  government  can  be  gained 
through  this  group  organization. 

Today  the  University  Party  is  composed  of  a  steermg  committee, 
which  in  turn  is  composed  of  members  representing  groups  of  at  least 
twenty-five  students.  It  is  the  work  of  this  steering  committee  to  select 
candidates  and  to  determine  policies  for  the  party. 

This  past  year  has  been  a  successful  one  for  the  party,  and  much  of 
the  credit  for  this  success  goes  to  our  two  chairmen  last  year,  Walt  McFall 
and  Jack  Stilwell. 

Fint  Rou;  left  to  tight:  John  Hawes.  Jerry  Cook.  Stella  D'Aleo,  Janyce  Winders,  Virginia  Gunter,  Anne  Bell.  'Keen  Norris.  C.  B.  Schley, 
Alice  Asbury.  Second  Row:  Jack  Stilwell.  Julia  Shields.  Jackie  Brooks,  Sonia  Bergan,  Ann  Underwood.  Barbara  Burgess.  Gloria  Nix. 
Eleanor  Saunders,  Dottie  Law.  Mary  Ida  Brown.  Third  Row:  Morris  Broad,  Jim  Buyer,  Bob  Farrell,  Bob  Meacham,  Beverly  Webb,  Al 
Mebane,  Kirk  Kynoch,  Jim  Roquemore,  Jack  Skinner,  Mary  Frances  Stone,  Carolyn  Little,  Bob  Eberle.  Fourth  Row:  Bill  Sanders.  Lionel 
Perkins,  John  Bi|ur,  James  G.  Oglesby,  Robert  S.  Grimes,  Pete  Adams,  Lou  Wolfsheimer,  Gordon  Battle,  Bob  Harrington,  Jr.,  Jim  Love- 
lace, Claude  Pope.  IIL  Ogburn  Yates. 

University  Dance  Committee 

The  University  Dance  Committee  has  as  its  foremost  objects  the  role 
of  host  at  Carolina  dances  and  the  tasks  of  maintaining  order  at  social 
functions  sponsored  by  campus  organizations.  This  group  of  students, 
familiar  in  their  formal  dress  with  blue  and  white  rosettes  in  their  lapels, 
in  their  careful  vigilance  of  campus  dances  are  striving  toward  making 
Carolina  dances  the  functions  that  both  students  and  faculty  desire.  During 
the  1933-54  season,  the  Committee  has  effectively  performed  its  duty.  The 
group  has  had  a  most  successful  year,  both  in  helping  to  put  on  Carolina 
dances  and  guiding  them  toward  perfection. 

Wallace  Edmond  Prid&en,  Ptesidenl 

First  Row,  left  lo  right:  Wesley  James  Anderson,  Harvey  Deakins  Bradshaw,  Don  O.  Fowler, 
James  Robinson  Harper.  Second  Row:  Robert  Sutton  Grimes,  Walter  Gurley,  Sam  Ingram, 
Edward  Franklin  Jenkins.  Third  Row:  William  Pickens  Lore,  Thomas  E.  Medlin,  David  Bob 
Mullens,  Lionel  Parker  Perkins,  Jr.,  Jake  Hertel  Rountree,   Ir. 

I^^l  irrx^-^  C^    g| 

Page  28'> 

Se.ileJ,  left  to  right:  Lewis  Sherman,  Publicity  Chairman;  Barry  Fogel,  Historian;  Howard  Zerden,  Treasurer;  Etta  Mann,  Vice-President; 
Rabbi  Rosenzweig,  Director;  Henry  Isaacson,  President;  Arthur  Barbanell,  Secretary;  David  Glass,  Religious  Chairman;  Ken  Myers, 
Advisory  Chairman;  Sue  Shuff,  Interfaith  Chairman. 

HiUel  Foundation 

The  Hillel  Foundation  was  founded  thirty  years  ago  by  B'nai  Brith, 
the  largest  Jewish  service  organization  in  the  United  States.  The  Founda- 
tion here  at  the  University  is  one  of  the  220  Hillel  organizations  serving 
Jewish  students  throughout  this  country,  Canada,  Cuba,  England  and 

Hillel  attempts  to  train  and  prepare  university  students  for  future 
leadership  in  their  respective  Jewish  and  local  communities.  The  program 
is  a  varied  one,  ranging  from  religious  and  cultural  functions  to  dances 
and  other  social  alifairs;  activities  include  religious  services,  exhibits, 
forums,  classes,  vocational  information,  and  projects  of  an  interfaith 
nature  ...  all  of  which  help  to  encourage  Jewish  education  and  spiritual 
growth.  The  program  is  determined  by  the  Cabinet  and  by  numerous 
committees,  through  which  the  students  participate  in  the  organization. 

Henry  ls,^ACSo^■,  Pitndent 

Page  286 

SrM)A~i     MCHI     I  i:i.l.()\\'SHlF  AT  WKSI.H'l'    FOl  NDA  I  ION 

Wesley  Foundation 

To  PROVIDE  A  COMMUNITY  in  which  students  may  explore  the  meaning 
of  the  Christian  faith  for  their  Uves:  this  is  the  purpose  of  Wesley 
Foundation.  In  Bible  study  groups,  Wesley  Players,  "Coffee  and 
Theology",  daily  vespers,  weekend  get-togethers,  "meet  'n  eat"  and  other 
such  activities  graduates  and  undergraduates  come  together  with  the  belief 
that  Christianity  is  relevant  to  all  the  problems  of  life  and  in  the  belief 
also  that  this  relevance  can  be  known. 

Wesley  Foundation  is  located  in  the  University  Methodist  Church; 
its  doors  are  always  open  and  its  facilities  available  for  use  by  students 
and  faculty. 

Executive  officers  are:  Dave  Johnson,  president;  Baxter  Mclntyre, 
vice-president;  Georgia  Lee  Hatley,  secretary;  Harold  White,  treasurer. 
Officers  of  the  Wesley  Young  Adult  Fellowship  are:  Laud  Harmon, 
president;  Millie  Belheimer,  vice-president;  Ann  Bell,  secretary-treasurer; 
Dot  Hall,  social  chairman. 


'l?/rst  Row:   Georgia   Lee   Hatley,  Dave  Johnson. 
Second  Row:  Baxter  Mclntyre,  Harold  White. 

Page  287 

Philanthropic  Assembly 



Wade  Matthews,  Speaker 

The  Assembly  of  the  Philanthropic  Literary  Society,  founded  at  the 
University  of  North  Carolina  in  1795,  is  a  legislative  debating  organization 
which  serves  the  campus  as  a  medium  for  the  expression  of  thought  and 
the  interchange  of  ideas.  It  meets  in  Phi  Hall  which  occupies  the  top  floor 
of  New  East  building  each  Tuesday  evening  for  consideration  of  a  bill 
or  resolution  of  current  mterest. 

During  its  earlier  years,  the  Phi  endowed  the  University  library  with 
its  rich  collection  of  books,  contributed  to  the  building  of  New  East  and 
formulated  and  enforced  the  honor  system  for  half  of  the  student  body. 

The  Phi  today  is  organized  on  the  pattern  of  the  State  House  of 
Representatives,  but  topics  may  be  of  national,  international  or  local 
interest.  It  offers  its  members  training  in  leadership,  parliamentary  proce- 
dure, and  public  speaking,  while  formulating  lasting  friendships  through 
participation  in  the  activities  of  the  Assembly. 

Flit!  Ruir:  Dayton  Estes,  Lewis  Biumfield,  Don  Angell,  Wade  Matthews.  Ronald  Pritchett,  Syd  Shuford.  Second  Row:  Hamilton  C. 
Horton,  Jr..  Harrison  Dunlop.  Bruce  E.  Mehrmann.  J.  L.  H.  Kernodle,  Bob  Pace.  Lawrence  Matthews.  Third  Row:  Bill  Porterfield,  Franz 
Roberts,  Laurence  Maddry,  Sol  Cherry.   J.inu-i  Duv.ill. 

Page  288 

"The  Good  Woman  of  Setz- 
uan"  by  Bertholdt  Brecht,  in 
the  Playmakeis  Theatre.  An 
experimental  production  of  a 
modern  German  play. 

tmsmm .  .'ii^' 

"Judgment  Over  Daniel"  by 
student  Frank  Gloseclose.  A 
playmakers  student  production 
in  the   Playmakers   Theatre. 

The  Carolina 

The  Carolina  Playmakers,  com- 
pleting their  36th  successful  season, 
look  back  with  pride  at  the  simple 
beginnings  in  1918,  when  Frederick 
R.  "Proff"  Koch  joined  the  Univers- 
ity's English  department  and  intro- 
duced his  now  famous  English  31,  a 
course  for  beginning  playwrights.  In 
that  class  Koch  initiated  his  life-long 
efforts  toward  a  new  and  vital  folk 
drama,  which  resulted  in  the  success- 
es of  such  American  playwrights  as 
Paul  Green  and  Josefina  Niggli. 

Traditionally,  the  activities  of  the 
Playmakers  fall  into  two  divisions. 
There  is  first  the  program  of  major 
productions,  with  at  least  one  play  a 
year  staged  outdoors  in  the  Koch 
Memorial  Forest  Theatre,  and  an- 
other toured  extensively  through 
North  Carolina  and  neighboring 
states.  Bridging  this  program  with 
that  of  experimental  production  of 
new  plays  by  student  playwrights, 
the  1953-54  season  saw  introduced 
into  the  major  plan  two  new  full- 
length  plays  written  by  local  authors. 

Two  organizations  fostered  by  the  Playmakers  in  early  years  are  now  flourishing  independently,  encouraging  community 
drama  in  the  southeast.  These  are  the  Carolina  Dramatic  Association,  which  holds  its  annual  drama  festival  at  the  historic 
Playmakers  Theatre,  and  the  Southeastern  Theatre  Conference. 

The  Carolina  Playmakers  are,  in  a  very  real  sense,  a  community  theatre.  Any  student,  member  of  the  faculty  or  resi- 
dent of  the  area  may  become  a  member  simply  by  taking  an  active  part  in  any  one  of  the  many  phases  of  production  of 
a  Playmaker  play. 

"Mister  Roberts"  by  Thomas 
Heggen  and  Joshua  Logan,  in 
the  Playmakers  Theatre.  An- 
nual production  of  a  modern 
hit    play. 

Page  289 

The  Cosmopolitan  Club 

The  Cosmopolitan  Club  tries  to 
provide  "a  home  away  from  home" 
where  students  from  other  countries 
may  meet  each  other  and  meet  Ameri- 
can students.  It  beheves  that  by  meet- 
ing and  knowing  each  other,  we  can 
break  down  many  of  our  prejudices 
which  lead  to  world  misunderstand- 
ings, and  thereby  promote  the  cause 
of  world  understanding. 

The  National  Newman  Club 
Federation  is  a  confederation  of 
Catholic  Clubs  on  secular  college  and 
university  campuses.  Founded  in  1913, 
it  now  encompasses  over  400  clubs 
with  a  membership  of  175,000. 

Here  at  Carolina  we  have  had  a 
wonderful  year  under  the  guidance  of 
Father  Weidenger,  our  chaplain.  This 
season  we  have  had  talks  on  foreign 
travel,  weiner  roasts,  movies  and  our 
usual  Christmas  party  for  the  orphans. 

First  Row,  left  to  right:  A.  Linskey,  Elder,  Mack,  Treasurer;  Jones,  Ayock, 
Michels,  Black.  Second  Rotv:  C.  Linskey,  Delgado,  Jurczak,  Husbands,  Mercer, 
President;  Timlin,  McManus,  Park,  Schreiner,  Kelly.  Third  Row:  Devaney, 
Worsley,  McCabe,  Vayda,  Harden,  Citrini,  Vice-President;  Giguere,  Father 
Weidenger,  Jones,  Kelley,  Brunelle,  Patrick,  DiBattista.  Not  pictured:  Adan, 
Alvarez,  Gilsdorf,  Secretary. 

The  Newman  Club 

Page  290 

The  Press  Club 

First  Row,  left  to  right:  Margie  Garner,  Claire  Reid,  Dell  Hoyle,  Florence 
Williams,  Anne  Frederick,  Joyce  Adams.  Second  Row:  Jack  J.  Parks,  Jr.,  Bill 
Venable,  Jerry  Epps,  Fred  McGee,  Wilbur  Jones.  Third  Row:  Paul  Mason, 
Clint  Andrews,  Roger  Meekins,  Jess  Nettles,  Jr.,  Robie  McClellan. 

The  Press  Club  was  organized  in  the 
spring  of  1951  for  the  purpose  of 
establishing  and  maintaining  a  fellow- 
ship among  students  interested  in 

The  Club  seeks  to  provide  an 
atmosphere  in  which  students  can 
express  their  own  ideas  and  viewpoints 
and  have  them  discussed  freely  and 
openly.  Guest  speakers  are  frequently 
heard  by  the  Club. 

Finl  Row,  sealed,  left  to  right:  E.  B.  Jeffries,  Joel  Fleishman,  Donald  T.  Sherry. 
Second  Row,  standing:  Gene  Cook,  Dave  Reid,  Pebley  E.  Barrow,  Robert  Pace. 

Carolina  Political  Union 

The  Carolina  Political  Union  is 
a  non-partisan  student  discussion  group 
which  has  served  the  University  of 
North  Carolina  for  over  twenty  years 
by  acting  as  a  stimulus  for  the  free 
expression  of  ideas.  Each  week  during 
the  academic  year  the  CPU  raises 
issues  affecting  all  students,  for  the 
purpose  of  bringing  into  the  bright 
light  of  free  examination  the  opinions 
and  views  of  all  persons. 

Page  291 

First  Row,  SeMed  on  Floor,  left  lo  rinhl:  Bill  Cash,  Sam  Presson,  Tom  Mauldm,  Don  Hill,  Ju^cph  Giles,  W  ,iUcr  Lon.i;,  M.iunce  Canaday, 
Carl  W.  Cox,  Second  Row:  Frances  Johnson,  Betty  Jean  Scott,  Miriam  Lewis,  Rachel  Humphries,  Sarah  Buie,  Peggy  Hartman.  Third  Row: 
Wyckliffe  Hoffler,  John  Colson,  Lewis  Phillips,  Bill  Russell,  Milton  Higdon.  Robert  Hines,  Ernest  Bumgarner,  Franklin  Giles,  Donald  T. 
Davis.  Fourth  Row:  Bob  Hughes,  J,  C.  Herrin,  Ken  Sanford,  Dowd  Davis,  Earl  Page,  Verton  Heath,  Brownie  Schaefer,  Bill  Adams. 

Baptist  Student  Union 

The  year  starts  at  different  times  for  different  people.  For  some  old  fogies  it  begins  January  1;  for  the 
more  collegiate  it  begins  in  September  with  the  opening  of  school;  but  for  the  B.  S.  U.'ers  it  began  this  year 
with  a  pre-school  retreat  at  Holden  Beach.  It  seems  that  plenty  of  plans  came  out  of  that  retreat,  too.  The 
supper  forum  series,  based  on  the  theme  of  worship,  were  considered  among  the  best  meetings  held  by  some 
of  the  students.  Sunday  mornings  saw  revitallized  and  thriving  classes,  presided  over  by  some  of  the  leading 
teachers  on  campus.  The  parties  and  socials  were  results  of  good  planning  and  management.  Daily  medita- 
tions led  by  students  in  Gerrard  Hall  added  a  spiritual  uplift  during  the  week  for  many  of  us.  The  inspiration 
and  guidance  of  our  pastor.  Dr.  Habel,  throughout  aided  our  work  greatly  and,  of  course,  there  was  always 
the  wisdom  and  understanding  of  J.  C.  Herrin,  our  student  chaplain.  So,  with  a  succession  of  meaningful 
activities,  the  year  moved  on.  It  is  our  wish  that  more  of  the  1,200  Baptist  students  on  campus  would  have 
participated  in  this  wonderful  experience  we  call  "B.S.U." 

Joseph  Giles,  President 
Brownie  Schaefer,  Vice-Presideni 
Frances  Johnson,  Secretary 
Sam  Presson,  Treasurer 
Bill  Cash,  Forum  Chairman 
Bob  Hughes,  Religious  Education 

Dialectic  Senate 

Dedicated  to  debate,  parliamentary  procedure,  free  exchange  of  ideas, 
development  of  poise  and  power  in  public  speakers,  training  in  delibera- 
tive assembly,  and  patterned  after  our  State  Senate,  The  Senate  of  the 
Dialectic  Literary  Society  was  founded  on  June  3,  1795.  The  present  student 
government,  honor  system.  Dance  Committee,  debate  team  and  many 
Carolina  traditions  had  their  beginning  in  the  Dialectic  Society.  The  Society 
boasts  such  famous  alumni  as  James  K.  Polk,  Archibald  D.  Murphey, 
Thomas  Wolfe,  Archibald  Henderson  and  Frank  Porter  Graham. 

Already  possessing  its  own  hall  and  an  impressive  and  valuable 
portrait  collection,  the  Society  is  expecting  to  finish  out  its  plan  this  year 
to  renovate  the  hall  by  supplying  it  with  individual  desks  and  chairs.  This 
renovation  plan  is  being  supported  by  contributions  from  the  alumni  and 
active  membership  of  the  society. 

Gerald  Parker,   Preudent 

Ftrsl  Row.  left  to  right:  Stanley  S.  Shaw,  II.  Daxid  E.  Reid,  Jr.,  Charles  S.  ^X■oIf.  Joel.  Fleishman,  Gerald  Parker.  Henry  A.  Lowet,  Ken 
Penegar,  Beverly  ^X'ebb,  Ben  C.  Raven,  Jr.  Second  Row:  Jinn  Lovelace,  Scotty  Hester,  David  Mundy,  Lawrence  McElroy,  Clyde  Smith,  Jr.. 
Emilie  Patton.  Virginia  Agnew,  Wilbur  M.  Boice,  Jr.,  Tommy  Bennet,  Riciiard  E.  James.  Third  Row:  Dave  Burrows,  James  R.  Turner, 
Lew  Southern,  Lynn  Chandler,   Bill   Scarborough,   Eric  Jonas,   Charles  Akerman,  Larry  Addington. 

Page  293 


Page  294 

Page  295 


MEMBERS  1953-54 

428  James  Clarence  Wallace 
483  John  Lassiter  Sanders 
490  William  Davis  Cash 

498  Edward    George    Bilpuch 

499  James  Edward  Mclntyre 
514  James  Louis  DeLay  Lamm 

519  William  S.  Pregnoll 

520  Robert  Hume  Thomason 

521  Thomas  L.  Carroll 

522  Edward  A.  Stevens 

523  Rolfe  Neill 

524  Thaddeus  Seymour 

525  Robert  D.  Gorham,  Jr. 

526  Thomas  Rezzuto 

527  Edward  B.  Gross 

528  James  L.  Honey,  Jr. 

529  J.  Andrew  Bell,  Jr. 

530  Walter  M.  Dear,  II 

531  Eugene  Oberdorfer 

532  Kenneth  L.  Penegar 

533  W.  Stephen  Perrow 

534  Thomas  Sully 

535  James  C.  McLeod,  Jr. 

536  Gilbert  Marsh 


6  Charles  Phillips  Russell 
70  Claude  Edward  Teague 
90  Edgar  Ralph  Rankin 
102   Robert  Burton   House 
109  Herman  Glenn  Baity 
111    Ernest  Lloyd  Mackie 
119  Albert  McKinley  Cootes 
121    Joseph   Burton  Linker 
T41    Corydon  Perry  Spruill 
149  Frederick  Corlysle  Sheppard 
176  Earle  Horace  Hartsel 
186  Joseph  Maryon  Saunders 
193  William  T.  Couch 
209  Edgar  Alexander  Cameron 
220  Walter  Smith  Spearman,  Jr. 
231    Gordon  Gray 
274  John  Tettemer  O'Neil 
299  Frederick  Henry  Weaver 
429  Raymond  L.  Jeffries,  Jr. 
509  Howard  W.  Odum 
516  Archibald  Henderson 

9fe  VALKY 


SUSAN  AMBLER,  President 

MARILYN  HABEL,  Secretary 

ALICE  CHAPMAN,  Vice-President 


NANCY  HORN E,  Treasurer 

EMILY  COOK,  Alumnae  Secretary                                     JHM 


Mase  Chapin 

Mary  Catherine  Myers 

Thelma  Souder 

Nancy  Shaw                                         J 


HONORARY  MEMBERS                                                         | 

Lillian  Youngs 

Doris  Hutchinson                                  j 

Efje  (BxUv  of  tije  #lb  l^ell 

James  Walter  Maynard  President 

Harry  Pawlik   Vice-President 

Harvey  Deakins   Bradshaw                   Secretary-Treasurer 
Ernest  Lloyd   Mackie    Recorder 


William   Donald  Carmichoel,   III 

William   Robert  Coulter 

Jesse  Henry  Dedmond 

Peter  Harry  Gerns 

Samuel  Hirsch 

Charles  Louis  Johnston,  Jr. 

Allord  Kenneth  Lowenstein 

William  Ernest  Mackie 

Basil  Lamar  Sherrill 

Donald  Gray  Shropshire 

Leonard  Adolph  Szafaryn 

Dr.  Samuel  Thomas  Emory 

Dr.  Ernest  Lloyd  Mackie 

Dr.  William  Smith  Wells 



Gordon  Gray 
Patricia  Ann  Aydlett 
Anna  Morilla   Beeson 
John  Toscon  Bennett 
Charles   Donald   Blonton 
Sarolyn  Sue  Bonowitz 
Harvey  Deakins  Bradshaw 
William  Credle  Brown 
Thomas  Reeves  Burgiss 
Charles  Eugene  Coin 
Rowe  Bogle  Campbell,  Jr. 
Donald  Cory  Carroll 
Beverley  Jane  Chalk 
Robert  Hamilton  Clompitt 
Herbert  Benjamin  Cohn 
Charles  Raymond  Cronham,  Jr. 
Joseph  Garner  Dail,  Jr. 
Donald  Thomas  Davis 
Lyell  Clark  Dawes,  Jr. 
James  Daye 
Robert  Daye 
Grace   Eunice   Door 
Robert  Norwood  Ellington 
Walter  Norbert  Ernst,  Jr. 
Archibald  Taylor  Fort 
Theodore  Golden  Frankel 
Shirley  Ann  Gee 
James  Chester  Goodin 
Grace  Calvert  Gordon 
Robert  Diggs  Gorham,  Jr. 
Nancy  Rose  Green 
Edward  Bailey  Gross 
John  Moss  Guilbert 
Marilyn  Habel 
Virginia  Flora   Hall 
James  Lowton  Honey,  Jr. 
Robert  Winship  Heath 



Marilyn  Habel 

Kenneth  Morton  Myers 

Lucy  Ann  Street 


Charles  Eugene  Cain 

Louie  Lee  Patseovouros 



Gay  Elizabeth  Hogan 
David  Kent  Jackson 
John  Payne  Jackson 
Katherine  Elizabeth  Jente 
Henry  Cloy  Johnson,  Jr. 
Barrett  Franklin  Kalb 
Carol  Alice  Kelly 
Elizabeth  Ann  Kirby 
Jomes  Cory  Lester 
William  Pickens  Lore 
Henry  Augustus  Lowet 
Bruce  Merger 
James  Walter  Maynard 
Thomas  Carter  McDonald 
James  Carlisle  McLeod,  Jr. 
Mary  Louise  Mitchell 
Kenneth  Morton  Myers 
Carman  Louise  Nohm 
Louie  Lee  Patseovouros 
Harry  Powlik 
Joseph  John  Pazdan 
Kenneth  Lowing  Penegor 
Daniel  Elijah  Perry 
Wanda  Lou  Philpott 
John  Edward  Poindexter 
Williom  Alexander  Rankin,  Jr. 
Barbara  Lillian  Reed 
Nancy  Gordon  Ripple 
Barksdale  Fletcher  Roberts 
Dale  Sonford  Ryon 
James  Simpson  Schenck,  III 
Betty  Jean  Schoeppe 
Julio    Elizabeth   Shields 
Hal  Cox  Sigman 
Raymond  Robinson  Simmons 
Dorothy  Roe  Smith 
Edward  Marvin  Smith 
Martha  Ann  Smith 
Jane  Ann  Sneed 
Robert  Arthur  Spaugh,  Jr. 
Elizabeth  Stetson 
Alva  Wore  Stewart 
John  Quincy  Stilwell 
Lucy  Ann  Street 
Patricio  Ann  Todd 
Patsy  Ruth  Upchurch 
Gerald  Max  Wagger 
Willard   Irving  Walker 
Rachel  Carroll  Williams 


Robert  Burton  House 
Gordon  Gray 

PafiC  298 

©rber  of  m  ©rail 



WALTER  DALLAS  GURLEY,  JR.     .      .      .     Vice-Exchequer 
"ERBERT  HOWARD  BROWNE,  JR..      .      .      .     Scribe 


in  Addms,  Jr. 
I  Osborne  Ayscue,  Jr. 
«  William  Claiborne 
Thomas  Eugene  Cook 
'Thomas  Claiborne  Creasy,  Jr. 
Robert  Diggs  Gorham,  Jr. 
John  Payne  Jackson 
Raymond  L.  Jefferies,  Jr. 

William  Pickens  Lore 
Baxter  Grady  Mclntyre 
George  Holliday  McLeod 
Thomas  E.  Medlin 
Edward  Leonard  Patterson 
Harry  Pawlik 
Kenneth  Lowing  Penegor 
Harry  H.  Phillips 



Dale  Sanford  Ryon  President 

Charlotte  Lambert  Davis   Vice-President 

Susan  Ambler   Recnrding  Secretary 

Dr.  Ernest  Lloyd  Mackie 
Corresponding  Secretary-Treasurer 

Chancellor  R.  B.  House  Dr.  A.  C.  Howell 

Dean  C.  P.  Spruill 

Dr.  Howard  E.  Rondthaler  .  .  .  .Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 
George  L.  Paddison  Burgaw,  N.  C. 


Roger  William  Ackerman,  Norman  Hanson  Allen,  Susan  Ambler, 
William  Quinby  Beard,  Jr..  Marvin  Bryan  Berry,  Harold  JoKn 
Bradley,  Jr.,  Robert  Adrian  Brown,  Barry  Wayne  Bryant,  David 
Marion  Clinard,  Robert  Lee  Green  Connelly,  Kenton  Bowers  Creu- 
ser,  Farrell  Rondall  Crouse,  Fred  Jones  Dale,  Jr.,  Charlotte  Lambert 
Davis,  George  Thomas  Davis,  Lloyd  Burton  Ennis,  Vallin  Dayton 
Estes,  Jr.,  Thomas  Albert  Farmer,  George  Wagoner  Ferguson,  Jr., 
Robert  Diggs  Gorham,  Jr.,  Leonard  Herbert  Grodsky,  Marilyn 
Habel,  James  Lawron  Haney,  Jr.,  Jim  Fuller  Hicks,  John  Robert 
Ingle,  Katherine  Elizabeth  Jente,  Thomas  Milton  Johnson,  Henry 
Augustus  Lowet,  Bruce  Marger,  Carl  Greaves  McCraw,  Jr.,  Gerald 
Thomas  McMahon,  Ancel  Clyde  Newborn,  Billy  Wilson  Miller, 
Joseph  Louis  Murad,  Henry  Vaughn  Murray.  Jr.,  Andrew  Henry 
Patterson,  11,  John  Lawrence  Prugh,  Aubrey  Wilford  Redmon, 
Walter  Hert)ert  Reichelt,  John  Luther  Rendleman,  Nathan  Russell 
Roberson,  Jr.,  William  Haywood  Ruffin,  Jr.,  Dale  Sanford  Ryon, 
William  Kauffman  Scarborough,  Arnold  Frederick  Schild,  Robert 
Livingston  Selig,  Raymond  Richard  Showfety,  Grace  Pickard  Silvers, 
Zebulon  Vance  Smith,  Jr.,  Nathaniel  Louis  Sparrow,  William 
Robert  Story,  Richard  LeRoy  Taylor,  Herbert  Holden  Thorp, 
Charles  Swain  Tolbert,  Raphael  Williams  Vinson,  James  Ronald 

Founded  at  the  College  of  Willtam  and  Mary 

Page   300 

Alpha  Chapter  of  North  Carolina 


Nancy  Ann  Ader,  Douglas  Warren  Ayres,  Mary  Alice  Ballew, 
Anna  Marilla  Beeson,  Marion  Wilson  BenfieM,  Jr.,  George  Willard 
Brain.  Robert  Eugene  Calvin,  Beverley  Jane  Chalk,  Sarah  Jeanette 
Chance,  Joyce  Elizabeth  Dickman,  Joseph  Browning  Fields,  Shirley 
Ann  Gee,  Joseph  Duane  Gilliam,  Chovine  Richardson  Gordon, 
Max  Arland  Harris,  Hamilton  Cowles  Horton,  Jr.,  William  Ralph 
Jacobs,  Jr.,  Henry  Clay  Johnson,  Jr.,  Mary  Ellen  Jones,  Paula  Ruth 
Jones,  Betty  Ann  Kirby,  Ruth  Marie  Ledford,  James  Baxter  Linder, 
Celia  Winnona  Lively,  Lloyd  Binford  Moon,  Carman  Louise  Nahm, 
Gertie  Nelson.  Morris  Floyd  Osborne,  Makis  Papas,  Marian 
Rosenbloom  Parkins,  William  Alexander  Rankin,  Jr.,  Nanc^ 
Gordon  Ripple,  Melvin  Jay  Schwartz,  Margaret  Winborne  Sears, 
Nancy  Preston  Shotwell,  James  Pryor  Smith,  Jane  Ann  Sneed, 
Jackson  Gillen  Sparks,  Ann  McDowell  Trabue,  Wisner  McCamey 
Washam,  Joel  Smith  Watkins,  Jr.,  James  Neil  Weatherly,  Jr., 
Dixie  Belle  Whiteley. 


Lyndon  Ulysses  Anthony,  Arthur  Loren  Barbanell,  William  David 
Benson,  Richard  Lee  Bostian,  Janie  Lee  Bugg,  Virgil  Franklin 
Burney,  Robert  Dalton  Byerly,  Jr.,  Luther  Hall  Clontz,  Charles 
F.  Williams  Coker,  James  Philip  Crews,  Gordon  Cameron  Crowell, 
Charles  Christopher  Crittenden,  Eric  Lindsay  Fearington,  David 
Gardner  Futch,  Julius  Alpheus  Green,  Jr.,  Clarence  Edward  Green- 
way,  Bobby  Sutton  Grimes,  George  Davis  Harris,  Robert  Winship 
Heath.  Charles  Scott  Jarrett.  Ronald  Frank  Levin,  Robert  McDonald 
Long,  Vernon  Wendell  McFalls,  George  Holiday  McLeod,  Kenneth 
Morton  Myers,  Richard  Vernon  Neill,  Mitchell  Sheldon  Novit, 
Robert  Philip  O'Connell,  Dewey  Harris  Pate,  Mary  Jo  Paul, 
Thomas  Bryan  Smiley.  Jr.,  Robert  Gerald  Smith,  David  Spurgeon 
Sumner,  John  Henry  Sweeney,  Joe  Wayne  Thompson,  Harriet 
Raines  Traynham.  Clinton  Ward  Wilson,  James  Horner  Winston, 
Arnold  Lee  Wright. 

December  J,  1776 

Page  301 

Lewis  Manning  Muntzing Preside/it  Richard  Henry  Baker 

Marshall  Joseph  Newman Vice-President 

Gerald  Routh  Daughtridge    Secretary 

Jr Treasurer 

Frank  Ogburn  Yates,  Jr Historian 

Dean  Ernest  L.  Mackie Faculty  Advisor 


Phi  Eta  Sigma  is  a  freshman  honorary  scholastic  fraternity,  its  purpose  being  to  encourage  sound  scholarship 
from  the  beginning  of  the  students'  college  career.  It  was  founded  at  the  University  of  Illinois  on  March  22, 
1923.  There  are  eighty-one  chapters;  the  University  of  North  Carolina  chapter  was  established  on  May  29, 

Honorary  Members:  Deans  Corydon  P.  Spruill,  M.  A.  Hill,  Jr.,  Cecil  Johnson,  and  Ernest  L.  Mackie. 

Robert  Davis  Aldridge 
Harold  Way  Austin 
Richard  Henry  Baker,  Jr. 
Job  Oscar  Belcher,  Jr. 
William  David  Benson 
VC'ilbur  Malcolm  Boice,  Jr. 
Richard  Elliott  Byrd.  Jr. 
Jerry  Austin  Campbell 
Leonard  Stanley  Clein 
Benjamin  McLauchlin  Covington. 
Richard  Scott  Craddock 
Gerald  Routh  Daughtndge 
Henry  Hursell  Dearman 
Thomas   Perrin   Harrison  Dunlop 
Harry  Roberson  Easterling 
Lloyd  Phillip  Farrar 
Riciiard  Gordon  Faw 
Herman  Sender   Fleishman 
Donald  Owen  Fowler 
Evangelos  Thomas  Gavrillis 
Robert   Lorenza  Green 
Wade  Whitley  Harrell, 
Snethen  Philip  Harris,  Jr. 
Oliver  James  Hart,  Jr. 


Richard   Huner  Haywood 
Seymour  Herzog 
George  Wyckliffe  Hoffler 
David  Lee  Holder 
Eric  Andrew  Jonas 
Charles    lackson  Katzenstein,   Jr. 
WilliamRay  Long 
Daniel  Rawls  Luke 
Reginald  Gladstone  Mason,  Jr. 
Jr.  Lutz  Leo  Mayer 

Thomas  Owen  Moore,  Jr. 
Stephen  Andrew  Moss 
Lewis  Manning  Muntzing 
Kenneth   Franklin  McCain 
John  Lewis  McDaniel 
Paul  James  McDermott,   Sr. 
Peter  Dillard  McMichael,  Jr. 
Richard  Vernon  Neill 
Marshall  Joseph  Newman 
Owen  Lennon  Norment,  Jr. 
Leroy  Jerry  Pearlman 
Philip  Eugene  Penninger 
Bobby  Lewis  Pugh 
Graham  Henry  Rights 

Julian  Wood  Selig,  Jr. 
Alexander  Graham  Shanks 
Charles  Leeds  Sharpless,  IV 
Sherwood  Hubbard  Smith,  Jr. 
Raymond  Fletcher  Snipes 
Elliott  Solomon 
Peter  Hale  Sprague 
James  Edward  Stephens 
George  Thomas  Strickland,  Jr. 
Jon  Keyser  Tice 
James  Richard  Tickle 
James  R.  Turner 
Clyde  Gilbert  Tweed 
Thomas  Morton  Watts 
Richard  Beverly  Raney  Webb 
Grady  Lee  Wells 
David  Louis  Whitakcr 
Thomas  Ewing  Wilgus 
Leo  Carl  Wilkerson 
Billy  Rayford  Wilkinson 
Charles  Hill  Yarborough,  Jr. 
Frank  Ogburn  Yates,  Jr. 
Edwin  Milton  Yoder 
Jay  Zimmerman,  Jr. 

Page  302 





W.  A.  TERRILL  Secretary 



C.  A.  Kirkpatrick,  D.C.S. 
J.  M.  Parrish,  M.S. 

H.  0.  Longenderfer,  M.S.,  C.P.A. 
J.  P.  Moggard,  M.B.A. 
J.  C.  D.  Blaine,  Ph.D. 

D.  D.  Carroll,  A.M. 
T.  H.  Caroll,  D.C.S. 
J.  E.  Dykstra,  D.C.S. 
W.  J.  Graham,  Ph.D. 
R.J.  M.  Hobbs,  A.B.,  LL.B. 
C.  S.  Logsdon,  Ph.D. 

C.  H.  McGregor,  Ph.D. 
J.  T.  O'Neil,  Ph.D. 

E.  E.  Peacock,  M.B.A.,  C.P.A. 
G.  T.  Schwenning,  Ph.D. 

W.  A.  Terrill,  Ph.D. 
H.  D.  Wolf,  Ph.D. 

Virgil  Franklin  Burney 
Leslie  Waiter  Riley 
Max  Arland  Harris 
Betty  Jean  Daughtridge 
Thomas  Herman  Cashwell 
Joseph  John  Alston 
Elmer  Charles  Bland 
James  Neil  Weatherly,  Jr. 
Raymond  Richard  Showfety 
Robert  Adrian  Brown 
Bruce  Marger 
Grace  Pickard  Silvers 
Joseph  Gamer  Dail,  Jr. 
Kenneth  F.  Easter 
William  Ralph  Jacobs,  Jr. 
Archibald  Taylor  Fort 

Page  30} 



Michael  M.  White  President 

Raphael  W.  Vinson Vice-President 

Vernon  W.  McFalls   Secretary 

Herbert  G.  Andrews    Treasurer 

The  National  Chapter  of  Alpha  Epsilon  Delta  established  the  North  Carolina  Beta  Chapter 
of  this  honorary  pre-medical  society  at  the  University  of  North  Carolina  on  March  25,  1936. 
Since  that  date  the  local  chapter  has  been  active  as  a  guiding  group  to  interest  pre-medical 
students.  It  has  helped  to  give  these  students  an  insight  into  the  problems  and  philosophy  of 
a  medical  career.  By  the  presentation  of  guest  lecturers  from  the  various  phases  of  the  medical 
profession,  visits  to  hospitals,  and  similar  activities,  the  chapter  has  endeavored  to  bridge  the 
gap  between  the  Pre-Medical  School  and  the  School  of  Medicine. 

Seated,  left  to  right:  Vernon  McFall,  Mike  White,  Ray  Vinson.  Standing,  left  to  right:  Jerry  Brown,  Joe  Robinson,  Malcom  Cox,  Bob 
Dawson,  Dave  Sumner,  Luther  Clontz,  Charlie  Stout,  Joe  Woody,  Not  pictured:  Herb  Andrews. 

Page  304 



Charlie  IC^tzenstein President 

Jerrv  a.  Campbell    Vice-Presideiil 

Melvin  Woodford Secretary 

Troy  Page Treasurer 

Leadership,  Friendship,  and  Service — these  have  been  the  guiding  principles  of  APO,  as  the  brothers  con- 
tinued to  serve  the  campus,  community,  and  nation  through  worthwhile  projects  during  the  past  year. 

Rho  Chapter,  founded  in  1930  as  the  17th  chapter  of  APO,  is  now  member  of  a  "family"  that  includes 
over  265  affiliates  m  the  United  States,  Canada,  the  Philippines,  and  Hawaii.  The  new  pledge  class  promises 
to  uphold  the  finest  traditions  of  unselfish  service  that  have  given  Alpha  Phi  Omega  its  excellent  reputation. 

What  are  some  of  tliose  projects 
APO  has  conducted.''  During  cam- 
pus elections,  the  brothers  have 
pitched  in  to  tend  polls  .  .  .  and 
for  those  SEC  programs,  APO  was 
there  to  usher  .  .  .  Parents'  Day 
at  UNC  gave  our  Moms  and  Dads 
a  chance  to  see  Chapel  Hill  in  the 
spring  .  .  .  we've  helped  to  get 
those  handicapped  students  to 
their  classes  .  .  .  the  Boy  Scout 
Explorer  Conference,  with  over 
500  fellows  attending,  gave  us  a 
chance  to  furnish  entertainment. 

The  future  promises  many  op- 
portunities for  greater  service  than 
ever  before  .  .  .  and  that's  right 
up  our  alley. 

i-inl  Row.  left  lo  right:  Richard  Adelsheim, 
Harold  VC.  Austin.  Gene  Campbell,  Jerry 
C;.impbell.  Second  Rou:  Bill  Finnerty,  Jim 
Hart,  Billy  H.  Herring,  Charlie  Katzen- 
stein.  Third  Rou:  Troy  Page,  Bill  Price, 
Billy  M.  Sessoms,  Bill  Starrett.  Fourth  Row: 
Charles  Merrill,  Tom  Temple,  Kent  Thomp- 
son.  Hugh  White. 

dMfi  mJk 


Page  305 


National  Honorary  Pharmaceutical  Fratermty 


Don  Hedrick  Kepley President 

Grey  Bullock Vice-President 

OvEDA  Fisher   Secretary-Treasurer 

Joanne  Schell   Historian 

Freda  Hobowski- Pledge  Mistress 

Alice  Noble Advisor 

Top  Row,  left  to  right:  Barbara  Adams,  Grey  Bullock,  Oveda  Fisher,  Barbara  Gilliam.  Botluin  Rou\-  Freda  Hobowsky,  Joyce  Nelson,  Joanne 
Schell,  Nancy  VCoodard. 


Fo.'/nded  Nationally:  May  13.  1921  at  the  State  Unirersity  of  Iowa. 

Lambda  Chapter  joinided  at  the  Unirersity  of  North  Carolina,  fan.  21.  1941. 

Colors:  Red  and  White 

Flower:  Red  Rose 

Publication:  "The  Bond" 

Object  and  Purpose:  To  stimulate  in  its  members  a  desire  for  high  schohirship;  to  foster  a  professional  consciousness  and  to 
provide  a  bond  of  lasting  loyalty,  interest  and  friendship. 

Page  30(1 


Phi  Mu  Alpha  Sinfonia  was  founded  at  the  New 
England  Conservatory  of  Music,  Boston,  Massachu- 
setts, in  1898.  Its  aims  are  to  advance  the  cause  of 
music  in  America,  to  foster  the  mutual  welfare  and 
brotherhood  of  students  of  music,  to  develop  the 
truest  fraternal  spirit  among  its  members,  and  to 
encourage  loyalty  to  the  Alma  Mater. 

The  Alpha  Rho  Chapter,  founded  at  the  University 
of  North  Carolina  in  1926,  takes  an  active  part  in  the 
furtherance  of  musical  activities  at  the  University. 
Each  year  the  chapter  presents  its  American  Music 
Program,  a  concert  devoted  to  the  performance  of 
works  by  American  composers  and  frequently  includ- 
ing compositions  by  members  of  the  fraternity. 
Whenever  possible.  Phi  Mu  Alpha  brings  to  the 
campus  well-known  guest  artists. 

Keeping  in  mind  the  advancement  of  the  best  in 
music.  Phi  Mu  Alpha  attempts  to  develop  a  strong 
fraternal  feeling  among  the  promoters  of  that  art. 

pjiii  Roir.  left  to  right:  J.  Charles.  Jr.,  Joseph  D.  Secrest,  Lloyd  P.  Farrar. 
Second  Ron  :  Curris  M.  Thatker,  Jim  K.  Rogers,  Joseph  H.  McGugan. 


Thomas  E.  Sibley  Presidetii 

Jim  Headlee Vke-Preside>il 

Jerry  Munday  Recording  Secretary 

Tom  Long  Corresponding  Secretary 

Sandy  Thomas Treasurer 

First  Row,  left  to  right:  Lee  R.  Bostian,  John  M.  Bullard,  Guyte  M.  Cotton. 
Second  Row:  James  O.  Headlee,  Lewis  Mack,  Thomas  H.  Long.  Third  Row: 
Thomas  E.  Sibley,  Don  Swain,  George  A.  Thomas,  Gene  Wa.g.qoner. 

Dr.  W.   E.   Caldwell 



On  September  30,  1953,  Pi  Nu  was  established  on  the 
campus  of  the  University  of  North  CaroUna.  The 
Fraternity  is  comprised  of  former  members  of  the 
Order  of  DeMolay  who  attend  Carolina.  The  Alpha 
chapter  of  Pi  Nu,  the  first  fraternity  of  its  kind  in 
the  country,  was  organized  by  thirty-three  former 

The  purposes  of  our  Fraternity  are  to  provide  a 
social  program  for  the  brothers,  to  sponsor  worthy 
service  projects  on  or  near  the  campus,  to  establish 
lasting  friendships,  and  to  further  the  ideals  of  the 
Order  of  DeMolay. 

First  Rou\  left  to  right:  Bill  Abercrombie,  William  B.  Akin,  Jr.,  Frank  Bernhardt.  Donald  E.  Bullard,  Dewey  Chappie,  Jr.,  Malcolm  Cox. 
Cyrus  Robert  Harrington,  Jr.  Second  Row:  Dan  Lee  Milliard,  Hubert  Kay  Leonhardt,  Roger  L.  McAvoy,  James  Everett  Magness,  Don  Mat- 
kins.   I.  W,  Meadows.   Ir..  ^^;^nn]nc  Muntzine.  Third  Row:  William  Cameron  Padgett,  Jon  Phelps.   Frank  Plott,  Kenneth  M.  Pruitt,  David 

RckI.  RidnrJ  Thiile.  D.inicl  l-.irl  M.  Vandle,  Jr. 


O    fii    o 

Page  308 



Xi  Chapter 



School  of  Pharmacy 


WiLLiAAr  PoNX'ELL Presideiil 

John  D.  Wood   .  .  .Vice-President 
Don  H.  Keplev Sec.-Treas. 

William  Powell 
John  D.  Wood 
Don  H.  Keplev 
Elbert  Herring 
Robert  Wolfe 


W.  D.  Cash 

B,  C.  Cooper 
E.  T.  Brown 
N.  H.  Batuyios 
G.  H.  Cocolas 
T.  Collier 

C.  E.  KiMSEV 

A.  W.  JOWDY 

F.  C.  HaiMmerness 


K.  L.  Hoy 
C.  R.  McClure 
R.  W.  Meschke 
C.  Piantadosi 

F.  W.  Teare 

J.  Andrako  F.  W.  Semeniuk 

E.  A.  Brecht  W.  W.  Taylor 

\V.  H.  Hartung       L.  M.  Teare 
H.  C.  Thompson 


National  Honorary  Pharmacy  Society 

Amphoterothen  Society 

PiiiN  Horton,  III 
Kenneth  L.  Penegar 
Thomas  Eugene  Cook 
Edward  B.  Gross 
Osborne  Ayscue 
Kenneth  M.  Myers 

Wade  Hampton  B.  Matthews 

Joel  Fleischman 

Gordon  Forester 

Martin  Jordan 

Charles  Kuralt 

Henry  Lowett 

Gerald  Parker 

Page  309 



Aubrey  Wilford  Redmon   President 

John  W.  Austin   Vice-President 

Robert  Skidmore    Secretary 

James  Donald  \VILLIA^ts   Treasurer 

Tom  H.  Hoover,  Jr Master  of  Riti/al 

|^e>!  f^^i  &N  -  Vh*^  1"^*'  X*^^  ?*•«=/ 


First  Row.  lefl  to  itg,hl:  Donald  G.  Angell.  Grandon  D.  Barton,  Jr.,  Lacy  Baymes,  James  Berryhill,  Elmer  C.  Bland,  Ronald  Bolin.i;,  Thomas 
H.  Bridges,  Robert  Bruton.  Stcand  Rou:  James  C.  Bryan.  Elbert  R.  Bunch,  William  Casper.  Cokman  C.  Cover,  Eddie  E.  Haire.  Tom  H. 
Hoover,  Jr.,  Jimmy  O.  Hutchins,  Lamond  Krimminger.  Third  Rote:  O.  J.  Little,  Lewis  Mack,  Lonnie  W.  Mangum.  Jr.,  Jesse  V.  Noland, 
Jr.,  Aubrey  Redmon,  Bob  Skidmore,  Ben  C.  Smith,  Jean  M.  Souweine.  Foiirlh  Roiv:  Al  G.  Stanley.  John  M.  Stuart.  Herman  Sampson.  Jr., 
George  Strickland,  James  D.  Williams,   Arthur  Winstead,  John  W,  Austin. 

Page  310 

Alpha  Kappa  Psi — founded  on  October  *),  1904,  at 
New  York  University — is  the  first  and  oldest 
commerce  fraternity  in  the  United  States.  Our 
chapter,  Alpha  Tau,  was  first  installed  at  Carolina 
on  Februray  18,  1925;  and  being  dormant  since  1933, 
it  was  reactivated  on  November  7,  1948.  In  1953, 
Alpha  Tau  attained  the  highest  rank  among  all  the 
chapters  in  the  country. 

Alpha  Kappa  Psi  sponsors  and  carries  out  many 
professional  programs  and  services  for  the  benefit 
of  its  members  and  other  students  of  buisness  admin- 
istration. These  programs  take  a  variety  of  forms 
including  outstanding  speakers  from  the  business 
world,  professional  seminars,  career  conferences, 
business  exhibits,  and  research  surveys.  Inspection 
tours  of  leading  industries  and  business  firms  are 
conducted  at  frequent  intervals. 

The  purpose  of  Alpha  Kappa  Psi  is  to  further  the 
individual  welfare  of  each  member  by  the  association 
of  their  mutual  helpfulness  and  common  interest  in 
the  areas  of  business  administration. 


Fini  Row.  lell  lo  r,g,hl:  Luther  H.  Warner.  Goraon  W.  Stoff, 
Joseph  H.  Mason,  Jr.,  Douglas  O.  Tice,  Jr.,  William  G.  Parmele. 
Second  Rotr:  Kenneth  R.  Argo,  Robert  A.  West,  Henry  N.  Parrish, 
Jr.,  Marvin  Thompson,  John  Elton  Hunsucker.  Third  Row:  James 
M.  Morrow,  Thomas  W.  Mauldin,  Ray  S.  Harris,  Jack  Ogburn, 
S.  Harry  Pappas,  George  S.  Erath,  John  M.  McCaskell. 

Page  311 



Al  Joe  Braxton President 

Curt  Needham   1st  Vice-President 

Harold  Rhodes  2iid  Vice-President 

Richard  House   Secretary 

Jerr\  Ruftv Treasurer 

Spurgeon  Booth Chancellor 

p  f^  p\  p  p 

First  Row.  left  lu  iif^lil:  Louie  Bonaidi,  Spur.ntun  Bunth,  Al  Jul  Biaxtun.  Dtan  Dampier,  Don  l-ryar.  Stioiid  Ron:  Richard 
Hauser,  Fred  Holmes,  Alan  Johnson,  Sam  Joyce,  Ed  Kearsley.  Third  Row:  Tom  Lindsey,  Tom  Moore,  Curt  Needham,  Cliff 
Owen,  Garth  Payne.  Fourth  Row:  Harold  Rhodes,  Jerry  Rufty,  Luther  Stutts,  Richard  Taylor,  Cecil  Wilson. 

Page  312 

Delta  Sigma  Pi  is  an  international  fraternity  in  the 
field  of  business  administration.  The  fraternity  was 
founded  at  New  York  University  on  November  7, 
1907,  and  has  grown  to  be  the  largest  professional 
fraternit\'  in  business  administration  with  more  than 
eight)'  active  chapters. 

The  purpose  of  Delta  Sigma  Pi  is  to  foster  the 
study  of  business  in  universities;  to  encourage 
scholarship,  social  activity  and  the  association  of 
students  for  their  mutual  advancement  by  research 
and  practice;  to  promote  closer  affiliation  between 
the  commercial  world  and  students  of  commerce, 
and  to  further  a  higher  standard  of  commercial 
ethics  and  culture  and  the  civic  and  commercial 
welfare  of  the  community. 

Alpha  Lambda  was  established  at  Carolina,  May 
9,  1925.  It  aids  its  members  and  other  students  of 
business  administration  with  a  varied  professional 
and  social  program.  The  sponsoring  of  talks  by  able 
and  experienced  businessmen,  the  presentation  of 
exhibits  in  conjunction  with  the  school  of  business, 
and  the  planning  of  trips  to  leading  industries 
throughout  the  southeast  are  only  a  few  of  the  ways 
it  supplements  classroom  theory  by  bringing  student 
closer  to  actual  business  problems. 


Se.ited.  left  to  iiRhl:  Harry  Rodenhizer,  Charlie  Floyd,  Jack  Margrett,  George 
Douglas.  Standing:  Frank  Hawfield,  Joe  Meyers,  Charlie  Shumate,  icm  Norman, 
Ned  Donkle,  Alan  Walker. 



John  Clegg  Herrin   Regent 

J.  O.  Knight  Vice-Regent 

Ralph  Ashworth Secretary 

Donald  Raper Treasurer 

^^        O 

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P    ^    P    ^ 

P    ^    (v*    ^ 

First  Row.  left  It)  right:  Leron  D.  Adams,  James  W.  Anderstm.  John  W.  Andrews.  Ralph  H.  Ashw.irth,  Edward  L.  Bradshaw,  Robert  A. 
Coleman,  Thomas  E.  Curtis.  Second  Row:  David  A.  Dowdv.  Jr..  Lewis  B.  Doyle.  H.  A.  Farnsworth.  William  L.  Frostick,  Eugene  V('.  Hackney. 
W.  C.  Harrell.  Jr..  John  C.  Hcrr-n.  TIjr.d  Row:  Edward  F.  Jenkins.  W.  I.  Jenkins.  J.  O.  Knight.  Alfred  H.  Mebane.  j'.  E.  Mills.  B.  W. 
Needham,  H.  C.  Paderick.  Toiirth  Row:  L.  P.  Perkins,  Jr.,  J.  W.  Polk,  D.  J.  Raper.  J.  D.  Rhoades.  J.  C.  Robinson.  Jr..  Stuart  \i'.  Rollins, 
W.  K.  Saunders.  Fifth  Row:  W.  D.  Shouse,  W.  T.  Sisk.  W.  H.  Stanton,  J.  E.  Upchurch,  J.  G.  White. 


Page  314 

All  Brothers  back  early  to  get  "headstart"  on  semes- 
ter system  .  .  .  Ashworth's  (A.P.)  Import  becomes 
Coed  .  .  .  Big  Bad  Brad  and  his  daylight  arboretum 
rendezvous  .  .  .  Curtis  looking  for  a  job!!  I  "Bet" 
Harrell's  snowed  .  .  .  Ed  .  .  .  Hush!  .  .  .  "Dorm 
Deamons,  Ingieberry  and  Lightning"  .  .  .  Zeus  with- 
out his  goddess  .  .  .  Matthew's,  "Go  Billy,  Go"  .  .  . 
Mebane,  "Maniac  on  prowl"  .  .  .  Mills,  Paderick  and 
Stanton  with  wives  in  Victory  Village. 

Needham  removes  duck  blind  .  .  .  Perkins,  "Eter- 
nally" .  .  .  Polk  imports  ( ?)  Averette  .  .  .  W-'hup 
pins  Peg  .  .  .  Rollins  and  Andrews  "studying  as 
usual"  .  .  .  Big  Wop  has  TV  Lab  .  .  .  LIpchurch 
leads  serenades  .  .  .  Baldy  nursing  the  pledges  .  .  . 
What's  at  home,  Coleman?  .  .  .  Hackney  audits 
organic  lab  .  .  .  Lump-Lump  says  his  PEACE  .  .  . 
Farnsworth  "Dennis  the  Menace  "  .  .  .  "Reage  takes 
a  wife  "  .  .  .  Rhoades  flunks  eyeball  test  .  .  .  Sisk 
and  his  nine  o'clock  deadline  .  .  .  "Mother  "  Raper 
escapes  3-D  .  .  .  Doyle,  the  quiet  man. 

Echo's  of  "Go  Billy"  at  Wake  Forest  and  Virginia 
.  .  .  Pre-New  Year's  Party  at  National  Convention 
in  Washington  .  .  .  Learning  our  ABC's  in  Kala- 
mazoo .  .  .  Imports  for  Pledge  Weekend  .  .  .  "Rattle, 
Rattle"  .  .  .  and  through  Pharmacy  Weekend.  Any- 
one for  the  beach .-' 








^  \S§ 






F/rsr  Ri,u.  hit  to  right:  Mack  McCorkle,  Michael  Parker.  Gerald  K.  Harrington 
Bumell  Temple.  Keith  Denny,  Don  Miller.  SeconJ  Rotr:  lames  Ray  Oakley.  Glenr 
Lassiter.  Jim  Meares,  Evans  Dallas.  Mickey  Smith,  Harold  Thomas.  Guy  Colemar 
Williams.  Standing:  Leo  C.  Kelly,  Jr.,  George  W,  Teer,  Jr..  James  T.  Sheet.  Ernes 
L.  Carraway,  Jr.,  Joe  E.  Smith,  Richard  Johnston,  Robert  W.  Foster.  Jerry  Leather 
wood,  James  E.  Arena,  Van  King,  IIL 


Phi  Alpha  Delta  is  a  national  secret  Greek  letter  law  fra- 
ternity founded  in  1889  at  the  University  of  Chicago  Law 
School.  Rutfin  Chapter  of  the  University  of  North  Carolina 
was  established  in  April,  1921.  The  purpose  of  the 
fraternity  is  to  improve  professional  standards  through 
association  of  students  with  the  bar  and  to  provide  a 
practical  supplement  to  legal  education. 

Each  year  the  Chapter  conducts  a  mock  trial,  presided 
over  by  a  member  of  the  State  bench,  to  allow  students  to 
put  brief  making  and  trial  procedure  into  practice  applica- 
tion. Regular  business  meetings  are  held  every  week  in 
addition  to  frequent  banquets  at  which  eminent  speakers 
from  the  bench  and  bar  are  presented.  A  textbook  lending 
library  is  sponsored  by  the  Chapter  and  its  books  are 
available  to  all  students  in  Law  School. 

The  combined  social-professional  program  is  carried  out 
with  the  intentions  of  forming  a  strong  bond  between 
members  of  the  classes  in  Law  School:  the  forming  of  a 
relationship  between  members  of  the  Law  School  and 
former  students;  and  cultivation  of  principles  of  legal 
justice  through  bonds  of  friendship. 


Laci'  Thornburg Justice 

DuRWARD  Jones Vice-Justice 

Elton  Pridgen Clerk 

Robert  Hight   Treasurer 

Wade  Mitchem   Marshal 

M.  T.  Van  Hecke Faculty  Advisor 

r>  p  C)  p  p 

First  Row,  left  to  right:  Robert  Byrd,  John  Gates,  NX'illiam  L.  Dawkins.  Franklin  K.  Burns.  George  W.  Gordon.  Jack  R.  Harris.  Second 
Row:  Robert  S.  Hight,  Durward  S.  Jones,  Michael  McLeod,  Wade  "W.  Mitchem.  Jr..  Jackson  B.  Morton.  William  G.  Palmer.  Third  Row: 
Elton  C.  Pridgen,  William  G.  Reid,  A.  Turner  Shaw,  Eugene  S.  Taylor,  Lacy  H.  Thornburg,  Calvin  C.  VCallace.  Fourth  Row:  Robert  L. 
Spencer,  Alex  Warlick,  Jr.,  James  D.  White,  James  C.  Wilson. 

Page  316 



Herman  Barbrhv,  Jr President 

Robert  Cohen Vice-President 

Evan  Setzer Secretary 

Henry  Dunlap Treasurer 

William  McDonald,  III   Master  at  Arms 

Jack  Silvers Vice  Master  at  Arms 

E.  H.  WiLLiFORD Prelate 

Arthur  Schlagel  Inner  Guard 

Phi  Delta  Chi  is  a  professional  pharma- 
ceutical fraternity,  founded  to  advance  the 
science  of  pharmacy  and  its  allied  interests, 
and  to  foster  and  promote  a  fraternal  spirit 
among  its  members. 

The  Alpha  Gamma  Chapter  was 
established  at  the  University  of  North 
Carolina  on  May  30,  1922.  Phi  Delta  Chi 
has  been  an  active  organization  in  the 
School  of  Pharmacy,  justly  proud  of  the 
obligations  and  high  ideals  of  an  old  and 
honored  profession. 

Fall  has  come  and  novv'  has  passed,  but 
the  semester  system  is  here  to  stay!  Despite 
confusion  and  hardship,  the  brothers  have 
become  indoctrinated  and  settled  down  to 
the  serious  task  of  survival.  Homecoming 
weekend  found  many  old  grads  enjoying 
the  annual  alumni  luncheon.  A  brief  pause 
for  Christmas  and  we  were  back  at  work 
again,  looking  forward  to  a  wonderful 
P.D.C.  weekend.  Warm  weather  and  State 
Board  Exams  again,  so  good  luck  to  all! 

Firii  Rote,  left  to  right:  Raymond  M.  Ammons,  H.  S. 
Barbrey.  Jr..  D.  H.  Bissett.  Raymond  L.  Creekmore, 
W.  A.  Dawkins,  Jr.  Second  Row:  Henry  H.  Dunlap, 
|r.,  J.  H.  Freeman,  Wiltshire  Griffith.  Jr..  JuUus  F. 
Howard,  C.  W.  Josey.  Third  Row:  Joan  A.  Kluttz. 
William  M.  Lovelace,  Jr.,  William  R.  McDonald,  III. 
V.  G.  McGugan,  Stephen  C.  Morris.  Fo::rth  Row: 
James  B.  Patton,  W.  H.  Patton,  Billy  L.  Price,  Art 
P.  Schlagel,  R.  L.  Seabock.  Fifth  Row:  E.  S.  Setzer, 
F.  L.  Sherril,  Jack  Silvers,  William  Jay  Swan,  Frank- 
lin E  Wells,  E.  H.  NX'iUiford. 

Page  317 

O^nrgnn  B  Msnh  Sjobg? 

KENNETH  R.  SMITH/ JR.        T 



if-^^i       WILLIAM  S.  PATTERSON 
y  M  ^  Quaestor 



Nicholson  B.  Adantw- 

Walter  R.  BerryhiH 

James  B.  B 

Keener  C.  Fr 

Louis  Graves 

Edward  McG.  Hedgp^th 

Urban  T.  Holmes 

W.  Dougald  MacMillan 

Roland  P.  McClamrock 

John  T.  O'Neil 

William  H.  Baker 

iNewto^W  Barkley,  Jr. 

^Somuel  L.  BIythe 

Hugh  M.  Chapman 

Ed#ard  K.  Crawford 

James  Garland  Crouch 

Mark  0.  Dickerson 

William  S.  Evans,  Jr. 

Robert  L.  Gibbon 

Richard  E.  Guthrie 

^Ed^ord  M^'Wardfsdh 

John  M.  McCollam 
John  Thomas  W.  Pace 
William  S.   Patterson 

Frank  C.  Roddey 

Kenneth  R.  Smith,  Jr. 

George  Thomas  Smith 

Van  Lewis  Weatherspoon 

Order  of  THE 


Edward  Hardison,  President 
jAMJis  Winston,  Vice-Presideui 
Tom  Creasy,  Secretary-Treasurer 

Newton  Barkley,  Jr. 
William  Barnes,  Jr. 
Edwin  Borden,  Jr. 
Alfred  Bryant 
Joseph  Carstarphen 
Hugh  Chapman 
William  Clark 
Ula  Cozart 
Tom  Creasy 
William  Dameron 
Mark  Dickerson 
Charles  Eldridge 
Thad  Eure 
William  Evans 
Charles  Froelich 
Robert  Gibbon 
Richard  Guthrie 
Edward  Hardison 
Hugh  Haynesworth 
John  Hussey,  Jr. 
Fred  Hutchins,  Jr. 
Robert  Little 
Ben  Mayo 
William  Monroe 
John  McCollam 
William  McDonald 
John  McMillan 
Arthur  Newcombe 
Edward  Pell 
Dan  Perry 
Barksdale  Roberts 
Julian  Robertson 
William  Sandridge 
Ewill  Smith 
Kenneth  Smith 
Richard  Todd 
James  Throp 
Gaither  Walser 
James  Whitton 
Charles  Wickham 
Benson  Wilcox 
James  Winston 

Page  319 

order  of  the  SHEIKS 

Curtis  Harper 
Jimmy  Adams 
Gene  Lyon 
Dan  Allison 
Al  Long 
Earl  Johnson 
George  Smith 
Bill  Brawner 
Irvin  Watkins 
Jim  Webb 
Roger  Kingsbury 
Don  Carroll 
Mike  Seawell 
Cart  Carmichael 
Jimmy  Vance 
Webb  Sherrill 
Tom  Ruffin 
Bill  Huff 
Tommy  Pace 
Tommy  Moore 
Louie  Woodberry 
James  Seely 
Farrar  Parker 
Jim  Schenck 
Henry  Wilson 
Don  Carmichael 
Bill  Patterson 
Buzzy  Shall 
Al  Short 
Steve  Owen 
Bob  Mason 
Randy  Watson 
Bill  Howell 
Charles  Aldridge 
Bill  Carter 
Phil  Johnson 
Ned  Whitmore 
John  McAllister 
Bill  Joyner 
Bill  Bebee 
Sam  Blythe 
Thorn  Walker 
Allen  Pless 
Al  Purrington 

Walton  Jovner  S. 

Steve  Trimble   V.  S. 

Ed  Crawford   K. 

Page   320 






John  McCollam 

Biff  Roberts 

Bill  Ford 

Joe  Hudson 

Tom  Coghill 

Britt  Glenn 

Cart  Carmichael 

J.  K.  Nortleet 

Robby  Lowe 

John  Gold 

Tom  Stokes 

Bill  Clark 

Bill  Patterson 

Jim  Dillingham 

Bill  Covington 

Bill  Current 

Jack  Stoughton 

Sherry  Smith 

Pete  Knight 

Putt  Davis 

Bob  Williamson 

Bob  Trundle 

Bill  Evans 


UGLIEST— Earl  Johnson 
UGLIER— Jim  Crouch 
UGLY— Sam  Blythe 

u  ^    -«  n 



Bob  Williamson 

Bill  Covington 


Ed  Gauss 

Social  Chairman 

Pete  Alexander 
Billy  Armlield 
Jack   Borden 
Kent  Bradley 
Chip  Bryant 
Bob  Bundy 
Mickey  Chamblee 
David  Clinard 
Richard  Coker 
Bill  Covington 
Jim  Crouch 
lohn  Dickson 
Roddy  Dowd 
Bill  Dryer 
Woody  Fearing 
Billy  Ford 
Bill  Gardner 
Ed  Gauss 
Hedi  Gray 


Bob  Grubb 
Gene  Hafer 
Bill  Hollingsworth 
Garland  Homes 
Weston  Houck 
Watt  Huntley 
Sam  Jordan 
Abbie  Keyes 
Bob  Lambeth 
Joe  Lawson 
Frank  Leak 
Osborne  Lee 
Robby  Lowe 
Ted  Lynch 
Walt  McFall 
Joe  Ma\  retic 
Denny  Mitchell 
Roy  Morris 
Joe  Mosier 

Billy  Moss 
George  Mountcastle 
J.  K.  Nortieet 
Skippy  Roddey 
Tommy  Rogers 
Jake  Rountree 
Thomas  Spain 
Charles  Spillaine 
Tommy  Stokes 
Jack  Stoughton 
Pat  Thomas 
Ted  Tawes 
Burt  Veazey 
Zeb  Weaver 
John  Wettach 
Johnny  Whitehead 
Bob  Williamson 
Tom  Zachary 

Page  322 





683  HENRY  VanPETERS  WILSON     .      .      . 
689  EDWARD  BAILEY  GROSS     .     .     . 
682  ROWLAND  BURNSTAN,  JR.     . 


681  William  Haywood  Ruffin 

682  Rowland  Burnstan,  Jr. 

683  Henry  VanPeters  Wilson 

684  James  Gilmore  Fletcher  Whitton 
686  John  Alexander  McMillan,  III 

688  Richard  Cartwright  Carmichael,  Jr. 

689  Edward  Bailey  Gross 

690  John  Heck  Boushall,  Jr. 

691  Walton  Kitchir  Joyner 

692  Thomas  C.  Creasy 

693  Roddey  Dowd 

694  Miles  Cunningham  Gregory 

695  Herbert  Howard  Browne,  Jr. 

696  James  Homes  Winston 

i    i 


'oii/t  namm 

Paet   324 


Page  325 

What  a  beautiful  crop  of  coeds  UNC 
had  this  year!  We  had  ninety-six  of 
the  prettiest  contestants  anywhere, 
and  we  surely  were  proud  of  them 
But  since  we  just  didn't  have 
space  for  every  one  of  them  we  de- 
cided, in  addition  to  our  queen,  to 
present  you  with  a  dream  girl  for 
each  month  of  the  year.  So  here  you 
are,  Carolina  gentlemen,  your  lovely 
queen  and  your  1954  Beauty  Calen- 

happy  daze!  oops,  I  mean  days 

PoiUaits  by  Latergne 

/jj  ^^nn  (^iizabetn    v  v lau 

1934  Yackety  Yack  Beauty  Queen 


Page   32S 

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Page   329 



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Page  330 


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Page  331 




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Page  332 


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Page  333 

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Page  334 


Page   333 


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Fa-e  336 


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Page  337 


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Page  338 


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Page  339 


Page  3-11 


F/«/ i?<5»',  /<?// /o  i/^/j/.- Martha  Reeves,  Nanc7  Shaw,  Sara  Rose,  Jayne  Adams,  Projects  Chairman;  Sandra  'Wright.  Second  Row:  Frances 
Sweat,  Adviser;  Ann  Fleming,  Vice-President;  Judy  King,  President;  Lyn  Daniels,  Secretary;  Lou  Ann  Watkins,  Treasurer.  Third  Row: 
Harriet  Maynard,  Perky  Putzki,  AHce  Hicks,  Jean  Williamson,  Norma  King,-Scholarship  Chairman;  Mary  Helen  Crain,  Alyce  Chapman. 

Panhellenic  Council 

The  PURPOSE  of  the  Panhellenic  Council  is  to 
co-ordinate  sorority  affairs  and  to  air  any  problems 
that  can't  or  shouldn't  be  solved  within  the  individual 
sorority.  Panhellenic  formulates  the  rules  which 
govern  rushing  and  supervises  the  general  rush 
program.  Our  main  object  is  to  foster  friendly  rela- 
tions between  the  six  sororities  and  to  encourage 
co-operation  instead  of  competition. 

There  are  six  sororities  at  Carolina  and  Panhellenic 
is  made  up  of  three  girls  from  each  group  plus  their 
alumna  adviser  and  an  adviser  from  the  Office  of 
the  Dean  of  Women. 

One  of  the  means  of  bringing  sororities  together 
is  projects.  This  spring  Panhellenic  will  sponsor 
another  workshop  in  which  all  the  sororities  will 
participate.  In  this  workshop  ideas  are  shared  on  hov/ 
to  improve  the  sorority  program,  and  it  is  also  a  great 
help  in  preparing  the  incoming  seniors  for  their 
respective  sororit)'  offices. 

Panhellenic  also  plans  to  sponsor  a  big  Spring 
fashion  show  to  be  held  at  the  high  school  audi- 
torium. Every  sorority  will  have  a  part  in  it  and  the 
proceeds  will  go  to  charity. 

Page  342 


The  Stray  Greeks  is  composed  of  sorority  girls  whose  chapters  are  not 
represented  on  campus.  Its  aim  is  to  provide  a  social  outlet  for  its  members 
and  to  preserve  the  bonds  of  unity  and  sisterhood  in  sorority  life. 

The  group  was  founded  in  1944  under  the  leadership  of  Twigg  Branch. 
It  has  gained  more  and  more  recognition  on  campus  since  then  and  its  member- 
ship now  totals  tN\'enty-six. 

This  year,  for  the  first  time,  a  Stray  Greek  member  acted  as  a  Panhellenic 
Advisor  in  each  dormitory  during  the  sorority  rushing  period.  The  Stray  Greeks 
also  took  an  active  part  in  the  Women's  Athletic  program,  service  projects  and 
social  activities,  too. 

This  year  we  had  ten  different  sororities  represented:  Kappa  Kappa 
Gamma,  Phi  Mu,  Kappa  Alpha  Theta,  Alpha  Chi  Omega,  Alpha  Omicron  Pi, 
Gamma  Phi  Beta,  Alpha  Epsilon  Phi,  Delta  Gamma,  Delta  Zeta,  Sigma  Kappa. 

Officers  this  year  were:  Anita  Anderson,  President;  Carol  Libby,  Vice- 
President;  Jane  Yearley,  Secretary;  Harriet  Hill,  Treasurer;  Anne  Moore, 
W.A.A.  Representative. 

First  Row:  Anita  Anderson,  Kap- 
pa Kappa  Gamma;  Betty  Ball, 
Kappa  Kappa  Gamma ;  Patsy  Bar- 
ry, Phi  Mu ;  Virginia  Breece,  Del- 
ta Zeta;  Florence  Carter,  Phi  Mu. 

Second  Row:  Barbara  Chardkoff, 
Alpha  Epsilon  Phi;  Louise  Gray, 
Gamma  Phi  Beta;  Connie  Heard, 
Alpha  Chi  Omega;  Martha  Hem- 
street,  Phi  Mu;  Ann  Hebert, 
Alpha  Omicron  Pi. 

Third  Row:  Harriet  Hill,  Phi  Mu 
Pat  Horton,  Kappa  Alpha  Theta 
Pat  Kent,  Gamma  Phi  Beta ;  Nata 
lie  Kooker,  Kappa  Kappa  Gam 
ma;  Annette  Levenson,  Alpha  Ep 
silon   Phi. 

Foiirlh  Row:  Carol  Libby,  Kappa 
Kappa  Gamma;  Mary  Lynn.  Kap- 
pa Alpha  Theta;  Barbara  McRee, 
Phi  Mu;  Joan  Metz.  Gamma  Phi 
Beta ;   Anne  Moore,   Phi   Mu. 

Fifth  Row:  Diane  Newton,  Phi 
Mu;  Barbara  Payne.  Phi  Mu; 
Anne  Pooley,  Phi  Mu  ;  Anne  Wil- 
liams, Sigma  Kappa;  Jane  Year- 
ley,  Kappa  Alpha  Theta. 

C^  C>  O  f) 

^»     ^     C'*./^     ^ 

>  0  €^ 


Page  343 

Alpha  Delta  Pi 


Voiinded  NalionnUy:   May  15,   1851   at  Wesleyan  Female  College,  Macon, 

Chartered  at  the  L'niversity  of  North  Carolina  November  11,  1939. 

Colnry.  Blue  and  White 

Flower:  Woodland  Violet 

Publication:  Adelphean 

>  O  0  ^  ^ 

first  Row.  left  to  right:  Mary  Ammons,  Bev  Blemker,  Pat  Bohnenkamp,  Mary  B.  Cook,  Emily  Cook,  Vice-President;  Billie  Daniel,  Helen 
Faust.  Second  Row:  Ann  Folger,  Secretary;  Phyllis  Forrest,  Marilyn  Habel,  Carolyn  Hartford.  Mary  Leigh  Hendee,  Carolyn  Johnson,  Norma 
King.  Third  Row:  Kitty  Lee,  Treasurer;  Ruth  Lower,  Jett  McFarland,  Betty  Martin,  Mary  Ann  Murphy,  Maggie  Padgette,  Diana  Pierce. 
Fourth  Roiv:  Mary  Frances  Plummer.  Jean  Ratliff,  House  Manager;  Martha  Reeves,  Julia  Robertson,  Eve  Roebuck,  Jan  Saxon,  Pat  Seawell. 
Fifth  Row:  Julia  Shields,  Thelma  Souder,  Caroline  Traynham,  Linda  Vestal,  Betty  Lou  'Oi'annamaker.  Not  Pictured:  Alyce  Chapman,  President. 

Page   344 

Chaos,  confusion,  and  construction  .  .  .  buckets 
of  pimento  paint  overturned  on  Emily's  floor,  tango 
red,  ivory  in  everyone's  hair,  down  with  the  new  rugs, 
on  with  the  slipcovers,  away  with  the  cobwebs  and  .  .  . 

Peace,  perfection  and  pledging  .  .  .  twenty-five  in  a 
divine  pledge  class,  banana  bread  for  300  men  and 
Sissy,  rest  for  Mother  Maxwell,  Tish — the  daily  2 
o'clock  concert. 

Pat — a  call  from  Arkansas  cotton  fields;  Alice,  call 
operator  at  W.&L.  Catch  Pierce  and  prolific  parasites 
from  the  med  school !  "Anyone  for  bridge  on  the 
third  floor  veranda?" — the  fire  escape  to  you  peasants 
on  second.  Kitty — California  or  Egypt  this  time? 
Habel  sleeps  thru  Honor  Council  and  Y  Cabinet; 
wakes  up  in  time  for  Saturday's  game.  Jett,  just 
brought  in  a  new  regime  to  get  us  "Shook  up."  Back 
from  Oslo  yet,  Julia?  "No  dope"  Ammons,  Nasty 
Norma  and  A.  F.  all  teaching  ABC's.  As  quarterback 
Vestal  watercolors  murals  over  the  dining  room, 
roommate  Reeves  rants  "a  lovely  boy."  Do,  re,  me, 
Saxon  can't  start  the  station  wagon  but  Maggie  can 
the  red  Checked  top.  A  June  wedding,  Jean?  One  in 
May  for  Martin.  "Indeed  birdseed,"  you're  importing 
from  Duke.  '"Wicked  music"  sways  our  Ruth,  but 
Mary  B.  sways  the  new  spinet.  Murphy's  never  home; 
is  Julia  1,000  minutes  late  again?  Blond  Eve,  southern 
belle  Bev,  Bob's  little  Mary  Fran — down  girls,  Lou 
Lou  approaches  in  the  open  air  carriage.  Ski  arrives 
with  Johnson  in  Vericose — Bride  doll  Hendee  and 
side  kick  Daniel.  Find  your  glasses  Traynham?  And 
the  chaos  of  301  Phyllis  and  Thelma.  Tears,  tremors, 
trembling  .  .  .  graduation — why  did  this  tremendous 
year  with  ADPi  have  to  end! 




m^    .^MLit^^.«fll 


Page  345 


First  Row,  left  to  right:  Rogie  Tyler.  Janet  Poole,  Ginnie  Greene,  Jackie  Park. 
Ann  Huffman,  Valerie  Nichols.  Second  Row:  Jean  Stanford,  Ann  Evan.s,  Shelton 
Owens,  Joan  HiH,  Emily  Finch.  Sonia  Bergen.  Jeanne  Ellis.  Third  Row:  Gladys 
Hatcher,  Betsy  Gorham,  Barbara  Brown,  Ann  Lynn  Harrell,  Liz  Lynn,  Sandra 
Rothrock,  Ruth  French,  Jane  Stanford,  Dot  Currin. 



Firsi  Roll-,  left  to  r/,t;ht:  Ellen  Doak,  Daphne  Adams,  Barbara  Smith,  Barbara 
Golden,  Patsy  Corbett.  Harriet  Parrish.  Second  Row:  Isabel  Masterton,  Alice 
Eison,  Connie  Carbaugh,  Fritzi  Stollar,  Ann  Price.  Third  Row:  Trudy  Lefler, 
Anne  Carlton,  Lorraine  Yancy,  Ginger  Currin,  Jo  Eaddy,  Joan  Leonard. 

Please,  Ladies!  Let's  get  started!  8,  9,  91/7'  10-Perryman  to 
Jackson  to  Huie.  Rushing  is  over  but  we  won't  forget  a  girl  and 
a  boy  in  a  little  canoe  .  .  .  Hannah  .  .  .  orchids  from  Hawaii  .  .  . 
and  gobs  of  Spanish  moss.  Things  settled  down  to  a  dull  roar  in 
the  little  gray  house  starting  with  a  successful  open  house  for 
our  wonderful  pledges.  But  how  about  Nanq'  and  SUAB  .  .  . 
Mary  Lu  and  Newman  Club  .  .  .  the  hard  working  student 
advisors  .  .  .  Perky  and  her  long  winded  conversations  with 
"Sweetie"  .  .  .  Raised  eyebrows  upon  hearing  a  baby's  cry 
coming  from  Mrs.  Patee's  room  .  .  .  Barbara  Chrysler-ing  off  to 
Art  Lab  and  points  north  .  .  .  Fleming  and  who?  Your  guess  is 
as  good  as  ours  .  .  .  Claire  and  Norma  chug-a-lugging  their 
midnight  coffee  .  .  .  Mrs.  Harris  and  her  letters  from  Korea 
.  .  .  Jeanne  and  "Let's  go  Carolina!  "  .  .  .  Underwood  and  her 
taxi  with  no  meter  going  to  the  Tarnation  office  .  .  .  Connie's 
heels  for  class  ...  the  day  John  refused  to  wear  Emilie's  pin 
.  .  .  Commuting  to  the  beach  ...  Jo  Jones  celebrating  Bernie's 
initiation  .  .  .  Mary  and  Tom's  lovely  winter  wedding  .  .  . 
Kathy's  "Did  he  ki-iss  you?"  .  .  .  Martha  and  her  unwelcome 
yellow  slips  of  paper  .  .  .  Turlington  off  to  the  flicks  .  .  . 
Martha  Neal  and  the  chapter  athletes  .  .  .  Harriet  and  the 
"Eighteenth  'Variation"  playing  at  any  hour  of  the  day  .  .  . 
■Who  laughed  during  installation?  .  .  .  Pat  and  her  new  charges. 
Pledge  points  anyone?  ...  a  host  of  wonderful  coffees  and 
parties  .  .  .  Everything  combined  has  made  it  a  great  year  for 
the  Alpha  Gams.  Let's  have  many  more  like  this  one! 

Page  346 

Gamma  Delta 


Founded  Katiniially:  May  30,  190-J  at  Syracuse  University,  Syracuse,  New  York. 

Chartered  at  the  University  of  North  CaroUna  in  1945. 

Colors:  Red,  Buff,  and  Green 

Floiier:  Red  and  Buff  Roses 

Pnblnalwii:  Alpha  Gamma  Delta  Quarterly 

First  Row,  left  to  right:  Martlia  Bridger.  Treasurer;  Marj'  Bryan,  JeanBr)'ant,  Jeanne  Bunch.  Jody  Desmond,  Anne  Fleming.  Second  Row: 
Anne  Harris,  Bernie  Hileman,  House  Manager;  Martha  Neal  Honeycutt,  Nanc>'  Home,  Ann  Huie.  Joanne  Jackson,  Secretary.  Third  Row:  Jo 
Ann  Jones,  Harriet  Maynard,  President;  Mary  Lu  Mercer,  Barbara  Mumaw,  Pat  Noah,  Vice-President;  Emilie  Patton.  Fourth  Row:  Nancy 
Ferryman.  Perky  Putzki,  Claire  Reid,  Anne  Turlington,  Anne  Underwood,  Connie  Williford. 

Page  347 

Chi  Omesa 


Founded  Ndlwihilly:  University  of  Arkansas  at  Fayetteville,  Arivansas,  April  5,  1895. 

Chartered  at  the  University  of  North  Carohna,  January  20,  1923. 

Colors:  Cardinal  and  Straw 

Flower:  White  Carnation 

Pnblical/oii:  "The  Eleusis"  of  Chi  Omega 


f  ^  f^  0  f^  c 

Firu  Row,  Ufl  to  right:  Bonnie  Baker,  B.ub.iia  Be.iblcy,  Betty  Burch.  M.iry  Id.i  Bmwn,  Janic  Circy,  J.inet  Cozjrt  Vice  President ;  Mary  Dorsett, 
House  Manager.  Second  Row:  Stella  Eason.  Betsy  Goodwin,  Agnes  Green,  Laura  Hays,  Alice  Hicks,  President,  lulia  Kester,  Judy  Landauer. 
Third  Row:  Dottie  Law,  Joanne  Murphy,  Ann  Patterson,  Treasurer;  Ann  Penton,  Jean  Rayburn,  Anna  Redding,  Pat  Smith,  Secretary.  Fourth 
Row:  Pat  Turnbull,  Nancy  Uzzelle,  Sandra  Wright,  Jo  Yokely,  Marion  Yount.  Not  Pictured:  Jayne  Adams,  Joyce  Caldwell,  Margaret 
Cheatham,  May  Holton,   Lindy  Lindeman,   Lina  McCarroU,   Lois   Perry,  Marnie  Polk. 

Page   348 

Another  Fall,  another  major  house  cleaning,  another 
frantic  rush  season  and  the  Chi  Omegas  were  off  to  another  year 
at  Carolina. 

"Cocheese"  and  the  A.T.O.'s,  Jayne  and  the  S.A.E.'s  and 
Anna,  Mary,  and  the  Duke  football  team  getting  things  off  to  a 
bang  with  never  a  dull  moment — Janie  scouting  a  fourth  for 
bridge  and  "Percy"  Eason,  Julia,  and  "A. P."  keeping  ears  tuned 
for  the  magic  two  ring  of  the  telephone  .  .  .  "Y'all,  where  is 
my  roommate,"  yep!  Penton  still  looking  for  Laura,  and  May 
and  Margaret  chasing  "Tweety"  around  the  house — Lina  de- 
ciding to  leave  Grand  Central  Station,  wonder  why?  Dottie  and 
Pat  finally  recovering  from  stiff  legs — Judy  trying  to  fulfill  our 
social  obligations,  and  Lindy  keeping  that  suntan  the  whole 
winter  via  a  sunlamp  .  .  .  Murphy  and  Barbara  and  their  frantic 
aspirations  to  be  Playmakers — Mary  Ida,  red  car  with  a  checked 
black  and  white  shirt  driving  .  .  .  Aggie  clutching  a  pile  of 
knitting — Betsy  trying  to  see  under  the  steering  wheel — Birch 
and  Alice  leading  us  on  to  more  athletic  conquests,  and  Jo 
mashing  the  hair  down  with  a  red  scarf — Janet's  "mello  biniss" 
and  Mamie's  chimes  .  .  .  Mrs.  B.'s  wonderful  meals — Lois  hav- 
ing predicaments  and  Nancy  still  corresponding — Pat  avoiding 
Dr.  Harland — Jeans'  contagious  smile  .  .  .  Marion's  love  for 
P.E.,  and  Sandra's  "meet  me  in  the  Y." 

This  was  Chi  Omega  1953-'54.  It  was  great  and  we  loved  it. 
Singing  "So  long  to  the  X  and  horseshoe"  we  agree  .  .  .  The  best 
year  ever. 


First  Row,  left  to  right:  Janet  'i'oung,  Betsy  Stoner,  Alice  Asbury,  Laura  Deane 
Matheson,  Paula  Smith,  Catherine  Pharr.  Kitty  Philpott.  Second  Rair:  Coe 
Brassell,  Becky  Gordon,  Peggy  Williams,  Jean  Summers,  Cynthia  Ward,  Emily 
Urquhart,  Gene  Overbeck,  Toddy  Smith,  DeeJee  Davenport.  Third  Row:  Sara 
Fair,  Christie  Peeler,  Joan  Sasser,  Kendrick  Townsend,  Susie  NicoU,  Nell  Eley, 
Ann  May,  Virginia  Ashburn,  Kay  Oldfield,  Sara  Alice  Jackson,  Laura  Wood- 
ward, Mary  Frances  Stone. 

First  Row,  left  /"  //^/v,  Mary  Ann  H.l)l.^,  Cithtrrine  Russell.  Lou  Hawlcy,  Liza 
Little,  Louise  Coffey,  Kitty  Kerr,  Carroll  Butts,  Patty  Andrews.  Second  Row: 
Frances  Watts,  Jackie  Steed,  Margaret  Neiter,  Jean  Christian,  Margaret  Kelley, 
Carol  DuPler.  Third  Row:  Petey  Gunter,  Sally  Liggett,  Coco  Weidermann, 
Martha  Crowell,  Joan  Brown,  Ann  Tew,  Judy  Jackson,  Bebe  Bauman. 

Tvi'ENTV-TWO   NEW   G.T.G.'s,   EIGHT  TRANSFERS,   and   three   D's 
got  off  to  a  roaring  start  regardless  of  the  semester  system  .  .  . 

A  brick  wall  and  grass  replaced  our  front  yard  desert  .  .  . 
Can't  stop  bragging  about  the  nev.'  hacienda  .  .  .  nor  i]X  Derby, 
Beat  Dook  Parade,  Valkyries — all  winnahs. 

Couldn't  keep  up  with  grinning  idots  who  had  pins:  Zeus, 
Jan,  Snookie,  Mase  worrying  about  Dick  and  Lavoris  .  .  .  Sally 
Lee  back  with  a  ring  and  "You  all,  he's  so  wonderful"  .  .  . 
How  could  we  have  done  without  Kit's  "Independent  Republi- 
can," Ginny's  "Haircut  anyone.'"  .  .  .  Mary  Helen's  "But  she's 
a   D.A.   major"    .    .    .    Street's     "Back    in    1940   when    I    was   a 

It  was  I.T.B.  giving  Lois  and  Peggy  phonetic  lessons  .  .  . 
hearing  Jean  and  Jane  pow  wow  about  their  Charming  Dekes 
.  .  .  Mary  Kit  and  Hart  wail  "Wt  wanna  wear  saddle  oxfords  to 
Cornell  .  .  .  Impossible  to  forget  those  quiet  (.')  girls,  Betty 
Sue,  Sally,  Claire  on  third  .  .  .  Smith  prexy  Murray  .  .  .  Elinor, 
the  rah  girl  who  wouldn't  twirl  .  .  .  Janet  Harris,  Tri  Delt 
Modern  "Venus  .  .  .  Holleman's  taxi  service  for  dorm  Deltas  .  .  . 
ludy  sleeping  through  Saturday  S  o'clocks  .  .  .  Jess  and  Barbara 
leading  flick  teams  onward  .  .  .  Perfume-a  la  Conga,  with  Beeps 
you  can't  go  wrong-a  ...  the  gal  who  sent  the  COD  trunk  from 
Liogota,  Colombia  .  .  .  Pass-the-peanut-butter-and-jelly-Allsbrook 
.  .  .  Then  there's  dem  Bones  .  .  .  "Where's  Page? 

Cheers  for  Saturday  Night  Club  and  its  non-restrictive  mem- 
bership .  .  .  Eye-balling  new  people  on  campus  .  .  .  midnight 
kitchen  raids  .  .  ,  honorary  pledges  Abbey  and  Skippy  .  .  .  Mrs. 
Carter's  "surprises"  .  .  . 

And  another  successful  year  full  of  th.i.t  gung-ho  spirit  ends  at 
"210  Pittsboro  Street  .  .  .  the  place  where  the  Tri-Delts  meet." 

%  .% 


Page   330 

Delta  Delta 


Founded  Natioiiiilly:  Boston  University,  Boston,  Massachusetts,  January  15,  1889. 
Chartered  locally  at  University  of  North  Carolina  April  9,  1943. 
Colors:  Silver,  Gold,  and  Blue 
Flower:  Pansy 
Publication:  The  Trident 

0  0  f  ^ 

sfif  f>  f^  ^  f * 

i^.f  €JV^^ 

Fmt  Row.  left  to  right:  Fran  Allsbrook,  Anne  Bell,  Henrietta  Bell,  Claire  Boone,  Beeps  Buchanan,  Mase  Chapin,  Joanne  Christian,  Lois 
Collins  Second  Row:  Mary  Helen  Crain,  President;  Sally  Gallant,  Jess  Gant,  Janet  Harris,  Ann  Hartzog,  Jane  Holleman,  Jeff  Johnson,  Jane 
Kennedy.  Third  Row:  Judy  King,  Marion  Linder,  Betty  Sue  McDonald,  Page  Moore,  Peggy  Murchison,  Nancy  Murray,  Mary  Kit  Myers, 
Treasurer.  Ann  Shannonhouse.  Fourth  Row:  Helen  Saunders,  Sally  Lee  Schindel,  Snookie  Stone,  Ann  Street,  Vice-President,  Barbara  Taylor, 
Lucia  Traxel,  Mike  Underwood,  Lolly  VanKirk,  Kit  Wallace,  House  Manager;  Ginnie  VC'hiteman,  Babs  \)C'hittington,  Jean  Williamson.  Jan 
Winders,  Elinor  Wrenn.  Not  Pictured:  Sandy  Donaldson. 

Page  331 

Kappa  Delta 


Founded  Nationally:  Longwood  College,  Farm\ille,  Virginia,  October  23,  1897. 
Chartered  locally  at  the  University  of  North  Carolina,  May  22,  1951. 
Colon:  Green  and  White 
Flower:  White  Rose 
Piibl'iccition:  The  Angeles 

Fnsl  Rou\  hU  10  right:  Helen  Beard,  Celeste  Bishop,  Betsy  Clarke,  House  Manager;  Janet  Cuinwell.  j.mtrt  Green.  Peg  Hall.  StcmtJ  Row: 
Mary  Jane  Harrison,  President;  Alice  Jones,  Carolynn  Little,  Catherine  Marks,  Connie  M.irple,  Pe^.yy  Pieipimt.  T/}Jrci  Ruu  :  Edith  Rogers, 
Joan  Russell,  Vice-President;  Lib  Suddreth,  Elinor  Taylor,  Lyn  Thorpe,  Lou  Ann  Watkins.  Fi/in/h  Ron-:  Nancy  W'hisnant,  Betty  George 
Williams.  Treasurer;  Betsy  Wood.  No/  Pictured:  Mary  Jo  Rader. 

Page  352 

The  new  year  was  ushered  in  with  screams  of 
horror  at  the  iron  monster  decorating  the  front  of 
the  house,  but  a  trapeze  act  by  a  few  talented 
painters  managed  to  camouflage  the  fire  escape  and 
set  the  pace  for  a  general  face-lifting  on  the  house. 

The  year  was  a  busy  one  and  full  of  fun.  P.B.S.'s 
at  eleven,  the  eternal  bridge  games,  the  "one-thirty 
club,"  and  Arthur  Godfrey  parties  around  the  TV 
set  every  morning  .  .  .  presenting  the  Jane  Gray 
Memorial  Cup  and  helping  out  our  proteges  in 
Richmond's  Crippled  Children's  Hospital  on  the 
serious  side. 

■Vennie  and  Janet  were  Student  Advisers  .  .  . 
Betsy  was  editor  of  THE  KANTERBURIAN  and 
secretary  of  Women's  Residence  Council  .  .  .  Peg 
added  Homecoming  Queen  to  her  Laurels  .  .  .  Caro- 
lynn  in  Student  Legislature  .  .  .  Lib  was  secretary 
of  University  Club  .  .  .  Edith  on  Y  Cabinet. 

A  house  full  of  fun  .  .  .  Kefauver  Harrison  check- 
ing on  Peg  and  Cackie  .  .  .  Cathy  singing  blues 
.  .  .  Peggy  finally  had  White  Sweater  Night  .  .  . 
Carolynn  pinned  to  West  Point  with  ninety-nine  pins 
.  .  .  Joan  associating  with  those  Dook  people  .  .  . 
Lou  Ann's  "We'll  sing  the  one  on  page  ten"  .  .  . 
B.G.  enjoying  ill  health  .  .  .  sweetest  little  fellows 
Herb  and  David  .  .  .  Mary  Grace  and  the  surprise  of 
the  year  .  .  .  Elinor,  the  original  pessimist  .  .  . 
found  a  gas  station  yet,  Connie?"  Lyn,  the  "Idiot" 
.  .  .  Nancy's,  "But  ya'U,  don't  make  me  take  it 
back!  "  .  .  .  Mary  Jo  and  Celeste  and  those  degrees 
.  .  .  "Speedy  "  Janet  .  .  .  Betsy  and  the  sign  of  the 
leaf  .  .  .  Edith  sleeping  in  the  attic  .  .  .  and  how 
could  we  have  survived  the  year  without  Mrs. 
Graham,  the  best  K.D.  of  all? 





F/rU  Row,  left  to  right:  Nancy  Julian,  Kitty  Harbison,  Elsie  Peterson,  Babbie 
Dilorio,  Phyllis  Cogburn,  Nancy  Edwards.  Second  Row:  Jackie  Brooks,  Sue 
Ringer,  Mary  Beall,  Monica  Justice,  Bo  Bernardin,  Joan  Chapman, 

Page  353 

First  Row,  left  to  right:  Penny  Hartmann,  Tricia  Permenter,  Donna  Blair,  Ann 
Jones,  Joanie  Greene,  Dot  Figel.  Second  Row:  Janie  MacNeill,  Mary  Lewis, 
Rachel  Brooks,  Deborah  Wescott.  Luanne  Thornton,  Annette  Nevin,  Susan  Elliot. 
Third  Row:  Sue  East.  Ricki  Brannon,  Lucy  Murray,  Mary  Ann  McManus,  Hazel 
Crawford,  Jean  Timlin,  Gina  Timberlake,  Joyce  Barger. 

The  '53-'54  year  promised  great  things  for  the  Pi  Phi's 
with  a  terrific  bunch  of  transfers  and  a  most  wonderful  pledge 

B.O.,  Woman's  Residence  Council  Chairman;  Mary  Jane,  Mc- 
Iver  President  and  "Y"  Treasurer;  Nancy  Shaw,  Jo  Demming 
and  Sara  Rose,  Honor  Council;  Jane  Berryhill,  Student  Council 
and  WAA  Veep;  Joan  Gant,  Cheerleader;  Sue  Ambler,  Valkyries 
President;  Joan  Blocker,  Sigma  Chi  Sweetheart  and  Dee,  KA 

Pi  Phi  has  a  lot  to  live  up  to,  holding  the  WAA  and  Scholar- 
ship cups  for  last  year,  but  we  started  off  with  a  big  bang  by 
winning  the  Homecoming  Display  trophy.  And  then  there  was 
Benton  and  her  "Had  a  Little  Talk  with  the  Lord"  and  "I  want 
the  facts,  nothing  but  the  facts"  .  .  .  Fitzie,  Joan  Gant,  and 
Betty  P.,  the  mailman  meeters  .  .  .  Sara  Leek  (spell  that  name 
right!)  "Who'll  play  bridge?"  .  .  .  "Shawbird"  and  "Block- 
head" .  .  .  Jo's  Skylark  .  .  .  the  two  men  in  Eleanors  life  .  .  . 
Willie  and  Bill  .  .  .  The  New  York  crowd  at  Thanksgiving  .  .  . 
Jane  Edwards  .  .  .  Glen  Lenox.'  .  .  .  Engaged  Mary  and  Earl 
the  Pearl  .  .  .  the  fraternity  parties,  study  breaks  and  coffees 
.  .  .  Christmas  Caroling,  Valkyrie  Sing,  the  Powder  Bowl  game 
and  spring  at  the  Hill  .  .  .  "Oh  clutch,  I'm  out  of  college.'"  And 
they  were  the  greatest  years  ever! 

Page  354 

Beta  Phi 


Founded  Nationally:  Monmouth  College,  Monmouth,  Illinois,  April  28,  1867. 
Chartered  locally  at  Universit)'  of  North  Carolina  in  1925. 
Colors:  Wine  and  Silver  Blue 
Flower:  Wine  Carnation 

Publication:  The  Arrow 

€i  f V  p  ^^^  rs 

First  Row,  left  to  rii^ht :  Sue  Ambler,  Betty  Otto  Anderson,  Ann  Benton,  House  Manager;  Mary  Bernard,  Jane  Berryhill,  Joan  Blocker, 
Lucv  Briney.  Second  Row:  Lane  Buckly,  Mary  Jane  Bumpous,  Nancy  Bunham,  Barbar'a  Burgess,  Marcia  Crane,  Edith  Cross,  Lyn  Daniel. 
Thnd  Row:  Nancy  Davis,  Jane  Edwards,  Ann  Fitzgerald,  Pris  Flemming,  Joan  Gant,  Secretary;  Rosalyn  Gasque,  Sara  Leek.  Fourth  Row: 
Mary  Lowrey.  Jennie  Lynn,  Connie  Moore,  Gloria  Ni,\,  Betty  Parsons,  Doane  Randall,  Patricia  Rodman.  Fifth  Row:  Sara  Rose,  Eleanor 
Saunders,  Vice-President;  Nancy  Shaw,  President;  Lee  Strickland,  Carol  VC'ebster,  June  Williamson.  Not  pictured:  Ellen  Prouty. 

Page  355 


The  German  Club,  an  organization  composed  of  representatives  of 
thirteen  social  fraternities  on  campus,  sponsors  tliree  dance  week-ends 
each  year,  bringing  name  bands  to  Chapel  Hill.  Under  the  leadership 
of  Jim  Schenck,  President,  the  1953-54  dances  were  declared  highly 

Fall  Germans  featuring  a  double  performance  by  Tommy  Tucker 
and  Johnny  Long  began  a  promising  year.  Next  on  the  calendar  of 
events  were  Midwinters  in  February  bringing  Ralph  Marterie  and  his 
orchestra  to  play  for  the  event  with  a  bonus  Friday  concert  with  "Wild 
Bill"  Davidson  and  his  Dixieland  sextet.  Finals  in  the  spring  wound 
up  the  club's  activities  for  the  year. 

Other  officers  include  Jake  Rountree,  Vice-President;  Skippy  Rod- 
dey.  Secretary;  and  Wallace  Pridgen,  Treasurer.  Fraternities  belonging 
are:  Pi  Kappa  Alpha,  St.  Anthony  Hall,  Phi  Gamma  Delta,  Phi  Delta 
Theta,  Beta  Theta  Pi,  Alpha  Tau  Omega,  Zeta  Psi,  Sigma  Alpha 
Epsilon,  Sigma  Nu,  Kappa  Alpha,  Sigma  Chi,  Kappa  Sigma,  and 
Delta  Kappa  Epsilon. 

First  Row,  left  to  right:  Jim  Schenck.  Jake  Rountree,  Skippy  Roddey,  Wallace  Pridgen,  Archie  Crox- 
ton.  Second  Row:  Dick  Hensel,  Dick  Guthrie,  Pete  Knight,  Brooke  Gardiner,  Billy  Evans.  Third 
Row:  Buddy  Harper,  Bob  Mason,  Bill  Current,  Bill  Beebe,  Weston  Houck,  Artie  Newcombe. 



Page  356 



A  SUCCESSFUL  YEAR  of  Germans  began  with  an  October 
week-end  featuring  the  bands  of  Tommy  Tucker  and 
North  CaroHna's  own  Johnny  Long. 

Tucker  entertained  during  the  first  half  of  a  Friday 
afternoon  concert  with  his  catchy  arrangements,  while 
Long  rounded  off  the  program  with  such  popular  rendi- 
tions as  "Way  Up  in  North  Carolina"  and  "Silver  Dollar." 

Johnny  Long  played  for  a  good  crowd  at  the  Friday 
night  dance  at  which  the  traditional  German  Club  figure 
was  held.  After  an  intermission  for  a  Johnny  Long-led 
pep  rally  and  the  Carolina-Maryland  football  game,  music 
lovers  danced  to  the  smooth  music  of  Tommy  Tucker. 

Johnny  Long 

Dick   Perrv 
Fealiired  with  johnny  Long, 

Left  to  right:  Tommy  Tucker.  Johnny  Long,  and  German  Club  President  Jim  Schenck 
.It  fall  concert. 

Page  357 

Wild  Bill"  Davidson 

"Wild  Bill"  Davidson 

Ralph  Marterie 


Midwinters  began  with  a  bang  as  "Wild  Bill"  Davidson  and 
his  band  from  Eddie  Condon's  in  New  York  City  delighted 
the  audience  with  famous  New  Orleans  "Dixie." 

A  Saturday  afternoon  concert  by  Ralph  Marterie  was  the 
next  event  of  the  week-end. 

Members  of  the  German  Club  and  their  dates  were  pre- 
sented at  a  formal  dance  Saturday  night  at  which  Marterie's 
smooth  dance  music  presented  an  appropriate  finish  to  a  week- 
end full  of  musical  entertainment. 

Page  358 

Tommy  Dorsey  with  vocalist  Lynn 

Kay  Kyser  and  Tommy  Dorsey 



Spring  Germans  rounded  out  the   1952-53   season  with  the 
"fabulous  Dorsey  brothers"  furnishing  music. 

The  week-end  began  with  a  Saturday  concert  at  which  Ray 
Anthony  made  a  surprise  appearance  and  was  joined  by  Chapel 
Hill's  Kay  Kyser. 

The  four  famous  band  leaders  joined  hands  to  present  the 
most  entertaining  concert  in  many  years. 

The  excellent  dance  rhythm  of  Tommy  Dorsey  furnished  the 
setting  for  the  formal  dance  Saturday  night  to  end  German 
Club  activities  for  the  year. 

Miss  Anita  Caine  of  Greensboro  escorted  by  Jim 
Schenck,  Delta  Kappa  Epsilon,  President  of  the 
German  Club. 

Left  to  right:  Jimmy  Dorsey,  Ray  Anthony,  Tommy 
Dorsey,  and  Kay  Kyser. 

Page  359 

Interfraternity  Council 

The  Interfraternity  Council  this  year,  as  in  past  years,  has  been  the  coordinator  of  the  social  fraternities 
on  the  UNC  campus. 

Under  the  capable  leadership  of  John  Boushall,  the  IFC  has  provided  the  fraternities  with  various 
activities  and  sought  to  raise  the  standards  of  fraternity  life  on  the  campus. 

Among  its  activities  this  year,  the  IFC  conducted  a  successful  Greek  Week  which  featured  a  constructive 
project,  exchange  dinners,  and  interfraternity  competition  in  athletics  and  skits.  It  also  sponsored  a  blood 
donor  program  among  the  fraternities  in  order  to  build  up  the  blood  supply  at  Memorial  Hospital.  Once 
again,  it  awarded  this  year  the  Andrew  Bershak  Scholarship,  valued  at  two  thousand  dollars.  The  fund  is 
made  up  of  individual  contributions  from  the  members  of  the  social  fraternities. 

One  of  the  most  beneficial  projects  of  the  IFC  was  the  discussion  groups  where  house  managers  and 
treasurers  compared  and  discussed  their  problems. 

First  Row,  left  to  right :  Horace  Golightly,  Walt  Converse,  Charlie  Phillips.  Jerry  Ridge,  Dave  Futth.  Joe  Mavrefid.  Mitchell  Novitt,  Bernie 
Burnstan,  Edward  Nelson,  Phin  Horton.  Second  Row:  John  MacLendon,  Roger  Hubert.  Ed  McCurry.  Bill  Ruffin,  John  Boushall.  Henry 
Isaacson,  Joe  RafF,  Scott  Spradley,  Harry  Pearsall,  Jim  Schenck.  Third  Roic:  Jimmy  Sykes,  'Wallace  ONeil,  Bob  Goforth.  Clint  Andrews, 
Bob  Neal,  Fred  Hutchins,  Leonard  Ciein.  Alec  McMillian.  Harrison  Dunlop,  Clayton  Jackson,  John  Hawes.  Fourth  Ron :  Toby  Hayns- 
worth.  Gran  L'zzle,  Clawson  'Williams,  David  Rowe,  Russ  Cowell,  Bob  Grimes.  Jim  Rollins.  Reuben  Leonard.  Dick  Kain.   Bob  Henley. 

John  Boushali 

This  year  the  Council  has  endeavored  to  gain  equal  social 
privileges  for  coeds  visiting  in  the  fraternities.  It  is  hoped  that  in 
the  near  future  some  agreement  can  be  reached. 

Along  with  serving  as  the  clearing  house  for  interfraternity 
problems  and  conducting  the  pledging  program,  the  council  pub- 
lished a  handbook  of  all  the  data  on  fraternity  life.  The  book 
lists  all  fraternity  men,  and  the  groups  to  which  they  belong;  the 
laws  of  the  council;  the  policies  and  special  agreements  that  it 
enforces;  and  the  rushing  rules  for  the  year. 

The  Interfraternity  Council  is  composed  of  two  members  from 
each  fraternity,  the  house  president,  and  another  delegate.  It  has 
as  its  purpose  to  further  by  unification  and  high  ideals,  the 
brotherhood,  character,  and  scholarship  necessary  to  any  fraternity 
worthy  of  the  name. 


First  Ron.  left  lo  right:  John  Boushali.  Presi- 
dent; Bill  Ruffin,  Vice-President.  Second  Rou:- 
Phin  Horton,  Court  Chairman;  Henry  Isaacson, 
Secretary;   Ed  McCurry,   Treasurer. 

First  Ron.  left  to  right:  Jim  Crouch,   Phin  Hor- 
ton, Carroll  Brady.  Second  Row:  Walton  Joyner, 
Bill  Temple,  Joe  Baker. 

Page  361 


Alpha  T 


David  Rovce PresideiU 

Pkter  G.  Seaman,  Jr.  .  .  Vice-President 
Dedrich  B.  Alexander    ...  .Treasurer 

Wood  Smethurst Hislorian 

Hal  J.  Rollins,  Jr Secretary 




Founded  at  Virginia  Military  Institute  in 

Colors:  Azure  and  Gold 

Pr/hl/catioti:  The  Palm 

Established   at   the  University  of  North 
Carolina  in  1879. 

First  Rolf,  left  to  i/x/jt:  Thomas  Adler,  Dedricln  Alexander,  Richard  Alexander,  Rah.ird  Baker,  Donald  (  audi.  David  Cooper. 
Second  Ron:  R.  B.  Fitch,  William  Fleming,  Franklin  Hart,  John  Holhngsworth,  NX'illiam  Kirkman,  Jr.,  Richard  Kocornik.  Third 
Row:  Daniel  Luke.  Joel  Moehlmann,  Chartes  Motta,  Hal  Collins,  Jr.,  David  Rowe,  H.  Gerard  Russell.  Fourth  Rotv:  Peter  Seaman, 
Jr.,  M.  H.  T.  Seawell,  H.  Wilson  Shoulars,  Lee  Stevens,  Perry  Veazey,  Tom  Wakefield.  Fifth  Rou:  Beverly  Webb,  James  Webb,  Jr., 
Duke  ^'idoff,  Robert  Kay  Vf'ilson,  Ogburn  Yates,  Jr. 

Page  362 

Taus  come  through  again  .  .  .  scholarship 
award  .  .  .  basketball,  pingpong,  tennis  and  track 
championships  .  .  .  continue  to  raise  hell  on  week- 
ends .  .  .  Hawaiian  party  best  of  the  year  .  .  . 
many  heavy  heads  on  Sunday  .  .  . 

Memorable  events:  the  Zebra  woman's  "debut" 
.  .  .  Holly's  Folly  .  .  .  beach  week-end  and  the 
Thomas  Manor  .  .  .  the  "Mutt"  finally  breaks  out 
.  .  .  Fletcher  gets  cooled  off  .  .  .  Ding  bat  takes  a 
little  trip  .  .  .  Elting  loses  pin  ...  as  do  many  other 
lovers  .  .  .  initiation  .  .  .  lawn  parties  .  .  .  Keller 
makes  trip  to  local  hoosegow  .  .  .  deb  ball  takes 
usual  toll  .  .  . 

Trained  killers  march  on  Hawaii  and  return  10 
days  late  for  fall  semester  .  .  .  Chi  O's  sometimes 
pull  blinds  much  to  anguish  of  Peeping  Tom's 
.  .  .  chapter  fixes  sky-hook  to  roof  for  Duck  .  .  . 
Regular  afternoon  tea  parties  at  Michel's  .  .  .  Ace 
and  the  Gypsy  perform  questionable  dance  .  .  . 
Seaman  gets  invitation  to  Coronation  .  .  .  Chapter 
gets  serious  .  .  .  Christmas  party  huge  success  .  .  . 

Veasy  gives  good  impression  to  3  blind  dates  in 
succession  .  .  .  Monk  and  Spring  German's  rock 
Franklin  Street  .  .  .  someone  rings  a  bell  .  .  . 
finals  and  all  make  it  except  Carroll  and  Green 
who  decide  to  stay  over  for  another  year  at  the 
Hill  .  .  . 


First  Row,  left  to  rig,ht:  Grantham,   Deane,   Holford,   Creighton,   Bennett.   Sec- 
ond Row:  Cannon,  Huntley,  White,  Davis,  Michal.  Chambless. 

Page  363 


Beta  Theta  Pi 


John  Aycock  McLendon  . .  .  President 

JoNH  Mason  McCollam 


Newton  Buckner  Barkley,  Jr. 


Thatcher  Love  joy  Townsend,  Jr. 

House  Manager 


Founded  in  1839  at  Miami  University. 
Colors:  Blue  and  Pink 
Flower:  Rose 
Publication:  Beta  Theta  Pi 

Established   at   the   Uni\ersity   of  North 
Carolina  in  1852. 

c>  e>  ^ 

^    p    P   © 

First  Rou:  left  lo  rizhr:  X.  B.  lluklcv.  AL  I..  Bi.v.ut.  .s.  L,  Blvthe,  R.  D.  Byerlv.  Jr..  E.  E.  Brav.  T.  A.  Euie.  Ii.  Sccoiul  Rmr:  T.  E. 
Fesperman,  C.  G.  Froelich,  F.  B.  Fredere,  R.  E.  Guthrie,  Jr.,  H.  C.  Haynesworth,  J.  B.  Hussey,  Jr.  Tl}nd  Rou  :  F.  W.  Leak.  R.  L. 
Litaker,  J.  N.  Longest.  C.  T.  Macy,  J.  M.  McCollam,  1.  A.  McLendon.  Fourth  Row:  W.  P.  Monroe,  J.  S.  Nichols,  R.  A.  Noll,  J.  R. 
Patterson,  W.  B.  Phillips,  A.  D.  Plrss.  Fifth  Row:  D."  L.  Quails,  Julian  Rogers,  J.  E.  Skimer,  F.  M.  Tettlebach,  W.  T.  Walker, 
R.  L.  Yarborough. 

Page  364 

Living  room  rug  put  a  dent  in  the  finances  but 
Ebineezer  Townsend  soon  alleviated  the  condi- 
tion. Toby  voiced  his  protest. 

Blythe  and  Monroe  led  the  lovers  with  Julia 
and  the  "Black  Beauty"  as  their  recipients.  Chuck 
deviated  from  Jake  while  managing  a  few  trips  to 
Spero's.  McLendon  and  "Fog"  Patterson  got  lost 
in  Lynchburg.  Quails  and  Phipps  went  to  Greens- 

Cleaning  business  flourished  as  Stump  and  Leak 
joined  Thatcher  on  the  Black  List.  Skinner  left 
for  Alaska.  Scoady  Morris  left  his  monkey  and  his 
marbles  in  Charlotte. 

Stroud  visited  the  A.  A.  chapter  as  Shoe  and 
Thomas  were  recalled  and  Sambo  just  turned 
fifty-nine.  Heatman  was  still  with  us. 

McCollam  introduced  a  new  type  of  pajamas 
which  included  a  coat  and  tie.  Draze  party  in 
the  bar.  Even  though  he  didn't  wear  a  ?!/)  long 
oval,  "Crabby"  Al  remained  Ivy  Leaguer. 

Harry  was  the  big  wheel  in  med  school  but 
lost  his  pin  and  diving  bell. 

As  Sambo  says,  "Tremendous!" 

First  Row,  left  to  right:  Dick  Noll,  Charlie  Fox,  Gordon  Brown,  Sam  Ogburn. 
Jack  Nichols.  Second  Row:  Ed  Pridgen,  Thorne  Walker,  Hugh  McColl,  Henry 

Chi  Ph 


John  Quincv  Stilwell  . 


Neil  Boydston  Satterfield 


Michael  Dillard  Brown  .  .  .  Secretary 

Jerry  Neal  Potts Treasurer 

Floyd  Garland  Coble,  Jr. 

Sergeant-at-A  rms 

Michael  Campbell  Soper  .  .  Historian 


Founded  at  Princeton  University  in  1824. 

Colors:  Scarlet  and  Blue 

Publication:  Chi  Phi  Chakett 

Established   at   the  University  of  North 
Carolina  in  1858  and  1922. 

Ic-ll  to  rinbt:  r  B.  Ashe,  Norris  Bost,  Ed  Bottoms.  Mike  Brown.  Nick  Burhridge.  Garland  Coble,  Dan  Duval.  Second 
I   French,   Frank   Futch,   Rufus  Hackney,   Sam  Haddock,    John   Hallett,   Jim   Harris,   Roger   Herbert.   Third   Row:  William 

Mercer,  Lane  Ormand,  Joe  Parish,  Louie  Patseavoras,  Tom  Peacock,  Jerry  Potts.  Fourth  Row:  John  Price,  Hoyt  Pritchett, 
1,  Bill  Sanders,  Neil  Satterfield,  Howard  Scotland,  Jack  Stevens,  Fijth  Row:  Jack  Stilwell,  Rollie  Tillman,  Dick  Valentine, 
ick,  Grady  Wells. 

Page  366 

"It's  time  for  a  change"  seemed  to  be  the 
prevailing  sentiment  around  Chi  Phi  as  a  new 
school  year  got  under  way. 

Effective  leadership  by  Jack  Stilwell  and  hard 
work  on  the  part  of  all  the  brodiers  soon  trans- 
lated this  wish  into  a  reality  in  the  form  of  a 
striking  "new  look"  for  the  old  white  house  on 

Alpha  Alpha  kept  up  the  vigorous  pace  by 
pledging  twenty  of  Carolina's  finest  boys.  No  time 
was  wasted  after  the  annual  pledge  banquet  as 
the  chapter  spent  a  busy  fall  with  its  intramural 
record  and  participating  in  extracurriculars.  Chi 
Phi  figured  high  in  publications,  Student  Legisla- 
ture, campus  politics  and,  of  course,  the  ever- 
present  parties. 

Winter  brought  more  fine  pledges  through  in- 
formal rushing  and  pledge  week-end  broke  all 
records  for  festivities.  Parties  at  Hogan's  Lake  and 
trips  to  Wrightsville  and  Myrtle  filled  the  calendar 
until  the  last  days  of  the  year  when  thoughts  of 
exams  and  a  perfect  year  with  Chi  Phi  filled  the 
minds  of  brothers  and  pledges  alike. 


Firsi  Ruw.  lejt  10  ri.^hl :  John  Hallett,  Sandy  Archer,  Jack  Hamilton,  Ben  Bur- 
brid^se.  Second  Rotv:  Charlie  Dameron,  Tommy  Kirkland,  Harvey  Mills,  Bryan 
Scott.  Dave  Smith.  Third  Row:  Al  Holt,  Jose  Stunz,  Pete  Stokes,  H.  G.  Sniper, 
Albert  Wood. 

Page  367 


Chi  Psi 


Roger  A.  Hood Presidenl  Founded  at  Union  College  in  1841. 

William  G.  White  ....  Vice-President  Colors:  Purple  and  Gold 

George  C.  McKinney   Secretly  Publications:  Purple  and  Gold,  The  Sigma 

Laurence  A.  Cobb Treasurer 

Established   at  the   University  of  North 

Carolina  in  1855. 


P     P     ^ 

y  p   p  Q 

First  Ron.  left  to  rt.Kht:  Doc  Broadway,  Wayne  Brown,  Marion  Buit%  Dcwt-y  Chappie,  Curtis  C.  Coleman,  Larry  Cubb.  Stcuiid  Row: 
Pete  Dannenbaum,  Bob  Dantzler,  Jim  Fountain,  Joel  Goodwin,  Dick  Hallden,  Jack  Harden.  Third  Row:  Rod  Hood,  Don  Huntington, 
Jim  Lewis,  George  McKinney,  Baxter  Miller,  Gene  Neilson.  f&ar//6  Row:  Noel  Petree,  Bob  PfafF,  Fred  Price,  Charles  Shelton,  Ed 
Starner,  Tom  Steed.  Fifth  Row:  Ted  Steele,  Don  Thornton,  Herb   Wentz,  Bill  ^X'hite,  Tommy  York,  Doug  Young. 

Page  368 

Year  starts  with  usual  work.  Everybody  back 
early.  Football  week-ends  bring  back  old  grads. 
Buddy  now  Ensign  in  Navy;  Ramsey,  Lt.  in 

Thirteen  terrific  pledges  begin  work  towards 
becoming  actives — raking  leaves.  White  entrusted 
as  their  master  .  .  .  Buster  still  lazy  as  ever.  Ted 
and  Doc  plan  Fall  Houseparty  • —  Terriiic  success 
.  .  .  combo,  dancing,  everybody  happy. 

Charlie  sports  new  Olds  .  .  .  Pfaff  still  trying 
to  lose  weight  via  diet  system  .  .  .  Noel  snowed 
.  .  .  Fred,  Dick  and  even  Big  Boy  Bucky  pinned. 
Fountain  hoarse  after  football  game. 

Chris  sings  Malaguena  in  the  shower  .  .  . 
Everybody  else  "Eyeballs"  the  new  TV  set  with 
overcoats  on  —  NO  HEAT!  Can't  get  the  darned 
furnace  fixed! 

Anyway,  it's  a  tops  year  for  the  Chipsis — a 
great  gang,  a  great  year  and  with  more  to  come. 
Hats  off  to  Hood  for  a  great  job  as  number  one — 
anchors  away — 


First  Row,  left  to  right:  Fred  Babson,  Dave  McKinney,  Chris  Christedes,  Bob 
Jacobus,  Len  Reaves.  Second  Row:  Pete  Jones,  Tom  Johnson,  Ken  Bryant,  Ken 
Lowery,  Steve  Marks. 

Delta  Kappa  Epsilon 


James  S.  Schenck,  III    President  Founded  at  Yale  University  in  1814. 

Herbert  H.  Thorp   .  .  .  .Vice-President  Colon:  Scarlet,  Azure  and  Old  Gold 

Hugh  H.  Shull Secretary  Puhlication:  The  Deke  Quarterly 

Wade  H.  Coleman,  III Treasurer  Established   at  the  University   of   North 

Carolina  in  1851. 

Fnsl  Rou\  lejt  to  right :  Frank  T.  Adams,  Jr.,  William  E.  Barnes,  Jr.,  Jame.s  S.  Brown.  Vardaman  M.  Buckaltrw,  Jr..  J.  M.  Carstar- 
phen,  William  G.  Clark,  III,  Wade  H.  Coleman,  III.  Second  Row:  T.  P.  Harrison  Dunlop.  Robert  D.  Gorham,  Jr.,  Bruce  A.  Gustaf- 
son,  William  L.  Hill,  II,  W.  Osborne  Lee,  Jr.,  R.  Lawrence  Maddry,  Ben  C.  Mayo,  II.  Third  Rou:  Robert  E.  Mason,  William  S. 
Patterson,  Horace  Truman  Ray,  James  S.  Schenck,  III,  Thomas  H.  Shores,  Oscar  Albert  Shortt,  Jr.,  Hugh  Henderson  Shull.  Fourth 
Row:  Ewell   C.   Sinith.   Thomas  M.  Stokes,   William  B.   Temple,    Herbert  H.  Thorp,  Richard  Todd,  Benjamin  C.  Toledano. 

Page  370 

Pre-registration  began  at  Spero's — New  carpet 
in  the  living  room — Gorham  in  office  of  Presi- 
dent makes  like  Calvin  Coolidge.  Patterson  has 
the  usual  troubles  telling  pledges  about  Phi, 
Yale,  etc.  Car,  bus,  plane  made  up  the  trans- 
portation on  the  Virginia  trip.  Lilly  Christine  goes 
feline  for  Barnes  and  the  New  Yorkers  over 
Thanksgiving.  Ding  Bat  sticks.  Wilson  continues 
night  clubbing  at  Lindy's — Law  officers  shake 
Herbie  up  with  a  new  grip  at  Deb  Ball,  White 
Lump's  shoes  and  beer  go  to  the  laundry. 

Dubba  brings  back  house  guests  after  trip  to 
Europe.  Brothers  regret  Ben's  illness.  Schenck 
turns  over  new  leaf  and  car.  Obbie  again  gave  his 
wheel  of  fortune  another  turn.  Shores  and  Sprague 
go  ape  over  absence  of  hair.  Mayo's  pledges 
shape  up  while  the  Phantom  announces  another 
used  car  bargain.  Love  bug  nips  Carstarphen  for 
the  first  time.  J.  Shull  lives  up  to  his  nickname. 
Shuff  seconds  motions.  Vardy  scoops  reporters  on 
Lewis  Neaves  record  breaking  4:10  for  the  fifty. 
Owl  gives  a  small  hoot  about  grades.  Ended  out 
a  party  season  with  a   103rd  anniversary. 


First  Row,  left  to  right:  Kester,  Gardner,  Hayes,  Mobley,  Patrick.  Second  Row: 
Weaver,  Clark,  Moye.  Moore,  Ramsey,  Rand.  Third  Row:  Ward,  Peele,  Shelly, 
Schrocder,   Bull.ird.   Dreyer.  \'„l   piclurcJ:   Raugh 

Page  371 


Delta  Upsilon 


Horace  Golightly    Pyesident 

Jim  Rollins Vice-President 

Jim  Butler  Secretary 

Gus  Grant Treasurer 


Founded  at  Williams  College  in  1834. 

Colors:  Sapphire  Blue  and  Old  Gold 

Publication:  Delta  Upsilon  Quarterly 

Established   at  the  University   of   North 
Carolina  in  1953. 

F/ni  Row,  left  to  right:  William  Andrews,  Harvey  Bradshaw,  James  Butler,  Horace  Golightly,  Freeman  Grant.  Second  Row:  Charles 
Green,  Neal  Harrington,  Herman  Husbands,  Edward  Johnson,  George  McGehee.  Third  Row:  Stephen  Moss,  Harry  Pawlik,  Harry 
Phillips,  James  Rollins,  Edward  Vogel. 

Page   372 

An  eager  addition  to  the  campus  brotherhoods 
was  born  last  year.  The  period  of  labor  was  long, 
building  membership,  procuring  and  remodeling  a 
house,  providing  furniture.  Then  the  struggle 
ended  momentarily,  and  we  were  baptized  on 
April  25,  1953. 

Fall  of  '53 — Inexperienced  ears  hear  rushees' 
steps  upon  the  porch,  weary-handed,  eager  youths, 
crowding,  smiling.  Punch,  long  nightly  meetings, 
and  little  sleep  marked  that  week. 

Now  we  face  our  first  pledge  class.  Not  a 
large  one,  but  one  of  which  we  are  mighty  proud. 
Knowledge  gained  by  Jim  Rollins  and  Horace 
Golightly  at  our  119th  convention  guided  us  in 
adopting  policies  and  formulating  our  program. 

Parties  and  good  cheer !  Germans  week-end ;  all 
hale?  Maybe  not,  but  all  happy  and  all  very 
sleepy  Monday  morning.  Virginia  week-end, 
Christmas  dance  .  .  . 

And  the  more  serious  aspects.  Informal  rush 
always  at  hand.  New  pledges  steadily  swelling 
our  numoers,  our  purposes  before  us,  a  high 
scholastic  average  to  maintain,  all  participating  in 
extracurriculars.  A  busy  life — building  a  new  and 
different  brotherhood. 


Fnu  Roif,  lei  I  In  ti^ht:  Charles  Toms,  Walt  Barbee,  Larry  Ford.  Not  Pictured: 
Boh  y.imcs,  Wc-^  Batten. 

Page  373 




Osborne  Ayscue,  Jr President 

Martin  Jordan,  Jr Vice-President 

Charles  Waters Secretary 

T.  H.  Kepley Treasurer 



Founded  at  Washington   and   Lee   Uni- 
versity in  1865. 

Colors:  Crimson  and  Old  Gold 

Flowers:  The  Magnolia  and  the  Crimson 

Publication:  Kappa  Alpha  Journal 

Established   at  the  University  of  North 
Carolina  in  1881. 

First  Rou\  left  to  right:  Charles  Aldridge,  Robert  W.  Angstadt,  Jerry  M.  Ailedge,  Osborne  E.  Ayscue,  Allan  L.  Bader,  Karl  L.  Barkley, 
Kent  P.  Bradley.  Second  Row:  Harry  Easterling,  J.  Gordon  Forrester,  Earle  A,  Garrett,  Don  W.  Geiger,  Heiskell  Gray.  Lloyd  Griffin, 
Edgar  F.  Harbin.  Third  Roiv:  Robert  S.  Headon,  T.  C.  Homesley,  C.  Weston  Houck,  Billy  S.  Howell,  Allan  J.  Johnson,  Martin  L. 
Jordon,  T.  H.  Kepley.  Fourth  Row:  Gerald  F.  McBrayer,  H.  King  McGee,  George  H.  McLeod,  Thomas  P.  Moreton,  Channing  N. 
Page,  Robert  F.  Peek,  Raymond  N.  Perry.  Fifth  Row:  Lucius  W.  Pullen,  Phillip  T.  Roberts.  Charles  Rodenbough,  Thomas  E.  Rogers, 
Scott  W.  Spradley,  Charles  M.  Waters,  Herbert  M.  Wayne.  Sixth   Row:  Julius  D.  Waggoner,  C.  William  Yates. 

Page  374 

Year  73  for  the  Brothers  of  Upsilon  ...  a  clean 
sweep  in  rush,  24  of  them  .  .  .  McLeod's  thumb 
in  every  pie  .  .  .  Marty  plays  second  fiddle  to  a 
cadaver  .  .  .  Tom  disappears  in  a  snowdrift  .  .  . 
Lackey's  gridiron  rampage  .  .  .  Gordon,  "How 
tall  is  she?"  .  .  .  Don  the  walking  handshake  .  .  . 
Lightning  up  at  6  for  an  8  .  .  .  Ugly  pilots  the  Y 
.  .  .  Jackson  rocks  the  house  .  .  .  Bader  loses  a 
ceiling  .  .  .  Bradley's  Fat  Man's  Club  .  .  .  Jack 
Armstrong  Cheek  .  .  .  Rody  the  historian  .  .  . 
Chan's  culinary  miracle  .  .  .  Karl  the  shy  one  .  .  . 
Ozzie's  Platonic  Friends  .  .  .  T  the  Promoter  .  .  . 
Aldridge  deals  5  queens  .  .  .  Peek's  pin  juggling 
act  .  .  .  Flaps  and  Funnyberger  lend  serious  air 
.  .  .  Scott  the  haberdasher  .  .  .  Gigi  the  reformed 
carpetbagger  .  .  .  Bert  juggles  lightbulbs  .  .  . 
Wes,  "Let's  just  burn  it  down."  .  .  .  Old  South 
Ball  .  .  .  the  beards  ...  a  mortgage  burning  .  .  . 
And  one  last  toast  to  a  dying  year  .  .  .  "To  the 
wine  ...  to  the  song  ...  to  the  women  who  never 
remember  us  ...  To  the  Rose  ...  to  the  Knight 
...  to  the  mem'ries  the  Order  will  render  us  .  .  . 
To  the  Shield  ...  to  the  Cross  ...  to  the  Flag 
that  will  never  come  down." 

Fnu    Roiv,   lejl   to    right:   Hardy,    Harrison,    Bumgardner,    Parsons,    McGinnis, 
Wapgoner.  Secoiiil  Row:  Hale,  McCormick,  Garrett,  Steele,  Newsome,  Ogburn, 
McCurdy.  Tbhd  Rotr:  Bowles,  Hudson,  Stiles,  Headen,  Miller,  Ayscue,  Monroe, 
Mitchell.  .\V,^  Pictured:  Hollscher,  McGee,  Shaw.  Williams. 






Richard  E.  Kane    Grand  Miis/er 

William  Dameron  .  .  Grand  Procurator 

Herbert  T.  Sugg 

Grand  Master  of  Ceremonies 

Richard  N.  T-iNDall  ....  Grand  Scribe 
Richard  V.  Neill  ....  Grand  Treasurer 


Founded  at  the  University  of  Virginia  in 

Colors:  Scarlet,  White  and  Emerald  Green 
Flouer:  Lilly  of  the  Valley 

Publications:    The   Caducaeus,    The    Star 
and  Crescent. 

Founded    at    the    University    of    North 
Carolina  in  1893. 

i^  P  f^.  f*  f 

First  Roti.  left  lu  nnhi:  John  Banner,  Alban  K.  Barrus.  Edward  Bizzell,  Robert  Brannon,  ^"illiam  Current,  'W  illiam  Dameron.  Second 
Row:  Edward  Doolan.  Herbert  Dowd,  Samuel  Emory,  Curtis  Harper,  Robert  Henley,  Robert  Hook,  Clyde  Johnson.  Third  Row: 
Richard  Kane,  Walter  McFall,  Charles  Norwood,  Daniel  Olsen,  Kenneth  Penegar,  Dan  Perry,  Charles  Scott.  Fourth  Row:  William 
Smith,  Jr..  Charles  Spillane,  John  E.  Stoughton,  John  Stratford,  Herbert  Sugg,  William  Timlake,  James  Tyler.  Fijlh  Row:  Richard 
Tyndali,  Henry  A.  Walker,  Gaither  Walser,  Charles  Wickham,  J.  Thomas  Zachary. 

Page  376 

Carpenter  and  Lambert  star  for  the  Varsity 
.  .  .  Part}'  time — Where's  Rob?  Neill  and  Henly 
collect  the  money  .  .  .  "Stoughton,  do  you  call 
this  stuff  food?"  Scott  has  superlatives  and  Ann, 
lucky  guy  .  .  .  Bob  is  our  social  wheel  .  .  .  Give 
those  pledges  the  devil.  Harper  .  .  .  Kane  heads 
the  chapter  .  .  .  Grandman  Stratford's  dining 
room  .  .  .  orphan  Christmas  party  .  .  .  "Hey  Sugg 
hx  that  leak"  .  .  .  Tyndall  bids  another  seven  no- 
trump  .  .  .  Noble  and  Zack  on  the  golf  links  be- 
fore breakfast  .  .  .  "Wick,  where  did  you  get  that 
girl  ?"  .  .  .  Walker,  Bizzell,  Borden,  and  Barrus 
off  to  St.  Mary's  .  .  .  Bruton  is  our  number  one 
sack  hound  .  .  .  McFall  gets  engaged  to  Mac  .  .  . 
Banner  off  to  Greensboro  .  .  .  Gopher  Walser 
and  Mole  Carter  live  in  the  hole  .  .  .  Olsen  is  big 
man  in  AROTC  .  .  .  Emory  wants  to  know  how 
much  it  cost  .  .  .  Dowd  loses  his  heart  and  pin  to 
Barbara  ...  "I  was  not  sitting  on  the  arm, 
Dameron"  .  .  .  Norwood  likes  the  girls  at  DOOK 
.  .  .  Spillane  and  Doolan  try  to  convert  us  Yanks 
.  .  .  Hook  becomes  drummer  for  Kenton  .  .  .  Tyler 
is  our  goof-off  .  .  .  OUie  returns  from  the  Gyrenes 
.  .  .  Timlake  is  the  house  card-shark  .  .  .  Call  me 
Kane  .  .  .  Congratulations  pledges,  you  were  wise. 

Page  577 


First  Row,  left  to  ri,e,ht:  Montgomery,  Palmer,  Tart,  Jenkins.  Second  Row: 
Shuford,  Frierson,  Johnson.  Terry.  Curlee.  Third  Ron:  Sandlin.  Horner.  Ray. 
Shadden,  Sill,  Petty,  Stone. 

Lambda  Chi  Alpha 


Robert  W.  Glenn President  Founded  at  Boston  University  in  1909. 

William  A.  Wilson   .  .   Vice-President  Colors:  Purple,  Green  and  Gold 

Robert  D.  Aldridge Secretary  Flower:  White  Rose 

Clayton  A.  Boggan Treasurer  Publication:  Cross  and  Crescent 

Established   at  the   University  of  North 
Carolina  in  1926. 











Fnit  Ron:  lefl  to  r:e,ht:  Robert  Davis  Aldridge,  Robert  Fowler  Bell,  Clayton  A.  Boggan.  Stephen  A.  Brady.  Robert  Otis  Deviney.  Sec- 
ond Row:  Robert  K.  Eberle.  William  Ray  Elam,  Robert  NX'ilson  Glenn,  Dick  Hunt,  Robert  Cowan  Leonard.  Th/rd  Row:  Robert  K.  Mor- 
ris, Harold  Frank  Oglesby,  Billy  Reid  Oliver,  Lewis  Hillsman  Parham,  Thomas  Alfred  Parnell.  Fourth  Row:  Barry  Gordon  Pruss,  John 
L.  Rendleman,  III,  NX'illiam  Ernest  Sellers,  lames  Gordon  Stegall,  Charles  G.  SUange,  Jr.  Fifth  Row:  Harold  W.  Twisdale,  Charles  B, 
>X'atts,  Jr.,   lames  T,  NX'ilkes,   Jr.,  William  A.  Wilson,   John  Gordon  Ulmer,  j:. 

Page  378 

Fall  semester  starts  a  week  early  as  brothers 
and  pledges  paint  and  clean  up  lodge  .  .  .  Rudy 
features  cracking  whip  at  all  times  .  .  .  Gamblers 
put  on  the  run  by  Crime  Buster  "C.  Atlas"  Ste- 
gall  .  .  .  Glenn  leads  kiddies  over  rough  water  .  .  . 
Blaylock  and  Ulmer  return  from  the  wars  .  .  . 
Little  Lou  now  down  to  slim  230  .  .  .  Thirty-five 
Maryland  brothers  move  in  for  a  week-end  .  .  . 
Later  Tennessee  was  represented  by  sending 
"queen"  for  Beaver  .  .  .  Brother  Morris  leads 
chapter  to  greatest  rushing  yet  as  twenty-two 
great  guys  pledge  .  .  .  Ogs  winds  up  with  terrific 
blind  date  from  WC  .  .  .  Lambdas  disappointed 
when  White  and  Rendleman  not  chosen  for  Su- 
preme Court  .  .  .  Lambda  Chi  pin  deflects  bullet 
and  saves  Dick  Tracy's  life  .  .  .  Elam  struggles 
through  hard  major  .  .  .  Deviney  works  on  trans- 
fer to  Wake  Forest  .  .  .  Dynamite  Sellars  gets 
terrific  Christmas  package  .  .  .  Alex  loses  head  and 
pin  .  .  .  Brady  hits  social  world,  snows  Nurser 
.  .  .  Leonard  pulls  a  big  one,  working  on  future 
Lambdas  .  .  .  Lookmg  forward  to  Lambda  Chi 
Frankie  Lane  at  Inter-Zeta. 



w.    1          V'^fl 




J  ^ 


First  Row.  left  to  tight:  Conder.  Beard.  Meadows,  Johnson,  Register.  Newton. 
Second  Ron:  Starritt,  Barbre,  Walker,  Zimmerman,  Porter,  Sperlbaum,  Weise. 
Third  Row:  Hanna,  Williams,  Staton,  McDevett,  Worthington,  Maultsby,  Tiller, 
Paquette,  Barclay. 

Page   379 

Phi  Delta  Theta 


John  H.  Boushall Presidenl  Founded  at  the  Uni\ersity  of  Miami,  Ox- 

ford, Ohio,  in  1848. 

Van  Weatherspoon Reporter 

Colors:  White  and  Blue 

Don  Harley Secretary 

Floiier:  White  Carnation 

John  Moore Warden 

PnhVications:  The  Scroll,  The  Palladium 

Established    at   the   Universit)-    of   North 
Carolina  in  1885. 

f/ic/  Row.  left  to  rigln:  buddy  Baarcke,  John  H.  Boushall,  Ty  Boyd.  Henry  Cheney.  John  W.  Cole.  Second  Row:  Carl  Dann,  Jim 
Durham,  Gene  Gunter,  Don  Harley,  Bill  Joyner.  Thud  Row:  Allen  Long,  Bill  Marshburn,  Pressley  Millen,  John  D.  Moore.  VCilliam 
B.  Pittman.  Fourth  Rotv:  Dean  Robinson,  Sherwood  Smith,  Campbell  Stuhbs.  Perley  A.  Thomas,  LeRoy  Townsend.  Fifth  Row:  Steve 
Trimble,  Van  Weatherspoon,  Tommy  Williford,  Lem  Woods,  Jr.,   Bob  ^X'right. 

Page   }80 

1953-54  .  .  .  We  return  to  renew  the  good  times 
and  hard  work  of  last  year  .  .  .  Nose  gets  two 
T.D.s  against  Notre  Dame  .  .  .  Gimp  sports  a 
new  fire-truck  red  M.  G.  .  .  .  Golden  Throat 
resumes  duties  of  spinning  discs  .  .  .  Link  is  for- 
ever squeezing — money  out  of  the  brothers,  that 
is  .  .  .  The  other  Uzzie,  Gran,  renews  his  "Field 
and  Stream"  subscription  .  .  .  Newly  installed 
semester  system  confuses  Reet  m  the  morning 
.  .  .  Dumbo's  wings  still  catch  the  wind  .  .  . 
Perch  and  his  minnows  take  their  daily  swim  .  .  . 
Ferg  still  wants  to  know,  "well,  why?"  .  .  .  Turtle 
is  still  champion  after  defeating  twenty-four  con- 
testants. The  Duke  is  furious  .  .  .  someone  else 
has  four  forward  gears  in  his  car — "Never  mind!" 
.  .  .  Spot,  the  Sparrow,  is  still  fluttering  his  ex- 
tremities .  .  .  The  Red  Eye  is  looking  at  you  .  .  . 
Perley  is  still  apicking  .  .  .  Ultrasol  is  the  cry 
from  the  Bush  ...  A  trainer  from  a  local  sorority 
is  taming  the  wild  man  .  .  .  Moon  renews  debates 
after  vacationing  in  Charlotte  .  .  .  The  Bald  One 
returns  to  coach  .  .  .  The  Judge  effervesces  with 
his  bottle  of  personality  .  .  .  Coz  ...  he  comes 
from  a  well  family  .  .  .  Hi-there  Slick. 

F/iit  Row,  left  lu   ri^hi:   HargraNe,   Kirchburg,   Wade,  Olmsted.   Second  Row: 

Strickland,    McLaughlin,    Brenner,    Hooper,    Westerfield.    Third    Row. 
Martin,  Drake,  Pritchett,  Graham,  Krepp. 




Page  381 

Phi  Gamma  Delta 


Rowland  Burnstan,  Jr.  ...  President 

James  W.  Maynard Treasurer 

James  E.  Adams,  Jr.  .  .  Recording  Sec'y. 
Garland  Homes  .  Corresponding  Sec'y. 
Gene  F.  Lyon Historian 


Founded    at    Washington    and    Jefferson 
College  in  1848. 

Color:  Royal  Purple 

Floiver:  Purple  Clematis 

Publication:  The  Phi  Gamma  Delta 

Established   at   the  University  of  North 
Carolina  in  1851. 

i^        P!>  O: 

O    t^.i    O    (O 

AMmh  mm 

First  Row,  left  to  right;  Jim  Adams,  Bob  Bundy.  Burnie  Burnstan,  Bill  Covington,  Kenton  Creuser,  Jim  Crouch.  Second  Row:  Jim 
Dillingham,  Bill  Greene,  Bill  Higgins,  Garland  Homes,  Charlie  Hoyt,  Jim  Lovelace.  Third  Row:  Gene  Lyon,  Jim  Maynard,  Frank 
McCain,  Walter  Noneman,  Jim  Prescott,  Irving  Smith.  Third  Row:  Charlie  Swaim,  Paul  Sylvester,  Bob  Tate,  Carl  Venters. 

Page  382 

Epsilon  of  Phi  Gamma  Delta  began  the  fall 
with  big  football  week-ends  and  welcome  alumni 
.  .  .  troops  in  rare  form  at  combo  parties  staged 
on  patio  with  the  wall  continuing  to  contribute 
casualties  "Shoot  em  up — we  got  the  shooter" 
.  .  .  "Drunk"  .  .  .  Hectic  rushing  tremendous 
success  under  "Bear"  .  .  .  "Drooper "  cracks  the 
whip  in  the  Chicken  Chow  Mein  .  .  .  Laney  drops 
out  of  the  week-end  Greensboro  gang  and  gradu- 
ates .  .  .  Get  this!!  Hare  and  Burnstan  catch  up 
on  sack  time  .  .  .  married  .  .  .  Hoyt  has  family 
still  nervous  .  .  .  W.  W.  Venters  engaged  or 
his  girl  is  .  .  .  "W.  B.  C."  in  Washington  .  .  . 
Weeks  gets  tired  and  takes  a  break  .  .  .  Croxton 
makes  Debut  at  Y  Court  .  .  .  Albert  still  on  the 
wagon  .  .  .  Koenig  joins  troops  again  with  "Got  a 
cigarette  Babe"  .  .  .  Yeah!  Maynard  and  Lyon  are 
off  .  .  .  Adams  has  a  meeting  .  .  .  O.  K.  Stump 
you're  fined  .  .  . 

Springs  brings  week-end  caravans  to  the  beach. 
Noneman  brings  his  rod  and  reel  out  .  .  .  Theta 
party  a  riot  .  .  .  Pledge  Week-end  greatest  yet  .  .  . 
graduation  makes  another  year  at  Vance  Hall. 

r ' 



^a  *.   t^^ 

r     J^ 









^  -^ 


Page  383 

First  Row,    left  to    right:   Dilday.    Carlton,    Bryan,    Reynolds,    Byrum,    Blount, 
Walser.  Second  Row:  Wilson,  Durham,  Boyette,  Cowan.  Towe,  Taylor,  'Wood, 
Exum.   Third  Row:  Reid,   Rossell,   Bruton,   Williams,   McLean,   Hicks,   Connor, 
Minges,  Farmer,  Thorburn. 


Phi  Kapp 


Wallace  W.  O'Neal   President 

William  Prothero  ....  Vice-President 

Robert  Goforth Tre.uurer 

William  Thorton    Secretary 




Founded    at   the    University   of    Pennsyl- 
vania in  1850. 

Colors:  Black  and  Old  Gold 

Flouer:  Yellow  Chrysanthemum 

Pnhliccitiom:  Phi  Kappa  Sigma  Newsletter, 
Lambda  Lite. 









s   k 


i     t 













Firs!  Row,  lefl  lo  right:  John  Barab,  Job  Belcher.  J.  Fred  Blake,  Ernest  Bumjjardntr,  Lynn  Capcl,  Myron  Conklin,  Fay  Culbreth. 
Scro);<^  i?o»v  Wyatt  Dixon,  William  Fetzer,  Allen  Frucci,  Harold  Gleitz,  Bobby  Goforth,  Frank  Harris,  Richard  Hoyle.  Third  Row: 
Robert  Jones,  William  Koman,  Ralph  K.  Kynoch,  Warren  Love,  Joe  Morgan,  Gene  E.  Moring,  Gerald  McMahon.  Fourth  Row: 
Richard  R.  Nixon,  Allen  Norberg,  Wallace  O'Neal,  W.  J.  Prothero,  Jerry  Reece,  Joe  Rogers,  James  Roquemore.  Fiflh  Row:  Charles 
L.  Sharpless,  Neal  Sheffield,  Charlie  Sillery,  James  A.  Smith,  James  Sykes,  C.  Wm.  Thornton,  Hood  van  den  Arend.  Sixth  Row: 
Jerome  Vayda,  Richard  Ziglar. 

Page  384 

"Down  in  the  bar  room  underneath  the 
ground  ..."  With  the  return  of  Sam  the  Phi  Kap 
man  this  year  the  Lambda  House  opened  its  98th 
year  on  campus. 

Things  got  under  way  with  the  open  house  for 
coeds  chaperoned  by  Nugget  O'Neal. 

Times  got  toiable  with  the  advent  of  bar  parties 
before,  during  and  after  the  football  games.  These 
blasts  were  highlighted  by  the  appearance  of  such 
nationally  known  figures  as  Ruby,  Christme,  Ren- 
yard,  Rocco,  Fed-The-Bar-B-Que-King,  Coathanger 
the  Importer,  Ziglet  (AA  President),  Muscle 
Throat  O'Brien,  "My  Gurl"  by  Fetzer  and  Sykes 
the  smiling  barman. 

Next  came  rush  with  the  addition  of  14  more 
clowns  to  the  circus.  Then  Founders'  Day  with 
Lambda  receiving  the  Newsletter  Award.  The 
Christmas  party  for  the  kids,  an  annual  affair, 
was  as  always  well  worth  the  effort. 

Winter  house  party  combined  wiih  the  pledge 
dance  left  sore  heads  but  fond  memories. 

Spring,  glorious  Spring,  with  the  annual  beach 
party  .  .  ,  'nuff  said  ?  Graduation  with  some  of  the 
five-year-men   leaving  at  last.  Time  marches  on. 


First  Row,  left  to  right:  Upchurch,  Hardy,  Glietz,  Stone.  Second  Row:  Gofurth, 
West,  McMillan,  Henderson,  Hollinshed.  Third  Row:  Smith,  Correli,  Davis, 
Michie,  Hunt. 

Page  385 


Pi  Kapp 


Cla'iTON  Jackson Presidetil 

Woody  Fearing  Vice-Pres/deni 

Bill  Calvert Secretary 

Tom  McMillan Treasurer 



Founded  at  the  University  of  Virginia  in 

Colors:  Garnet  and  Gold 

Flou'er:  Lily  ot  the  Valley 

Piiblicalioii:  Shield  and  Diamond 

Established    at   the   University    of   North 
Carolina  in  1895. 

r  ^'  ^ 

F/nt  Row,  Ujt  lo  right:  James  B.  Allen,  Jr.,  Gordon  Battle,  Carroll  Berry,  Jr.,  V<'illiam  M.  Calvert,  John  F.  Comer.  Fred  H.  Deaton, 
William  J.  Erwin.  Second  Row:  Woodson  B.  Fearing,  George  W.  Ferguson,  Gene  Hafer.  Flynn  Harris,  Mason  Hawfield,  William  J. 
Isenhour,  Clayton  Jackson.  Third  Row:  Edgar  W.  McCurry,  Thomas  McMillan,  Arthur  A.  Madden,  John  P.  Maynard,  Stanley  Peel, 
Claude  E.  Pope,  James  F.  Rodgers.  Fourth  Row:  Julian  H.  Rountree,  Julius  A.  Rousseau,  OIlie  M.  Smithwick,  Scott  Taylor,  Horace 
Thompson,  Edward  A.  Wayne,  Matthew  T.  Wood. 

Page  386 

1953  .  .  .  Pika's  opened  the  season  with  a 
combo  after  the  State  game  .  .  .  dig  that  crazy  new 
kitchen  .  .  .  another  rainy  week-end  .  .  .  Woody 
ties  the  knot  .  .  .  pins  pop  up  in  the  strangest 
places!  .  .  .  OUie  and  Sally  Lee  prepare  for  the 
future  .  .  .  old  alums  show  up  for  Homecoming 
.  .  .  where  can  we  get  a  float  for  the  Queen  ?  .  .  . 
look  at  that  beautiful  "Beat  Dook  Float  Parade" 
.  .  .  hard  work,  lots  of  fun  .  .  .  terrific  pledge 
class  .  .  .  anybody  have  another  draft?  .  .  .  speak- 
ing of  draft,  what  happened  to  Lyman,  Grady, 
"Flash,"  Dune,  Haywood,  "Squirrel,"  "Hot  Shep 
Sut,"  Aman,  and  the  rest?  .  .  .  big  chapter  at 
Fort  Jackson  .  .  .  another  beautiful  Dream  Girl  .  .  . 
"Zoot,"  "Shaky,"  and  the  "Senator" — all  one  .  .  . 
"Ike"  the  scorekeeper  .  .  .  "Maurice  and  his  teeth" 
.  .  .  "Mule"  and  the  movies  .  .  .  "Boogie"  and 
Butler,  Pa.  .  .  .  "Big  Ed"  the  political  boss  .  .  . 
Jule  and  George,  struggling  young  shysters  .  .  . 
let's  have  a  sorority  party.  Mason  .  .  .  who  are 
you  dating  tonight,  Jake?  .  .  .  "Moscow  Mules" 
and  Bermuda  shorts — what  a  combination  .  .  . 
terrific  "Tau  Times"  .  .  .  the  "Governor"  talked 
his  way  out  of  that  one  .  .  .  let's  go  to  the  movies 
now,  and  get  it  over  with. 

Page   387 


First  Row,  left  to  right:  Johnson,  Gruble.  Hambright,  Cash\ 
Overman,  Magness,  Padgett,  Gorham,  Coker,  Mackie.  Thi 
Thuemmler.  Converse.  White,  Salmon,  Collins,  Vincent. 

/ell.   Second  Row: 
■d    Row:    Hodges, 

Pi  Kappa  Phi 


Jerold  a.  Ridge Archon  Founded  at  College  of  Charleston  in  1904. 

VoNNiE  B.  Smith   Trensurer  Colors:  Gold  and  White 

Jerry  A.  Campbell Secretary  Flouer:  Red  Rose 

WiNTON  G.  WiLKS  Publication:  Star  and  Lamp 

Warden  -  Pledgemaster 

Established   at   the   University   of   North 

James  L.  Gulledge Historian  Carolina  in  191-i. 

Richard  L.  Frucci Chaplain 

LL  f:  i, 

First  Rou;  left  to  right:  ]erry  Campbell  Asery  ConnM,  Doug  Dodivn.  RicharJ  Frucci.  Stcond  Ron:  Dave  Futch,  James  Gulledge, 
Billy  Joe  Johnson,  Lynn  Mann.  T/j/r<^  Rot^;  Jerry  Ridge,  Charles  Seabrook,  Vonnie  Smith,  Richard  Starner.  Fourth  Row:  Alfred 
Strauss,  Jack  Taylor,  Winton  G.  Willcs,  James  Yokeley. 

Page  388 

The  greatest  year  yet!!  PI  KAPPA  PHI's 
started  the  '53-'54  school  year  oft  right  by  pur- 
chasing new  furniture  for  the  hving  room  .  .  . 
Everyone  pitched  in  to  remodel  our  "social  room" 
.  .  .  "Greatest  parties  ever"  our  Alumni  told  us 
on  their  football  week-end  visits  .  .  .  Pledge  class 
.  .  .  On  the  ball  .  .  .  Everybody's  general  con- 
census ...  PI  KAPPs  well  represented  at  South 
Carolina  game  .  .  .  Lost  three  of  our  best  through 
matrimony  .  .  .  Congratulations  Dick,  Mac,  and 
Dewey  .  .  .  Annual  Christmas  blowout  .  .  . 
Basketball  week-ends  .  .  .  Winter  Germans  .  .  . 
Many  good  times  around  the  house  .  .  .  Frucci's 
"A-Model  Convertible"  .  .  .  Our  "professional" 
pledges  still  around  .  .  .  Spring  Germans,  our 
annual  Rose  Ball  .  .  .  And  Earnie's  annual  after- 
school  house  party  at  Ocean  Drive  closes  out  a 
great  year. 


Firu  Row.  left  lo  righl:  Horton,  Ferrell,  Sluder,  Johnson.  Second  Row:  Cum- 
ming,  Hardester,  Taylor,  ONeil,  Koster,  Huggins.  Third  Row:  Jackson,  Goforth, 
Young,  Wooton,  Hemby,  Herring. 

Page  389 

Pi  Lambda  Phi 


Jo£  Raff  Rex  Founded  at  Yale  University  in  1895. 

Howard  Silvers  Anhnii  Cnlois:  Purple  and  Gold 

Jack  Goodman Scnbc  Piihl nation:  Tripod 

Louis  Bates  .  .  Keeper  of  the  Exchequer  Established   at   the   University   of  North 

Carolina  in  1939. 
Sam  Lerner Marshal 

First  Row,  left  to  right:  Max  Crohn,  Herman  Fleishman,  Barry  Fogel,  Paul  Gartzman,  David  Glass.  Second  Row:  Jack  Goodman, 
William  Gorlick,  Pete  Gumpert.  Bradley  Katz,  Donald  Kurtz.  ThnJ  Ron:  Bob  Kushner,  Sam  Lerner,  Jerry  MofF,  Joe  Raff,  Howard 
Silvers.  Fourth  Row:  Ben  Slosman,  Norman  Steinberger,  Herb  Waintr,  Don  VCarren,  Howard  Zerden. 

Page  390 

A  SPIRITED  BUNCH  returned  from  summer  vaca- 
tion .  .  .  Their  first  job  was  to  completely  paint 
the  inside  of  the  house  .  .  .  Everyone  pitched  in 
and  Grads  grudgingly  admitted  ole  107  looked 
the  best  ever  ...  It  must  have  impressed  the 
rushees  for  we  got  our  biggest  and  best  pledge 
class — 20  pledges  started  on  the  road  towards 
becoming  "Jolly  Laddies "  .  .  .  The  Fall  German's 
party  was,  as  usual,  the  greatest  .  .  .  Athletes  went 
after  Hillel  football  crown  with  vim  and  vigor — 
We  Won!  Winter  came  and  we  settled  down  for 
some  serious  intellectual  activity  .  .  .  Gotta  keep 
that  scholastic  average  on  top  .  .  .  National 
okays  club-cellar  plans  and  work  begins  .  .  . 
Winter  Germans  and  big  week-end  party  high- 
lighted the  social  calendar. 

Several  beach  trips  and  the  cabin  party  started 
it  off  right  .  .  .  Horseshoe  pits  decorate  the  back 
yard  ...  Pi  Lams  defend  their  campus  handball 
Championship  .  .  .  Omega  Beta  ended  one  of  its 
most  successful  years  at  Carolina  with  hopes  for 
an  even  better  one  in  '54-' 5 3. 

Page  391 


Fnsi  Row,  left  to  right:  Stuart  Teachman,  Marvin  Pearlman,  Richard  Oresman. 
Dave  Tananbaum.  Ben  Diamond.  Second  Row:  Arnold  Kapiloff.  Dave  Burrows. 
Frank  Livingston,  Ed  Pearlstein.  Ted  Rosenthal,  Julius  Coiien.  Thiiij  Ron:  Bob 
Lavietes,  Lorry  Braverman.  Fred  Kahn,  Don  Stein,  Brad  L'nion,  Bob  Pearlman. 
Ed  Lipman,  Stan  Bershaw. 

St.  Anthony  Hall 

George  V.  Strong House  Manager 


Founded  at  University  of  Columbia  in  1847. 

Colors:  Blue  and  Gold. 

Established  at  the  University  of  North  Carolina  in  1854. 

First  Row:  Jack  Blake,  Dave  Clinard,  Rus.s  Cowell.  J.  limokc  GarJiiicr,  Ed  Gross.  Seco}iJ  Ruu:  Phm  Horton,  S.  T.  Jordan.  Charles 
Kuralt,  Dusty  Lamson,  C.  B.  Schley.  Third  Row:  Doug  Soo,  Tom  Spain,  Jack  Spooner,  Edward  T.  Taws,  Bill  Walker.  Fourth  Rotv: 
T.  E.  Witty,  Bill  Wood,  Jay  Zimmerman. 

Page  392 

Uncle  Tony's  boys  return  to  the  Hall  as  new 
year  begins.  Things  are  looking  up — Blake  has  a 
new  crop  of  hair;  Strong  has  hopes  of  finding 
his  cat  .  .  .  Bachelor  ranks  dwindle  fast — Walker, 
Witty,  and  Seely  last  summer,  Johnson  in  the  fall, 
and  Mclntyre  in  the  winter,  with  more  to  bite  the 
dust  this  summer  .  .  .  The  Hall  is  rejuvenated — 
amazing  what  some  paint  and  a  new  bar  will  do 
.  .  .  Football  week-ends  feature  Jordan,  bottle,  and 
harmonica,  appearing  nightly  on  the  roof  .  .  . 
Pre-season  coon  hunt — missed  both  coons,  but  al- 
most bagged  Gross  .  .  .  Rushing's  mass  confusion 
and  mangled  right  hands.  Well  worth  it,  though 
.  .  .  Germans  week-end,  plus  cabin  party  and 
hayride — the  latter  successful  except  for  diabetic 
horse  .  .  .  Gardiner  goes  continental — wine  with 
meals  at  Antoine's.  His  car  stolen,  found  in  Y- 
Court  as  a  Christmas  present  from  the  "Roach" 
.  .  .  The  Christmas  party  with  eggnog  was  holiday 
send-off  .  .  .  Beach  parties  at  Soo's;  various  blasts 
here  and  there  as  weather  turns  warm  .  .  .  High- 
light of  year — Centennial  Swingout;  alumni  re- 
turn to  make  it  year's  greatest  affair. 

Page  393 


First  Row.  lefr  lo  right:  Bruton,  Cluett,  Meadows.  Second  Roir:  Dewing,  Bell, 
Kentopp,  Jones. 

Sigma  Alpha  Epsilon 


,    ,  »r  ,,  r>      •  /  Founded  at  the  University  of  Alabama  in 

I.  Alex  McMillan President  ,  ' 

■'  1856. 

Edward  H.  Hardison  ..   V/ce-Pres/den/  Co/oer;  Old  Gold  and  Purple 

John  D.  Gold Seaenvj  ^'''""'■'  ^'°'^^ 

Pi/hludlion:  The  Record 

John  DuBose   Tretis/ner 

Established   at   the  University   of  North 

Robert  L.  Gibbon Warden  Carolina  in  1857. 



F;rii  Row.  left  to  right :  Milo  Abercrombie,  ^X■illlam  Armheld,  Herbert  Browne,  Richard  Carmichael.  Henry  Conner,  Edward  Crawford, 
Tom  Creasy.  Second  Kinc:  John  DuBose,  Robert  Gibbon.  John  Hanes,  Edward  Hardison,  Eugene  Hill,  NX'iliiam  Huff,  Frederick 
Hutchins.  Third  Row:  Frank  Lowe,  William  McDonald,  J.  Alex  McMillan.  George  Mountcastle,  Arthur  Newcombe.  James  Norfleet, 
John  Pace.  Fourth  Row:  George  Parker,  Bobby  Payne,  Edward  Pell,  Samuel  Reeves,  Thomas  Ruffin,  William  Ruffin,  William  Sand- 
ridge.  Fijth  Row:  Robert  Schoize,  ^X'ebb  Sherrill,  Dixon  Spangler,  Broadus  Thompson,  Jid  Thompson,  Robert  Wellons,  John  Wet- 
tach.  Sixth  Row:  James  Whitton,  Charles  Yarborough. 

Page  394 

Arriving  back  at  Chapel  College  this  fall, 
S.A.E.'s  surprisingly  found  a  revamped  house,  due 
to  the  superlative  efforts  of  Bob  Gibbon  and  Alex 
McMillan.  Gib,  who  found  himself  trapped  into 
first  session  summer  school,  gleefully  directed  the 
face  lifting  of  the  hrst  floor.  Many  actives  who 
returned  to  school  early  aided  in  numerous  and 
sundry  ways.  The  end  result  was  something  less 
than  hideous,  so  all  parties  v.ere  happily  amazed. 

To  make  the  ninety-sixth  year  an  even  bigger 
success,  Minerva  came  up  with  sixteen  pledges, 
creating  one  of  the  best  pledge  classes  in  the 
history  of  N.  C.  Xi — and  undoubtedly  thev  will 
perform  prodigiously  for  the  girl  with  the  lion. 

Congratulating  each  other  on  the  fine  begin- 
ning, the  brothers  then  turned  their  eyes  to  the 
future  to  concern  themsehes  with  elaborate  plans 
for  the  remainder  of  the  year. 

'^   ■5>^ 



First  Rou:  left  lo  right:  Dawson.  Hill,  Williamson,  Henderson.  Wright.  Second 
Row:  Patton,  Hutchins,  Lybrook,  Watkins.  Hughins.  Third  Row:  Hunter, 
Causey,  Dell,  Vance,  Galloway,  Van  Winkle. 

Page  39  ■> 

Sigma  Phi  Epsilon 


RuEBEN  Y.  Leonard President 

Frederick  T.  Mattox  .  .  Vice-Presidenl 
Thomas  A.  Torgersen  .  .  .  Comptroller 

David  W.  Aderholdt Secretary 

Thomas  E.  LiNOSE'i' Historian 


Founded  at  University  of  Richmond   in 

Colors:  Red  and  Purple 

riouer:  American  Beauty  Rose 

Pi/hlicdtion:  Sigma  Phi  Epsilon  Journal 

Established   at   the   University   of   North 
Carolina  in  1921  and  1947. 

J  I 

First  Rott.  teil  to  nglsl:  David  W.  Aderholdt,  Herman  J.  Bunch,  Jr.,  Billy  R.  Flowers,  Jimmy  R.  1-lowers,  Carl  A.  Furr,  Jr.  Second 
Row:  John  R.  B.  Hawes,  Jr.,  Don  Hamilton,  Rueben  Y.  Leonard,  Thomas  E.  Lindsey,  Rufus  J.  Marks,  Jr.  Third  Row:  Frederick  T. 
Mattox,  Thomas  L.  Norris,  Jr.,  James  T.  Stewart,  Jr.,  Jesse  L.  Warren,  Thomas  A.  Torgersen. 

Page  396 

Mattox,  Marks  and  Lindsey  came  back  from 
National  Conclave  at  Portland,  Oregon  m  three 
days.  Another  year  passes  all  too  quickly  .  .  . 
more  barn  parties  .  .  .  Hawes  locks  kitchen  .  .  . 
"Iron  Jaw"  Mattox  threatens  to  sue  .  .  .  Rufus 
swore  it  was  wood  .  .  .  Hamilton  with  a  different 
girl  each  week  .  .  .  T.  T.  loses  his  heart  .  .  . 
Jimmy  and  Billy  paint  flowers  in  Raleigh  .  .  . 
Norris  sets  up  quarters  in  Nurses  dorm  .  .  . 
Herman  studies  for  once  .  .  .  Furr  returns  to 
Meredith  .  .  .  Thompson  transfers  from  Davidson 
and  brings  half  of  Shelby  with  him  .  .  .  Aderholdt 
takes  a  drink  .  .  .  Rueben  dates  a  nice  girl  .  .  . 
Stewart  builds  displays  .  .  .  SANDY  RETURNS 
.  .  .  Blanton  goes  wild  with  paint  brush,  T.  C. 
goes  politician  .  .  .  Daddy  Beck  leads  his  flock  .  .  . 
Lore  will  play  bridge  one  time  .  .  .  Skippy  skips 
out  .  .  .  Benson  goes  ape  .  .  .  Pope  doesn't  preach. 


Fiy.U  Row,  left  to  right:  Smith,  Leonhart,  Pope,  Blanton,  Moore.  Pierce.  Second 
Row:  Helms,  Bynum,  Beck,  Spencer,  Akin,  Pringle,  Johnson.  Third  Ruiv:  Morris, 
Self,  Benson,  Lore,  Daughtry,  Fowler,  McFlarson. 

Page   397 



Charlie  Phillips Preudeiii 

Abbie  Keyes V/ce-Pres/cJei/t 

Harr'i'  Anderson    Secrelarj 

Pi; Hi  Smitherman Tredsurer 



Founded  at  the  University  of  Miami  (Ox- 
ford, Ohio)  in  1855. 

Colors:  Blue  and  Gold 

Flower:  White  Rose 

Established   at   the   University   of  North 
Carolina  in  1889. 

^     f?    ^ 

!?  p  n  ft  p 


Q    ,e    ft    p   p 

fTTf      ^D     i^      ^  ^ 

First  Row.  Iffi  to  Harry  Anderson,  Kemp  ClcnJenin,  Ray  Collins.  Walt  Con\erse,  Jerry  Cook,  Fred  Dale,  Roddey  Dowd.  Second 
Row:  Billy  Ford,  Tommy  Frazier,  Joe  Freeman,  Don  Gladstone,  Britt  Glenn,  Toy  Gregory,  Bill  Hawks.  T/j/W  i?(V!('.- Elbert  Herring, 
Sid  Hoots,  Allen  Hoppe,  Eric  Jonas,  Jim  Keech,  Albert  Keyes,  Carl  McCraw.  Fourth  Row:  Jim  Melvin,  Denny  Mitchell,  BUI  Moore, 
Buell  Moser,  Galen  Moser,  Tommy  Osborne,  Charlie  Phillips.  Ftft/i  Row:  Erwin  Potts,  Doug  Powell,  Charles  Ridenhour,  Frank  Rod- 
dey, Howard  Seawell,  Earnie  Shore.  Sixth  Row:  Pete  Smitherman,  Tim  Timberlake,  Dan  Watkins,  Jere  Woltz. 

Page   398 

School  opened  again  with  a  bang,  and  Doug 
started  piecing  the  house  together  again.  Missing 
roof  and  crater  in  Uving  room  was  blamed  on 
Grover  and  Ernie.  Fraz  waved  as  he  passed  on  his 
way  to  Durham.  A  large  moving  van  pulled  up 
with  Spider's  muscle  building  equipment.  Slaves 
were  seen  carrying  large  money  bags  to  the  banks 
as  Ray  drove  into  town.  Bundles  and  Mitch  slid 
up  on  a  dog  sled  after  a  long  journey  from  the 
North.  The  sky  lit  up,  and  the  Earth  trembled  as 
Red  Man  strolled  up  the  walk. 

A  motion  was  brought  up  in  chapter  meeting  to 
start  going  to  classes — motion  defeated.  Another 
motion  was  made  to  get  Sid  out  of  bed — motion 
passed,  impossible  to  enforce.  Along  came  rushing 
and  twenty-five  shining  new  additions  were  made. 

Pete  was  jailed  for  pinching  Abraham  Lincoln 
.  .  .  Abbie  was  seen  sober — once.  Rio  crashed  into 
the  Bell  Tower  with  his  new  Sabre  Jet,  and  Dowd 
blew  up  Y-Court.  Looks  like  another  fine  year 
for  the  Sigs. 


Page   399 


Fiisi  Row,  left  lij  right:  Boone,  Kanauf,  Micheaux,  Isley,  Gregory.  Secuiid  Row: 
Mitchell,  Lomax,  Stephens,  Ward,  Carmichael,  Teague,  Murphy.  Third  Row: 
Grubbs,  Cowell,  Best,  Sisk,  Current,  Bell,  Wilson.  Fourth  Row:  Woltz.  Lopp, 
Hardin.   Rothrock,  Chalk,  Dowdy,  Sheffield,   Burge,  Oakley,   Plumbley. 

Si2ma  Nu 

Michael  K.  Davis.  Eminem  Commander 
EuGHNE  C.  Hicks,  III  .  .Ll.  Commander 

Stanley  R.  Smith   Recorder 

Carl  R.  Webb,  Jr Treasurer 


Founded  at  Virginia  Military  Institute  in 


Colon:  Black,  White  and  Gold 

Flower:  White  Rose 

Publication:  The  Delta 

Established   at   the   University   of   North 
Carolina  in   1889. 

I   B  rM  '^t .^^^^^ 

O    ^    f^-    O 


First  Row,  left  to  right:  Turner  Bass,  Louis  Beall,  Setli  Brumley,  DcW  Ut  ClupplL,  JosLph  Cherry,  Edward  Clement,  Michael  Davis. 
Second  Row:  Sidney  Dixon,  George  Foti,  William  Griffin,  Bobby  Grimes,  Fred  Hamrick,  James  Harper,  Thomas  Harper.  Third  Row: 
George  Harris,  Robert  Heath,  Eugene  Hicks,  Lee  Holmes,  Robert  Kimzey,  Jack  Markham,  Paul  McCubbins.  Fourth  Row:  Don  E. 
Mitchell,  Don  P.  Mitchell,  Saunders  Moore,  John  Mundy,  James  Oglesby,  Dick  Porter,  Robert  Powell.  Fifth  Row:  Wal- 
lace Pridgen,  Franz  Roberts,  Stanley  Smith,  John  Roberts,  Bernard  Theiling,  Thomas  Thomas,  Carl  Webb.  S/xth  Rote:  Michael 
White,  Ray  White. 

Page  400 

The  Year  begins  for  dear  ole  Psi. 

New  rug,  new  actives,  pledges,  too. 

The  gridiron's  sparked  by  Teedy  B., 

With  George  up  front  to  lead. 

Dave  likes  to  kiss  'em  on  the  mouth 

'Specially  KD's  we  hope. 

The  Snakes  find  washing  is  a  sin 

As  Mike  dictates  "No  soap!" 

"Fraud!  Fraud!  the  legislators  yell 

As  Ruby's  hauled  away; 

Consult  Mon's  Travel  Agency 

About  a  seashore  stay. 

And  lo !  the  Cherry  doth  return 

With  Old  World  tales  to  spin; 

And  Stick,  the  patient  pledge,  reveals 

He's  finally  getting  in. 

God!  Pridgen's  shelf  is  bare. 

Then  Vickers  softly  had  to  ask 

"What's  going  on  down  there  .  .  ." 

The  Snakes  they  love  to  serenade. 

They  start  with  the  Pi  Phi's, 

and  then  take  on  the  other  five  .  .  . 

(Stick's  horn  drowned  out  the  sighs) 

To  "da  .  .  .  da-da-da-"  it  is  said 

"Look,  man,  I  played  a  hunch"; 

And  then  we  ask  the  whole  damn  Dook 

To  share  our  songs  and  punch. 

It's  time  to  close  and  see  Spero 

For  "just  another  brew" 

And  so  we  bid  our  "Happy  Days" 

To  dear  old  Snickey  Foo! 




fr^  iA  ^\ 



w-     *^^i    ^ 

m    i^ 

M-    t  ^9       'k^^B 

^^^K'^^Hk       M 



Fiisl  Rou\  left  to  right:  Morgan,  Gibson,  Watkins,  White,  Hurley,  Carter, 
MitchelL  Noel.  Second  Row:  West,  Watkins,  BuUuck,  Lamm,  Bass,  Phillips, 
Moore,  Stallings,  White.  Thud  Row:  Boyette,  Bishop,  Dorzback,  Elliott,  Martin, 
Liles,  Howard,  Butters,  Cooke,  E.\um. 

Page  401 

^I^MM^  ^*i^«  «'|^ 

Tau  Epsilon  Phi 


Roger  Ackerman Chancellor  Founded  at  Columbia  University  in  1910. 

Murray  Politis V ice-Chancellor  Colors:  Purple  and  White 

Charles  A.  Friedman Scribe  Flowers:  Lily  of  the  Valley  and  Violet 

Elliott  Rose Bursar  Pnhlicaiion:  The  Plume 

Established   at  the  University   of  North 
Carolina  in  1924. 

J-y   f^  O   p   P 

D   O    p    P    (^ 

f/n/ RwH, /f// /w  )7.i;/j/.- Roger  Ackerman,  Martin  Alpert,  Leonard  Clcin,  Robert  S.  Colbert,  li.i  D.ims,  dcnald  liinhorn,  Charles  A. 
Friedman.  Second  Rou  :  David  Garmise,  Carl  Goldfarb,  Don  Goldstein,  Leonard  Grodsky,  Barry  Kalin,  Ronnie  Knegsman,  Richard 
Kushinsky.  Third  Row:  Alvin  Levine,  Larry  Maslow,  Burnet  Mendelsohn,  Kenny  Myers,  Bob  Paller,  Leroy  Pearlman,  Murray  Politis. 
Fourth  Row:  Harold  Rabhan,  Elliott  Rose,  Elliott  Solomon,  Harold  Schwartz,  Sam  Strause,  Harvey  Tilles,  Marshall  Waldman. 

Page  402 

Finis  for  our  seniors  .  .  .  Roger  "Babe"  plans 
to  change  Sammy  for  Fran  .  .  .  Al  and  Kenny  will 
now  start  debating  for  a  living  .  .  .  Kalin  returns 
to  the  hills  to  run  his  still  .  .  .  Ambassador  Politis 
returns  to  his  homeland  .  .  .  Where  is  our  Rebates, 
E. ''????  .  .  .  Chemical  Carl  gets  degree  in  Poli- 
Sci  .  .  .  How's  Blackjacks,  Rab?????  .  .  .  Lacrosse 
Chazz  with  pen  in  one  hand  and  his  Lacrosse 
stick  in  the  other  .  .  .  What  is  keeping  you  from 
going  to  Florida  this  year,  Chazz???  .  .  .  Tilles 
plans  trip  to  Paree  .  .  .  His  buddy  Len  is  going  to 
have  a  new  suit  made  by  Taylor  .  .  .  E.Y.B.  dis- 
bands due  to  lack  of  interest,  but  there  are  rumors 
that  Buddy  and  Bill  are  holding  their  own  meet- 
ings .  .  .  Mackler  ought  to  keep  his  nose  out  of 
you  know  whose  finger  .  .  .  Pledges  need  more 
experience  in  modeling  .  .  .  Houseparty  for  100 
(But  200  came  so  everybody  threw  up  both  hands 
and  yelled)  .  .  .  Big  reduction  in  Damnyankees 
.  .  .  Entertained  alumni  with  big  blast  .  .  .  Where 
was  the  party  Maryland  week-end????  .  .  .  This 
is  it  so  let's  join  together  and  as  I  said  before — 

throw  up  both  hands  and  yell !!! 

Bye  now  .  .  . 

>'    W^- 


Page  403 


First  Row.  left  to  right:  Heyman,  Hettleman,  Friedman,  Strause.  Second  Row: 
Lieberman,  Brody,  Blankstein,  Saunders,  Korshun.  Third  Row:  Brown,  Planer, 
Heiden,  Coplon,  SchiM. 

p«  p  1  r 

Theta  Chi 


James  R.  Warren President  Founded  at  Norwich  Unixersity,  Norwich, 

Vermont,  in  1856. 
Clinton  T.  Andrews  .  .  Vice-President 

Colors:  MiUtary  Red  and  White 
William  D.  Beck Secretary 

Floiver:  Red  Carnation 
Walter  E.  Yopp,  III Treasurer 

Publication:  The  Rattle  of  Theta  Chi 
Jack  L.  Scism   Pledge  Marshal 

Estabhshed   at   the   University   of  North 

Carolina  in  1920.  Row.  left  to  rinht:  Tyndall  Alligood,  Clinton  Andrews,  Robert  Hartley,  William  Beck,  Ernest  Carson.  Second  Ro 
tis,  William  Giles,  Ronald  Goodman,' R.  Boyden  Henley,  Justice  Jenkins.  Third  Row:  Charles  Ledbetter.  John  Lee, 
cinko.  Robert  Neal,  Jr.,  David  Pace,  fourth  Row:  Eugene  Roberts,  Jack  Scism,  Robert  Skillen,  Gary  Sluder.  G.  Kent  T 
Row:  Gilbert  Tweed,  James  Warren,  Walter  Yopp,  III. 

ir:  Robert  Cur- 
Stephen   Mar- 
hompson.  Fifth 

P.-jge  404 

It's  all  new  .  .  .  the  house,  the  pledges,  spirits 
renewed.  We  start  out  the  year  with  a  bang. 

We'll  remember:  The  all-nite  homecoming 
party  staged  by  "Hamburger."  Special  pledge 
project  at  Duke  (wonder  what  it  was.-*). 
"Grumpy,"  his  SPE  stone,  his  flying  cards  and 
10,000  bells. 

"Snow  White  and  the  Four  Pigs"  (or  were 
they?)  "Kid"  and  his  tinker-toys.  Clint  and  Ken — 
"Which  Hickorite  is  the  alki?"  "Rose  Bud"  and 
her  little  red  brief  case. 

"Peanut  Butter"  Jenkins  and  his  ice  cream 
sundaes.  Veep  and  his  queen!  Blood  trophy  com- 
petition weeds  men  from  boys.  "Columbus"  no 
returneth.  Sister  Pollard  and  Pledge  ( ?)  Torrence 
caught  in  the  draft. 

Congrats  to  Circum,  Helms,  Slud,  Herbie  and 
Ellis.  June  cometh.  Freedom  goeth.  (Maybe) 

"Stinko"  and  Big  Bill" — Saturday's  Heroes. 
"C-Top"  and  all  those  A's  he  talked  about. 
"Poodle,  Where's  Mimi?"  "Old  Dad"  sorta  dis- 
liked "Motor  Mouth."  We  did  too.  Let's  go  to 
physics  lab,  Tyndall.  A  legacy  forthcoming  from 
Al  and  Mike. 

"Bedwetter."  "Tweedybird."  "Pearshape." 
"Hail  to  the  Chief."  Our  Dream  Girl,  Bunny. 
Knock,  knock — who's  there.  "Tess" 


First  Row,  left  to  right:  Ken  Frye,  Johnny  Brindell,  Craig  Horseman.  Second 
Row:  Jim  Sheets,  Bob  Greene,  C.  J.  Hartsell.  Jim  Hart.  Third  Roiv:  Harry 
Forbes,  Johnny  Garrow,  Arden  Ashley,  Joe  Asero,  Don  Monroe.  Bill  Suttle. 

Page  405 

Zeta  Beta  Tau 


Mitchell  Novit President  Founded  at  City  College,  New  York  City, 

in  1898, 
Lewis  Simon V'ne-Presideiit 

Colors:  Blue  and  Gold 
Arthur  Barbanell    Secretary 

P/ihliidlinns:      ZBT      Quarterly,      Alpha 
Richard  Adelsheim Treasurer  Pioneer, 

Edward  Nelson   Historian  Established   at   the   University   of   North 

Carolina  in  1927. 

^     ^      .^• 

First  Row.  lejl  to  r:^ht:  Richard  Adelsheim,  Seymour  Bane.  Arthur  Barbanell,  Eugene  Buyer.  Second  Rote:  Arthur  Einstein,  Henry 
Isaacson,  Charles  Katzenstein,  Ronald  Lampert.  Third  Row:  Ben  jamin  Marks,  Albert  Marx,  Edward  Nelson,  Mitchell  Novit.  Fo«f/A 
Row:  Fred  Rosenberg,  Lewis  Simon,  Harold  Starr,  Louis  Wolfsheimer. 

Page  406 

House  gets  new  look  as  Res  climbs  ladder  .  .  . 
Friends  of  ZBT  chartered  .  .  .  Rug  doesn't  fit, 
A.  B.  retakes  Math  7  .  .  .  EO  and  TF  from  campus 
to  doghouse  .  .  .  Res  paints  as  Lou  supervises  .  .  . 
Ten  innocents  pledge  .  .  .  Maryland  carpet- 
baggers invade  Southland  .  .  .  Einstein  decides 
after  three  year  debate  that  birds  and  bees  are  here 
to  stay  (Res  falls  off  ladder)  .  .  .  Simon  and 
Lampert  takes  loss  as  House  goes  oft  GOLD 
standard  .  .  .  Clyde  pins  Connie  after  long  affair 
.  .  .  Novit  becomes  Captain,  air  defense  collapses 
.  .  .  Res  paints  .  .  .  Cohen  hurt  in  Tech  game  .  .  . 
The  Thin  Man  gets  new  cast .  .  .  The  Fat  Man  gets 
Marcia  .  .  .  Tennessee  Ernie  Marx  entertains  the 
masses  .  .  .  le  fin  .  .  . 

TT^i^SHt.  r?^  1  :sr 

fiiii  I  nn' 


First  Row,  left  to  right:  Rosenberg,  Goldberg.   Kahn,  Weinman.  Second  Row: 
Broad,  Rosenstoclc,  Epstein,  Hornik.  Goodman. 

Page  407 

Zeta  Psi 


Bud  Wallace   President  Founded  at  New  York  Univeisity  in  1847. 

Miles  Gregory Vice-President  Colors:  Gold  and  White 

Harry  Pearsall Secretary  Flouer:  White  Carnation 

Skipper  McMillan Treasurer  Publication:  Circle  of  Zeta  Psi 

Established   at   the   University   of  North 
Carolina  in  1858. 



i;  ^  .'  ,,,  r'nl^t:  Charlie  Ayaxk,  limmy  Barnes,  Bill  Brawner,  Alfred  Bryant,  John  Bryant,  Hugh  Chapman.  Second  Row:  Dick 
I  Mark  Dickerson,  Pat  Eldridge,  Bill  Evans,  Ed  Gauss,  Arthur  Gregory.  Third  Row:  Earl  Johnson,  ^X'alton  Joyner,  Bob  Lam- 
Ed  Loughlin  Z  V  McMillan,  Harry  Pearsall.  Fourth  Row:  Al  Purrington,  Julian  Robertson,  George  Smith,  Kenneth  Smith,  Sea- 
Thorp   Bob  Trundle  F/flh  Row:  Doug  Van  Noppen,  Bud  Wallace,  Irvin  NX'atkins,  Bob  Williamson,  Jim  Winston,  Chick  Young. 

Page  408 

'53-'54  .  .  .  CONGRATULATIONS  ARE  IN  ORDER  for 
winning  the  Zeta  Psi  National  Chapter  award 
.  .  .  also  to  the  house  managerial  staff  for  reno- 
vated dining-room  and  kitchen  .  .  .  "Footsy" 
(Five  Year)  Wallace  serving  as  prexy  for  opening 
term  .  .  .  new  pledge  class  is  a  joy  to  behold  .  .  . 
the  fortunate  few  "shoot  em  up"  at  the  Georgia 
game  .  .  .  frequent  blasts  on  Winston  Memorial 
Highway  No.  1  .  .  .  "Butt"  loses  pin  on  New  York 
subway  .  .  .  "Footsy"  makes  weekly  Thursday 
migration  to  Salem  .  .  .  "Rabbit"  bucks  for 
brother's  position  as  he  joins  S  and  B  .  .  .  Leslie's 
daily  call,  "How  about  some  golf,  Julian,  old 
scout"  .  .  .  "Grandpa"  Grimes  complains  of  rheu- 
matic aches  on  rainy  days  .  .  .  Mallory  shows  his 
brother's  musical  inclinations  .  .  .  Bullet  takes  up 
with  campus  dogs  .  .  .  "Nutties"  is  placed  on 
female  "  wanted"  list  .  .  .  Zetes  make  up  zoo  with 
Lizard,  Monkey,  Snake,  Squirrel,  Rabbit,  Turkey, 
Goose,  Bear,  Poss,  and  Animal  .  .  .  "Bigg)'"  con- 
quers at  home  and  abroad  .  .  .  Levi  and  Ula 
compare  flexes  .  .  .  Evan's  frequent  luncheon  dates 
.  .  .  Nut  studies  .  .  .  Kitten  discloses  his  life  am- 
bition, to  grow  up  and  be  a  cat  .  .  .  Kitch  con- 
tinues to  play  the  field  .  .  .  "Grandma"  opposes 
"B.  O."  in  political  views  .  .  .  "Seab"  defeats  all 
plumbers  on  the  table  .  .  .  M.  C.  stars  in  football 
while  Chip  and  Brawner  are  out  for  soccer  .  .  . 
Lu  Lu  fails  on  Homecoming  display  but  brings 
campus  good  entertainment  .  .  .  Redskins  are  a 
Sunday  afternoon  MUST  .  .  .  Jimmy  Hargraves 
frequently  demonstrates  the  Alcoholic  Shag  .  .  . 
Brothers  Wallace,  Cozart,  Young,  Lips  and  Dutch 
join  the  pin  club  .  .  .  WC  team  grows  gradually 
.  .  .  Aycock  replaces  "O.O."  as  Peanut  Butter 
King  .  .  .  Doonie  coaches  wrestlers  on  Persian  rug 
.  .  .  Brothers  Johnson  and  Trundle  do  booming 
business  with  the  Red  Box  downstairs  .  .  .  The 


'jtij^i  \j  ^ 

Page  409 


Firsi  Row.  left  to  right:  Moss,  Williams,  Lawson,  Hines,  Corse.  Second  Row. 
Barber,  Neville,  Fulton,  Putnam,  Cheatham,  Van  Loan. 

Coinplimeiils  of  1954  YACKETY  YACK 

Page  410 

Business  Manager 

Assistant  Business  Manager 

We  wish  to  thank  these  advertisers,  whose  cooperation  is  deeply 

appreciated.  Remember  them,  won 

't  yon? 

Andrews  Restaurant 

Lassiter  Corporation 


The  Bank  of  Chapel  Hill 

Berman's  Department  Store 

The  Little  Shop 
Long  Meadow  Farms 

E.  A.  Brown  Furniture  Company 

Claude  M.  May 

Carolina  Barber  Shop 
Carolina  Coffee  Shop 

Nu-'Way  Cleaners 

Carolina  Flower  Shop 
Carolina  Inn 
Carolina  Theater 

Charlotte  Engraving  Company 
Chatham  Manufacturing  Company 
Chesterfield  Cigarettes 
Coble  Dairy  Products,  Inc. 

Orange  Prmtshop 

Pace  in  Glen  Lennox 

Pepsi-Cola  Bottling  Co.  of  Durham 

The  Pmes 

Poe  Motor  Company 

T.  W.  Poe  and  Sons 

Coca-Cola  Bottling  Co.  of  Durham 
Colonial  Press 
Colonial  Stores,  Inc. 

Dillon  Supply  Company 
Durham  Herald-Sun  Papers 


Electric  Construction  Company 

Fitch  Lumber  Company 
Foister's  Camera  Store 

Riggsbee-Hmson  Furniture  Company 
Robbins'  of  Chapel  Hill 

Sloan  Drug  Company 
Smith-Prevost  Cleaners 

The  Sport  Shop 
Sutton  Drug  Company 

Town  &  Campus 
Tyler's  Esso  Servicenter 

Fowler's  Food  Store 

University  Cleaners 

The  Glen  Lennox  Development 

The  Goody  Shop 

Gulf  Service  of  Chapel  Hill 

Hazzard  Motor  Company 
Honeycutt  Cleaners 

University  Florist  and  Gift  Shop 
University  Lodge 
University  National  Bank 
University  Printery 

"Varsity  Theater 

Huggins'  Hardware 
Intimate  Bookshop 


"Waller  and  Smith  Studio 

The  King  Cotton  Hotel 

"Watts  Grill  and  Motor  Court 

Kingsport  Press 

"Wentworth  and  Sloan  Jewelers 

...  IT  PAYS  TO 

ADVERTISE  .   .   . 

Page  412 

Today's  Chesterfield  is  tiie 

Best  Cigarette  Ever  Made! 

'Chesterfields  -For  Me! 


The  cigarette  tested  and  approved  by  30 

years  of  scientific  tobacco  research. 

Copyfighc  195-1.  Liggett  &  MvLRs  Tobacgo  Co, 

Page  413 


Member  of  the  Federal  Reserve  System 



/■-%   'V 
^ ^^ji  ''>^d\ 

Durham  Coca-Cola  Bottling  Co. 

Durham.  N.   C. 

Page  414 

t^lott^vrs  ... 

_y(r  r/aiurai  L^oinpiiment 

^o  uDeautu 

The  Carolina  Flower  .Shop 

Opposite  fhe  Post  Office 

The  Very  Best  in  Food 


A  Pleasant  Atmosphere 


Carolina  Coffee  Shop 

138  E.  Franklin  Street 

T.  W.  Poe  &L  Sons,  Inc. 

General  Confractors 

DURHAM,  N.  C. 

Builders  of: 







Painting,  Papering  and  Decorating 

105  W.  Chapel  Hill  Street      * 

Telephone  6939 


Page  415 

Page  4l6 







'^^T   "^^BBi 





11^  11^ 

^IIMI                        ,_  _ 



Dial  3-1696 
RALEIGH,   N.   C. 

Serv/np     U  N  C     Students 









1360     ON     YOUR     DIAL 


P€*it*  aatd  Spi»rtp 






Page  417 




For  Delivery:  Phone  9-416 

Chapel  Hill,  N.  C. 

Page  418 




niversit^   Lodge 

Is  Carolina's  Finest  Motel 


For  Steaks  and  Seafoods  at  Their  Very  Best,  It's 

The   Pines 

HIGHWAY   54  EAST                                                       CHAPEL   HILL 

40/1^4^  SHOP 


^  '       CAufiU  ?/M.  n  c. 



Appreciates   Your    Patronage 



Page  419 



maKes  goo 


Chatham  Manufacturing  Company,  Elkin,  North  Carolina 

Page  420 



Finest     in    Men's    Cloi 





Mill  -  Industrial  and 

Contractors   Supplies 

Plumbing  —  Heating 

Equipment  —  Home 

Water  Systems 




Colonial  ^re^s^ 



-  Member  F.  D.  I.  C.  - 

Clyde     Eubanks President  W.  E.  Thompson  . 

Collier    Cobb,   Jr Vice-President  J.  Temple   Gobbel 

W.  R.  Cherry Asst.  Cashier 

Serving    the    LJniversify   Community   Since   1899 


Executive  Vice-President 

University  Florist 


Gift  Shop 

124  East  Franklin   Street 
Chapel  Hill 

Delicious  Meals  .  .  . 

Courteous  Service  .  .  . 

At  Moderate  Prices 

Andrews  Restaurant 

423  W.  Franklin  St. 

Page  422 

Compliments  of  the 


Furniture  and  Electrical  Appliance 

Phone   7121 
106  W.  Rosemary  St.,  Next  to  City  Hall 


112   S.   Graham  St. 

Cleaning— Pressing— Altering 

Phone  9-3498 


Poe  Motor  Company 



Sales  and  Service 




The  Tar  Heel's  Drug  Center  and 
Prescription   Shop" 


Phone   9-8781 

The  Finest  in  Motion  Pictures 



Page  42} 




Student  Fees $  6,761.85 

Advertising    12,000.02 

Organizational  Space 25.95 

Hush  Money  from  Publications  Board 707.91 

Petty  Graft 905.00 



Lassiter  Corporation $      409.11 

Charlotte  Engraving  Company 113.77 

Waller  and  Smith  Studio 55.55 

Cornell  Wright  Photo 3,135.88 

Photo  Lab 42.33 

Supplies " .88 

Postage,  Tel.,  and  Tel 563.11 

Editor's  Cadillac 4,444.44 

Business  Manager's  Ford  and  Vacation 4,200.22 

Assistant  Business  Manager's  Engagement  Ring 1,500.00 

Sports  Editor's  Debts  to  Bookies  at  Dook  and  Cow  College 817.99 

Staff  Salaries 1,360.00 

Kick-back  to  Campus  Politicians 699.69 

Sugar  Money  to  Graham  Memorial 401.11 

Petty  Graft 9-99 

Staff  Beach  Party 141.66 

Steaks  and  Beverages   1,300.00 

Beer  and  Pretzels 1,300.00 

The  Roach  5.00 

April  1,  1954 

P,ige  424 


•                     .^"^    1 

1  ilj       ^^  1  ^^^  o 

Durham's  Best  Store  Since  1885 

The  shopping  center  for  re 
Eastern  and  Piedmont  Care 
who  demand  the  best  in 


>lina  women 
'ashion   and 

[AM.   N.    C. 

The  Corner  Hangout 

For  Prescriptions 

For  Fountain  Service 



On  the  Corner                           Across  f 

om  Theater 

Page  425 

wherever  You  Go 

Whatever  You  Do 

Good  books  are  as  close  as 

your  nearest  mailbox 


205  E.  Franklin  St. 




Accommodations  for  Dinner  Parties 

Pittsboro  Highway 
Phone  9-5886 

FOR  NEWSPAPER  SERVICE,  DIAL  9-7811  or  8-0456 

L^onaratuiatioiU  to  the    L^taii  oj^  1934 


©urfjam  jlorning;  Jleralti 



Chape]   Hill's    FAVORITE   Daily    Newspapers 

The  Herald-Sun  Papers  and  Durham's  CBS  Stations  WDNC  and  WDNC-FM  Are  Affiliated 




^^      APPROVED      "^^ 


Chapel  Hill,  N.  C. 

Plant  Phone  9-1901  Office  Phone  4921 

Page  426 

mim  m  sidith 



12     EAST     HARGETT     STREET 


Page  427 

Stationery— Gifts 
School  Supplies 


Chapel   Hiil 

Compliments  of 

Hazzard  Motor  Company 

Sales  and  Service 

501  W.  Franklin  St. -Chapel  Hill,  N.  C. 

TO  THE  CLASS  OF    54 

"The  Dairy  Store" 
West  Franklin  Street 




DURHAM                                                          ROXBORO 

Page  428 




For  the  Finest  in 

Furniture  and  Accessories 

For   the   Life   of   Your   Car 



W.  Franklin  St.                               Chapel  Hill 




^kopplna  Center 

THE    KlXt;    <  0TT01\ 

Greensboro's  Finest  Hotel 

HAYWOOD    DUKE,    Manager 

Page  429 




Electric  Construction  Company 

Just  off  the  Campus 

165  E.  Franklin  Street 

Chapel  Hill 



ittle   Sh 



Carolina  Coeds 



Here's  a   Bird 
You'll   Want  to  Know! 

Graduate   to   Greater 
Food   Savings 
At   Your   Friendly 


chapel  Hill,  N.  C. 

Thanking  you  for 
your  patronage 



i^ompuments  of- 


Page  431 

Covers  by  Kingskraft 


'3    .  .r 




West  Franklin  at  Church 
Phone  2221 

L^ongraiu  lationi 



"Since  1903" 

The  Carolina  Inn 


Hosts  for  the  University 

on  all  occasions 


Openitiiig  d  Diuiiiff  Room  jiiJ  The  Giroliini  Inn  GifchrLi . 


"Hank"   Harrington 

E.   Franklin   St. 
Chapel  Hill 

Page  433 


Printers  to 

The  University  of  Nortli  Caroiina 

for  over  30  years 

Box  1249                                        Phone  3781 






Beauty-Rest  Mattresses 

-  Hotpoint  Appliances 

Main  Street 

Carrboro,  N.   C. 



Congratulations  to  the  Class  of  1954 

Durham  —  Burlington 

Foister  s  Camera  Store,  Inc. 

Photographic   Supplier  for 

the   Professional   and   Amateur 


CHAPEL  HILL.   N.   C. 








S  i 








Outfitters  for  the  Entire  Family 
Since   1914 

Department  Store 

Arrow— Crosby  Square— Sampsonite 

Page  435 


Page  436 


Adams,  James  En-in.   Jr. 
Ridgeway  St. 
Warrenton,  N.  C. 

Adams.  Joyce  Ferpuson 
Xo.  4     The  Glen 
Chapel  Hill.  X.  C. 

Addison.  Eleanor  Daphne 
5912  Glenhaven  Crescent 
Xorfolk  s.  Va. 

.\dler.  Thomas  James 
112  Overlook  Ave. 
Leonia.   X.  J. 

Aldridpe.  Charles   Malcolm 
S36  Laurel  Ave. 
Macon.  Ga. 

.\lexander.   Dedrich   Biemann 
2430  S.  Peninsula  Dr. 
Daytona   Beach.   Fla. 

Allen.   Cynthia  Jane 
530  Sherwood  Cir. 
Spartanburg.   S.  C. 

Allen.  Eldon  Perry 
Rt.  No.  e.  Box  3 
Greensboro.  X.  C. 

Allen.  Joseph  Jethro 
15U  Walker  Ave. 
(Jreensboro.   N.  C. 

.\llen.  Xorman  Hanson 
1115  McCormick  St. 
Greensboro.  X.  C. 

Allsbrook.  Mary  Frances 
»2.3  Washington  St. 
Roanoke  Rapids.  N.  C. 

.Ambler.  Susan 
7700  McGregor  Blvd. 
Fort  Myers.  Fla. 

Anders.  Kenneth  Chester.  Jr. 
50  Holland  St. 
Asheville.  X.  C. 

.\nderson.   .\nita  Lillis 
Rt.  2.  Box  52 
Wilmington.  X.  C. 

Anderson.  Betty  Otto 
905  Monument  Ave. 
Port  St.  Joe,  Fla. 

Annillo.  Carmen.  Jr. 
2204  Bergenline  Ave. 
Cnion  City.  \.  J. 

Asbv.  Felix  E. 
120  W.  2nd  St. 
Washington.  X.  C. 

Asero.  Joseph  Salvatore 
2018  C.  St..  X.  E. 
Washington.  D.  C. 

.\she.  Jesse  Brown,  Jr. 
247  West  Kingston  .Ave. 
Charlotte.  X.  C. 

Austin.  John  W. 
1327  W.  fith  St. 
Charlotte.   X.  C. 

Ayscue.  Edwin  Osborne.  Jr. 
1209  E.  Franklin  St. 
Monroe.  X.  C. 

Baarcke,  Leonide  .\lfred 
5  South  Orion  .\ve. 
Clearwater.   Fla. 

Babcock.   Robert  Clayton 
P.  O.  Box  211 
Hillsboro.  N.  C. 

Baker.    William   Luin 
X.  Bennett  St. 
Southern  Pines.  X.  C. 

Bane.   Seymour 
515  Xewbern  Ave. 
Raleigh.  N.  C. 

Barbanell.   .\rthur  Loren 
White   Birch   Ridge.   R.F.D.   Xi 
Westport.  Conn. 

Barefoot.  William  Jefferson,  J 
300  Church  St. 
Benson.  N.  C. 

Barklev.  Xewton  Buckner,  Jr. 

145  Betz  PI. 

Xew  Orleans  20.  La. 

Barrett,  Hugh  Martin 
ii37  S.   Mebane  St. 
Burlington.  X.  C. 

Barrier.  Cecil  Lee 
CO  State  Hospital 
Morganton.  X.  C. 

BarOey.  Robert  Lynn 
37  Rural  Ave. 
Washington.   Pa. 

Barton.  Grandon  Dillard.  Jr 
705  Walnut  Ave. 
Charlotte,   N.  C. 

Battle.  Fred  Gordon,  Jr. 
2405  Delaware  Ave. 
Greensboro,  X.  C. 

Beall    Louis  Holconib.  Jr. 
125   West  End  Blvd. 
Winston-Salem.  X.  C. 

Beard.  Helen  Jones 
Trvon   St. 
Hillsboro.  X.  C. 

Beard.   William  Quinbv.  Jr. 
P.  O.  Box  18 
St.  George.  S,  C, 

Beck,  William  David 
341  X,  Bost  St. 
Statesville,    X.   C. 

Bell.    Dorothy   Anne 
559   Le   Grand  PI. 
Montgomery,  Ala. 

Benson.  William  David 
3621  Newark  Ave..  X.  W. 
Washington,  D.  C. 

Benton.  Anne  Cary 
213  N.  nth  St. 
Wilmington.  N.  C. 

Berry.   Benjamin  Carroll.  Jr. 
108  Church  St. 
Hertford,  N.  C. 

Berrj',  Marvin  Bryan 
186  Virginia  Ave. 
Asheville,  N.  C. 

Berryhill.  James  Collins 
Rt.  4.  Box  403 
Charlotte.    X.   C. 

Berrj-hill.  Jane  Carol 
I'pper  Laurel  Hill 
Chapel  Hill.   N.  C. 

Blanchard.  Clyde  James.  Jr. 
401  Piedmont  Ave. 
Rocky  Mount.  N.  C. 

Blair.  Mary  Anna 
203   W.    Houston  St. 
Monroe.   X.  C. 

Blake.  John  Allen 
209  E.  6th  Ave. 
Wildwood.   X.  J. 

Blacklev.  Roy  Talmadge 
121    Mallette   St. 
Chapel  Hill,  X.  C. 

Bland.  Elmer  Charles 
410   West  St. 
Thomasville.  X.  C. 

Blocker.  Joan  Cromwell 
3650  Foster  Hill  Drive 
St.  Petersburg.  Fla. 

Bobbitt.   Leonard   E. 
820   Green   St. 
Durham.  X.  C. 

Bodenheimer.  Jimm\'  \'an 
Route  1 
Kernersville,  N.  C. 

Bogle.  Max  Hines 
539  South  4th  St. 
.\lbeniarle.  X.  C. 

Bohnenkamp.  Patricia  Ellen 
No.  7  Countrj-  Aire 
Box  580.  RR  No.  1 
St.  Louis,  Missouri 

Boice,  Wilbur  Malcolm,  Jr. 
600  X.  Madison  St. 
Whiteville,   N.  C. 

Boling.  Ronald  Jackson 
316  W.   3rd   St. 
Siler  Citj-.  N.  C. 

Boone.  Julia  Claire 
2918  North  Rosser  St. 
.Alexandria.  Va. 

Bost.   Edwin    Norris 
112  W.  Pine  St. 
Lincolnton,  N.  C. 

Bostian.  Richard  Lee 
1000  Lake  Boone  Trail 
Raleigh.  N.  C. 

Boushall.  John  Heck.  Jr. 
3414   Lykes   Ave. 
Tampa.  Fla. 

Bowden.   Harold  Carlton.  Jr 
isio  Roxboro  Rd. 
Durham,  N.  C. 

Bowden,  Ralph  Hartman 
Box  541 
Mocksville.  N.  C. 

Boyd.  Robert  Burwell 
512  West  End  Ave. 
Statesville.   X.   C. 

Boyle.  Martha  .\nn 
1149  Brown  St. 
.Alton.   Illinois 

Bradley.    Harold  John.  Jr. 
1211  Grayland  St. 
Greensboro,  N.  C. 

Bradley.  Kent  Palmer 
1400  Beach  Drive  North 
St.  Petersburg.  Fla. 

Bradshaw.  Harvey  Deakins 
Route  4.  Box  244 
Greenville.  N.  C. 

Brannan.   Robert  B. 
2565  Selwyn  Ave. 
Charlotte.  N.  C. 

Brantley.  Paul  .Adams 

2017   E.  8th 

Charlotte.  X.  C. 

Braxton,  AI  Joe 
West  11th  St. 
Scotland  Neck.  N.  C. 

Breece.  E.  Virginia 
Box   175 
Highlands,  N.  C. 

Breeden.  Richard   Thomas 
131  North  Green  St. 
Morganton.   N.   C. 

Bridger.  Martha 
Box   295 
Bladenboro.  X.  C. 

Bright.  Mont  Jackson.  Jr. 
401    McCaulev  St. 
Chapel  Hill.  N.  C. 

Briney.  Lucy  Gray 
Greenville   Road 
Madisonville.  Kentucky 

Brooks.  Henry  Dwight 
Route  2 
Monroe.   X.  C. 

Brooks.  Jacqueline  K. 
100   Beverly   Court 
Michigan  City.  Indiana 

Brown.   Celia  Johnston 
313  King's  Hwy. 
Myrtle  Beach.  S.  C. 

Brown.  Harry  Elton 
Box  368 
Hillsboro,  N.  C. 

Brown.  James  Shea 
Box  75 
Knoxville.  Tenn, 

Brown.  Jerrj'  Clifton 

Box  13 

Rich  Square,  N,  C. 

Brown.  Mary  Ida 
20  Grifflng  Blvd. 
Asheville.  X.  C. 

Brown.  Michael  Dillard 
509  N.  McDuflie  St. 
.Anderson.    S.   C. 

Brown,  William  Credle 
913  W.  Broad  St, 
Wilson.  N.  C. 

Bruton,  Oren  Douglas 
314  East  CJrainger  Ave. 
Kinston.   X.  C. 

Bruton.  Robert  DeHart 
183  St.  Dunstans  Rd. 
Asheville,  N.  C. 

Bryan,  Joseph  Kinsley,  Jr. 
College  St. 
Oxford.  N.  C. 

Bryan.  Mary  Harvey 

7  7  North  Spring  Garden  Ave. 

Xutley.  X.  J. 

Bn'ant.  Barry  Wayne 
R.F.D.  No.  2 
.Annapolis,  Maryland 

Buchanan,  Pearle  Long 
1230  5th  Ave.  West 
Hendersonville.  X.  C. 

Buchly.  Ann  Lane 
R.F.D.  Xo.  1 
Tryon.  N.  C. 

Buckalew,  Vardaman  Moore.  Jr 
2556  S.  Dehvood  Dr. 
.Mobile,  Alabama 

Page  437 


Bullock.  William  Riley,  J: 
James  St. 
Bethel.  N.  C, 

Buingarner.  ?>nest  L. 
laos  Clay  Ext. 
Kannapolis,  \.  C. 

Bumpous.  Marv  Jane 
2I0-26th  Ave.   North 
St.  Petersburg.  Fla. 

Bunch.  Jeanne 

.S.ine  Nichols  Ave..  S.  E. 

Washington  20.  D.  C. 

Bundv.  Robert  Mavne.  Jr. 
M04  Florham  .\ve. 
High  Point.  N.  C. 

Bunting.  Sylvia  Lee 
3633  Jocelyn  St..  N.  W. 
Washington  1.5.  D.  C. 

Burch,  Elizabeth  Owen 

32  Courseview  Rtl. 
Bronxville.  New  York 

Burcham.  Nancy  Louise 
1720  Ivanhoe  Blvd. 
Orlando.   Fla. 

Burgess.  Barbara  Fay 

33  Tuscan   Rd. 
.Maplewood.   New  Jersey 

Burnstan,  Rowland.  Jr. 
1 4  Rue  Faraday 
Paris  17.  France 

Butler.  Charles  Donald 
1)0(1  W.  Ehringhaus  St. 
Elizabeth  City.  N.  C. 

Bussey,  J.  Hubert 
!)02  Queen  St. 
Columbia.  S.  C. 

Cain,  Charles  Eugene 
P.  O.  Box  34 
Elizabethtown.  \.  C. 

Cambron.  Patricia  Hooper 
.'>2  Spears  Ave. 
.\sheville.  X.  C. 

Cameron.  Clinton  H. 
183  Daniels  Rd. 
Chapel  Hill.  N.  C. 

Campbell.   Roy   Bruce 
R.  F.  D.  5 
Dawson.  Georgia 

Capel.  Arron  Leon.  Jr.  Main 
Troy.  N.  C. 

Cauley.    Stephen    William.   Jr. 
Rt.  4,  Box  394 
Kin.ston,  N.  C. 

Carey.  Jane  T. 
540  Morganton  Rd. 
Southern  Pines.  N.  C. 

Carmichael.  Richard  Cartwright 
22  Oak  Drive 
Durham,  N.  C. 

Carr.  William   Howard 

.'>7.-.  N.  E.  oeth  St. 
Miami,  Fla. 

Carroll,  Donald  Cary 
Country  Club  Rd. 
Chapel  Hill.  N.  C. 

Carson.  Ernest  Eugene 
il21  Boulevard 
Statesville.  X.  C. 

Carter.  Florence  Bryan 
-.2  W.  Wesley  Rd..   N.  W. 
Atlanta.  Georgia 

Carter,  James  Louis.  Jr. 
I.">1H   Providence   Kd. 
Charlotte.  X.  C. 

Carter,  Janet  Gordon 
2015  N.  St.,  N.  W. 
Washington  6,  D.  C. 

Casper,  William  Cecil 

Rt.  No.  3 

China  Grove.  N.  C. 

Caudle,  Jon  Thomas 
2705  Van  Dyke  Ave. 
Raleigh.  N.  C. 

Chance.  William  James 
9531  Wells  Parkway 
Norfolk.  Virginia 

Chapin.  Ann  Mason 
5021   Riverside  Drive 
Richmond  25.  Va. 

Chapman.  John  William 
422   Rensselaer   .\ve. 
Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Chappie.  DeWitt.  Jr. 
7   Sante  Fe  Rd. 
Middletown,  Ohio 

Cheney,  Henr>'  William,  Jr. 
567  Oakview  Circle 
Florence.  Ala. 

Citrini,  Richard  Joseph 
1105  Georgia  Ave. 
Durham.  N.  C. 

Clark.  Neill  Edwin 
Rt.  4.  Box  s 
Fayetteville.  X.  C. 

Clarke,   Elizabeth   Coale 
307  E.  Mulberry  St. 
Goldsboro.  X.  C. 

Clement.  Edward  Henry 
310  S.  Ellis  St. 
Sali.sbury,  N.  C. 

Clendenin,  Kemp  Cook,  Jr. 
1505  Alandale  Rd. 
Greensboro.  N.  C. 

Clodfelter,  Harvey,  .Ir. 
Rt.  No.  2 
Thomasville,  N.  C. 

Clifton,  Benton  Franklin,  Jr. 
Rt.  No.  3 
Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Clinard,  David  Marion 
20S1  Craig  St. 
Winston-Salem.  X.  C. 

Cline.  Gene  Nolen 
Rt.  No.  1.  Box  521 
Concord,  N.  C. 

Cline.  Robert  Seitz 
523  4th  St..  N.  W. 
Hickory,  N,  C. 

Cloninger,  Ambrose  Wilkes.  Jr. 

Box  236 

Bessemer  City,  N.  C. 

Clontz.  Luther  Hall 
115  Brookside  Lane 
Morganton.  X.  C. 

Coe.  William  James 
2106  Sherwood  St. 
Greensboro,   X.   C. 

Coleman.  Curtis  Cortez,  Jr 
640  Fenimore 
Winston-Salem,  N,  C. 

Coleman,  Wade  Hampton, 
University  of  Alabama 
Tuscaloosa,  Alabama 

Collins.  Lois  Fleming 
Box  207 
Nashville,  N.  C. 

Collins,  Raymond  Davis 
North  Ocean  Blvd. 
Myrtle  Beach.  S.  C. 

Colson,  John  Grady,  Jr, 
112  West  Avondale 
Greensboro,  N.  C. 

Connelly.  Robert  Lee  (ireen 
617  Mills  St. 
Raleigh.   X.  C. 

Conner.  Henry  W. 
2  Bedons  Alley 
Charleston,  S.  C. 

Cook.  Emily  .\dams 
1219  12th  Rd.  South 
Arlington.   Va. 

Cook,  Gerald  Wilson 
3014  Polo  Rd. 
Winston-Salem,  X.  C. 

Cook,  Mary  Bascom 
Highlands,  N.  C. 

Cook,  Thomas  Eugene 
13  .McNair  Loop 
Fayetteville,  N.  C. 

Cornwell.  Janet 

Box   533 

Southern  Pines.  N.  C. 

Costner.  James  Ray.  Jr. 
2522  Roswell  Ave. 
Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Cover.  Curtis  Coleman 
102K  Woodland  Way 
Hagerstown.  Maryland 

Cowell.  Russell  Sholar 
1417  Sunset  Ave. 
Rocky  Mount,  N.  C. 

Cox.  Carl  Walter 

Box  6S4,  Brockwell  BIdg. 

Chapel  Hill.  N.  C. 

Cozart.  Janet  Riley 
105  Cozart  Rd. 
Wil.son,  N.  C. 

Crain.  Mary  Helen 
2H1  Club  Blvd. 
Durham,    N.   C. 

Cranford.  Dwight  Little 
326  E.  Park  Ave. 
.Albemarle,  N.  C. 

Crater.  James  Bruce.  Jr. 
1106  Harvey  St. 
Raleigh.  N.  C. 

Creuser,  Kenton  Bowers 
17  Windsor  Terrace 
.\vondale  Estates,  Georgia 

Crews,  James  Philip 
2220  Queen  St, 
Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Crittenden,  Charles  Christopher 
1537  Caswell 
Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Crone,  William  Gerald 
P.  O.  Box  13 
Balfour.  N.  C. 

Curtis,  Robert  Edward 
220  S.  Main  St. 
Marion,  N.  C. 

Dale,  Fred  Jones,  Jr. 
22S   27th  St„  S.  W. 
Hickory.  N.  C. 

D'Aleo.  Stella  Diana 
93  sth   Ave. 
BnMiklvn   15,  N.  Y. 

Dameron,  William  Henry 
605  E.  Walnut  St. 
Goldsboro,  N.  C. 

Daniel,  Billie  A. 
2748  Academy  Ave. 
Waynesboro,  Ga. 

Daniel,  Mary  Ellen 
Charleston   .\ir  Force  Base 
Charleston,  South  Carolina 

Dantzler,  Bobby  Webber 
Rt.  No.  1 
Burlington.  X.  C. 

Darnell.  Louis  Arthur 
P.   O.   Box   118 
Astoria,  Oregon 

Davis.  Charlotte  Lambert 
Greenwood  Rd. 
Chapel  Hill,  N,  C. 

Davis,  George  Thomas 
319  West  Burton  Street 
High  Point,  N.  C. 

Davis.  Michael  Kay 
1000  S.  W.  8th  St. 
Ft.  Lauderdale,  Fla, 

Davis,  Sara  Kate 
61?  N.  Main  St. 
Graham,  N.  C, 

Davis,   William  Lyle 
407  Chestnut  St. 
Henderson,  X.  C. 

Deaton,  Fred  Hyams,  Jr. 
412  Davie  Ave. 
Statesville,  N,  C, 

Desmond,  Joan  Theresa 
126  Ridgewood  Ave. 
Charlotte,  N,  C. 

Dorsett,  Mary  Minerva 
77  Heights  Rd. 
Ridgewood,  N.  J. 

Dowd,  Herbert  R..  Jr. 
3839  Wendover  Cr, 
Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Dowd,  Rodde\' 
2065  Queens  Rd..  E. 
Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Dula.  James  Braxton,  Jr 
109  Mimosa  Lane 
Lenoir.  N.  C. 

Duls,  Charles  Henry,  Jr. 
2104  Vail  Ave. 
Charlotte,  N,  C. 

Early,  Walter  Jackson 
334  S.  Pearl  St. 
Rocky  Mount,  N.  C. 

Earnhardt.  John  Clifford.  Jr. 
Rt.  No.  3 
Chapel  Hill,  N.  C. 

Eason,  Stella 
"Myrtle  Bower" 
Tarboro,  N.  C. 

Ebert.  George  Donald 
Rt.  No.  3 
Kernersville,  N.  C. 

Einstein,  Arthur  William,  Jr. 
164  E.  McCormick  Ave. 
State  College,  Pa, 

Eisele,  Dolores  Margaret 
502  S.  Mulberry  St. 
Statesville.  N.  C. 

Page  438 


Eller.  Lewis  Baxter,  Jr. 

Box  933 

Granite  Quarry.  N.  C. 

Emory,  Samuel  Tliomas 
722  Soutli  Franklin 
Chapel  Hill.  N.  C. 

England.  Harold  Franklin 
200  Fulton  St. 
Kings  Mtn..  X.  C. 

Ennis.  Lloyd  Burton 
817  S.  Jackson  St. 
Salisbury,   N.   C. 

Epp.s,  Jerry  Floyd.  Jr. 
10  Ballenger  St. 
Walhalla,  S.  C. 

Estes,  \'allin  Dayton.  Jr. 
614  Brooks  .^ve. 
Raleigh.  N.  C. 

Eure.  Tliaddeus  Armie,  Jr. 
Longview  Gardens 
Raleigh.  N.  C. 

Evans.  Andre 
709  W.  Church  St. 
Ahoskie,  N.  C. 

Ewing.  .Arnold  Exuni 
109  Third  .\ve. 
Durham.  X.  C. 

Faggart.  Billy  Eugene 
Rt.  13.  Box  586 
Concord,  X.  C. 

Farmer.  Thomas  .\lbert.  Jr. 
.528  S.    Ith  St. 
Sniithfield,  X.  C. 

Fearing,  Woodson  Brailfurd 
Manteo,  N.  C. 

Fearrington,  Eric  Lindsay 
Box  718 
Kernersville,  N.  C. 

Ferrell,  George  Dallas 
105  Cheek  St. 
Durham.  X.  C. 

File,  Norman  Luther 
Route  4 
Salisbury,  N.  C. 

Finley.   Howard  Bradley.  Jr. 
132  Cedar  St. 
Bangor.  Maine 

Fleming.  Anne  Weber 
2307  Anderson  Dr. 
Raleigh.  X.  C. 

Flowers.  Jimmy  Rogers 
R.F.D.  2 
Clayton.  N.  C. 

Folger.  Ann 
1111  Johnson  St. 
High  Point,  N.  C. 

Fowler.  Charles  Franklin 

Butler  St. 

Pilot  Mtn.,  N.  C. 

Frank.  Claire 
253  Willow  St. 
Mount  Airy,  N.  C. 

Frazier.  Thomas  Howard 
570  Westover  Ave. 
Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Friedman.  Charles  Aryal 
3019  Wolcott  Ave. 
Baltimore  16,  Md. 

Futch.  Franklin  Porter 
212  9th  St. 
Lake  Wales.  Fla. 

Gallant.  Sally  Wesley 
.'<03  X.  Person  St. 
Raleigh.  X.  C. 

Gant.  Jessemine 
1022  W.  Davis  St. 
Burlington.  N.  C. 

Gant.  Joan  Gray 

1525  Stella  Drive.  X.  W. 

Atlanta.  Cia. 

Gasque.  Rosalvn  Ann 
son  X.  Randolph  St. 
Rockingham.  \.  C. 

Gauss.  G.  Edward,  Jr. 
1107  Monticello  Dr. 
Wilson,  X.  C. 

(ientry.  James  Earl 
108  Lamberth  St. 
Roxboro.  X.  C. 

Cieorge.  Marx  Lee 
429   Beaucatcher  Rd. 
Asheville.  X.  C. 

Gerlack.  Nancy  Martha 
2723  Payne  St. 
Evanston,   Illinois 

Gibbon.  Robert  L..  U 
720  Bromley  Rd. 
Charlotte.  X.  C. 

Glenn.  Robert  Wilson 
305  East  Fifth  St. 
Burlington,  N.  C. 

Gleitz.  Harold  Dagner 
Box  505 
Jacksonville,  X,  C. 

Godwin.  Bobby  Eugene 
309  East  K  St. 
Erwin.  X.  C. 

Goforth.  Bobby  Camp 
102  Meridian  St. 
Rutherfordton.  N.  C. 

Goldfarb.  Carl 

1100  Queens  Rd..  West 

Charlotte,  X.  C. 

Golightly.  Horace  Hugh 
605  Walnut  Ave. 
Charlotte.  X.  C. 

Gooding.  Lewis  Carlton 
311   Peyton   Ave. 
Kinston,  X.  C. 

Gorham,  Robert  Diggs.  Jr. 
1612  Waverly  Drive 
Rocky  Mount.  X.  C. 

Green.  Janet  MacXeill 
Greenwood  Rd. 
Chapel  Hill.  N.  C. 

Gregor}',  Arthur  Wynns.  Jr. 
Halifax.  X.  C. 

Gregon'.  Carl  Reeves 
Rt.  Xo.  2 
Candler,  N,  C. 

Gresham.  .Mpheus  Johnson.  Jr 
2102  University  Drive 
Durham.  X.  C. 

CJriffin.  .\rchie  Lee 
604  Winchester  Ave. 
Monroe,  N.  C. 

Griffin.  Mavnard  Stuart 
R.F.D.  Xo.  2 
Louisburg.  X.  C. 

Grimes.  William  Gardner 
Bo\  1 19 
Smitliliekl.  X.  C. 

Grodsky,  Leonard  Herbert 
1302  Vickers  .\ve. 
Durham.  X.  C.  Edward  Bailev 
2905  N.  Front  St. 
Harrisburg,  Pa. 

Grubb,  Zane  Austin 

Box  375 

Wake  Forest,  N,  C. 

Gurley.  Walter  Dallas.  Jr. 
303  E.  Mulberry  St. 
Goldsboro,  X.  C. 

Gutierrez.  Margaret  Elizabeth 
no  Mallette  St. 
Chapel  Hill.  X.  C. 

Habel,  Marilyn 
224  Vance  St. 
Chapel  Hill.  X.  C. 

Haddock.  Samuel  Thompson 
313  Xorth  St. 
Anderson.  S.  C. 

Haire.  Eddie  Eldridge 
205  Whittier  St. 
High  Point.  X.  C. 

Haire.  Edgar  Bennett 
Box  264 
Elizabethtown,  N.  C. 

Hall.  Margaret  Ellen 
Salyersville,  Kentucky 

Hamby,  George  W. 
Rt.  6 
Salisbury.  X.  C. 

Hamilton.  Donald  James 
129  Eastlawn  Rd. 
Fairfield.  Conn. 

Hanes.  John  Jacob 
2101  Malvern  Rd. 
Charlotte,  X.  C. 

Harbin.  Xed  F..  Jr. 
2710  Forest  Dr. 
Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Hardeman.  Louise  Stone 
H-D  Glen  Lennox 
Chapel  Hill.  X.  C. 

Harlev.  Donald  Lee 

242  B  Haddon  Hills  Apts. 

Haddonfield,  X.  J. 

Harney.  Beverly  Ruth 
3  Front  St. 
Nyack,  N.  Y. 

Harper,  Curtis  \'inson 
904  7th  St. 
Albany.   Ga. 

Harris.  Anne  Stewart 
Box  92 
Sewanee.   Tenn. 

Harris,  Arlen  Gwyn 
298  Canterbury  Tr. 
Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Harris.  George  Davis 
503  Voung  St. 
Henderson,  N.  C. 

Harris,  Janet 
1.539  Iredell  Dr. 
Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Harris.  John  Henrj-.  .Ir 
.525  W.  34th  St. 
Norfolk,  Va. 

Harris,  Snethen  Philip,  Jr. 
503  Young  St. 
Henderson.  X.  C. 

Harrison,   Mary  Jane 
1 157  Watson  Ave. 
.Montgomery,  Ala. 

Harrison,  Samuel  Carlvie 
Rt,  1.  Box  161 
Durham,  N.  C. 

Hart,  Franklin  Augustus,  Jr, 

35  Makalapa  Dr. 

Honolulu.  Territory  of  Hawaii 

Hart.  Sidney  Allen.  Jr. 
1000  Walker  Dr. 
Kinston,  X.  C. 

Hartford.  Carolyn  Gwyn 
LvnwotKl  House 
Martinsville,  Va. 

Hartsell,  Charles  Jacob.  Jr. 
Box  325 
Oakboro,  X.  C. 

Hartsell.  Otis  Junior 
Rt.    4.   Box   363 
Kannapolis.  N.  C. 

Hartzog.  Delores  Ann 
2909  Hosteller 
Raleigh.  N.  C. 

Hathcock.  Bobbv  Clarvin 
40  Kirk  Place 
Badin,  X.  C. 

Haughton.  Gerald  Lawrence 
2421  Forest  Drive 
Charlotte,  N.  C, 

Hauser,  Richard  Farrell 
1141  E.  Polo  Rd. 
Winston-Salem.  N.  C. 

Hawes.  John  R.  B..  Jr. 
307  Tate  St. 
Morganton,   N.  C. 

Hawfleld.  Beverley  Mason 
3108  Que  St..  N.  W. 
Wa.sliington  7.  D.  C. 

Hawks.  William  Atwood,  III 

Box  256 

Mt.  Airy,  N.  C. 

Hays,  Laura  Madura 
909"  N.  Gregson  St. 
Durham,  N.  C. 

Hayes.  Marion  Jean 
Rt.  4.  Box  235 
Durham,  N.  C. 

Headlee,  James  Orndoff 
411  Charlotte  St. 
Asheville.  X.  C. 

Heard.  Connie  Anne 
1525  W.  Big  Bend 
Kirkwood.  Mo. 

Helms,  John  Robert 
143  Harwood  St. 
Albemarie.  X.  C. 

Helton.  Charles  Jerry 
Box  7  4 
Yadkinville.  X.  C. 

Helton,  Samuel  H..  Jr. 
710  E.  Broad  St. 
Statesville.  N.  C. 

Hendee.  Mary  Leigh 

544  N.  Moreland  Ave..  N.  E. 

Atlanta.  Ga. 

Hendrick,  Conan  Doyle 
Rt.  5 
Shelby,  N.  C. 

Hendrick,  Nell  Gold 
R.F.D.  5 
Shelby.  X.  C. 

Hernandez.  Francisco  Ernesto 
Box  F6  Chaparra 
Oriente.  Cuba 

Page  439 


Hethcock.  William  Hoover 
Box  10 
Thomasville.  N.  C. 

Hickman,  Charles  Wesley,  Jr. 
2961  Beechnut  Rd. 
Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Hickman,  Eddie  Powell 
Enfteld,  N.  C. 

Hicks.  Buck  Jones 
.128   Hillsboro 
Oxford,  N.  C. 

Hissins.  Charles  William,   Jr. 
Oakmoore  Farm 
Tabb,   Va. 

Hlleman.  Bernie  Elizabeth 
P.  O.  Box  123 
Kannapolis,  N.  C. 

Hill.  Eugene  David,  Jr. 
406  Springdale  Ave. 
M'inston-Salem.  N.  C. 

Hill,  Harriet  Flemins: 
Greenville  St. 
Newnan,  Ga. 

Holder,    Brooks  Corneilious,   Jr. 
2422  Reynolda  Road 
Winston-Salem,   N.  C. 

Holleman,  Jane  Blue 
S04  Stonewall  St. 
Dublin,  Ga. 

HoUiday,  Joseph  Gary,  Jr. 
1610  Sunrise  Ave. 
Raleigh,   N.  C. 

Hollingsworth,  John  William 

4110  Clagett  Rd. 

College  Heights  Estates,   Md. 

Holmes,  Elise  Russell 
Box  44.') 
Fernandina,  Fla. 

Holoman.   Laura  MacDonald 
2702  Peachtree  St. 
Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Holmes,  Fred  William 
703  Country  Club  Rd. 
Wilmington,  N.  C. 

Holt,  Andrew  S.,  HI 
74  Trailer  Court 
Chapel  Hill,  N.  C. 

Holt.  Doris  M. 
74  Trailer  Court 
Chapel  Hill,  N.  C. 

Holt.  William  Bruce,  Jr. 
813  8th  St. 
Durham.  N.  C. 

Homes,  Garland  Richard 
Washington  Park 
Washington,  N.  C. 

Hood.  Roger  Alan 

.518  E.  Willow  Grove  Ave. 

Chestnut  Hill  18,  Pa. 

Hook,  Robert  Franklin 
2714  Anderson  Dr. 
Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Hoots.  Sidney  Francis 
642  Oaklawn  Ave. 
Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Hoover.    Melba  Beck 
.518    W     15th    St. 
Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Hoover.  Richard  Lindsay 
.518  West  15th  St. 
Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Hopkins.  Edmund  Baxter 
431  South  Hawthorne  Rd. 

Win.ston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Hoppe,  H.  Allan 
933  Romany  Rd. 
Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Home,  Nancy  Oalene 
106  Chestnut  St. 
Norton.  Va. 

Horton.  Phin,  III 
715  S.  Main  St. 
Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Houghton,  Anthony  ,lohn 
65  Chelsea  Ave. 
Newark,  N.  J. 

Howard.  Carl  Fisher 
Rt.  No.  I,  Box  1-A 
Roseboro,  N.  C. 

Howard.  Charles  Sumnierell 
2301  Croydon  Rd. 
Charlotte.  N.  C. 

Howard.  Florence  Katherine 
Box  109 
Dunn,  N.  C. 

Howard,  Wllev  Perry,  III 
Box  23 

Fuquay  Springs.  N,  C. 

Hoyle,  Edna  Dell 
Rt.  4,  Box  705 
Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Hubbard.  Robert  LeRoy 
6318  32nd  St..  N.  W. 
Washington  15,  D.  C, 

Hudgins,  John  Simeon 
No.  164.  Rt.  1 
Sunbury,  N.  C. 

Hughes,    Robert    Adam 
833  Sand  Hill  Rd. 
Asheville,  N.  C. 

Huie.  Anne  Pressly 
117  Hill  St. 
Warsaw,  N.  C. 

Humber,  John  L. 

117  W.  5th  St..  Box  75 

Greenville,  N.  C. 

Hursh,  Paul  David 

57  Hewlett  Lane 

Port  Washington.  N.  V. 

Hutchins,  Frederick  Strickland 
342  Arbor  Rd. 
Winston-Salem,    N.   C. 

Ingle.  John  Robert 

Rt.  No.  3 

Siler  City,  N.  C. 

Ingram.  Samuel  Talmage 
505  Gulf  St. 
Sanford,  N.  C. 

Ivey,  James  Lindsey 
Box  174 
Norwood,  N.  C. 

Jackson,    Henry  Clayton,   Jr. 
1014  Panola  St. 
Tarboro.  N.  C. 

Jackson,  Joanne 

115  North  Graham  Rd. 

Wallace,  N.  C, 

Jackson,  John  Hilton 
3150  Briarlake  Cr. 
Decatur,  Ga. 

.lackson,  John  Payne 
830  Highland  Ave. 
Ear  Gallic,  Fla. 

James,  Alvin  Douglas 
314  N.  Church  St. 
Charlotte,  N.  C. 

James.  Robert  Wayne 
226  W.  Main  St. 
Elkin,  N.  C. 

Jenkins,  Gaston  Justice 
Box  485 
Shelby,  N.  C. 

Jente,  Katherine  Elizabeth 
too  Westover  Dr. 
Chapel  Hill.  N.  C. 

.lernigan.  Jerry  O'Dell 
Rt.  No.   4 
Dunn.  N.  C. 

Johnson,  Carolyn  Miree 
315  Gilbert  St..  Naval  Base 
Norfolk,  Va. 

.lohnson.  Earl,  Jr. 
1128  Harvey  St. 
Raleigh,  N.  C. 

.lohiKson.  Gennifer  Owen 

.\partado  3644 

Bogota,  Colombia,  S.  A. 

Johnson.  Thomas  Milton 
Rt.  1 
Clayton,   N.  C. 

Johnston,  Bennie  McBane 
208  E.  Harden  St. 
Graham,  N.  C. 

Jones,  Alice  Venable 
Warrenton,  N.  C. 

Jones,  Jo  Ann 
906  W.  Kenan  St. 
Wilson,  N.  C. 

Jones,  Newton  Stuart 
622  Summit  St. 
Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Jordan.  Samuel  Thomas 
1404  S.  George  Mason  Dr. 
Arlington  4,  Va. 

Joyce,  Samuel  Irvin,  Jr. 
216  Glascock  St. 
Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Julian.  Charles  Ernest 
306   "D"  Ave. 
Salisbury,  N.  C. 

Jurczak,  Janice  Dorrine 
llT  Harding  Ave. 
Endicott,  N.  Y. 

Kalin,  Byron  S. 
805   5th  Ave.,  W. 
Hendersonville,  N.  C. 

Kane,  Richard  Eugene 
570  E.  Bowman  St. 
Wooster,  Ohio 

Kearslev.  Edward  Wearn 
Apt.  V-3-B,  Cameron  Crt.  Apfs 
Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Kelley.  John  Lawrence 
109  Ridge  Ave. 
Sharpsville,  Pa. 

Kelly,  Matthew  Thomas 
Rt.  4,  Box  357  A 
Durham,  N.  C. 

Kelly.   Patricia 
1500  Arlington  Blvd. 
Arlington.    Va. 

Kennedy.  Jane  Patricia 
36  Ridgewood  PI. 
A.sheville,  N.  C. 

Kester.  Julia  Ryan 
2814  Country  Club  Rd. 
Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

King.  Gerald  Walker 
219  S.  Broad 
Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

King.  Judy 

10  W.  Taylor  St. 

Savannah.  Ga. 

King.   Norma  Evelyn 
403  Patterson  PI. 
Chapel  Hill.  N.  C. 

Kirkman.   Julian   Mat 
2215  Lane  Rd. 
Green.sboro.  N.  C. 

Kittner.  William  Hirsch 
207  E.  6th  St. 
Weldon,  N.  C. 

Kocornik.  Richard  Wilborn 
0  West  View  Rd. 
West  Orange,  N.  ,1. 

Kynoch,  Ralph  Kirkland 
210  Lamar  St. 
Roxboro,  N.  C. 

Lackey,  Norris  Dixon,  Jr. 
Elizabeth    Rd. 
Shelby,  N.  C. 

Lampert,  Ronald  Marvin 
134  E.  Penn  St. 
Long  Beach.  N.  Y. 

Landauer.  Judith  Ann 
Rufflands  Farm 
Red  Hook,  N.  Y. 

Latham,  Alice  Patterson 
1006  Roosevelt  .'Vve. 
Waycross.  Ga. 

Latham,  Joseph  Roscoe,  Jr. 
1301  National  Ave. 
New  Bern,  N.  C. 

Law.  Dorothy  Ellis 
400  Melver  St. 
Greenville,  S.  C. 

Leary,  Billy  Gray 
Rt.    I 
Edenton,  N.  C. 

Ledbetter,  Charles  McKinnon 

S.  Main  St. 

Mount  Gilead,  N.  C. 

Lee.   John   Winstead 
730  School  St. 
Rocky  Mount.   N.  C. 

Lee,  Katherine  Currie 
509  E.  7th  St. 
Lumberton,  N.  C. 

Leek.  Sara 
8  Cramer  St. 
Thomasville.  N.  C. 

Leonard,  David  Brian 
4  Mallard  St. 
Wrightsville  Beach,  N.  C. 

Leonard,  Robert  Cowan 
2018  Wood  Dale  Terrace 
Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Lerner,   Samuel 
Box   149 
Lincolnton,  N.  C. 

Leverette,  Maurice  Deane,  Jr, 
119  Judd 
Fayetteville.  N.  C. 

Levine.  Alvin  Ellis 
208  S.  Randolph  St. 
Rockingham,  N.  C. 

Page  440 


Lewis,  Miriam  Lillian 
105  Kenan 
Cliapel  Hill.  N.  C. 

Libby,  Carol  May 
1430  Brooks  Ave. 
Raleigli.  N.  C. 

Lindler.  James  H. 

Gen.  Del. 

Sherrills  Ford,  N.  C. 

Lindlev.  Charles  Clinton.  Jr. 
■•Woodlin".  Rt.  3 
Chapel  Hill.  N.  C. 

Lindsey.  Thomas  E. 
2.55-17  West  End  Dr. 
Creat  Neck.  N.  V. 

Linville.  Mary  Ruth 
2224  Westfield  Ave. 
Winston-Salem.  N.  C. 

Little,  Carolynn  Joan 
710   S.  Union   St. 
Concord.  N.  C. 

Little,  Don  J. 
Box  450.  Rt.  5 
Charlotte.  N.  C. 

Little.  William  Edward 
412  Coventry  Rd. 
Decatur.  Ga. 

Littlejohn.  William  Lawrence.  Jr 
Box  263 
Mor^anton.  N.  C. 

Llovrt.  Beth 
Durliam  Rd. 
Ch.Tpel  Hill.  N.  C. 

L'oyd.  David  Andrews 
502  Pritchard  Ave. 
Chapel  Hill.  N.  C. 

Lloyd.  Thomas   Henry,  Jr. 
502  Pritchard  Ave. 
Cliapel  Hill.  N.  C. 

London.  Arthur  Hill.  Ill 
22-.\  Glen  Lennox 
Cliapel   Hill.   N.  C. 

Lonp.  Robert  McDonald 
1 17  Cedar  St. 
Concord.   N.  C. 

Long.  Walter  Nathaniel.  Jr 
23  \.  Central  Ave. 
Belmont.  N.  C. 

Lovingood.  Paul.  Jr. 
Box  45 
Fairview.  N.  C. 

Lovings.  Lewis  Edward 
HI   S.  Elam  Ave. 
Greensboro,  N.  C. 

Lowet.  Henry  Augustus 
15H  West  End  Blvd. 
Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Lowery,  Mary  Louise 
1753  Cornell  Rd..  N.  E. 
,\tlanta.    Ga. 

Lowry.  Genevieve 
Box  95 
Pembroke.  N.  C. 

Luckey.  William  Lee 
2125  Rozzells  Ferry  Rd. 
Charlotte.  N.  C. 

Lyon.  Gene  Fleming 
Sunset  Ave. 
Rocky  Mount.  N.  C. 

Lyon.  Herman  Trevilian 
1107  Gregson  St. 
Durham.  N.  C. 

Lynn.  Clabe  Webster.  Jr. 
125  Monroe  St, 
Petersburg,  Va, 

Lynn,  Jennie  Shermaine 
2  E.  45th  St. 
Savannah.  Ga. 

Mack.   Charles  Lewis 
305  E.  Center  Ave. 
Mooresville.  N.  C. 

Maci'.  Charles  Thomas 
1902  Shephard  St. 
Morehead  City.  N.  C. 

Malone,  Mildred  Lloyd 
Box  217 
Louisburg.  N.  C. 

Maness.  Vernon  Elvin,  Jr, 
619  Grace  Ave, 
Burlington,  N.  C. 

Mangum,  Lonnie  Wyatt.  Jr. 
Rt.  I 
Creedmoor.  N.  C. 

Mann.   Etta   Rose 
403  S.  Franklin  St. 
Whiteville,  N.  C. 

Marbry.  Don  Lee 
2H  Henderson  St. 
Badin.  N.  C. 

.Marger.  Bruce 
1510  Trillo  Ave. 
Coral  Gables.  Fla. 

Marks.    Catherine   Rebecca 
2720  Mimosa  PI. 
Wilmington.  N.  C. 

Martin.   Elizabeth  Anne 
413  Edgedale   Dr. 
High  Point.  N.  C. 

Martin,  William  James 
6  W,  Henderson  Ave, 
Wrightsville  Beach,  N.  C. 

Marshburn.    Wilbur   Wayne 
1135  Northwood  St. 
Greensboro,  N,  C. 

Masters.  Janice  Carol 
Beaverdam  Rd. 
.\sheville.  N.  C. 

.Matthews.  Wade  Bynum 

15  Gray  Court  Apts..  W.  5th  St. 

Winston-Salem.    N.   C. 

May.  Robert  Glenn 
406  Fife  St. 
Thomasville.  N.  C. 

Maydanis,  Peter  Nicholas 
701  East  Blvd. 
Charlotte  3.  N.  C. 

Maynard,  Harriet  Valerie 
1320  Payne  St. 
Fredericksburg,  Va. 

Maynard,  James  Walter 
514  E.  Davis  St. 
Burlington.  N.  C. 

Mason,  Paul  DeWitt 
1597  Vinewood  Ave. 
Detroit  16.  Mich. 

Mason.  William  Russell 
1904  Spencer  Ave. 
New  Bern,  N.  C. 

MoClellan.   Robie  Wayne 
Rt.  4 
Lincolnton.  N.  C. 

McCraw,   Carl    Greaves.   Jr. 
1712  Dilworth  Rd.  E. 
Charlotte.   N.  C. 

McCune.  Edwina  Clark 
425  E.  50th  St. 
Savannah,  Ga. 

McDermott.  Paul  James,  Jr, 
253  Jackson  Cr, 
Chapel  Hill.  N.  C. 

McDonald.   Betty  Sue 
N.  Matson  St.  S.  C. 

MoElrath.  John  Philip 

Box  366 

Black  Mountain.  N.  C. 

McFall,    Walter   Thompson 
23  White  Oak  Rd. 
Biltmore  Forest 
Asheville.  N.  C. 

McFalls.  Vernon  Wendell 
U2  S.  Aycock  St. 
Greensboro,  N,  C, 

McFarland,  Betty  Jean 
402  Oakdale  St, 
Martinsville,  Va. 

McGee.  Frederick  Lee 
1238  Monroe  St. 
Ft.  Myers.  Fla. 

McLendon.  John  Aycock 
2301  W.  Market  St. 
Greensboro,  N.  C. 

McLeod,   Betty  Jean 
Rt.  No.  4 
Mebane,  N.  C. 

McLeod.  George  Hollitlay 
Cherokee  Rd. 
Florence.  S.  C. 

McMahon.  Gerald  Thomas 
5  Evergreen  Lane 
Asheville.  N.  C. 

McMillan.  John  .Alexander.  Ill 
Rt.  1 
Matthews.  N.  C. 

McWhirter.   Anne  Shannon 
College  St. 
Marshville.  N.  C. 

Meacliam.  Robert  Barnard 
317  West  Front  St. 
Statesville.  N.  C. 

Mebane.  Margaret  Anne 
916  N.  Main  St. 
Burlington.   N.  C, 

Medford,  Hugh  Love,  Jr, 
830  Cornwallis  Dr. 
Greensboro.  N.  C. 

Medlin,  Thomas  E. 

423   S.  2nd  St. 
Smithfield.  N.  C. 

Menius,  Mary  Lucille 
309  E.  Houston  St. 
Monroe,  N.  C. 

Mercer.  Mary  Lu 
6206  Mossway 
Baltimore.  Md. 

Mewborn.  Ancel  Clyde 

Rt.  No.  2 

La   Grange.   N.  C. 

Mewborn.  John  Moses 

Rt.  No.  2 

Snow  Hill.  N.  C. 

Meyer.  Herbert  Ivan 
4419  Monument  Ave. 
Richmond.  Va. 

Miller.  Arthur  Lee 
Box  336 
Landis.  N.  C. 

Miller.  Baxter  Hocutt.  Jr. 
3318  Devon  Rd. 
Durham.  N.  C. 

Miller,  Bill  W, 
Box  62 
Morganton,  N,  C. 

Miller,  George  Washington,  Jr, 
401  Salisbury  Ave. 
Spencer,  N.  C. 

Mitchell,  Donald  Edward 
415  Church  St. 
Ahoskie.  N.  C. 

Mitchell,  Edward  Lee 
507  E.  Ash  St. 
Goldsboro.  N.  C. 

Mitchem.  Rebecca  Bauer 
403  Patterson  PI. 
Chapel  Hill,  N.  C. 

MofT,  Jerome  William 
325  Fountain  PI. 
Burlington.  N.  C. 

Molen.  Robert  Nelson 
523  S.  Aycock  St. 
Greensboro,  N,  C. 

Montgomery.  Elise 
221  Whitney  Ave. 
New  Haven.  Conn. 

Moore.  Eileen  Conroy 
1208  Gates  Ave. 
Norfolk.  Va. 

Moore.  Frank  Bunting 

Box  608 

New  Bern,  N.  C. 

Moore.  Grover  William 
604  W.  Front  St. 
Burlington.  N.  C. 

Moore.  Helen  Page 
542  Huger  St. 
Charleston.  S.   C. 

Moore,  John  Daniel 
708  Franklin  Ave. 
Wilson.  N.  C. 

.Moore.  Mary  Anne 
2401  Anslev  Court 
Charlotte.  N.  C. 

Moore.  Roy  Neal,  Jr. 
Rt.  2 
Raleigh.  N.  C. 

Moore.   Sara   Elizabeth 
P.  O.  Box  365 
Wadesboro.  N.  C. 

Moore.  Tommy  Harte 
Rt.  2.  Box  607 
Kannapolis,  N.  C. 

Moore,  Victor  Bailey,  Jr. 
212  E.  Markham  Ave. 
Durham.  N.  C. 

Moorhead,  Robert  Burns 
116  W.  4th  Ave. 
Gastonia.  N.  C. 

Morin.  Edward  Charles 
162  North  St. 
Ludlow.  Mass. 

Morris.  Robert  Kenneth 
Morris  Rd. 
Brevard,  N.  C. 

Morton.   Calvin  Luther.  J 
Rt.  3 
Albemarle.  N,  C. 

Moser.  Buell  Edward 
310  Sellers  St. 
Burlington.  N.  C. 

Mosier.  Joe  Louis 
908  Dunlop  Ave. 
Chattanooga,  Tenn. 

Motta,  Charles  Peter 
0-28  W,  Amsterdam  Ave. 
Fairlawn.  N.  J. 

Page  441 


Mountcastle,  George  Coan 
1104  Arbor  Rd. 
Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Mullens.  David  Bobo 
Box  180 
Clarksdale.   Miss. 

Mumaw.  Barbara  Anne 

I  ((3.1  Sharon  Lane 
Charlotte.  N.  C. 

Mundv.  John  Rawls 
413  Clarke  St. 
Henderson.   N.   C. 

Murad.  Joseph  Louis 
404  Mt.  Vernon  Dr. 
Wilson.  N.  C. 

Murchison.  Margaret  .■\nne 
2707  Clark  Ave. 
Raleigh.  N.  C. 

Murdock.  Thomas  Edward 
10-1  Wilde  Ave. 
Drexel   Hill.   Pa. 

Murphy.  Joanne 
411  Sunset  Rd. 
Lookout  Mtii.,  Tenn. 

Murray.  Nancy  .\nne 
2004  St.  Mary's  St. 
Raleigh.  N.  C. 

Myers.  Mary  CaUierine 
320    South   Chapman 
Greensboro.  N.  C. 

Myers,  Kenneth  Morton 
3620  Granada  Blvd. 
Coral  Gables.  Fla. 

Neal.  Carolyn  Hamilton 
76  Vermont  Ave. 
Asheville.  N.  C. 

Neal.  Robert  Stuart 
S.  Main  St. 
Chapel  Hill.    N.  C. 

Neal.  William  Thomas.  Jr. 
2314  Walker  Ave. 
Greensboro.  N.  C. 

Needham.    Herbert   Curtis 

Rt.  2 

Pilot  Mountain.   N.  C. 

Nethery,  Paul  Arnold 
Box  401 
Madison.   N.  C. 

Nettles.  Jesse  Thomas.  Jr. 

Rt.  2 

Chapel.  Hill.  N.  C. 

Newlin.  Catherine 

Box  28 

Haw  River.  N.  C. 

Newton,  .\drian  Jefferson.  Jr 
2506   Beechridge   Rd. 
Raleigh.  N.  C. 

Nicolson.  Annie  Russell 
6.1-19  Claran  Court 
Maspeth  78.  N.  Y. 

Nixon.  Demetrios  Tlieo 
731  Central  Ave. 
Charlotte.   N.   C. 

Noah.    Patricia    .^nn 
Durham  Rd. 
Chapel  Hill.  N.  C. 

Noland,  Jesse  Virgil.  Jr. 

II  Longview  Rd. 
Asheville.  N.  C. 

sn.  Walter  Louis.  Jr. 
2106  White  Oak  Rd. 
Raleigh.  N.  C. 

Norris.  Maureen  King 
810  Walnut 
Blytheville.  Ark. 

Novit.  Mitchell  Sheldon 
Paul  St. 
Walterboro.  S.  C. 

Oglesby.   Harold  Franklin 
403  Wilson  A\e. 
Kinston.  N.  C. 

Oliver.  Billy  Reid 
2361  Bernard  St. 
Raleigh.  N.  C. 

Oliver.  Mary  Keen 
Hargrave   Blvd. 
Chatham.  Va. 

Olsen.   Daniel   Duncan 
1  Chase  Ave. 
Chapel   Hill.  N.  C. 

OTonnell.  Robert  Philip 
320  E.  42nd  St. 
New  York.  N.  Y. 

O'Neal.  Richard  Kenneth 
1721  Garden  Terrace 
Charlotte.  N.  C. 

Onley.  Vernon  H. 
914  N.  Road  St. 
Elizabeth  City,  N.  C. 

Osborne.  Karl  Rorialrl 
.il9  S.  Summit  Ave, 
Charlotte.  N.  C. 

O'Sullivan.  William  Jo.seph 
2340  University  Ave. 
New  York,  N,  Y. 

Owen.  Charles  Clifton,  Jr. 
1015  S.  Fulton  St. 
Salisbury.  N.  C. 

Pace,  John  Thonuis  Walter 
404  Summit  St. 
Greenville.  N.  C. 

Padgett.  E.  J. 
Maple  Hill.  N.  C. 

Padgette.  Margaret   Howard 
329  Tennev  Cr. 
Chapel  Hill.  N.  C. 

Page.   Channing   Nelson.   Jr. 
520  Ridge  St. 
Southern  Pines.  N.  C. 

Page.  Earl  Mason 
2206  S.  Front  St. 
Wilmington.  N.  C. 

Page.  William  Lee.  HI 
408  W.  Johnson  St. 
Tarboro.  N.  C. 

Palmer.  Michael  Hamilton 
Rt.  No.  4 
Lenoir.  N.  C. 

Panton,  Richard  Tyler 
150  Baglev  Dr. 
Chapel  Hill.  N.  C. 

Pappas.  Savas  Harry 
912  N.  Elm  St. 
Cireensboro.   N.   C. 

Parbani.  Lewis  Hillsman.  Jr. 
1400  Scotland  Ave. 
Charlotte,  X,  C, 

Parish,  Joe  Garvev,  Jr, 
19  Folsom  St, 
Sumter,   S.  C. 

Parker.  Ramon  F.. 
Box  272 
Manteo.   N.  C. 

Parnell.  Thomas  .\lfre(l 
404   E.  8th  St. 
Lumberton.  N.  C. 

Parsons.  Betty  Belle 
Jasper,  Ga, 

Patseavouras.  Louis  L, 
325  Western  Ave, 
Rocky  Mount,  N,  C, 

Patterson,  Ann 
210  Moseley  St. 
Edenton,  N,  C, 

Patterson,  John  Richard 
1114  Cridland  Rd, 
Greensboro,  N,  C, 

Patterson,  Man'  Elizabeth 

Box  38 

Scotland  Neck,  N,  C, 

Patterson,  William  Stacy 
Country  Club 

Salisbury,  N,  C, 

Paturis,   Emmanuel   Michael 
221  S.  Front 
Wilmington,  N,  C, 

Payne,  Garth  Howard 
125  Eller  St, 
Elkin.  N,  C. 

Pearsall.  Harry  S..  Jr. 
1 105  W.  Haven  Blvd. 
Rocky  .Mount.  N.  C. 

Peddycord.  Joun  William 
109  Fayette  St. 
Winston-Salem.  N.  C. 

Pelzel.   Miriam  Priscilla 
608  Stonewall  Dr. 
Charleston.  W.  Va. 

Penegar.  Kenneth  Lawing 
1120  Cumberland  .Ave. 
Gastonia.  N.  C. 

Penton.  Elizabeth  Ann 
1007  Live  Oak  Parkway 
Wilmington.  N.  C. 

Perrynian.  Nancy  .Anne 
449  W.  Lexington  .Ave. 
High  Point.  N.  C. 

Phillips.  Charles  Wiley.  Jr. 
210  S.  Tremont  Dr. 
Greensboro,  X.  C. 

Phillips.  Harry  Herman 
308  Tate  St. 
Greensboro,  N,  C, 

Phillips,  Lewis  Allison 
127  Mallette  St, 
Chapel  Hill,  N,  C, 

Phillips,  Walter  R, 
Box  1522 
Hendersonville,  N,  C, 

Pierce.  Diana 

Apt.  13-F.  Beverly  Apts. 

Asheville.  N.  C. 

Politis.  Murray 
1802  Walker  Ave. 
Greensboro.  N.  C. 

Poole,  John  McKee.  Jr. 
1628  Dixie  Trail 
Raleigh.  N.  C. 

Potts.  Ervin  Rea 
1819  Lyndhurst  Ave. 
Charlotte.  N.  C. 

Potts.  Jerry  N. 
Box  372 
Franklin.  N.  C. 

Presson.  Samuel  David 
Rt.  No.  2 
.Monroe.  N.  C. 

Price.  Fred  Avery.  Jr. 
519  Guilford  Ave. 
Greensboro.  N.  C. 

Price.  John  Frank 
150  Harris  Ave. 
Elkin.  N.  C. 

Price.  Thomas  .Arthur,  Jr. 
2549  Roswell  .Ave. 
Charlotte.  N.  C. 

Pridgen.  Edmond  Wallace 
704  Fleming  St. 
Wilson.    N.  C. 

Pritchett,  James  Ronald 
Box  325 
Creswell,   N,  C, 

Pruss,  Barry  Gordon 

852  Lake  Ave.   (Rahway  P.  O.) 

Westfleld.  N.  J. 

Putzki.   Pauletta   Stirling 
Kennedy  Warren 
Washington.  D.  C. 

Rabhan.  Harold  Jerome 
900  Forrest  Ave. 
High  Point.  N.  C. 

Randall.  Roliert  Noble 
618  E.  Main  St. 
Lincolnton.   N.  C. 

Ransom.  William  Kay 
1230  N.  Person  St. 
Raleigh.  N.  C. 

Ratlitr.  Margaret  Jean 
B<jx  230 
Chestei-fleld.  S.  C. 

Raymer.  Rose  Marie 
43.5  W.  Sharpe  St. 
State.sville.  N.  C. 

Redding.  Anna  Ingram 
734  S.  Park  St. 
Asheboro.  N.  C. 

Redmon.  Aubrey  Wilford 
Boulevard  Branch.  Box  266 
Leaksville.  N.  C. 

Reeves.  Martha  Weaver 
H6  Thurston  .Ave. 
Thomaston.  Ga. 

Register.  Marvin  Odell 

Rt.  2 

New  Bern.  N.  C. 

Reid.  Claire  Virginia 
P.  O.  Box  29 
Cullowhee.   N.  C. 

Reid.  Daniel 

1917  New  Bern  Ave. 
Raleigh.  N.  C. 

Rhodes,  Erskine  Lee 
Rt.  No.  2 
Dallas.  N.  C. 

Rhodes.  Harold  Bagley 
1806  Sunset  Dr. 
Raleigh.   N.  C. 

Rhoades.  John  Arlie.  Jr. 

Route  No.  1 

Guilford  College.  N.  C. 

Rhodes.  Robert  Everett.  Jr. 
617  Westover  Blvd. 
Elizabeth  City.  N.  C. 

Ricks.  Garland  Stephenson 
Conway,  N,  C, 

Ridge,  Jerrold  Alison 
3001  Colonial  Ave. 
Norfolk  8.  Va. 

Rigas.  Lambros  C. 
2425  Charlotte  Drive 
Charlotte.  N.  C. 

Riley,  Leslie  Walter.  Jr. 
110  Polk  St. 
Chapel  Hill.  N.  C. 

Ritch.  Eugene  Kinsey 

1918  'Winter  St. 
Charlotte,    N,    C, 

Page  442 


Roberson,  Nathan  Russell 
(ireen  St. 
Robersonville.  N.  C. 

Roberts.  Frans  Joseph 
Trvon  St. 
Hillsbcro.  N.  C. 

Roberts,  John  Mason 
Box  42 
Hillsboro,  X.  C. 

Robertson.  Jenkins  Mikell 
2209  Malvern  Road 
Charlotte.  N.  C. 

Robertson.  Julia 
410  Byrd  Blvd. 
Greenville.  S.  C. 

Robinson.  Jack  Richard 
Box  4S 
\aldese.  N.  C. 

Rodenbough,  Charles  Dyson 

Box  72 

Walnut  Cove.  X.  C. 

Rodman.  Patricia  Blount 

1326  W.  Princess  Anne  Rd. 
Norfolk.  Va. 

Rojrers.  Edith  Lillian 
2728  Mimosa  Place 
Wilmington.   X.   C. 

Rofiers.  Thomas  Edward.  Jr. 

1327  King  Ave. 
F?orence.  S.  C. 

Rose.  Elliott  Martin 
112  W.  Trinitj'  Ave. 
Durham.  X.  C. 

Rose.  Sara  Williams 
199  East  Xorth  St. 
Chapel  Hill.  N.  C. 

Row.  Leslie  Howard 
Route  No.  1,  Box  35 

Wisconsin  Rapids.  Wis. 

Rowe.  David 

4303  Woodberrv  St. 

Hyattsville.   Md. 

Ruffin.  William  Haywood.  Jr. 
2.5  Oak  Drive 
Durham.  X.  C. 

Ruftv.  Jern'  D. 
818  Xorth  Main 
Salisbury.  X.  C. 

Russell.  Joan  Anita 
3H9  Southwood  Dr. 
Kenmore.  X.  Y. 

Sampson.  Herman  Arthur,  Jr. 
2707  West  Market  St. 
Cireensboro.  X.  C. 

Samuel.  D.  C,  Jr, 
2238  Queen  St. 
Winston-Salem,   X.  C- 

Sanders.  Helen  Bovkin 
2033  Beverly  Drive 
Charlotte.  X.  C. 

Sanford.  James  Kenneth 
Box  21 
Enka,  X.  C. 

Sapp.  Richard  Stewart 
Reynolda,  N.  C. 

Satterfield.  Xeil  Boydston 
2900  Xancy  Creek  Rd..  X.  W. 
Atlanta.  Ga. 

Sawyer,  John  Richard 
251  W.  Davis  St. 
BurlinfTton.  X.  C. 

Scarborough.  William  Kauffman 
Ferry  Farms 
Route  Xo.  4 
Annapolis.  Md. 

Schenck,  James  Simpsoi 
122  E.  Fisher  Ave. 
Greensboro,  X.  C. 

Schindel.  Sally  Lee 
1140  Hamilton  Blvd. 
Hagerstown.  Md. 

Schroeder.  Peter  Brett 
2400  Forest  Glen  Rd. 
Silver  SprinjT.  Md. 

Scott,  Anne  M. 
770  Park  Ave. 
Xew  York,  X.  ' 

Scott.  Charles  Prioleau 
118  East  Harden  St. 
Graham,  X.  C. 

Seabrook.  Charles  Cunninghan 
63-B  Smith  St. 
Charleston,  S.  C. 

Seawell,  Howard  Carter.  Jr. 
137  Cranford  St. 
Asheboro,  N.  C. 

Seawell,  Pat  GrifBn 
324  Gloria  Ave. 
Winston-Salem.  X.  C. 

Shaw.  Xancy  Carolyn 
113.5-12  St.,  North 
St.  Petersburg.  Fla, 

Shelton.  Charles  William 
314  Indiana   Ave. 
Mayfleld.  Ky, 

Sherrill.  X.  Webb 
40  B  Brookdale  Gdns. 
Bloomfleld,  N,  J, 

Sherry,  Donald  Jay 
220  S.  Laurel  Ave. 
Charlotte,  X,  C. 

Shields,  Julia  Elizabeth 
227  Vance  St. 
Chapel  Hill,  X.  C, 

Shockley,  Betty  Harris  (Mrs.) 
Box  212 
Hudson.   X.   C. 

Shore.  Ernie  G..  Jr. 
1212  W.  4th  Street 
Winston-Salem,  X.  C. 

Showfety,  Raymond  Rfcbard 
«so  Chestnut  St. 
Greensboro,  X.  C. 

Shuff.   Susan 

303  East  37  Street 

Xew  York,  N,  Y, 

Sibley,  Thomas  Edward 
Avondale  Ave. 
Albemarle,  N,  C. 

Silvers,  Grace  Pickard 
120  King  St. 
Chapel  Hill.  N.  C. 

Silvers,  Howard  Eliot 
3903  Fordham  Dr. 
Baltimore,  Md. 

Simon.  Lewis  S. 
2840  Walton  Way 
.\ugusta.  Ga, 

Skidmore,  Bob  G. 
2927  Tuckaseegee  Rd, 
Charlotte.  N.  C. 

Skillen.  Robert  LeRov 
106  Charlotte  St. 
Durham,  N.  C. 

Sloan.  Ben  Leroy 

IHOi  Mecklenburg  .\ve. 

Charlotte.  X.  C. 

Slosman.  Benson  Esur 
78  Linden  Ave. 
Asheville.  X.  C. 

Sluder.  Gary  Adkins 
Box  4 
Leicester.  X.  C. 

Smilev,  Barbara   Daniel 
8003  Fairview  Rd. 
Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Smiley.  Thomas  Brvan.  Jr. 
2612  Vanderbilt  A\e. 
Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Smith,  Alvis  Everette 
Rt.  5 
Reidsville.  X.  C. 

Sfnith.  Charles  James 
Rt.  Xo.  3 
Raleigh.   X.  C. 

Smith.  Kenneth  Royster.  Jr. 
2708  Anderson  Dr. 
Raleigh.   X.  C. 

Smith.  Stanley  Robert 
36th  St..  Holly  Road 
\'irginia  Beach,  Va. 

Smith.  William  Oliver.  Jr. 
917  Holt  Dr. 
Raleigh.  X.  C. 

Smith.  Zebulon  Vance.  Jr. 
50  Myrtle  Ave. 
Concord.  N.  C. 

Smithwick.  OIlie  .Macon.  Jr. 
Box  538 
Greenville.  S.  C. 

Soo.  Liang  Yee 
4  Broom  Rd. 
Hong  Kong.  China 

Souder.  Thelnia  Louise 
880  Winyah  Ave. 
Westfleld.  X.  J. 

Southern.  Lewis  Martin 
198  S.  Cherry 
Kernersville,  X.  C. 

Souweine,  Jean  Martin 
145  Blvd.  Brond  Whitlock 
Brussels,   Belgium 

Spangler,  Clemmie  Dixon,  Jr. 
1930  Queens  Rd.  W. 
Charlotte,  X.  C. 

Sparrow,   Xathaniel  Louis 
Rt.  3.  Box  281 
Chapel  Hill,   X.  C. 

Stacy.   Robert  Pincknev.  Jr. 
104  Terry  Rd. 
Hartford.  Conn. 

Stanton.   ,\nnabelle 
2220-20tll    St..    X.    W. 
Washington.   D.  C. 

Starnes,  Dewey  Edward,  Jr. 
2820  S.  Abingdon  St. 
.\rlington,  Va. 

Starr.   Harold   Michael 
222  Bayview  Ave. 
Jersey  City.  X.  J. 

Steagall.  James  Gordon 
502  Coggeshall  St. 
Oxford.  X.  C. 

Steck,  Joseph  T.  M. 
9119  Mendota  Ave. 
Detroit  4.  Mich. 

Steele.  Ted  Charles.  Jr. 
316  E.  Charlotte  Ave. 
Sumter,  S,  C. 

Stephenson.  I'lus  filendel 
109  X.  13th  St. 
Erwin.    X.  C. 

Stewart,  Joseph   Benjamin,  Jr. 
Box  134 
Marshville,  X.  C. 

Stewart.  Mary  Parks 
W.  Georgia  St. 
Woodruff.  S.  C. 

Stinson.  Iva  Xichols 

Xo.  90  UNC  Trailer  Court 

Chapel  Hill.  X.  C. 

Stockard,  John  Roger 
14  Soringdale  Ct. 
Greensboro,  X.  C. 

Stokes.  Thomas  Murray.  Jr. 
905  W.  Johnson  St. 
Raleigh.  X.  C. 

Stoltz,  Walter  Alexander 
2931  X.  Cherry  St.  Ext. 
Winston-Sa!eni,  X.  C. 

Stone.  Florence  Jane 

Box  150 

Wrightsville  Beach,  X.  C. 

Stoughton.  John  Eliot 
D.  301  Bovlan  Apts. 
Raleigh.  X.  C. 

Stout,  Charles  Walter 
529  Gatewood  Ave. 
High  Point,  X.  C. 

Stratford,  John  Bailev,  Jr, 
224  N.  Main  St. 
Graham.  X.  C. 

Strauss.    Alfred   Carmichael 
125  Christopher  St. 
New  York,  N.  Y. 

Strause,  Samuel  Lewis 
809  Mt.  Vernon  Ave. 
Charlotte.  X.  C. 

Street.  Lucy  Ann 
Westwood  Dr. 
Chapel  Hill.  X.  C. 

Strickland,  fieorge  Wier 
P.  O.  Box  197 
Liberty,  X.   C. 

Stuart.  John  Moore 
421  S.  Washington  St. 
Shelby,  X.  C. 

Stubbs.  Campbell  Lawrence 
107  W.  Hampton  Ave. 
Sumter.   N.   C. 

Stutts.   Luther  Odell 
Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Styron,   George    Frank 
1208  Evergreen  Ave. 
Goldsboro,  N.  C. 

Suddreth.  Elizabeth  Ervin 
Magnolia   St. 
Raeford,  X.  C. 

Sugg.  Herbert  Taylor 
606  X.  College  St. 
Kinston.  X.  C. 

Sugg.  Winfred  Lindley 

Box  9 

Snow  Hill.  X.  C. 

Sumner.  David  Spurgeon 
631    W.   Kivett 
Asheboro,  X.  C. 

Page  443 


Sweeney.  John   H. 

1930   Nun  St. 
Wilmington.   N.  C. 

Taylor,  Barbara  Gebert 
()12  East  Beaeli 
Gulfport.  Miss. 

Taylor.  Bernard  Montross.  Jr. 
Presbyterian  Manse 
Relioboth.  Md. 

Taylor.  Cooper  Ellis 
300.5  Banbury  Rd. 
Raleisb.   N.   C. 

Taylor.    Elinor    Louise 
177  Biddulpb  Rd. 
Radnor.  Pa. 

Taylor.  Jolin   Edmund  Cecil 
16   Hawthorne  Court 
Wheeling.   W.  \a. 

Taylor,  Richard  LeRov 
.539  E.  Martin  St. 
Raleigh.    N.  C. 

Taylor.  Robert  Estes 
3U  S.  Warren  St. 
Wilson.  N.  C. 

Temple.  Joseph  Alton.  Jr. 
209   X.  .Massey  St. 
Selma.   N.   C. 

Tenney.   Edwin    Wright.  Jr. 

Box  1362 

Chapel   Hill.   X.  C. 

Tesler.  Stanley  Arnold 
733   Kooler  Cr. 
Fayetteville.  N.  C. 

Theilling.   Herbert    Bernard,   Jr. 
1.531  The  Plaza 
Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Thomas,   Perlev   .\ndrew 
51,5  Otterav  Dr, 
High  Point.  N.  C. 

Thompson,  J.  Jid,  Jr. 
1335  Webster  Dr.,  N.  E. 
Atlanta.   Ga. 

Thompson,  Joe  Wayne 
110  Cedar  St. 
Mooresville,   N.  C, 

Tiiorpe.  Sharron  Lyn 
•S812  N.  E.  10th  Ave. 
Miami.  Fla, 

Tighe,  William  Yancey 
H08  Wickford  Rd. 
Baltimore   10,   Md. 

Tilles.    Harvev  George 
601  W,  Farriss  Ave. 
High  Point.  N.  C. 

Timberlake.  Casper  Hill.  Jr. 
309  Hillcrest  Dr. 
Lexington.  N.  C. 

Todd,  Jacob  Winston 
264  W.   12th   St. 
New  York,  N.  Y. 

Toledano.  Benjamin  Casanas 
1321  Pine  St. 
New   Orleans.    La. 

Townsend.  John  LeRov.  Jr. 
1306   Walnut  St. 
Lumberton.  N.  C. 

Townsend,  Thatcher  L.,  Jr. 
306  Waverly  Way 
Greensboro,   N.  C. 

Traynham.    Virginia   Caroline 
2113  Oleander  Dr. 

Wilmington,   N.   C. 

Triplett.  Roger  Burns 
209  Hibriten  Ave. 
Lenoir,  N.  C. 

Turlington,  \^irginia  .\nne 
No.  3 
Dunn,  N.  C. 

Turnbull,   Patricia   Schuylet 
3900   Cathedral  Ave. 
Washington.  D.  C. 

Tyler.  Bruce  Wright 
44  Stuyvesant  Rd. 
Asheville,  N.  C. 

Tyndall.  Richard  Natlian.   Jr. 
107  E.  Grainger  Ave. 
Kinston.   N.  C. 

Fnderdown.  Joanne  Floyd 

Box  174 

Granite  Falls.  N.  C. 

llnderwood.   .\nn  Eliza 

Indian   Hill-Depot  St.   Extension 

Latrohe.  Pa. 

\'alentine.  Benetlict  Charles 
3.5  DeWitt  Ave. 
Bronxville.  N.  Y. 

\'an  Den  Arend  Hood.  .Ir. 
102  E.  Mill  Rd. 
Flourtown.  Pa. 

\'in^on,  Raphael  Williams 
112  S.  Acariemv  St. 
Ahoskie.  N.  C. 

Walker.   Betty   Jean 
Roopville,  Ga. 

Walker.  Johnny  Ralph 
208  E.  Maryland  Ave. 
Bes-semer  City,  N.  C. 

Wallace.  Mary  Katharine 
132  S.  Church 
Goshen,   X.  Y. 

Wallace.    William    Carter 
306   W.  Washington   St. 
Kinston.  N.  C. 

Wannamaker.    Betty    Lou 
503  Cedar  Rock  St. 
Pickens.  S.  C. 

Ward.  .lames  Robert 
Caroleen,  N.  C. 

Warren.  James  Rufus 
123  Mixson  Ave. 
North  Charleston.   S.  C. 

Waters,  Charles  Maynard,  Jr. 
400  Colonial  Dr. 
Florence,  S.  C. 

Watkins,    Irvine   Beaufort 
125  Belle  St. 
Henderson,  N.  C. 

Watkins.  Lou  Ann 
2935  Oxford  Rd. 
Henderson,  N.  C, 

Watkins.  Manin  Daniel.  Jr. 
.504  S.  Main 
Waynesville.  N.  C. 

Watts.  Helen  Lee 
19S1  Maryland  Ave. 
Charlotte,   N.  C. 

Wayne.  Edward  Anthony,  Jr. 
1608  Palmyra  Ave. 
Richmond  27.  Va. 

Wayne.  Herbert  Monteith.  Jr. 
S13  East  Blvd. 
Charlotte,  N,  C. 

Weatherspoon,  Van  Louis 
1007  Alma  St. 
Durham.  N.  C. 

Webb,  James.  Jr. 
511   Cornwallis  Dr. 
Green.sboro.  N.  C. 

Welch.   Earl   Parks.   Jr. 
2  405   Rosewood   Ave. 
Winston-Salem.  N.  C. 

Wells.  Kenneth  Maxie.  Jr. 

I  Powell    St. 
Fayetteville.   N.  C. 

Wettach.  John  Theo<iore 
513  E.  Cameron  Ave. 
Chapel  Hill,  N.  C. 

Whisonant.  Joy  Laurice 
South   Point  Rd. 
Belmont.  N.  C. 

White.   Charles   Henry 
100  Cleveland  St. 
Raleigh,  N.  C. 

White.  James  Samuel 
Rt.  No.  4,  Box  419  W 
.Statesville.  N.  C. 

White.  Michael  M. 
205  E.  17th  St. 
Lumberton.  X.  C. 

White.  William  Glenn.  Jr. 
S20  Miller  St. 
Winston-Salem.  N.  C. 

Whiteman.  Virginia 
1125  Reeder  Cir..  N.  E. 
Atlanta.  Ga. 

Whitton.  James  G.  F. 
50  Eton  Rd. 
Laichmont.  X.  V. 

WidolT,  Gierson  Fox 
1051  Greenwood  Ave. 
Deertie!d,  111. 

Wilks.  Winton  George,  Jr. 

II  OS  Peachtree  Blvd. 
Richmond,   Va. 

Williams,  Betty  George 
730  Palmora  Blvd. 
Leesburg.   Fla. 

Williams.  Billy  Owen 
119  Mason  Farm  Rd. 
Chapel   Hill.   X.   C. 

Williams.  Florence  .Ann 
Rt.  3.  Box  136 
Washington.  N.  C. 

Williams.  James  Donald  . 
130    Dorchester  Ave. 
Asheville.    N.   C. 

Williams,  Robert  Patrick 
917  Larchmont  Crescent 
Norfolk.   Va. 

Williamson.    Benjamin   Robert 
1526   Glenwood   .\ve. 
Raleigh.  N.  C. 

Williamson.    Jean    Bethell 
265   Pearson   Dr. 
Asheville.    X.   C. 

Williford.   Contsance 
26  East  Main  St. 
Plymouth.  N.   C. 

M'ilson.  Cecil   H. 

P    0.  Box  93 

Black  Mountain.  N.  C. 

Wilson.   William    Alexander 
3129  Sussex  Rd. 
Raleigh.  N.  C. 

Winders.   Janyce   Wilkinson 
Kenlj',  N,  C. 

Wolfsheimer,   Louis   .Marcus 
Parkford  Apts. 
Park  Heights  &  Fords  La. 
Baltimore,  Md. 

Wood.  Elizabeth  Roberts 
106  West  King  St. 
Edenton,  N.  C. 

Wood.   Ellen   Elizabetli 
55  College  Rd..  W. 
Princeton.  N.  J. 

Wood.  Sara  Ruth 
26  Lee  Ave..  Apt  203 
Takoma   Park   12.    Md. 

Woody,  Joe  Harris 
Washington  Ave. 
Bessemer  City,  N,  C. 

Woody,    W.    Ruffin,   Jr. 
145   N.   Main  St. 
Roxboro,  N.  C. 

Wooten,  Dal  F. 

302  W.  .\tlantic  Ave. 

Kinston.   N.  C. 

Worthington,    Doris   E. 
22s  College 
Pikeville.  Ky. 

Wrenn,  Elinor  Lucy 
409  Scott  Ave. 
(ireensboro.  N.  C. 

Wrenn.   Willii 
Hillshoro,    N. 

Wright.  James  Zebulon 
Box  343.  Rt.  2 
Shelby.  N.  C. 

Wright.  Robert  Lee 
1029  Elizabeth  Ave. 
Charlotte.  N.  C. 

Wright.  Sandra  Penn 
221  Roslyn  Rd. 
Winston-Salem.  N.  C. 

Yates.  Charles  William 
221  Lindsev 
Burlington,  N.  C. 

Yale.  George  Maynard 
Traphill,  N.  C. 

Yandle.   Earl   McManawav.   Jr. 
712  N.  Davidson  St. 
Charlotte.  N.  C. 

Yearlev.  Jane  Elizabetli 
312S  Warrington  Rd. 
Shaker  Heights.  Ohio 

Yoklev.  Jo  Ann 
175  Cherry  St. 
Mount  Airy.  X.   C. 

Yelverton.    Charles    Herbert 
321    Church   St. 
Smithfleld.  X.  C. 

Yopp.  Walter  Edward,  III 
112  Colonial   Dr, 
Wilmington,   N.  C. 

Younts,  James  Ronald 

Rt,  5 

High  Point,   N,  C, 

Zachary,  Marcia  Anne 
1424  W.   Innes   St. 
Salisbury,   N.   C. 

Zerden,  Howard  Gordon 
15  Second  Ave.,  N,  W. 
Hickory,  N,  C, 

Page  444 

A.  "Well,  jl  ]e,isl  I  won'/  he  .1  pledge  nil  my  life."  D.  ]oh>iiiy  Long  lenJs  iiit  ear  lo  "H.irk  the  Sound.' 

B.  "Go,  man,  go!"  E.   "Eeeeee!  You're  tickling  me!" 

C.  "W'  .1  ir.iy  to  ipend  Saturday  night!"  F.    "Are  you  sure  this  is  only  Coke?" 

G.   "W^hat  a  sunflower!" 
H.   "Coeds?"  "Yep,  and  all  trinne 
I.  Kick-of]  in  Kenan. 


Activities   264 

Ads    410 

Administration    26 

Air  Force  ROTC 194 

Alpha  Delta  Pi   344 

Alpha  Epsilon  Delta 304 

Alpha  Gamma  Delta 346 

Alpha  Kappa  Psi 310 

Alpha  Phi  Omega 305 

Alpha  Tau  Omega  362 

Amphoterothen  Society 309 

Arnold  Air  Society 202 

Athletics    218 

Baptist  Student  Union 292 

Baseball  250 

Basketball    238 

Beauty  Section 324 

Beta  Gamma  Sigma 303 

Beta  Theta  Pi 364 

Cardboard,  The 263 

Carolina  Forum 52 

Carolina  Playmakers 289 

Carolina  Political  Union 291 

Carolina  Quarterly   274 

Cheerleaders    262 

Chi  Omega   348 

Chi  Phi  366 

Chi  Psi 368 

Classes 54 

Consolidated  University  Student  Council 49 

Contents    24 

Cosmopolitan  Club 290 

Cross  Country 237 

Daily  Tar  Heel 270 

Debate  Council 53 

Dentistry,  School  of 154 

Delta  Delta  Delta 350 

Delta  Kappa  Epsilon 370 

Delta  Upsilon  372 

Dialectic  Senate 293 

Fraternities    362 

Freshmen     136 

Football 222 

German  Club   356 

Gimghoul    323 

Golf     253 

Gorgon's  Head  Lodge 318 

Graduate  School   162 

Graham  Memorial  Student  Union 46 

Greeks 340 

Gymnastics    245 

Hillel  Foundation 286 

Honoraries    294 

Independent  Co-ed  Board 274 

Index  to  Advertisers 

Interf raternity  Council   360 

Intramural  Sports   260 

Juniors 106 

Kappa  Alpha 374 

Kappa  Delta  352 

Kappa  Epsilon 306 

Kappa  Psi 314 

Kappa  Sigma 376 

Lambda  Chi  Alpha 378 

Law,  School  of   165 

Library  Science,  School  of 170 

Medicine,  School  of  172 

Men's  Glee  Club 283 

Men's  Honor  Council 42 

Men's  Inter-Dormitory  Council  44 

Monogram  Club  220 

National  Students  Association  51 

Naval  ROTC 203 

Newman  Club 290 

Page  446 


North  Carolina  Student  Legislature  Assembly 50 

Nursing,  School  of 178 

Orientation  Committee    48 

Order  of  the  Golden  Fleece 296 

Order  of  the  Grail,  The 299 

Order  of  the  Minataurs 319 

Order  of  the  Old  Well,  The 298 

Order  of  the  Sheiks   320 

Panhellenic  Council 342 

Pharmacy  Senate 186 

Pharmacy,  School  of 187 

Phi  Alpha  Delta 316 

Phi  Beta  Kappa 300 

Phi  Delta  Chi  317 

Phi  Delta  Theta 380 

Phi  Eta  Sigma 302 

Phi  Gamma  Delta 382 

Phi  Kappa  Sigma 384 

Philanthropic  Assembly   288 

Philosophical  Society  of  1799 321 

Phi  Mu  Alpha 307 

Pi   Beta  Phi    354 

Pi  Kappa  Alpha 386 

Pi  Kappa  Phi 388 

Pi  Lambda  Phi   390 

Pi  Nu   308 

Planners'    Forum    275 

Press  Club 291 

Public  Health,  School  of 183 

Publications  Board   43 

Rho  Chi  Society 309 

Saint  Anthony  Hall   392 

Scabbard  and  Blade 208 

Senior  Home  Addresses  437 

Seniors     56 

Sigma  Alpha  Epsilon   394 

Sigma  Chi  398 

Sigma  Nu   400 

Sigma  Phi  Epsilon 396 

Soccer    236 

Sophomores     124 

Sororities   342 

Stray  Greeks   343 

Student  Council 38 

Student  Entertainment  Committee 49 

Student  Government 34 

Student  Legislature 39 

Student  Life   209 

Swimming 242 

Tarnation 272 

Tar  Heels  and  Toes 275 

Tau  Epsilon  Phi    402 

Tennis   248 

Theta  Chi   404 

"13"  Club  Members 322 

Track 246 

UNC  Band   276 

University  Club 277 

University  Dance  Committee 285 

University  Party    284 

Valkyries,  The   297 

Wesley  Foundation 287 

Women's  Glee  Club 282 

Women's  Honor  Council   40 

Women's  Residence  Council    41 

Women's  Sports   258 

Wrestling    241 

Yackety  Yack   266 

YMCA    278 

YWCA    280 

Zeta  Beta  Tau 406 

Zeta  Psi 408 

Page  447